Question Game!
Rules: post the rules, answer the questions given you, write 11 of your own and tag 11!
Tagged by the fabulous @lizcantspell
1. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
honestly, I don’t know. I generally do whatever I want to try to do unless money or personal safety deem it unreasonable...
2. What’s your favorite quote or saying?
bad example: don’t bother others with pain you’re too weak to handle (i really need to stop injuring myself like wtf Im just gonna accept im always going to have at least one skinned knee at all times)
good example: freedom is a cage where the walls are farther than you care to fly from Hunter, by Mercedes Lackey (the wording might be off)
also p much the traditional ones (patience is a virtue, curiosity the cat, ect)
3. How do you spend your free time?
reading, writing, drawing, knitting, crocheting, mountain biking, skiing, plotting, singing, watching movies and tv shows, playing overwatch... sleep every now and again
4. What common assumptions do people make about you? What’s the truth?
Common assumptions are that I’m rude and cold-hearted (yeah mostly true, I just get annoyed easily) and that I’m super smart (Im smart but a little bit in everything). There are probably more but I’m kinda oblivious to people so I don’t really know
5. Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal?
the fact that you think there is only one is hilarious. I have a stuffed mongoose named Sir Otter George the 78th, Duke of Eastern Cove; a tribble whose name changes depending on my mood so that when people ask if its a different tribble or if the name changed I can respond with “thats the trouble with tribbles”, and a snooterdoot named Rootie. They are awesome. 
6. Do you believe in ghosts?
nah, not really. 
7. If you could live in a different universe, which would you pick?
oh boy so many to choose from... probably Valdemar or the Hunter universe or Erilea universe or Tortall or or or SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM
8. Favorite book?
this is a cruel question. so evil. so so so evil. I recently read Warcross (which is so awesome) but I also love the legend series (even though it contains 2 of the three books that have ever made me cry) but I also love everything from Valdemar and legit everything by Tamora Pierce (currently I only need to finish a Spy’s Guide) but then I love all Sarah J Maas and so so many other authors (whose names I’m forgetting -_-) and Im following so many online books and just ALL THE BOOKS. Also, The Frogs by Aristophanes is awesome and there is a book on the history of books that I want to finish and also one on the Lewis Chessmen and AHHHH
9. How many blankets do you sleep with?
minimum of four, usually between 7 and 9 blankets one of which has to be heavy. I legit can’t sleep unless I feel like i’m being mildly crushed.
10. What’s the thing you nerd out about the hardest?
ships. I have ships EVERYWHERE. 2nd most nerding out is done over astrogeophysical research
11. When was the last time you lied in a game of truth or dare? Have you ever?
The last time I lied in a game of truth or dare was on whether or not I had a crush in a game in prob 4th/5th grade. I lied and said that i did bc the other girls didn’t believe me and said I was lying when I said I didn’t. Shocker, Im aroace guys. LEGIT NEVER HAD A CRUSH DEAL WITH IT.
My Questions to the Tagged!
1. When writing to yourself, what does your handwriting look like?
2. Who would you gift a book to and which book?
3. What book would you make into an 100% accurate and perfect movie?
4. What is your favorite blanket like?
5. What piece of literature would you want to study in English class?
6. Favorite god/goddess from Greek mythology and why?
7. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would you go?
8. Describe the room your mind looks like. What is the centerpiece of the room?
9. If you could give anyone a hug right now, who would you hug?
10. If you were a mermaid what type of tail would you have?
11. Favorite soulmate AU? Would you want to be in a universe with that?
@where-the-wild-dreams-grow @the-vowelless @scriptuurient @bookishnessnessness @sorry @monochromatic-fox @th3neighborhood-onparadiseway @bluewhiskeredbook @fish-inside-jellyfish @sixteen-stars @colpac
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takenbyfifty-blog · 7 years
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Ugh I love him so much. #alfie #bigolpupper #blackdoggo #blacklab #bigpupper #bigbaby #furbaby #mybaby #labsofinstagram #labcross #dogger #labrador #goodboy #boop #boopthesnoot #snooter #snooterdooter
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Rules: answer the qs, write 11 qs, tag 11 people!
Tagged by the beauteous @bookishnessnessness​
1. What is your Hogwarts house?
slytherin although my friends have made compelling arguments for pretty much every house
2. Describe your dream lover in 22 words or less
nonexistent... or maybe like a really comfy blanket?
3. You can bring one thing to life, what is it?
my purple snooterdoot
4. You can meet your internet friend, where do you meet them and what do you do?
We meet at a fun quirky bookshop or coffee shop and then go to a museum or park together and hang out and talk!!!!!
5. Dream Holiday destination
oh god... South Africa, Peru, Norway are my top three at the moment
6. best/worst book ever
I tried to read the Delphi Agenda and I absolutely hated it. I thought it was absolutely terrible. If you like it thats great but it just wasn’t a book for me
7. Favorite weapon
8. Describe your dream bedroom
the ceiling is covered with glow stars while the walls are plastered in artwork by myself and friends and posters from productions. I have a lofted bed with a hidden nook behind it and an open nook out front. The frame is made of bookshelves. I have a projector screen hooked up to my computer to play games or watch TV with friends. I have a comfy desk to get a lot of homework done. I have a nice area in one corner for my yarn stash and other art ness. There is a ladder in the remaining corner that does to the rooftop tower where I have a telescope and my journals and the floor is padded for perfect stargazing and sleepovers!
9. Create you own type of weather, what happens?
Honestly, I have no clue. Im pretty chill with the weather I have...
10. Quick, name what your band would be called and what would you do in it? Who would be in it?
Itd be called the maniac mongoose, and there would be an album per music genre and itd be hella weird. Honestly no clue who would be in it.
11. Tell us the most random piece of dialogue from this year
oh god so many I honestly have no clue... sorry i have bad memory when it comes to conversations
Tagging: @thedayofstoryandsong​ @nerdperson524​ @lizcantspell​ @the-vowelless​ @newtsthunderbird​ @acciotardis221b​
1. where is your dreamhouse located and what does it look like?
2. favorite biome
3. What is your favorite type of weather and why?
4. If you could turn you mood into a color rn, what color would it be?
5. What stuffed animal would you bring to life for a day?
6. What would your favorite bookmark be annoyed about?
7. If you could give a friend a gift right now, what would it be?
8. What type of magic tattoo would you get?
9. What could you not live without?
10. Weirdest question you’ve asked someone?
11. If you could give anyone a perfect day, who would you give it to?
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