#trying to take up something that’s ‘not his’ and will therefore cause damage
fellhellion · 1 year
It’s time for your hourly tunes thoughts on miguel but like. So interesting to me that there’s an element of self-centredness to his empathy regarding people and situations that hit too close to his guilt and anger at himself.
It’s not as if he’s utterly emotionally distanced from the average person simply by fact of the multiverse; he cries out when the renaissance Vulture strikes the helicopter and sounds genuinely distressed.
But I think the reason he at first denies Jess recruiting Gwen is strictly because of her relation to Miles, since there’s other Spiders around the same age in the society. But I also think the reason he finally relents is because she reminds him of himself when she says in that small unsure voice that she has no idea how to fix this. That’s what his weary response about joining the club says to me at least. And he sends her home because she voices a doubt I think he has himself.
His “Do you want to find out?” response to Gwen’s question of if he’s certain Miles will cause harm by changing canon doesn’t exactly ring of certain knowledge to me, only fear and anger at the possibility of it all happening again.
Regarding Miles as well, I think both the anger and eventual empathy regarding Miles losing his father are both tainted by Miguel seeing himself in each aspect. He’s utterly unable to evaluate Miles’s actions separately his own trauma.
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personasintro · 6 months
A part of Mutual Help series!
pairing: mh!jungkook x reader
warnings: explicit language, Kiko is mentioned (this deserves it's own warning)
genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k+
a/n: Merry Christmas! ♡
Mutual Help Series
“Oooh, what could be in here?” Taehyung muses, pursing his reddened lips that has gotten its own intense color thanks to the cold weather outside. 
What was he doing outside when you've been at this place for around an hour? Flirting, of course. 
“Knowing you, probably tons of condoms.” you answer, causing Taehyung to stop shaking the present he's just gotten from Jimin. It stops rattling under his grip as he shoots you a glare across the table. 
Unfazed, you reach with your chopsticks for a piece of meat before you put it in your mouth. Next to you, Jungkook cackles under his breath and Jimin looks proud by your little comment. 
“Well, miss I-don't-need-anyone, we all like to have our fun. Maybe you should try it.” Taehyung bites back. Though his tone sounds serious and deep with his thick accent, there's a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. 
You know how far you can take it to joke with each of your friends. Taehyung's got a thick skin and there's only so little you could actually say to offend him. Not that you would ever want to. Taehyung loves jokes and fun, he loves teasing and most of the time he's the one who takes it too far but never to actually cause a damage to your friendship. Whatever he says, you know should not be taken to heart literally. Therefore, no matter what he says about your single life – you don't take it as an insult. 
“Hooking up with a bunch of strangers? No thanks.”
He grins, “Maybe you should try it.”
“You offering?” you shoot right back, Jungkook choking on his soda as Jimin laughs out loud.
“You know what? Once you grow up a little, text me.”
You snort, “Stop acting as if I was a child.”
Taehyung shrugs, “No, but you're the baby of our group.”
Groaning, you frown. “Don't call me that.”
“Deny it all you want, Y/L/N but we all know the truth.”
“You guys scare almost every guy that looks at me. It beats the point of having fun.”
“Don't say shit like that, now! I'm all for you exploring and having fun.”
“Our point of fun is slightly different than hers, Tae.” Jimin comments, putting more meat to your plate as you thank him with a grateful smile. For the meat, of course. Although, he's not that off about the entire fun topic. 
“We all know what kind of fun we're talking about.”
“Alright, let's move on, yeah?” Jungkook calls, shaking his head at Taehyung.
“Here we go, protective Jungkook.”
“Why do you always somehow bring up sex in every conversation?” Jungkook scolds him.
Taehyung gasps, feigning offense as he points his finger at you. “First of all, she started talking about condoms!”
Jimin laughs out loud while you shoot him a glare for being too loud. God, you hope the owners won't kick you out. Talking so publicly about sex is often frowned upon. No one who wants to enjoy their meal wants to hear someone talking about sex from the other table. Unless those people are… open like Taehyung. He's always been a bit shameless. 
 Jungkook glances at you upon Taehyung's finger that's directed toward you. You shrug innocently. “So what? You automatically got into it.”
“You know it doesn't take too much for me.”
“That's true.” Jimin nods along with Taehyung's response. 
You laugh, “Just open the goddamn present, Tae.” 
He cracks a grin and starts laughing before he rips the package open. Surprisingly, it's not condoms – you would seriously laugh your ass out if it were – but it's a box of popular male fragrances in smaller versions. You recognize all of them, silently praising Jimin for this year's present. 
You all exchange presents for each other. There was an idea coming from Jimin, you think, last year to pick up a secret Santa for each year. But there's something special and thoughtful about buying everyone a gift. And it makes a slight burden to all your wallets, but nobody said the presents have to be expensive. Yet, they're always meaningful and nobody gives shitty presents here. 
You meet every year before Christmas since all of you spend it with your families. You've decided to make your own and celebrate it together, even if it's beforehand. This year it has to be because you're flying back home sooner than usual. 
They were kind enough to meet no matter what, said it wouldn't be the same if you weren't here. 
After that is done, Jungkook is the one to take you home since Taehyung came to pick you up. There's fog everywhere with snow sitting down and not melting anytime soon. You love when there's snow around Christmas time.
On your way home, it's not that late by the time you arrive. Jungkook helps you with your presents upstairs and accepts a cup of tea you offer him with a stern look. You're quick to shed the layers of clothes and make yourself more comfortable. You bring Jungkook his tea and make a hot chocolate for yourself.
“What you got in there?” you ask, plopping next to him as the warmth and scent of home hugs you. 
“A little something,” he says with a cheeky grin. 
Spotting the same Christmas wrapping paper he has used for all his presents, you give him a knowing look. You're about to protest and scold the shit out of him when he shakes his head with another grin. 
“No, you stop!” you whine, “You already gave me your present.”
And it was great. Jungkook has given you two tickets to a water park that's located on Jeju Island. That alone tells you it wasn't quite cheap.
“It's not much, I swear.” 
“But why? We all decided on one present.” 
Grateful that he's so thoughtful, you're slightly annoyed that he broke the rule that perhaps never was so serious but it makes you feel bad. 
“Just because.”
“That's not a valid reason.”
“Sounds very valid to me,” he sings out, teasing you a little further as you both giggle. “You'll understand it once you open it.” he finishes it with that, urging you to open it.
Hiding the heat in your cheeks, you playfully roll your eyes and start unboxing the little box he has managed to sneak in his jacket. Curiosity and excitement takes over you because Jungkook's presents are always something else. You rip the package and gasp as soon as you recognize the familiar box.
“You told me you ran out the other day.”
“Did you–”
“Bought it when Jimin bought Taehyung's present? Yeah.” He answers, already knows what you were about to ask. But you're too stunned to scold him for interrupting you.
You open the box and pull out your favorite perfume. A few weeks ago, you don't even know how that conversation came up but you mentioned to him that your perfume is running out indeed. It wasn't anything intentional of course, more of a whine when you were about to spray a tiny amount as you were about to go out. You thought he was barely listening to you, urging you to rush out your ass outside. His exact words. 
But he's always listening. 
“I think I'm gonna be more careful what I'm about to say in front of you. You're gonna buy me everything I mentioned.” you chuckle, taking a good inhale of your favorite flowery and powdery scent. You mostly use it during warm seasons but it's a good one even in the winter.
It's your staple scent. Everyone knows it. It's special. You were using it back at home and it not only smells incredible, it also holds a certain emotional attachment you have with it. 
“Don't worry about that, you're out of my budget.” 
You kick the side of his thigh as you cross your legs under your butt, carefully placing the bottle on the table next to the ripped wrapping paper. “I wanted to buy it after Christmas.” 
“You don't have to anymore.”
You give him a look, questioning his answer for everything as he simply justifies his thoughtfulness in the most basic manner. He always brushes it like it's nothing. But it's very special to you. He is. 
In seconds, you wrap your arms around him and hug him tightly. He lets out a surprised gasp, a low chuckle escaping his lips as he hugs you back. He's warm, smells like a mixture of his wooden cologne and winter air. 
“Thank you.” you mumble into his shoulder before you slowly pull away. “But seriously, you should stop spending so much money on me. Don't you have a girlfriend to spend money on?”
As far as you know, she's fine with it but who knows. Jungkook isn't the type to let anyone get into your or guys' friendships. But he's also in love and people in love tend to be slightly blind, if you must say so. Not that you speak from your own experiences but well, it's quite known. And Jungkook is definitely in love. 
“Don't worry about Kiko,” he assures you, “She'll get a good amount of presents too.”
“Well, I hope she loves you for you and not for your bank account.”
He scowls, causing you to give him a childish toothy grin that acts innocent. “She's not like that.”
“But I'm serious, you should stop spending so much money on people. Especially on me.”
“I spend my money however I want and you know what?” he asks with a grin, leaning closer to you as you watch him with wide eyes. “It's none of your business.” he flicks your nose with his thumb causing you to cuss him out as you push his forehead to get him away from your proximity. 
“So really, just accept it.”
“You're stubborn.”
“You're telling me?” he laughs out loud as if you just told him the biggest joke.
Rolling your eyes again, you purse your lips. “I wanted to be nice, you moron.”
“Be nice by just accepting it. And the simple thanks is just enough, not needed though. The hug was very nice.”
You slap his arm in a teasing manner which causes him to laugh even more. “I'll hug you for the rest of my life.”
“Promise?” he smirks. 
“I promise.” you giggle, nodding.
“Well, then Merry Christmas.” 
“Merry Christmas, Kook.” you smile, the warmth spreading all over your heart. Even though this year hasn't been all rainbow and sunshine, it's alright as long as you have these people right beside you. 
Who cares about presents? They're nice and show the thoughtfulness behind them by each of your friends. What you need the most is just them. And the special relationship you have with each of them will hopefully last your lifetime. Because if it doesn't, nothing will ever be the same. 
Without them you would feel lost. At the moment, you're anything but lost. You have your second family, hoping this tradition between you never dies and will continue years and years.
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Taking Care of Him When He's Hurt HCs
Requested by: @rottent33th
How about the Sinclair Brothers with a spouse that is constantly worrying over them? Like they come home a little bruised up and are immediately rushed and taken care of.
TW: Cursing
Bo Sinclair
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With his duty of dealing with troublesome people passing through Ambrose, getting hurt in some way can occur.
As Bo's fiancé, you have already experienced a few instances of Bo returning home with something bleeding, broken or bruised.
However, that doesn't mean that your worry over him has lessened.
In fact, it increased ten-fold when he once returned home with his shoulder completely out of his socket.
You could become a full-time nurse with how much you learned from taking care of your future husband.
You would never forget the very first time he came home hurt and wounded.
You spent the day watching television while Bo was down at the gas station, however when it started getting dark, you began to worry.
Usually, Bo would be home before dark because he knew that you would worry about him if he didn't. Therefore, something must have happened.
You sat up and began to pace a little, watching the door and hoping he would turn up and say that he just 'lost track of time.'
However, you were wrong when your spouse practically slammed himself into the house and roughly land against the wall, gripping his side.
Your eyes lazer-focused on the blood soaking through his fingers and mechanic suit and you immediately acted.
"What the hell happened?!" You demanded, rushing over to him and trying to pull his hand away to assess the damage.
"Fuckin' bitch stabbed me!" He replied, pulling away from your touch and heading towards the kitchen. "This group was damn-near worse than yours."
Yes, once upon a time you were an actual victim of your current fiancé when your group stumbled upon Ambrose and wanting to take a break from your road trip. When you were the only remaining survivor, Bo found you interestimg and actually spared you, keeping you to himself.
The rest was history.
"Please, let me help you!" You followed him and urged him to sit down. "Baby, you're bleeding!" You exclaimed, grabbing his bloody hand and making him look at you.
He paused, staring at you while tears began to form in your eyes. He hated when he made you worried and upset. Which was why he wanted to take care of it himself and lay down for a while before seeing you again.
He stared for a moment before giving a small sigh. "Course, darlin'." He replied, sitting down on the stair when you pulled it out for him.
You knew that Bo didn't like asking for help or admitting when he needed it.
Therefore, you weren't that offended when he didn't want you helping at first.
You looked at the wound and luckily it wasn't too deep and didn't hit any major organs.
You proceeded to clean off the blood and disinfect the wound, causing him to wince slightly.
As an apology, you leaned in to give him a small kiss which he gladly returned, gripping the back of your head eagerly.
Pulling away, you wrapped the wound and helped him into your bedroom to change and relax for the rest of the night.
"Thanks, Darlin'." He muttered, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close to him, closing his eyes for a much needed sleep.
Vincent Sinclair
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You have constantly warned Vincent about the dangers of working around hot wax since you discovered his hobby when you both first got together. 
Vincent is such an sweet fiancé, but you worry that he would eventually hurt himself. 
Vincent is such an sweet fiancé. He always listened to your concerns and reassures you on your worries. 
Whenever he would return to the basement to work on his sculptures and/or turn people into them, you would meet him at the door and remind him to wear goggles and protective gloves for his hands. 
While Vincent finds this extremely dearing to have you, his spouse, constantly worry for him, he always reassures you in sign language and temple kisses through his mask that he’ll be alright.
After all, he has done this since he was a young boy and as a beginner getting hurt was more common. Now, as a grown man, accidents rarely happen. 
With a small sigh and smile, you reluctantly let him return to the basement to work on your own chores around the house to kill some time. 
After a few hours, Vincent was working without incident and he was looking forward to teasing you that he managed another day.
However, since he was too buys thinking of you while moving around his work station, he didn’t notice the fresh liquid that coated the floor that was still in the process of dying up. 
Yes, he slipped. 
In the process, he tried miserably to grab some leverage to catch himself which only resulted in only bringing his equipment down with him to the floor. 
The crash shook the entire house.
The crash sent you into autopilot as you rushed towards the basement and down the stairs to make sure Vincent was alright. 
Upon entering, you quickly noticed your fiancé on the ground, struggling to pick himself up while surrounded by his equipment and practically covered in wax. The drying liquid coating his hands, and part of his neck while his apron and long-sleeved sweater protected most of his torso. 
“Vincent! Are you okay?!” You asked, rushing over to him and lowering yourself to his slowly rising figure, gripping his arm as he finally situated himself onto his bottom rather than his back. 
Vincent could only reply in raspy breaths, instantly informing you that he got the wind completely knocked out of his lungs from the impact. Luckily, he didn’t need to speak to communicate with you. 
“I’m okay.” He shakily signed, “Just a little sore. I can’t really breathe.” 
Your eyes softened, placing your hand on his chest and gently rubbing the ruined cloth of the sweater covering it, hoping to offer some amount of relief. “It’s okay, sweetheart, we can get you upstairs and I’ll take care of your hands when you’re ready.” 
After a few more minutes, he was finally ready to head upstairs to receive some medical attention from you. With your help, you brought him up the stairs and into the kitchen, prompting him to sit down while you grabbed the first-aid kit. 
Helping him remove his apron, you went ahead and cleaned off the hard wax from his hands and parts of his neck. Luckily, the burns weren’t too serious so you went ahead and cleaned the slight burns and applied some ointment. 
You went to grab him a new sweater and helped him replace the ruined material of his old sweater and threw it away. It needed to be replaced anyway. 
Meanwhile, Vincent brought himself over to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind, a silent way of thanks and appreciation for taking care of him. 
Lester Sinclair
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You and your future husband live just outside of Ambrose, living a rather quiet life with the occasion of Lester helping his brothers keep the roads looking presentable for future kills.
Since Lester tends to give people rides to Ambrose, he doesn't get into trouble very often.
However, you can't help but worry that Lester could run into people that might take advantage of him.
You were in the middle of feeding the dog when you heard the distinct sound of your fiancé's truck rolling into the dirt driveway.
You smiled and patted the dog's head before stepping inside and the smile dropped from your face from what you witnessed.
Your fiancé exited the truck, refusing to look you with a bruised eye, shirt ripped at the collar, and jacket covered in dirt.
The dog came out to greet him, barking excitingly while Lester bent down to pet him.
You felt tears form in your eyes as you quickly walked over.
"What happened to you?!" You asked, kneeling down and gently pushing the dog away to get a better look at your future husband. "Baby, look at me."
Lester glanced towards you before looking away in shame. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled, "I don't want ya to see me like this."
You shook your head before cupping his face, making him keep focusing on you. "Baby, don't hide from me. What happened?" You asked, stroking his cheek while looking over his bruised face.
"I picked up some people few miles back. They saw my ring and kept makin' jokes. Said some bullshit about you and I saw red." He replied, before covering your hand with his own still on his cheek. "They fuckin' kicked my ass, baby."
You felt the tears return before pulling him close, sniffling as he returned the embrace. "Are you okay though?"
"Yeah...just my ego is a bit bruised." He replied. "I don't want ya thinking I can't protect ya..."
You chuckled softly and pulled away slightly. "Baby, I don't want you to protect me. All I want is for you to be okay and safe."
You played with the golden band around his finger with a small smile. "Let's go get you an ice pack, okay?"
Lester let out a small smile and nodded. "You always know what to say." He replied before following you into the house.
After grabbing an ice pack from the fridge, you quickly placed it on his sore eye before giving him a small kiss on the forehead.
Giving him a moment to himself, you went to the phone plugged into the wall.
It was time to give Bo and Vincent a much needed call.
Nobody fucks with their brother and gets away with it.
Taglist: @ghoulgeousimmaculate @patient1666074  @rottent33th @slaasherslut
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
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combining these three because this just gave me a lot of ideas, hope you don't mind!
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saving scaramouche after the battle
warning: 3.2 archon quest spoiler, is this considered canon divergence??, angst, he got his vision here but this is definitely not how he got it in canon, he's crying a lot, mentions of murder?? (he wants to kill the traveler), usage of his real name multiple times, mentions of his past, no proofread
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✧ actually, you didn't know whether or not you should've been surprised that he lost or not
✧ scaramouche was never known for being 'humble' in any way, so after boasting about his newfound powers combined with the doctor's work? yeah, you were kind of sure something was going to happen to him sooner or later (however warning him would've only resulted in him getting angry at you for doubting him, so therefore you decided not to do so)
✧ you had been there, watching from the sidelines and never interfering with any of them. if you would've stepped down there, you probably would've been crushed by accident with his giant mecha, but you were sure that the small dendro archon had noticed you from the beginning (besides, you surely wouldn't be jumping down there)
✧ and in the end, he lost, and you didn't feel surprised at all
✧ it was only when the dendro archon began to take the gnosis from him that you became alert, seeing how desperate scaramouche became to keep it - screaming, shouting, even threatening her to stop
✧ it genuinely,, hurt watching him despair like this, considering you knew what your lover had been through to get the gnosis, but you knew that it was futile. your intervention could've never changed anything and in the end, things would turn out just like this again
✧ only when she had clasped the electro gnosis in her hand and he finally fell forward, your body moved on its own and caught him just before his fall
✧ while the traveler including the dendro archon had immediately become defensive, you didn't even bother looking at them and left this place with whatever strength you could muster while carrying him (but it was also nahida who decided to let you go - she couldn't even sense any hostility from you)
✧ while it took scaramouche some time to wake up, you were there and held his hand, silently begging the archons above that he wouldn't be too upset over losing his 'heart' again. he looked a little roughed up and you managed to get the weird tubes that had been attached to his back out of there and tried fixing him up to the best of your abilities, but you knew that he ache in his heart couldn't be helped as simple as that
✧ it was far more shocking however how he just up into the sky, not even looking at you. not a single snarky remark, not a single annoyed huff, not even his fist clenched at the thought of his loss
✧ he looked,, desolated. deep in thought with his eyes devoid of any signs of life. it really looked like he had internally given up on anything
✧ he didn't even bother to react when you said his name, his real name, and clasped his hands, expressing how thankful you were for him to have waken up. kunikuzushi only turned his head to you before looking away once more and it tore your heart out at how empty he looked
✧ any attempt to speak to him was useless - neither did he respond once to any of your questions nor did he react to anything you said. you wondered if taking the gnosis caused even more damage than you first wanted to believe
✧ you didn't fall asleep that night. you were scared something might happen to him or worse, he might leave and do something really bad - worst case scenario being that he might go back to sumeru city and try to get his revenge through other ways
✧ at some time, scaramouche would just sit up in the middle of the night, but again staring off into nothing with a faraway look in his eyes. it almost scared you how calm he was in face of what happened, but you knew that tthere was something stirring up inside of him that he didn't dare to get out for as long as you were there
✧ when you eventually fell asleep due to your own fatigue catching up with you, kunikuzushi just stared at his hands
✧ he was pathetic. he was beaten by a god who had been abandoned years ago and that traveler (and his damn dull blade) and even got the gnosis taken away from him, again
✧ was that why his mother cast him aside? was he still to weak to do anything to prove his worth to anyone?
✧ after doing everything to become worthy of that chess piece he still managed to lose everything, regardless of what he did. maybe, he thought, he was chosen to burn inside. he was a divine creation and the gods decided to use him as their laughing stock, and their cruel divine prank started from the moment he had waken up inside shakkei pavilion and began wandering the world
✧ his nails were digging into his palm enough to draw blood, but it didn't matter. that pain was not comparable to the empty void in his chest, the pulsating ache that he had felt for more than centuries and was only stilled once he clutched the gnosis in his hands after all these years
✧ he'd kill them, he swore to himself. he'd go back and take back what's his and make these arrogant people suffer the way he has for years. then he'd continue with each and every person who would dare to stand against him once more
✧ it doesn't take long and kunikuzushi starts crying, though he doesn't even notice himself. his tears are silent and his body trembles with sheer anger
✧ that is until he suddenly feels like your hands on his face, gently cupping it and wiping a few tears away with your thumb. your gaze at him just screams how much you pity him but in that moment, it was too much - the last time someone pitied him for crying, he was put to sleep in shakkei pavilion and abandoned
✧ his first instinct is to violently flinch away from your touch. he doesn't need pity, he doesn't need anything, why was he even crying?
✧ this was exactly why she has abandoned him he thought. that's why you would abandon him soon, too. that's why everyone abandoned him or betrayed him in the end, just because they could
✧ when you try to touch his shoulders, he'd probably yell at you to get lost and you aren't sure whether or not he actually means it. guessing from his tone, he did want you gone, far away from him so you won't withness the balladeer crying and being unable to stop
✧ the only reason why he's trying so horribly to push you away in that moment is not the fact that you can see him crying (although that's also a reason), but rather the fact that he believes that the moment you comfort him, that you might leave him soon after and he'll never feel your comforting touch nor your loving words ever again
✧ it hurts to just sit next to him while he sobs and constantly tells you to get lost - but you remain resilient because you know that it would only bring about more harm if you actually left him behind like this. the fact that he can't even stop his tears from falling while trying so desperately to wipe them away and cover his face almost made you cry as well
✧ it takes patience to finally reach out for him, pulling him into your arms. it's hard keeping him close because he'd be trashing around, hitting your shoulders and threatening you to let go off him with the sharpest of words, but you'd refuse any of it, trying your best to whisper reassuring words to him
✧ before long, he'll clutch onto your shoulders and hides his face into the nape of your neck, sobbing into your shoulder and begging you not to leave him behind - that was the first and final time you had ever seen him, kunikuzushi, cry
✧ perhaps when his sobs died down little by little, you might notice that he's actually asleep in your arms but still holding onto you for dear life
✧ it's only when the first sunrays fall onto him in the morning and he rises from his sleep, he finds you right next to him, holding onto his hand in your sleep - but that wasn't the most shocking thing to him that caused him to visibly still his movements at once he glanced down at the unknown weight in his hand
✧ it happened to be that small glowing gemstone right in his hand that had been holding yours in his sleep, a vision that had appeared right after losing everything that he believed
✧ his journey had not ended the day he lost the gnosis a second time, as a new path opened up before his very eyes when he woke you with a slight (unwanted) tremor in his voice, holding the vision in his hand with a look you couldn't quite put down as tired as you were (was he happy? surprised? you had genuinely no idea)
✧ he refuses to show it, but he's proud, holding it in both of his hands and almost gawking at it the longer he looke down on it - he was still upset about the gnosis, sure, but you could see something else behind his eyes too
✧ you hadn't left him behind and the gods had not abandoned him; your existence and the vision in his hand were proof enough that he was still worthy of something
✧ he's happy. genuinely happy (and so are you when you see his bashful expression when you mention that he's been staring at it for almost an hour now)
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tags: @simp4mahbabyxiao
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
okay so odd-ball thought abt the zombie asks floating around;
santi and his lil obsession get separated, he’s absolutely GEEKED out, already stressed and fatigued, so he’s kinda reverting back to his OLD old snappy self.
a few weeks of this happening and he’s reached his peak, just a complete douche and asshat when patches (i’m assuming if the Clergy gang were all together when it happened they stayed together cause numbers=safety most of the time) runs up and has this fucking lump in his arms covered with a blanket— santi instantly smelled his lil lover and damn near rips patches’ arms off to get to her and just kinda stands there holding her and purring or smth
then they fuck cause yeah it’s santi and he’s a mix of absolutely starved and carnally obsessed with this sudden reunion with his lover.
(i love zombie aus. sorry if this doesn’t match his personality or traits, i’m severely tired but i HAD to blurb about this for a hot second-)
TW: Noncon moment.
It's not unlikely that he'll revert back to that mindset. After all, it's almost like his younger days in the Rings, always looking out for himself and trusting no one.
He might become worse, actually, since there's so little people out there who retain their intelligence and social norms. Santi doesn't have to be constantly checking himself and acting in ways that purposely charm others around him. There's no one to charm, no one to seduce, therefore he doesn't need to exert energy in thinking of tactics and lines and what kind of expressions he should make. Overtime, those mannerisms fade and he becomes a more raw, brute version of what an incubus truly is deep down. A predator looking to fuck the energy out of you so it can sustain itself.
His coworkers don't make a big deal out of it, they've known Santi for a long while, especially Grimbly, and they know how he gets when in a truly foul mood. They've seen him devoid of charming mannerisms. They don't care for his tantrums, but there have been instances where Santi simply picks fights with them just to prove something to himself he can't even understand, just to take his mind off things, because it's easier to brawl and sexually harass someone than to admit that he needs help. That he's broken and sees no real reason to exist anymore except to remember you.
In this state, Santi has no qualms being incredibly sadistic and hunting down anything he considers worth the effort, hurting them as the brute acts necessary for his feeding unfurl. They're not even people, these walking husks... And the survivors he does find, they'd rather try to kill him, so they're not any better than the zombies are they? They don't deserve an inch of his mercy, so they can squirm themselves to death on the incubus' cock for all he cares.
When he gets you back, as surprising as it is that he even got you back at all after basically mourning your loss and spiraling into the worst version of himself... Santi doesn't know what to do with himself. It's like being hit with a brick to the face. And he realizes what a cunt he is.
You won't love him like that.
It's been so long, he can barely crack the same smile he used to for you. His claws are way too big, his body's covered in scuff marks from willingly getting into dangerous altercations. Santi forgot half the charm he used to have, and the remnants he's trying to put back on are forced. Unnatural.
When you wake up in his arms, it's all the demon can do not to blubber like a fucking baby. He doesn't speak too much initially because aside from "I'm so glad I found you again.", he's probably going to spit something tasteless and ruin the moment.
Santi finds himself unintentionally being brutish to you, snapping, speaking too roughly, grabbing you hard, subconsciously treating you the same way he would his prey. He sees the fear in your eyes and instantly freezes, realizing he's a danger to you and not recovering fast enough to avoid damaging the relationship.
The others around him, the ones that can still stand him, try to offer Santi advice and comfort him when he distances himself from your hurt self.
It all culminates in an intimate moment where Santi stops listening to you and just takes. You tell him to slow down, and he doesn't. It's a few minutes of him being a senseless rutting beast until he hears you sobbing. Not the pleasured sobbing of someone who has orgasmed too many times, the sobs and cries of someone who is in pain and scared.
You're the last person he wants to hurt, and Santi just wounded you in the worst way he possibly could.
After that, the incubus comes clean about what happened to him, who he was in his past, what happened when he thought he had lost you forever. And more than that, as much as he hates to do it, Santi gives up most control of things to you while he works to restore the incubus you fell in love with.
Because if you considered leaving him now, he would probably never recover at all.
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Howdy howdy! Could I request Blitzø, Fizarolli and Millie (separate, not poly) with a chubby s/o?
No worries if you're not interested in writing this one. Take care 💛💛
"More To Love" ; Blitzø, Fizzarolli, Millie
AN: Aw, hun, don't worry about it!! These are always some of the sweetest requests!! I'm super thin tho, so if something is inaccurate or offensive, please tell me!!
Also, new format who is SHE??
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Let's get this out of the way: Blitzø does not care. Like, at all. Sometimes, you aren't even sure he notices your appearance.
Which, yes, is very comforting. He's attracted to you regardless, he wouldn't be with you if he wasn't.
Blitzø's favorite thing in the world is to cook for you. Half of his attempts could be considered lethal, sure, but hey, he's fed himself and his daughter for at least a few years off of his skills, right? He'll do his best to adhere to any special diets and eating routines you have, too, since he totally understands if you have any insecurities. He knows how cruel Hell and earth alike can be toward anybody who isn't a stick figure.
Allergic to nuts? Sweet, guess what's no longer in the house. Pescatarian? He's suddenly the hugest fan of fish. Vegetarian? That's fine, he didn't like meat, anyway. Even though he did.
He's a dad, after all, and if he's that doting with his daughter, imagine how doting he is with his partner. You're the light in his dark world, and he hates the idea of you ever feeling like anything less than you really are.
Now, granted, sometimes, some of the things he says sound insensitive, but he really is trying to learn more about your situation. So he gets some very... er... sweet-intentioned, but possibly perverted-sounding nicknames for you.
"Heeeeyyy, Sexy~." "Woah! Got someone you're tryna impress today~?" "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes~?"
I wouldn't be surprised if your face is eternally red, like, at all.
If you ever confessed to actually being insecure about your body... oh god. Good luck, that's it for you.
He's basically going to be so touchy on you, it'll be like you have a Blitzø-sized tumor attached to your hip.
If you've got a tail, Blitzø will ensure that your tails are basically always intertwined.
Unless you tell him to stop, of course. He's a dick, but he's not that much of a dick.
But he'll make sure you're always comfortable and feeling loved and basically worshipped. Seriously, have you ever seen an assassin get pissed off because somebody insulted their S/O?
Well, you did after meeting him.
And it didn't end pretty for the other person in question.
He'll be the one constantly telling you how much he loves your curves, how beautiful you are to him, and how much he absolutely adores your body.
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Fizz, like Blitzø, doesn't really care about how you look or your weight.
He's just about attracted to anybody. If anything, in a Hell full of stick figures, he actually finds you more unique, and therefore more desirable.
But, maybe better than anyone, he can understand if you're insecure about your body.
Hell, he's insecure about his! Mechanical, unfeeling limbs... endless nerve damage... his whole body basically one giant burn scar.
But that does double over into knowing how to comfort you really, really well.
After all, he just thinks of how he'd want someone to comfort him on a day when he isn't feeling great about himself.
"S/O, you're looking sooooo pretty today! Have I ever told you how much I loooove you~?"
His tone remains teasing and playful, but of course, the words are very genuine. You're his other half, he doesn't know what he'd do without you.
And he's got little to no sense of mercy when it comes to someone bullying you or causing you to feel insecure, either.
First, he'd rip them to shreds verbally so hard that they either cry or run, and then he'd be on you like glue.
His mechanical limbs wrapped around you, snuggled up into your stomach while making those little purring sounds that Blitzø made in episode 4, complimenting the ever-loving shit outta you.
"You're so soft, babe~." "Mm... I could stay here all day long, you're so warm."
He'd even have his tail wrapped around your waist or upper thighs, just for that little extra closeness.
He loves you and the way you look so, so much and he wants you to be as happy with yourself as he is with you. :))
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Millie is someone who grew up around a lot of farm folk, a lot of whom were also on the chubbier side. It happened, it wasn't a bad thing. If anything, she liked it more on you.
And she'd be the one who'd actually fucking maul someone over insulting that trait of yours, my god- I'm not sure if there's ever been so much blood from one person-
You're insecure? Aw, you've got a little sweetheart right at your side.
"Baby, you're the cutest thang I've ever seen! I could just gobble you up~!"
As long as your physique doesn't pose any issues for your health, she's all for it! She finds it so cute and she loves how soft you are!!
And although she's never experienced it, herself, you can always count on her endless support and love, regardless of whatever it is you may need!
She'll always try to be right next to you, both because she's ready to strike if anybody dare makes a rude comment toward her lovely S/O, but also because she just adores you that much.
Like Fizz, she'll also wrap her tail around you when she wants cuddles because it's a way that imps like her often show love.
Another thing I think she'd like is comparing hand sizes.
And cheek pinching!! My God, with chubby cheeks, she'll be on them like glue!!
"Ain't you just the cutest lil honeybee in the hive, baby~? Yes you are! I love you so much~."
Honestly? Marry her. She's sweet, she's loving, she loves your appearance and running her hands over your curves, she adores you.
Plus, she'll protect you from fatphobic assholes. What's not to love?
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Fic prompt: character A falls asleep on character B, who needs to get up to get something but doesn’t want to disturb character A and therefore comes up with a maybe impractical solution to get the thing they need without waking up character A
There was kind of a lot going on when Ed was startled awake.
He registered the horrifying crash that had woken him up, the tail end of Stede's aww dammit, and, in pretty much the same moment, an awful gurgling noise caused by Ed reflexively jabbing his arm into Stede's throat in an attempt to curtail some imagined attacker.
"Stede!" Ed yelped, scrambling up from his formerly-comfortable spot curled in Stede's lap to straddle his hips, checking for damage. "Are you okay?"
"I was okay," Stede hissed, prodding at the tender red spot on his throat with his forefinger, "before you slammed your entire body weight into my throat, you nut!"
"Sorry." Ed grimaced, bending to press a kiss over the spot. Thankfully, the angle hadn't been very good, and his flailing had hit him mostly by accident. "What was that noise?"
Stede went quiet, starting to get a tinge of pink around the tips of his ears. "I needed to blow out the light," he said mildly.
"Blow out the...?" Ed shifted himself back into Stede's lap, flinging his legs over his thighs so he could see - oh, what the fuck.
Ed blinked at the pile of debris scattered around the side table next to their couch. Crumpled up paper balls, pillows, and a couple heavy books (what must have woken Ed up, he guessed) lay in a haphazard pile around the table, the oil lamp still burning merrily amidst the wreckage.
Ed immediately started laughing his head off, and, to his relief, Stede started laughing, too, his head falling to Ed's shoulder, pressing a kiss to the bare skin there between his laughs. "You're lucky you didn't start a fire, babe! Why did you think that would work?"
"I mean, it really doesn't need you to blow that hard," Stede shrugged, a hand landing easily, possessively, over Ed's hip in a way that just made him purr. "So I thought, you know, maybe the gust from something flying overhead..."
"Did you try -"
"Yes," Stede said, "I tried blowing from here."
He tried again, just blowing ineffectually into space, and Ed joined in to no avail. Stupid oil lamp just kept burning.
"Damn," Ed wheezed, breathless from his heroic attempt to blow out the light from across the room. "Why didn't you just get up?"
Stede brushed a strand of hair behind Ed's ear, his eyes crinkling with the softest smile in the world, the one he reserved just for Ed. "You were sleeping so well."
Fuck, but if it was possible for love to kill, Ed would've died ages ago.
"Alright," he said, straddling Stede's lap again and wrapping his arms around his neck. "I'll show you how it's done, watch. Just take me with you."
Stede laughed, pressing a kiss to his cheek before hoisting him up. Ed buried his giggles into the side of Stede's neck, wrapping his legs tight around his waist as Stede hobbled them over to the lamp. He held it up for Ed to blow out, and Ed loved him so much that the room stayed golden even when it was out.
"See?" Ed wrapped his arms tighter around Stede's neck, cuddling into his chest. "Wasn't so hard, was it?"
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deadbydangit · 3 months
Was wondering if you could do a part two on an injured reader prompt with Huntress, Deathslinger, and Trickster.
Thank you in advance!
I believe I can. Please enjoy.
With an injured reader: Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster
Anna is used to getting hurt.
She's also used to taking care of herself.
So when you get hurt, she won't see it as a big deal unless you're seriously injured.
Even then, to her a serious injury might not seem like that big a deal.
You have to remember how she was raised.
To her, a broken arm might just be something she brushes off.
It's not that she doesn't care.
She just doesn't understand it.
Once you express and tell her how much pain you're in, then she'll understand the situation a bit more.
You might think she's not good at treating wounds, however, it's actually the opposite.
Well she might be a bit rough about it, she knows how to treat wounds properly.
Although modern medicine is something lost to her, naturalistic healing is something she's very well versed in.
Again, that's just how she was raised and how she took care of herself.
If it's a serious injury, she'll be patching you up and giving you naturalistic cures.
Even if you don't like it.
She knows which plants have medicinal properties and how to use them.
And, yes, she knows they taste bad. But you're going to eat them if you know what's good for you.
Either you have them crushed up in a soup, or she shoves them down your throat.
I'd pick the first option if I were you.
Although gentle might not be a word in her vocabulary, she'll certainly try for you.
She'll even try and spoil you while you're hurt.
Is she good at it?
But she sincerely making an effort.
She might try and carry you around or spoon feed you like a baby.
Yes, she's a little rough around the edges, but you know she's trying.
And she wouldn't do it for anybody else.
This man's an inventor, not a doctor.
So, safe to say he isn't exactly the best help when it comes to injuries.
Heck, he fixed his own injuries with inventions.
And look how they turned out.
His other injuries?
Caleb ignores them.
Just take a good look at his jaw.
However, he knows an injured person when he sees one.
And he knows you're in pain.
He can't bear to see that.
He might not be the greatest at caring for others, but for you, he's going to try his damnest.
However, he's smart enough to know that he can't patch you up himself.
He knows that will cause more damage than do any good.
Therefore, he'll be searching high and low for the next best person.
"I know damned well I'm no doctor. But that Doctor fellow ain't no doctor either."
He's smart enough to know not to send you to Herman.
He figured Sally is the next best person.
While he doesn't know what to do, he'll be by your side the entire time.
If you need to squeeze his hand, he'll let you do that too.
He's also very good at listening and following post care instructions.
He'll make sure you take your medicine, or we bandage your wounds.
And if that means you can't drink any alcohol for the next few days?
He'll make sure you follow through with it.
He'll even go sober with you.
That's how much he cares for you and loves you.
Ji-Woon isn't really good at taking care of others.
Not at all.
So you're going to have to be really hurt for him to notice.
It's not that he doesn't care, He's Just Not That observant of others and how others feel.
But once he realizes you're hurt, he's going to freak out a little bit.
God forbid there's any blood.
He loves to see other people bleed and suffer when he's the one inflicting the pain.
He's panicking.
Even worse than you might be.
And if he gets any of your blood on him?
You'll mistake the screaming for that of a little girl.
The first step is getting him to calm down.
After that, you're going to have to take charge and tell him where and what to bring you.
Soon, he'll be doing a little bit better considering someone is giving him directions.
After the initial care is done, you'll still be on your own to an extent.
He isn't good about reminding you to take your medicine if you need to take medicine, or rewrapping wounds.
And if you need anything, you'll have to be extremely specific about it or he'll get you something completely wrong.
However, he is great moral and emotional support.
He'll sit by you for hours, just checking in on you.
Heck, he'll even sing you a lullaby if it helps you fall asleep.
Sure, this isn't his forte.
But it's evident he's making an effort. And he wouldn't do that for anybody else.
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sanctus-ingenium · 10 months
i answer your asks vol... 6?
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This one made me actually consider how they balance the humours beyond just a simply "they scour it out". Because sometimes a holy beast gets 'sick' and it's not necessarily related to any sort of tissue growth, it's more often a mechanical fault and because the beast is considered to be alive, he is then therefore 'sick'. So how do we deal with this? An enginesmith will make the necessary repairs, but sometimes the sickness is related to environmental conditions. The four humours are arranged on a scale like this:
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A mechanical fault associated with being too hot and dry could be something like a lack of lubrication on moving machine parts. So this would be considered the reason for a production of yellow bile (excess of yellow bile, btw, was what Pantera was diagnosed with on his last outing). Whether or not the bile is literal or more symbolic depends on the case. Anyway this was the reason Pantera is associated with fire (originally, when I was designing them all) and Leun, diametrically opposite, is associated with phlegm, water, acid, etc.
But anyway, the way to fix these imbalances in hot/cold/wet/dry is to simply reduce whichever one is excessive. In practice, keeping holy beasts maintained even when they're not out on a crusade is a full time job for an army of workers, where the atmospheric conditions need to be as neutral as possible. Too wet and you've got rust, too dry and the metal fatigues, to hot and it might warp and break, too cold and the joints won't fit properly, etc etc. Although the enginesmiths view this through a lens of The Four Humours, it's also just good practice to try to keep things balanced.
Btw while they do cure an excess of blood by bleeding the holy beast, they don't make leeches big enough :'(
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There are illustrated representations of dragons that are pretty traditionally dragony (typically a winged serpent with many tails representing the stinging tendrils). These are added to drawings and art as a catch-all symbol for a conscious and targeted Evil. The laity, which is very devout, is unlikely to associate dragons with resistance - dragons cause a lot of damage too, and those stinging barbs will kill you just from the trauma of the impalement before the venom even has a chance to (unless you just get grazed, in which case.. the venom will paralyse you. then kill you)
So active rebellions/civil wars/wars of succession have occurred many times. The subjugated Midaean nation/territory (depending on who you ask) rallies around their beloved Saint Lycaon, a wolf. Flags and signs depicting a wolf devouring a crocodile/a lion/whatever holy beast currently tops the hierarchy of the church would be more likely. Rebellion itself is rarely black and white and as neat as picking a symbol the church hates. It is more likely people would pick a symbol that they love. Outside of Midea, the Mezian empire might not be at its peak but it also has not given its own citizens and laity a reason to take up arms against it.
at the start of the story, at least
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awesome questions thank you @curious-sootball !
So the nerve cords inside the vertebrae are artificial, but they still perform the same physiological function as a real spinal column. They interface with a knight's dialogue. This produces an incredible amount of heat - this is why the spines are often exposed, even though that might be a point of vulnerability. The spinous processes in particular are very effective heat sinks.
But the tail? In most cases we don't need the tail, really. The spinal column ends at the base of the pelvis. The tail is cropped for most beasts on purpose - we don't need this thing dangling around and becoming entangled, and it has no machinery around it to act as replacement muscles so it couldn't move even if they wanted it to. Krokodilos's tail is the exception and it's just extremely heavy for not much pay off. That's a lot of additional engines we gotta maintain.
So the tail tends to be abandoned. The bones are kept of course but not mounted on the chassis where they're not needed. With no nerve cord running through them they don't run hot either so they won't disperse heat all that well.
Now for replacing bones... they don't. The bones that exist in the chassis are the bare minimum needed to perform the required functions - basic movement. They don't have ribs, they often don't have phalanges. A skull is there to complete the nerve cord - but all you need of that skull is the occipital bone. Nothing more.
If they break a leg, it might be repaired using screw and plate fixation. The bone may deign to knit together (enginesmiths swear that they don't allow tissue growth ever.. but sometimes you need some periosteum. Don't tell the bishops). But if it gets crushed? That's the holy beast done, scrap heap time. The majority of all holy beasts that have ever existed have already broken down and been decommissioned at the start of this story - we only have seven left (eight if you count krokodilos). Krokodilos is an unusual case because he is not dead, so they can't just hold a state funeral and add his heart engine block to the big hall of old hearts in the cathedral. He's sleeping.
But he's the exception. Take Saint Guinefort - dead as a doornail. He had a full funeral, his heart was put in the hall and his body was [redacted] like they do with all dead holy beasts. And then he was [redacted] and now our pal "Sir Victory" with the metal arm uses him as Nosewyse. Circle of life.
I think sidecar motorcycle is a pretty apt way of looking at him lmao. You don't wanna know how many people he's cooked.
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Hey there! So I know I've mentioned they are similar to pterosaurs but they are not related to them at all. In fact they are cetaceans :) Later art I did of them plays up the mammal traits a bit more. Check out these nipples
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However it is a fact that they are not closely related to modern cetaceans - as in, they did not evolve from modern whales and dolphins, but belong to a side branch that diverged relatively early, around the same time dragons were leaving the water for the skies. That art is quite old too, from before I kind of nailed it all down, so if I drew them now I would remove the more derived traits (i.e the single blowhole, the tail flukes, etc) and tidy it up a little. They diverged from the lineage that would become modern whales before the pelvic limbs were lost. I originally depict them having the crowbar-like claws on their feet to lever skin parasites off the dragon, but i think they are more likely to not use their feet much at all, and are more likely to use their single huge beak-like tooth to do the job instead. They cannot walk on flat surfaces.
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Only insects and, specifically, winged insects :) I know it would be really cool to have various other giant arthropods but milennia ago, when they crossed into Thera for the first time, insects were the only fliers. And there is no other way to get over the mountain range quickly enough for it not to kill you. The mountain range in which the endless city sits is completely and 100% devoid of life. A journey on foot for a tiny bug would be next to impossible - they are more likely to starve or simply turn around and go back to where the food is.
The winged insects, otoh, can cross the range in a day or less, if the breeze is flowing right. And they would find plants already there in Thera - also solely wind-dispersed species from the previous time the mountains arrived and linked the world with Earth. The insects didn't really come by choice, sometimes the wind just blows the wrong way, but they definitely got lucky.
There are wingless insects in Thera today but only because they lost that trait over time (like ants or larviform female beetles). They have managed to colonise every reasonable habitat, including the sea (though the sea is not very salty) and have developed into a lot of very strange forms which might be unrecognisable to us. But a lot of them just got bigger and smarter.
This time round, in the period of time the story is set (early 1900s on earth), the mountains appeared and new animals crossed over who were not insects. Birds have become invasive in Thera, happily taking advantage of the smaller insect species who are completely unprepared for this new threat. There are also some wind-dispersed spiders hanging out now.
EDIT: oh i forgor the parasites on the flying insects that first colonised thera... yes they would have mites and horsehair worms and things of that nature
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janus-cadet · 4 months
So, I've been watching Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss.
Loved it. Therefore, obviously, to none of my friends' surprise, I added the fandom in that nonsensical tarot project of mine- and it starts with Lucifer, the short king himself, as the Five of Cups.
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(The Devil was already taken, which both caused me immense amont of dismay, and just as much relief, because that version of Lucifer does NOT fit the Devil card as much as he could.)
Now, under the cut (only for the braves who can handle a long post spoken in broken english), the mandatory explanation for the choice of the card and the composition.
A joyous card, isn't it! Ahah? Totally. Let's get right into it.
The Five of Cups, Upright, often appears in a reading when a situation hasn't turned out the way you expected, leaving you sad, regretful and disappointed. I mean, you just gave one (1) apple to humanity, just to give them free will, and look what they did with it! What the hell, literally! You are blaming yourself, and instead of moving on with your life (despite the small inconvenience of being banished to an endless pit of evil and horror), you ar choosing to wallow in your self-pity. All you can focus on right now is what went wrong and how you failed. You're stuck in the past, and you can't let go; old wounds you never closed are keeping you from trying to create some positive changes. Which is why the card is here: to help you forgive. Forgiveness, to others and to yourself, is the only way you'll be able to release yourself from your sadness and disappointment. Remember that foresight and wisdom in the present moments comes from mistakes of the past: reflect on what led you to this point, and try to find something positive by reflecting on the lessons learned. You can rebuilt, you still can challenge an unfair system, despite everything! New possibilities are waiting for you, as shown by your daughter. You just have to be ready to accept it. Shift your mindset and focus on what can go right from this point forward.
Reversed, the card suggests that you might look at yourself specifically as a failure. You are stuck in a loop of self-loathing, and can't bring yourself to open up to others about those feelings. The reversed Five of Cups card is here to encourage you to open up: people around you may not see how much pain you're in right now, so don't be afraid to ask for help or talk to someone you trust.
You cannot undo the past, and just as Lucifer at the end of the first season, you are starting to accept that. You are slowly discovering how to be open to the new opportunities and ideas shown to you; you are finally starting to be more hopeful anout the future. You may not be fully okay again, you might still be in pain, but you are taking the first step: the card encourage you to keep doing so. Focus on the bright side. Not all is lost!
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Lot of talks already, so I'll quickly go over those. The cups (that I spend too long on for such a small detail in the whole piece agh agh) are, as I drew them, a symbols of the regrets and the remorses felt. The regrets are the titled, broken cups: Lucifer's marriage, his relation with his daughter, and the dreams he had as an angel. Three things that feels like they are lost, damaged beyond repairs- but that are, in fact, still within reach. The content hasn't even spill yet. The remorses are the acts that can't be undone, and the effect on the vision he has of himself- the bitten apple, and the beastly devil that can't be trust. Those are te things he keeps blaming himself for, and the source of the self-loathing he's stuck into. But! He's turning his back on them, as a way to show he is not as linked to those things as he thinks he is. One is a thing of the past, the other is merely a shadow of who he is- what's important is what lays in front of him.
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And that's it for today! You're still here? Dang, you're resilient. Thank you very much, hope you enjoyed this. And you're just in time for a little ending poll!
See, I started two other WIPs while drawing Lucifer. Therefore...
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
fic rec friday 37
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Fade to Black by @yokohogawa
Things between Keith and Lance are changing but Keith is restless, especially with Shiro still weak, and ends up taking a bad decision: he leaves Lance alone in the Castle with a Lion he cannot pilot. Unable to form Voltron without the newly appointed Red Paladin, the four Paladins left struggle against the sudden attack of a Galra ship and later on take damage from the explosion of a star in close proximity. Lance, on the other end, is left to defend the Castle by himself and has little time to succeed: without energy, the Lions have only 6 hours of breathable air. Beyond that point, his friends will be dead.
okay yes technically this series is unfinished. HOWEVER the first two works ARE finished, and they are amazing showstopping incredible etc. tbh im not much of a black paladin lance fan, i genuinely think solo leadership is not what he is suited for, but this fic made me way more open to it. the way he handled severe crises was as fear stricken as it was awe inspiring highly recommend
2. once again i am a child by @lilaclavenders
“You’re not a spare tyre,” Adam interjects.  “I know that,” Lance says, too unsure to sound completely defensive.   “That almost sounded like a question.” “No... it didn’t,” Lance says.
Lance and Adam talk.
i have always been a fan of lance and adam even tho its the most evidence lacking fanon thing in this fandom. its truly just so interesting. and to have lance as a young cadet getting slammed so badly just in so many different directions being given at least one grownup in his corner...its a good read.
3. Lance the language man by @irish-vampire-blog
Lance didn't really try to learn a language. He just, kind of, picks up the basics and then works from there. Its usually unintentional. Ish.
He isn't stupid though. He isn't an idiot. He just isn't the same kind of smart as his friends are.
this kind of smart for lance is so REAL bc no he cannot do like quantum physics or whatever probably but the way he seems to have a pretty innate ability to successfully do many things that he tries. he just can u know?? thats the autism with the gay audacity i would imagine but i love seeing fics like this
4. my boyfriend's back (and you're gonna get in trouble) by teacupfulofbrains
hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back
Keith Kogane has never heard of Vine. Lance McClain takes personal offense to this, and makes it his personal mission to teach his boyfriend to meme. Keith is confused, mostly.
(OR: several instances of Keith not getting the meme™ and two times he did)
I LOVE THIS FIC SO BAD I CANT BELIEVE I HAVENT RECCED IT BEFORE. yes i am a cringe zillenial who still finds vine funny and quotes it on the internet but truly idc idc. this fic is funny. this fic is cute. established klance my love and light. also keith comparing lances eyes to the star of bombay is some of the gayest shit ever and also the only time i will entertain blue eyed lance
5. The Most Dangerous Thing is to Love by running_downn
Last time something like this happened to Lance, Keith wasn’t there. He’d thought he would have been able to do something if he had been there, or at least if he was, the guilt wouldn’t be so heavy on his chest. But this time he was there. He was right fucking there and he decided that it was infinitly worse.
Basically there's a new threat after the Galra and it almost kills Lance. Desperate making out ensues, but it's okay to recognize when it's not the right time for it. Keith cries a lot cause he's older and grizzled and therefore not as emotionally stunted.
green sock reality? team still out fighting as adults and lance isn’t a fucking farmer while the rest of the team isn’t? keith’s abandonment issues treated with respect and dignity and also the acknowledgement that he’s older and therefore mature enough to handle those issues in a way that doesn’t risk a relationship that is important to him? lance understanding all this and using the supportive nature he is known for??? yes yes yes. stellar fic that should have way more hits than it does
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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blues824 · 1 year
Hello! I was reading through your Oiran/Daki!MC fanfic, and I'm wondering what would it be like if we add her brother into the mix? [Gyuutaro!MC]
Let's say, [Housewarden] was walking through the school corridors, and saw [Sibling] on the ground, covering their burned face because they rejected someone and [Sibling] getting hurt by the others fire spell.
How would [Housewarden] react to see Gyuutaro!MC threatening the reject and eventual scaring/harming them with their sickles. (Bonus if the reject was extra good looking too 😉)
I think I understand what you’re asking, so I will write what I think you meant. Gender-neutral reader
Warnings: Gruesome, Y/N comes out of [Sibling]’s back, Clawing nails into skin
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Riddle Rosehearts
Ace and Deuce had told him about something that was happening at NRC, and he came over to try and deal with it as a Housewarden. What he didn’t expect was for [Sibling] to be in the center of a ring of fire and crying.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” They cried.
All of a sudden, a form started emerging from [Sibling]’s back. Riddle had to look away or else he would most likely throw up. When he looked back, he saw you comforting [Sibling]. They were sobbing as you patted their head and asked them what happened. That was when the Heartslabyul Housewarden found out as well.
The next second, you had the offender at the other end of one of your sickles. Your voice seemed so raspy as you threatened the person who your sibling rejected. You said something about not being able to accept rejection and therefore they just had to cause harm to your beloved sibling.
Riddle didn’t know what to do. Sure, he could collar you, but you had weapons that weren’t controlled by magic. It would probably make you focus on attacking him after you killed the offender. He figured he would have to wait for an adult.
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Leona Kingscholar
He was summoned by the Headmage as a Housewarden. He was very reluctant because it just told him to get to the P.E. field, which he now saw was on fire with one person trapped in the middle. He looked closer and saw that it was [Sibling].
“Y/N! HELP ME!” They cried.
Leona saw a figure emerging from [Sibling]’s back, and they weren’t in pain or anything! Instead, once the figure had fully emerged, they went straight to comforting [Sibling]. It would have been a heart-warming sight, however…
You leaped out of the fire and attacked the person that [Sibling] rejected. Leona was about to use his magic to cast you away when he heard what you were saying. He couldn’t catch all of it, but you said something along the lines of how you would kill him if he ever came close to your sibling ever again. You emphasize your point by putting one of your sickles up to the guy’s neck.
It didn’t look like you would kill the dude, so he couldn’t do anything since it could set you off on a killing spree or something. There was at least one positive thing about this: his day became a whole lot more interesting because of this.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He was also summoned by the Headmage since he knew powerful magic as the Octavinelle Housewarden. However, it was more likely to evaluate the cost of any damage if there was any caused. Well, there was. The entire field was in flames, and someone was stuck in the fire.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” From the voice, he guessed that it was [Sibling].
Then, Azul heard someone groaning as they… emerged from [Sibling]’s back?! He suddenly felt like he was going to throw up, and he did. When he (hesitantly) looked back, he saw the figure comforting [Sibling].
He blinked for just a second, but you were gone. Instead, you were snarling at the guy who dared to scar your sibling’s beautiful face. You held a sickle to his neck, your raspy voice making a threat that you planned to carry out if he didn’t listen.
Azul was smarter than to go and attack you, since that could set you off worse. He decided to take a look around to try and evaluate the damage costs and report back to the Headmage. At least you were reunited with your sibling.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Him and Jamil were summoned by the Headmage to come and deal with an issue that he probably didn’t want to deal with himself. Kalim was happy to help, but he let out a shriek of surprise when he saw that the entire P.E. field was on fire. He was about to activate his unique magic when he heard something.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” [Sibling screamed].
Jamil covered Kalim’s eyes as he watched you crawl out of [Sibling]’s back. It took everything within Scarabia’s Housewarden to not throw up. He uncovered his Housewarden’s eyes when you were finally out and comforting your sibling.
Kalim used his unique magic to extinguish the fire. As the steam went up in the air, they saw a figure. It was just in time when they figured out it was you attacking the guy who burned [Sibling]. I’m just a few seconds, you had tackled the rejected dude to the ground and held a sickle to the man’s neck.
Jamil quickly led Kalim away as he just stared in shock. He couldn’t stop looking, even as you had complimented the dude and voiced your envy. You even dug your incredibly sharp nails into your own skin and drew blood. He would most definitely need a therapist.
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Vil Schoenheit 
He and Rook made their way to the field after Epel came back to Pomefiore in tears. Apparently, someone had tried to burn [Sibling] and ended up lighting the entire field on fire. What the first year had failed to say was that [Sibling] was still in the midst of the flames. Then they heard them.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” They cried.
Vil and Rook flinched as they heard your groans as you emerged from your sibling’s back. It didn’t look like it was painful, because right after you turned to comfort and take care of [Sibling]. It was really unsettling for the Queen and the hunter.
Then, all of a sudden you jumped out of the fire and kicked the offender to the ground, growling about how you would kill them if they ever came close to your sibling ever again. You glided the blade of your sickle across the palm of their hand to emphasize your point.
The Housewarden and Vice Housewarden had to focus their attention on putting out the fire as the Headmage focused on you and [Sibling]. The two representatives of Pomefiore shuddered at remembering how you crawled out of your sibling’s back.
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Idia Shroud
He doesn’t even know why he was called besides the fact that he is the Housewarden of Ignihyde. He’s useless to Crowley unless it’s an internet problem or something like that. What he didn’t expect to see was the entire P.E. field on fire, and [Sibling] right in the middle.
“Y/N! HELP ME!” They screamed.
Idia couldn’t do anything but watch as a figure just started making its way out of [Sibling]’s back. It was horrifying. Then, once you had got all the way out, you just turned to comforting them and making sure their burn scars went away.
Then, the next thing the Dorm Leader saw was you slicing a random guy up with your sickles. When you snarled something about him never getting the chance to hurt your sibling again, everything pieced itself together for Idia.
Now, when he looks back on it, he can only think of that one episode from ‘Help! Rip-off Michael Jackson turned my sister into a demon and now I’m trying to find a cure for her!’ How interesting that the two scenarios were exactly the same…
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Malleus Draconia
He’s probably the first one Crowley called because he’s one of the five most powerful mages in Twisted Wonderland. He was also the only one who got the full message of the fact that the P.E. field was on fire and [Sibling] was stuck within the flames, and that’s exactly what he saw when he arrived on the scene with his retainers.
“Y/N, HELP ME!” [Sibling] cried.
Lilia and Malleus looked on as they saw a figure emerging from [Sibling]’s back. Sebek threw up, and Silver just looked away. Once you were all the way out, you started to console your sibling, telling them that it would be okay.
The dragon prince was a bit surprised to see you rush through the fire and at the guy who (he guessed) burned [Sibling]. He definitely wasn’t expecting you to hold your sickle to the man’s neck and threaten them. Sebek nearly passed out when you started digging your nails into your skin and peeling it. This was also the moment where Silver threw up, and Malleus himself had to look away. He looked at Lilia, and saw that he had a serious expression. He’s seen this before.
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bibibbon · 4 months
MHA chapter 415 leaks
A lot of the problems I have with this chapter are already ones that I talked about in previous chapter posts which can be found here 👇
However I still wanna talk about things that I don't like in this chapter.
1) the memory sharing thing and how random it is. I stand by the point that this plot point came out of nowhere, is a speedy and cheap way to try and build up what little development izuku and shigarakis dynamic lacks. The memories that are being shared also seem very inconsistent like why did one memory trigger another? It makes no sense why Izuku's fight with todoroki would ultimately trigger the usj and why the fight itself would be triggered by a convo that stain and shigaraki have. In my opinion, this is also a very good way for hori to just show off how he has improved his own art and be like "oh look at how good my art is now" which kinda sucks because we don't get any story but just some cool looking manga chapters
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2) power of rejection?!?! Seems like a fancy plot armour for izuku not to lose all of his quirks to me🤷‍♀️. The power of rejection just sounds like such a cliche way to be like oh izuku won't lose his quirk to plot armour because he physically cannot lose his quirks since shigaraki is rejecting them. Like seriously what is it with Izuku not being able to keep his powers and we are just having him HAVE TO PASS DOWN HIS QUIRK FOR NO REASON?!?!?! you already passed down the quirk that caused the most distress aka kudos so won't izuku suffer even more if he passed down blackwhip which is the quirk that is keeping him both alive and is giving him the ability to move like why would izuku the and transfer that?!?! Seems stupid to me 😭 and low-key further reinforces the idea that the power of rejection is (A) there a plot point introduced to make it so that izuku doesn't lose his quirks and (B) so horikoshi can still create intense looking manga pages that he won't be able to create if izuku can't use his quirks anymore.
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3) The unnerving focus on the police officer who took Tenko home. This manga page low-key confirmed the one theory that was like the police officer is afo and that AFO gave tomura his quirk which if it is true just doesn't line up or make sense when it comes to canon. I see how this theory can help develop both the parallels further in fanon but in canon it just damages tomura's character and its like an excuse that we should pity shigaraki even more because this police guy who was supposed to help him was a villain who gave him a destructive quirk and made him go insane /cause his families deaths. This also takes away from the half baked plot point that the gene for quirks actually heavily influence behaviour but if this theory is true then shigaraki just wants destruction because he wants destruction 🤷‍♀️ nothing more and nothing less.
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4) Eri becoming relevant to the plot now? I have already said this and I will say it again Eri's quirk is too narrative breaking and too powerful. You literally cannot have the plot go on since we discovered that Eri can legit just rewind people to a time they were at their prime like she did with mirio. This brings up the question as to why she didn't do this with aizawa or all might and therefore her quirk could be used to make the series and characters have no long lasting concequences. Also how are the heroes so irresponsible thaT THEY COULD LET A CHILD SIMPLY RUN INTO A DANGEROUS AND TERRIFYING BATTLE FIELD LIKE WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ECTOPLASM DO SOMETHING YOURE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THE CHILD ARENT YOU?!?!?!!? also this is such a shame Eri could of actually been a very good character who symbolised the traumatic events that victims of hero society faced and how young children could be kidnapped and exploited for powerful quirks however instead of getting anything like that we just get Eri BECOMING A TOOL FOR THE HEROES WHICH IS SOMETHING THAT SHE WAS Traumatised TO DO DUE TO OVERHAUL MAKING HER A TOOL FOR HIM AND NOTHING ELSE?!?!? talk about double standards. This is also making the Eri will rewind shigaraki into Tenko theory much more plausible and I hate that theory for so many reasons. However, it's either this or the theory that she will have to separate Izuku and shigaraki BECAUSE FOR SOME forsaken REASON THOSE TWO ARE SOMEHOW MERGING AND BECOMING THE SAME PERSON LIKE THAT MAKES ANY SENSE
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5) where did the damage that kudos quirk was supposed to do to shigaraki go? Is it me but I seriously don't see shigaraki getting any damaged or recoil from kudos quirk like I could see some of it from the last chapter where shigaraki was somewhat struggling but that's it nothing else. Shigaraki can now fight perfectly fine and isn't getting the recoil hit if a nuke something that izuku was suffering with the majority of the fight which just seems unfair at this point like?!?! Its also another example of how hori fails at show don't tell
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Seriously I still don't like the leaks but at least we got my girl hatsume and la brava that's the only good thing I can think about when it comes to these leaks.
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violetlunette · 6 months
Something I really like about Silver is that no matter what the situation, he’ll always do what he truly believes to be right, no matter what may happen next.
Twst Spoilers
*Playland Event
*Glorious Masquerade
*Book 7
*Overthinking and rambling
Two examples of Silver’s “fuck it, I’ll do what’s right” are in the Endless Halloween Event and in Chapter/book 7.
Lilia and Malleus are two of the most beloved people to him, they’re literally everything to him along with Sebek. Yet when they screw up he firmly tells them such.
He pointed out that in the Halloween Event that, while the two wanted to do something nice for everyone, the way they went about it was wrong as students could have gotten hurt.
In Chapter 7, Silver understands that Malleus wants to make everyone happy and not lose Lilia. However, he still calls Malleus out for trapping everyone against their will and is even willing to fight his master, despite owing the other for helping to raise him and the fact Malleus turns on him after this. Why? Because what Malleus is doing is wrong and he’s hurting people.
Silver is extremely empathetic; he does his best to understand others and why they do what they do. However, he does so without discarding the actions they do and the effects on others.
This is one of the reasons I wanted to see him in the Playland event as I want to see how he would react to someone he isn’t emotionally connected to doing severe harm.
Fellow and Gidel are human traffickers and are fully aware of what they’re doing, and the harm they cause and don’t care.
Kalim, who shares Silver’s good heart, wants to understand why Fellow is doing what he is, and try to reach a peaceful resolution. (Though in this case, I don’t believe he knows there are other victims, so we don’t know how he would react if he knew.)
Ace, on the other hand, focuses solely on the actions of Fellow in the present and the danger he’s inflicting on them and their friends. Therefore, he’s not even willing to consider a peaceful solution.
And the rest—as soon as they’re not in danger, they don’t give a fuck. (I think it’s out of character for Floyd and Jade who I believe would seek revenge, but I digress. It’s fairly in-character for the rest of them.)
I wonder how Silver would react in that situation—provided he was written in character. (And KNEW there were past victims.)
In the Masquerade event, he seems to let Rollo slide, but in that case he was handled by Malleus and when everything was fixed there was no lasting damage. Everyone was tired but recovered, so while there was fowl, there was no harm.
In Fellow and Gidel’s case, it’s different; there are victims, there is harm, lasting harm. People are still out there, trapped within their bodies, screaming for help that will never come while the ones that loved them are doomed to mourn forever.
Going to what Silver might do if he were at Playland, I think he would be in the middle ground between Ace and Kalim. Like Kalim, he’d want to understand and negotiate peacefully, however, he wouldn’t just ignore Fellow’s actions, past or present.
Silver’s an empathetic person. While he might empathize with how hopeless Fellow must have felt to fall with this point, he would also feel for the people who were hurt.
I know he’d call Fellow out and lay out what was wrong, but what about after? Would Silver’s words reach Fellow and make him feel guilty? Or would he just shrug it off and fight Silver till the boy was a puppet? And what after, assuming everyone made it out? Would Silver just let them go, or hand them over to the authorities?
Most likely, he would turn to Lilia who would tell him to let them go, or let them go himself if the two showed genuine remorse. See, as noble as Silver is, he isn’t a seeker of justice. His desire is to protect, not smite evil.
So, to wrap up, I like the noble side of Silver and am glad we get to see it whenever he takes the stage. Personally, I want to see that spirit of his challenged more by facing those with actual dark intentions where HE has to make a choice of how to handle them.
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obitos-whore · 9 days
First date headcanons/imagine for Obito
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Tw: None. Just fluff and chaos/crack, cuz I feel like bullying good ol' Bito today and needed something to cheer myself up
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Plans everything down to the tiniest detail. From the time and location to the stuff you will be doing. Obito is a perfectionist and aims to impress his darling.
He gets incredibly irritated when someone points out that he's going overboard and "doing too much" for his first date
When it finally comes to taking his darling out, the first thing he'll do is give them a large bouquet of their favourite flowers. He may or may not have bought up the entire stock of them too
He'll take you to the Hokage monument, where he has planned a nice picnic, followed by watching the sunset and some romantic stargazing afterwards for the two of you
What makes it extra special is the fact that he had prepared the food all by himself. Which is a huge deal, considering Obito is not the greatest when it comes to cooking. He does manage to heat up water in a kettle for his instant ramen without burning it, but the rest of his kitchen is basically just decoration
That's why he took cooking lessons from the grannies and gentlemanly advices from the grandpas of Konoha, to sharpen up his cooking skills and perfect his mannerism
When you two arrive at the top of the Hokage mountain, the first disaster occurs right away; a wild animal has ravaged the site and eaten all the foods he had prepared, including your favourite dessert
This leaves Obito in shambles and looking like a soaked puppy that has been kicked multiple times. He just wanted to impress you and now he stands there with absolutely nothing but the remains of what was supposed to be the perfect day
He tries to do some damage control and quickly comes up with a back-up plan to save not only whatever dignity he got left, but also to make the day still somehow enjoyable despite this bitter setback
That's when the second disaster comes buzzing right towards you. Literally
At first, it's only a few bees showing interest in your flowers. No worries, right? But it gradually gets more until Obito swats one particularly pesky bee away from your face
Aggravated by that action, the bees suddenly got a new target: You
Realising his mistake, Obito grabs you by the wrist and drags you with him all the way down the flight of stairs and back into the village
During your escape, you try to keep the pursuing bees at bay, using your bouquet as a makeshift swatter, which doesn't prove to be effective and only angers the little insects more. Resulting in the both of you getting stung
Not wanting you to get hurt further, Obito scooped you up and acted as a shield to protect you from those nasty stingers and therefore took the most of it
In a last, desperate attempt to distract and hopefully get rid of your pursuers, you drop the bouquet, which once again proves ineffective
It wasn't until Obito had reached the entrance to the Uchiha District that the aggressive pursuit suddenly came to a stop, thanks to the Aburame clan, who had been informed about a rampaging bee swarm
Hungry, sweaty, exhausted and with a shit ton of burning bee stings everywhere, Obito sets you back down
You can tell that he's completely devastated and humiliated by today's events
"I am so sorry, Y/n... I swear! I had everything planned out. The picnic, the sunset, the stargazing... And for what?"
Unable to bear the sight of Obito being so disheartened over what happened, you suggest to take care of his stings for him and get takeout and just have a stay at home date
Obito, genuinely surprised that you didn't ditch him after that fiasco, happily agrees to your suggestion
While taking care of the poor guy, he does his best not to complain about the pain caused by the stings, even though sitting down not only hurts like ass, but, in fact, also hurts his ass
Once you're done tending to the pincushion Uchiha, he sets up a nice little candlelight dinner, with some old candles he had found in one of the kitchen drawers
It's certainly not the most romantic first date, but it's not a complete flop either
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bnhaobservation · 5 months
What do you think the todofam will be like after the war?
It's something I've been wondering as well.
Let's start with a premise.
This story is aimed mainly to a Japanese audience which sees things according to their culture. Some things that for them are a given aren't for who's not Japanese and vice versa. So, it gets twice as difficult for us to follow the message Horikoshi wants to deliver.
Also... this is going to be long and actually should have been longer. I tried to keep it as short as I could but this might have caused to make it not perfectly clear so I apologize in advance.
Lastly, what follows are just my two cents, feel free to disagree.
Said so let's tackle the matter from a realistic perspective.
If BNHA were not a story but the real world, the Todoroki family is finished. Not because Enji abused his family, but because one of their members (Tōya) is a murderer.
A seinen manga "Theseus no fune" (テセウスの船) digs with what happens to a family of 5 after the father, Sano Bungo, was accused of murder.
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The mother, who was at the time pregnant, was denied hospitalization to give birth to her child.
They had to hide their identity because each time it was discovered they were forced to move. People would also refuse to hire them if they were to know of it. The main character, the youngest child of the man, the one that was born AFTER his father was accused of murder, and who should have been named Seigi (justice) is named instead Shin (heart) because "there's no justice for the son of a murderer", has to take his mother's surname (along with the rest of the family), have to wear a mask to hide his face to work, so that he won't be recognized, had to give up on becoming a teacher and, although he managed to marry, his wife's relatives refused to accept the marriage. When the wife dies during childbirth, her parents attend tot he funeral but claim they couldn't tell anyone about it because otherwise people would know she married the son of a criminal. They also demand their grandchild to be handed to them because she can't grow up with the son of a murderer.
Note that said son of a murderer, never had any contact with his father as the man had been arrested before his birth, and therefore Shin clearly couldn't be responsible for his father's crime.
We see something similar happening in BNHA for people who're involved in minor crimes.
Tobita tried to help someone but failed and was accused of preventing a Hero from saving him.
He was expelled from school and his family was implied to be targeted with bullying (see the graffiti with insults on the gate?)
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It got so bad even his family chased him away.
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Jin goes through something similar. Due to being involved in an incedent he's fired and no one wants to hire him ever again so he ends up homeless.
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It's implied the same happened with Himiko, though we don't know if she ended up on the run just after attacking Saito, knowing her parents wouldn't want her back, or after trying to go back home and being rejected.
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While Himiko's house might have been further devasted AFTER she joined the league, we can see that the gate was already damaged when her parents still lived there just after she had attacked Saito.
Note that none of the three over mentioned characters had yet committed murder. Tobita wanted to help, and the man who he had been unable to save will recover in 6 months, Jin ended up running over a guy who ran in the street without warning but only broke his arm and, as far as we know, Saito didn't die due to Himiko's attack.
Yet, they're shunned by society and with them their families who turn their back to them.
Now picture how much worse this would be for someone who committed murder.
Tōya/Dabi himself touches upon how bad they should have it now.
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'Hitotsu kikitēnda ga Shōto… omae ittai donna tsura shite? Obieru shimin to issho ni U.A. ni komotteiraretanda? ENDEAVOR no musuko Dabi no kyōdai yakusai no nikogori mite~e nate me ~e ga!!'
「一つ聞きてえんだが焦凍… おまえ一体どんな面して 怯える市民と一緒に雄英に籠っていられたんだ? エンデヴァーの息子荼毘の兄弟 厄災の煮凝りみてぇなてめェが!!」
``I have to ask you one thing, Shōto... What the hell kind of face were you wearing? Were you able to stay holed up in U.A. with the frightened citizens? Endeavor's son, Dabi's brother, it's like a broth of calamity/disaster/misfortune! !”*
*okay, technically he says 'yakusai no nikogori' (厄災の煮凝り) which litterally is a "jellied broth of disaster/calamity", but the fact he chose the nikogori is also due to how the kanji used to write it are 'ni' (煮 "boil, cook") and 'gori' (凝 "freeze").
The people in U.A. should have wanted Shouto in it as much as they wanted Deku when he first showed up there, not even a bit, even though Deku did nothing wrong...
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Something many fans often miss of this scene is that when Deku enters in U.A. all his classmates are there, except for Shōto, and that Heroes supporting Deku like Present Mic and Best Jeanist are there, but not Endeavor and Hawks.
Where are they? Just outside.
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It will be Ectoplasm who will call them in when all is finished.
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Why Shōto isn't with his classmates supporting Deku? Why Endeavor and Hawks remain outside?
It's not because they don't care but because they would make matters worse.
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And Shōto, poor kid, is completely innocent, Enji might have responsibilities for what Tōya did but Shōto? Whatever he did wrong?
Yet, same Tamura Shin from "Theseus no fune", he's likely hold accountable for his brother and father's crimes as well as the rest of his family.
The story glosses it over, we see nothing being done against Shōto or the rest of his family, and his classmates act mostly supportive so he doesn't seem to have it bad, but the story likely doesn't show it because, for Japanese people, it's a given Shōto would have it bad, it's unnecessary to esplicitly show it and it would probably be too dark of a subject so Horikoshi skims on it, as in Japan it's public knowledge.
That's why Natsuo said all that awaits them is pure hell.
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It was bad enough Tōya had killed people before but now he had attempted to nuke Japan and the Todorokis don't expect they will be 'forgiven' because they actually stopped him almost getting themselves killed in the process.
In a way Tōya has cornered them, their best option was actually to die with him.
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So if we go for a realistic ending Enji will have to drop his job and the same goes for Fuyumi and Natsuo, Shōto should leave school, the family should live in hiding, being bullied and ostracized and this regardless of them having saved the day and of Tōya's fate (if he dies or lives, if he gets jailed, sentenced to death or spared due to his body condition being so disastrous he might end up needing permanently hospitalized... assuming they'll be willing to hospitalize him).
They would probably do better change name and country and attempt to start a new live under another identity and away from Japan... if the likely scarring burns they gained will allow them to live in hiding.
Now... this is a realistic fate for them.
BNHA however is a story, and it's a story which is also making a point of criticizing society. It doesn't hold just the Todorokis but also society as accountable for what Tōya did.
It's a story with a moral and if society doesn't get 'punished' or 'redeemed', or, more specifically 'atones', the moral ends up being that society can do any sort of thing to people and it will never be punished and if you retaliate you'll be squashed down. Not exactly an uplifting moral.
The League of Villains is born by society's sins. Generally for me the most meaningful thing is this scene.
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Why? Because in my country if you are and adult and find on the streets an unsupervised kid of 5 and turn your eyes away, it's a crime even if he doesn't look in such a poor shape like Tenko.
All those people pretending not to see him would get in troubles. In Japan they aren't so strict but for me the scene looks particularly strong because it's basically a crime.
So I've really no sympathy for those people and, if the story wants to have an uplifting moral, society has to change, hold itself accountable for how it hurt Tenko and the others and atone toward them.
In the same vein society should reform and not mistreat the Todorokis the way it did with Tobita or Himeko's family but support them.
This however narratively presents some huge problems.
Society is a broad concept and BNHA didn't offer us one or more characters that could work as stand in for it.
The characters we get familiar with, often represent the best part of society.
For example we know there were corrupted Heroes, we know the HPSC had Lady Nagant kill corrupted Heroes but... did we ever met them? Nope.
Stain, who wanted to change society and erase corrupter Heroes who ended up attacking?
Some Hero who abused his power to commit crimes? Some Hero who actually was in league with criminals? Some Hero who actually was negligent in his work? Some Hero who, at least, throwed trash on the streets?
Nope. He attacks Īda's brother and Native... who overall seemed two decent guys.
This creates a clash of our perception in the story, the League attacked society but the characters we were presented with were usually great people.
The League undoubtedly perceives society as evil and worth being wiped out because they met the worse of it but... we didn't.
That's why many readers feel like the League should be jailed for terrorism but no one thinks the "Star Wars" rebels in the first trilogy should met the same fate for... the exact same crime.
In "Star Wars" first trilogy the empire is always represented as evil, all its soldiers are represented as evil and we've zero sympathy for them when they get wiped out.
But in BNHA society is not the empire, society is common people who've families and feel... innocent enough not to deserve what the League unleash on them, especially since BNHA had too few 'bad guys' among the good guys and, conveniently or not so conveniently, wiped out the HPSC before it could take the blame for many problems and we are instead way too often presented with 'good guys' characters.
So Horikoshi has to find a way to deliver the message that if said society ended up under attack, it was actually due to its shortcomings.
Tōya told Enji the past never dies and you reap what you sow...
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...but this applied to society too.
In response later on Enji will realize he'll have to atone to him and apologize to him.
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In theory society should do the same... so that the story could have an uplifting moral of society learning from its errors and never again repeating them so that people will be better and the League of Villain will never be reborn in the future... however... it's much easier for us to apply all this to Todoroki Enji than to the BNHA society.
It's very fairy tale to assume that society will say "hey but if we didn't mistreat those guys first, they wouldn't have done what they did, shouldn't we also make amends?"
I don't really know if Horikoshi will be able to pull this off in a convincing manner, or if he'll be allowed to do it because one of the problems in his story is he can't allow to come to pass the idea that what the League did was an acceptable response.
We see it in the attack at Central Hospital.
In theory the story should end with a similar situation.
Shōji acknowledged that the Heteromorphs were hurt and persecuted but turning to violence wasn't acceptable
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...and then somehow the Heteromorphs changed their mind and stop fighting and the people said they heard their voices today and they're sorry for not realizing it sooner and everyone cries and all's well that ends well and many readers hate this arc (for which SO MUCH could be written) and label it poor writing and it's actually a very minor bit so...
I don't know if Horikoshi now has used the people's response to it to perfect his ending in a way that won't have backlash.
So back to your question, what about the Todorokis?
Hopefully since Horikoshi wants to go to a positive and uplifting ending, the Todorokis will be spared from a fate that will be hell.
After all they made a big deal of how things were being recorded on videos. Society might be impressed by how this family came together to save everyone and might feel bad for them as well as partially responsible.
If society will come together instead than ostracizing and mistreating people, the Todorokis might not be end up driven into a corner.
In the same vein the Todorokis will likely come together as a family.
That is because I'm assuming that the idea Horikoshi wants to come to pass is that you've to PREVENT people from going bad, not punish them once the deed is done and by coming together they prevent the situation from worsening.
So, I'm willing to bet the plan is that Natsuo is wrong and no, it won't be hell for them from now on, though it likely won't be easy.
I don't know if Tōya and the rest of the League will survive, because it would be damn convenient for Horikoshi to have them die, so that he won't have to face the whole punishment thing.
If they're dead they can't be punished nor society can be asked to atone to them for what they did to them, and so Horikoshi can focus on society coming together and supporting the people who're less 'cuplable' and reforming itself easily enough in such a way that would fit the kind of fairy tale nature of BNHA.
At the same time killing the league off is such a goddamn easy solution for the problem I really pray he won't go for it... but I recognize with the League he kept the bar really very high.
So I would love for Tōya to survive and heal and be given another chance and this time, with support from his family and society, become a better person, and the same goes for the rest of the League, but I don't know if Horikoshi can, is willing and will be allowed to pull this off.
We can only wait and see.
For now, I think it'll probably be safe enough to assume that at the end the Todoroki family will come together and they won't be in hell but Fuyumi will be allowed to continue to work as a teacher and Natsuo will be allowed to continue to study and will marry his girlfriend. I aslo think Shōto will be allowed to become a Hero. As for Enji he might retire. I know people would want to see him jailed for his family abuse but since no one in his family is willing to file charges against him I'm pretty sure this won't happen. Likely he also won't divorce from Rei.
Tōya's fate through remains a mystery.
I'd like for him to end up hospitalized and for his family to stay and support him, for Enji to atone to him and finally look at him but well, we can only wait and see for this.
As much as I hate the idea we were told Tōya (who shouldn't have managed to survive away from Garaki's support) survived till now due to his grudge to his family, if he were to let it go he might just die... albeith in that case he would probably die in peace because he would finally feel loved by his family. We'll see.
Thank you for your ask!
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