#so Tuesday comes i text her in the morning like hey lmk when and where you want to meet girl
grimandghoulish · 9 months
#yallllll my plug is totally flaking on me#i NEED pot lol#i can't sleep without it#I've been saving this $40 in my wallet for over a week but she's like completely ignoring me now lol??#which like I'm not even pestering her#not over a week just about a week#like i texted her Monday like hey when i see you Tuesday can i cop off you and she was like yeah of course#literally saw her for 2 seconds because she left as i came in and i got caught up talking to asshole#then i texted her like hey sorry we didn't get to proper meet lmk when you want to meet#and she was like ok let me just drop someone off and whatever#and hours pass and i was like sooooo it's getting a little late is tomorrow fine and she was like yeah sorry we'll meet tomorrow#so Tuesday comes i text her in the morning like hey lmk when and where you want to meet girl#no reply#it gets late again and i was like so um... tomorrow ..?#and she text me back like yeah sorry had a lot going on today I'll get you tomorrow#Wednesday comes and I'm like hey... just lmk#she texts me back that she needs to go to Detroit to pick up more stuff 🤦🏼 and i was like oh okay well just let me know#so Thursday and Friday pass. nothing#i texted her last night asking if she was ever able to cop#so like idk what's up but ig she just doesn't want to deal w me anymore so ig I'll have to find a new plug#so i texted my other ex coworker just now asking if she knew anybody because i know she's got hookups lol#if not I'll hit up my friend in cle but i just don't want to drive half an hour on the freeway but yk I'll do it whatever#just a little bothered she won't be straight up with me like just say anything??#like if you don't want to sell to me just say so why ghost me after you've been selling to me for over a year#& i know she won't have many people to serve for long because it got legalized here as soon as rec dispensaries open#she's going to lose more than half her business#we literally talked about it i said I'd still cop off her and she said she really appreciated that so idk where this is coming from#maybe it's nothing but I'm having a hard time not taking it completely personally lol
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
The Apartment: part 6
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▪️for parts 1-5, click here
pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x fem! reader
rating/warnings: swearing, like 2 seconds of angst (?), implying ✨spicy✨ things (but nothing happens/happened)
synopsis: You knew that living with your three best friends, Kuroo, Oikawa, and Bokuto, would be a wild ride. It’s never a dull moment with those three. Let’s just hope you can keep your huge crush on Kuroo a secret when he is only a room away.
a/n: HI HI💕! omg i loved seeing everyone’s reactions to part 5 (i didn’t plan for it to be as angsty as it was oops) so i wanted to get part 6 out asap! thanks again for all the love in this, it means a lot :)) as always, my inbox is open for anything and everything so don’t be shy to come say hi or request something💛 and lmk if you’d like to be added to the taglist :)) okay enjoy xx
Six: little black dress
No surprise that you got zero sleep that night. Your brain wouldn’t shut off. The idea that Calie could be doing something with Kuroo made your stomach ache. She could be in his room right now, doing god only know what. It was awful.
The morning sunlight came peaking through the window of your bedroom. You laid in your bed, bundled up with the endless amounts of blankets you had. You knew you should probably get up. You had a class at 1pm. You checked your phone and saw that it was close to 12pm. You sighed and got up from your bed, heading straight to the bathroom.
You brushed your teeth and splashed some cold water on your face. Your eyes were still a little puffy from the tears you shed the night before. You left the bathroom and saw that Kuroo was already up.
“Good morning,” he smiled. Kuroo was already making breakfast. He wore nothing but a pair of shorts.
“Hi,” you muttered. You sat down at the counter.
“How’d you sleep?” He asked. Really?
“Like hell,” you said. Kuroo frowned.
“Oh I’m sorry. Here, I made you some coffee.” He handed you a warm mug.
“Thanks. How did you sleep?” You asked, unsure if you really wanted the answer. Kuroo placed a plate of food in front of you.
“Really well actually. I was super tired,” he explained. Hmm wonder why?
“Oh, that’s good at least,” you whispered. You weren’t hungry, you kinda picked at your food.
“Is Calie still here?” You blurted out. Kuroo gave you a confused look.
“No, of course not. She only stayed until her apartment cleared up,” he explained.
“So nothing happened between you two?” you asked, still unsatisfied with his first answer.
“What do you mean?” He questioned. You sighed.
“For being one of the smartest people I know, you can be really stupid sometimes,” you huffed. Kuroo rolled his eyes.
“Well if you’re asking what I think you’re asking, the answer is no,” he said. You groaned.
“I’m serious.”
“Whatever. I’m gonna go,” you said, getting up from your seat. You walked over to your room and grabbed your jacket and shoes. Kuroo followed.
“I’m sorry, are you mad at me?”
“No no, Kuroo, why on earth would I be mad at you?” You said sarcastically.
“Okay well if you’re leaving then I’m coming with you.”
“No, I wanna be alone.”
“Do you wanna be alone or do you just not want to be with me?”
“Isn’t that the same fucking thing?” You grabbed your backpack.
“Y/N, what's going on? Talk to me,” Kuroo reached for your hand but you swatted him away.
“I don’t want to Kuroo,” you grabbed the front door knob, “if you want someone to talk to, go talk to Calie.” You slammed the door behind you and left.
You hated fighting with Kuroo. You rarely did, so it especially hurt when you two argued. You sat outside of your campus library on a bench. Kuroo left you a couple phone calls but you didn’t answer. You tried calling Oikawa but it went straight to voicemail. You then decided to call Bokuto.
“Hi Bo..”
“Woah there, why the sad tone?”
You sniffled into the phone.
“I kinda lashed out on Kuroo for last night…”
“Oh no...Oikawa told me what happened with that girl...I’m really sorry. What did you tell Kuroo?”
“I just got pissed off at him for bringing that bitch over and I just have that horrible gut feeling that he likes her and I know I shouldn’t have yelled at him but I’m just so upset. Like why do I have to like him if he’s just never gonna pick me?”
“Listen Y/N, Kuroo and that girl could just be friends. Kuroo could like you, but is just really bad at showing it. He’s an idiot.”
You sighed.
“Yeah I know. I just...god, why didn’t I just tell him when I had the chance?”
“You’ll get your chance, I just know it! Keep your head up. And when Oikawa and I get back, we can deal with Kuroo.”
You chucked.
“Thanks Bokuto. Well, sorry for bothering you,”
“You never bother me. Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay I will, love you.”
“Love you too.”
You ended your call with Bokuto, feeling a bit better. You sniffled, wiping away the few tears still on your cheeks. You soon realized that you were still in your pajamas and people were staring. Great.
“H-hey…” a voice said. You turned around to see Kuroo, holding out a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants for you.
“You left with your pajamas on. And it’s too cold to be wearing shorts,” he smiled, handing you the clothes. Your cheeks went warm. You got up from the bench and grabbed Kuroo, pulling him into a hug. He let out a sigh of relief, holding you tightly. You could never stay mad at him, after all, you loved him.
“I’m sorry for getting mad at you,” you muffled out, as your face was pressed against his chest.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry for ditching you last night, it was stupid and I shouldn’t have,” he said. You looked up at him.
“Yeah it was stupid,” you joked, playfully hitting his arm.
“Can I make it up to you?” He asked.
“How so?”
“Well, for starters, ditch class?” he proposed. You gasped.
“Kuroo Tetsurou wants to ditch class? Who are you and where is my nerdy best friend?” Kuroo laughed.
“I know I know but you’re worth ditching class for,” he smiled. You felt butterflies in your stomach.
“Fine, you can make it up to me,” you said. Kuroo smiled.
“Can you answer this for me though?” You asked. He nodded.
“Um- is there actually nothing going on between you and Calie?”
Kuroo sighed.
Could you be any more obvious that you liked him?
“No Y/N, absolutely nothing. I think Calie’s girlfriend would be shocked if there was,” he said. Your jaw dropped.
“Yeah, her name is AJ, she’s super nice.” You felt so embarrassed.
“Oh my fucking god…” you burried your face in your hands. Kuroo laughed.
“Yup, Calie and I are just friends,” he said, “anyway, kinda got my eyes on someone else.” Your eyes grew.
“Wait what?”
“What? I didn’t say anything.”
“Kuroo what did you just-“
“Come on Y/N, I have a plan for us today!” Kuroo grabbed your hand and led you back to the apartment.
You and Kuroo spent your afternoon watching old movies and munching on whatever snacks you had around the apartment. Back in high school, you and Kuroo would often have movie nights together. Whenever one of you wasn’t doing their best, the other would be at the door with a movie to help. You loved that tradition with Kuroo.
You sat on the couch next to Kuroo as the credits of ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ played. You probably watched a total of 4 movies, bringing the time of day close to 7pm.
“I think that’s enough for watching movies,” you said, stretching your back from sitting for so long.
“Good thing I’ve got another idea,” smirked Kuroo. You raised a brow.
“And what might that be?”
“We are going out!”
“Yes, out! So Y/N-Chan, go get yourself prettied up and get ready for a night on the town!” cheered Kuroo. You laughed.
“Kuroo it’s a Tuesday. I’m not sure how much fun we’ll be having.”
“Don’t doubt me. I know where to go for a night like this. Now go get ready!” Kuroo pulled you up from the couch and led you to your room.
“Oh and wear a dress,” he smirked. Kuroo left you to go get himself ready.
Is this this horrible way of asking me out? No, can’t be.
You reached for your phone, seeing it was a call from Oikawa.
“Hi shitty-”
“Oikawa calm down-”
“Toru please-”
“Oikawa?” You groaned.
“Okay I’m finished. Yes?”
“She’s gay.”
“Yes she’s gay. She has a girlfriend. I overreacted, her and Kuroo are just friends,” you explained finally. Oikawa went silent on the other line.
“Well that’s awkward... I had a brilliant revenge plan.”
“You’ll have to save it then.”
“BUT HEY that’s good!!”
“Yeah, he’s actually gonna take me out right now.”
“Uh I’m honestly not sure...I don’t think so at least.”
“Well regardless, do your best to seduce him.”
“Toru please-”
“Okay okay I’ll stop. Keep me posted!”
“I will.”
“BYE Y/N!”
“Bye shittykawa.”
“You really have to be nicer to me-”
You hung up on Oikawa before he could finish. You saw a text from him.
you suck -sent 7:24pm
You laughed and set your phone down to get ready.
You scrambled through your closet for a dress. You didn’t want to wear the same one you wore to the party those weeks ago. You scanned through your clothes before finding a little black dress in the back of your closet. It still had the tags on it. Oikawa had bought it for you for your birthday last year, saying everyone needs a little black dress in their wardrobe. You never got around to wearing it.
You set the dress on your bed and went to take a quick bath. After you dried off, you began to put on some makeup and slipped the dress on. You looked at yourself in the mirror. The dress fit you beautifully. You felt beautiful. You slipped on some heels, no matter how unstable you walked in them.
“Ready to go…” Kuroo stood in your doorway, nicely dressed. His voice trailed off as he looked at you.
“Do I look okay,” you asked. Kuroo licked his lips subtly.
“Uh yeah you look more than okay…” he said, still staring. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks.
“Well, where are we going?” Kuroo smiled and reached out his hand.
“What’s a good time without a little dancing?”
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @lilnuances @tetsoleil @cloudswritings @foxyyychan @tamaguchi @jessie9008 @bitandbytes @yeehawnana @166cm @bigchaosenergy @tumbledor3 @captain-janeway @answer-the-sirens @simpletype @ysatrap @stinkybitch1919 @starry-magicshop @graykageyama @keomoon @freyafolkvangr @bokutory ]
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