snaprilfools · 2 years
Peer reviews have just come out! What do the people of the Snapedom think of @snaprilfools ?
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So far, @rantxiety and @incrediblemrviper think it is chaos. And justly so.
Join in on the fun! And while we’re at it, please also join @snapecelebration’s general Snapril Event 2022 if you haven’t already. And if you haven’t already I am shocked. 😶
Go forth and create! And be chaotic. 😌💜💛
— @snaprilfools / ish
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snapedomanonymous · 2 years
Snapril Fools Day:
March 30th: I. Medieval AU
A proof of loyalty
The sun was burning down on the small riding party as they made their way up the hilly road. Once they reached the top the party came to a halt. Severus raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. They had spent the last three nights riding to the court of the King. After twenty years of civil war, following the death of King James, the realm had been finally reunited under the true heir to the throne, Harry I. of House Potter. The new king had called for all of the Lords of the Realm to come to the capital and bend the knee to him. Therefore Severus had come as the representative of House Prince to do as his King commanded. But as he travelled the Kingsroad he found himself ridden with doubts. What if he was walking right into a trap? After all he and his family hadn’t been loyal to the King from the start. What if the King sought revenge for Severus‘ betrayal of Queen Lily?
"Mylord? Shall we continue?" the words of his squire ripped Severus from his down spiralling.
"Yes. Tell the men we‘re walking on." And with that the troop of riders continued on their journey.
They rode for many hours more until they were met with the sight of Hogwarts castle, seat of the royal family. It was a large build with sevaral large towers and turrets reaching into the sky above. Flags presenting the royal sigil, a golden stag on scarlet ground, were flowing from the tips of each of them. Severus slowed his horse as they rode over the drawbridge that led into one of the castle’s many courtyards. Severus had last been here when he attended the royal academy over twenty years ago.
Inside the castle he was shown to the guest wing where he was able to clean himself up before his audience with the King. He also changed himself from his travelling cloak into a clean, black doublet that sported his family crest, a crowned silver serpent with emerald eyes. The throne room was a large hall with a high, enchanted ceiling that portrayed a starry night sky. The windows were made out of stained glass portraying the sigils of all the noble and ancient families of the realm. At the end of the hall stood a large golden throne on which sat the new King. Before Severus arrived in the capital he had heard many tales of the orphan turned ruler. Most people believed him to be the spitting image of his father save for his green eyes. As Severus looked upon the King he found those tales to be wrong. While Harry had indeed inherited his fathers physical appearance he lacked the air of joy and mischief that had always surrounded his father. Instead he wore a look of seriousness and sadness that made him appear far older than his twenty one years. One of the heralds announced him as he approached the throne and Severus bowed down on the spot.
"Rise." The King said coldly.
Severus rose and took a look at the people present at court. He didn’t recognise any of them. From reports Severus knew that the King‘s godfather, Lord Sirius Black, had been killed in battle as well as Sir Remus Lupin the long time mentor of King Harry. Most other people Severus knew from his time at the Academy were either dead, imprisoned or had fled the country. On the left side of King Harry sat a tall young man with ginger hair and many freckles, on the left sat a young woman with the same ginger hair, Severus assumed these two to be Ronald Weasley and Ginevra Weasley. The former was the Kings Hand and the latter his Betrothed. Another person next to Ginevra Weasley caught Severus‘ eye. There stood a beautiful young woman with brown hair and brown eyes who was dressed in a scarlet dress. The king rose making Severus‘ attention turn back to him.
"Lord Prince I‘m glad you arrived. Please do follow me."
And with that the King led him out the throne room and into the royal gardens. "Lord Snape as already proclaimed I am glad you travelled to court and bend the knee. I have to admit I wasn’t sure wether you’d come. You did betray my mother after all." The King said while he eyed Severus carefully.
"Your Grace I assure you, that you have my loyalty and that of my house and its vassals."
"And I would love to believe your word, Lord Snape, but I cannot put the well being of my people in danger. It is because of that that I have decided to make you prove your loyalty."
"And how exactly am I to do that, your Grace?"
"Simple, Lord Snape. You remember the young woman next to Lady Ginevra? Her name is Lady Hermione Dagworth-Granger and she is one of my most loyal subjects. You will be wed to her."
To be continued?
Okay so I wrote this for the snaprilfoolsday celebrations. To be fair this was largely inspired by my recently reinvoked love for A Song of Ice and Fire. As well as the Snamione fic "Knighthood" by the lovely Ciule on AO3. I'm also pretty sure that I'm gonna make this into a larger fanfic. (I really want to write a tourney scene)
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prongsmybeloved · 2 years
Can you smell it? It’s Eau de April Fool’s.
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I had way too much fun with this.
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severusish · 2 years
@prongsmybeloved I miss you 😢♥️
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snaprilfools · 3 years
Snapril Fool’s Day 2022
This is a five-day April Fool’s themed event created for the Snapedom.
The five days are March 28, 29, 30, 31, and April 1st, which is April Fool’s Day.
April Fool’s Day is a tradition that has been active since the 1700s at least if not before (some sources say that it’s been active since 1582 in France, where they call it ‘Poisson D’Avril’, or ‘April Fish’). The event typically starts on the day(s) before April 1st and includes April 1st itself. The tradition consists of each person having to do a practical joke or a prank on someone else, or saying some wildly untrue statement (or a lie) and then revealing that it was a joke by saying “April Fools!” or the equivalent in other countries.
✨ Rules and Prompts below the cut! ✨
💜 Rules 💜
Each day of the event has two prompts, and you can do one or the other, or both. You can do this event weeks or months later, you don’t have to be on time! Just tag the event tags or the blog url to get reblogged!
Some prompts may have explanations underneath them in the highlight in case some people need clarifications.
NOTE: Snapril Fool’s Day has four prompts, not two. Just to spice things up!
MANDATORY: Your responses to the prompts must include Severus Snape. Ideally they’d mention or show Snape at least once. In a perfect situation, they’d feature your favorite Snape ship or your least favorite Snape ship or a crack ship or a rare pair. But generally speaking you get a pass as long as it’s Snape related!
💛 Prompts 💛
March 28:
I. CHARACTER: Choose a character — what sort of prank would they play on their friends or romantic interest on April Fool’s Day? Who would fall for the prank and who wouldn’t?
II. CLEVERNESS: Prank your followers by making a long post / artwork / fic that is Snape related but highly unusual for you. Say whatever you want to say in order to convince your followers — it has to be outrageous but still slightly believable — the goal is to trick people into believing you. (For example make a post about your NOTP saying that you love it, or your OTP saying that you can’t stand it, come up with a new Snape pairing saying that it’s the best, make a crack ship post saying you love them forever, etc.) In the absolute last tag under the post put #snaprilfools — and then see which of your followers fall for the joke and who doesn’t!
March 29:
I. Acting the fool / being foolish
II. Gullible / Naive
March 30:
I. Medieval AU. Go back in time to the Medieval Wizarding World. What is it like? Who – and where – is Snape?
(ideas: a king’s court, knights in shining armor, ladies of the court, jousting matches, court jesters, tournaments, a ball, feasts)
II. Jester’s Privilege. What can Snape get away with (humor, jokes, pranks, lies) when he’s interacting with Dumbledore or Voldemort that no one else can get away with?
Jester/Court Jester: a professional joker or ‘fool’ at a medieval court, typically wearing a cap/hat with bells on it and carrying a mock sceptre.
Jester's privilege is the ability and right of a jester to talk and mock freely without being punished by the king or anyone else.
March 31:
I. PRANK. Joke shop / Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes
II. EXCURSION. Hogsmeade Outing
April 1 / Snapril Fool’s Day:
I. ONE. April Fool’s Day at Hogwarts
II. TWO. April Fool’s Day in the Wizarding World
III. THREE. April Fool’s Day with the Order of the Phoenix
IV. FOUR. April Fool’s Day with the Death Eaters
💛💜 Happy creating! 💛💜
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snaprilfools · 3 years
This is an upcoming Snapedom event blog for April Fool’s Day.
Follow this blog and the tags below and keep an eye out for more info in mid-March. The event is April Fool’s Day themed and it should be… intriguing.
And no — this isn’t an early April Fool’s joke. 😉 This is real!
💜💛💜 All Snape Shippers welcome. 💜💛💜
- Snapril Fools Blog
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prongsmybeloved · 2 years
If you actually thought I hated Snape then you are DREAMINGGG ♥️♥️♥️ lmao.
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severusish · 3 years
Thank you for doing fandom events! I don't know if I will end up participating, depends on how my brain is feeling, but either way I still appreciate it a lot. <3
It’s a pleasure darling.
Snaint Patrick’s Day and Snapril Fool’s are the only ones I’m planning on doing pretty much — I’m not strong enough to do any more at the moment and besides who needs to do more when you’ve got fabulous people doing Snape Celebration and all those fantastic events out there? I was just bored and decided to fill the gaps between events with my bullshit.
I’m glad you find it inspiring/worth appreciating! The good thing about events is that you can do prompts whenever you want basically. So feel free to do prompts days, weeks, months or years later, I won’t be deleting anything, and I’ll always try and be active enough to reblog event posts.
But if you want to just observe that is A-Okay as well. 😌😌😌
Thanks for sending me this message! Very kind of you 💌🤍✨🍀
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