#hydroponic war crimes
hellhelpwhichever · 1 year
i'm here from the notes of that one dead aloe plant. im genuinely so curious about your fucked up aloe experiments, can we see them? hydroponic aloe... that's a new one by me
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Here is my darling little regular aloe plant
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Here is my 100% water fed no nutrient aloe plant where as you can see the leaves
It’s rather curious as the leaves become slightly curved and they reach an extensive length before immediately shriveling up and falling off at about 3 1/2 - 5 1/4 inches yet it still continues to grow new leaves at the top and new roots with ease
Also notable is that I rewatered it about two weeks ago after it got about half empty (after being watered at the point 5 months before hand) and it started growing numerous small new roots days after which have turning into the few long white roots you see now while also having small round bumps on it with a single smaller protrusion coming off of them
Then there is my war crime
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It is immediately apparent that there is a wild growth in how long and twisted the leaves have gotten where the few shriveled up are much smaller and closer together then on normal aloe plants not to mention how small the stalk is compared to normal aloe
There is also the curious case of how there is another plant growing in here a month and a half ago despite there being no possible way for it to have gotten in
Now here is a bit harder to see and perhaps more noticeable in the third photo but every shine is a small mold spores which has built a protective bubble so that the water can’t drown it out (even turning it sideways the water covers the entire side of the bottle except these small bubbles)
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And lastly there is THE ROOT
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A black root that covers the side of the bottle before curving behind the biggest spore bubble yet this is not formed by the mold (as it has its own root system that won’t show up on camera) or the aloe itself as it has small crumpled white yellow roots at the bottom of the glass (also refuses to be photographed)
Originally I was simply trying to see if I could grow aloe in the bottles when they were too small for any filtration system or delicate for any hole to be added so I tried all water and one with soil in it back in summer 2022 but I asked someone to water the soil one while I was out and they over watered the shit out of her and the whole bottle had green (not aloe) on the inside but it was growing like crazy while the water one was dying so I waited it out and here we are
Thinking next spring I’m going to try to implant the back into soil and see how that goes
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Prime of His Youth: Book I: Forging His Own Path: Ch07: Personhood
The three walked out and saw Agent Fowler standing by the open garage door.
"Not here to recruit me, are you?" Jack asked him.
"Earth's First Rangers could definitely use your help." Fowler simply stated, "But no."
"Then what do you want?" Arcee sharply asked.
"Why so harsh?" Fowler asked, and Arcee rolled her eyes.
"I don't feel like being as social as I used to be." Arcee simply stated.
"She's defensive of their love nest." June stated.
"Not a..." Arcee uttered, before trailing off, and shrugged. "What can we do for you?" Arcee harshly asked. She then turned to the stripped down, delapitated automotive garage. "Can we offer you some tea?" she asked, and Jack slapped her on the butt. She stopped talking, but glared at Fowler.
"I'm here to ask if I can help?" Fowler asked.
"We're still deciding." Jack stated, "How much an addition can we do?"
"Hm?" Fowler asked, and thought for a moment, "We had it rezoned as mixed usage." He then looked out the door, left and right at the desert around them, before looking back in. The only thing there was the nearby butte. "None of your neighbours complained. And I doubt any neighbours will complain about anything you do. You have a unique living arrangement, and none of the politicians want to look bad by standing against it." He then paused for a moment, "Let's put it this way, decide what you want to do, and I'll make sure it gets approved."
"Anything we want?" Arcee neutrally asked.
"Well, don't add any giant blasters or anything." Fowler said with a smile.
"What about water rights?" Jack asked, and Fowler looked up to the clear skies before looking down.
"What water are you asking about?" Fowler asked, and Jack sighed. "I can get you the rainfall rights to your own property."
"Oh, wonderful." Arcee said with a harsh and sarcastic tone.
"It's actually harder than you might think." Fowler stated.
"How about a green house?" Jack asked. "Hydroponics?"
"You want to start a garden?" Arcee asked. "I know even less about that than I do cooking. I don't even know how plants grow."
"Nows the time to learn?" June asked her.
"Planning to have a lot of free time?" Fowler asked.
"No." Jack sarcastically stated, "I planned to buy a Cybertronian slave and make them do it." Fowler simply stared at him, "I was..." Jack said, and paused, thinking he didn't need to say it, "joking."
"They actually exist, remember?" Arcee asked.
"They what?" June asked.
"I don't know if they are actually slaves, like you would call them, but there are the bums." Arcee voiced.0
"Bums?" June asked.
"Casteless." Fowler stated.
"Oh, right." Jack added.
"And for those of us who've never been to Cybertron?" June asked.
"Everyone with a caste has a job, and if they do their job, they get their Energon." Jack stated.
"And the casteless?" June asked, until it sunk into her, and she felt as if she had been wounded by it. "How... how do they become casteless?"
"Refusal to work?" Fowler asked.
"Refusal to work in their caste." Arcee uttered, and Fowler nodded.
"And crime." Fowler added.
"Ah, so we're going to have a criminal living with us, as a slave?" June asked.
"Hm?" Arcee asked, and June gave her a questioning look.
"They have two choices to get Energon. Work for it, or steal it. The ones who want to work for it, would rather work for it. The one good thing being a war hero would bring me is their respect."
"Are you suggesting Jack buy a Cybertronian slave?!" June asked.
"No." Arcee simply said, "Jack was. I'm just saying it's actually a good idea."
Jack was dumbstruck, and gave Fowler a quizzical look.
"We do have laws for it." Fowler stated.
"You what?" June asked, "How could you?!.." she asked, and Fowler held up his hand, and she paused.
"If I can explain?" Fowler asked, and June glared at him, but waited. "Legally, Cybertron doesn't have slavery. And from what I understand, they didn't have it before the war, either."
"Then?" June asked him impatiently.
"Legally," he said, "what we agreed to, is that they would be workers paid in Energon."
"Isn't that their food?" June asked.
"And our blood." Arcee replied.
"While they can absorb metals to grow," Fowler stated, "the only thing they truly need is Energon."
"If there's no other currency, they'll use Energon." Jack simply stated. "Which means it's the most used currency in history."
"Considering how long we live." Arcee uttered. June once again gave her a questioning look. "Like I said, if Jack wants to, all we have to do is pay her in Energon."
Jack brought his right hand to his face and pinched the bridge of his upper nose. He let it go, "This is not at all what I was planning at all."
"Her?" June asked.
"If we got one to work inside, you'll want a two-wheeler." Arcee said, and June looked at her questiongly. "Fembot. Femme. Uh, what did Jack call them? G-something."
There was a pause with Jack not wanting to answer. He eventually sighed, "Gynoid."
"Doesn't that mean?.." June asked, and Jack raised his hands.
"This is not what I was talking about at all." he voiced, and breathed in deeply, "I don't even know why we're still talking about it."
"I don't know that much about farming." June simply stated.
"It was just a thought, a maybe." Jack simply stated.
A pregnant pause occured as Arcee looked at Fowler, "Something else?"
"Oh, yes. Jack's almost 18." Fowler stated, "Which means the trust money is going to come out soon."
"I completely forgot about that." Jack stated.
"What trust money?" June asked.
"The same money I got." Arcee added. "Save the world money."
"Oh, right, I meant to ask," Jack said, turning to look at Fowler, "what am I in Cybertron?"
"Hm?" Fowler asked.
"Citizenship." Arcee stated.
"Legally?.." Fowler asked, and paused, "Personhood." he said, and Jack nodded.
"What exactly is save the world money?" June asked, "From the federal government?"
"Actuall, from Cybertron." Fowler stated. "In order to trade, we gave them some money. A LOT of money. They choose to give some of it to their saviours." Fowler simply stated, "Because their government recognizes that people who acted as heroically as the kids did, deserve to be rewarded."
"And I guess ours doesn't?" June asked.
"They are still debating what they should about that. They can give you a parade if you want."
"Oooh, wonderful." Arcee snarked. "Meanwhile, a planet he's not even from made him a... Humans had a warrior-class, right?"
There was a pregnant pause before Jack spoke up, "Knights." he stated.
"My son, the knight in shining armour." June warmly said.
"I'm, uh, still me." Jack simply stated.
"But, it's good to feel appreciated." Arcee simply added.
Jack's eyes grew wide as something occured to him. "About what we were talking about?"
"The slavegirl." Arcee said neutrally.
Jack glared at her, and then back at Fowler, "Storing Energon?"
"Oh, that's actually important." Arcee stated.
"As long as it's in a cube, it's fine." Fowler stated.
"Isn't it dangerous?" June asked.
"We're still working out the details. It's not just our technology that is incompatible, it's our biosphere. We honestly don't know enough about Energon contamination. You're busy today. If I could borrow your son tomorrow, we can do the paperwork."
"For the trust money." Jack simply stated.
"Or that other thing." Fowler said with a wicked smile. Jack just rolled his eyes.
* * *
Jack and June sat on the couch in their garage as Arcee leaned up against the far wall.
"So, Jack?" June asked, and the tone immediately put him on edge, "You're not going to buy a sex slave, are you?"
"What?!" Jack asked. "Of course I'm not going to!" he said, and looked at Arcee for support, and she simply gave him a neutral expression before shrugging. He then looked back to his mother, "I've got a beautiful wife. Why would I want a?.."
"Human men have needs, don't they?" Arcee asked.
"Don't you start." Jack argued.
This caused Arcee to tsk, "You forget Jack, we don't procreate."
"You definitely seem to be... intimate?" June asked.
"Human intimacy is a wonderful thing." Arcee stated. "If more Cybertronians try it, we might get addicted to it. But, I want Jack's spark. If he wants to insert his adapter into another sluticon, that's his perogative."
"No." Jack strongly said to her, and she aceepted that. "That said..."
"That said?" June nervously asked.
"Helping someone who would be living on the street and begging for Energon?.." Jack asked.
"Isn't Energon hard to get?" June asked, causing Arcee to almost laugh.
"Now that we're no longer fighting about it, it's basically everywhere."
"But, mining?" June asked.
"It's actually really easy to mine, as long as you don't be stupid about it." Jack stated, "It's safer than coal."
"But, wasn't there a shortage?" June asked.
"A galaxy-wide shortage." Arcee stated, "That's because all Energon is from Primus, and now that it's up and running again."
"I meant on Earth?" June asked.
"Oh?" Arcee asked, "That's because there was a war going on, and Energon is the most crucial asset in war."
"For your blasters?" June asked.
"Well, that. But you have to fight to maintain it." Arcee stated. "Territory has to be fought for. Every single thing you want to declare yours, you have to fight to protect. If they can't capture Energon depots, they will often be destroyed."
"But, you... you only had so much?" June asked.
"The war lasted for aeons. We were fighting to stop a genocidal warlord who had already doomed one world, and was intent to do it to as many as possible. We didn't have the luxury of playing nice."
"Even if it doomed everyone?" June asked.
"If it doomed us sooner, the Human race would never have been in danger." Arcee stated.
"The point," Jack interjected, "Now that we don't have to fight over it, and Cybertron doesn't need our Energon, we have a LOT of it. We're also getting more from Cybertron."
"Don't they need it?" June asked.
"Cybertron can provide more Energon than we need." Arcee stated, "There aren't as many Cybetronians as there once was."
"It's currency for trade." Jack simply stated. "It also makes Energon available to Cybertronians on Earth."
"If we want to get you a little fuck pet." Arcee voiced.
"I..." June voiced, and paused to collect herself,
"It would also be nice to have bike for Jack to ride..." Arcee voiced, and June glared at her, "Not in that way, if I ever wanted to not spend every moment beside him."
"He seems to be your everything." June said with a smile.
"I don't know why I would, but, you know, in case." Arcee uttered, "Maybe I would want to go slap all of the Exarchs."
June heard the forcefulness in her voice, and smiled even more, "That much I'll believe."
"It's one of the main reasons I don't want to be a politician." Arcee harshly stated. She then stood up, "You know what? I'm going to do it. Maybe a flyer." Jack stood up, looking ready to object. "You got a problem?"
"One, if there's a flyer, they need to follow FAA regulations." Jack said.
Arcee sighed and dropped her head. "Of course you have bureaucracy here." Arcee griped.
"You sound surprised?" June asked.
"Hm?" Arcee asked, "Oh, it's just your roads are free."
"That's because we're in Jasper." Jack said to her. "Big cities have... problems... with cars..."
"Oh." Arcee simply replied.
"And you're not leaving." Jack said, and Arcee looked at her, somewhere between scornful and quizzical. "Until we have another night of cuddlng."
Arcee gave a smile as he said that, "Well, I guess that's a fair compromise."
"Is there a reason you'd want a flyer?" June asked.
"Hm?" Arcee asked, "Flyers take a lot more Energon. This makes it a lot harder for them to provide enough work to justify it."
"So, they're more likely there because they can't find work?" June asked, and Arcee nodded.
"Non-femme flyers can lift, but femme flyers are only really useful as scouts."
"And?.." June asked.
"Scouts are not warrior-class, but also the first to see combat." Arcee stated. "It takes a lot for a femme to actually make it to warrior-class."
"And my wife is best of them." Jack said with pride.
"Matrix help anyone who tries to harm a hair on your head." Arcee said, as she kneeled down, and kissed him.
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autodaemonium · 2 years
Pronounced: rtiisaytuhzuhuhowayisrvahft.
Pantheon of: actinism.
Pronounced: bnahiwrtnaynuhroouhiuhnoutd Legends: first base, boast, sojourn. Prophecies: logrolling. Relations: nlɪrdʒplnlaʊmsrɪmaɪʒksɒ (resorcinol).
Pronounced: dowuhlrsoweountuhlmuhstuhuhl Legends: appearance, ecarte, whistle, echocardiography, mantoux test. Prophecies: ignition, hardball.
Pronounced: fpjupthzlfahnuhszngrtlno Legends: devotional, validation, little slam, liner, hydroponics. Relations: snnmɑkðʃɪdɑɑdrurəslt (silt), ptəzaɪkeɑizɪənbəməbɒk (phycobilin).
Pronounced: luvtuhsiruhuhiuhuhdthrflzuh Legends: schottische, takedown, smudge, septectomy, decision. Prophecies: playoff, hunger strike, selflessness, encasement, name.
Pronounced: mkfttduhruhaymwuhibaohdr Legends: detachment, bell ringing, devisal, confession of judgment. Prophecies: dodge, uplifting, quitclaim. Relations: ulfəzɪðəzəitdɒðɪtrte (citronwood), ɛɛəəətnwsɑʌliəɪɪəəʒɒ (bamboo), bnɑɪwrtnɛnərʊəɪənɒtd (chromatin).
Pronounced: nlirjplnlowmsrimaizksou Legends: life class, occupational therapy, self-assertion, diagnostic test, modulation. Prophecies: respite, heartbreaker, risk arbitrage, judicial review, prepayment. Relations: ulfəzɪðəzəitdɒðɪtrte (sandalwood), snnmɑkðʃɪdɑɑdrurəslt (dom pedro).
Pronounced: ntiltnoslrtahrirruhahkn Legends: alienation, pluck. Prophecies: complication, brush. Relations: lʌvtəsɪrəəiəədðrflzə (duty).
Pronounced: ptuhzaikeahiziuhnbuhmuhbouk Legends: static, obstruction, passing, comptrollership, corrugation. Prophecies: motorcade, implosion, war crime, spanking. Relations: ntɪltnoslrtɑrɪrrəɑkn (aldohexose), daʊəlrsaʊeɒntəlməstəəl (bathroom cleaner), bnɑɪwrtnɛnərʊəɪənɒtd (ocher), ulfəzɪðəzəitdɒðɪtrte (pancreatic juice).
Pronounced: snnmahkthshidahahdruruhslt Legends: impression, construction, jeremiad. Prophecies: telephone order, toe dancing. Relations: lʌvtəsɪrəəiəədðrflzə (catalase).
Pronounced: ulfuhzithuhzuhitdouthitrte Legends: balk, detribalization, eruption. Prophecies: greyhound racing, classwork, symbolatry, preventive medicine, doubles.
Pronounced: ayayuhuhuhtnwsahuliuhiiuhuhzou Relations: ulfəzɪðəzəitdɒðɪtrte (principal), ptəzaɪkeɑizɪənbəməbɒk (arc cosecant), lʌvtəsɪrəəiəədðrflzə (knot), bnɑɪwrtnɛnərʊəɪənɒtd (enrichment).
0 notes
radley-writes · 4 years
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listen to playlist here!
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Name: BVK-88
Alias: Buck
Gender: Irrelevant. (Addendum: it is said to use she/her pronouns.)
Origins: Ganymedian Military Testing Site G9.
Age: 31
Prior Convictions: Arson, murder, numerous counts of grievous bodily harm, public indecency, vandalism, and disruption of the annual system-wide hydroponics summit. Accusations of weapon theft and military desertion have also been levelled by the Ganymedian ambassador. As the stolen weapon in question was BVK-88 itself, the former charge was dropped.
find out more about Volt here!
A separate list must be made for war crimes committed by BVK-88 post-desertion. Namely, the eradication of four enclaves, each containing upwards of ten thousand civilian souls.
Details: As with all assets from the ‘Jaegernaut’ experiment, BVK-88 is fitted with a series of deep-tissue brain mods that artificially enhance aspects of its endocrine system. Particularly notable are the vast increase in epinephrine, non-epinephrine and testosterone in response to relatively minor provocation; and the boosts to oxytocin and endorphins stimulated by nociceptive pain.  
To put it in layman’s terms: if you piss BVK-88 off, it won’t stop punching until your face breaks or its fists do. Your face is unlikely to win. Especially since BVK-88 will then switch to kicking.
BVK-88 illegally claims independence from the United Stellar Alliance as part of the ‘Jaegernaut enclave’ – a terrorist faction of rogue sapient weaponry. The ethical question of whether a weapon can be tried for war crimes (especially when it has no official personhood under Alliance law) was debated at length by the jury. The transcripts will be of interest to generations of barristers to come. Almost as much interest, perhaps, as BVK-88’s corpse, which is due to be presented to the Medical Modification Board after its termination.
Strengths: …Strength. Lots of it.
Weaknesses: It has been said that BVK-88 is not the sharpest multitool in the box. Just not to its face (or at least, not by any Alliance officer who survived long enough to make a report). In addition, while BVK-88’s mods prevent it from feeling pain when it fights, they don’t prevent injury. BVK-88 is at its most vulnerable when its mods deactivate, at which point it suffers the physical effects of all accrued injuries simultaneously, along with a significant mood drop.  
BVK-88 was subdued by the capture of one Zeebe Adeyemi, Prisoner 197825. Threats to this prisoner prove far more effective than threats to BVK-88 itself. However, officers should be aware that BVK-88 also promises to enact graphic bodily harm against anyone who hurts Prisoner 197825 - and to date, has always followed through.
Danger rating: High to extreme. Do not anger. Please. It’s getting hard to find janitors willing to sponge entrails off the ceiling.
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Hope you all enjoy the playlist! And this introductory insight into Buck. In case it wasn’t obvious enough, she’s a woman who uses she/her (mostly) - the Alliance are just dicks. Thanks again to @castironbitch​ for your amazing playlist suggestions~ <3
Image descriptions:  
1) A muscular four-armed White woman stands before a police line-up board, ranging from 5′0′’ to 9′0′’. She clocks in at roughly 8′5′’. Long blonde mohawk in a single braid, several ear piercings. She wears a tight blue ab-flashing vest top and jeans with a belt. She has runic tattoos on each arm: a band around each bicep and forearm. She’s sticking her tongue out at the ‘camera’, holding her line-up number plate - II - with one hand and flipping birds with two more.
2) A purple-orange space scene with ‘VOLT’ written on it in a white sci-fi font.
3)  A faint blue space scene with a tracklist reading: ‘One Woman Army - Porcelain Black / Trouble - P!nk / Bitches - Tove Lo, Charli XCX Icona Pop / Godzilla - Eminem, Juice WRLD / Million Reasons - Lady Gaga / Bury Me Face Down - Grandson / Sucker For Pain - Lil’ Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, Imagine Dragons / Problem - Natalia Kills / Weapon - Grant, BAUM / Blue - Beyonce, Blue Ivy / Feel Invincible - Skillet / Soldier - Tommee Profitt, Fleurie’
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whyinc · 4 years
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Some are sworn in to protect us, while others are sworn in to eliminate us...
It’s time to love ourselves and stop hurting each other, killing each other, taking from each other. We want respect, we have to start with respecting each other. Here we face again another vicious wake-up call with #policebrutality but when this all dies down, XYZ will still sit on the phone plotting on robbing the next man or allow jealously to overspill because XYZ used their 24 hours differently than you. This shouldn’t be the only time our unity is displayed. Let’s recreate the #blackwallstreet and support black businesses and our black brothers and sisters. It’s an insult to injury because the officers involved, their suffering will NEVER be equivalent to the crime they’ve committed. We don’t need the rage, the violence, and vengeance a.k.a looting. Yes! We may feel great after the impact after we smash that glass and take the product out of the store…. But that just at that moment. These exact businesses we are destroying are going to just collect an insurance check to become bigger and better allowing the insurance companies to pass their loss off to the policyholders. The district attorney is fast-tracking the charges against the officer to 3rd-degree murder…. WOW! We still painting on a small canvas with a tiny brush, never going to see the bigger picture. We’re doing what they expect us to do, we’re doing what they already label us as “dangerous”. In times like this we need not bring out the worst in us, but the smartest of us, we could never win a war if they wanted to go there and war with violence isn’t the answer. Be peaceful, show how hydroponic we’ve grown. A peaceful protest is beneficial, the marches are beneficial, the statements are beneficial, but destruction won’t change the devastation that has taken place and destroyed families and it won’t change the outcome for the next victim or the trial of this cop or the next.
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speedygal · 5 years
On the subject of colonizing Mars
Can you believe that we are on the realm of possibility of colonizing Mars within this decade, this century, in our lifetime.
However it is not through Nasa, it is through a private cooperation that has the future of humanity as a interplanetary species in its paws, mind, and soul. It is going faster than expected when becoming a interplanetary species would theoretically be possible in the year 2060 after all our problems were hashed our and had a nuclear war to bring us together. This company is going faster than NASA. And NASA is watching. Everyones eyes are on it.
Why does the American news not report about it the day of the starhopper after the final piece of the puzzle has come together? Only Twitter and the rest of the internet know of it immediately while the news channels don’t report about it  even though it is the most historic event to happen. The Starship launching is next on the list. Surely that will get the attention of the news when it does the sub orbital launch, bad or good news it will bode, it will be the most awesome day. We get to see a Starship fly and land.
If something happens to the first Starship then SpaceX get it fixed in the second Starship. Not one but two majestic Starship scenes happening in our lifetime. The last fifty years since reaching the moon had been stagnate. Humans have been based on Earth instead of pushing forward to the future to spreading on to other planets. Then comes the 18m Starship some time after the retirement of the 9m Starship. Here is a mock up of the 18m by a fellow SpaceX fan on SpaceXLounge. This looks like a colony ship on the right.
The one on the left could be used for flight on Earth or to the moon..
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The new design of Starship will be released next month on September 28th, as according to Elon, it will perform a sub orbital launch in October.
Aiming for 20km flight in Oct & orbit attempt shortly thereafter. Starship update will be on Sept 28th, anniversary of SpaceX reaching orbit. Starship Mk 1 will be fully assembled by that time. - Elon Musk
The amazing thought of this entire situation is that we can see a successful flight of the mk1 Starship breaching into the sky in a livestream happening before our very eyes. It would be a real life Starship, the stuff of science fiction, coming into existence. The beauty, the love, the labor, Humanity’s best side, its hope, it’s optimism, its dreams soaring to be among the stars and explore them, live among them, be free of the planet. It’s a beautiful image to think of, to look forward to, and pray about of actually happening.
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Just today, September 29th 2019, Trump has reestablished US Space Command (Assembled in 1985 and disbanded in 2002) and United States Space Force which suggests that Mars may have its own States established during colonization if it is to be considered a arm of Earth instead of its own independent planet.
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As soon as homes and hydroponic garden are set up, there will be a need for interplanetary communication. Which will require a satellite or a series of them. SpaceX will have to create one should NASA and Congress decide not to work together before hand to send one which as canceled roughly decade ago for reasons. Given Elon’s determination to establish a colonized Mars, it will be a given that Elon would get a deal in place to have a satellite to be sent up there along with the tons of supplies and release the packaging one way or another.
However, on the other hand, how will the waste be handled? Will the waste be disposable? Will it be biodegrable for being set on Mars after use? How will it be handled? Given this is Elon’s personal pet project he may have figured out a way to handle this approach instead of performing what we do on Earth: landfills. There are: reuseables, recyclable, and energy making kind of fate for the waste left behind after its initial use.
Try to imagine a average typical family watching TV but on Mars after a day doing their jobs or whatever tasks they were given by members of the household. Try to imagine a average typical family watching science fiction films about Mars on Mars. Try to imagine families watching colonization scifi films on  Mars living out the reality of being colonists themselves. Try to imagine the surreal nature of it all.
The very thought of people living on Mars in the 2020′s living out the future but instead of coal power/fossil fuels being used to power their homes, being solar power, is a very comforting and futuristic one. However way they are doing the houses, above ground or below ground, underneath drone made ground shelters, it is a sure thing to assume that this undertaking will be the rise of a new civilization. Of humanity’s rebirth into space and how it will endure on other difficult planets like Mars.
Imagine filmmakers on Mars making films about being on Mars. Mars historical films, Mars Documentary's, Mars sit-coms, Mars supernatural shows, and Mars mystery/drama/crime procedures, Mars horror films, Mars Soap Operas, and so on. Imagine in the 21st century that we get to see a real life progression of Mars growth on film in color and in widescreen. Imagine how groundbreaking it would be. 
Imagine getting to see the evolution of human beings thriving and evolving to living on Mars through television in the upcoming decades.
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buttered-rice1 · 5 years
The 100 Tag Game
Tagged by @historyandships
1. What station on the Ark would you be from? Mecha, probably. My entire family is made of mechanics, so I'd imagine that's where they'd live.
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? Stealing/giving too much medicine
3. Would you take your wristband off when you landed on the ground? No. I am what one might call, a yellow bellied coward, and I don't think Bellamy's slicked back hair is going to change my mind.
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/ Raven: a raven duh..) A flower maybe?
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? Sinclair. His death hurt me more than any other.
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Bellamy, Clarke, Murphy, Miller, and Raven
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to? I looked up a map and based on my location, Rock Line.
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? Carei
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious. Finn was actually the reason I almost stopped watching The 100. He seemed like that typical "bad boy" character trying to get the cute blonde and would eventually be successful, because that's television, baby. I'm not a fan of that storyline, and when he called her princess, that drew the line for me. I wasn't going to watch a show with such an overdone trope. But then Clarke said, "They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain", and that interested me, so I decided to just watch a little longer. I'm so glad I did! I liked Finn a little better as his character developed more. Now, I'd categorize my opnion of him as neutral.
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? I've got a lot of health problems, so the idea of not being in pain? Hand it over NOW
11. What character do you relate to the most? Raven. When she said she was used to being picked first for everything and now she suddenly can't do anything, I felt that in my bones. Thankfully we've both found ways to adapt with our disabilities and learned to love our new lives!
12. What character do you like the least? Oh boy, here we go. I know some people going to hate me, but Wells. I felt like once he revealed that it was Clarke's mom who got her dad killed, his character felt empty, like there was nothing else to him. So him dying when he did felt right to me, and helped move the story forward.
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles?) Be creative, yet practical. I loved Raven's bomber jacket because it was colorful yet simple, so I'd pick something similar for my jacket. I own like 15 black t-shirts, so no doubt one of those, and some kind of lace up boots.
14. Favorite type of mutant animal? Those glow in the dark butterflies
15. What would your job be on the Ark? Maybe a doctor? I've always been interetsed in medical stuff.
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked? Yes
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive, who would’ve made the best Commander? I really wanted to see Luna become Commander, but to be fair, Aden would've probably been more level headed and patient.
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts? My body tends to react to drugs it doesn't like with aggression or crying, so probably one of those
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or a more Bellamy Blake approach? I thought Bellamy was in the right at the time, so my reaction would probably be closer aligned with his.
20. Who should’ve been the Chancellor, if anyone? I feel like Bellamy and Clarke had a good handle on things before the adults came down and ruined everything. So I'd make them co-Chancellors.
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side or Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis? Clarke's side
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s iPod) Wat is one thing you would snatch while there? SOAP
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? I love wearing my hair in braids, so it'd be something ridiculously elaborate like Lexa's. I'd pick Octavia's 4x10 warpaint, and my tattoos would probably delicate lines making some kind of design.
24. Favorite quote?
Diyoza: "Tell me how the world ended."
Clarke: "Which time?"
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? Echo. She's skilled with multiple weapons (bow, sword, staff, I'm pretty sure I saw her use a knife), she's sneaky, and she'd do anything to help her district/clan.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL, BC, OR BE. Least favorite- Kabby, Favorite canon- Marper, Favorite non canon- Jasptavia
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? Can I just say pass on this one? I don't really know any celebrities and really only listen to one artist, and none of his songs really fit. The only one that might fit is Earth (by Sleeping at Last, ofc) in season 4.
28. What would you do if you were stuck in that bunker with Murphy all that time? Let's be honest, there'd probably be a baby Murphy at the end of those three months. What else was there to do?
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die? Probably in the culling. I'd rather die softly in space than potentially violently on Earth.
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? Let me see child Murphy, darn it.
31. A character you’d bang? Honestly? All of them. Raven, Bellamy, Murphy, Harper, and Clarke would probably be my top 5. Plus Luna and Lexa.
32. Would you stay in the bunker, go to space, or live on your own in Eden? I'd live with my space pals
33. In the bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground? I think I'd follow anyone who I thought was going to keep me alive. I'd pass time by learning new skills from other people. The hydroponic farm really interested me.
34. What crime would you commit in the bunker that lands you in the fighting pits? Not being a cannibal
35. Up in space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with? Raven, but it'd be because I'd be an annoying little sister to her and follow her around everywhere until she taught me how to do the things she's doing. The most difficult would probably be Echo.
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself? I don't think I'd last longer than a month by myself once I realized I'm not getting in that bunker
37. When the Eligius ship lands, what do you do? Get outta Dodge
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite? Favorite- Dioyza. Least favorite- Vinson.
39. Would you spacewalk? Absolutely
40. Would you prefer to eat windshield bugs, space algae, or bunker meat? Space algae
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on Earth? What would your solution be to avoid it? No, because that's monumentally stupid. Ideally, I'd like to assimilate with the Eligius crew and combine our people, but if they weren't down with that, I'd want to divide the land.
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes? Thumb drives into bullet holes. Parasites give me the heebie jeebies.
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia? I don't have a sister, but if either of my brothers were pulling a stunt like that, they're going down.
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper? If I had someone I loved to stay awake with me, I'd want to stay awake. If not, I'd go into cryo.
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet? Mom and Dad, first off. Then Raven, Murphy, Echo, Diyoza, and Jackson.
Tagging: @katersann, @bellameblake, @nvm-illustration, @nightbleeder, @lovethyblakes
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iomontecillo · 3 years
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If it’s possible to set up, more or less, automated hydroponic farms, digitally remotely surveilled, the same Can be applied to Human beings - given the technology’s availability, the access and option is there with the right technical skills (and legal perks). Referring back to the Human trafficking case “Hvepsebosagen” (wasp/hornets nest case); described as a trafficking case involving 100+ trafficked individuals, and knowing reality shows such as bigbrother exists; someone it is possible to intentionally isolate and lock someone up with the intention of exploiting and traumatizing them untill death - or worse. Of the literal; deliberately chosen, meaning of “transparency” means your community deliberately invades your privacy - especially your home and private life, then more than one crime is simultaneously being committed. Once a larger group of people are involved in this behaviour there’s an established, clear intent to do real harm - and with-Holding/secretly doing so is a sincere intention of violating Human rights to a level of criminality that would result in the death penalty under some circumstances - given, it os a warcrime, when the standard code of conduct is breached more than once; exceeding the third warning, going beyond repeatedly and involving multiole individuals. When this behaviour is repeated after the Mark has delivered report to the proper authorities, those being ignored, repeating and escalating such abuses; to continue them Long modstande through other means those are a clear pattern of acts of war extending beyond reasonable, or even rationally defendable as “a crime of passion”, given the repetition and duration of the abuse - the apparent system of it. It clearly reveals there is a calculated attempt to exploit the individual for profit; to commit harm, to do so repeatedly and attempt to hold it secret and extended. These are a Series of persecutable crimes against humanity - especiallly when an event such as a pandemic, where numerous individuals have expressed their distrust in the purpose and method of, leading towards and the phasing out, of a pandemic. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRjc-4TM6tx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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flowerpot101 · 7 years
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Tony Stark x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader (slightly)
Request: Hello, can I request a song!fic with Cap based of a song Brooklyn baby by Lana Del Rey. It's up to you but could you set it after civil war reader helps Tony when Caps leaves him although reader has been on a cap's side. Thank you ♥
Word Count: 1749
They say I’m too young to love you
They say I’m too dumb to see
They judge me like a picture book
By the colors, like they forgot to read.
Y/N watched as Steve helped Bucky walk out of the concrete room, she stepped forward with her hand reached out, ready to help but Steve quickly turned his head to look towards her, “You need to stay, I can’t let anything else happen to you.” Her hand fell back down to her side as she watched them leave.
Turning around to look towards Tony as he coughed out and tried to get up, she walked towards him, crouching beside him to help. He shoved her away at first but she was persistent and slowly he gave into her help. Arms around his torso as they too walked out, she knew that this was going to be the end for her. Once she got back to the compound, she would soon be in the raft just like the others. But she didn’t care.
I think we’re like fire and water
I think we’re like the wind and sea
You’re burning up, I’m cooling down.
She sat in front of Ross as he explained what would happen to her but was stopped by Tony when he walked in. Stark gave a signal to Ross, telling him to follow him outside. Twenty minutes passed before they came back in, Ross looked angry. Coming to stand in front of her, he told her to go, that she was free. Her eyes widened when she heard those words, she had been prepared to become a prisoner not for her to hear that she was free.
Looking towards Tony as she got up, walking towards him, coming to his side, he put a hand on her shoulder and slightly squeezed it. Pulling her along, he began to explain that he was able to get her out of the whole situation of you going to the raft. She asked about the others but he just looked down to the floor with a guilty expression while shaking his head.
You’re up, I’m down
You’re blind, I see
But I’m free
I’m free.
It had been about four months since she was able to walk free because of Tony. Whenever she got the chance, she visited the rest of the team, the ones who weren’t as lucky as she was. The first month was the hardest for her but she could see that Tony struggled the most with everyone gone. She knew he tried his hardest to get them free but Ross just didn’t care, said that they were more of a threat compared to anyone else.
Tony fell into a darker hole compared to anything else; it was worse than after the happenings of New York all those years ago. He thought it was his fault that everyone was locked up and gone but he wasn’t the one who wanted them in there. Stark didn’t think this would end up like the way it did. He couldn’t see what he was doing to himself but she could, Y/N was free of the guilt but Tony wasn’t and it was eating him alive.
Well, my boyfriend’s in a band
He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed
I’ve got feathers in my hair
I get down to beat poetry
And my jazz collection’s rare
I can play most anything
I’m a Brooklyn baby
I’m a Brooklyn baby.
Y/N was at her apartment in Brooklyn when Pepper called her, telling her that he needed someone else here. When she reached the compound, it was quiet; something that Y/N still couldn’t comprehend. Before the whole ordeal, it was loud and busy with life; everyone now looked like they wanted to be somewhere else. She couldn’t blame them; she would be the same way if she had to work in a place that was once lively but now seem to be dying.
Slowly she began to walk towards Tony’s lab, rounding down all the hallways and going up the elevator. As the elevator dinged open, she was meant with white pristine walls that shined with brightness. Walking down the hallways, looking through the glass window, Y/N spotted Tony working on one of his suits while drinking what looked like scotch; she stood in the doorway of the lab, just staring at him with sorrow.
I’m talking about my generation
Talking about that newer nation
And if you don’t like it
You can beat it.
“Tony?” She yelled out to him over the loud playing of AC DC.
Tony turned to look at her but didn’t say anything as he turned back to face his suit and continue his work. In the corner of her eye she could see Pepper step up beside her.
Turning to look at her as she spoke, “He needs someone, and I can’t help with this; he won’t listen to me but I know he will listen to what you have to say.” Pepper gave a small squeeze to her shoulder as she turned around to leave to go deal with some business.
Y/N began to walk down the steps to head towards Tony, as she came up beside him. Not turning towards her, “You should leave, I’m fine. Pepper is worried over nothing.”
All she could do was shake her head but he couldn’t see that, walking closer to him, “It’s not your fault that they’re locked up. Ross thinks they’re a threat because they went against the government, you didn’t want that, that’s not what you wanted but it’s what they always wanted.” Taking a breath in before continuing, “This was just a way for them to take control of the situation, they never liked us and they never will; they saw an opportunity to lock us up and they took it. It is not your fault.” With that being said, she left.
Beat it, baby
You never liked the way I said it
If you don’t get it, then forget it
So I don’t have to fucking explain it.
Y/N was in the kitchen of the compound, cooking food for Tony since Pepper had to leave to go to some meeting. For the both of them, she began to dish up a plate of lasagna and poured a fresh cup of coffee. Y/N couldn’t help but think of the talk they had a couple days ago. Pepper had told her that whatever she had said resonated with Tony that he was slowly getting better but he’s still not his usual self.
Walking through the glass door as it swooshed open for her, she walked to the closest table that was near him to set the plate of food and cup of hot steaming coffee. Walking up to him, she could see him looking over some equations that resolved around his suit.
His head turned to her when he felt her presence and then the table behind her, his face lit up as he saw the lasagna and coffee. Tony got up, walking towards the metal table as Y/N followed behind him. They both grabbed a stool from another table and sat down to dig into their food. They talked about his suits then he finally asked her the question she’s been waiting to here.
“Why did you help Steve?”
Y/N swallowed the food that was in her mouth before replying, “Because I believed him, I believed that Bucky was innocent and no one that is innocent deserves to be jailed for a crime they did not do.” Y/N looked down at her food, pushing the lasagna back and forth as she remembered her past, “After all I know how that feels; when you’re blamed for something you didn’t do.” Tony looked up at her confusingly.
“What do you mean?” Tony questioned.
“I was once blamed for a crime that I had not committed and I ran which caused me to become a fugitive. It’s how I met Steve, we ran into each other when I was on the run. It had turned out S.H.I.E.L.D had sent him out to find me and… he did. That’s how I’m part of all this.” Y/N explained.
Tony nodded his head; it made so much sense to him now on why you would be on Steve’s side. He had thought this whole time that you just wanted to go against them but that wasn’t the case at all.
And my boyfriend’s in a band
He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed
I’ve got feather in my hair
I get high on my hydroponic weed
And my jazz collection’s rare
I get down to beat poetry
I’m a Brooklyn baby
I’m a Brooklyn baby.
It’s been a little over a year now since the happening of Civil War; Y/N still lived in her apartment that resided in Brooklyn. Every other day she would visit the compound to see Tony. He was slowly becoming the man he was once before, always working in the lab, building more suits, doing the same old things like he always did. His drinking was still bad, there have been more than one occasion where she had shown up and he was drunk from drinking too much scotch.
Today was different when she showed up at the compound; everyone and everything seemed alive and happy, like nothing had happened. As she walked down to the lab many people stopped to say hello to her, asked how she was and she would do the same. Y/N had the widest smile when she walked through the lab’s doors. There she saw Tony just sitting at one of the lab benches staring out into space.
Coming up beside him, she asked, “You okay, Tone?”
Looking up to her, his face lit up, “Yeah, I am.” Nodding his head in agreement at his own words.
Y/N pulled a stool over to sit by Tony. As she sat there, she could feel as if it had finally felt like everything was going back to normal. She knew there were still going to be hard moments for Tony but with more time, it’ll get better for him. For the next couple of hours until Pepper came in to get them for dinner, they sat by one another and talked about everything. Things were really finally looking up for them.
Yeah my boyfriend’s pretty cool
But he’s not as cool as me
Cause I’m a Brooklyn baby
I’m a Brooklyn baby.
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smartwebhostingblog · 7 years
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
New Post has been published on http://loanstop20.com/2018/01/06/california-cannabis-rush-may-not-bring-a-fortune-for-stock-investors/
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
The California Gold Rush of 1848 brought fame and fortune to a select few and trouble for many. Recreational cannabis may do the same. It was legalized in California as of 1st January. It will almost certainly be legal in Canada this coming July. This presents many traps for the unwary investor. The history of Growlife (OTCPK:PHOT) is an example of this.
New moves this week by Attorney General Sessions may cast a pall over the entire recreational cannabis sector. Medical marijuana looks a better play, especially GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:GWPH). Even that is not without its risks.
Government Policy
In a previous article, I gave details of how the Trump Administration could yet be a barrier for the cannabis industry. Many correspondents said this was not a risk and the movement was unstoppable. However, the news out of Washington this week shows that the concept of my article was correct.
Under President Obama, the so-called “Cole Memo” left it up to individual states to enforce cannabis laws. Now, a memo from the Attorney General’s office instructs federal officials to move actively against the those breaking federal law. The memo decrees that officials should:
“Disrupt criminal organisations, tackle the growing drug crisis and thwart violent crime.”
Sessions is well-known for his opposition to cannabis reform. He famously, and bizarrely, stated that the Ku Klux Klan was “okay until I found out they smoked pot”. He is also an advocate of States’ rights. He has now indicated that the Cole Memo will be rescinded. That would mean federal law officials could go into states where cannabis is legal and take action against companies and users. This would be under the purview of the Justice Department and the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug, on a par with heroin. At present, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) shows no inclination to turn back from its unsuccessful “War on Drugs”.
How this will play out in practice is hard to determine. There was an instant negative reaction from some members of Congress. Especially vocal was the Republican senator for Colorado, Cory Gardner. Sessions seems to have united an unlikely coalition of States’ rights advocates and drug law reformers.
Trump himself in the election campaign had stated he was in favor of leaving the matter up to individual states. The immediate effect on cannabis companies’ stock prices was not hard to determine. Many of them fell sharply on the news.
The legalization of recreational cannabis seemed to be going ahead full steam. It looks like it will be a similar social trend to, say, gay marriage. It is now accepted almost everywhere. A recent Gallup poll showed 63% of the population of the USA favor the legalization of recreational cannabis.
In California, as of 1st January, adults aged over 21 can grow up to 6 plants domestically and possess 1 ounce of the finished product. 90 retail licences had been granted around the state so far. Some communities, though, are saying they will not issue licenses for retail business.
In California, Fortune magazine has estimated that sales will total US$6.5 billion. That would represent 70% of the total U.S. market. The other states to have legalized recreational use are Alaska, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. University of California Davis estimates recreational sales of cannabis to hit US$5 billion within a few years.
Ackrell Capital issued a report that emphasizes growth will depend upon a sliding scale of what the federal government does. A hands-off approach would lead to sales of US$40 billion by 2022, serving 20 million consumers. A more proactive approach could lead to sales of US$120 billion. Key issues to growth will be the continuation or not of a ban on banking services for cannabis companies under the aegis of the Treasury Department.
It is not just growing and selling marijuana which could see a market boom. Flowers, growing equipment and all sorts of infused products all have potential.
There is a trend for cannabis as a “wellness” product. Some more obscure areas are cannabis chocolate, bubble baths and lubricants for female orgasms. Some of these are pictured below in a California shop, taken from the Guardian newspaper:
Retail shops are areas seeing a lot of investment. Tests will have to be carried out for the potency of product on sale, and for the presence or absence of pesticides and other contaminants. Specialist applications and sales of items such as childproof containers could be meaningful in dollar terms.
Those looking to get in now on Canadian legalization are probably too late. Valuations are already very steep. This can be seen by a look at the four largest and most popular Canadian cannabis plays.
Scotts Miracle-Gro (NYSE:SMG) has a market cap of US$6.15 billion and rose 18% last year. The price fell by only 2.2% on the announcement from Sessions.
Canopy Growth (TSX:WEED) (OTCPK:TWMJF) has a market cap of US$5.68 billion and rose 216% last year. The price fell 9.6% on the Sessions announcement.
Aurora Cannabis (TSX:ACB) (OTCQX:ACBFF) has a market cap of US$4.3 billion and rose 321% last year. The price fell 8% on the Sessions announcement.
Aphria [TSX:APH] (OTCQB:APHQF) has a market cap of US$2.84 billion and rose 268% last year. The price fell 13% on the Sessions announcement.
Canadian cannabis companies’ stock prices had boomed back in 2015 when the newly-elected Trudeau government confirmed its legalization plans. Companies such as these are generally not profitable now. They are unlikely to be so in the near-future as capex requirements increase. One interesting development was the stake that Constellation Brands (NYSE:STZ) took in Canopy Growth. Alcohol companies taking stakes in cannabis companies could be a future trend.
In the state ballots for cannabis legalization in the USA, alcohol companies had been at the forefront of financing campaigns against recreational cannabis. They may be deciding now “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
The same may well be true of “Big Tobacco”. That is an industry with plenty of money but a declining product.
In Canada, there could be complex social and economic problems with the arrival of a new legal mass market consumer product. Pharmacies not wishing to obey the law, home grow violations, and problems with the U.S. border could all be tricky issues.
The estimate of market size varies greatly. Recreational sales have been variously estimated to be as low as US$2.3 billion or as high as US$4.5 billion by 2021. One of the more bullish forecasts came from Deloitte. They estimated the Canadian recreational and medical market to be worth anything between US$4.9 billion and US$8.7 billion.
This company exemplifies both the opportunities and the pitfalls of investing in recreational cannabis. I wrote briefly about this company back in March 2015 after it had been suspended by the SEC the previous year. In an article then, I had quoted how the SEC had questioned:
“The accuracy and adequacy of information in the marketplace and potentially manipulative transactions in PHOT’s common stock.”
The company has been mainly engaged in specialty hydroponics equipment, farming soil and related products. These you would think definitely have a fairly low glass ceiling. That explains the shareholder dilution and what some saw as the questionable financing practices in which the company may have been involved. There was also quite a lot of “pump and dump” commentary on financial websites such as Seeking Alpha. There is no proof that these were coordinated by anyone connected to the company. It should be pointed out it is under new and more professional management since then.
A 5-year stock chart (from Charles Schwab, subscription required) illustrates the picture:
In 2016, it got its listing back and bought hydroponics specialty retailer “Go Green”.
The 1-month stock chart (from Charles Schwab) is interesting:
The stock price collapsed 45% on the day of the news of the memo from Sessions. Before then, the price had been boosted by some recent promising developments from the company.
Firstly, they announced the opening of a retail store in Calgary. This of course is preparatory to the expected July legalization of recreational cannabis.
Secondly, they announced their new home cultivation system “GrowLife Cube Pro”. This might serve to give them an edge over a lot of the generic products out in the market. The company claims to be a consultant and educator to the market. It sees itself as not just a seller of products which other companies can quite easily replicate. California has a population of 40 million and the law stipulates that all cannabis must be grown indoors. So Growlife no doubt see a big potential market here.
Under the new management, there is a possibility that the company has a good future. There is also a possibility that the past will repeat itself. There are other companies in similar market sectors. Some of them are noted here. Investors should do their own due diligence.
Medical Marijuana
The way forward for medical marijuana is more straightforward than for recreational cannabis. Already 30 states have medical marijuana laws. More are likely to follow in 2018. It is estimated that medical marijuana sales in California already total US$2 billion a year.
The campaign by Sessions against cannabis may or may not have a negative impact on medical marijuana. For instance, the price of GW Pharma only fell 0.36% on news of the comments by Sessions. This may be an under-reaction in my view. Medical marijuana is currently protected by the Rohrbacher-Farr amendment, detailed here. With public opinion very strongly in favor of medical marijuana, Congressmen may not be keen to support Sessions. Government departments could, however, slow down drug approval processes.
GW Pharma remains the best play in this sector. My article in November gave details of this. There have been further positive developments since then.
At the end of December, the company submitted its MAA (Marketing Authorization Application) to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) for “epidiolex” for childhood epilepsies. This can be seen as a concurrent process with that undertaken with the FDA (Foods & Drugs Administration) in the USA. The European medical cannabis market is developing quite rapidly.
Also, at the end of December, the FDA accepted the company’s filing for “epidiolex” for Priority Review.
Earlier in the month, the company announced it had brought back the full rights to develop and commercialize its “sativex” oral spray in the USA from Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
I have written elsewhere about other companies in the medical marijuana space, most recently in November. Essentially, none of them have the depth and breadth of product of GW Pharma. Very few match its financial strength either.
One company touted by some is Insys Therapeutics (NASDAQ:INSY). I have warned against this because of its ongoing legal problems. This relates to its marketing practices for its fentanyl opiod spray “subsys”. The stock price had surged over the first few days of January. This was probably on the back of short covering. Its 3-year stock price tells a not uncommon story in this space:
On the day of the announcement from Sessions, its stock price fell 26%.
Medical potential of course presupposes that marijuana or marijuana derivatives are indeed beneficial. Certain developments in the next couple of years could be a strong green light. These would include more FDA drug approvals, more states approving medical marijuana, and removal of CBD from the Controlled Substances Act. The latter probably requires a change of government at the federal level.
Internationally, the medical marijuana market is moving at a far faster pace than the recreational cannabis legalization trend. For instance, GW Pharma’s “Sativex” drug is approved in over 30 countries worldwide. Strong medical marijuana companies are springing up in Israel and Germany, amongst others. At present, only Uruguay, Canada and Germany export medical marijuana. Australia is set to join this group shortly.
Different laws in different countries will continue to make medical marijuana products tricky to market worldwide. For instance, GW Pharma’s “sativex” may be approved in 30 countries and likely to be approved in a lot more during 2018. A list of the approvals shows they are mainly in Europe and Australasia.
However, some countries, especially in Asia, have a zero tolerance policy to anything to do with any drugs. For instance, in Singapore, the fact that “sativex” contains CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) means it is not licensed there. Additionally, anyone travelling there with “sativex” could be liable to very harsh punishments. Other countries may take a similar stance against medical marijuana products. So drugs produced from cannabis compounds will pose added marketing problems.
The cannabis market has many similarities to that of cryptocurrencies. It appears to be the future, but no-one knows quite to what extent. Political uncertainty will remain a key factor. The stand by Sessions against cannabis may be likened to King Canute ordering the tide to recede. Short term, though, it could have big consequences.
No doubt recreational cannabis and medical marijuana will both be huge markets in the future. Analyst estimates of dollar value vary hugely. Alcohol and tobacco companies may become big players.
It should be remembered that early adopter companies in a new industry often are not necessarily the ones that make it big. We are seeing this in the 3D printing space at the moment.
Interesting opportunities undoubtedly abound in both the recreational and medical arena. Political barriers should not be underestimated. The latest intervention by Sessions has sowed new seeds of doubt. Any money invested in cannabis companies should be money you can afford to lose.
Disclosure: I am/we are long GWPH.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Editor’s Note: This article covers one or more stocks trading at less than $1 per share and/or with less than a $100 million market cap. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.
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California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
New Post has been published on http://loanstop20.com/2018/01/06/california-cannabis-rush-may-not-bring-a-fortune-for-stock-investors/
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
The California Gold Rush of 1848 brought fame and fortune to a select few and trouble for many. Recreational cannabis may do the same. It was legalized in California as of 1st January. It will almost certainly be legal in Canada this coming July. This presents many traps for the unwary investor. The history of Growlife (OTCPK:PHOT) is an example of this.
New moves this week by Attorney General Sessions may cast a pall over the entire recreational cannabis sector. Medical marijuana looks a better play, especially GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:GWPH). Even that is not without its risks.
Government Policy
In a previous article, I gave details of how the Trump Administration could yet be a barrier for the cannabis industry. Many correspondents said this was not a risk and the movement was unstoppable. However, the news out of Washington this week shows that the concept of my article was correct.
Under President Obama, the so-called “Cole Memo” left it up to individual states to enforce cannabis laws. Now, a memo from the Attorney General’s office instructs federal officials to move actively against the those breaking federal law. The memo decrees that officials should:
“Disrupt criminal organisations, tackle the growing drug crisis and thwart violent crime.”
Sessions is well-known for his opposition to cannabis reform. He famously, and bizarrely, stated that the Ku Klux Klan was “okay until I found out they smoked pot”. He is also an advocate of States’ rights. He has now indicated that the Cole Memo will be rescinded. That would mean federal law officials could go into states where cannabis is legal and take action against companies and users. This would be under the purview of the Justice Department and the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug, on a par with heroin. At present, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) shows no inclination to turn back from its unsuccessful “War on Drugs”.
How this will play out in practice is hard to determine. There was an instant negative reaction from some members of Congress. Especially vocal was the Republican senator for Colorado, Cory Gardner. Sessions seems to have united an unlikely coalition of States’ rights advocates and drug law reformers.
Trump himself in the election campaign had stated he was in favor of leaving the matter up to individual states. The immediate effect on cannabis companies’ stock prices was not hard to determine. Many of them fell sharply on the news.
The legalization of recreational cannabis seemed to be going ahead full steam. It looks like it will be a similar social trend to, say, gay marriage. It is now accepted almost everywhere. A recent Gallup poll showed 63% of the population of the USA favor the legalization of recreational cannabis.
In California, as of 1st January, adults aged over 21 can grow up to 6 plants domestically and possess 1 ounce of the finished product. 90 retail licences had been granted around the state so far. Some communities, though, are saying they will not issue licenses for retail business.
In California, Fortune magazine has estimated that sales will total US$6.5 billion. That would represent 70% of the total U.S. market. The other states to have legalized recreational use are Alaska, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. University of California Davis estimates recreational sales of cannabis to hit US$5 billion within a few years.
Ackrell Capital issued a report that emphasizes growth will depend upon a sliding scale of what the federal government does. A hands-off approach would lead to sales of US$40 billion by 2022, serving 20 million consumers. A more proactive approach could lead to sales of US$120 billion. Key issues to growth will be the continuation or not of a ban on banking services for cannabis companies under the aegis of the Treasury Department.
It is not just growing and selling marijuana which could see a market boom. Flowers, growing equipment and all sorts of infused products all have potential.
There is a trend for cannabis as a “wellness” product. Some more obscure areas are cannabis chocolate, bubble baths and lubricants for female orgasms. Some of these are pictured below in a California shop, taken from the Guardian newspaper:
Retail shops are areas seeing a lot of investment. Tests will have to be carried out for the potency of product on sale, and for the presence or absence of pesticides and other contaminants. Specialist applications and sales of items such as childproof containers could be meaningful in dollar terms.
Those looking to get in now on Canadian legalization are probably too late. Valuations are already very steep. This can be seen by a look at the four largest and most popular Canadian cannabis plays.
Scotts Miracle-Gro (NYSE:SMG) has a market cap of US$6.15 billion and rose 18% last year. The price fell by only 2.2% on the announcement from Sessions.
Canopy Growth (TSX:WEED) (OTCPK:TWMJF) has a market cap of US$5.68 billion and rose 216% last year. The price fell 9.6% on the Sessions announcement.
Aurora Cannabis (TSX:ACB) (OTCQX:ACBFF) has a market cap of US$4.3 billion and rose 321% last year. The price fell 8% on the Sessions announcement.
Aphria [TSX:APH] (OTCQB:APHQF) has a market cap of US$2.84 billion and rose 268% last year. The price fell 13% on the Sessions announcement.
Canadian cannabis companies’ stock prices had boomed back in 2015 when the newly-elected Trudeau government confirmed its legalization plans. Companies such as these are generally not profitable now. They are unlikely to be so in the near-future as capex requirements increase. One interesting development was the stake that Constellation Brands (NYSE:STZ) took in Canopy Growth. Alcohol companies taking stakes in cannabis companies could be a future trend.
In the state ballots for cannabis legalization in the USA, alcohol companies had been at the forefront of financing campaigns against recreational cannabis. They may be deciding now “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
The same may well be true of “Big Tobacco”. That is an industry with plenty of money but a declining product.
In Canada, there could be complex social and economic problems with the arrival of a new legal mass market consumer product. Pharmacies not wishing to obey the law, home grow violations, and problems with the U.S. border could all be tricky issues.
The estimate of market size varies greatly. Recreational sales have been variously estimated to be as low as US$2.3 billion or as high as US$4.5 billion by 2021. One of the more bullish forecasts came from Deloitte. They estimated the Canadian recreational and medical market to be worth anything between US$4.9 billion and US$8.7 billion.
This company exemplifies both the opportunities and the pitfalls of investing in recreational cannabis. I wrote briefly about this company back in March 2015 after it had been suspended by the SEC the previous year. In an article then, I had quoted how the SEC had questioned:
“The accuracy and adequacy of information in the marketplace and potentially manipulative transactions in PHOT’s common stock.”
The company has been mainly engaged in specialty hydroponics equipment, farming soil and related products. These you would think definitely have a fairly low glass ceiling. That explains the shareholder dilution and what some saw as the questionable financing practices in which the company may have been involved. There was also quite a lot of “pump and dump” commentary on financial websites such as Seeking Alpha. There is no proof that these were coordinated by anyone connected to the company. It should be pointed out it is under new and more professional management since then.
A 5-year stock chart (from Charles Schwab, subscription required) illustrates the picture:
In 2016, it got its listing back and bought hydroponics specialty retailer “Go Green”.
The 1-month stock chart (from Charles Schwab) is interesting:
The stock price collapsed 45% on the day of the news of the memo from Sessions. Before then, the price had been boosted by some recent promising developments from the company.
Firstly, they announced the opening of a retail store in Calgary. This of course is preparatory to the expected July legalization of recreational cannabis.
Secondly, they announced their new home cultivation system “GrowLife Cube Pro”. This might serve to give them an edge over a lot of the generic products out in the market. The company claims to be a consultant and educator to the market. It sees itself as not just a seller of products which other companies can quite easily replicate. California has a population of 40 million and the law stipulates that all cannabis must be grown indoors. So Growlife no doubt see a big potential market here.
Under the new management, there is a possibility that the company has a good future. There is also a possibility that the past will repeat itself. There are other companies in similar market sectors. Some of them are noted here. Investors should do their own due diligence.
Medical Marijuana
The way forward for medical marijuana is more straightforward than for recreational cannabis. Already 30 states have medical marijuana laws. More are likely to follow in 2018. It is estimated that medical marijuana sales in California already total US$2 billion a year.
The campaign by Sessions against cannabis may or may not have a negative impact on medical marijuana. For instance, the price of GW Pharma only fell 0.36% on news of the comments by Sessions. This may be an under-reaction in my view. Medical marijuana is currently protected by the Rohrbacher-Farr amendment, detailed here. With public opinion very strongly in favor of medical marijuana, Congressmen may not be keen to support Sessions. Government departments could, however, slow down drug approval processes.
GW Pharma remains the best play in this sector. My article in November gave details of this. There have been further positive developments since then.
At the end of December, the company submitted its MAA (Marketing Authorization Application) to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) for “epidiolex” for childhood epilepsies. This can be seen as a concurrent process with that undertaken with the FDA (Foods & Drugs Administration) in the USA. The European medical cannabis market is developing quite rapidly.
Also, at the end of December, the FDA accepted the company’s filing for “epidiolex” for Priority Review.
Earlier in the month, the company announced it had brought back the full rights to develop and commercialize its “sativex” oral spray in the USA from Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
I have written elsewhere about other companies in the medical marijuana space, most recently in November. Essentially, none of them have the depth and breadth of product of GW Pharma. Very few match its financial strength either.
One company touted by some is Insys Therapeutics (NASDAQ:INSY). I have warned against this because of its ongoing legal problems. This relates to its marketing practices for its fentanyl opiod spray “subsys”. The stock price had surged over the first few days of January. This was probably on the back of short covering. Its 3-year stock price tells a not uncommon story in this space:
On the day of the announcement from Sessions, its stock price fell 26%.
Medical potential of course presupposes that marijuana or marijuana derivatives are indeed beneficial. Certain developments in the next couple of years could be a strong green light. These would include more FDA drug approvals, more states approving medical marijuana, and removal of CBD from the Controlled Substances Act. The latter probably requires a change of government at the federal level.
Internationally, the medical marijuana market is moving at a far faster pace than the recreational cannabis legalization trend. For instance, GW Pharma’s “Sativex” drug is approved in over 30 countries worldwide. Strong medical marijuana companies are springing up in Israel and Germany, amongst others. At present, only Uruguay, Canada and Germany export medical marijuana. Australia is set to join this group shortly.
Different laws in different countries will continue to make medical marijuana products tricky to market worldwide. For instance, GW Pharma’s “sativex” may be approved in 30 countries and likely to be approved in a lot more during 2018. A list of the approvals shows they are mainly in Europe and Australasia.
However, some countries, especially in Asia, have a zero tolerance policy to anything to do with any drugs. For instance, in Singapore, the fact that “sativex” contains CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) means it is not licensed there. Additionally, anyone travelling there with “sativex” could be liable to very harsh punishments. Other countries may take a similar stance against medical marijuana products. So drugs produced from cannabis compounds will pose added marketing problems.
The cannabis market has many similarities to that of cryptocurrencies. It appears to be the future, but no-one knows quite to what extent. Political uncertainty will remain a key factor. The stand by Sessions against cannabis may be likened to King Canute ordering the tide to recede. Short term, though, it could have big consequences.
No doubt recreational cannabis and medical marijuana will both be huge markets in the future. Analyst estimates of dollar value vary hugely. Alcohol and tobacco companies may become big players.
It should be remembered that early adopter companies in a new industry often are not necessarily the ones that make it big. We are seeing this in the 3D printing space at the moment.
Interesting opportunities undoubtedly abound in both the recreational and medical arena. Political barriers should not be underestimated. The latest intervention by Sessions has sowed new seeds of doubt. Any money invested in cannabis companies should be money you can afford to lose.
Disclosure: I am/we are long GWPH.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Editor’s Note: This article covers one or more stocks trading at less than $1 per share and/or with less than a $100 million market cap. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.
0 notes
lazilysillyprince · 7 years
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
New Post has been published on http://loanstop20.com/2018/01/06/california-cannabis-rush-may-not-bring-a-fortune-for-stock-investors/
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
The California Gold Rush of 1848 brought fame and fortune to a select few and trouble for many. Recreational cannabis may do the same. It was legalized in California as of 1st January. It will almost certainly be legal in Canada this coming July. This presents many traps for the unwary investor. The history of Growlife (OTCPK:PHOT) is an example of this.
New moves this week by Attorney General Sessions may cast a pall over the entire recreational cannabis sector. Medical marijuana looks a better play, especially GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:GWPH). Even that is not without its risks.
Government Policy
In a previous article, I gave details of how the Trump Administration could yet be a barrier for the cannabis industry. Many correspondents said this was not a risk and the movement was unstoppable. However, the news out of Washington this week shows that the concept of my article was correct.
Under President Obama, the so-called “Cole Memo” left it up to individual states to enforce cannabis laws. Now, a memo from the Attorney General’s office instructs federal officials to move actively against the those breaking federal law. The memo decrees that officials should:
“Disrupt criminal organisations, tackle the growing drug crisis and thwart violent crime.”
Sessions is well-known for his opposition to cannabis reform. He famously, and bizarrely, stated that the Ku Klux Klan was “okay until I found out they smoked pot”. He is also an advocate of States’ rights. He has now indicated that the Cole Memo will be rescinded. That would mean federal law officials could go into states where cannabis is legal and take action against companies and users. This would be under the purview of the Justice Department and the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug, on a par with heroin. At present, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) shows no inclination to turn back from its unsuccessful “War on Drugs”.
How this will play out in practice is hard to determine. There was an instant negative reaction from some members of Congress. Especially vocal was the Republican senator for Colorado, Cory Gardner. Sessions seems to have united an unlikely coalition of States’ rights advocates and drug law reformers.
Trump himself in the election campaign had stated he was in favor of leaving the matter up to individual states. The immediate effect on cannabis companies’ stock prices was not hard to determine. Many of them fell sharply on the news.
The legalization of recreational cannabis seemed to be going ahead full steam. It looks like it will be a similar social trend to, say, gay marriage. It is now accepted almost everywhere. A recent Gallup poll showed 63% of the population of the USA favor the legalization of recreational cannabis.
In California, as of 1st January, adults aged over 21 can grow up to 6 plants domestically and possess 1 ounce of the finished product. 90 retail licences had been granted around the state so far. Some communities, though, are saying they will not issue licenses for retail business.
In California, Fortune magazine has estimated that sales will total US$6.5 billion. That would represent 70% of the total U.S. market. The other states to have legalized recreational use are Alaska, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. University of California Davis estimates recreational sales of cannabis to hit US$5 billion within a few years.
Ackrell Capital issued a report that emphasizes growth will depend upon a sliding scale of what the federal government does. A hands-off approach would lead to sales of US$40 billion by 2022, serving 20 million consumers. A more proactive approach could lead to sales of US$120 billion. Key issues to growth will be the continuation or not of a ban on banking services for cannabis companies under the aegis of the Treasury Department.
It is not just growing and selling marijuana which could see a market boom. Flowers, growing equipment and all sorts of infused products all have potential.
There is a trend for cannabis as a “wellness” product. Some more obscure areas are cannabis chocolate, bubble baths and lubricants for female orgasms. Some of these are pictured below in a California shop, taken from the Guardian newspaper:
Retail shops are areas seeing a lot of investment. Tests will have to be carried out for the potency of product on sale, and for the presence or absence of pesticides and other contaminants. Specialist applications and sales of items such as childproof containers could be meaningful in dollar terms.
Those looking to get in now on Canadian legalization are probably too late. Valuations are already very steep. This can be seen by a look at the four largest and most popular Canadian cannabis plays.
Scotts Miracle-Gro (NYSE:SMG) has a market cap of US$6.15 billion and rose 18% last year. The price fell by only 2.2% on the announcement from Sessions.
Canopy Growth (TSX:WEED) (OTCPK:TWMJF) has a market cap of US$5.68 billion and rose 216% last year. The price fell 9.6% on the Sessions announcement.
Aurora Cannabis (TSX:ACB) (OTCQX:ACBFF) has a market cap of US$4.3 billion and rose 321% last year. The price fell 8% on the Sessions announcement.
Aphria [TSX:APH] (OTCQB:APHQF) has a market cap of US$2.84 billion and rose 268% last year. The price fell 13% on the Sessions announcement.
Canadian cannabis companies’ stock prices had boomed back in 2015 when the newly-elected Trudeau government confirmed its legalization plans. Companies such as these are generally not profitable now. They are unlikely to be so in the near-future as capex requirements increase. One interesting development was the stake that Constellation Brands (NYSE:STZ) took in Canopy Growth. Alcohol companies taking stakes in cannabis companies could be a future trend.
In the state ballots for cannabis legalization in the USA, alcohol companies had been at the forefront of financing campaigns against recreational cannabis. They may be deciding now “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
The same may well be true of “Big Tobacco”. That is an industry with plenty of money but a declining product.
In Canada, there could be complex social and economic problems with the arrival of a new legal mass market consumer product. Pharmacies not wishing to obey the law, home grow violations, and problems with the U.S. border could all be tricky issues.
The estimate of market size varies greatly. Recreational sales have been variously estimated to be as low as US$2.3 billion or as high as US$4.5 billion by 2021. One of the more bullish forecasts came from Deloitte. They estimated the Canadian recreational and medical market to be worth anything between US$4.9 billion and US$8.7 billion.
This company exemplifies both the opportunities and the pitfalls of investing in recreational cannabis. I wrote briefly about this company back in March 2015 after it had been suspended by the SEC the previous year. In an article then, I had quoted how the SEC had questioned:
“The accuracy and adequacy of information in the marketplace and potentially manipulative transactions in PHOT’s common stock.”
The company has been mainly engaged in specialty hydroponics equipment, farming soil and related products. These you would think definitely have a fairly low glass ceiling. That explains the shareholder dilution and what some saw as the questionable financing practices in which the company may have been involved. There was also quite a lot of “pump and dump” commentary on financial websites such as Seeking Alpha. There is no proof that these were coordinated by anyone connected to the company. It should be pointed out it is under new and more professional management since then.
A 5-year stock chart (from Charles Schwab, subscription required) illustrates the picture:
In 2016, it got its listing back and bought hydroponics specialty retailer “Go Green”.
The 1-month stock chart (from Charles Schwab) is interesting:
The stock price collapsed 45% on the day of the news of the memo from Sessions. Before then, the price had been boosted by some recent promising developments from the company.
Firstly, they announced the opening of a retail store in Calgary. This of course is preparatory to the expected July legalization of recreational cannabis.
Secondly, they announced their new home cultivation system “GrowLife Cube Pro”. This might serve to give them an edge over a lot of the generic products out in the market. The company claims to be a consultant and educator to the market. It sees itself as not just a seller of products which other companies can quite easily replicate. California has a population of 40 million and the law stipulates that all cannabis must be grown indoors. So Growlife no doubt see a big potential market here.
Under the new management, there is a possibility that the company has a good future. There is also a possibility that the past will repeat itself. There are other companies in similar market sectors. Some of them are noted here. Investors should do their own due diligence.
Medical Marijuana
The way forward for medical marijuana is more straightforward than for recreational cannabis. Already 30 states have medical marijuana laws. More are likely to follow in 2018. It is estimated that medical marijuana sales in California already total US$2 billion a year.
The campaign by Sessions against cannabis may or may not have a negative impact on medical marijuana. For instance, the price of GW Pharma only fell 0.36% on news of the comments by Sessions. This may be an under-reaction in my view. Medical marijuana is currently protected by the Rohrbacher-Farr amendment, detailed here. With public opinion very strongly in favor of medical marijuana, Congressmen may not be keen to support Sessions. Government departments could, however, slow down drug approval processes.
GW Pharma remains the best play in this sector. My article in November gave details of this. There have been further positive developments since then.
At the end of December, the company submitted its MAA (Marketing Authorization Application) to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) for “epidiolex” for childhood epilepsies. This can be seen as a concurrent process with that undertaken with the FDA (Foods & Drugs Administration) in the USA. The European medical cannabis market is developing quite rapidly.
Also, at the end of December, the FDA accepted the company’s filing for “epidiolex” for Priority Review.
Earlier in the month, the company announced it had brought back the full rights to develop and commercialize its “sativex” oral spray in the USA from Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
I have written elsewhere about other companies in the medical marijuana space, most recently in November. Essentially, none of them have the depth and breadth of product of GW Pharma. Very few match its financial strength either.
One company touted by some is Insys Therapeutics (NASDAQ:INSY). I have warned against this because of its ongoing legal problems. This relates to its marketing practices for its fentanyl opiod spray “subsys”. The stock price had surged over the first few days of January. This was probably on the back of short covering. Its 3-year stock price tells a not uncommon story in this space:
On the day of the announcement from Sessions, its stock price fell 26%.
Medical potential of course presupposes that marijuana or marijuana derivatives are indeed beneficial. Certain developments in the next couple of years could be a strong green light. These would include more FDA drug approvals, more states approving medical marijuana, and removal of CBD from the Controlled Substances Act. The latter probably requires a change of government at the federal level.
Internationally, the medical marijuana market is moving at a far faster pace than the recreational cannabis legalization trend. For instance, GW Pharma’s “Sativex” drug is approved in over 30 countries worldwide. Strong medical marijuana companies are springing up in Israel and Germany, amongst others. At present, only Uruguay, Canada and Germany export medical marijuana. Australia is set to join this group shortly.
Different laws in different countries will continue to make medical marijuana products tricky to market worldwide. For instance, GW Pharma’s “sativex” may be approved in 30 countries and likely to be approved in a lot more during 2018. A list of the approvals shows they are mainly in Europe and Australasia.
However, some countries, especially in Asia, have a zero tolerance policy to anything to do with any drugs. For instance, in Singapore, the fact that “sativex” contains CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) means it is not licensed there. Additionally, anyone travelling there with “sativex” could be liable to very harsh punishments. Other countries may take a similar stance against medical marijuana products. So drugs produced from cannabis compounds will pose added marketing problems.
The cannabis market has many similarities to that of cryptocurrencies. It appears to be the future, but no-one knows quite to what extent. Political uncertainty will remain a key factor. The stand by Sessions against cannabis may be likened to King Canute ordering the tide to recede. Short term, though, it could have big consequences.
No doubt recreational cannabis and medical marijuana will both be huge markets in the future. Analyst estimates of dollar value vary hugely. Alcohol and tobacco companies may become big players.
It should be remembered that early adopter companies in a new industry often are not necessarily the ones that make it big. We are seeing this in the 3D printing space at the moment.
Interesting opportunities undoubtedly abound in both the recreational and medical arena. Political barriers should not be underestimated. The latest intervention by Sessions has sowed new seeds of doubt. Any money invested in cannabis companies should be money you can afford to lose.
Disclosure: I am/we are long GWPH.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Editor’s Note: This article covers one or more stocks trading at less than $1 per share and/or with less than a $100 million market cap. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.
0 notes
hostingnewsfeed · 7 years
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
New Post has been published on http://loanstop20.com/2018/01/06/california-cannabis-rush-may-not-bring-a-fortune-for-stock-investors/
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
The California Gold Rush of 1848 brought fame and fortune to a select few and trouble for many. Recreational cannabis may do the same. It was legalized in California as of 1st January. It will almost certainly be legal in Canada this coming July. This presents many traps for the unwary investor. The history of Growlife (OTCPK:PHOT) is an example of this.
New moves this week by Attorney General Sessions may cast a pall over the entire recreational cannabis sector. Medical marijuana looks a better play, especially GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:GWPH). Even that is not without its risks.
Government Policy
In a previous article, I gave details of how the Trump Administration could yet be a barrier for the cannabis industry. Many correspondents said this was not a risk and the movement was unstoppable. However, the news out of Washington this week shows that the concept of my article was correct.
Under President Obama, the so-called “Cole Memo” left it up to individual states to enforce cannabis laws. Now, a memo from the Attorney General’s office instructs federal officials to move actively against the those breaking federal law. The memo decrees that officials should:
“Disrupt criminal organisations, tackle the growing drug crisis and thwart violent crime.”
Sessions is well-known for his opposition to cannabis reform. He famously, and bizarrely, stated that the Ku Klux Klan was “okay until I found out they smoked pot”. He is also an advocate of States’ rights. He has now indicated that the Cole Memo will be rescinded. That would mean federal law officials could go into states where cannabis is legal and take action against companies and users. This would be under the purview of the Justice Department and the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug, on a par with heroin. At present, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) shows no inclination to turn back from its unsuccessful “War on Drugs”.
How this will play out in practice is hard to determine. There was an instant negative reaction from some members of Congress. Especially vocal was the Republican senator for Colorado, Cory Gardner. Sessions seems to have united an unlikely coalition of States’ rights advocates and drug law reformers.
Trump himself in the election campaign had stated he was in favor of leaving the matter up to individual states. The immediate effect on cannabis companies’ stock prices was not hard to determine. Many of them fell sharply on the news.
The legalization of recreational cannabis seemed to be going ahead full steam. It looks like it will be a similar social trend to, say, gay marriage. It is now accepted almost everywhere. A recent Gallup poll showed 63% of the population of the USA favor the legalization of recreational cannabis.
In California, as of 1st January, adults aged over 21 can grow up to 6 plants domestically and possess 1 ounce of the finished product. 90 retail licences had been granted around the state so far. Some communities, though, are saying they will not issue licenses for retail business.
In California, Fortune magazine has estimated that sales will total US$6.5 billion. That would represent 70% of the total U.S. market. The other states to have legalized recreational use are Alaska, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. University of California Davis estimates recreational sales of cannabis to hit US$5 billion within a few years.
Ackrell Capital issued a report that emphasizes growth will depend upon a sliding scale of what the federal government does. A hands-off approach would lead to sales of US$40 billion by 2022, serving 20 million consumers. A more proactive approach could lead to sales of US$120 billion. Key issues to growth will be the continuation or not of a ban on banking services for cannabis companies under the aegis of the Treasury Department.
It is not just growing and selling marijuana which could see a market boom. Flowers, growing equipment and all sorts of infused products all have potential.
There is a trend for cannabis as a “wellness” product. Some more obscure areas are cannabis chocolate, bubble baths and lubricants for female orgasms. Some of these are pictured below in a California shop, taken from the Guardian newspaper:
Retail shops are areas seeing a lot of investment. Tests will have to be carried out for the potency of product on sale, and for the presence or absence of pesticides and other contaminants. Specialist applications and sales of items such as childproof containers could be meaningful in dollar terms.
Those looking to get in now on Canadian legalization are probably too late. Valuations are already very steep. This can be seen by a look at the four largest and most popular Canadian cannabis plays.
Scotts Miracle-Gro (NYSE:SMG) has a market cap of US$6.15 billion and rose 18% last year. The price fell by only 2.2% on the announcement from Sessions.
Canopy Growth (TSX:WEED) (OTCPK:TWMJF) has a market cap of US$5.68 billion and rose 216% last year. The price fell 9.6% on the Sessions announcement.
Aurora Cannabis (TSX:ACB) (OTCQX:ACBFF) has a market cap of US$4.3 billion and rose 321% last year. The price fell 8% on the Sessions announcement.
Aphria [TSX:APH] (OTCQB:APHQF) has a market cap of US$2.84 billion and rose 268% last year. The price fell 13% on the Sessions announcement.
Canadian cannabis companies’ stock prices had boomed back in 2015 when the newly-elected Trudeau government confirmed its legalization plans. Companies such as these are generally not profitable now. They are unlikely to be so in the near-future as capex requirements increase. One interesting development was the stake that Constellation Brands (NYSE:STZ) took in Canopy Growth. Alcohol companies taking stakes in cannabis companies could be a future trend.
In the state ballots for cannabis legalization in the USA, alcohol companies had been at the forefront of financing campaigns against recreational cannabis. They may be deciding now “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
The same may well be true of “Big Tobacco”. That is an industry with plenty of money but a declining product.
In Canada, there could be complex social and economic problems with the arrival of a new legal mass market consumer product. Pharmacies not wishing to obey the law, home grow violations, and problems with the U.S. border could all be tricky issues.
The estimate of market size varies greatly. Recreational sales have been variously estimated to be as low as US$2.3 billion or as high as US$4.5 billion by 2021. One of the more bullish forecasts came from Deloitte. They estimated the Canadian recreational and medical market to be worth anything between US$4.9 billion and US$8.7 billion.
This company exemplifies both the opportunities and the pitfalls of investing in recreational cannabis. I wrote briefly about this company back in March 2015 after it had been suspended by the SEC the previous year. In an article then, I had quoted how the SEC had questioned:
“The accuracy and adequacy of information in the marketplace and potentially manipulative transactions in PHOT’s common stock.”
The company has been mainly engaged in specialty hydroponics equipment, farming soil and related products. These you would think definitely have a fairly low glass ceiling. That explains the shareholder dilution and what some saw as the questionable financing practices in which the company may have been involved. There was also quite a lot of “pump and dump” commentary on financial websites such as Seeking Alpha. There is no proof that these were coordinated by anyone connected to the company. It should be pointed out it is under new and more professional management since then.
A 5-year stock chart (from Charles Schwab, subscription required) illustrates the picture:
In 2016, it got its listing back and bought hydroponics specialty retailer “Go Green”.
The 1-month stock chart (from Charles Schwab) is interesting:
The stock price collapsed 45% on the day of the news of the memo from Sessions. Before then, the price had been boosted by some recent promising developments from the company.
Firstly, they announced the opening of a retail store in Calgary. This of course is preparatory to the expected July legalization of recreational cannabis.
Secondly, they announced their new home cultivation system “GrowLife Cube Pro”. This might serve to give them an edge over a lot of the generic products out in the market. The company claims to be a consultant and educator to the market. It sees itself as not just a seller of products which other companies can quite easily replicate. California has a population of 40 million and the law stipulates that all cannabis must be grown indoors. So Growlife no doubt see a big potential market here.
Under the new management, there is a possibility that the company has a good future. There is also a possibility that the past will repeat itself. There are other companies in similar market sectors. Some of them are noted here. Investors should do their own due diligence.
Medical Marijuana
The way forward for medical marijuana is more straightforward than for recreational cannabis. Already 30 states have medical marijuana laws. More are likely to follow in 2018. It is estimated that medical marijuana sales in California already total US$2 billion a year.
The campaign by Sessions against cannabis may or may not have a negative impact on medical marijuana. For instance, the price of GW Pharma only fell 0.36% on news of the comments by Sessions. This may be an under-reaction in my view. Medical marijuana is currently protected by the Rohrbacher-Farr amendment, detailed here. With public opinion very strongly in favor of medical marijuana, Congressmen may not be keen to support Sessions. Government departments could, however, slow down drug approval processes.
GW Pharma remains the best play in this sector. My article in November gave details of this. There have been further positive developments since then.
At the end of December, the company submitted its MAA (Marketing Authorization Application) to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) for “epidiolex” for childhood epilepsies. This can be seen as a concurrent process with that undertaken with the FDA (Foods & Drugs Administration) in the USA. The European medical cannabis market is developing quite rapidly.
Also, at the end of December, the FDA accepted the company’s filing for “epidiolex” for Priority Review.
Earlier in the month, the company announced it had brought back the full rights to develop and commercialize its “sativex” oral spray in the USA from Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
I have written elsewhere about other companies in the medical marijuana space, most recently in November. Essentially, none of them have the depth and breadth of product of GW Pharma. Very few match its financial strength either.
One company touted by some is Insys Therapeutics (NASDAQ:INSY). I have warned against this because of its ongoing legal problems. This relates to its marketing practices for its fentanyl opiod spray “subsys”. The stock price had surged over the first few days of January. This was probably on the back of short covering. Its 3-year stock price tells a not uncommon story in this space:
On the day of the announcement from Sessions, its stock price fell 26%.
Medical potential of course presupposes that marijuana or marijuana derivatives are indeed beneficial. Certain developments in the next couple of years could be a strong green light. These would include more FDA drug approvals, more states approving medical marijuana, and removal of CBD from the Controlled Substances Act. The latter probably requires a change of government at the federal level.
Internationally, the medical marijuana market is moving at a far faster pace than the recreational cannabis legalization trend. For instance, GW Pharma’s “Sativex” drug is approved in over 30 countries worldwide. Strong medical marijuana companies are springing up in Israel and Germany, amongst others. At present, only Uruguay, Canada and Germany export medical marijuana. Australia is set to join this group shortly.
Different laws in different countries will continue to make medical marijuana products tricky to market worldwide. For instance, GW Pharma’s “sativex” may be approved in 30 countries and likely to be approved in a lot more during 2018. A list of the approvals shows they are mainly in Europe and Australasia.
However, some countries, especially in Asia, have a zero tolerance policy to anything to do with any drugs. For instance, in Singapore, the fact that “sativex” contains CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) means it is not licensed there. Additionally, anyone travelling there with “sativex” could be liable to very harsh punishments. Other countries may take a similar stance against medical marijuana products. So drugs produced from cannabis compounds will pose added marketing problems.
The cannabis market has many similarities to that of cryptocurrencies. It appears to be the future, but no-one knows quite to what extent. Political uncertainty will remain a key factor. The stand by Sessions against cannabis may be likened to King Canute ordering the tide to recede. Short term, though, it could have big consequences.
No doubt recreational cannabis and medical marijuana will both be huge markets in the future. Analyst estimates of dollar value vary hugely. Alcohol and tobacco companies may become big players.
It should be remembered that early adopter companies in a new industry often are not necessarily the ones that make it big. We are seeing this in the 3D printing space at the moment.
Interesting opportunities undoubtedly abound in both the recreational and medical arena. Political barriers should not be underestimated. The latest intervention by Sessions has sowed new seeds of doubt. Any money invested in cannabis companies should be money you can afford to lose.
Disclosure: I am/we are long GWPH.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Editor’s Note: This article covers one or more stocks trading at less than $1 per share and/or with less than a $100 million market cap. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.
0 notes
hostingnewsfeed · 7 years
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
New Post has been published on http://cloudcomputingoffers.com/california-cannabis-rush-may-not-bring-a-fortune-for-stock-investors/
California Cannabis Rush May Not Bring A Fortune For Stock Investors
The California Gold Rush of 1848 brought fame and fortune to a select few and trouble for many. Recreational cannabis may do the same. It was legalized in California as of 1st January. It will almost certainly be legal in Canada this coming July. This presents many traps for the unwary investor. The history of Growlife (OTCPK:PHOT) is an example of this.
New moves this week by Attorney General Sessions may cast a pall over the entire recreational cannabis sector. Medical marijuana looks a better play, especially GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:GWPH). Even that is not without its risks.
Government Policy
In a previous article, I gave details of how the Trump Administration could yet be a barrier for the cannabis industry. Many correspondents said this was not a risk and the movement was unstoppable. However, the news out of Washington this week shows that the concept of my article was correct.
Under President Obama, the so-called “Cole Memo” left it up to individual states to enforce cannabis laws. Now, a memo from the Attorney General’s office instructs federal officials to move actively against the those breaking federal law. The memo decrees that officials should:
“Disrupt criminal organisations, tackle the growing drug crisis and thwart violent crime.”
Sessions is well-known for his opposition to cannabis reform. He famously, and bizarrely, stated that the Ku Klux Klan was “okay until I found out they smoked pot”. He is also an advocate of States’ rights. He has now indicated that the Cole Memo will be rescinded. That would mean federal law officials could go into states where cannabis is legal and take action against companies and users. This would be under the purview of the Justice Department and the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug, on a par with heroin. At present, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) shows no inclination to turn back from its unsuccessful “War on Drugs”.
How this will play out in practice is hard to determine. There was an instant negative reaction from some members of Congress. Especially vocal was the Republican senator for Colorado, Cory Gardner. Sessions seems to have united an unlikely coalition of States’ rights advocates and drug law reformers.
Trump himself in the election campaign had stated he was in favor of leaving the matter up to individual states. The immediate effect on cannabis companies’ stock prices was not hard to determine. Many of them fell sharply on the news.
The legalization of recreational cannabis seemed to be going ahead full steam. It looks like it will be a similar social trend to, say, gay marriage. It is now accepted almost everywhere. A recent Gallup poll showed 63% of the population of the USA favor the legalization of recreational cannabis.
In California, as of 1st January, adults aged over 21 can grow up to 6 plants domestically and possess 1 ounce of the finished product. 90 retail licences had been granted around the state so far. Some communities, though, are saying they will not issue licenses for retail business.
In California, Fortune magazine has estimated that sales will total US$6.5 billion. That would represent 70% of the total U.S. market. The other states to have legalized recreational use are Alaska, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. University of California Davis estimates recreational sales of cannabis to hit US$5 billion within a few years.
Ackrell Capital issued a report that emphasizes growth will depend upon a sliding scale of what the federal government does. A hands-off approach would lead to sales of US$40 billion by 2022, serving 20 million consumers. A more proactive approach could lead to sales of US$120 billion. Key issues to growth will be the continuation or not of a ban on banking services for cannabis companies under the aegis of the Treasury Department.
It is not just growing and selling marijuana which could see a market boom. Flowers, growing equipment and all sorts of infused products all have potential.
There is a trend for cannabis as a “wellness” product. Some more obscure areas are cannabis chocolate, bubble baths and lubricants for female orgasms. Some of these are pictured below in a California shop, taken from the Guardian newspaper:
Retail shops are areas seeing a lot of investment. Tests will have to be carried out for the potency of product on sale, and for the presence or absence of pesticides and other contaminants. Specialist applications and sales of items such as childproof containers could be meaningful in dollar terms.
Those looking to get in now on Canadian legalization are probably too late. Valuations are already very steep. This can be seen by a look at the four largest and most popular Canadian cannabis plays.
Scotts Miracle-Gro (NYSE:SMG) has a market cap of US$6.15 billion and rose 18% last year. The price fell by only 2.2% on the announcement from Sessions.
Canopy Growth (TSX:WEED) (OTCPK:TWMJF) has a market cap of US$5.68 billion and rose 216% last year. The price fell 9.6% on the Sessions announcement.
Aurora Cannabis (TSX:ACB) (OTCQX:ACBFF) has a market cap of US$4.3 billion and rose 321% last year. The price fell 8% on the Sessions announcement.
Aphria [TSX:APH] (OTCQB:APHQF) has a market cap of US$2.84 billion and rose 268% last year. The price fell 13% on the Sessions announcement.
Canadian cannabis companies’ stock prices had boomed back in 2015 when the newly-elected Trudeau government confirmed its legalization plans. Companies such as these are generally not profitable now. They are unlikely to be so in the near-future as capex requirements increase. One interesting development was the stake that Constellation Brands (NYSE:STZ) took in Canopy Growth. Alcohol companies taking stakes in cannabis companies could be a future trend.
In the state ballots for cannabis legalization in the USA, alcohol companies had been at the forefront of financing campaigns against recreational cannabis. They may be deciding now “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
The same may well be true of “Big Tobacco”. That is an industry with plenty of money but a declining product.
In Canada, there could be complex social and economic problems with the arrival of a new legal mass market consumer product. Pharmacies not wishing to obey the law, home grow violations, and problems with the U.S. border could all be tricky issues.
The estimate of market size varies greatly. Recreational sales have been variously estimated to be as low as US$2.3 billion or as high as US$4.5 billion by 2021. One of the more bullish forecasts came from Deloitte. They estimated the Canadian recreational and medical market to be worth anything between US$4.9 billion and US$8.7 billion.
This company exemplifies both the opportunities and the pitfalls of investing in recreational cannabis. I wrote briefly about this company back in March 2015 after it had been suspended by the SEC the previous year. In an article then, I had quoted how the SEC had questioned:
“The accuracy and adequacy of information in the marketplace and potentially manipulative transactions in PHOT’s common stock.”
The company has been mainly engaged in specialty hydroponics equipment, farming soil and related products. These you would think definitely have a fairly low glass ceiling. That explains the shareholder dilution and what some saw as the questionable financing practices in which the company may have been involved. There was also quite a lot of “pump and dump” commentary on financial websites such as Seeking Alpha. There is no proof that these were coordinated by anyone connected to the company. It should be pointed out it is under new and more professional management since then.
A 5-year stock chart (from Charles Schwab, subscription required) illustrates the picture:
In 2016, it got its listing back and bought hydroponics specialty retailer “Go Green”.
The 1-month stock chart (from Charles Schwab) is interesting:
The stock price collapsed 45% on the day of the news of the memo from Sessions. Before then, the price had been boosted by some recent promising developments from the company.
Firstly, they announced the opening of a retail store in Calgary. This of course is preparatory to the expected July legalization of recreational cannabis.
Secondly, they announced their new home cultivation system “GrowLife Cube Pro”. This might serve to give them an edge over a lot of the generic products out in the market. The company claims to be a consultant and educator to the market. It sees itself as not just a seller of products which other companies can quite easily replicate. California has a population of 40 million and the law stipulates that all cannabis must be grown indoors. So Growlife no doubt see a big potential market here.
Under the new management, there is a possibility that the company has a good future. There is also a possibility that the past will repeat itself. There are other companies in similar market sectors. Some of them are noted here. Investors should do their own due diligence.
Medical Marijuana
The way forward for medical marijuana is more straightforward than for recreational cannabis. Already 30 states have medical marijuana laws. More are likely to follow in 2018. It is estimated that medical marijuana sales in California already total US$2 billion a year.
The campaign by Sessions against cannabis may or may not have a negative impact on medical marijuana. For instance, the price of GW Pharma only fell 0.36% on news of the comments by Sessions. This may be an under-reaction in my view. Medical marijuana is currently protected by the Rohrbacher-Farr amendment, detailed here. With public opinion very strongly in favor of medical marijuana, Congressmen may not be keen to support Sessions. Government departments could, however, slow down drug approval processes.
GW Pharma remains the best play in this sector. My article in November gave details of this. There have been further positive developments since then.
At the end of December, the company submitted its MAA (Marketing Authorization Application) to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) for “epidiolex” for childhood epilepsies. This can be seen as a concurrent process with that undertaken with the FDA (Foods & Drugs Administration) in the USA. The European medical cannabis market is developing quite rapidly.
Also, at the end of December, the FDA accepted the company’s filing for “epidiolex” for Priority Review.
Earlier in the month, the company announced it had brought back the full rights to develop and commercialize its “sativex” oral spray in the USA from Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
I have written elsewhere about other companies in the medical marijuana space, most recently in November. Essentially, none of them have the depth and breadth of product of GW Pharma. Very few match its financial strength either.
One company touted by some is Insys Therapeutics (NASDAQ:INSY). I have warned against this because of its ongoing legal problems. This relates to its marketing practices for its fentanyl opiod spray “subsys”. The stock price had surged over the first few days of January. This was probably on the back of short covering. Its 3-year stock price tells a not uncommon story in this space:
On the day of the announcement from Sessions, its stock price fell 26%.
Medical potential of course presupposes that marijuana or marijuana derivatives are indeed beneficial. Certain developments in the next couple of years could be a strong green light. These would include more FDA drug approvals, more states approving medical marijuana, and removal of CBD from the Controlled Substances Act. The latter probably requires a change of government at the federal level.
Internationally, the medical marijuana market is moving at a far faster pace than the recreational cannabis legalization trend. For instance, GW Pharma’s “Sativex” drug is approved in over 30 countries worldwide. Strong medical marijuana companies are springing up in Israel and Germany, amongst others. At present, only Uruguay, Canada and Germany export medical marijuana. Australia is set to join this group shortly.
Different laws in different countries will continue to make medical marijuana products tricky to market worldwide. For instance, GW Pharma’s “sativex” may be approved in 30 countries and likely to be approved in a lot more during 2018. A list of the approvals shows they are mainly in Europe and Australasia.
However, some countries, especially in Asia, have a zero tolerance policy to anything to do with any drugs. For instance, in Singapore, the fact that “sativex” contains CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) means it is not licensed there. Additionally, anyone travelling there with “sativex” could be liable to very harsh punishments. Other countries may take a similar stance against medical marijuana products. So drugs produced from cannabis compounds will pose added marketing problems.
The cannabis market has many similarities to that of cryptocurrencies. It appears to be the future, but no-one knows quite to what extent. Political uncertainty will remain a key factor. The stand by Sessions against cannabis may be likened to King Canute ordering the tide to recede. Short term, though, it could have big consequences.
No doubt recreational cannabis and medical marijuana will both be huge markets in the future. Analyst estimates of dollar value vary hugely. Alcohol and tobacco companies may become big players.
It should be remembered that early adopter companies in a new industry often are not necessarily the ones that make it big. We are seeing this in the 3D printing space at the moment.
Interesting opportunities undoubtedly abound in both the recreational and medical arena. Political barriers should not be underestimated. The latest intervention by Sessions has sowed new seeds of doubt. Any money invested in cannabis companies should be money you can afford to lose.
Disclosure: I am/we are long GWPH.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Editor’s Note: This article covers one or more stocks trading at less than $1 per share and/or with less than a $100 million market cap. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.
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