#so I love the winter Christmas idea but never experienced it irl to confirm or deny the seasonal depression thing
inkdrinkerworld · 10 months
Guys we got the lamb leg for Christmas dinner and IM EVEN MORE EXCITED!!!
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odinsonnn · 7 years
christmas lights (thor x reader)
You and Thor spend your first Christmas as a couple together.
Word Count: 2064
Warnings: toothrotting thor cuteness
A/N: thor is cute and one of my irls gave me an adorable idea abt thor getting excited cuz snow in NYC is a lot more than they get in asgard so yay, here we go !!! some nice thor fluff !!!!! thanks ashley if :) you ever read this, ilu bunches & this is dedicated to you because i love you five-ever and thor is almost as cute as you are
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Thor Odinson had experienced more things in life than you could possibly imagine.
He had encountered Bilgesnipe, fought wars all across the Nine Realms, battled the Chitauri, dealt with his absolute twat of a younger brother for over a millennium, and grown up as literal royalty. He’d lead armies, traveled across the galaxy, and killed scores of men.
Yet somehow, the snowfall in New York City never ceased to amaze him.
You knew he’d seen it before — he’d told you of the light snow they received in Asgard, the heaps of it in Jötunheimr, his few encounters with the substance on Midgard… but every time he’d looked out of the window since the first snowfall of the season, he got this small smile on his face, eyes twinkling. The first time he’d seen it, you’d both just woken up from a night of deep slumber, cuddled together under your comforter. As soon as you drowsily took note of the white flakes falling to the ground, you dragged him to the window. His blue eyes were fixed to the scene in front of him, and a smile played at the corners of his lips.
“(Y/N),” he spoke in his usual low voice, “I think I quite enjoy your Midgardian winters.”
You just laughed and pulled him to the bathroom so you could both brush your teeth.
That Christmas morning, you were slowly pulled from your deep sleep, body encompassed in warmth. The bedsheets that surrounded your form were heavy and rather thick (some name brand you’d never even heard of, thanks to Tony), and you could feel the steady rise and fall of Thor’s shirtless chest under your head. That was how you normally slept — your boyfriend on his back, your head upon his chest with one of his arms wrapped around you, the other out to the side. You liked having his heartbeat to lull you to sleep, and he liked the reassurance that you were right there with him.
“Good morning, my love,” he murmured as you batted your eyes open and yawned. “Did you sleep well?”
“Like a baby,” you joked, smiling when he chuckled at your ill attempt at humour.
You moved to get up, but Thor huffed out a sigh and pulled you back down to him.
“Just a while longer, my love. I quite enjoy having you here with me.”
You had to fight the smile away from your face.
“Yeah, okay, okay. Five more minutes. Dork.”
He chose not to comment at your insult and instead sighed in content when your head found its usual place on his torso.
When you felt his breathing begin to slow, you laughed, knowing he was most definitely prepared to fall asleep again in this position. You poked his chest a few times, laughing once again when he grumbled something under his breath and used his free hand to swat your prodding finger away.
“Alright, small one,” he conceded, and you pouted at the teasing nickname.
You pulled away from the heat of his chest, and the lack of warmth assaulted you instantly. Grumbling, you dragged yourself out of bed, suddenly unexcited at the prospect of leaving Thor’s warm embrace and the absurdly high temperature of your bedroom.
Still pouting, you asked him, “Why the hell are you so warm?”
He just laughed at you.
It took you a moment to realize that he hadn’t yet gotten out of bed, and instead had shifted so that his back was against the headboard of the bed, arms crossed over his chest. You rolled your eyes but turned to face him with a smile edging its way onto your face.
“Whatcha doin’?” you asked, and he chuckled at you again.
His smile was wide and warm, and his eyes twinkled.
“Come here, my love,” he spoke, holding his hand out to you.
Eyebrows scrunched in confusion, you cautiously stepped forwards and set your hand in his, giggling when he pulled you to help you onto the bed. Soon enough, you were straddling his lap, fingers idly tracing patterns on his arm.
“What’s up, Thor?”
His hand moved to your face, and he cupped your jaw, his thumb brushing your cheek.
“I love you, my queen,” he mumbled, his voice low and gravelly. “I love you more than you will ever know.”
You leant forward to press a kiss to his stubbly cheek.
Heart thrumming, you uttered a soft, “I love you too, my king. Merry Christmas.”
He kissed your forehead, arms going around your waist to pull you closer to him. Your chest was now pressed against his, forehead settled in the spot just above his nose. You looped your arms around his neck, and your eyes held steady contact with his. While a smile was playing on your lips, a smirk found its way onto his face, and you scrunched your eyebrows again, shrieking out a giggle when his head ducked down to press a gentle kiss to your jaw.
His lips trailed down your neck, leaving light kisses as he went, and he stopped at your collarbone, his breath tickling your sensitive skin.
He tilted his head up to look you in the eye, his own blue orbs bright with laughter.
“Come, (Y/N). The others shall be angry at our late arrival to the Commons.”
“As you wish, Thor,” you joked, pulling yourself from his lap and hopping from the bed. He followed you this time, his hand finding its usual spot at the small of your back.
He was walking with you to bathroom when he stilled, hand not leaving your fabric-covered skin. You turned to face him, about to ask what he wanted this time, but the words never left your mouth.
He was standing there at the floor-to-ceiling windows, smiling as his bright blue eyes took in the scene in front of him — Midtown Manhattan, covered in a thick blanket of snow, lights coming in from every which way due to the cars and buildings decorating the city.
“Thor?” you asked, and you grinned when his hand blindly found yours, fingers interlacing.
“Midgard truly is a wonderful place.”
You shook your head bemusedly and pulled him to the bathroom with you.
After brushing your teeth and a not-so-quick shower (of which maybe, kinda, sorta, potentially included an obscene amount of making out), you dressed in one of Thor’s sweaters and a pair of pajama pants, and he threw on a cotton tee and sweatpants. You were downstairs just a few minutes later, making your way into the Commons with everyone else.
“Morning, guys,” you chirped, going to grab a cup of coffee for yourself and tea for Thor, while your boyfriend collected a variety of breakfast foods. Your friends began their usual teasing about your lateness.
“Something hold you up?” Nat said with a smirk, eyeing you over the rim of her mug.
“Thor was being a doofus and didn’t wanna get out of bed,” you sighed. “He’s a man-child. I’m in love with a man-child.”
“Aren’t we all in love with man-children?” Tony asked. He then turned to face Steve, face stoic and serious, which you felt meant nothing good, and your suspicions were confirmed as correct within five seconds; “Steven Grant Rogers, will you marry me?”
Steve punched Tony in the arm, causing the man to grimace in pain.
“I’ll take that as a maybe.”
Another punch.
“You’ll get back to me on it?”
Steve’s fist was only halfway to Tony’s arm when he held his hands up in surrender.
“Okay, okay, it’s a no this time. I’ll try again next week.”
Steve sighed and shook his head.
“I don’t think I’m the man-child here, Tony.”
“Mm, agree to disagree.”
You laughed at their immature conversation, but Thor’s booming laughter overpowered your own.
“You Midgardians are quite interesting,” he mused, and you smiled at his amusement.
He brought you an overwhelming amount of food just a few seconds later — a grand stack of pancakes, some toast, eggs, bacon, sausages, and much more. Considering how little you ate in comparison to him, he tended to load food onto your plate, let you consume what you wanted, and finish the pile that remained. It was quite a system.
You made your way through as much food as you could while periodically sipping on your hot coffee. Thor’s eyes were trained on you as he drank his own beverage. He’d taken to Midgardian herbal teas a few months prior; hibiscus and ginger were his two favourites, but you’d prepared him some peppermint (in the holiday spirit).
You noticed his eyes on you as you were finishing up, and you ducked your head to avoid his gaze.
“Why are you staring, Thor?” you asked, laughing nervously.
“Ah, I cannot help it, (Y/N),” he mumbled. “Your beauty is… captivating.”
You rolled your eyes, kicking his shin. “You’re cute.”
Thor frowned at you, leaning closer as to nudge you with his nose, then press a kiss to your cheek. His stubble tickled you, and you smiled at the sensation.
“I speak with sincerity, my love. I truly believe you are the most beautiful being I’ve ever had the pleasure to encounter. In all the Nine Realms.”
You smiled wider and slid the plate closer to him. You then proceeded to take a sip from your coffee once more in an attempt to hide the smile that continued to spread across your face.
“Can we open presents now?” Clint asked, voice rising above everyone else’s.
“I think I found another man-child,” you said under your breath, and Thor’s low chuckle made your heart beat ever harder. “C’mon, we should all go to the living room. I want presents too.”
You took your near-empty coffee mug and Thor’s tea, ensuring the god would follow you to the couches across the commons. Everyone slowly picked up their belongings, trudging to follow you. You found a place on your favourite loveseat, and Thor soon sat next to you. You handed him his mug and allowed yourself to settle into his side, his warmth once again comforting you.
You looked up at him and had to refrain from laughter; there was a bit of pancake in his beard, and he was engaged in conversation with Steve about one thing or another. The light was hitting him just right, making his eyes shine like you’d never seen before.
You tugged at his shirt, and he looked down at you a few seconds later, cocking his head to the side.
“Yes, my love?”
You smiled and moved to pick the crumbs from his beard.
“Merry Christmas, Thor.”
He beamed back at you.
“Merry Christmas to you as well, (Y/N).”
He finished his breakfast at a remarkable pace and set the plate on the coffee table in front of you. As soon as he did so, you tugged on his shirt again, and he knew what you wanted before you had a chance to speak.
He moved to a position where his back was against the armrest of the loveseat, legs extending to the other side; you settled with your back against his chest, and his legs were on either side of you.
Thor smiled against your neck, pressing a kiss there with a sigh.
“I spoil you far too much, my darling. I cater to your every whim. Life as a queen would suit you.”
His arms encircled your waist, and you drew circles on his forearm with your fingertip.
“Maybe someday, Thor.”
He nodded in agreement.
“Mm, I agree. I’d like you to myself for just a while longer.” He chucked before continuing, “Asgard can do without, for the time being. I shall make you my queen when the time is right.”
The nonchalance with which he talked about the subject — about marriage — made your stomach flip in an odd mix of nerves and excitement. His queen. Queen of Asgard. The thought made your head spin.
“Good,” you sighed. “When the time is right.”
Clint cheered when Bruce and Tony finally entered the room, discussing plans for an upgrade to Steve’s suit.
“Time to open gifts!” he demanded, causing you and your boyfriend to laugh at his antics.
You turned to look at Thor, and your eyes met.
“I love you, Thor,” you said.
“I love you too, my darling.”
It was, in a word, the best Christmas ever.
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