yoursecho · 2 years
The three lines from Carry On that ended us
“And I'm hopelessly in love with him.”
“And then he kisses me.”
“Because we match.”
-Baz Pitch, Carry On
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Favorite trope
Simon can't believe he is supposed to marry Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch.
I can't believe this. My father seriously thinks I'll marry a prick,like Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-pitch, just because it is important for our politics?
And now I have to think time with him. "Get to know him before the marriage. It'll be easier.", Dad said and now I am waiting for him to arrive.
When my father told me I had to marry someone I was so scared for a second. Right now I feel like I would throw up every moment. Engaged to Simon Snow, the beautiful idiot I meet once in a while on parties and official meetings. The guy with the bronze curls and blue eyes, with a smile like a sun. The guy who hates me with everything he has.
This is gonna be interesting.
He is attractive. That's what I hate. I can't even complain about his looks. With his black hair and good suits and lips that want to be kissed. Gosh I hate him, he even walks perfectly.
When he approaches me he holds out his hand. I take it. His fingers are cold and it is comfortable to hold them. But I don't really think about that. I think about the first time I have seen him. A month after I've been adopted and being told I would be the next king I met him, on a ball my Dad threw for me.
I hold my hand out and smiled, hoping to make friends and he just looked at me and went away.
Simon's hand is sweating and he doesn't even smile. I'm sorry that I have to be his husband. I wished him happiness and he apparently can't be happy with me.
"Come on in.", he says and hides his hands in the pocket of his jeans.
Even though I know his castle from the inside out, he still show me around again. His dad greets me. "Simon why don't you go up to your room and Mr. Pitch can place his things there."
Simon gasps. "He'll be staying with me?"
His dad just looks at him. "Yes he will. As your fiance he will also share a bed with you."
I don't say anything, but I look at Simon apologetically. He just shrugs and I follow him in the one tower I never saw. The door was always closed.
Simon's room is messy, books laying around his bed and clothes scattered around his room. I see him blushing.
"Sorry, I'll clean up." He picks up peaces of clothing and throws them on a chair. I look around. There a pictures of Simon with a purple haired girl, both of them smiling. Simon with his dad, Simon on his graduation day. And also a little framed picture. Simon seems to be a toddler, clutching to a hand of a young woman with blond hair.
"That's my mum." He takes the picture and looks at it. "She passed away." His voice is soft. "I'm sorry.", I say, because I am.
"Don't be. It has nothing to do with you.", he says, but he smiles for the first time since I arrived.
This bloke has to stop being beautiful and polite and respectful or I will start to like him. But when I look at him now, with open Compassion, he is just boy without a mother like me, being forced into a relationship he never wanted.
Being in Simon's room is a dream come true.
"You wanna play Rocket league?", I ask, cause what am I gonna do else. "Hell yeah."
We settle down on my couch and we play, hell we play. I scream most of the time and Baz curses when he misses the ball. I have to admit, he is good. Two minutes left and I am two goals behind. He drives the car in the right position and I know I'm not able to keep him from scoring. So I hit him, with my shoulder, so that the controller falls out of his hand.
"Cheater.", he yells, but he laughs and the sun flows into the room. I laugh too, because it is really funny. "Do I really have to call you tyrannus?" I ask after we finished the game. (He won, despite my cheating.)
"You can call me darling or future husband.", he says and winks. I cough and blush. He grins. "Kidding. Just call me Baz." Baz, I think, I like that.
I am sweating so much right now. I made Simon blush and my flirting didn't turn out that awkward. This is progress.
We play one more game and then we are called for dinner. Simon suggests to eat outside, since his father is not in the house. The maid brings Beef and Mashed potatoes, also sauce and vegetables. Simon eats like he has been starving for month and I snort. "You look like a pig.", I say, which is true, but it looks also oddly cute.
He looks at me. "Shut up, eat.", he says. The sun is going down and we finish our meal. Simon talks about his friend and I talk about my siblings. He listens and laughs and I feel myself falling for him faster and faster.
We walk upstairs again and I prepare myself to share a bed with him. To share a bed with a boy.
It is really awkward. He changes in the bathroom and strip down to my boxershorts. Maybe now that I have guests I should put on a shirt.
Baz walks in and looks at me. For one second his face falls apart, but just for a second. Then he is emotionless again. But I still see it. I decide to put no shirt on.
Simon snow is shirtless and it doesn't seem like he is planning to put one on. Simon jumps into his bed and scoots over. I just stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
"You coming or what?" Simon looks at me with a smile, but his voice is not a strong as normal.
I slip under the blanket next to him. Our bodies don't touch, but I feel his warmth beside me and it's doing things to my heart.
I like this. It is a little weird, because I can't curl up like I normally do. But I still like it.
I wake up the next morning with a beautiful boy in my arms. He is breathing slowly and his face looks so soft. I stroke through his black hair and hope he doesn't wake up.
I feel fingers going through my hair and I desperately pretend to be asleep. This is too perfect to disturb. I feel myself dozing away again and I sigh.
"Are you awake?", Simon whispers, but I don't answer, I am already asleep again.
Baz was awake, I am sure. But now he is sleeping again, his breath against my bare chest. I close my eyes. This is nice. This is really nice. I catch myself wishing to stay like this forever. And when I notice I can, because we are indeed engaged, I am shocked by myself.
A few days ago I wouldn't even see myself having a crush on a buy especially not on Baz. But at this point I may be wrong.
We wake up when a maid knocks on the door, calling us for breakfast.
I watch Simon eating again. "How can you eat so many scones?", I ask.
"Swor scherry swones.", he says.
He chews and swallows. "Sour cherry scones. They're delicious."
"Seems like it." I snort.
"Don't you insult these perfections." Simon grabs the rest of the scones and looks at me defensively. I grin. "I never said that they are disgusting and unhealthy." I cough. "They are." Cough again.
Simon gasps. "How dare you? Leave my castle and property right now." He looks playfully offended. "But darling", I take his hand, "You can't throw out your husband."
"Husband to be.", Simon says and doesn't let go of my hand. My whole body is buzzing. He doesn't let go of it the whole breakfast and takes it again when we stand up and take a walk over the landscape.
I hold his hand. He started it, I just don't let go. We talk about books and food and I loose myself in a fantasy of a sour cherry scone bed. Baz laughs and I smile, because it sounds so beautiful and I just wanna kiss him.
I wanna kill him. This is torture. Because I am never sure. This can't be true. It's to good to be true. He is probably just doing it for his father, for the politics, this all happens to fast, this is not real.
Simon kisses me.
I just kiss him. Because thinking is not my greatest strength. I do things when I want to do them.
I break the kiss. Simon looks at me surprised and hurt. "I'm sorry.", he says and let's go of my hand. I grab it, because I am weak. "Simon, why are you doing this?", I ask. He seems caught off guard. "Because I want to.", he says. "Because you want to? Not because you have to? Because of the marriage?" He shakes his head and I kiss him, because this is all I've ever wanted.
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wematch · 7 years
Vlogger Confessions
Youtuber AU where Simon is a daily vlogger and Baz has no idea what his roommate is always filming.
For @snowbaz-feda
Read on [AO3]
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Part 4
We’ve been avoiding each other for the past week, and it’s weird. He’s been out of the house pretty much the whole day, seems like we are back to when he was ashamed of vlogging in front of me.
I’m currently in my bed, trying to read a book but I can’t focus, I can’t keep bloody Snow out of my mind. So because I’m weak and I miss him, I decide to catch up on him.
Apparently I’m only a couple of days behind on his vlogs, he didn’t vlog on the first few days after his live chat.
The one that I’m currently watching, he’s saying sorry, that he just decided to take a few days off.
What’s up with him? He’s out in the beach, but he doesn’t seem to be his usual self. Even when he goes to that coffee shop, that we usually go eat scones, he’s smiling but he’s not happy.
The third vlog which was two days ago, is a short one, and Snow mentions that he noticed people in the comments asking what is wrong with him, he tells them not to worry because he’s fine. Which clearly is a lie.
I decide to check the comments, I never read them because they seem rather pointless, but in this video people are discussing theories about what happened. I read my name in there and what the fuck? One of the top comments is saying, that we had a fight because of the chat, so that’s why Simon looks so broken.
Hold on, they think I’m the one that caused this? People are all agreeing that I must have said something to upset him. That I didn’t like hearing about Snowbaz. Which no, I totally support it, I want it to be real more than anyone.
Instead of replying anything stupid, I decide to check his video of yesterday called we need to have a chat. He went with Penny to some meeting, with a few fans that won a competition, but now in the vlog, it’s night and he’s in bed.
“I had so much fun meeting everyone this afternoon, but I think I need to make something clear, I noticed some comments about Baz and even this afternoon people asked me what happened between us, but he did nothing wrong, so please don’t make him the bad guy...”
He takes a deep breath and passes his hand through his hair, he’s looking so broken right now, “It’s not his fault how I feel about him and you guys notice things, but we were never more than friends so please leave him alone, he never asked for any of this” I pause the video.
Did Simon just said he had feelings for me? Is this a fucking joke?
I storm into his bedroom with my laptop.
“What the fuck Snow?“
He jumps at my sudden entrance and blinks stupidly at me “What.”
I go back a few seconds and press play.
“Stop...” he mumbles to his knees.
I’m so pissed at him right now, why didn’t he said something sooner “Do you mean it?”
He whispers “Just drop it Baz, please.”
I sit on the edge of the bed near him, “Look at me, do you mean it?”
He’s still looking down and I need to see his eyes, I need to make sure this is real, that I’m not fucking dreaming. With my hand I raise his chin up, and when he looks at me he just spits it out angrily “Of course, why would I-” I don’t let him finish, I just kiss him.
Simon has his hand on my hair and he’s pulling me closer. The kiss is getting sloppy and desperate and it’s perfect.
Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this since the first day I saw him.
Later on, we are cuddling in his bed watching silly videos when I tell him, “I still can’t believe that I found out, that you liked me back in one of your vlogs.”
“I know, Penny is gonna love it. She kept saying that I should just talk to you, but I thought that there’s no way you liked me back.”
“Why did you said it in your video then? You know that I watch them.”
“Well...” He starts blushing.
“Oh, no way....Snow, you didn’t.”
“I tried to tell you in person, but it was easier like this.”
“You confessed your feelings in the vlog so that I would watch it, you’re ridiculous.”
He shrugs “Yeah well, It worked didn’t it.”
I put my hand on his neck to bring him closer. I kiss his moles one by one, making a path to his mouth, then I kiss him slowly on his lips and when we stop for air I whisper, “It did.”
(see my snowbaz fic masterlist)
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femslashy · 7 years
a burning hill by mitski or your honor by regina spektor!!
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
send me song recs!!
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lovinregulus · 7 years
11 Question tag (?)
soooo I was tag by @carry-on-kissing-snowbaz​ to do this thing where I’m answering 11 question then i make 11 questions myself to finally tag 11 people. 
1) Do you know how to ride a bike? If not, do you wish you did?
I do know how to ride a bike, but i dont know how it would look like now since its been a while....
2) What is your most embarrassing favorite book? I don’t really have an embarrassing book that I love at the moment but I’m embarrassed to say that I used to loooove the series After *hides in a corner*
3) If you had to pick, sweet or savory food? Man I really don’t know.... I have a sweet tooth but savoury food win
4) Are you a cat or a dog person? Can I be both? if I have to choose i would say dog but i love them both
5) What is your dream career? Sociologist or History teacher i think
6) What are the top 3 countries you want to visit?
New Zealand 
7) How many languages do you speak? Which ones are they? I can speak french (my first language) and english
8) If you discovered a planet, what would you want it to be like? What would you name it? My ideal planet would have a lot of pastel color and fluffy.... could Aesthetic be a planet name?
9) What is your least favorite movie trope? Honestly I don’t really know, anything that’s too much cliché really
10) Favorite home cooked meal? I don’t know between poutine (my inner canadian is always showing when i talk about food) and vegetarian burger that my mother make (AKA heaven)
11) What do you do to relax? It depends on what i have, sometimes i go on Tumblr, i draw or i read (fic or real books)
m y   q u e s t i o n :
1.  If you were an object, what object you would be?
2.  What is your favourite period in history (Egypt, Roman, the revolutions, etc...)
3.  You can live for a day in one of your favourite book/series, which book and when in the book/series would you like to live?
4. What is the thing you’re the most proud of?
5. You could choose a species of animal that could now talk, which species would it be?
6. What was the last book you read?
7. You can make one historical figure live, who is it?
8. Is there a smell that make you comfortable, if yes what is the smell?
9. 3 things that makes you smile?
10. What would you say to your younger self?
11. Who was your first celebrity crush?
I ‘ m   t a g g i n g   @snowbazfic @cotton--headed-ninny--muggins @malaclaw @messybunsweatpants @wildfirewarren @jeansbaz 
i really don’t know who to tag? so its not 11 but it will be okay!
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ginsengparty · 7 years
smorches my sweet daughter @snowbazfic
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grrrlsolider · 7 years
restarting ur blog is so.. weird like. its been MONTHS but? honestly u have a new brand and u gotta become the ____ kid again. on snowbazfic i was the lesbian snowbaz kid, now im just the sexual discourse kid
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@iloveorbs ur welcom hunny.. only the finest and most delectable tea here on snowbazfic
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Hogwarts AU
Things change through the years, including feelings.
First year:
Simon is nervous, like all the other kids. They stand in a line waiting to be sorted. "Hufflepuff", the hat shouts and Simon almost trips on his way to the cheering table. When he turns around there is already a new kid sitting on the chair. Simon missed his name.
The boy sits there, not smiling or nervous at all. He seems so sure of himself. The hat puts him into Ravenclaw and he just walks to the table, no reaction what so ever. Simon likes the kid, he seems to be cool.
"Of course he is in Ravenclaw.", someone says beside him, "Just like his mother." Simon turns around. "Sorry, but who that kid?"
"You don't know him?", the other student asks, "That was Tyrannus Basilton Pitch. His mother was headmaster a few years ago."
Tyrannus Basilton Pitch. Simon liked that name. Maybe they could be friends.
Second year:
Simon absolutely hates Baz. Not only is he better in every class, he also makes Simon feel so stupid whenever he can. He tried to steel his girlfriend, insults Simon and he seems to be plotting something against him all the time. Penny says he is just imagining all of that, but she also confirms that he is also nearly never in their common room. What else could he do besides plotting.
"Maybe he has a life.", Penny says, but Simon doesn't believe that.
Third year:
Penny's hair is res now. And she is better then Baz in all of her classes, which makes Simon irrationally happy. It also makes him happy when Baz smiles, but he doesn't want to think about that.
Baz is still evil and everything. Agatha broke up with him at the beginning at the year, but they are still friends. Penny thinks that's weird, but Simon thinks he just wasn't in love with her enough for the situation to be weird. Of course he doesn't say that out loud.
When winter rolls around he spends his break in Hogwarts, like all the years before, because there is no home he could go to. Baz stays to. Simon doesn't know why, but he doesn't care either. And also it is just a coincidence that they both spend all their time in the library. And it's just normal that they talk with each other, because they are the only ones there. It's not like their friends now.
Fourth year
Simon and Baz are kinda friends now. They're still enemies most of the time, but on certain occasions, like catching each other in the kitchen after curfew, they are just two boys hanging out with each other. And it is not weird at all that the time Simon spends in the kitchen doubled after the first meeting and nothing weird about how he thinks Baz looks really pretty with his hair loose.
Fith year
Simon is totally fucked. Not only is he friends now with Baz, like good friends, he has also fallen in love with him. With the way he talks and teases Simon, his smile his determination, his intelligence battles with penny (penny wins most of the time), with his hair when he is in the kitchen, because they still meet up there every other night, eating sour cherry scones (im Simons case) and drinking hot chocolate (both of them). Simon also thinks his love is and will ever be one sided. Penny groans. She says it is just like second year. "Now you just say he is beautiful instead of evil. Nothing has changed, Simon." Simon thinks a lot has changed.
Sixth year
Simon is disappointed. It took Baz one and a half year of friendship to tell them that he is gay. Simon is also really happy. This means he has the slightest chance. So his action around Baz changes. He is nicer now, searching for contact. He also doesn't flirt with other people anymore.
Baz asks him one night in the kitchen. "Simon, do you like me?" Simon instantly panics. "Of course, you are my best friend besides Penny."
Baz turns the cup of hot chocolate in his hands. He doesn't look at Simon. The house elves around them are busy.
"No I mean do you like like me?" And when Simon doesn't answer and just turns red he goes on. "Because I do. I like like you." Simon looks up and smiles. The widest smile since his first day on Hogwarts. "I like like you too.", he says and then he kisses Baz, because that has been overdue for ages.
Seventh year
Baz and Simon stand hand in hand in front of Howarts. They are waiting for penny to get her stuff. "I'll miss the school. It's been a pain but it's still the only home I've ever had.", Simon says. Baz nods and squeezes his hand. When Penny comes out Baz just pulls on his hand. "Come on love, it'll be alright. We will carry on together."
And they leave Hogwarts behind to move into their new flat in London.
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wematch · 7 years
Vlogger Confessions
Youtuber AU where Simon is a daily vlogger and Baz has no idea what his roommate is always filming.
For @snowbaz-feda
Read on [AO3]
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Part 1
Classes are about to start next week and since I didn’t like the idea of living in the dorm, I’ve been looking at flats the whole morning. I’m hoping this one will be better than the previous two, since it’s close to the university, close enough that I can walk there.
I arrive and knock at the door. It takes a while but suddenly the door opens, and I can’t seem to be able to breath.
The guy standing at the door has soft curls and few moles on his face, he’s beautiful. He also has a questioning look on his face, like he doesn’t know why I’m here.
“Uh...hello, can I help you?” Fuck, he really doesn’t know. I called him two days ago.
“Simon Snow right? I came to check the room that you want to rent?” Moron.
He’s looking really embarrassed now “Oh…it’s already 11am? I’m so sorry, I lost track of time” I roll my eyes at that.
He lets me in, he’s blushing and saying some excuse, but I am not really listening. The living room is a mess, there are some boxes in the table, and a tripod with a camera in front of the couch, I want to ask what he’s been doing with that but I decide not to.
When Snow shows me the room, he’s still blushing for some reason and it looks great on him.
Two days before classes start, Fiona helps me bring my stuff up, and Snow insists on helping. She’s telling him a ridiculous story that happened a few years ago, and I just roll my eyes, of course she had to embarrass me in front of him, he’s laughing now and I realize a few seconds later that I’m staring.
Fiona gives me a knowing look, before she leaves.
When I’m bringing my last box from the living room, Snow comes from his door too and he’s talking, and at first I think he’s talking to someone on the phone, but he’s holding a camera and pointing it at himself. I raise one eyebrow, do I really want to ask what he’s doing?
When he notices me looking, he stops and starts blushing. “Sorry... Didn’t know you were here” and just leaves in a rush.
A few days pass and I barely see him in the flat. Sometimes one of his friends comes to fetch him, and he doesn’t come back until night, like today. I’m sitting, reading a book on the couch, when he arrives.
He’s holding a camera with his mouth, and has grocery bags in his arms. Perhaps I should help him, but I prefer to watch the stupid face he’s doing, like he’s surprised to see me here, again.
He drops everything in the counter and does something to his camera, wait was that recording? “Baz! How you’ve been? Didn’t know you were here.”
I roll my eyes, “You do know that I live here now, right?”
“Sorry, I just had so much to do today, had a project that took way longer to film than I was expecting.”
A few weeks have passed and Snow is still a mystery to me, he spends a lot of time outside of the house, so I think he goes to classes somewhere, and where he goes his camera goes too. I’m pretty sure he filmed me a few times now.
I think that today he’s doing something in the living room, there’s a tripod in there just like the first day I came here, and he kept asking me if I was going to the library, like I usually do every week on Saturday.
Snow wants me out of the apartment, and I’m determined to see why, so instead of staying in the library, I decide to just go and get my books.
I’m at the door and I can hear him talking, so I try to open the door as quietly as I can.
Snow has is laptop in the coffee table and he’s talking to his camera again, and his face is in the computer too. I realize that I can see myself in the background, the moment he stops in the middle of a sentence, frowning at the screen “You want to know who that is? Oh yeah thats Baz” and freezes.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask him, because he’s talking about me, and there seems to be a chat going on the screen.
“Sorry guys, gotta go for today, see you all soon!” and shuts down the chat thing.
“What was that?” He’s looking really embarrassed, and I should stop admiring the way he’s looking right now, with his eyes closed.
He takes a deep breath “I’m... a youtuber, I’m sorry I should have told you sooner.”
Oh. Of course. That explains the cameras, ”Why didn’t you?”
“People don’t really like it, they think it’s weird that I’m talking to a camera.”
“Well, It does look weird.” It really does, but at least now everything is starting to make sense.
“I tried to film as much as I can outside the house, so I wouldn’t bother you, but I really needed to film inside today” He’s looking sadly at his hands.
“Look Snow, if that’s your thing it’s fine, I don’t mind it as long as you don’t leave those tripods all over the place” because he keeps stumbling on them.
(see my snowbaz fic masterlist)
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Song inspired
Simon meets someone in a club. (Yes, it is Britney spears, don’t judge me.)
Baby can’t you see? I’m calling
Penny and Simon make their way through the room full of people. It is hot and the air is thick and smells like sweat and alcohol. Penny hates Clubs. Simon loves it. He likes people and music and the atmosphere. He feels like a thousand different lifes can co-exist here.
A guy like you should wear a warning
Penny nods towards the bar and Simon follows her to the crowd. Britney Spears’ voice comes out of the speaker. Simon sits down next to Penny and she orders them two beers. He looks around. At the end of the long bar leans a guy. He watches the crowd, a drink in his hand and his long black hair in a bun. Penny rolls her eyes. “Simon, you’re drooling.”, she says and he instantly blushes. “Shut up. I am not.”
The pretty boy looks up, sees Simon’s look and smiles. His breath hitches. The stranger places his empty drink on the counter.“Penny, I think he is coming over. What am I doing?”, he says in her ear. But she just laughs.“Keep it cool, Simon, and I am gonna go to the bathroom.” Frustrated Simon looks at her, but then she is already gone and the pretty gy stands in front of him.
It’s dangerous. I’m fallin’
“Wanna dance?”, the pretty guy shouts. It’s hard to understand him over the music and other people talking, but Simon nods and lets his hand be taken. The guy pulls him to the dance floor. Simon knows he is not at all bad a t dancing, he took a few lessons and he has a feeling for music, but that is nothing compared to this guy.“I’m Baz.”, he says right next to Simon’s ear. “Simon.”, Simon says and Baz starts dancing. And bloody hell he is good.
There is nos escape. I can’t wait.
Simon feels drunk and he didn’t even drink more then two beer. Baz is moving in front of him, pulling him towards him, Baz’ hands on his hips and then on his sides and his stomach and then their gone and up in Baz’ hair. Simon tries to dance but he has to be terrible. He can’t concentrate at all.
I need a hit. Baby give me it.
Baz pulls them back together. Their bodies are pressed against each other and Simon is thankful for his cheap clothing. It is like wearing nothing.
You’re dangerous. I’m loving it.
After a few songs Baz comes near his ear again.“You wanna go outside for a bit? I am exhausted.” Simon just nods and lets himself be pulled around again. He could get used to this. Baz’ hand is despite the temperature in the room cool and not sweaty at all. He moves hid body elegantly through the people and they’re outside in no time. Baz smiles at him and they walk a bit away from the entrance. Simon quickly texts Penny that he is outside and the looks up.
Baz smiles at him and then pulls a cigarette out of his front pocket of his black shirt. “Want one?”, he asks?” Simon shakes his head. “No, thanks. I don’t smoke.” Baz just nods and Simon realizes how awkward this is. But Baz is also really beautiful, in his tight black shirt and those jeans. Someone should arrest him for those jeans. “So Simon why are you here tonight?”, Baz asks and blows the smoke in the wind. Simon is normally disgusted by smoke but right now he just wants to kiss Baz. “I am out with a friend. She is still inside.”
“A friend?”, Baz asks, “Nothing to be jealous about I hope?” Simon laughs. “No, we are just friends. What about you? Are you here alone?”
“Yes, I had to get a break from home.”
“Oh I know that feeling.”, Simon says. Baz stays quiet for a bit and they both look up at the stars.  “Do you see those three stars over there?”, Baz asks and points at the sky. Simon nods. “It’s the Orion belt.” And while Baz talks about Orion and the different variations of his story Simon takes his hand and smiles. After he is finished talking Baz looks at him. Then he throws his cigarette away and looks at Simon, he smiles and leans in. And suddenly they kiss.
Too high, can’t come down. Loosing my head, spinning round and round. Do you feel me now?
They kiss for a long while, but Simon looses his feeling for time until his phone vibrates. “Simon? Where are you? We have to leave.” It’s Penny. Simon tells her to go to the car.
“Gotta go?”, Baz asks and Simon nods. He likes Baz and he likes to kiss him but he normally doesn’t do this kind of stuff.
“Can I have your number?”, Baz asks and pulls his phone out. Simon happily agrees and they exchange numbers. Baz takes another cigarette and pulls Simon in for a quick last kiss. “See you, sunny boy.” He says and leaves.
With the taste of your lips I’m on a ride. You’re toxic, I’m slipping under
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