#so I'll be afk till we get home
humblemooncat · 6 months
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*Gently places some nameday boys*
Ki'to and I share a birthday since he was meant to be a self-insert. So, he is one of the nameday boys today! <3
The white-haired lad is a persona I made a looooooooong time ago for myself, so he shows up when I want to insert myself into things. o7
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simpyshrimpy · 11 months
Not me dropping vil crumbs after being afk for god knows how long. anyways i love vil thanks. also yes this is for the demon fox au sometimes i just want to write about pretty boys. also i cant stop thinking about this scene with vil and kumiko sending him fan letters of encouragement after neige appears. bby i love you.
Vil Schoenheit was a prince. An elven prince. He was renowned for his immense beauty and grace, both of which he inherited from his rather famous father who dabbled in theater acting and his mother who was the noble lady many referred to as "the most beautiful".
Even Vil's adoptive brother was incredibly beautiful, even if he was a human...
Vil hated Niege Leblanche. Or rather, since his mother brought him home, it would be Neige Leblanche Schoenheit.
That was the beginning of Neige stealing everything from him. First his name... then his mother... then the people of his country... and then even the title handed to him on a silver platter.
"The fairest of them all."
He used to be- he was the product of two of the most attractive people on the continent arguably. Admittedly he himself stole that title from his mother, but she never cared for it as much as Vil did.
That was his title. His.
It seemed that the only thing that Neige wasn't able to take from Vil was his father. Thank goodness to that, too. Vil may have gone mad if that were the case as well. Vil simmered in his hate for Neige for less than a month, though, before receiving a letter.
The letter went as such:
"To the fairest of them all, Vil Schoenheit,
I hope this letter finds you well, though I doubt it. I've heard your mother recently took in a human boy... Now, I don't quite hate humans. They're rather amazing, resilient things, however... my heart does go out to you... it's completely ridiculous- the things that I've been hearing of. I've spoken to your father about such things and he as well expresses his sadness. Firstly, your mother's blatant neglect since taking in that human kid. Secondly, the fact that your servants as well will forget about you the second Neige walks in. And even thirdly, that people dare speak of Neige being better for the throne than you."
The letter wasn't finished. But Vil took a moment to stop and calm himself a bit. He knew well all of those things. Especially that last one. An elf's ears are especially keen- but Vil exceeds that. He's always had an ear for gossip.
"In regards to those things, I want to say... well they're dumb. Completely dumb and ridiculous. I've never been more drivin' up the wall than with all of this nonsense. I'm on your side Vil. I'm declaring myself your #1 fan. Don't let their words get to you, and don't give in to the hate either.
It's all well and good to hate them, but if you begin to let it get to you too much you'll lose your beauty for sure. Hate makes all things ugly. I know that too well. Neige has stolen a lot from you, unjustly, but its not his fault entirely as well. His blame lies in the side that is terribly ignorant and unbothered by the suffering of those around him. For him to claim so blatantly that you two are brothers and that he loves you- all the while blind to the very pain you feel. That is his problem. He may be as sweet as he wants, never harming even a fly, but that ignorance of him makes him just as bad.
Like I said though, it's not just him. The people to flock to him, disregarding their respect for you over a pretty new toy- those people are in the wrong too.
I know you're angry. One day even, that anger might consume you despite my words. But I hope that, instead of holding that anger in till the point it bubbles over into an incurable poison, you might instead confide in me- your number one fan.
I'll always be on your side. As will the people who truly love you, like your father. It would bring me great joy if we started to exchange letters just like this. Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to, but the offer will always be there.
Your #1 Fan, Kurama
P.S. That is not my real name, I just made it up, just thought I should let you know.
P.P.S. Neige isn't even that cute I literally do not get why everyone thinks he's prettier than you it's unreal. Do these people not have eyes?????"
The letter thusly ended, and for the first time in a long time, Vil laughed as though all of his worries melted away.
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