#smooching u for this heehee <3
blushie14 · 4 years
Jealousy [Skephalo]
I felt like actually trying to write something today. This time, I didn't improvise for 20 minutes. This features a jealous Skeppy who has recently moved in with a certain someone... Hope you enjoy! :P
Oh my god, no. I am not. This is not happening right now. Zak cringes at himself, wondering how his feelings got him roped into this kind of situation.
Zak has been Darryl's roommate for a couple of weeks now, and it's probably one of the best decisions he ever made. Darryl as a roommate is amazing and so much fun to have around. Their friendship has gotten a lot stronger as they grew closer. It made Zak really happy, and yet really REALLY anxious.
Zak didn't want to admit it, but he knows that he really likes Darryl. As he spent more time around him, his crush for his best friend has only gotten stronger. Zak figures that Darryl would never reciprocate those feelings, so he tries his best to ignore the butterflies in his stomach whenever they interact. It hurts a little, but it's for the sake of their friendship. He can usually hide those feelings with ease.
But apparently, that's not the case at all today.
Zak is sitting on the couch, glaring in slight annoyance at what's next to him. He's been trying to get Darryl's attention for the past couple minutes, but it's proven to be difficult. He's been cooing at his little rat for the past hour and every time he'd try to talk to him, he would only give short responses and go back to smooching his dog. Zak groans, embarrassed while thinking to himself. I can't believe I'm feeling like this all because of a dog. This is so stupid, I'm being an idiot!
Darryl giggles as Rat covers his face in slobber. "Heehee! Awww! I love you! I love youuuu!" Zak's face slightly flushes as he pouts, suppressing the urge to scowl. Darryl looked up at Zak and notices his facial expression. "You doing alright, Zak?" Zak's eyes widen as he turned away to hide the fact that his face was getting redder, panicking a bit before giving an answer.
"Uh- I-I'm bored! I think I'm gonna stream in a minute. Wanna join me?" Darryl's eyes perk up, "Oooh! Of course you fatty, I'll join you!" He picks Rat up to his face and smiles. "I'll hop on to Minecraft in a sec." He nuzzles his dog's nose, "I'm taking this little cutie right here with me! Yes I am!" Zak twitched as he forced a smile and a laugh, "Hahaha, yeah..." He quickly stands up, "I'm just gonna go to my room and.. set up."
Darryl raises an eyebrow as Zak hurries to his room. Shrugging, he picks up his dog and goes to his own room to get ready.
The stream has been going on for over an hour and currently they were doing a 1v1 bed wars. Right now, the score is tied and whoever wins next takes it all. Zak would love to settle the score once and for all, but....
"Aww thank you for the kisses! I love you! Yes I do! Yes I dooo!" Zak felt his eye twitch as he growls under his breath. He decided to look at his chat.
Bad you're so cute oh my god.
"Baaaaaad! Are we going to finish this game or not?!" Darryl raised a brow again, sensing a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Hold your muffins Skeppy!" He giggled, "I think Rat wants to go for a walk."
Zak muted his mic as he covers his face and lets a groan of frustration out. "Alright. Skeppy, Imma head out for a moment. I need to take her for walksies. Okay?" Zak unmutes his mic and giggles a bit, "Walksies?" "Yehes, walksies!" Zak rolled his eyes and smiled, "Okay! Okay, just go so that you could hurry back!" "Alright! Relax you muffin head! I'll be right back." Darryl and his dog walk out of the room. Zak stays silent for a moment until he lets out a frustrated sigh and smiles. "Oh my god he triggers me so much sometimes."
He laughs as he continues on with his mini rant with a smile. "I love dogs as much as the next guy and his dog is absolutely adorable, but Bad is really getting on my nerves. Ahaha! You guys should've seen him! He's cute and all, but he was barely paying any attention to me for the entire day!" Zak continued rambling until he slowly came to a stop. He processed and realized what he said out loud... on stream.
Oh no, he even has webcam on. They can probably see how red his face is right now! Before the chat could freak out any more than it already has, Zak abruptly ended the stream. He has one hand on his face and the other on his chest as he tries to calm down. "...Shit."
"Oh my goodness Skeppy, did you do something?" Darryl muttered under his breath, coming back from walking Lucy. He is looking at his phone blowing up with notifications from Twitter. Opening the door he was surprised to see Zak sitting on the couch. "Oh hey, um. What's going on? Why aren't you in your room?" Zak slightly looked away from him, "I ended the stream." "Wait what?" Is this why my Twitter is blowing up? "Aww, but I didn't even get to say goodbye to everyone. Why did you end without me?" Zak crosses his arms a bit, "Just.. didn't feel like streaming." Okay, that's it. "Zak, you're acting weird."
"Wh- I'm acting weird?! You're weird! I don't know what you're talking about! I'm not acting weird!" Darryl observes Zak for a moment. He looks... nervous? He decides to look at Twitter for answers, something must've happened. In the meantime, he also brings up everything else that's been going on.
"Yes, you are! You've been acting strange all day! This afternoon, you couldn't stop staring at me with Rat. Then, during the stream you sounded annoyed every time I talked to Rat. And now, you're acting like a muffin! And oh my goodness why is my phone-" Darryl cut off as he stares at his phone wide eyed as he looked through all the messages saying the exact same thing. "...Bad?"
"I love dogs as much as the next guy-" "WAIT BAD NO! DON'T LISTEN TO IT!"
Zak tries to grab his phone away, but to no avail as Darryl puts it out of his reach.
"He's cute and all, but he was barely paying any attention to me for the entire day!"
Darryl's face heats up after hearing the clip. His mind processes what he heard and what he knows, and put the pieces together. Zak stood still, face turning red. "D-Darryl, it's not what you-" "Were you actually..." Giggles start to pour out from him. "You were jealous of my dog?!" "nO I WASN'T!" Zak's voice cracked which only made Darryl start to have a laughing fit.
Zak swore that his stomach did a flip. Too flustered to even look at him, he hides his face in his hoodie sleeves, lightly laughing because of his friend cracking up. "Oh my god, shut up!" Darryl tried to muffle his own laughter but to no avail. "I'm so- I'm sorryheeheeHA!" Zak whined feeling his face heat up even more in embarrassment. "I'm done. I'm so done. I'm walking away from you now." "Nononono wait! Wahahait!" Darryl wraps Zak into a hug as his giggles die down.
"Oh my goodness, that was adorable." Zak let out a muffled groan. "No it wasn't, it was so stupid!" Darryl grins and took a moment to look at the small boy hiding his face against his shoulder. It's so rare for him to ever see Zak like this. He wanted it to last a little longer. "Awe... I'm sorry I made you jealous geppy." He chuckled, gently cupped Zak's face in his hands, and said in the most sincere voice he could muster. "You know you'll always be my little muffin."
And Zak thought he couldn't be flustered more than he already is.
Zak froze as he was left speechless. Staring into his green eyes, he feels like his own heart was going to leap out of his chest. Darryl slightly looks away from him, suddenly nervous about Zak's silence, face turning pink from embarrassment. "U-Um.. Zak? I-I really-"
Darryl yelped as he was suddenly tackled onto the couch. Zak started to laugh as he trapped him in his arms. "Skeppy! Let go of me!" He only laughed more at the fact his minecraft name was used. "No, and you can't make me badboyhalo!" Darryl tried to escape from his clutches, but nope he's definitely stuck here. "Dang it Zak, why?!" Zak leaned in closer to his chest and mumbled, "If I'm your muffin, that means you're also mine, and I'm not letting go."
He could feel Darryl's heartbeat speed up. Zak beamed brightly as he heard Darryl become a flustered stuttering mess. "I-I Za- Wh- I-... ohmygoodness." Zak giggled as Darryl sighed and also wrapped his arms around him. He chuckled to himself. What did I get myself into?
Hours has passed and it's in the middle of the night. The small dog walked into the living room and wagged her tail at the sight. Her owner and her new friend were sleeping on the couch together. Their arms were still slightly wrapped around each other. She hopped onto the couch, finding a spot beside them, made herself comfortable, and drifted to sleep.
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ask-klavinova · 5 years
*Vega smiles warmly and coos out happily into the kiss, hugging her a tad tighter and cuddling her lovingly along with stroking/petting her mane and nuzzling her affectionately* Mmmmmhh~, permission to give your luscious rump a soft massage and rub Klavi luv~? U////3///^❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
*giggles and smooches muzzle* heehee! Yus~ U///w///U ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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vaporgayve · 5 years
carnation, freesia, glory-of-the-snow, hellebore, lantanas, lavender, st. john's wort!
thank u andy heehee :3c
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
uhhhhh not to disappoint but i'm wearing my sam and max shirt and some creeper boxers hsfvsdghvsf
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 
oh man!! a lot has happened actually, i went to st barth's in the caribbean with my family, my grandma came to town to see toy story and she took me to the park with my friend and we had ice cream, and my dad and i watched the first two godfathers and went to dinner together!! :D and i talked to you heehee :3c
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life? 
only ten??
1. my family who i love and are so supportive!!!
2. my friends because they are so funny and sweet and give my life meaning!! 
3. my pets because they're fwuffy :3 also because they put up with me smooching them fvshgdvfs
4. my special interests!! they make me so happy because they're so interesting to me and i never feel bored when i'm thinking about them :D
5. piano!! i love playing the piano and learning it, it gives me something to do and i feel proud about it :D
6. music in general!! i'm so happy that i can access the music i like so easily (especially my 30s and 40s music) because it brings me a lot of joy!! 
7. nature!! i love being outside and running around in a field or going on hikes with people i love or looking at birds :>
8. colors!!! i love colors so much, which is why my hair is bright pink and my wardrobe is a neon mess shgfvsf i love looking at colors and rainbows and all of that, especially pink! :D
9. not to be nerdy, but video games make me so happy!! all of them are so unique and are one of my favorite forms of media, because they're carefully crafted combinations of gameplay, audio, visuals, music, design, etc. that are always so interesting :D
10. my life in general!! i have a lot of things to be grateful for, which is something that i'm grateful for, if that makes sense! ^^;
Hellebore: How do you show affection? 
i'm very physically affectionate, but also verbally as well!! i love to hug my family and friends or give my kitties little smooches on the head but i also tell everyone that i love them a lot because i do!! :D
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? 
oh man idk!!! i think one that you gave me about how you could tell how much effort i had been putting into my ocs' storyline because their relationship seems very realistic and nuanced :''3c that one fucked me up bro!!!!!!!!
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself? 
oh man uhhhhhhhh i like that im kinda unabashed about a lot of stuff, like how im perceived by the people around me and by society in general!! i'm very much true to myself in a way that i don't care about looking cool or attractive which is a good thing bc i never do sjhfsjfdsdfgvsf speaking of which my "women want me fish fear me" hat came in the mail today
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things? 
it's usually pretty easy!! im an open book when it comes to my emotions and i like to talk about how i feel a lot :D
thanks again andy!!! wuv u :>
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quackspot · 6 years
im just tlaking about an oc here press j
i love platano
jkhgfdghjk i love platano so much he’s a good oc villain who loves anime kjashg he murders for satan bc he sold himself into servitude for a couple mangas (both the same series skjdfghjkl) and a new season of the hit new anime Big Anime Tiddy Whizzer kjhgfhjk
he love anime and i respect that bc i want to really love anime like platano does like dfsjhhgjkl
he has a cat even and it’s actually a neko she just keeps it in disguise n stuff and platano is just shook once he finds out because he was looking for nekos and was like “are u a neko in disguise???” to random cats on the street honestly idk how people didn’t find him so weird and idk how he managed to move in with Mangue, murderer of the old fruit-based character leader and now the leader of them 
platano IS based off bananas askjfdgjhkl im just big love for bananas and yes i love platano platano best sdgfhg i even wrote his own little story for jsut him and him being gay there’s 1 part i’m currently writing with another oc named arcenciel who i also love a lot 
r.i.p. eau and percisi also good ocs but they just don’t get as much love as platano and arcenciel kjhsghjkdlh
eau ocean man and percisi satanic anime lover friend of platano heehee 
percisi is like the only straight oc skdfjhghfdghj ofc he’s an ally and supports platano and he’s like 4 years younger than him
also platano ruined how i spell platonic bc i keep wanting to type platanic or platano jhgsdfghjk 
he’s very very very much in love with both his friend arcenciel and his other friend who he got into anime sage he very very very very VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH LOVES SAGE kjhgFDGHDSKJFGhjkl hhgjh  (sage is my friend kiley’s oc who she made for UMG/NOU it was originally just gonna be a ponytown cult for like 1 week but nope full on writing)
just... y e s 
sage’s adoptive fathers probably also ship it bc they’re like , ,, , “sage r u sure he’s not ur boyfriend”
oh yeah and arcenciel learning to accept himself as gay by hanging out and talking to sage’s adoptive dads lyle and chris is 10/10 i love best idea i’ve had me congratulations 
onto eau he’s ocean man and uhhh he never gets enough attention from me jksghhjkdg he waso riginally gonna be nonbinary (agender ) but i decided to make him male bc.... ocean man kjhgf i know you can be agender can call urself a man i’m a girl and i like calling myself male things (aka “dad” or “mr” or uhhh “brother” sjkhdgjk)
yeah good boys 
OH YEAH!! WORTEL!! good sassy guy he’s very uhhh how u say tsundere maybe idk kjhgfhjkl i just started writing him up in NOU like weeks ago but i haven’t written much with him 
i want wortel to have like a crush on this other character named celian sgdhfhfhgdsaa and by the way these two dudes are veggie-based characters just pointing that out 
 i just imagine celian like saying some shit in french and wortel being like “haha ik what u said” and then saying something very very gay in dutch and celian being confused because unlike wortel, he doesn’t speak 3 languages (dutch, french, and english)
whenever i write them speaking in another language i use google translate i only really know “JE SUIS UNE BAGUETTE” in french and some other small things but that’s the best thing i know and idk any dutch whatsoever besides wortel being like “carrot” heehee kjdfsfkl
here’s some drawings of my good boys
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platano and arcenciel’s redesigns heehee jkhgsdjkl
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the reason why i ship platano and sage is because platano drew this hot art 100% good art and also platano like,,, drew a lot of diary entries on sage ksdjhgjkl
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i p much just uhh drew them whenever kiley revealed a new fact about him skjgdhjkl
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percisi the only cishet here is, of course, an ally because literally everyone’s LGBT  in umg/nou
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wortel the carrot dude
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a joke i drew of eau
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eau’s first drawing bc i love eau he’s good 
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gay thumbnail for a video i made where platano and sage actually kiss sdgfhdsfa
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arcenciel’s og design sdghfhds
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i tried drawing him with long long LONG legs earlier u probs saw that drawing
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accurate drawing of before the breakup where arcenciel was dating ilkie and kept saying he wasn’t gay despite being in a relationship with another boy arcenciel that’s bad :(((
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oh yeah and i drew platano’s dad here’s his dad named Pablo he fucked a banana and then abandoned the banana peel with semen n stuff in it and somehow the banana peel got pregnant 
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here’s the lady who saw a fat af banana and thought “hey. it’s a baby. let’s take this fat pregnant banana into my house and care fore the offspring.”
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arcenciel’s parents heehee skfjhgjkl they were uhh in a poly relationship i guess?? idk i just think maybe what if instead of a poly it’s like straight relationship baby breakup and then woah another baby?? or maybe poly where the lady over there to the right cheats on them with no other than platano’s dad himself and that’s why platano’s dad works at arcenciel’s hat shop where he sends the hats he made by machine and enchanted with his magic bc he can only enchant hats for some random reason
eau of course has water powers and uh hh h h  yea 
the fruit/veggie-based characters can summon their respective foods
platano is really good at summoning bananas bc he’s like,,, half banana
jhgfdsfghjkl uhhhhhhhh yea i think that’s all i wanted to say i just love my ocs fkjsdhgsjk
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arcenciel and platano’s maybe half sister i still don’t know whether or not arcenciel’s mom should go off and fuck platano’s dad maybe just smooch him a bit and not have a fucking daughter skjdfhgfdfghjk
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tetsuskei · 6 months
hullo misu risu ^_^ !! i’m sending u a thousand smooches rn <3 i am humbly asking for some rice lore please 🤲 what are some nicknames / pet names he likes to call you? also, what’s his love language ? :3
hihi miss aimsies! i’m sending you a MILLION kisses 😼‼️💗
omg rice lore! ty for asking abt me and baby girl ^_^ !
i think he would call me ‘baby doll’, ‘sweet/pretty girl’ and maybe ‘princess’ occasionally! so nothing like overly cutesy but he knows these nicknames are enough to make me flustered. also, he’s kinda possessive so he likes to refer to me as ‘my girl’.
his love language is acts of service and quality time. words of affirmation is a close third! he has a very hard time with words sometimes but he tries his best! he’s very cute. bc of how much he gives himself a hard time, i try my best to make him feel better about himself. i will make him little (big enough for his appetite) lunches and leave sticky notes saying how much i love him and how proud of him i am, and that if he doesn’t come back safely he’s gonna wish he doesn’t have to deal with my wrath LMAO. i’m really big on doing things for him that he’s not used to, to let him know he deserves the best :3 💗
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