#so I could in tune show you my cruel and unusual extensive punishment against aloe plants
hellhelpwhichever · 1 year
i'm here from the notes of that one dead aloe plant. im genuinely so curious about your fucked up aloe experiments, can we see them? hydroponic aloe... that's a new one by me
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Here is my darling little regular aloe plant
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Here is my 100% water fed no nutrient aloe plant where as you can see the leaves
It’s rather curious as the leaves become slightly curved and they reach an extensive length before immediately shriveling up and falling off at about 3 1/2 - 5 1/4 inches yet it still continues to grow new leaves at the top and new roots with ease
Also notable is that I rewatered it about two weeks ago after it got about half empty (after being watered at the point 5 months before hand) and it started growing numerous small new roots days after which have turning into the few long white roots you see now while also having small round bumps on it with a single smaller protrusion coming off of them
Then there is my war crime
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It is immediately apparent that there is a wild growth in how long and twisted the leaves have gotten where the few shriveled up are much smaller and closer together then on normal aloe plants not to mention how small the stalk is compared to normal aloe
There is also the curious case of how there is another plant growing in here a month and a half ago despite there being no possible way for it to have gotten in
Now here is a bit harder to see and perhaps more noticeable in the third photo but every shine is a small mold spores which has built a protective bubble so that the water can’t drown it out (even turning it sideways the water covers the entire side of the bottle except these small bubbles)
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And lastly there is THE ROOT
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A black root that covers the side of the bottle before curving behind the biggest spore bubble yet this is not formed by the mold (as it has its own root system that won’t show up on camera) or the aloe itself as it has small crumpled white yellow roots at the bottom of the glass (also refuses to be photographed)
Originally I was simply trying to see if I could grow aloe in the bottles when they were too small for any filtration system or delicate for any hole to be added so I tried all water and one with soil in it back in summer 2022 but I asked someone to water the soil one while I was out and they over watered the shit out of her and the whole bottle had green (not aloe) on the inside but it was growing like crazy while the water one was dying so I waited it out and here we are
Thinking next spring I’m going to try to implant the back into soil and see how that goes
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