#so I'm gonna play it like she overheard and was like: nope I'm not here for this
george-weasleys-girl · 9 months
Do you know when everyone went to spend Christmas at the Grimmauld place? can you do a drabble where the daughter of Wolfstar tells the twins about the names on the Marauders map, as a christmas present?
(Maybe) she found out who they are because she saw Sirius calling Remus, Moony. like, they still haven't reconciled but Sirius accidentally says the nickname
❄️Yuletide Celebration❄️
Mystery Solved
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"I know something you don't know," Y/N teased George and Fred as they sat down for dinner.
"Ooh, do tell!" Fred grinned.
She folded her arms. "Nope. Not until Christmas day. It's going to your present."
"Hey! That's not nice!" George argued. "Teasing us like that."
"Yeah," Fred added. "I'm gonna tell Sirius."
Y/N laughed. "Go right ahead. What are you going to do? Tell him his daughter won't give you your Christmas gift early? He'll just laugh at you."
Four days later
"It's Christmas Eve," George said.
Y/N smiled, knowing exactly where this was going. "Indeed it is."
"It's close enough to Christmas day," Fred continued. "You can give us our present now."
"I could," she agreed. "But I'm not."
"You're just mean," George accused.
"Yeah." Fred said. "We're not going to play with you anymore. Right George?"
"Right." He gave a single nod and looked back at Y/N.
"Ok, whatever," Y/N snorted. "I'm going downstairs to get some hot cocoa. Wanna join me?"
George shrugged. "Yeah, ok."
"Let’s go," Fred agreed.
Five hours later
"It's two minutes after midnight," Fred informed her.
George stepped forward. "That means it's officially Christmas day."
An amused grin spread across Y/N's face. "Alright, boys, come along. We need to go somewhere where we won't be overheard."
Fred rubbed his hands together. "This is gonna be good."
The three sat on Y/N's bed, facing each other. "Ok, here goes," she began and beckoned them closer. "I know who created the Marauders' Map. And actually... so do you."
"What do you mean?" George leaned forward.
"I overheard dad talking to Remus, and he called him Mooney."
"Moon - " Fred began. "Ohh... because Lupin's a werewolf."
"So your dad must be Padfoot," George marveled.
"And Prongs was James," she explained. And Wormtail is... Pettigrew." A look of disgust crossed her face at the mention of Peter's name.
"I can't believe your dad helped make the greatest map ever created," Fred was in awe. "The apple doesn't fall from the tree," he smiled. "No wonder you're so cool!"
"And our best friend," George threw his arm around her shoulders.
Y/N face burned bright vermillion and waved off the compliments. "You guys are too sweet."
"Sweet? How dare you?!" Fred exclaimed in mock offense. "Fred and George Weasley are not sweet!"
"Well, I'm kinda sweet," George said sheepishly.
"Shhh," Fred elbowed his brother. "We have our reputation to uphold!"
Y/N giggled at her best friends' silliness. "Hey you two," she interjected. "Why don't we uphold your reputation by sneaking down to the kitchen and swiping some cookies?"
"Now that's the type of behavior befitting the illustrious Weasley pranksters," Fred pronounced and jumped off the bed. "After you, my lady."
"Not sweet my ass," Y/N mumbled as she passed Fred.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Nothing," Y/N grinned. "Nothing at all."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh
@sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe @drama-queen-fromthevault @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @smallsweetvanillabean @themaraudersslut @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @scooby-doo1995 @phant0mkitsune @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @rhunew @spididerman
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
To Build a Home
Chapter 8: Bad Child
A/N: The altercation between Val and her mother depicted in this chapter is loosely based on an incident I had with my own mother, at sixteen.
This incident is what prompted me to write this story, four years later, to help me cope with the lingering trauma. It's been incredibly therapeutic.
TW! Physical and emotional abuse inflicted by parent onto adult child.
Masterlist / Chapter 7
"Hey, you. How's it going?"
"Hey, Val," Liv answered. "Yeah, fine, I guess. School's still shit-"
"Hang on, lemme put you on speaker so I can keep going with this... There. Can you hear me?"
"Yeah... What are you doing?"
"Making dinner."
"At 8 o'clock? Bit late for you, isn't it, grandma?"
"Hardy-har. I have a friend coming over; he couldn't get here any sooner."
"He?" She could hear her sister's grin through the phone.
"Hey, don't get any ideas - he's just a friend."
"You said it, not me."
Val playfully rolled her eyes. "...Any more incidents with that boy?"
"Nope. I think bein' knocked on his ass by a girl finally did the trick."
"Nothing. I just... I really wish you didn't need to go that far, that's all."
"Yeah, well..."
"I know, I know... I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself, though."
"Thanks, Val."
"...Where's Noah?"
"In his room - playing his game."
"I wanna say hi."
"Yep... Hey... Hey, shithead! Don’t what me. Take your headphones off. Valerie's on the phone."
"Don't call your brother that, thank you."
"Yeah, don't call me that," Noah parroted. "Hey, short-ass. How's it goin'?"
"Don't call me that, either," Val let out an exasperated sigh. "I oughta wash both your mouths out with soap..."
"Can't do that if you aren't here," Liv retorted.
Was that a passive aggressive remark, or was she still messing around?
"...How's mom?"
"She's fine," her sister answered simply.
"Where is she?"
"In the living room, watching a movie - with Steve."
"Steeeve!" Noah exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.
A small smile pulled at the brunette's lips. "...Is he nice to you guys?"
"Yeah, he's fine," Liv replied. She was using the word 'fine' a lot... "Sleeps over almost every night..."
"Okay..." Val wasn't sure what else to say to that. Her first thought was to suggest her sister inform mom of her discomfort, but it'd likely do no good. She did this herself once, when they overheard mom doing... things, with another man she introduced them to literally that day. It did not go well...
"Hey, it's been forever since we've seen you. Are you coming home any time soon?"
Val could no longer hear her brother’s incessant mouse clicking in the background; Liv must've gone into another room.
"...No, I won't be coming back to the house... I can't. Not yet." She finally replied. "I've got my own place now, remember? But I'd love to see you guys sometime soon. Maybe we could meet up at Central Park after one of my shifts next week? The three of us? ...Or maybe you'd like to check out my new place? It isn't much to look at on the inside, but it has nice views."
"Are you ever gonna tell us what happened with you and mom? Mom still won't tell us anything..."
Mom keeping shit to herself? Must've thought it was pretty bad... Good.
"We had an argument."
"Well duh," Liv was growing impatient. "About what?"
"I'm sorry, Liv; I really can't say any more than that - it's adult stuff."
"Yeah, whatever..."
Val sighed wearily. "Don't be like that, please... You know I'd tell you if I could. But I can't."
"Yeah, you can; you just have to open your mouth and speak."
"I'm sorry, Liv," the eldest sister doubled down. "I'm not gonna do that-"
"Y-you can't just take off like that and not expect me to ask questions!" Liv snapped, voice breaking. "What could mom have done that was so bad that you won't talk to her, or even come to the house? I don't understand. I just want my sister back..."
That last part felt like a stab to the heart...
"Liv, I-I'm so sorry-"
"Whatever. Bye."
"Liv? Hey, Liv! ... Shit!"
Panicked, Val went to compose a message for her sister. It broke her heart to hear her cry... But what else could she say that hasn't already been said? She wasn't about to involve a thirteen-year-old in adult matters, no matter how much it upset Liv. She wanted to preserve what little innocence those kids had left...
A text notification popped up on her screen. Immediately assuming it was her sister, she opened it without checking the ID.
She really wished she had...
[So, you'll talk to the kids but not your own MOTHER??? I see how it is. You have NO IDEA how difficult our lives have become since you upped and ABANDONED us!!! I'm sorry that I hurt you but YOUR SELFISHNESS drove me to it. In case you forgot, family HELPS and SUPPORTS one another!!! All I needed was a packet of cigarettes because I hadn't had a SINGLE one in THREE DAYS and you couldn't even do that for your own MOTHER. I gave you life and raised you BY MYSELF with NO HELP from anyone!!! And this is how you repay me??? It's been TWO MONTHS and they haven't seen you. We don't even know where you're living!!! I WILL NOT put up with the silent treatment ANY LONGER!!! When you're ready to behave like an ADULT and have an actual conversation, let me know. You're VERY lucky they still want anything to do with you after what you've put them through, because this will be the last time you hear from ME!!!]
Val fought back tears as she read through the wall of text. She knew, as soon as she realised who it was, that she shouldn't have kept scrolling. But, as usual, curiosity got the better of her. Or was it hope? A hope that her mom may actually be offering an apology without a big fat 'BUT' attached to it...
Mom liked using that word. She said it a lot that night; the night Val fled...
"No. Stop it," the brunette chided herself, promptly silencing her phone and placing it face-down on the kitchen counter. She quickly wiped away her tears.
In...and out. That's it, Val.
It'll be okay...
She returned to slicing her cucumber.
A soft knocking drew Val's attention to the window - it was Raph, carrying a backpack. She expected to feel many things in that moment. Excitement, mostly. A bit of anxiety, for sure. But not this...
Not dread.
The urge to hide was overwhelming. If he asked, Val was certain she'd cry again. She didn't want to cry in front of him; not so soon after the first time...
It took everything in her to step away from the counter and approach the window.
It'll be okay, she repeated her mantra. It'll be okay...
In...and out. In...and out...
"Hey," Val greeted, stepping aside to let him in.
"Hey," Raph replied with a warm smile. She attempted imitating it. "Smells great in here. Curry?"
"Uh, yeah- no." She was already stumbling over her words. "It's, um... it's one-pot chicken and rice. I found the recipe on Tik Tok, of all places, heh. It's one of my favourites... I was just finishing up the salad..."
The terrapin quirked a brow ridge at her. Val recognised that look; it was the same one Molly levelled at her whenever her friend suspected she was hiding something.
Please, don't...
"You alright?" He asked, setting down his bag. "You seem... upset."
Keep it together.
"Yeah, I'm fine," the brunette reassured, nodding a little too enthusiastically. She could feel the tears threatening to fall, again...
"Val," he insisted gently.
Hoo boy...
"I-I was just, um..." Val croaked, her entire body trembling with adrenaline. "I, uh..." One tear became two, then suddenly they were streaming down her cheeks.
She could not keep it together...
Raph caught her wrists as she attempted hiding her face, bringing her into his arms. She practically melted into him. He held her firmly while she sobbed, about a minute or so, before she finally pulled away.
"S-sorry, let me get this shit off you..." Val sniffled as she wiped his shoulder with her sleeve. She felt calmer, more clear-headed. But now she was going to have to explain herself; it'd be unfair of her not to.
"My mom... She texted just before you arrived... It wasn't nice to read..."
Raph nodded, compressing his lips; he looked to be contemplating whether to enquire further. After some hesitation, he finally asked: “Wanna talk about it?”
"...Would you like some dinner first?”
They decided to eat on the roof. Val passed the food and blankets to Raph from the fire escape, then was helped up herself. Neither really spoke to the other during this time, though she could feel his concerned gaze on her throughout.
“I’d planned on staying home as long as I could, for my siblings,” Val began, once they were settled with a plate of food. “I’d been paying my part of the rent, utilities, whathaveyou, pretty much since I started working. I left school to go full-time, so I could help more... I felt I was doing everything I could for my family... But then...”
She paused to compose herself, before continuing. “...T-the morning I left, my mom asked for my card. I asked her: ‘what for?’ She told me: ‘does it matter?’ … She didn’t say anything else after that; she just left the room... I thought she’d dropped it. I left for work. When I arrived home that afternoon, she wouldn’t speak to me. Wouldn’t look at me. Just completely ignored my existence... I went into mine and my sister’s room, and..."
Val barely had the time to register what was coming before it literally hit her.
She shrieked as the large object struck her chest, causing her to topple backward. Fortunately, her bed broke her fall. Once the initial shock wore off, the brunette quickly realised she was holding a suitcase. Confused and alarmed, she looked up - oof.
Another smaller, lighter object flew into Val's face, momentarily blinding her. She swiped it away only to be immediately bombarded with several, similarly weighted items. Arms, legs, chest, face...
When she could finally see clearly, she saw her mother standing before her; red-faced with clothing spilling out of her white-knuckled grip.
Clothes were strewn all over the floor and beds. Behind her mom stood Val's narrow chest of drawers, which had been ransacked. Nearly everything she had hanging up had been pulled down - ripped down. one of her more delicate dresses dangled haphazardly from its hanger with a torn seam.
She was stunned.
The brunette flinched as her mom suddenly slammed a fistful of shirts onto the ground, before jabbing a finger in her face.
"You can get the fuck outta here if you're gonna continue being a selfish bitch!" She bellowed, trembling with anger. "Go live with your dad, wherever the fuck he is. I don't give a shit. Just get outta my sight!"
Val was sobbing by this point, cowering on her bed while her mom raged. Her mom's done some pretty scary shit in the past, but nothing like this. No matter how angry she became, not once had she intentionally caused any of her children physical harm...
"You know, all I wanted from you was some goddamn cigarettes! Do you know how long I've been without them? Three days! Three days and not a single one, Valerie! I'm going insane, here, and you don't give a shit! ..."
Val was no longer listening. Her mind had taken her somewhere else; somewhere infinitely more pleasant.
By the time she finally came to, she was alone.
Val realised then and there she had to leave. What little hope she had left for a somewhat peaceful cohabiting situation had just been obliterated.
Her own mother assaulted her, plain and simple. She no longer felt safe. This was not something she could easily forgive, if at all.
"So, she blew up your relationship over cigarettes?" Raph was incredulous. "Are you serious?"
The brunette averted her gaze, unsure how to respond. She didn't want to believe her mom would be this cruel over something so trivial. Surely, she wasn't that expendable...
The terrapin scoffed, shaking his head. "What a piece of-" he promptly stopped himself. Exhaling slowly to expel his anger, he eventually returned his gaze to hers. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't... She's still your mom."
"Were your siblings around durin' this?"
"No, thank God; they were still at school. I haven't told them exactly why I left, just that mom and I fell out. My sister's upset with me right now; she wants to know what's going on and I won't tell her..."
"Why's that?" Raph enquired, confused. "I mean, I'd wanna know if someone close to me was doin' that shit."
"They're kids, Raph," Val countered gently. "I get where you're coming from, I just... I can't. They already know they can't rely on their dad; I'm not about to pull the rug out from under them with their mom, as well..."
"So, you're lyin' by omission."
"I'm trying to protect them," Val shot back, levelling the terrapin with a hard stare. "The things I've seen, the things I was told, at their age... I wished for this. I prayed for someone in my corner, to say: 'hey, this isn't right. She shouldn't know these things. She's only little...'"
At that, Raph's expression softened considerably. He lowered his gaze.
"...Believe me, if something even remotely like what I experienced happens to them, the gloves come off... Until then, it's between mom and me. If that makes me the bad guy, then fine - I'll be the bad guy."
"Fair enough," the terrapin nodded with sad smile.
The pair finished eating in silence.
"So... what'd you decide on - for dessert?" Val finally enquired. She let out a soft chuckle. "I hope it didn't need to be refrigerated..."
"Nah, it didn't." Raph avoided her gaze. "It's nothin' special, just a bar'a chocolate... I tried makin' mousse with avocado in it; figured it'd be somethin' you'd like. Tasted like ass, though, so I chucked it."
Val didn't know whether to be flattered by the gesture or horrified by the fact he threw out perfectly good food. “Did you let it set?” She braced herself for the answer.
Raph stared blankly. “Was I supposed to?”
“Oh, God...” The brunette laughed incredulously, shaking her head. “You’re supposed to let it set; the avocado taste goes away once it’s set.”
“Oh, indeed... Oh well, plain old chocolate will do just fine. Chocolate's always good.”
Masterlist / Chapter 9
@miss-andromeda @android-cap-007 @happymoonangel
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Gyro Zeppeli Request
How about some domestic Gyro fluff? Whatever you want with that! I just love domestic Gyro so much. 😭
@nightlightwrites I really hope I did this justice for you! It was all I could think of. Also, sorry for the shortness of it, I hope you like it!
The morning sun warmed your face through the window, waking you up from your well rested sleep.
Turning over, you noticed that your boyfriend, Gyro Zeppeli, wasn't beside you.
Shrugging, you guessed he was already awake; probably tending to the horses you owned.
You lived on a small farm you inherited outside of town that had three horses, a couple of goats and multiple chickens running around. It was once your granparents' farm, but they had passed it on to you since you had loved going there as a child and enjoyed taking care of the animals.
You had met Gyro at a small bar almost a year ago. He overheard your conversation you were having with your friend about how much you loved the horses and your devotion to care for them. That's when he swooped in and chatted with you. Instantly, you were smitten by the blonde haired Italian and gave him a chance with a date.
Since then, the two of you had spent almost every day together, spending it at your place since it was the most you two felt relaxed at.
Today, was yours and Gyro's first anniversary since you started dating. You were excited to see what he had in store for you.
Getting dressed and finished up in the bathroom, you made your way downstairs; something smelled good.
At the kitchen table sat Gyro, shoveling eggs and toast into his mouth. "Mmm. Morning, Bella."
"Morning..." Your eyes scanned the kitchen, there was no breakfast made for you but there was a pot of coffee. "You didn't make anything for me?"
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know when you were gonna wake up." He pushed whatever he had left on his plate towards you. "You can have the rest of this if you want?"
That hit a nerve, but you took a deep breath and moved to make your own breakfast. "That's okay."
Once you sat down, you asked him subtly if he had plans for the day.
"Hmmmm, none that I can think of. I do have to go out and repair the chicken coop, but that will only take about a half hour."
"Are you sure there isn't...anything else you could think of today?"
Gyro made a face, thinking hard if there was anything that he should be doing. "Nope. I'm pretty sure it was just repairing the coop. Why? Is there something you want to do?"
You didn't know how to read him. Did he really have no clue what today was, or was he hiding a surprise from you and just playing dumb? Taking a gamble with the surprise, you just replied "no."
The day dragged on.
You helped Gyro fix things around the farm. It wasn't the way you had pictured spending your first anniversary with a boyfriend, but spending time with him was still good.
It was almost dinner time and still Gyro had nothing to surprise you with. He didn't ask if you wanted to go out or give you any presents. Getting frustrated, you asked him. "Gyro... Do you know what today is?"
"No..." Your voice inflicted upward, trying to push him to keep guessing.
"Is... Is it Friday?"
Thats it. You had enough.
"You seriously have no idea what today is?!"
Gyro was confused and taken back with your tone. "W-Wednesday?"
"Get out, Gyro! Get the hell out of my house! I can't believe you at all! Leave!"
"Y/N? Whats going on?" Gyro tried to approach you, but was hit in the head by the nearest object you threw. "Ow! What the hell?!"
"I said to leave, now go!" Tears streaked down your face and you rushed upstairs and hid in your room.
*knock knock knock*
Johnny rolled to his front door and opened it, seeing his best friend standing in front of him. "Gyro? What are you doing here?"
"You got any beer?" He stepped through the threshold and made his way to the couch in the living room.
"Yeah, I do. And please, come in."
Opening the bottle, Gyro took a large gulp of the alcoholic beverage.
Johnny could tell that he was troubled, but he couldn't understand why. "Whats the matter, Gyro? Shouldn't you be with y/n?"
"Y/N kicked me out." He answered and took another drink. "She had been acting weird all day and then snapped and told me to leave. So I came here."
Johnny sipped at his own beer, his eyes narrowing. "She didn't tell you why?"
"No. She asked me if I knew what day it was. When it was clear I didn't know, she blew up and threw a lamp at my head."
Johnny sighed. "Well, there's your problem. You forgot what today was."
Gyro slammed back the rest of the bottle and set it down on the table with a thud. "What god damn day is it?! This is driving me crazy!"
"Gyro, it's yours and Y/N's anniversary. You two have been together for a year now."
Gyro blinked, everything was falling into place now. "Oh my god. Has it really been a year?" He was having such a great time with you that he didn't realize how fast time flew by. He felt horrible for forgetting something so important and that it upset you so much. "W-What do I do? It's too late to go out and I have no idea what to get her before the stores close." He turned to Johnny. "By the way, how did you know that it was our anniversary?"
"Someone had to remember, you're obviously a dumbass."
Gyro scowled at the insult, but he knew Johnny was right. Slouching back onto the couch, he ran a hand across his face.
Johnny picked up the empty bottle and rolled back to the kitchen. "Don't spend too much of your time here, Gyro. You need to go back there and make it up to her."
"I know, man. It's just..." A lightbulb went off in his head; he may have found a way to make things right again. "Hey, Johnny! Give me a pen and paper!"
The sun had set an hour ago.
You came downstairs a few minutes after you heard the front door shut; making sure Gyro was actually gone. You checked everywhere around the house for signs that he was still here but found nothing. Not even outside in the barn with the horses.
You didn't know what to think anymore. You loved him, obviously, and he was dumb at times, that's why you were there to help him.
Maybe you should have said something earlier, then you wouldn't have blown up in his face and kicked him out of the house.
Laying in bed with a book, you heard something from outside the window. "What the hell is that?" It sounded like a wounded animal had sauntered onto the farm.
Opening the window, you looked around for it, only to find Gyro standing in the middle of the yard. You pouted, but deep inside you could feel a warmth in your chest at the sight of him. "I thought I told you to leave."
"Just wait." He held up his hands. Clearing his throat, he started apologizing. But it wasn't just with words...it was with song.
"Y/N~ I am sorry for how I hurt youuuu~"
The sound you heard earlier wasn't from a dying animal. It was from the Italian man trying to sarnade you with how sorry he was for forgetting your anniversary.
Your heart melted as you listened to his words.
"Please forgive me~ I am a foolish man~." When he was finished, he looked up at you with hopeful eyes. "The day isn't over yet. We can still celebrate our anniversary, if you want to."
You smiled. This was something straight out of a romantic comedy. "Fine. Get up here, you lovable idiot."
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