#so I think he perceives Miles as almost an inverse of himself
fellhellion · 1 year
It’s time for your hourly tunes thoughts on miguel but like. So interesting to me that there’s an element of self-centredness to his empathy regarding people and situations that hit too close to his guilt and anger at himself.
It’s not as if he’s utterly emotionally distanced from the average person simply by fact of the multiverse; he cries out when the renaissance Vulture strikes the helicopter and sounds genuinely distressed.
But I think the reason he at first denies Jess recruiting Gwen is strictly because of her relation to Miles, since there’s other Spiders around the same age in the society. But I also think the reason he finally relents is because she reminds him of himself when she says in that small unsure voice that she has no idea how to fix this. That’s what his weary response about joining the club says to me at least. And he sends her home because she voices a doubt I think he has himself.
His “Do you want to find out?” response to Gwen’s question of if he’s certain Miles will cause harm by changing canon doesn’t exactly ring of certain knowledge to me, only fear and anger at the possibility of it all happening again.
Regarding Miles as well, I think both the anger and eventual empathy regarding Miles losing his father are both tainted by Miguel seeing himself in each aspect. He’s utterly unable to evaluate Miles’s actions separately his own trauma.
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autolovecraft · 7 years
Just what the denizens of few-dimensioned worlds.
De Marigny and Phillips watched with chaotic thoughts and fancies. Then he would have come originally from some place other than the rest of chaos. All of limitless being and self—not merely a function of their service. It was the place in the absolute. In his boyhood he had aimed at. It is, and speculated on the silent and awestruck, lighting one match after another as he resumed in his early boyhood—purple panes, Victorian furniture, and muddled thinking are not dream; and as he looked upon prodigious forms whose multiple extensions transcended any conception of being in the curling fumes from the remote, iris-less black eyes behind them blazed dangerously. Half-starved dervishes—wrote Carter—and the Earth drew near he saw not one person, but which fill our more fantastic dreams and readings be correct, it was reserved for him had ever performed—a memory-sketch of some obscurely iridescent metal, and the sole makers of their ancient line, and everything he required be materialized, through concentration.
For there, and by some unusual excitement—he is temporarily in an anomalous condition, but that within two or three months at the back of that great black inner chamber with the alien world he had left off when dreams first failed him. A great fear clutched him as guide, they cast off the old wizard Edmund Carter who in the deepening twilight he had long forgotten. No you don't, you wish, I have found good; and he pounded the table with an apoplectically veined fist. He caught one fleeting glimpse of a cone seem to vary with the four were half shrouded in the Earth's dimensional extension, but keen as a foreigner—I've been watching his language was as though someone had groped about the Ancient Ones had aided his spell, and on the change he had never failed to find. If you fear, you wish, I have really learned pretty much what happened to Randolph Carter has been able to hold back the Dholes at the same inexplicable rhythm, if only the strange visions of the cosmos as he looked upon prodigious forms whose multiple extensions transcended any conception of being on the sinister hillside near the Snake Den in the future on a rarer plane, and trips back and forth through eons of time and space he was two: Zkauba the wizard. In Carter's boyhood the venerable gambrel-roofed farm-house. From the far, unreal surface of the timber lot where the old beliefs; nor ever stopped to think that that lore and those ways were the sole makers of their ancient line, and was now inexcusably late. Old Benijy should still be alive! A sudden shutting-off of the minds that flicker for a moment whether the mad Arab had written, who was sinking ponderously to the light-wave envelope such as had not noticed the time on the vaguely hexagonal pillars chanted and nodded. Randolph Carter. To think that that lore and those born of real attainments. A year passed, and crawled into the past: Old Benijah Corey had been an added spell which gave it limitless powers it otherwise lacked; but fancied that some unremembered dream must be intoned into the Abyss of unnamable devourers. The region had been somewhere he ought not to be aware of how he got it!
Colonel Churchward declares it is in the sands of Arabia Pettraea the prodigious domes and uncounted billions of miles that Randolph Carter into that wizard, Edmund Carter who studied magic when Elizabeth was queen. It occurred to heighten his imagination in his recorded history. Is there not something tangible which can be shown? Custom had dinned into his chair by the Most Ancient One, which the crustaceans of Yuggoth worship as the blind cosmos grinds aimlessly on from nothing to something and from which one Swami Chandraputra, an adept from Benares, with important information to give; and with a dark, radioactive comet of inconceivable orbit—so do the local manifestation now beyond the First Gate, the wizard of Yaddith … The turbaned figure slumped oddly into a dank and nitrous vault, never to return from the sight, or that Pickman Carter who studied magic when Elizabeth was queen.
It wouldn't be pleasant. It was as easy, correct and idiomatic as any native Anglo-Saxon's.
I told you to keep the frightful revelation would have been these whispers plus Carter's own statement to Parks and others that he was two: Zkauba the wizard of Yaddith, disgusted with the grotesque carvings on that box, though it would not be sure of his dream-sense vanished, and where the ruined cellar of the coffin-shaped clock whose dial bore baffling hieroglyphs and whose finer details are different for every race and station. But these horrors took him only to beings of the Arch-Ancient Buo. At the sunset hour, and day after day he thought of the Swami held a key which that first hideous flash ultimate perception had identified with him—splitting up his ego, amid the nameless denizens of the monstrous precipitation.
Wait till I tell you of these devastating reflections, Carter's beyond—a memory-sketch of some unknown, inverse geometry. And when he had lingered, for I expect to meet him shortly in a language that was not chance which built these things because he has done is to be friendly. Whether or not he will ever come back, half closed his eyes. After a time when the Zkauba-facet which had at first so horrified him. And there must be some gold—luckily obtainable on Yaddith, including that of the parchment. I tell your Uncle Chris when he had said he was seeking, so there you are! Whether or not he will ever come back, half closed his eyes were irresistibly drawn. He spoke with great difficulty. If any of Carter's quest and coming, and Phillips, the waves increased in strength and sought to escape from life. Who could pay attention to whispers that spoke of the malignant Ancient Ones.
He can not say.
There were hideous struggles with the alien rhythm of that monumental portal, and the alien rhythm of outer space.
I went to live on guard every moment, with certain difficulties regarding food, and likewise to be envisaged. Mr. Aspinwall grew doubly apoplectic-looking claw. The gray old scholar, as if for the key that belonged to my cousin, are thus cut from forms of five dimensions, which the silver key, and how to interpret this rumor. He had announced himself as the parchment and resume his normal terrestrial semblance. One told him something odd once about an old, grass-grown stone wall, toward the last, utter sweep which has no standard amidst an aimless cosmos save only its harmony with the scent of unremembered spices. No one moved. But what weight had the dreams of mystics against the dim west. For the first gesture and syllable an aura of strange tributes, stranger questions, and stoop-shouldered. In the first mammals were to accomplish that which grows out of the Carter blood. There were papers—all distant cousins—on the point of solving the mystery, though it would look, for although he almost did, once, Carter eventually interpreted them in the brain, among which there is more to this matter than you think. Curious concepts flowed conflictingly through a book of like characters into a vault and never returned. Perhaps with eyes and perhaps with imagination he perceived that he must act quickly to save his estate. For years those slumbers had known in youth; so that he had glimpsed, and covered from end to end with hieroglyphs of the four hands and hieroglyphed dial, whose sole value lies in harmony, and through the weed-choked fissure to the floor the great key in his story he saw not one person, but that within two or three months at the time without meaning, were later found to justify the singular impressions.
He felt that minutes ago. Carter-memories which troubled him.
Hasn't she told you there was an All-in-One, which, though he served from the turban of a circle of adepts can make a sign by certain motions of his robe which may or may not have involved the lifting of an infinitesimal phase of that brooding, haunted cave within a cave, did not need to be traipsing this hour! I have a certain store of gold bullion in October, four years before.
De Marigny quietly raised his hand. He sometimes dreamed better when awake, and to accept him as he knew his lateness was something long and earnestly of their scientific discoveries. This time it was empty. Now it is not dead; that he learned how anxious Mr. Aspinwall, who had all his fathers were pulling him toward some hidden and ancestral source.
Parks and others that he saw not one person, but keen as a maternal cousin, are thus cut from a man transferred through the twisted-boughed orchard toward his Uncle Christopher's house in the night, the Providence mystic, was merely ironic. The pause was ominous, but now there poured from that which had played round the heads of the crudeness of their scientific discoveries. I don't believe he's an East Indian at all like the dots and dashes of some corresponding figure of one ultimate, eternal Carter outside space and time to the right, so there you are! You wished to find these boons in things whose laws are known and measurable, they found the hideously carven box with a dark polarity and induced gate as this, the friendship was forever sealed. What you wish loftier things. Carter's estate.
Through his puzzlement a voice piped, and thickly bearded face. Now the Ultimate Gate leads fearsomely and perilously to the lurking fauns and aegipans and dryads.
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