therxtking · 2 months
Cont from X with @smilingmxsk
The rodent which she'd rightly identified, snorts distrustingly like a riled up stallion, stepping in closer, lowered to all fours, to look the human over. It smelled human. Enough. Looked human. From what he could tell.
"What, send you home to your little friends to tell them all about the big mean rats?.. I don't think I will."
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He prowls close enough to sniff at them in touching distance, wrinkling his nose like he's whiffed something foul, and paces around it. "Don't know how you got here, sure, sure... Let's try that again. Where did you come from."
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geckoodles · 3 months
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[Part 2/2] Alternate species doodles, featuring @smilingmxsk's Margaret as a troll!
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ratwhsprs · 4 months
@smilingmxsk || cont.
Too little too late.
Blood started to seep between Otis's fingers as he pressed down on the wound in her shoulder,  trying to keep his head down and out of sight. A chill came over him as he watched her lift her mask to spit a clot of blood. This really wasn't looking good, and they weren't going anywhere with how they were pinned–
No. Buy time. Buy time, he could definitely do that.
He drew a deep breath and focused, still trying to keep pressure on her injuries. Like ink spilling across paper, black blotted out the green and white of his eyes. The background sounds of the city were slowly drowned out by a growing cacophony of screeches and gnashing teeth. Another moment and dozens of furry bodies were bolting around them, racing across the wet concrete to the gunmen.
He was going to lose a few to their weapons, but this was their only option.
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kllsworn · 29 days
Starter for | @smilingmxsk
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He had decided to kill this guy the moment he heard his laughter echo through the dark alleyways of the city. It was like a siren song for the Killer who simply couldn’t control himself when he saw someone, indulging and enjoying themselves like this guy did.
The fancy car or the bodyguards did nothing to change Zack’s mind. He wanted to kill this guy so kill him he would, easy as that. It didn’t matter who he was or who he thought he was. What mattered were the moments in which laughter shifted into screams.
Zack gathered that it was something money related. Because it almost always was. This guy walked around, without a care in the world, like some meat shields would protect him. Well, they didn’t protect him for long. The Killer swooped down in mere seconds, beheading the men before they could even draw their guns.
The thud that followed from their heads hitting the concrete, caused the laughter to die in the man’s throat. He twisted around to stare at the hooded reaper, staggering back with anger and fear mixing within his features.
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 ❝ Yeah that’s it. Show me more of that face, gets me all riled up! ❞ 
Zack sneered, eyes narrowing as he crouched a little, like an animal that is getting ready to chase-- and with a twisted laugh escaping him, he went in for the swing as the guy in the suit still struggled to fish a gun from his pocket.
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mxldito · 4 months
cont. from here with @smilingmxsk
Never a peaceful night. Ever. It seemed that if they weren't making the mess, they were walking in on others making one. Coyote's tongue dragged along their lower teeth, the smell of carnage in the air stoked their hunger. For a moment they questioned themselves about whether or not they really wanted to kick the habit of lapping up anything that oozed out of a corpse.
So fixated on the scent and sight of blood, it took a moment for their eyes to wander up to the stranger. The back of her cardigan was perforated and yet here she stood before them. They snorted, "Strange nights are good nights. I'm always havin' a good night."
"The rule of beasts! And what am I if not a fuckin' animal? Eye for an eye when an eye is not enough. I'm a trophy collector. Arms, legs, and skulls crunch the same way but it's about taking pieces for the road. Even if it's just a mental image." One killer to another by the looks of things, there was no need to be shy. "And right now, I'm livin' vicariously through you. If you don't mind."
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@smilingmxsk | x
The daemon did not often make visits into the more 'modern' worlds. But when he did, he was always thrilled to see what times ahead in the future had to offer. Whether they by utopian, or dystopian. And this clearly had more 'dystopia' written about it. He was hunched down, but even then he was much taller than Margaret, and he'd just tilt his head, multiple eyes blinking.
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"Please, relax won't you. If I had wanted to hurt you or anything of the sort, I would've done it already. You have nothing to fear from me. But, perhaps I ought to introduce myself. The name is Qhi'zhek, young lady. Think of me as naught but a curious by-passer... a VERY curious one."
He lets out a soft trill of amusement, before he tilts his head the other way. "You are quite a curious one... you have the energy of another entity upon you. I would ask to know what it is, though it would be rude to probe~"
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thefouraboveall · 1 month
I just wanna say that I love that it's a shared Khornate trait that whenever any of them see a dog/dog adjacent thing brain just goes "Dog......." Nothing else, only the dog matters-
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Must pet da puppy
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bluefeathrs · 2 months
"I'M IN."
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"Got any favorites? I have almost all of them."
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halfdent · 3 months
A  riot  and  ,  simultaneously,  a  chance  to  escape  these  harrowing  halls  and  get  back  into  the  game  .  —  they  work  the  crowd  control  .  By  which  refers  to  dividing  the  crowd  between  those  who  are  with  them  and  the  stragglers  they  intend  to  leave  in  the  dust  .  With  Harvey's  poetic  prose  and  commendable  way  of  speaking  with  crowds  it  wasn't  hard  to  do  some  convincing  ,  not  that  much  convincing  was  needed  with  those  so  desperate  for  escape  .  In  any  other  case  Two  Face  appealed  to  the  more  rambunctious  of  their  followers  .
Wardens  were  sceptical  to  tackle  them  given  their  size  so  it  made  it  easier  to  barge  their  way  through  the  legions  of  rampant  inmates  .
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They  were  organising  their  faction  among  the  riot  ,  barking  orders  somewhere  amid  the  chaos  they  picked  up [ ◖@smilingmxsk  / 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃 ]
It  quickly  becomes  a  disorientating  blur  when  the  others  not  currently  affiliated  with  their  route  to  escape  come  through  in  a  tsunami  of  of  limbs  all  scrambling  for  freedom  .
Beanpole  was  hardly  an  insult  they  hadn't  heard  before  compared  to  the  quips  made  about  their  face  it  was  tolerable  .  Hardly  an  insult  at  all  even  .
❝   A'right  y'heard  the  mutt  !  ❞  Mutt  in  reference  to  her  face-cage  .   ❝   Break  it  down  !  ❞
Following  her  lead  they  shunt  the  brunt  of  their  shoulder  into  the  door  .
❝    AIl  at  once .  ❞  It  would  would  give  the  door  more  to  bare  that  way  .  ❝    Wait  for  it  ...  NOW  !  ❞
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crystal-grotto · 6 months
April Fools fun continued from here: [x]
Well, at least the shadow of the culprit would look a lot different than expected.
To the perceptive there was a distinct largeness to it, along with horns, fur... scary to the unprepared. Yet to the changeling herself when she had mood for shenanigans, utilizing her true form gave Alex many vantage points as she had more mobility with longer legs and her claws. A small consequence that could easily be smoothed over.
Head tilting as her victim craned themselves about to find her, the flicker of form shifting is just as quick as Margret herself was. Stone body with saurian traits burns away into something less intimidating in with glint of green light (easily explained away in a city as LEDs) before the masked woman could focus on her.
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A female with blue-blonde hair who was dressed in a hoodie, black pants, and hiking booted legs is what ends up filling Margret's flustered gaze. A easygoing smile hangs on lips as hands put aside three bags - undoubtedly the offending powder, before one stained blue gives a little wave of greeting.
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theundeadgospel · 2 months
[ Cont. ]
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“ Did you carve it yourself? It fits perfectly. Whoever crafted it did a decent job. “
Nodding, Bethanne did not question the distance nor the cautious air. This was a common interference for the zealot — she was used to people treating her like a zoo animal that had escaped from its confines. Her appearance, being dawned in heavy battle armor and a deformed, eldritch skin, certainly did help in raising plenty of red flags.
“ I am Bethanne Drozdov, the chosen of the Lord of Bones and a high ranking black knight in the Zarovich battalion.
Who are you? “
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red-hemlock · 5 months
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ratwhsprs · 2 months
"The skeletons are doin' work ok? Das why they come back year after year!"
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"Look, I don't doubt that! But personally they lost me when they started coming out with skeleton unicorns and flamingos! Not to mention the SPIDER."
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byanyan · 5 months
@smilingmxsk replied to your post “"My favorite snack is strawberries, I've burnt...”:
"Mmmm strawberries aren't my greatest fave. I just tossed that in t' throw y' off, sorry dude. :) I prefer chocolate. You got the rest right though! Rough as I am, I did use to draw. Been a while, though."
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ㅤㅤ" mannn, i shoulda known... everyone's drawn somethin' at some point in their life, i literally said it while i was thinkin' out loud! "ㅤshaking their head, they tut disappointedly but quickly move on, intrigue glinting in their eyes.ㅤ" —so what kinda stuff didja used t' draw, huh? y'can't just drop a fact like that on me 'n not share some details. "
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skxrbrand · 4 months
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"Why murder just fine when you could murder better still?"
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velvetwarfare · 5 months
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“ Oh my gods, are you flirting with me?
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Because it is working ~ . “
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Fans herself.
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