#so I'm grateful to know this version because compared to the first version released/the original I LOVE this version!
I'm dumb and never realized that this song was co-written by Terry Hall, but I'm grateful to a published survey of Stuart Adamson's favorite songs that led me to discover Fun Boy Three so that I could finally check out this song and realize how much I LOVE IT!!!!
I love going down rabbit holes that start with my favorite musicians and lead me to discover even more awesome music. :')
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
All the Things a Decade Can Hold
It is ten years to the week that I started my experience as a student teacher. When I was in high school and undergrad, I was convinced that teaching was my path - I wanted to be a teacher. Specifically, I wanted to be a teacher of English. I wanted to teach kids how to love literature and how to see themselves in books.
It didn't work out.
I found out that teaching is a lot more than just putting out what you want to see in the world. I found out that teaching wasn't for me. It wasn't for me because there are so many barriers to student success with literature (all the structural regulars like racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc.), but it also wasn't for me because I was deeply, deeply depressed.
When I look back at that time in my life, I get angry about all we don't get taught about the inequity of the school system and how it operates as an arm of the state. I work with disabled students now, and all those truths are the same, but I feel like I can make more of a difference with what I do now. I like my job.
But I also look back at my writing then, and compare it to now. I've always been a feast or famine writer, both with fan works and my own original work. I sometimes go for years without much meaningful writing. Back then, I was writing a lot, like now. But back then, I was writing a lot about sorrow. About ghosting. About the person whom I loved that didn't love me back and thought the answer was walking away, killing my version of them for me. I grieved. I was aggrieved. And my writing was acrid. I felt hollow a lot, and I felt like that person was the reason. That got in the way of my teaching.
But now? I write about all manner of things. I write about lots of emotions and people, and not one of them is that person. I am stunned that I am in this place. I am so grateful for the me that went through all those things. I'm thankful that she felt all those feelings, because they got me here. And I am truly, truly, shocked that that person is nowhere in sight. I lived. I survived them. Which makes me kinda sad because I wanted them around forever, even though I don't anymore. Because none of that agony is worth the life I have built now.
I got my puppy! I got my first apartment! I moved in with my (now) wife! I got married! I got my other puppy! I might be a parent in the near future! I am living a full, meaningful life. Without teaching and without them.
Forgive my sappy introspection, but I think it's cool that I can release these thoughts into the internet, and maybe they could resonate with someone I've never met, you know? I'm happy where I am right now, but I pay homage to where I come from.
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GIVEN | Every EASTER EGG in Fuyu no Hanashi ~orchestra version~ that had me in tears
Thanks to everyone who read my previous post The GENIUS OF FUYU NO HANASHI is in the melody itself. BUT OMG HOLY HECK this orchestral version is
MUSICALLY PAINTING Mafuyu's whole journey of grief, love and healing! 😭❤️‍🩹🙏
Allow me to walk you through what is happening symbolically in the music that is painting Mafuyu’s growth!
[I timestamped and linked everything in purple for your convenience I recommend reading this post and listening to all my links for optimal appreciation experience]
Mafuyu, now several years into his professional music career with Given the band, has finally made it onto the big stage. He emerges from behind the curtains into the spotlight in a gorgeously fitted suit. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Then we see Ugetsu sitting in first violin and concertmaster position because this version starts off with a MAGNIFICENT VIOLIN SOLO 😭😍😩
Symbolically, it represents Ugetsu is right there performing with Mafuyu!!
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Akihiko is there as well sitting beside Ugetsu in first desk!*
*as you read on, you'll see why I know that Akihiko is there.
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This version is super interesting because it utilises a musical-theatre style of orchestration, similar to the orchestration from Rodgers and Hammerstein's musicals i.e. Sound of Music, The King and I, Cinderella (I've added Youtube links so you can reference the style of music I'm talking about). Every instrument of the orchestra has their own little moment to shine. This symbolises the wonderful people in Mafuyu's life that's supporting him on his journey of healing.
The harmonic progression is more spicy, full of colour and less "sad" than the original version but still based on the Cycle of 5ths to represent eternal love, symbolising that Yuki will always have a place in Mafuyu's heart.
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Then Mafuyu starts singing, it's beautiful and so soulful, the style is reminiscent of those old black and white romance films! Compared to the original, Mafuyu's voice is much more refined here!
he has amazing control of the tone of his chest voice
there is no harshness at all but still full of emotion
Mafuyu also has amazing consistent vibrato
he knows exactly when to pull back or add more gusto
So @deep-fried-brain-cells is absolutely right in her post that Shogo Yano intentionally made his voice sound like an amateur singer in the original version and here is him unleashing his full talent as a singer! What a fucking champ!
I love this version so much because it really conveys that Mafuyu now as a professional is looking back on
Yuki like a cherished memory, grateful to have had Yuki as his first love.
He's also looking back on his journey and recognises how far he has come as a person and as a musician. Here, he is much more confident at expressing himself. (GAHHH I'm so proud of him!!!)
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WHAT'S MORE FASCINATING IS THAT orchestration written in the musical-theatre style usually hides
everywhere that can symbolically reference a lot of things like character themes, motifs that represent certain emotions etc.
1. Ugetsu and Akihiko are musically supporting Mafuyu throughout this entire performance!!!
Ugestu and Akihiko know exactly how Mafuyu is feeling throughout the performance! They understand the pain and relief that comes with letting go of someone you love and moving on. So they are musically conversing with Mafuyu to reassure him and relate to him!!!
2. Fuyu no Hanashi ~Orchestra vers.~ references EVERY SINGLE GIVEN SONG EVER RELEASED
Other than Uragawa no Sonzai which was released at the same time as this version, it features both the Given anime OP (Kizuato) and ED song (Marutsuke) , Given movie theme song (Bokura dake no shudaika) and the TWO EXTRA SONGS (Stagekara kiminisagagu and Hetakuso) on the Gift Album released last year!!! 🤯 🤯 🤯
🕰Have a listen to these timestamps!!!🕰
(Apologies, the emojis don't completely match the instruments but it's just to help anyone without much musical training to recognise the sounds more easily!)
0:00 🎻🎻Ugetsu (violin) starts the piece followed by Akihiko and the rest of the strings play the Fuyu no Hanashi melody. They start this performance because they can relate to Mafuyu's feeling of loss of a loved one.
0:10 🎻the strings also reference Bokura dake no Shudaika from the Given movie, it's that tune from the strings that comes between the lines "We can't go back anymore." and "I am here, hey look at me." This is Mafuyu accepting that the past is the past.
1:16 -🎺the french horn reference Marutsuke as Mafuyu is singing "all of you have lost its tomorrow". It is speaking on behalf of Mafuyu, saying "I wonder I wonder, I'm ensuring all the answers while searching for it" The word Marutsuke means - circling the correct answer. Mafuyu here is saying that we are all just trying our best to figure out life as we are living it.
1:44 -🎷is a clarinet referencing Stagekara kiminisasagu as Mafuyu is singing "You'll always be beside me". It is speaking on behalf of Mafuyu, saying "I dedicate this to you from the stage" I think the you references both Yuki and Uenoyama.
2:21 - 🎺the french horn references Marutsuke again as Mafuyu is singing "what kind of tomorrow should I look for?". It is speaking on behalf of Mafuyu, saying "I wonder I wonder, I'm ensuring all the answers with no answers/with hope" Mafuyu is saying that sometimes life just can't provide the answers but we must try and live with positivity not knowing all the answers. Trying our best in life together with our loved ones is all we need to do.
2:34 - 🎻when Mafuyu shouts "AHHHH" Ugetsu (violin) really be showing us his full capability as an internationally renowned violinist through this ridiculously hard violin solo! He references Fuyu no Hanashi the melody again, talking to Mafuyu through music by stating,"I understand what you're going through. I've also been there."
2:50 - 🎻🎻Akihiko joins in with Ugetsu, playing this AGONISINGLY BEAUTIFUL violin duet* that sends me straight to heaven.
*the violin duet is the thing that confirmed it for me that Akihiko is also there on stage playing alongside Ugetsu!
3:02 - Akihiko and Ugetsu (strings) reference Yoru Ga Akeru! They are literally saying to Mafuyu "It's okay. You will be okay." and "Dawn’s about to break."
3:02 - 🎻Also if you listen really carefully, the lower strings reference Kizuato and specifically the melody of the line, "Whatever you left behind became all of me."
3:08 - 🎺The trumpet references the opening/ending guitar riff in Hetakuso!!! It is speaking on behalf of Mafuyu, saying "It doesn't matter if we can't express ourselves well. Let me hear your voice because that's all I need to keep living" Mafuyu here is talking about Mafuyama and how even though sometimes miscommunication happens, trying your best to communicate is all that matters.
3:40 - 🎻as Mafuyu sings the line"that's the whole story," Akihiko and Ugetsu (strings) are playing the EXACT MELODY that Mafuyu's singing, as if once again relating to him "We share the same story of finally able to move on and find healthy love." For Ugetsu, he found self-love where he is finally starting to practise self-care and for Akihiko, he found Haruki!
4:22 - 🎺As Mafuyu sings the last word of the song, "Together", the french horns reference Kizuato and specifically the melody of the line, "Whatever you left behind became all of me." But here holds a👏positive connotation👏!!! The supporting chord is in C major (happy and hopeful) so this line actually takes on another meaning of Yuki leaving behind his guitar now makes Mafuyu feel grateful because he found a love and purpose of expressing himself and helping others express themselves through music. Through music, Yuki and Mafuyu will always be together!
4:28 - 🎺Brass (trumpets and trombones) once again reference the same strings melody in Bokura dake no Shudaika stating that "our treasured memories will become a theme song that is ours." MafuYuki's theme song is Fuyu no Hanashi! BUT THIS VERSION is Mafuyama's theme song which captures all the pain, gratefulness and love in their relationship!
4:34 - 🎻🎻the song then finishes with Ugetsu and Akihiko HOLDING onto a beautiful high note on their violins before the rest of the orchestra comes in with a satisfying grand chord. This is Ugetsu and Akihiko musically saying "It's so important to HOLD onto hope that it's ok, everything will be ok."
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INCREDIBLE RIGHT?!!! Ok, what you're about to read below is what made me bawl uncontrollably for an hour straight. 😭😭😭
🎵Quick Music Theory Lesson with Magic Potato 🎵
All the links are youtube videos explain these concepts in more detail if you're curious to learn more.
🔑 A HOME KEY is like the identity or soul of a piece of music. Generally speaking, 1 key can be in 2 different forms, major or minor. E.g. the key of C can form as C major or C minor. Major keys usually sound HAPPY and Minor keys sound SAD.*
🔑❤️🔑 RELATIVE KEYS are 2 keys that share the same key signature and notes. In other words, they share the same identity and soul.**
🏁 CADENCE refers to how a piece or section of music RESOLVES. In order for a piece of music to portray certain moods and emotions, music can RESOLVE in different cadences to achieve said mood or emotion. If you want to achieve sense of satisfaction or peace, you want your music to RESOLVE to the HOME KEY🔑. Whatever chord progressions you use must go back to -> Chord I, the HOME KEY so that the music can regain its true identity.***
I hope I explained everything well! I'LL BE REFERRING TO ALL THESE POINTS LATER ON! The *Asterisks* mark what point I'm referring to!
*Ok so, the original version is in the HOME KEY🔑 of F major (Chord I)
***It finishes in Bb (chord IV) so musically speaking,
The original Fuyu no Hanashi song is NOT properly resolved.🥲
This is what we call an INTERRUPTED CADENCE 🏁 in music. It didn't resolve back to the HOME KEY🔑 of F major. This symbolically represents that even though it was cathartic for Mafuyu and he wanted to move on, he couldn't get over Yuki completely after singing in the first-live.
***In Fuyu no Hanashi ~orchestra ver.~, it’s in the HOME KEY🔑 of Eb major and its ending finally resolves 🏁 to Chord I, HOME KEY! Satisfaction and peace is achieved in the music because it has regained its true identity. 😌
Ok, what’s crazy is that
*Eb major is the home key🔑 that musically represents Mafuyama!
Please bear with me! In order to understand how amazing all this is, we have to rewind a bit and talk about the Given OST/background music. The wonderful Given OST Composer, Michiru (she’s so underrated omg)
*purposefully crafted Mafuyu's instrumental theme, "MAFUYU'S DREAM"(Mafuyu no Yume) in the KEY🔑 of C#.
Mafuyu is musically represented by the KEY🔑 of C# in the Given Anime and Movie!
MAFUYU'S DREAM comes on as the very 1st track in Episode 1 where Mafuyu is holding tightly onto Yuki's guitar, looking dissociated and numb on his way to school.
*It's in the KEY🔑 of C# minor (sad) and symbolically represents Mafuyu stuck in grief.
Mafuyu is represented by PIANO🎹 if he's not singing and it's a purely instrumental track. This is because Centimillimental plays the piano and sings and Centimillimental embodies Mafuyu, I explain this in my blog on Uragawa no Honzai.
The Given ED song Marutsuke in the first episode is just a pure PIANO 🎹 track! And then the moment Mafuyu sings, we get the Marusuke version that we all know and love. This confirmed for me that Mafuyu is represented by the PIANO 🎹 in the Given OST!
Marutsuke is in the KEY🔑 of C# major, it sounds more hopeful and shows that Mafuyu is slowly healing!
Then Michiru,
*purposefully crafted Uenoyama's theme, "SUNNY PLACE" (Yo Atari no Yoi Basho) in the HOME KEY🔑 E!
What’s so incredible about these 2 keys is that
**C# and E are RELATIVE KEYS 🔑❤️🔑
They share the same key signature and notes, meaning that Mafuyu and Uenoyama are actually SOULMATES! 🤯🤯🤯
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Seriously! Please listen and compare the 2 tracks! You'll hear how Mafuyu and Ue's theme share the same soul and aura! 🤯🤯🤯
SUNNY PLACE comes on as the very 2nd track we hear in the Anime and it plays the moment Uenoyama meets Mafuyu in Ep 1.
It's mostly featuring GUITAR 🎸which is Ue's main instrument!
Pay close attention to how at timestamp 0:05, the PIANO🎹comes in to show Mafuyu and Uenoyama’s first encounter with each other!
*Now this track is completely grounded in HOME KEY🔑of E major (joyful) to show just how warm and open Ue is. It also hints to us that
Ue is the one that's going to melt Mafuyu's frozen heart.
Now as you can see, all the background OST music featured in Given anime and movie MUSICALLY PAINTS Ue defrosting Mafuyu!
❄️ WINTER snow has been melted by C# minor 🔑❤️🔑
☀️ SUMMER E major 🔑❤️🔑
However, Fuyu no Hanashi ~Orchestra ver.~ is in the HOME KEY🔑 of Eb major and that actually represents Mafuyama!
Our singer Mafuyu overcame his parental and romantic trauma and discovered his love and self-expression of music with the help of Ue
Our composer Uenoyama learnt how to communicate, empathise and be patient with Mafuyu and Mafuyu helped him recognise and be comfortable with his sexuality !!!
This musically illustrates that they both put in the work and grew as individuals to unite as 🔑ONE🔑 power couple!
Mafu C# minor -> Eb major 🔑
Yama E major -> Eb major 🔑
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I’m actually speechless … isn’t this SO INSANE???!! 😍😍😍
I'm not done yet BAHAHA there is one last thing!
🏁 How this ~orchestral ver.~ of Fuyu no Hanashi resolves 🏁
***Most music if they really want a "perfect" sense of satisfaction, they go for the Perfect Cadence of resolving Chord V -> Chord I.
But in this version of Fuyu no Hanashi, it resolves
Chord VI (Cb major) -> Chord VII (C#/Db major) -> Chord I (same as Chord VIII in Eb major)
by RISING UP to the HOME KEY🔑 of Eb major!
Symbolically it represents that Mafuyu and Ue learnt that they don’t need to be perfect people or have a perfect relationship
They are both just grateful that they are trying their best, help RAISE each other’s self esteem and make each other grow as individuals
These chords parallel Yoru Ga Akeru's ending chords, musically painting, "Dawn’s about to break." 🌅🌅🌅
In conclusion, Fuyu no Hanashi ~orchestra version~ RESOLVES in the HOME key of Eb because they both feel at HOME with each other thanks to Ue raising Mafuyu's self-esteem and his strong RESOLVE to fight for a future with both Mafuyu and music in it. Hint Mix_14/Ch 44
It tells us that
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Me: *Sobs uncontrollably for the foreseeable future*
Apologies for those who found the theory confusing, I tried to explain it as simply as I could! But all in all, I wanted to write this meta because when us composers/songwriters create music, every decision contributes to what mood and emotions the piece gives off! So essentially everything you feel about the Given songs and music were intentionally crafted by Centimilli, Michiru and Erika, right down to the rests in between the notes! THESE EMOTIONS WERE INTENTIONALLY CONSTRUCTED BY THEM and together with incredible performers, their combined efforts are the reasons why Given songs and music are addicting or make us teary listening to them on our car drive home ❤️☺️🙏
BONUS CONTENT: This orchestral version of Fuyu no Hanashi shares the same HOME KEY🔑 Eb major as 1) Bokura dake no Shudaika, 2) Stagekara kiminisasagu, 3) Yoru Ga Akeru, 4) Hetakuso, 5) Kizuato and the new OVA single 6) Uragawa no Sonzai!!! Mafuyu is now
1) sharing his pain and love through this theme song for Yuki and Uenoyama - Bokura dake no Shudaika
2) dedicating this song from the stage to Yuki and Ue - Stagekara kiminisasagu
3) embracing the inevitable coming of dawn and moving onto a new love with Ue - Yoru Ga Akeru
4) facing the next winter without fear because he's with Ue - Hetakuso
5) being grateful to Yuki leaving behind his music and guitar. Music started out as a curse became Mafuyu's joy and purpose in life. "Whatever you left behind became my everything." - Kizuato
6) appreciating the love between him and Ue and how they make up for what each other lack. Uragawa no Sonzai
Also I'm pretty sure Centimillimental's favourite key is Eb 😆. A few of his other songs are also in that key. I have left my favourite ~orchestra version~ of Bokura dake no Shudaika down below so we can sob until we are completely dehydrated YAYYYYY . Unfortunately there is no full version, Centimillimental released this snippet for Tiktok T_T
I WANT TO GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: Erika Fukazawa is the arranger of this orchestra version! Usually, it is the arranger who comes up with where to best place all the musical easter eggs....She must have worked really closely with Centimillimental but ultimately, she's the mastermind who figured out how spread the musical symbolism across a 50-piece ensemble that is an orchestra! Her other outstanding works include composing for the hit film, Kimi no Nawa Your Name!! 🤯🤯🤯 NO WONDER THIS VERSION OF FUYU NO HANASHI HAD ME CRYING FOR HOURS!!!
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FYI Atsushi is Centimillimental's actual name. I can't seem to find the orchestra that played this!!! It's 100% a live orchestra, there is no denying that! If anyone knows, please tell me! Also if anyone finds out the names of the violinists who performed those solos, please share because I'd like bow down to them!
I hope that you found all these musical easter eggs as mindblowing as I did! Thanks for reading! 💕
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