#it gets late again and i was like so um... tomorrow ..?
gracev0609 · 2 days
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Love Blooms
Josh Kiszka X Female OC (Caroline)
Writing this really felt like we were creating a lovely little rom com movie. Enjoy this journey into an AU where the band doesn't exist and Josh is a kindergarten teacher who falls head over heels for one of his students moms, Caroline.
A @lipstickitty / gracev0609 collaboration.
WC: 10k+
Warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, mentions of an absent parent, explicit sex, cutie pie Josh (bc that deserves a warning).
There was a slight chill in the October air as Josh stood outside with his classroom. He pulled the sleeves of his sweater down over his fingertips as he waved goodbye to his kindergarten class as they left with their parent, one by one. Josh looked at his watch, it was officially ten minutes past dismissal time and one little girl, Martine, was left. He smiled at her as she sat on the ground with her slightly too large bubblegum pink backpack playing with the rocks.
“Mr. Kiszka! Look at this cool rock!” She extended her small hand holding it up for him to look at.
“That is so cool, Martine! It's very sparkly.”
Josh's eyes lifted to the parking lot as he squatted to the ground searching for her parent.
“I wanna keep it!” She exclaimed, putting it in her skirt pocket.
Finally an older model Toyota Corolla turned into the lot speeding to the spots near the front. Parking next to his truck a woman with long blonde curls, strikingly similar to Martine's, jumped out of the front seat .
“I am so so sorry Mr. Kiszka! The usual route I take to get here- well - the road was closed! And there was a crazy detour, and I am so sorry!”
He smiled at her rambling, holding his hands out in front of him,” It's okay! As long as you're alright, we're fine. Martine was showing me some cool rocks she found just now.”
“I hope I didn't make you late for your after school plans!”
He giggled,” Just dinner in front of the TV!”
She leaned down scooping up her daughter and hitching her on her hip,” Sounds about the same for us.”
He couldn't help but acknowledge her beauty, her hazel eyes that were almost green, her hair spiraling down to her waist. He thought she was quite an attractive person. She was beginning to turn away and walk back to the car when he stopped her,” Oh! I didn't catch your name before! Im, um, I'm Josh…. Josh Kiszka, obviously because I'm Mr. Kiszka.”
Giggling at his rambling,” Hi Josh. I'm Caroline. Caroline Hart.”
His brows furrow almost imperceptibly,” Martine has a different last name? I'm sorry if that was too forward.”
“Oh! No. Martine's dad isn't in the picture, we um, we never got married. It's just her and I.”
“Oh.. I'm sorry. That was inappropriate of me to ask.”
“Josh it's fine, really we're not upset, it's all we know. We have a beautiful life just us girls.”
Josh smiled again,” I'm sure you do, Martine is wonderful to have in class. Speaking of, I better let you go. I'll see you girls tomorrow!”
He extended his hand out for her to shake,” It was a pleasure meeting you Caroline.”
She slid her hand into his, gripping it and shaking it, she couldn't help but feel how soft and warm and gentle they felt.
“Bye Josh. We'll see you tomorrow.”
And with that she turned and took her daughter to the car, strapping her into her car seat. Her mind was running so fast, she couldn't shake how attractive she thought he was, how kind he seemed. He's a kindergarten teacher after all.
Once Caroline got into her car safely Josh made his way to his own vehicle. His own mind racing, she was so beautiful and so strong. How could he possibly find one of his students' moms so attractive?
One frigid December morning, Josh was setting up his classroom for the class Christmas party early before his students arrived. The room had already been decked out in winter decorations since the beginning of December, but this was the last day of school before holiday break and he wanted to go all out for it. He strung lights around his desk and hung some ornaments and tinsel on some of the plants he kept in the room.
On the table, he’d set out a few different bottles of juice and a couple trays of cookies he’d made himself the night before just for the party, decorating them all night long. He’d sent a newsletter home the week before encouraging all the parents to come if they could make it and he was truly looking forward to it.
Once his classroom was decorated to his liking, he took a seat at his desk, tidying up some stray papers and various other belongings just to pass the time. Finally his kids started filing in, holding the hands of the adults dropping them off and greeting him with big smiles. He must have heard a chorus of at least 15 different “good morning, Mr. Kiszka”s when everyone had made their way inside.
He watched the kids hang their backpacks on their little hooks and take their seats, the parents that had to get to work kissing their children goodbye and making their exit, the ones that were staying for the party finding a seat near their child. With a glance over at the table holding the refreshments, he noticed that a few of the parents had brought something as well. He felt the corners of his lips turn up into a small smile when he saw Caroline sitting with Martine, brushing her long blonde curls out of her face.
Josh stood and made his way to the front of the room, “Good morning everybody!! I’m so glad all of you could make it to our Christmas party!” He beamed at his students. “It’s the last day of school before we go on Christmas break so we’re just gonna eat our snacks and have fun, okay? It’s a party!” He giggled, crossing the room to the snack table and telling everyone to line up to take their picks. He handed each one a napkin with their treat, giving them all a warm smile.
He greeted Martine with a smile as she grabbed a brownie off a tray that he hadn’t brought in, assuming one of the parents must have brought them. “My mommy made these.” She declared proudly, grinning at her teacher.
“Did she? That’s so cool! They look really good, I’ll have to try one!” His nose scrunched in a grin as he handed the little girl a napkin. She skipped back over to her mother and he continued handing out the treats.
Once everyone was back in their seats enjoying their snacks, Josh grabbed a cookie and a brownie for himself and took them over to his desk, staying true to his word about trying Martine’s mom’s brownies. It was one of the best brownies he’d ever eaten, not that he was expecting anything else.
His cheeks flushed when he made eye contact with Caroline as he was taking his second bite and she smiled a little smugly watching him enjoy the brownie.
A short while later, Josh broke out a few board games he kept in his classroom for free days, setting them up for anyone who wanted to play. He watched a few kids with their parents pick out a game to play, Martine leading a laughing Caroline straight to the Candyland board. Then Martine made her way over to him, “Mr. Kiszka, will you please play Candyland with us?” She asked with a slight pout. He glanced over to the board and saw that another child and parent had come over to play also so he figured it couldn’t hurt anything. He enthusiastically played through the game with the kids, cheering them on.
At the end of the school day, Josh hovered over by the classroom door, telling each of his kids goodbye and wishing them a good Christmas break and thanking each of their parents for coming. Martine and Caroline were the last ones out, Martine having taken her sweet time packing up her belongings, but he didn’t mind one bit.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Kiszka!” Martine shouted, clapping her hands excitedly.
“Merry Christmas, Josh! I bet you’re looking forward to spending the break at home with your partner!” Caroline said with a sweet smile.
“I’m actually single right now, it’ll just be me!” He chuckled a little. “Might go see my family.”
“I’m sorry to assume!” She laid her hand on his arm gently. “I don’t have anyone right now either, it’ll just be us girls.” She pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead.
“That’s a shame, really. You’re too beautiful to be by yourself over the holidays.” He flirted, her cheeks burning red. She sputtered for a second, trying to come up with a response but drawing a blank as he giggled and wished them a merry Christmas once more, waving as they walked out the door.
Spring had sprung, and the plants in Josh's classroom were growing. Many of his trailing pothos had new leaves, their vines spreading out long in the welcome sunshine. While watering them one morning he saw that most if not all of the babies on his spider plant were quite large. An idea sparking in his head, he grabbed scissors and plastic sandwich baggies. Carefully he poked a few holes in each bag before snipping off enough spiderettes to send home to each child.
Once the end of the day was nearing, the kids had practiced their shapes and their alphabet. They went outside and played in the warming sun. Josh gathered up the plants in his hands before explaining what he was doing.,” Okay everyone! I have a surprise for all of you today. One of my plants grew enough babies that I am able to give each of you a little plant. Im sending you all home with a care sheet, along with your plant. You're going to want to plant it in some dirt, and put the pot in a nice sunny spot so it can grow big and beautiful. Also! You'll want to water it once a week, but that's all written on your sheets.”
One by one he walked around the room placing the baggie on each child's desk.
Once he got to Martine's desk she was practically vibrating out of her seat,” Mr. Josh I love plants! They're so pretty! My mommy has some! She has a huge one called a monster plant!”
Another child, Marcus, interrupted her,” You called him Mr. Josh! His name is Mr. Kiszka!”
Martine opened her mouth to argue back and Josh quickly jumped in,” Well, actually they're both my names. Like you have a first name and a last name, so do I! But, we want to call our teachers by their last names, so that's why I'm called Mr. Kiszka.”
Turning his attention to Martine,” I hope you and your mom enjoy your new plant!”
Another school day ended and Josh stood dutifully at the door waiting for each child's parents to come and pick them up, saying goodbye to each one. Soon enough Caroline was making her way through the door and Martine was gleefully greeting her,” Mommy! Look at the plant we got today!”
She held the baggie up, letting her mom inspect it,” Oh nice baby! We don't have this one yet, it's been on mommy's list.”
Josh's eyes widened, and he made his way over to them, whispering,”Do you want another one? I can quick snip you off another baby.”
She smirked, her cheeks pinkening,” Would you? I'd love that.”
“Anything for you Miss Caroline.”
Pretending to sneak over to his desk he grabbed a pair of scissors. He held his free hand up to his lips, making a ‘shh’ motion, before he slinked over to his plant and snipping another baby off. Quickly he set his scissors down in his cup of pens and pencils and walked back over to the girls. Extending his hand out he held the small spider plant baby in his palm,” For you.”
She smiled, he really was so sweet, she kept her voice low,” Thank you Josh.”
Caroline smiled as sweetly as she could, but quite frankly she was bored. She wished she could be doing quite literally anything else besides sitting here across from this man at this restaurant/ bar. He droned on and on about his vehicle, a lifted something with a V something else engine. Trying not to roll her eyes she tried to steer the conversation elsewhere but it kept circling back to his damn car. All she wanted was a nice dinner, a little conversation and hopefully a halfway decent time in bed. She clicked on her phone, peering at the lock screen looking to see if her mom texted her, but no there was no update or emergency text about Martine. In need of stretching her legs, and a break from this conversation she excused herself and walked her wine glass back up to the bar. She scanned the bar top looking for a place where she could wedge herself in and get a refill. She found an opening next to a man in a black oversized jacket with long brown hair flowing down his back. Squeezing herself in, she waited on the bartender's attention when she heard a familiar voice call her name,” Caroline?!”
Turning her head to the left she found him sitting next to the man with the long hair,” Josh?!”
“What are you doing here? This place is kind of a dive,” he chuckled,” Come sit with us! This is my brother, Jake. Jake, this is Caroline.”
He smiled and waved hello before taking a swig of his beer. Briefly she thought about her date, but decided that she'd have a much better time sitting with Josh then she ever would with him. She sat down in the empty barstool next to him. After Jake called the bartender over she took your order as well as Josh's, and Jake told her to close his tab and handed her his card.
“Have a nice night Josh. It was a pleasure Caroline.”
Another glass of white wine was placed in front of her as well as an amber colored beer in front of Josh. He took a sip,” So really, why are you here?”
Giggling she replied,”Oh! I was on a date. He picked this place. He was horribly boring, he only talked about his car.”
Josh gasped,” No! Not a car guy!”
“Yeah… a car guy.’ She put her head in her hands and laughed,” Thank you for the plants by the way, that was sweet.”
“Oh! No big deal, I had plenty to share. Martine was telling me that you like plants?’
Josh twists in his chair, his hand coming to rest on the back of hers, his thumb stroking across her bare skin exposed in her sleeveless top. She felt a shiver run down her spine at the light contact.
“I love plants. We have quite a few! A few cactuses, some pothos, and a large monstera. We got it when it was only three little leaves and now it's enormous!”
Josh beamed, her excitement mirroring her daughters when she was talking about the plants earlier,” You're really cute Caroline. I hope I'm not overstepping, but I find everything about you really attractive.”
She blushed, placing her hand on his thigh, gently squeezing the muscle,” I find you really attractive too. You're very kind, and you're pretty, and my daughter talks about you constantly. Can I tell you a secret?” She asked leaning forward, her lips brushing against his earlobe,” After every encounter we have, I can't stop thinking about you.”
Josh's breath shuttered, eager to see where the night takes them,” I can't stop thinking about you either.”
She leans back, smiling sweetly and grabbing her wine glass as she downs the rest of the pale yellow effervescent liquid.
“One more round and then we go?” She smiled, running her tongue across her top row of teeth.
“Um. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely, I want to.” Josh stuttered.
They continued to flirt through their next drink, talking, laughing and touching.
Josh and Caroline stand, moving down to the cash register so their tab can be closed out.
“I got it, really, teachers salary isn't that bad,” Josh chuckled.
She leaned in to him, slipping her hand under his shirt, her fingers trailing up and down his spine,” Thank you Josh.” She could feel him reacting to her touch, goose bumps forming under her palm.
Once the tab was closed he led her out of the bar towards his truck.
“I'll tell you where to go, I don't live too far.” Caroline told him as she directed him which way to turn once he was out on the main road.
A few turns later Josh clears his throat,” I don't want to be presumptuous or anything but… Do we need to stop at the drug store first?”
Caroline laughs, her hand reaching over the center console, gliding up his thigh getting closer and closer to his crotch,” No, sweetie. I have plenty of condoms at home.”
Josh smiles, one corner of his mouth turning up, his hand pulling hers off of his body before wandering over to her jean covered thigh, squeezing and kneading the flesh between his fingers.
She grabs his hand sliding it higher until it meets the warm juncture of her thighs.
Josh mutters fuck under his breath.
“Needy girl…”
“My mom has Martine for the night, and I really want to have fun, preferably with you. Could you believe I was going to give it up to the car guy if I hadn't ran into you?”
Josh cups her heat with more pressure,” He wouldn't have deserved it Caroline. You need someone to treat you as sweet as you are.”
She thought for a moment, from where she stood he seemed like the sweetest and most deserving man of a fun evening. She was happy that she ran into him.
As they pulled into her driveway, Josh’s fingers trailed along her inner thighs and then tangled in her hair, pulling her face close to his. “I’m really glad we ran into each other tonight.” He whispered, glancing down to her lips and leaning in ever so slightly closer.
“I was just thinking that.” She giggled, leaning in and closing the gap, pressing her plush pink lips to his. His eyes fluttered closed and he deepened the kiss, letting out a soft sigh into her mouth. After gently sucking her bottom lip between his and giving it a little nip, he pulled away and shut the car off, shutting his own door and jogging around the front to open Caroline’s as well. She watched him shut her door and then took his hand, leading him into her home for the first time.
She slammed the door behind them, “I’ll give you the grand tour.” She giggled, still pulling him by the hand. They walked all the way down the hallway passing the bathroom and the smaller bedroom he assumed to be Martine’s, until they reached her bedroom. “Here it is!” She laughed, flopping down onto the edge of her bed and raising her eyebrows at him.
“Wonderful tour, 5 stars. Very thorough.” Josh chuckled, coming to stand in between her legs and leaning in for another kiss. He couldn’t get enough of the way she tasted, the little sounds she made when his hands roamed her body, locating each sensitive spot and making mental notes of all of them.
Caroline’s hands started out buried in his hair, wandering down his neck to his chest as the kiss grew more heated. He hummed happily as she familiarized herself with the full expanse of his torso, whining when she separated their lips to rip his shirt over his head. The disappointment was very short lived, her mouth going straight to his neck as soon as the garment had been cast aside.
She wanted so badly to leave marks on him, sink her teeth into his throat, but she knew she couldn’t with all the little sets of eyes that were on him every day. She settled for soft, open mouthed kisses and tracing her tongue over his skin until she arrived at his chest, now that she could leave marks on. He let out a soft gasp when she bit into the muscle of his right pec, soothing over it with her tongue as she ran her fingers down his stomach.
He broke the kiss, a little breathless as he rushed to get her undressed. He stopped to take her in for a moment once he got her in just her lacy black bra and thong. “This was for him?” Josh scoffed. “That fucking car guy couldn’t have handled you, sweetheart.”
A sweet little breathy moan escaped from her when his lips met the heated skin of her chest, kisses and gentle nips of his teeth drawing the prettiest sounds from her. “Pants off, Josh.” She whispered, ghosting her fingers over the bulge straining the fabric.
He stood back a bit to kick the material off his legs, not caring where they ended up. He watched her eyes rake over him, blushing a little under her gaze. “What the hell do you do on the weekends, Kiszka? I know you didn’t get those muscles in your classroom.” She cackled, flopping backward into the mountain of pillows at the head of the bed. He opened his mouth to answer but no words came out as she hooked her fingers into the strings of her thong, pulling it down her legs tossing it at him. Reaching between her breasts she unclasped her bra, letting it slide down her shoulders.
“Come here big boy..’ she teased grabbing her breasts in her hands squeezing the plush flesh.
“You're so beautiful…” Josh slipped his underwear off, giving himself a few tugs of relief before climbing up onto the bed. He kissed her hard before gliding down her body, his face nuzzling and kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples making her back arch into him.
She whined his name, gently pushing his head further down her body.
“You want me to lick it? Suck on it, make you feel so so good?”
Cupping her hands around his face her eyes pleaded before her lips did.
“Please Josh… eat me out?”
His lips left hot kisses down her tummy, kissing her mound. Her legs spread wide, welcoming him. Her breath caught, as he dipped his tongue in her wet folds. Groaning, she tilted her head back enjoying the feeling. He lapped at her swollen bud, swirling his tongue around it, licking and sucking. Dipping his tongue down he teased her sopping wet entrance. Slipping his tongue inside, she gasped. Licking his way back up to her clit he babied it in his mouth until her legs were shaking.
“Cum for me baby, please, right in my mouth.”
One final hard suck on her clit and pleasure was crashing down on her in waves, delicious Josh induced waves. When she finally came down he pulled his mouth away as she was panting desperately trying to catch her breath.
“You're…. You're good at that.” She breathed, her breasts heaving.
Gently he moved back up her body, his wet warm mouth leaving kisses on her breasts.
She pushes his curls back away from his forehead,” Can… can I go down on you?”
“No honey, not tonight, we can get to that later I just want to make you feel good.’
He continues to press kisses to wherever he can reach.
“ Josh?”
“It's been a little while since I've last… had fun with a man.” Caroline told him, cheeks reddening.
“Don't worry honey, I'm gonna take my time, treat you so well… you deserve it.”
She sighed melting into the pillows,” I want you now Josh, want to feel you.”
He whispered okay,moving off of her body so she could retrieve the condom from her nightstand. After a moment of digging she hands him a square. Quickly he unwraps it, rolling it down his cock. She rolls back over, hitching her leg over his thigh, a slight pout on her face,” You didn't even let me touch your cock.”
Josh laughs,” I'm sorry, you said you wanted me now.”
She skirted her hand down his slightly soft stomach, over his hip bones, before lightly teasing the suede soft skin of his uncovered shaft. She dances her fingertips over his latex covered cock until she takes him firmly in her hand squeezing him while rubbing his slit with her thumb. His voice comes out gravelly, reveling in her touch,” Do you have more condoms? Because I'd really like to take this off so I can feel your touch.”
She leans back over to root through her nightstand, he can't help but watch as her breasts jiggle as she moves. Giggling, she tosses a strip of golden foil at him.
“We have enough for a do over, and another round or two if you're up for the challenge.”
He swallows harshly, could he be falling in love already? Before he can move her hands are on him, rolling off the latex, tossing it into the trash can. She grips him in her fist, slick from the inside of the condom and begins pumping him. He melts back into the pillows, not remembering the last time someone's hands felt this good. She works him until he's twitching and leaking,” Are you sure I can't suck it? You have such a pretty cock.”
Josh whines, she's so pretty with such a filthy mouth.
“Just let me taste you baby. Real quick.”
Dipping her head down she sticks her tongue out, lapping up the trail of precum. She hums when the earthy salty taste of his arousal meets her tongue. Opening up another foil packet she carefully rolls it down his length, her hands moving further downwards to cup his warm balls making him gasp.
“You're such a tease Caroline. God, I haven't been this worked up in ages.’
Quickly he flips her onto her back, smiling as she looks up at him with lust filled doe eyes. He leans down, kissing her,” Gonna be so good to you…”
Her legs part naturally to accommodate his hips, fisting himself he lines up gently pushing himself inside. So slowly he enters her, her tight walls relaxing against him. Soon enough he's fully sheathed inside her warm wetness, he can feel her clenching and unclenching around him. “Such a good girl, taking me so well. You wrapped me up in velvet, feels so good baby.”
Josh continues kissing her, his lips melding with hers as she continues to adjust to him. In between kisses she tells him that he can start to move. Slowly he rears his hips back, pulling out only half way, before pushing back in giving her a gentle thrust. A small moan slips from her lips, as he does it again and again gently working up to a regular pace. Little gasps and whines freely fall from her lips, she can't keep quiet and they're ringing in his ears. Her hands pulling him closer, she gasps,” Just a little harder Josh, mm so close.”
In no time she's crying out, clenching hard around him as she cums for the second time, Josh grits his teeth and fucks her through it. Sloppy wet thrusts ring out in her bedroom, he can't get over how messy her pretty cunt is, coating his entire length, dampening his pubic hair.
“You feel so good baby. So so good, fuck…” she clenches around him causing him to whine,” I'm gonna cum soon.”
She cups his face, his cheeks pink and his curls damp and sweaty,” Do it Joshy, I wanna watch you. I bet you cum so pretty.”
He gasps, jaw falling slack, his eyebrows furrow and he moans falling under the waves of pleasure of his own orgasm. Caroline whines as she feels him pulsing, filling up the latex with his warmth. Josh pumps his hips a few more times letting her warm walls coax out every drop he has to give. Stroking his cheeks she coos,” Good boy Josh. I felt you, felt so good.”
Dazed from his orgasm he pulls out, tying off the rubber and putting in the trash can next to her bed. Turning back to her he snuggles into her body, his head resting in her lower stomach showering it with kisses. He looks up at her, big brown eyes pleading,” Can I eat you out until I get hard again?”
She giggles, tangling her fingers in his curls, gently pushing his head down.
The next morning Josh woke a little startled, realizing he wasn’t in his own bed. Once he took in his surroundings though, he realized he was in Caroline’s bed, fully bare and pressed against her body, holding her against his chest. He took the time to really look at her, studying her features while she slept. He couldn’t believe how beautiful he thought she was even sleeping, the little puffs of her breath heating his skin.
He watched her eyes gently move under her lids, wondering what she was dreaming about. Slowly, feather lightly, he traced one finger down her nose and over her lips, her nose scrunching up a bit in her sleep. When she started to stir he trailed his fingers up and down her spine, gently rousing her from her slumber.
A grin stretched across his face when her eyes fluttered open, “Good morning gorgeous.” He pressed sweet kisses to her cheeks and forehead making her giggle.
She yawned, “Morning Josh.” Her eyes opened a little wider, “Shit, what time is it?”
His hand reaches out to the bedside table, searching for his phone. He brings the device closer to his face, eyes narrowing a bit as his still sleepy eyes adjust to looking at the screen.
“It’s… 10:30. Why?” His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Fuck. My mom will be dropping Martine off any minute now. I didn’t set an alarm, I never sleep this late!” She whined, jumping up off the bed and dashing to her closet, rooting around for something, anything for the two of them to wear before her daughter arrived.
“Hey, it’s okay. We can just tell Martine I came over to check on the spider plant babies. If we don’t act like anything’s wrong, she won’t think anything’s wrong.” Josh soothed, coming up behind her to gently rub some of the tension from her shoulders as she searched.
Finally she emerged from the closet with the baggiest pair of sweats she owned and a big t-shirt for Josh, and a pair of black leggings and a t-shirt for herself. They dressed quickly, frantically trying to tame each other’s wild hair as soon as they were clothed, then they heard the front door open and shut followed by Martine’s excited voice as she made her way inside. She was eager to tell her mom about all the fun things she and her grandmother had done.
“Living room, she can’t find us in here. Go, go!” Caroline whisper-yelled, tugging him by the hand out into the hallway. They reached the living room, a little out of breath, just before Martine walked in there.
Her eyes popped a little when she saw her teacher in her living room, a big smile taking over her face, “Mr. Kiszka!!” She squealed, running over to both of them.
“Hi, Martine! I just came to check on the spider plant babies for you and your mom since you’ve never had them before! They’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you!” Josh beamed at her.
Caroline and Josh both took a seat on the couch, Martine excitedly climbing up right in between them. “I was just about to put on some coffee, Josh, would you like a cup?” He nodded with a grateful smile, watching as she walked off into the kitchen.
“Did you have fun with grandma, baby?” Caroline asked her daughter as she made her way back over to the couch to sit while the coffee brewed.
Martine enthusiastically launched into the full play by play of everything they’d done, absolutely thrilled to be telling her mom and her favorite teacher about her day. “We worked in the garden and she let me help pull weeds and plant seeds, and we made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and she let me stay up late watching movies but I’m not supposed to tell!” Her sentence ended in a whisper looking directly at Josh, seemingly forgetting her mother was right on the other side. Throughout her story she’d been inching closer and closer to Josh, so excited to see him at her house that she’d ended up almost in his lap, little hands gesturing wildly as she spoke.
Caroline was almost in a daze, watching Josh interact with her baby so sweetly, the way he really listened to her and responded perfectly, her heart melting. Finally she snapped out of it and noticed how close Martine had scooted over to him, giggling a little, “Remember, personal space, baby.” She gently reminded the little girl, brushing her fingers through her baby’s soft blonde locks.
“Oh no she’s fine, she’s just excited! Don't worry about it, really!” Josh laughed, turning his head just briefly to meet her gaze and her breath caught in her chest. His big brown eyes so soft and sweet as he looked between her and her daughter, he looked like he was really truly happy to be there with them.
Finally Caroline’s eyes zeroed in on his crotch, even the big, baggy sweats not doing much to hide anything. She let her mind wander for a moment, thinking about the night before, how he’d looked and felt between her legs, and all the other things she’d still love to do to him.
“Mommy, can I go color?” Martine’s big hazel eyes meeting her mother’s that so closely matched her own.
“Of course baby, your coloring books and crayons are on the kitchen table.” She smiled at her little girl, kissing the top of her head before she ran off to the kitchen.
“What’re you thinking about?” Josh asked with a smirk once Martine was out of earshot, having noticed her staring.
“Oh nothing, just the fact that those sweats you have on really don’t hide very much.”
His cheeks burned red and he searched his mind far and wide for something to fire back but couldn’t think of anything, not with the way she’d just caught him off guard and the small child happily coloring in the next room.
His face fell a little as his thoughts started to race, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. He felt a sinking in the pit of his stomach and it really threw him, he’d been so completely happy just minutes before. “Hey, Caroline… I had the best time with you, really. You’re incredible and I really want to spend more time with you, and I don’t want to upset you, but… I don’t think we can be anything serious right now. I’m her teacher, my job could be on the line. Fuck.”
Her heart plummeted into her stomach though she knew he was right, nodding once in agreement. “You’re right. Nothing more until she’s out of your class.” Her voice was soft, looking at his chin so she didn’t have to directly meet his gaze, afraid if she did her lip might start trembling.
Josh sighed heavily, pulling her into his arms and gently petting her hair back. “I should go, but I’d really like to see you again, Caroline.” He whispered, leaving her with a chaste kiss to her lips and a soft squeeze to her shoulder.
“Are you leaving, Mr. Kiszka?” Martine asked innocently.
“Yeah, I gotta get going but I’ll see you at school Monday okay? Keep up the good work with the plants!” He waved at her as he let himself out. He wasn’t sure what the hell he’d gotten himself into.
Josh had his AC cranked in his little modular classroom, he was trying his best to keep his kiddos cool. The metal box he taught in got warm quickly especially in the first few hot days of spring.
“Okay everyone! Let's pack everything up, it's almost dismissal time.”
Martine wiggled in her seat, jutting her hand high above her head as he walked by her desk.
“Yes, Martine.” He stopped in front of her and smiled.
“Mr. Kiszka! My plants are growing!”
His grin grew wider,” That's amazing Martine, you must be taking excellent care of them.”
Yet again,with the repetition of the school day parents slowly filed in to pick up their children. A few students' parents returned their permission slips for the spring field trip, he gathered them in his hands walking back behind his desk. Sitting down in his desk chair he leaned over opening the filing cabinet, finding the correct spot he placed them in with the others. While his head was buried in his papers he heard his most favorite familiar voice,” Hi Joshy.”
He smiled wide, lifting his eyes to her. Upon noticing her figure wrapped up in a tight tank top and short denim shorts he began blushing,” Hi Caroline. How are you?”
She smiles at him, leaning down over his desk, handing him a slip of paper,” Here's Martine's permission slip.”
Very subtly she pushed her chest out, and he gulped. The pink in his cheeks intensifies as he feels the familiar stirring in his pants.
“Thank you…’ he fumbles with the paper in his hands.
“You good Josh?” She smirks knowing exactly what is happening beneath his desk.
“Mmhmm! Yeah! I'm fine. Um, have a good night!”
She whispers,” You're cute when you're flustered.”
Martine waves goodbye as her mom ushers her out of his classroom. Josh crosses his arms and lays his head down on his desk wondering how she has so much of a hold over him. He couldn't believe he saw the slightest peek of her breasts spilling out and he got a boner like a damn teenager. After a few deep breaths he hears his phone vibrating in his desk drawer. He opens the drawer, grabbing it and unlocking it. Inside he finds a text from Caroline.
Caroline: It's okay baby, I was also thinking about riding you earlier today.
His jaw drops staring at his phone, unable to stop the blood flowing to his groin he huffs out a breath and starts typing away.
Josh: …. You're evil.
Josh: You couldn't have even waited until I got home. What am I supposed to do now?
Caroline: You could come over, say around 10?
Josh: Will you be able to stay quiet?
Caroline: You'll just have to push my face into the pillows.
Josh dropped his phone, clattering on his desk. Muttering fuck under his breath. Quickly he typed one more message before gathering his things to go home.
Josh: I'll be there, 10 o'clock sharp.
Josh locked the classroom door and walked over to his truck climbing in and he sat down, starting it and shifting into drive. Through his commute home he couldn't help but think about Caroline, imagining himself taking her from behind and pushing her gorgeous face into the pillows on her bed. He imagined her moaning into them with every thrust of his hips. Admittedly his cock was still hard and his wandering thoughts were only making him throb. His right hand dropped from the steering wheel, coming to his crotch. Slowly he started rubbing himself through his pants, and he gently groaned. He wanted it to be Caroline's hand on him, hers had felt so good the night before. He teased himself and squeezed his cock the entire ride home, by the time he pulled into his driveway he knew his underwear was soaked in his precum.
Taking a deep breath he gathered his things and made his way inside his home. Dropping his things off at the kitchen table he beelines it to his shower eager to get himself ready for his evening.
Josh put his truck in park in Caroline’s driveway before sending her a text.
Josh: Let me in?
A few moments later he saw Caroline stick her head out the front door, waving him in with a big grin.
“That was a mean trick you played on me today, baby.” Josh spoke softly right in her ear once the door was safely shut behind him, one of his hands brushing her long curls away from her neck before laying a few gentle kisses over her skin. She playfully shushed him with one finger over his lips, pointing over her shoulder to Martine’s room before folding her hands under her head to say ‘she’s asleep’.
She took him by the hand and dragged him down the hall to her bedroom. She pushed the door closed behind them so slowly it didn’t even make a creak before pouncing on Josh, tackling him to the bed.
“Was I so mean to you, Joshy?” She feigned a pout, slipping her hand between their bodies to grip his length over his pants. He shivered a little at the contact, having been craving her touch all day long.
“So mean.” He agreed, pulling her hips down against his own trapping her hand in between. “You had me so hard I had to touch myself on the drive home, needed you so bad.” He leaned up to attach his lips to her neck, teasing kisses and nibbles making her shudder as she tightened her grip, squeezing his cock harder through the fabric.
“That’s really fucking hot, Josh. So desperate you couldn’t even wait until you got home.” She connected their lips in a heated kiss, running her tongue across his lower lip prompting him to deepen it.
Finally she pulled away to take a breath, leaning to the side a bit to give herself a better angle to undo his pants, pulling them down his thighs as best she could and letting him kick them off the rest of the way. “Your turn.” He whispered, taking the opportunity to rip her tank top over her head. She knelt on the mattress to unbutton and unzip her shorts, Josh helping her slide them down and off her legs.
One handed, Josh ripped his own shirt off before flipping Caroline on her back and crawling over top of her, peppering kisses where the tops of her breasts were spilling out of her lacy white bra. He brought one hand down to cup her over her thong, the slight pressure pulling a gasp from her lips.
“You’re so wet, baby. Did being a little tease get you all worked up too?” He smirked, pushing the fabric to the side to swipe two fingers through her soaked folds, feeling her practically drenching his hand. She nodded, her hips bucking into his touch.
Josh reached underneath her body to unclasp her bra, gently sliding it from her arms and taking her in for a moment. Cheeks all flushed with arousal, lips slick and kiss-swollen, nipples pebbled aching for his touch.
He swooped down and swirled his tongue over one before fully enveloping it in the wet warmth of his mouth, the suction and gentle graze of his teeth over her flesh drawing out a whine.
“Gotta stay quiet for me, baby. Or do you need your face buried in the pillows already?” He taunted as he pulled her thong down her thighs, taking his bottom lip between his teeth at the sight of her spread out for him.
“Please?” She begged, her big hazel eyes pleading with his.
He stifled a groan, the fucking begging. “Flip over for me.” He rasped, waiting for her to comply. Josh stripped his boxers off while Caroline got situated, biting back another noise at the sight of her on all fours, back arched, looking at him over her shoulder.
He situated himself on his back between her thighs, pulling her hips down to attach his lips to her dripping center. Hearing the beginnings of a whine about to escape, Josh reached one hand up to gently push her head down into the pillows. His other hand dipped down between his own legs, stroking himself gently to alleviate some of the ache. His tongue dragged through her folds, savoring the sweet taste of her arousal on his tongue. Even though her cries were being muffled into the mountain of pillows, they were still some of the prettiest sounds he’d ever heard. She felt his tongue circle her swollen, sensitive clit before sucking it into his mouth, spoiling it as his first two fingers on his free hand circled her entrance. Her muffled moans and pushing her hips back into his hand were all the encouragement he needed, pushing both fingers fully into her. He pumped them in and out with a curling motion, hitting her g-spot with perfect precision while his mouth worked diligently against her clit. In what felt like no time at all he felt her walls beginning to clench around his fingers, not switching up a single thing he led her right off the edge into her first orgasm. He worked her through it, relishing in the soft sounds the pillows didn’t completely silence.
When her body slumped forward into the sheets, Josh slowly removed his fingers, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He stretched his arm across the bed to the bedside table, opening the top drawer to retrieve a condom. Her arm reached out blindly, trying to locate the drawer or possibly point them out but Josh gripped her wrist, gently bringing her arm back to her side.
“Don’t you dare move an inch, Caroline. I remember where they are. Sneaky little girl, hiding them under a magazine…” he warned, ripping the foil open and rolling the latex down his cock tugging it a few times.
At his warning Caroline seemed to find her second wind, fixing her position where she had basically folded on the bed and arching her back, wiggling her hips to encourage him to hurry up.
“Bite down if you need to baby, we can’t wake her up.” He growled, finally pushing into her tight wet heat. He muffled a groan with a bite on her shoulder blade, building up to a steady pace with his hands gripping onto her hips.
Caroline’s moans and whimpers gradually increased in volume prompting him to push her head down into the pillow a bit more, her teeth sinking into it in a desperate attempt to keep quiet. Her hips kept rocking back to meet his thrusts and the tip of his cock hit her cervix with the most delicious painful pleasure. Josh was draped over her back, letting out little grunts into her ear. He bit down on his bottom lip until it almost drew blood, feeling her starting to flutter and clench around his pulsing cock.
One of his hands left her hips to snake around and rub quick circles around her clit, feeling her body start to shake with her impending release.
“Cum for me Caroline,” his whisper was strained in her ear, holding back his own climax until he gets to feel her cumming around him. “God you feel so fucking good, c’mon baby soak my cock.” He gritted through clenched teeth, his words sending her over the edge biting down hard on the pillow as her eyes rolled back. The gush of wetness flooding around him combined with how tight she was squeezing him sent him over the edge, cock twitching wildly as he pumped his release into the condom and his hips came to a stop.
Slowly he pulled out of her and removed the condom, tying it off and throwing it into the trash. He flopped back onto the pillows, pulling Caroline’s body into his where she’d collapsed boneless on the bed. He held her close to his chest, brushing his lips over the top of her head and stroking his fingers up and down her back.
Her eyes were barely open, a blissed out smile on her lips with her face buried in Josh’s chest letting her hand trail over his chest. “Are you— will you stay?” She yawned, voice all dreamy, and he knew she was barely even conscious.
“Yeah, of course I’ll stay.” He whispered, kissing her goodnight and soaking in the feeling of her skin on his.
The end of the week was nearing, and Josh was feeling it. The kids in his class had been extra rambunctious and his late night escapades had drained his energy. Jake had asked him to go out, but ultimately Josh suggested that he come over and they could chill out on his patio with a cold case of beer.
Josh was already leaning back on his patio chair in the early evening sun when he heard Jake's car door shut in his driveway.
“Already back here!” Josh called over his shoulder.
Jake emerged from the side of his house carrying the case of beer in one hand and a cheap pack of gas station cigars in the other.
“Hey fucker. What's up man, rough week?” Jake asked, sitting down in the lounge chair next to him.
Josh ripped open the cardboard box, plucking a still icy beer and cracking it open. After taking a swig he replies,”Not necessarily rough, just long. The kids are getting rowdy, they're definitely comfortable now. And I think they're acting up because it's actually nice outside and they just want to play,” he took another swig and smirked over his bottle,” I've had some really late nights too, haven't been home much.”
Jake looked over at him, pale grey smoke billowing from between his lips as he took the first drag of his cigar,” Not home? Does this have anything to do with that chick we ran into at that bar?”
“It does.” Josh said, reaching for the pack of cigars and bic lighter.
Jake cocked his head to the side,” Come on now, don't make me pry it out if yah.”
Josh just shook his head, the grin never leaving his lips. “So, are you two like… a thing now?”
“No, not a thing.” He lit his own cigar, taking a puff, “We’ve just hooked up a few times. Nothing serious.” He explained, voice coming out a little thick from the smoke being exhaled while he spoke.
Jake took a couple sips of his own drink, meeting Josh’s eyes with a skeptical look on his face. “You? A booty call?” His eyes sparkled as a smirk formed on his face, ready to make all the jokes he could at his brother’s expense.
“Yes, asshole, a booty call. If you must word it like that.” Josh scoffed, rolling his eyes. He chugged the remainder of his beer before opening a fresh one.
“You? Mr. Relationship? What happened, was that her idea?”
“No, actually it was mine.” Josh’s voice got quieter, knowing he wouldn’t get away with not explaining further.
“Gonna need a bit more than that.” Jake laughed, playfully shoving his shoulder.
“It was my idea not to be anything serious because she’s one of my student’s moms.” Josh rushed out in one long breath, watching his brother’s eyes widen in amused surprise.
“One of your student’s moms?! Damn, that’s not what I was expecting. Wouldn’t have pegged you for the one to go after a MILF.” Jake tossed his head back laughing loudly.
Josh smacked him on the chest, glaring at him daring him to say something else.
“Okay, okay. Can’t say I blame you, she was pretty hot.”
Josh jabbed him in the ribs, “Shut the fuck up.” he tried to sound angry still but couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer. “I’m not gonna give you any details or anything, but the sex is fucking phenomenal.” He smirked.
“You’re not gonna tell me anything? You’re a fuckin’ tease, man, she like that about you?”
Josh giggles, taking a puff of his dwindling cigar,” She's the tease if anything.”
Jake's face fell,” Dude come on! Please?! I told you all the details of my one night stand last weekend. Throw me a bone!”
Josh threw his head back and laughed,” Alright, I'll give you one detail-”
Jake's jaw dropped,” Only one?!”
“Yes, only one. I like her Jake, I wanna keep seeing her”
Jake smiled, his twin was totally smitten.
“The first time we slept together she threw a strip of condoms at me, telling me, not asking, that we're gonna go multiple rounds.”
Jake chuckles,” That's hot man. Definitely a MILF.”
“Bro, shut the fuck up!”
His brain was hazy with that post orgasm bliss as he laid in her fluffy soft comforter, Caroline's head resting on his chest. Her head subtly bobbing up and down with each of his inhales and exhales, his fingers tracing shapes on her back. They were so comfortable, sleep was calling to them. Her fingers softly scratching in the subtle dusting of hair on his tummy, quietly she breathed,” Joshy?”
“Yes baby?”
“Is school done yet?” Her bottom lip jutted out, the side of her face still pressed to his chest.
Josh sighed,”Trust me Caroline, I'm counting down the days.”
“I know you are. I am too.” She let out a soft sigh, pressing a kiss to his chest where her head rested. “How many days is that, again?”
“Trust me, I want to take you on a real date so badly, Caroline. I want to be able to get a cup of coffee with you, or go on walks in the park together. I want to be more than a hook-up. I want to do this for real.”
She heard the sadness in his tone, leaning up to kiss him with her hands gently cupping his cheeks, “I do too, Joshy. Soon.”
“You’re right, baby. Soon.”
Josh looked around his classroom, taking in the mostly bare walls and various belongings in boxes around the room. It was finally the last day of school and it had been an insane year, but also definitely his favorite of his whole career because it brought Caroline to him. He helped the kids get packed up and with the time left over he stood up in the front of the room and went around asking each of his students their favorite part of the year and what they were looking forward to over the summer.
Dismissal time was a little bittersweet, he was sad to see his kids go and he knew he’d miss them a great deal, he never forgot his past classes. But his mind was also buzzing with all the possibilities- now that he wouldn’t be Martine’s teacher anymore, it was like the whole world opened up. He didn’t have to be Mr. Kiszka to Martine anymore, he could just be Josh and they could play in the park. He could take Caroline to the movies or out to dinner, and not have to worry about being caught in the middle of the night.
All the kids lined up by the classroom door with their backpacks on, Josh gave a few goodbye hugs to the students that asked for them, he knew this wasn’t easy for them either. Martine was the last to be picked up yet again, but this time he knew it was intentional.
When Caroline walked through the door, glowing in her sundress she offered a shy smile and he just shook his head, pulling her in for a hug which Martine happily joined in on. The little girl was chattering excitedly, telling them all about how much fun she had this year and how excited she was to be a big first grader now.
When her rambling paused for a minute, Caroline turned to meet Josh’s gaze with a smirk turning up her lips, “So… she’s out of your class now…”
“You’re right, she is.” He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face if he tried. “Would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner tomorrow night? A first, official, date?” He lowered his voice to a whisper, “I’ll take you somewhere much nicer than that old dive bar.”
She placed her hands on his chest, “Oh, but we ended up having so much fun there.” She giggled, one hand coming up to stroke his cheek. “I would absolutely love to go on a date with you, Josh.”
He crashed their lips together, pouring out all the pent up emotion he’d felt for her with no appropriate outlet into the embrace. “Thank god.” He laughed, scooping Martine up into his arms to carry her out to the car for her mom.
“Mommy! Can we go get ice cream? I was pretty good this year!” Martine bargained while in Josh's grasp.
Caroline laughed,” Sure baby, we can get some ice cream.”
Josh gently set her down on her feet in front of Caroline's car. Caroline got her strapped in and situated in the back seat, closing the door she turned to Josh,” You can come with us, if you want.”
He smiled,” I'd love to, but I have some more things to wrap up before I leave. You girls go have fun, I'll see you tomorrow night.”
She giggles rounding the front of her car,” Unless I text you to come over tonight.”
Now it was Josh's turn to laugh,” Patience baby, patience. I'll see you for our date.”
He waved goodbye before turning on his heel heading back into his classroom to finish up for summer break.
A few weeks passed, the warmth of the summer months welcoming and harboring their blooming love. Caroline wasn't ready for Martine to regularly see Josh in her home, which he understood and always set an alarm early in the morning so he could slip out without her little girl knowing any different. This morning however their evening activities had caught up with him, he was exhausted, between staying up in the early morning hours and the physical exertion she demanded from him. His alarm blared on his phone and his eyes fluttered open, 6 am feeling entirely too early,he hit the snooze button. After repeatedly hitting the snooze alarm Caroline stirred away, softly she cooed,” Josh, honey. You've gotta get up, it's almost 7.”
His eyes fluttered open, meeting hers for a moment before he slipped back into dreamland.
She sighed, softly stroking the fuzzy hairs of his eyebrows,” Oh baby… Such a tired boy.”
She tried a few moments later to wake him up one more time to no avail. Accepting the situation, she mentally prepared herself for Josh and Martine inevitably meeting this morning. Quietly she climbed out of bed, letting him sleep in. She closed her bedroom door and padded out to the kitchen and started making a pot of coffee. Not long after she heard little feet heading her way along with some not so quiet giggles. Turning she laid her eyes on her beautiful Martine, her blonde curls frizzy waving around like a halo atop her head. Her pant leg askew and her spaghetti strap slipping off her shoulder, her little girl slept hard. Smiling Caroline knelt down and fixed her baby's pajamas, smoothing out her hair with her palm. She got her little girl a glass of orange juice and carried it over to the table along with her mug of coffee. Climbing up in the chair next to her they drank their morning beverages, a morning ritual they had.
“Sweetie, Mommy has something to tell you okay?”
“Okay Mommy.” She said, taking a sip of her juice, a small orange dribble running down the corner of her mouth.
“So, I want you to know that Mr. Kiszka is here.”
Martine's eyes lit up in excitement, he was currently her favorite person in the world.
“He's going to come out of Mommy's room when he wakes up, and he's going to be in his pajamas okay.”
She nods her head, eager to see him.
“I know you really like him baby, and I do too.” Caroline took a deep breath,” I think we should start calling him Josh instead of Mr. Kiszka.”
A few moments later she heard her bedroom door open and close and a disheveled boy came wandering towards the kitchen. Before Caroline could greet him Martine opened her mouth gleefully shouting,” Good morning Josh!”
Josh beamed looking at Martine before looking at her mom who was smiling back at him.
“Good morning my girls!”
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mattodore · 9 months
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
im the sleepiest guy in the world rn gn yangang I will talk to you tomorrow <3
#mine#i rarely ever do nightly or morningly posts bc i feel like theyre redundant for me but this is an excuse to talk in tags lol#WELL um i have a lot to do tomorrow and thats gonna be annoying bc as you can see it is the time it is rn.#ive been up doing my thing. feeling a lil funky and invested in my superiority complex yet again#would u guys still like me if i devoted time everyday to scaring people i hate :( well you guys probably just like to watch me be insane so#i totally wanna post all the gory details about my evil excursions but im so paranoid. hot boy shit#well the most i can say is ive been getting a kick out of horrendous deeds lately. which is weird bc mentally ive been BETTER#like im morally responsible and everything but i still harass people i despise for personsl fulfillment. whats up with that.#i never forget what they did to me ^_^ and the good part is im playing nice with them so they think its over. and im not a suspect#but theres just such a surplus of people who want to harass them that im ruled out entirely its so fucking funny#also thank you people who want them dead too and sometimes harass them instead of me i love uu<3 my besties fr#🪳#i commit truly horrible acts to satiate the bottomless pit inside of me <3 but only to people who deserve it#im coherent im not doing this out of raw emotion. im devoted to it. im determined to step on her and watch her die#to any frightened readers .#im normal about like everyone else i promise its just a handful of people i would slaughter on sight#well anyways i think my malice is satisfied for tonight gn<3<3<3#also im dreaming of the day where i find a nice malicious husbsnd and we can terrorize people together. romance at its finest#i take pride in the fact i actually do the shit everyone thinks of doing. i want to know what would happen. like a scientist#im craving this awesome breakfast place by my house anon im taking u there sometime to treat you. wait this isnt the ask post. hell
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fagofgod · 11 days
why is starting a new thing so hard all of a sudden. ahhhhh.
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
Ooooooghhhhhhhhh stressed 🥺
#dont wanna see family tomorrow and im sleeping saur bad lately i couldnt sleep last night and then had a typical fever dream#which gave me a really cute idea for a movie so im gonna keep it in my pocket#but it was one of those things where its like it says a whole lot about me and my trauma and its stressful#um um um and also im juggling all these different things like im sewing im trying to finally write im trying to draw again#while feeling like im failing at it all and then like i still gotta find fuckinnnnn job i neeeeeed money#this time of year is always really hard for me i hate when its warm again i hate easter and i hate knowing that summer is coming#aaghhhh rn im ticking and stimming really bad and im having trouble breathing hnnghhh#and im very sweaty lol i always get so sweaty when i dont sleep good i dont get it#also i think im just horrible like the one person i wanna talk to probably is getting tired of my constant life crisis and how needy i am#and theyre probably off being better without me there and im just a burden and then my therapist idk about him#i dont feel like hes really giving me anything like when i talk about how stressed and unsafe i am hes like you gotta find a way to cope#and he doesnt really tell me how exactly i should do that like mate thats why im here i need the help you cant just listen to me panic and#go ‘wow you need to fix that’ ughhhh and i think hes mad at me because i dont think he believes me anymore when i say im in an abusive#situation and that ive been controlled my whole life by everyone and i have never felt safe#and its just like ughhh like i feel like no one believes me anymore and theyre all fed up with my bullshit incompetence and constant#bellyaching and im a horrible friend and a liar and probably just being dramatic as fuck making myself believe im being abused when in#reality im the abuser the ungrateful brat who treats his family like shit and cant trust them even though they seem so perfect to everyone#and im so stupid and toxic for trying to run away and for being scared to death here#thats how its feeling anyway idk everyone is just. weird and im losing my grip on reality and cant tell whats real anymore
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romeoandromeo · 6 months
#yallllll my plug is totally flaking on me#i NEED pot lol#i can't sleep without it#I've been saving this $40 in my wallet for over a week but she's like completely ignoring me now lol??#which like I'm not even pestering her#not over a week just about a week#like i texted her Monday like hey when i see you Tuesday can i cop off you and she was like yeah of course#literally saw her for 2 seconds because she left as i came in and i got caught up talking to asshole#then i texted her like hey sorry we didn't get to proper meet lmk when you want to meet#and she was like ok let me just drop someone off and whatever#and hours pass and i was like sooooo it's getting a little late is tomorrow fine and she was like yeah sorry we'll meet tomorrow#so Tuesday comes i text her in the morning like hey lmk when and where you want to meet girl#no reply#it gets late again and i was like so um... tomorrow ..?#and she text me back like yeah sorry had a lot going on today I'll get you tomorrow#Wednesday comes and I'm like hey... just lmk#she texts me back that she needs to go to Detroit to pick up more stuff 🤦🏼 and i was like oh okay well just let me know#so Thursday and Friday pass. nothing#i texted her last night asking if she was ever able to cop#so like idk what's up but ig she just doesn't want to deal w me anymore so ig I'll have to find a new plug#so i texted my other ex coworker just now asking if she knew anybody because i know she's got hookups lol#if not I'll hit up my friend in cle but i just don't want to drive half an hour on the freeway but yk I'll do it whatever#just a little bothered she won't be straight up with me like just say anything??#like if you don't want to sell to me just say so why ghost me after you've been selling to me for over a year#& i know she won't have many people to serve for long because it got legalized here as soon as rec dispensaries open#she's going to lose more than half her business#we literally talked about it i said I'd still cop off her and she said she really appreciated that so idk where this is coming from#maybe it's nothing but I'm having a hard time not taking it completely personally lol
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shellshocklove · 4 months
lover, lover, lover | joel miller
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pairing/AU: 70s!pornstar!joel miller x inexperienced!female reader
summary: after blurring the lines with your boss and pornstar joel in pismo beach, what happens when you come back home to LA?
warnings: this is an 18+ fic so mdni! reader is 23, joel is in his early 30s, accuracies and inaccuracies about the 70s and the porn industry, smoking of cigarettes (it's the 70s alright), misogyny (bc of the times™), swearing, use of pet names, oral (f+m receiving), use of sextoys, handjob, praise kink, soft!dom joel but also a hint of sub!joel, porn, degradation, no use of y/n
a/n: this is the part 2 to this fic. you should read the part 1 first or this will make no sense lmao. i know it's been months since i posted that one and i've gone back and forth a lot on if i was gonna write a second part, but here it is <3 again i wanna give a big thank you to my beloved @dustydaddyyy for encouraging me every step of the way, listening to me when i feel lost, and for reading through everything. i love you babes!!! <3
main masterlist / series masterlist / ao3
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You jolted awake.
With a groan and a confusing squint, you sat up on your elbow. The back of your hand rubbed roughly at your eye as you looked around your darkened bedroom. The fan on your dresser huffed and swirled, blowing cool air in your direction with every pass – blowing away the memories of your dream.
You turned around to lay down again when you heard it. A distant sound of your phone ringing in your hallway. You let out another groan as you scooted out of bed, your nighty falling around your knees as your feet met the carpet floor. Shuffling down the hall you muttered a quiet “I’m coming, calm down,” to the phone.
You lifted the phone of the hook with a quiet, “Hello.”
“Did I wake ya, sweet girl?” the static voice answered.
“Joel, what time is it?” you sighed into the phone, your arm hitting the cool wall as you leaned against it.
“Um…” he started, probably checking his watch, “02.05.”
“Yes, you woke me up…” you told him, eyes tired and falling shut before blinking open in quiet panic, “Wait– did something happen? Why are you calling so late?” Fear squeezed around your heart, wrapping its cold hands around it as flashes of Joel getting arrested, or kidnapped… or something worse, played like a movie in your head.
“No,” he laughed, “No, sweetheart! I just couldn’t sleep.”
“So, you decided to wake me instead? You are aware we have a meeting with VCA tomorrow at 9am? I told you that didn’t I?” Two fingers pinched the bridge of your nose – trying to squeeze the sleep away.
You usually never forgot any of Joel’s meetings or commitments, and you prided yourself in staying on top of his schedule. You could swear you told him about the meeting the other day on the way back from Pismo Beach.
Pismo Beach.
You hadn’t seen him since you dropped him off. Two days had passed. Two days since… Since you’d had sex with Joel. Two days since he told you he wanted you to be his. Was Joel your boyfriend now? You couldn’t tell.
“Yeah, you did, you’re a good assistant,” he said, the smile evident in his voice.
The praise wrapped itself around your heart like a pink cloud of love – it made you smile.
“Thanks,” you whispered, your quiet voice making him chuckle down the other end.
You waited for his chuckle to die before you asked him, “Um… was there anything else?”
“You tired of me already, sweetheart?” he teased.
“No, never,” you shook your head, “it’s just late.”
“I know, I’m sorry baby,” the way he said it, he left the words hanging in the air.
A second passed in silence, and then another. You waited for him to say something else, but when the words never came you spoke, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Can I come over?” he almost cut you off, his words hanging at the end of your own like a teenager on a skateboard gripping tightly to the back of a bus.
“Tonight?” you asked, front teeth digging into your bottom lip.
“Yeah, now,” he clarified, “my car’s fixed– I can be there in probably… thirty minutes?”
“Ehm…” your head bumped against the wall. Thirty minutes? It wasn’t that you didn’t want to see Joel – you did – but it was so late, and you had to get up so early tomorrow.
“Maybe twenty if I speed,” he laughed.
“Joel,” you chided, a smiled tugged at your lips.
“Okay, thirty,” he relented.
You pushed off the wall, a finger curling around the phone cord. “If I say yes you have to be sneaky– and quiet. My landlord doesn’t allow boys to visit.”
“Good thing I ain’t a boy then, sweetheart.”
You snorted, teeth digging into your lip to kill a smile from blooming, “I’m serious, Joel! A girl got evicted last month because she got caught having her boyfriend over.”
“How’s that even legal?” his static voice wondered.
“I don’t know Joel, my landlord… she’s this old lady– super religious and she owns the whole complex– I think she inherited it from her late husband who was a developer or something. Anyway, every time I bump into her, she always questions me about if I have a boyfriend and then gives me this speech about how premarital sex is a sin, and how I’ll go to hell–”
“Shit, baby– move out,” Joel cut you off.
“I can’t,” you sighed, “It was the only place I could afford when I moved here.”
“Ain’t I payin’ you enough?” he teased, “I’ll talk to Ronald about a raise f’you want.”
You let out a chuckle, “I’m not sure it’s appropriate– or professional, to talk about this now, Joel.”
“Alright, baby– always so professional,” he playfully chided, “we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
You let out a hum, though a small knot tied itself in your stomach at the thought. You didn’t want Joel to get the wrong impression; that you wanted a raise now that you’d let him fuck you.
“See ya in 30?” he said, breaking the static silence, “I’ll be real sneaky.”
“Ok,” you said softly.
You told him your address, making him repeat your apartment number back to you before you hung up. You didn’t want him accidently knocking on the wrong door, and getting you evicted.
Padding back into your bedroom, you grabbed your silk robe hanging off the door. You twisted it around yourself while you turned on the lamp over your bedside table. The light bathed your room in a soft glow. You were starting to wake up a little now. Leaving your bedroom door ajar you walked back down your hallway with soft steps. Stepping into the kitchen, you grabbed a mug from your cupboard, busying yourself with making a cup of tea as you waited for Joel.
Thirty minutes later, you heard the buzz of your doorbell. Abandoning your cup on your kitchen table, you quickly hurried to your door, buzzing him in. Your heart hammered in your chest. The risk of getting caught so late on a Sunday night was low, but you could never be too careful. You waited for him in your doorway, your finger picking at your nail bed as you looked out for him to round the corner.
You breathed out a relieved sigh when you saw him, a smile widening across your face as he picked up his pace in a small jog. His grin was wide as well, all teeth and crinkles as he closed the space between you. With a small glance over his shoulder, he made sure he hadn’t been caught as you ushered him inside.
The light in your hallway was low, tinting everything in a warm yellow hue. His hands were on you in an instant, strong hands gliding over your waist from behind as you locked your door. In the next moment you felt his chest press against your back, locking you to his body in an engulfing hug. His nose dragged down the column of your neck, pressing sweet kisses into your skin.
“Hi,” he mumbled.
Leaning into his touch you hummed out a greeting. His grip tightened around you before he turned you around in his hands, your hands automatically wrapping themselves around his neck. God, he was handsome. Soft brown eyes shining under the soft light, you watched as they took you in, traveling down your bare face, down to your silk robe hiding your nighty. A sting of embarrassment panged in your chest under his gaze, maybe you should’ve changed into something else, something a little sexier. Then you realized what kind of sexy he was used to, sheer lingerie, stockings, garter belts and high heels, not whatever underwear you were hiding away in your drawers.
“Shit,” he whispered, eyes blown wide in the low light, “let me kiss you properly, sweetheart.”
His big palm cupped your cheek, bringing you closer before he brushed his lips over yours. He tasted like a mix of his last cigarette and beer. You didn’t realize how much you’d missed his touch, his lips against yours. Joel hummed into the kiss, nose bumping into yours as he held you close, thumb ghosting over your skin. The kiss was quick, but still tender, and when you broke apart, the embarrassment from earlier had faded.
“Missed your lips baby,” he whispered against them, emphasizing his words with another peck.
“You did?” your voice was breathless, eyes half lidded from his affection.
He didn’t answer, only catching your lips in another mind-blowing kiss. His hand not on your cheek traveled from your waist to the curve of your ass, where it squeezed. You jumped a little from his touch, breaking his kiss. Immediately Joel removed his hands, catching himself as he took a step back.
“No?” he asked, eyes searching yours.
A flood of warmth filled your chest, “No, it’s okay– it’s just… late.”
His eyes softened at your words, his palm finding your cheek again to softly rub his thumb over your skin, “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, “It’s okay…” you trailed off, your hand grabbing his other hand to intertwine your fingers, “Let’s go to bed?”
With his hand in yours Joel trailed after you down the hallway.
“The bathroom is just in here if you wanna use it?” you stopped at the end of your hallway, pointing to your closed bathroom door. Joel gave you a short nod and a smile, and let go of your hand, but not before giving it a little squeeze.
You stepped backwards to push open your bedroom door while he vanished to your bathroom. The alarm clock on your bedside table showed 3.08 in big red letters when your eyes flickered to it as you pulled at the strings of your silk robe. You twisted out of it and hung it back on the hook on your door, before you climbed back into your bed, waiting for Joel.
He walked into your room a few minutes later. You watched him from under the covers, eyes hooded with tiredness as he shed his clothes. Naked, safe for his briefs, he haphazardly folded his clothes, eyes flitting around your room for a place to put them.
“You can just leave them on the dresser,” you said, all cozy under the covers.
Sending you a small nod he sauntered over to your dresser with his clothes half-folded in his hand, where he placed them down gently. He stood there for a moment longer with his back turned, something catching his eye.
“So,” he spoke up, “what’s the review?”
“Huh?” You were confused.
You watched how his shoulders shook, grabbing something off your dresser before turning around, hiding it behind his back as he closed the space between you. You were still confused, a furrow pulling at your eyebrows.
“What d’ya prefer? This,” he started, revealing what he was hiding behind his back, “Or the real thing?”
In his hand he held the box with the dildo he’d modeled for. You’d forgotten all about it in your back seat while you were in Pismo Beach, only noticing it again as you’d parked outside your apartment. You had been meaning to give it back to Joel, didn’t take his ‘joke’ of you keeping it at face value, but then you’d forgotten all about it, leaving you with no choice other than to bring it inside.
“Joel,” you felt a flash of heat burn your cheeks.
“What? I wanna know,” he grinned, fingers fiddling with the cardboard to open it.
You gave him a chastising kick from under the covers, trying to shut the conversation down, but it only made him huff out a laugh.
“I don’t know, I haven’t tried it,” you said truthfully. The thought hadn’t even crossed your mind.
“What? Not even once,” his eyebrows knitted together, he almost looked disappointed.
You shook your head, “I was gonna give it back to you when I dropped you off on Friday, but it slipped my mind.”
“Why? I gave it to you,” he pulled the dildo out, the supposed perfect recreation of his package.
“Joel, you couldn’t have been serious about that?” you breathed out a laugh. It was hard to take him seriously with the toy in his hand.
“Well, now I’m a little disappointed, sweetheart,” he placed the box and the dildo on your bedside table, next to your alarm clock, “I really wanted to know your thoughts.”
He crept up the bed as you shifted over to make space, holding open the duvet for him to slip under.
“I’m sorry, Joel– I just didn’t think you were serious about that… and,” you trailed off when he wrapped his strong arms around your body, twisting around in his arms as he pulled you close against him.
“And, what?” he said, his breath huffing against the shell of your ear.
“I… uh, I haven’t… since,” you didn’t know how to say it.
But Joel knew, pulling you closer to rock his hips against your ass, “Haven’t what, sweetheart? Touched yourself?”
He wasn’t hard, but he wasn’t not hard – you could feel the semi he was sporting against your backside. It made you lose your trail of thought, as memories of the last time he held you against his body like this, filled your mind.
You had enough sense to shake your head, not trusting your voice to come out as words and not a strangled moan.
“No?” he teased with another rock of his hips, “Well, I have, sweetheart– touched myself thinkin’ of you.”
“Joel,” you couldn’t fight the whine from escaping as he rocked his hips against you again, his big hand slipping under your nighty.
“Touched myself thinkin’ about this beautiful fuckin’ body of yours,” his hand splayed over your tummy, traveling upwards to grab at your breast. “Thought about these pretty tits,” his voice got lower, whispering in your ear as he flicked a finger over your nipple, making you sigh. He let go of your breast, hand gliding down your body to ghost over the hem of your panties, “And this tight little pussy,” he finished.
“Joel,” you sighed, body reacting automatically to his touch. His breath in your ear sent goosebumps down the whole of your body, and a whine fell from your lips as he palmed your heat over your panties, feeling your arousal starting to soak the cotton.
“Yes, sweetheart, say my name as I touch your pussy. Tell me who’s makin’ you feel good.”
Fuck, it took all your strength to gather your thoughts, “Joel, it’s–” you let out a gasp as his fingers found your clit.
“What, baby?”
“It’s– It’s late,” you managed to breathe out.
And just like that, the spell was broken. His hand slipped from your cunt to rest over your waist. You twisted around to face him, a pang of guilt filling your chest.
“I’m s-sorry, I just–”
He cut you off by pressing his lips against yours in a quick kiss. “Don’t you apologize to me,” he said, eyes boring into yours, “If you ain’t feelin’ it, I ain’t feelin’ it, okay?”
You felt yourself nod, your chest filling with gratefulness. You wanted Joel so much, you did, you wanted him to feel good, but you didn’t want it at 3am when you had to wake up in four hours.
“Thank you,” you whispered gratefully, your forehead falling against his.
He shifted his face, cheek brushing against your forehead until you felt him press a kiss to your skin. “Nothin’ to thank me for, my sweet girl.”
You shifted closer to him, cheek boring into his naked chest, “It’s not that I don’t want to,” you told him, “I’m just so tired.”
Pulling you closer to his body, Joel wrapped his strong arms around you, “’s okay, baby, you just close your pretty eyes, okay?”
You nodded against his head before you whispered, “Good night, Joel.”
“Night, sweet girl.”
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“Hey,” you felt a nudge in your side pull you from your dream, “How d’you turn off this thing?”
Then you heard it. Your alarm. The beeping was loud and obnoxious, but it did the job to wake you, usually.
With heavy limbs you sat up on your elbow, goosebumps spreading over the newly exposed skin as you leaned over Joel’s body to press the snooze button. His big hands found your waist when you leaned back, guiding you to straddle his body.
His lips found yours in a soft kiss, then another before he mumbled, “Good mornin’,” against your lips.
He didn’t give you the chance to reply as he pulled you into yet another kiss. It took you by surprise, your hand coming up to press into the pillow next to his head, to hold your weight. Under the duvet you felt his hand travel down your body, slipping under the hem of your nighty and dragging upwards, cupping your ass as he pulled the fabric with him. His touch ignited something in you, making you whimper against his lips.
“There she is,” he whispered, pulling away from your lips with a loud smack to press kisses along your jaw. It made you sigh, your body going lax in his arms as he pulled you closer, mind going blank from his loving. Then he suddenly tightened his arms around your body, his strong hand splaying over your back as he flipped you around to lay on your back beneath him. A small yelp fell from your lips at the sudden movement, the yelp turning into a giggle when he dived into the crook of your neck, his mustache tickling you as he pressed small kisses against your skin.
With a hasty hand he balled the fabric of your nighty in his hands, pushing it up your body to reveal your naked body to him. He sucked a breath through his teeth at the sight, eyes hungry with lust as they raked over your form.
“Need to fuckin’ taste you, sweetheart.” His voice was a low rasp, coated in residual sleep and arousal, “Been thinkin’ about how sweet you taste this whole weekend.”
You couldn’t hold back the whine at the back of your throat at his words, hips bucking by their own accord where he had your legs splayed open over his thighs. Arousal spread like electricity through your body, where it pooled like dripping honey in your tummy.
“Please,” you begged when his fingers found the hem of your panties, his pointer finger dipping beneath the band to run it across your skin.
“Yeah?” he coaxed, “Want me to eat your little pussy, sweet girl?” his finger stretched at the elastic, letting it slap against your skin as he pulled away. Under him you whined, frantic hands finding the back of his neck to pull him closer to you. In your hurry to kiss him, you missed his mouth, clumsily bumping your nose into his instead.
It made him breathe out a shallow chuckle, “Okay, baby, okay. I’ll take care of ya.”
He pulled back from you, your hands around his neck falling to your sides, and softly hitting your mattress. Grabbing at the soft flesh at the back of your thighs, he spread them wider, putting your covered cunt on display for him. His eyes drank in your body, studied how soft and pliant you’d gone from his touch.
You watched his face, his eyes, his lip twitching with a wicked smile when you jumped under his finger, starting to press slow circles down on your covered clit. He dipped his finger lower, caressing your folds over the fabric before he pressed two fingers into your covered hole as far as your panties allowed. You could feel how soaked you already were, your dripping cunt fluttering around nothing when he pulled back.
“Let’s get you out of these, huh?” he said, voice dripping with pity, “My sweet girl’s just beggin’ to be touched, ain’t she?”
To your own surprise you managed to peep out an answer, “Yes.” Your voice came out strangled and begging, your mind clouded over with Joel.
“Yes, that’s right, baby, you’re such a good girl, let me hear you.” He hooked his finger under the elastic, tapping your ass lightly. You lifted up off the mattress, helping him drag your soaked panties down your legs.
Under him you felt your mouth drop open slightly, watching him as he clasped your panties in his hand, his thumb rubbing at the wetness with a cocky smile tugging at the corner of his lips. With his thumb coated in you, he dropped your panties, losing them in the sheets as he brought his attention back on you.
His eyes bored into yours as he lowered himself between your legs pressing soft kisses against your inner thigh. His big hands splayed over the back of your legs, pushing them closer to your chest to putt your naked and dripping cunt back on display. You held your breath as you waited for him to finally touch you where you wanted, but then he hesitated. The air was charged with arousal, his breath fanning over your throbbing clit. A thought of how you might die if he didn’t touch you soon, crossed your mind.
With a desperate whine, your hand tangled in his hair. You didn’t know what to do, so you begged, “Please, Joel?”
His eyes found yours immediately, where he saw how much you needed him, but he needed it in words, “Y’want me to touch you, sweetheart? To eat your pussy?”
“Yes,” the words fell from your lips so fast you almost cut him off, “Please,” you added for good measure.
Your consent was all he wanted. He dipped his head to lick ever so gently at your clit, making you mewl under him, a needy desperate sound, begging for more. When he wrapped his lips around your clit, and sucked, that’s when you turned into a withering moaning mess under him, hips bucking into his mouth, chasing more of the pleasure he was giving you.
Joel hummed against you, the bass of his voice vibrating against your most sensitive spot, pulling you deeper under the blanket of pleasure.
When his hand loosened its grip around the back of your thigh to caress your folds, a moan got caught in your throat. “P-please” you stuttered, dying to have his fingers split you open and coaxing you towards your release.
But Joel removed his fingers, continuing to explore you with his tongue instead. He dipped down, tongue lapping at your folds, tasting your arousal like he told you’d he’d been dying to. With one fat lick up the length of your pussy he took your clit back in his mouth, going back to lapping and circling it just right, coaxing you closer and closer.
You were hauling quickly towards your orgasm. Your eyebrows twisted together in a tight frown, fingers gripping and tugging at his hair, your leg close to shaking with the intensity. You were right there on the edge.
Then he abruptly pulled away. The disappointing mewl escaped you on instinct, and Joel laughed. Laughed. Your heart twisted in on itself at the sound.
“W-what?” you muttered, confusion painting your features when he sat up.
Joel grinned down at you, a mischievous glint in his eye as he leaned down to your face and cupped your chin, his thumb rubbing your skin with tenderness.
“Want you to be good f’me, sweet girl, can you do that?”
Your head moved in his hand, a timid nod as you searched his face. “I–I can be good.”
His grin widened, all teeth and crinkles around his eyes. He squeezed your cheeks together lightly, a small pout forming to kiss away.
“Good girl.”
His mustache tickled your cupid’s bow, and you could taste yourself on his tongue, taste how desperate for him you were.
He left you breathless when he pulled away, your body all loose and pliant from his touch, not registering what he was doing until he was back to sitting between your legs. Your eyes raked over his body, his broad shoulders, trailing his happy trail down his torso to his waist, noticing the shape of his hard cock in his briefs, a wet spot staining them where the head was.
Fuck, you wanted him inside you.
Then you noticed his hands, and what he was in them. The dildo, of him. You shifted up the bed in surprise. Your nighty fell down over your chest as you sat up on your elbows, watching him with wide eyes.
He watched you too, turning the dildo in his hand to nudge at your entrance as he leaned forward to hover over your body, a big hand on your chest pushing you down.
“Are you gonna be good?” 
“Joel,” you gasped, feeling your hole flutter in anticipation.
“Are you?” he pressed, rubbing the silicone head slowly up and down your folds, coating it in your arousal.
“Y-yeah, y-yes,” you nodded, face heating from the obscene slick sounds of your arousal.
With a wicked grin, his eyes flicked back to your aching cunt, before he pushed the head inside slowly, feeding your more and more until the dildo was buried inside you. A broken moan fell from your lips, mouth dropping open from the pleasure of being stretched.
“There you go, sweetheart. ‘s big stretch, isn’t it? Doing so good for me, my good girl, honey, my good fuckin’ girl.”
He pushed the toy in and out in shallow thrusts, working you open around the fake cock. It wasn’t the same, but still the stretch was divine. With his eyes glued to your cunt he pulled the dildo all the way out, only the head notched at your entrance, before slowly thrusting in all the way. You whimpered when you felt him nudge at your spot inside, your hand desperately grabbing for his other arm to anchor you from falling over the edge too soon.
“Joel,” you whimpered, “P-please, t-touch m-my–”
Joel picked up his pace, fucking you faster and deeper with the dildo, the obscene squelching sounds of your cunt filled the air between your moans. His grip tightened in your hand, guiding it to hover over your clit.
“Touch your what, honey?” He teased, pressing your fingers down, guiding them in tight circles.
“Ah– fuck,” you whimpered, eyes squeezing shut as you felt the coil in your tummy tighten, and tighten, and tighten.
Then it all became too much. With a broken cry you came, squeezing hard around the fake cock. Joel continued fucking you, a small gush of liquid pouring down over the toy with each thrust, as you pulsed and squirmed around it.
Catching your breath, you came down from your high, while small jolts of pleasure crashed over you, making your legs shake like a leaf in a storm. It was like your ears were ringing, before you realized they were actually ringing.
“This fuckin’ alarm,” Joel muttered, hovering over you to turn it off.
His voice brought you back to earth, as you turned your head to look at the time. Shit, you were gonna be late!
With shaky hands you glided your hand down your cunt to grab at the base of the toy still inside you, “Joel, we’re gonna be late for your meeting,” you murmured, slipping the dildo from your cunt. Everything was sticky and messy between your legs, a big wet stain growing under your ass.
Joel pushed your hand away, like he was scolding you for touching what was his. “We can be a little late, sweetheart,” he said calmly, before ducking down to press a kiss to your clit.
You shifted up the bed, away from his touch, anxiety an endless spiral in your tummy. “No, we can’t, Joel– They told me it’s a pitch for a new movie, you’ll miss out on a big opportunity if you don’t show.”
Between your legs, Joel’s head dropped to your chest, as a pained sigh left his lungs. He went quiet for a beat as you watched the messy curls at the top of his head, then he lifted his head to look at you, “Okay, then.”
You felt bad leaving him hanging as you both got out of bed, his rock-hard cock strained desperately against the fabric of his briefs – just dying to be touched.
“Joel, I-I’m sorry,” you closed the space between you, snaking your arms around him.
“Sweetheart, ya need to stop apologizin’”, he placed a dry kiss to the top of your head, steady hands finding your waist. Your heart swelled in your chest. He made you feel so safe.
You almost muttered another ‘I’m sorry’, before catching yourself, “Okay,” you nodded against his chest. You basked in his touch for another minute, his strong arms around you, breathing in the comforting scent of him – the intoxicating mix of his faded cologne, cigarettes and sex.
“You were enjoyin’ it though, weren’t you?” Joel asked as he pulled away. You could see the cheeky smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he looked down at you, “So tell me, sweetheart... it better’n the real thing?”
“No,” you said, your own teasing smile tickling your lips as you detangled yourself from him, and turned around to head towards the bathroom, “Real thing’s better.”
Suddenly you felt his hands on your hips, and then Joel was pulling you back against him. He pressed himself against you so you could feel how hard he still was, his aching cock barely contained by his briefs.
“Attagirl,” he half-whispered, half-groaned into your ear, breath fanning over your neck and making you shiver. 
“I need a shower,” you said with a giggle, stepping away from him before turning around again, only for Joel to pull you close once more. He found your eyes, his hands barely loosening their grip on your body. You could still feel him against you, his hard cock now pressed against your stomach. “Do you… maybe,” you bit down on your bottom lip, wide eyes searching his face.
“Wanna shower with you?” he helped you with a grin, and you nodded.
Your shower was cramped, too small to fit two people, and even though you had been the one to ask, you still felt nervous under the streaming water. He looked so good; your eyes couldn’t help but trail the water droplets racing down his thick muscles. He watched you too, but more openly, his eyes not afraid to trail down your body – to glide over your tits, down your back, and over the curve of your ass.
And then there was his cock, still hard and leaking, making its presence known between you like a third person. What made it worse was that he didn’t even acknowledge it, just went about washing his body like nothing, pushing back his wet curls as he rinsed your shampoo from his hair.
Did he want you to say something? The thought fluttered in your stomach.
“Um, Joel?” your voice echoed against the tiles.
You watched as he tipped his head forward from under the showerhead, eyes blinking at you as soapsuds hit his broad shoulders and ran down his chest.
“You know– um… I can–”
Jesus Christ! Could you be less sexy.
When he didn’t say anything, you breathed out a nervous sigh, eyes flitting down to his cock, hoping he would take the hint.
And he did.
“You wanna touch my cock, sweet girl?” His whole demeanor shifted.
“Would that– would that be okay?” you said, your teeth catching on your bottom lip.
“More than okay, sweetheart,” he said, with a devilish grin.
You took a few steps closer, a shaky hand landing on his waist while the other hovered between your bodies, right above where his heavy cock twitched in anticipation.
You didn’t know what to do. Well, you did. You’d seen it enough times at work to know, but you’d never actually done it before. Another reminder of just how inexperienced you were when it came to all of this. You looked at him with uncertainty, for guidance, and without uttering a single word, Joel knew what you were asking.
He curled his fingers around your wrist, bringing it up to his face, and spat. Using that tender grip he guided your hand down between your bodies again – the back of your hand brushed against the rough hair of his happy trail – and down to the base of his aching cock.
“There ya go,” he whispered as your fingers wrapped around him, Joel’s spit smearing over his shaft as you moved upwards in an experimenting stroke, “Good girl, just like that,” he hissed through his teeth.
You tilted your head to watch his face. Watched how his eyes were so fixated on your hand wrapped around him as you began to slowly stroke his cock, familiarizing yourself with the weight and feel of him in your hand. You didn’t miss the way his breathing shifted, releasing a sound you’d never heard come from his lips before. A whimper.
“Am–am I doing okay?” you asked, your eyes following his down to your hand wrapped around him. He was so big in your hand, your fingers struggling to meet around the girth of him.
He hissed out a strained laugh. “Yeah, baby, you’re doing so good– massage the head for me a little,” Joel groaned.
You did as you were told, bringing your hand up to the tip with a tug, squeezing out a pearl of precum. It dripped down over your hand, your thumb skating over the sensitive head, and smearing it all over.
“Shit,” Joel hissed, “keep doin’ that, sweetheart, bein’ so good f’me,” he praised, encouraging you.
You’d never seen Joel like this before. So at your mercy– at anyone’s mercy – always the one to take charge. But now he was falling apart from your touch. He encouraged you further as his breath got heavier. You sped up the strokes over his cock, and his body slumped into yours, face buried in the crook of your neck, as he whispered breathy babblings of praise into your skin. A glowing feeling of pride grew in your chest as you brought him closer and closer to his release.
“I’m close, baby,” he whimpered in your ear, “don’t fuckin’ stop.”
So you didn’t.
With your hand tight around his cock, you quickened your pace, tracing your thumb over his slit just like he’d told you to do earlier. A slick noise of spit and precum echoed against your bathroom tiles. His thighs tensed, his hand grabbed at your waist to pin you to his body, and you knew he was right on the edge.
“Fuck, I’m comin’.”
With a string of praising curses, he came apart in your hand. His thighs clenched, his heavy balls tightening as cum spurted from his tip in ribbons over your hand. The bass of his voice vibrated against your skin, as you continued working him through his high, slicking up your hand and fingers even more.
You squeezed him until there was only a small dribble pearling at his tip. A white stream of cum ran down his cock and down to his balls, dripping down onto the tiles of your shower floor. And then it was too much, and Joel hissed, lifting his head from the crook of your neck to dab your hand away.
He didn’t say anything, only grabbing your face with both hands, crashing his lips against yours in a desperate kiss. With your hand messy from his release, you didn’t know where to touch him, opting to grab at his elbow with your other hand to steady yourself.
Out in the hallway, your phone rang, forcing you to breathlessly pull away. With a sorry smile, you ran your messy hand under the showerhead before quickly pulling at the shower curtain.
The phone rang loudly as you tiptoed down the hallway. Water droplets ran down your skin, leaving a trail of dark spots on the carpet. Your hand clung to the towel you’d wrapped around yourself while the other hurried to answer the phone.
“Hello?” you sang.
“Hi, sweetie, it’s your uncle,” a gruff voice answered.
“Oh, hi,” you said, leaning against the wall.
Down the hall your bathroom door opened, steam framing Joel’s body as he stepped out naked as the day he was born, with a towel resting over his shoulders. His heavy cock soft between his strong thighs– it was like a scene straight out of a porno, one he’d probably starred in. He caught your eye, and smiled, making his way towards you as he brought the towel up to dry his hair, his biceps flexing with the effort.
“What was that?” you stuttered, completely missing what your uncle had said on the other end.
“Almost hung up on ya, I said,” your uncle repeated.
“Sorry, I was just getting out of the shower.”
“I was just calling to say I’m driving a Corvette down to LA in a couple of days for a client. Was thinking I’d take you out to dinner– catch up– make sure you’re not getting up to any trouble down there,” he laughed.
His tone was lighthearted, but you couldn’t help but cringe. The trouble in question reaching his hand out to trace a drop trailing down your exposed collarbone, ducking down to place a teasing kiss to your skin.
“D-dinner sounds nice,” you managed to choke out, “Um, I know a nice Italian place down in Santa Monica.”
“Sounds great, sweetie! I’ll call ya after I’ve dropped off the car Thursday afternoon,” your uncle’s static voice replied.
“Thursday afternoon,” you repeated, “Ok, see you then!”
“So…” Joel started, his arms snaking their way around your form. “I ain’t the only man who wants a piece of ya,” he joked, after you’d hung up the phone,
“That was my uncle, Joel,” you let him know, your body melting against his touch.
“He’s takin’ you to dinner?” he queried.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “he’s driving a car down here for work, so he wanted to see me.”
Joel hummed, dropping his head to brush his lips over yours as his hand splayed over your waist slid down to the curve of your ass.
“Nonono,” you chuckled, pulling away, “Joel, we’re already late as is!”
“So what,” Joel groaned, pulling you back for another kiss, hands tightening their grip on your ass, before trailing soft kisses to the corner of your mouth, “We could stay in ya know... enjoy the real thing.”
Joel’s kisses continued along the line of your jaw, teeth grazing your skin.
“As tempting as that sounds,” you let out through a small groan as you felt his tongue tickle that spot under your jaw, “We can’t cancel this meeting.”
Joel’s lips stopped their descent towards your neck, and he took a breath, the force of it tickling your skin, before he lifted his head, lips grazing across your jaw as he kissed the corner of your mouth again.
“Later,” you promise him, eyes looking into his. Joel’s smile was wistful, another small sigh escaping through his nostrils before he brushed his lips over yours.
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“Let’s get started? Or do we want some coffees before we start?” Ronald asked from his seat at the head of the table.
You were seated in a chair in the corner, the cigarette smoke hung low over the room. In your lap your notebook rested, cracked spine opened to a random blank page while your fingers fiddled with your pen.
All the big important men from VCA were here, eager to finally work with the infamous Joel Packer on their new big-budget project. The last couple of years had been big for Joel, multiple magazine photoshoots, longer features and obviously modeling for a sextoy, but this film would be his biggest opportunity. It would bring in a lot of money, and Ronald knew it. He couldn’t hide the dollar signs in his eyes behind his ‘friendly’ grin.
“Ey, sweetheart!” Ronald raised his voice. You lifted your gaze from your notebook, curious as to what he was yelling about.
“Yeah, you!” He looked straight at you, a hand waving you towards him. Did he forget your name? You wouldn’t put it past him.
Leaving your notebook and pen in your chair you walked over to him, hands wringing behind your back as you stood behind Joel where he sat to Ronald’s right. He looked at you with impatience, a crude finger motioning you closer.
“Why don’t you go get us all some coffees, sweetie?” he spat out the order, his sour breath hitting you in your face.
“Um, uh,” you looked to Joel for help. This wasn’t your job; this was a job for an intern. It was important for you to be here, to take notes, to know what arrangements needed to be done, and which people to call.
“Um, uh,” Ronald parroted, “just do it– isn’t it what I’m paying you for?”
It wasn’t, but now everyone was looking at you. Everyone except for Joel. His gaze bored into the teak in front of him, fingers tightly pinched around a cigarette. With no help from Joel, you held your tongue and muttered a “Yes, sir,” to Ronald before you turned on heels.
“Alright! I wanna start by introducing Cheryl here, making her film debut alongside Joel–” you heard Ronald start as you slipped through the door of the meeting room.
Outside the meeting room, you were met with a brown hallway, identical to the left and right. Wood paneling clad the walls, and you couldn’t help your eyes from peeking through the glass partition walls of other meeting rooms as you made your way down the hall. Everything looked the same. You turned a corner, and you swore you’d been there before. After walking for what felt like a small eternity, you made it to a break room with a small kitchenette.
The coffee in the pot looked old and stale, and you poured it out in the sink. As you waited for the fresh pot to brew you searched through the cupboards for a coffee carafe. The cupboards of the kitchenette were pretty empty, only filled with mugs and drinking glasses. With a sigh you kneeled to look through the cabinet below the sink.  You tried your best to be fast, not wanting to miss anything important. Finally, you found what you were looking for. With fresh coffee in one hand, and paper cups in the other, you made your way back down a hallway you hoped would bring you back to the meeting.
A couple of wrong turns later you let out a sigh of relief as you peaked Joel through the glass partition wall of the meeting room. This better be good enough for Ronald, you thought as you opened the door, not bothering to knock.
“And I think that’s about it,” one of the men opposite Joel said as you placed the coffee and paper cups on the table, “We’ll break for lunch and go ahead with the chemistry test later today.”
Did you really just miss the whole meeting?
“Sounds great,” Ronald said, pushing his chair out, and standing to his feet to shake the hands of the men from VCA. Then the rest of the room came alive as people got up from their seats and gathering their things. In front of you a chair bumped into you, pushing you a little off balance.
“Oh! Sorry– didn’t see you there.”
It was Cheryl, Joel’s new co-star. She was young, just turned twenty-one if you remembered correctly, and gorgeous. Her blonde hair, curled to perfection, cascaded down her back. Her light blue dress clung tightly to her body, accentuating her curves while the deep v-neck showed off her cleavage.
You shook your head and put on a smile, muttering an “It’s okay,” as you stepped out of her way, and shifted closer to Joel. He was busy gathering the papers spread out in front of him on the table, tapping them lightly against the teak before gathering them in his hands, turning towards you and Cheryl.
When you didn’t make a move to leave, Cheryl cleared her throat, widening her eyes at Joel as they flickered towards you. Your heart sunk in your chest. It didn’t take a genius to take her hint – you knew when you weren’t wanted.
“I’ll uh… I’ll wait for you down in the reception,” you muttered to Joel, “Let me know what you want for lunch, and I’ll get you something.” Before he could say anything, you turned around to leave, grabbing your notebook and pen.
You knew you shouldn’t have looked back as you made your way out the door, but you did. The cold stone in your chest sank lower as you watched them. Cheryl’s body curled towards Joel as they talked, her hand landing on his bicep as she let out a giggly laugh. It made your heart sting, but maybe not as much as the ache of watching Joel’s bright smile, the one he so often gave you.
Over fifteen minutes later, Joel finally walked into the reception where you waited for him. You were hard to miss where you sat on one of the couches, reading a magazine, the only person occupying the space.
“Whatcha readin’?” he asked, slumping down next to you, so close his arm brushed against yours.
You couldn’t watch his bright eyes, and the cheeky smile tugging at his lips. So, you held up one of the porn magazines you’d grabbed off the coffee table, blocking his view of your face, substituting it with the woman adorning the front and posing seductively to the camera, showing off the biggest boobs you’d ever seen.
“Industry news,” you shrugged.
You earned yourself a chuckle, “Anythin’ interestin’?”
“Not really,” you sighed, quickly shutting the magazine, and throwing it haphazardly on the table.
You could feel his warmth beside you, his broad frame, and strong arms. The same arms who’d held you so close this morning. Still, you didn’t look at him, your gaze falling to your fiddling hands in your lap. A piece of skin around your thumb had come loose, and it burned as you pulled at it.
“Um…” you started, still watching your hands, “What’s the plan for lunch? You want me to go down to that deli you like– get you a sandwich?”
Joel’s arm brushed against you as he shifted in his seat, bucking his hips slightly to fish out his pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. “Ain’t no need to do that for me, sweetheart,” he said, his voice slightly muffled by the cigarette between his lips.
“Well, it’s kinda my job,” you mumbled, your face pulling up into a slight frown as you ripped the loose skin around your thumb.
“Yeah– but,” Joel drew a breath of his cigarette.
Now you looked at him, eyebrows pulled tight in a real frown, “But what?”
He watched you, eyes dancing over your face as he took another drag, releasing the smoke out the corner of his mouth.
You couldn’t interpret his face with the way he was looking at you, almost as he was searching for something. A silence grew between you – it was ugly and festering, like a canyon had grown between you – it was something you’d never felt with Joel before.
“A sandwich sounds nice,” he finally spoke across the silence, and you nodded.
“Um– can I borrow your car?” you asked, clearing your throat of your anxiety.
“Yeah, sweetheart.” It was like your question had woken him.
Joel had driven you both into work today, your car sitting pretty in its parking space outside your apartment complex. He rested his half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray on the table before he fished his car keys from his jeans pocket and handed them to you.
“They have me set up in a trailer out on the lot next door– I’ll wait for ya there, alright?” The hand handing you his keys locked around yours, caging them between your hands.
You squeezed his hand, the familiar weight of it in your hand, the tenderness in which he held you, made you feel a little better. Shrinking the deep canyon between you to a ravine.
“Um, why exactly?” you asked, eyes glued to your intertwined hands.
“Shit– sorry,” Joel shook his head and shifted closer to you, his knee brushing against yours, “they want me and Cheryl to have a chemistry test before they go ahead with signin’ the contracts. It’s nothin’ big or anythin’– just a blowjob.”
Just a blowjob.
You nodded slowly. It was just a blowjob, but it was a blowjob from Cheryl. Cheryl who was younger with the perfect body. Cheryl who made him smile and laugh. Cheryl who could give him a blowjob, and not some sorry excuse of a handjob.
“Oh, okay,” you peeped, loosening your grip around his hand, clasping the keys in your hand.
You got up from the couch before he could say anything more, “I’ll go get you your lunch then.”
His cigarette resting in the ashtray had burned out, like your conversation with Joel. You bent slightly to grab your purse when his hands clasped around your wrist, bringing your attention back on him.
“’s everythin’ alright?” he asked you as he got up from the couch as well, closing the space between you.
Your lips pulled into a smile, one you hoped was convincing, “Yeah! Why wouldn’t it?”
His other hand came up to cup your cheek gently, shifting your face to look at him. “’s just for work, you know,” he told you.
Your head was nodding even before he’d finished talking, your face still pulled tight in a smile, “Yeah, Joel, I know.”
“Okay,” he whispered and leaned closer. You shifted your face in his palm, his lips hitting your other cheek in a short peck before you were pulling away. His fingers like a bracelet around your wrist, fell heavy to his side.
“See you in a little bit,” you told him before pushing the door to the reception open and stepping outside.
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Some forty minutes later you were knocking on a trailer door with the sign ‘Joel Packer’ hanging on the front. In your other hand you were balancing two coffees and a bag with two sandwiches. You knocked again when nothing happened, scared you’d shown up to the wrong trailer for a second, even with the sign telling you, you were in the right place.
“Joel? I have your lunch.”
“Come in,” he answered almost immediately.
You opened the trailer door and stepped inside, careful not to spill the coffees all over the carpeted floor of his trailer as you balanced everything. With the door closed you turned around, eyes scanning the cramped room for Joel.
He was laying on the couch, one hand down the front of his pants where he palmed himself over his briefs – a lazy smile resting over his features as he took you in.
“Oh! Sorry,” you quickly looked away, scurrying to place his food on the nearest table.
Behind you Joel got up from the couch, crossing the small space between you to wrap his arms around your body, and press his front against your ass. You jumped in his grasp, your hands finding his where they rested around your waist.
“Stop apologizin’” he whispered in your ear, his teeth catching on your earlobe, “was just gettin’ ready, baby,” his breath was hot against the column of your neck, and you felt his cock grow against your ass. “Ain’t gonna have any trouble gettin’ hard now though,” he chuckled.
“Joel,” you whined, the sound pathetic at the back of your throat.
“Yes, baby, let me hear ya,” you could feel the bass in his voice vibrate against your skin.
His hands spread over your body, drinking you in with his touch, grabbing at your breast while pressing tender kisses to your neck. You melted against him, body soft and pliant. In an instant you were back in your memories from this morning, and you couldn’t fight the whimper from falling from your lips. With closed eyes your memories mixed with your present. Images of how he’d kissed you, touched you, and taken care of you this morning blended with the firm press of his body against yours and his calloused hands exploring you; like how you could still see your reflection in rippling water.
“Joel,” you tried again.
“I know, my sweet girl,” he cooed.
Behind you he bucked his hips against your ass, the bulge of his hard cock splitting your cheeks. You felt your arousal wet your panties, an ache of anticipation settling in your core.
“Fuck, sweetheart– wish it was you getting on your knees for me later.” He whispered his filthy words in your ear with another buck of his hips. “Wanna feel your tight little throat around my cock as you choke on it.”
His confession made a nervousness intertwine itself with your blinding arousal. You turned around in his arms, your face nuzzled into the dip where his neck met his collarbone, “I-I’ve never done that before.” Your confession was barely a whisper, the words muffled into his skin.
His grip tightened around you, and you felt the way his body moved under your cheek, a comforting hand landed carefully at the back of your neck. His jaw and cheek bumped against the top of your head as he dipped down to your face and his breath changed like he was about to say something, but then was interrupted by a hollow knock on the trailer door.
“We’re ready for you on set in fifteen minutes, Mr. Miller,” a voice called.
With the knock the spell was broken. You untangled yourself from his embrace, a shy smile ghosting over your lips as you stepped away.
“You should eat.”
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Again, you’d agreed to watch him film. Joel had convinced you on his way out the trailer door, his hand resting at the small of your back as he led you towards the set. It was a small shoot – only Joel and Cheryl, the cameraman, the sound guy, a couple people from VCA, Ronald, and you. In the time you’d worked for Joel, you couldn’t remember a set feeling this intimate (not that you usually stayed to watch– not unless he explicitly asked).
The only goal for the scene was to find out if Joel and Cheryl worked well together on camera – hence no specific storyline or roles they were supposed to act out. Joel was getting his dick sucked, but other than that they were free to take the scene whichever way they wanted.
The room buzzed with quiet conversation as the cameraman got the camera and film ready. Joel was already seated on the couch where the scene would take place. His legs were spread wide, his hard bulge on display as he leisurely smoked a cigarette. Cheryl had taken up the seat beside him, leaning her elbow on the back and resting her head in her hands. They were talking, but you couldn’t hear from where you stood in the corner. Every now and then Joel’s eyes would search for yours, meeting them for a moment as a small smile spread across his lips, before they would flick back to Cheryl, joining their conversation again.
A few minutes later, the cameraman gave the okay to start shooting, making the rest of the set settle down. Joel still smoked his cigarette, so you took it upon yourself to be a good assistant and walk over to him with an ashtray.
A smile spread across Joel’s face when he saw you approach. His arm came up to rest over the back of the couch, his body opening to you with curiosity. You gave him a small smile in return, presenting the ashtray to him with a teasing raise of your eyebrow.
“Just ‘nother drag, sweetheart,” he teased, placing his cigarette back between his lips.
“Nuh-uh,” you chuckled, stealing his cigarette from his mouth with two pinched fingers.
The rest of the smoke in his lungs came out in small chuckles, his hands gathering in his lap as he leaned slightly towards you, moony eyes watching you. He was about to say something before,
“Quiet on set,” the cameraman interrupted with a shout.
You wanted to do something. Cup his cheek, kiss him, anything to just touch him, but you couldn’t. You needed to keep it professional. Instead, you gave him another small smile before you walked back to your previous spot in the corner.
“And… action!”
With the shout of the cameraman, the film was rolling, and the shoot had started.
Leaning against the wall again, you crossed your arms over your chest as you watched Cheryl sink to her knees between Joel’s spread legs. On her lips she wore an innocent pout while her hands caressed his thighs.
“Wanna put my mouth on it,” she said in a sweet voice.
“Yeah, baby? What do you want in your pretty little mouth?” Joel’s voice was deep and coaxing, his hand cupping Cheryl’s chin where his thumb ghosted over her skin.
Cheryl tilted her face down slightly, eyes big and wide as she looked up at him through her lashes.
“Your cock, sir,” she pouted.
You still didn’t know much of the plot to the porno they were shooting, but it was clear that they were going in a specific direction. It wasn’t unusual for Joel to slip into a more dominant character in the pornos he played in, but this new element of innocence from his scene partner wasn’t something he often did.
“You want me to teach you how to suck cock like a proper whore, sweet girl?”
Sweet girl.
You watched how Cheryl’s head nodded in his palm, teeth catching on her bottom lip, and a wicked smile tugged at the corners of Joel’s mouth. It made you shift your weight, arms tightening around your body.
“Alright…” Joel’s thumb ghosted over her bottom lip, “Take my cock out,” he ordered, pulling his hand away.
Cheryl obediently did as he said, her hands messing with the buttons on his jeans. Joel wasn’t wearing anything underneath – it was easier that way, he’d told you earlier in his trailer. Cheryl gasped as Joel’s hard cock sprung free. Her eyes wide as she watched how his cock slapped against his lower stomach.
“’s big isn’t it, sweet girl?”
Your teeth caught on your bottom lip, pulling at the loose skin with a burning ache.
“So big, sir,” Cheryl agreed, nodding her head.
“Too big for your little mouth, sweetheart?” Joel teased, taking himself in his hand, pulling gentle strokes up and down.
Cheryl shook her head again, “No, sir! I can take it!”
Joel huffed out a laugh at that, his grin growing wider. “Yes, you can, slut.”
His degrading words pulled a moan from Cheryl, and not a second later her mouth was on him. Joel laughed again, another huffing chuckle leaving him as his heavy hand came to rest at the top of her head, guiding her down on him.
“That’s it, slut, suck that big cock– take it all the way down that whore throat,” he encouraged, head tipping back in pleasure. The wet sounds echoing through the room were obscene, pornographic. Sticky strings of spit clung to Cheryl’s chin and dripped down to her breasts where she’d tugged at the V of her neckline to expose them.
“Feels so good, my sweet girl– just like that,” Joel moaned, eyes squeezed shut with a look of pleasure coating his features like he’d ascended to heaven.
My sweet girl.
The room spun, and you pressed your back harder against the wall, like it would fall down over you if you didn’t press up against it. Or maybe it was you who would cave in.
That pet name. That fucking pet name.
You needed to step out if you wanted to breathe, your throat tightening up as your thoughts drifted; to this morning in your bed and then again in the shower, to the two of you in that motel bed, to Joel’s hand on your knee as he’d knelt in front of you by the pool in Pismo Beach. Burning tears pressed behind your eyelids. You couldn’t watch any more, couldn’t hear any more, you couldn’t.
As quietly as you could you stepped out of the set. Your eyes pinched together in a squint as the hot LA afternoon sun blazed down on you. The air hot and stuffy, but not as suffocating as you felt inside.
Why did you feel this way? Jealous of another woman?
Joel wasn’t your boyfriend… at least not in so many words, but after Pismo Beach and his confession, he felt like yours. Someone you can’t help but fall in love with. That’s what he’d told you.
You couldn’t keep your thoughts from spiraling. Fall in love with? How could he be in love with you? You’d only had sex twice, never been on a proper date. You didn’t know who he was outside work. His touch and his kisses felt good, but how could you know if it was more than that – more than just something physical. He’d never called you his girlfriend. Why did you have any right to be upset right now?
This was his job. You knew that before you got involved with him. It wasn’t a problem for you, you’d told him so in the job interview. You’d spoken the truth at the time, but now you weren’t so sure.
Numbed by your realization, you stepped back inside. The scene you were met with only affirmed your thoughts.
You couldn’t give him what he wanted.
They’d moved positions. Cheryl’s head hung off the armrest, perfect boobs bouncing beneath Joel as he fucked her throat. It was lewd, and dirty and plain vulgar. With every thrust of his hips Joel earned himself a quiet gag. Under him, her body was completely at his mercy. He pulled back every once in a while, to let her breath, before plunging his hard cock back down her throat. Ropes of bubbling spit escaped her mouth and ran down her face.
Joel was completely in control, using her throat purely for his own pleasure. Groans and moans spilled from his lips in between filthy praises and ‘good girl’’s. Cheryl’s body squirmed under him, her hand rubbing quickly at her clit under her dress, edging herself towards her orgasm.
This is what Joel wanted. Someone like Cheryl– someone who was confident and skilled, someone who knew what she was doing.
You watched Joel’s thrusts turn sloppy, and that now familiar pinch in his brow let you know he was about to bust his load. With a quick motion he jerked his cock back, taking his throbbing and sensitive cock in hand, fisting himself quickly. Cheryl gasped for air, before she withered with her orgasm.
Joel groaned louder than you’d ever heard him before, his eyes flicking up from Cheryl’s squirming body to find yours. A smile spread across his face then, and then he was spilling over his knuckles and painting Cheryl’s face with his release.
“Shit,” Joel panted, coming down. His hand squeezed the last few drops of his cum out of his cock and onto Cheryl’s tongue.
“Aaaand– cut,” the camera man yelled.
Joel dropped the act immediately, stepping away from a ruined Cheryl as his cock went soft in his hand.
“Shit,” Cheryl groaned, wiping some of the mix of spit and Joel’s cum from her face.
“You okay?” Joel asked, tender hands helping her sit upright.
Cheryl giggled sweetly, big smile blossoming over her features, “Okay? More than okay, Joel– fucking amazing.”
As the gentle lover you knew him to be, Joel helped Cheryl clean up her face after getting handed a towel, but not before assessing the picture he’d painted– which wasn’t much, not compared the cumshots he usually gave out.  
“If I knew I’d be filmin’ today I wouldn’t have jerked of this morning,” he laughed, wiping her face.
It wasn’t funny.
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part three -> here
i hope this was okay? and that you liked this! <3 as always feedback as a comment, in the tags, as an ask or reply is very much appreciated, and they make me super happy! <3
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1K notes · View notes
xdjville · 1 month
nct dream's voicemails
pairing: nct dream x gn!reader
genre: really all of them are different genres so idk buckle up; angst, established relationship (mark); comfort, established relationship (renjun); friends who have a thing going on and the dreamies are menaces (jeno); classmates, acquaintances but you're kinda cute (haechan); sick reader, fluff, established relationship (jaemin); basketball player and his "friend", bonus: he's drunk (chenle); idol x non idol, established relationship, kind of angsty if you squint but not really (jisung)
cw: cursing in mark's and jeno's, chenle's under the influence and he calls reader "pretty"
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"i'm sorry. look, i... i know you probably don't want to talk to me right now, i get it. i shouldn't have said any of that and i'm so fucking sorry. i hate what i did and i have no excuse for being an asshole to you, but it's been almost two hours since you left and honestly i'm so worried i'm losing my mind. you don't have to come back yet, or call me back if you don't want to, but please, for the love of god, just let me know you're somewhere safe. shit, i'm so, so sorry. let's talk when you're ready, okay? i'll sleep on the couch tonight, so if you come back you can take the bedroom. i'm sorry. i love you."
"hi, y/n. i'm sorry for calling so late, but, uh, i wanted to check up on you, you seemed a bit off today. maybe i'm imagining things, i don't know, but i couldn't stop thinking about it so i still wanted to ask. you don't have to tell me now, we can talk about it whenever you're comfortable, or not at all if you don't want to. just know i'm here for you, okay? it's normal to have worse days, so i'll try not to worry too much. i hope you'll feel better when you wake up in the morning. call me tomorrow, hm? we can go to that new ice cream place you told me about. sleep well, love you."
"jesus, can you guys shut the fuck up– hey, uh, sorry for that, it's jeno. um, i'm calling because we're going to get some drinks at the bar down the street later tonight, and i– we were wondering if you maybe wanna tag along? we thought it could be fun hanging out outside of class since the semester is almost over. it's fine if you're busy though, no pressure. we're going out around, uh, nine, i think? so if you're up, call me back and i'll give you the details, yeah? alright, that's all, talk to you later. seriously, you guys are such fucking–"
"uhm... hi, it's donghyuck. you probably didn't pick up since you don't have my number, but, uh, i called tell you that you left your sunglasses at the library yesterday. i asked mark for your number because we won't see each other untill chem next week and i thought you might need them, so... if you'd like to get them back just let me know? we could meet at the library again, or at get a coffee... or something. or i can give them to you in chem. whatever works for you! i don't mind either. just, uh, just let me know, okay? bye."
"hi, baby. how are you holding up? you must be sleeping, that's good. you need a lot of rest, hm? i hope by the time you're listening to this you will be feeling a little better. did your fever go down yet? there's food from my mom that i left in your fridge, you should eat that, i'm sure it's going to set you up. remember to stay hydrated too, yeah? i'll drop by with some groceries tonight, so let me know if you want anything specific. now rest well, love, i'll see you later."
"y/n... you told me to call you when i get home, so why didn't... why aren't you pickin' up? well i– i'm home now, and, uh... renjun drove me there, so don't worry. anyways... i wanted t'say thank you, for coming to the game today. i honestly think we won only because you were there. you looked like... really, really... pretty. like... super pretty. when you, uh, hugged me after the match, i almost kissed you, you know? you're like my lucky charm... yeah, my lucky charm. i wanted to kiss you really bad. i wish you were here now so i could kiss you. can you come over tomorrow? mhm, 'm gonna go to bed now. bye, y/n–"
"hey, how are you doing? it must be the middle of the night for you, you're probably asleep. i hope i didn't wake you up, i'm sorry if i did... i called you because i wanted to hear your voice. i, uh... i miss you, a lot. we had a day to ourselves to explore a bit, it was fun! it really was. but the whole time i couldn't stop thinking about how much more fun it would be with you there. i didn't want to kill the mood for the others, but i couldn't help missing you more today. did you miss me more, too? maybe it's like a soulmate thing... god, i sound so cheesy right now. anyways, the guys said they miss you too. chenle said we should all get hotpot together when we're done with the tour. sounds nice, right? oh, this voicemail is getting long... let's talk when you wake up, i'll call you after the concert. i lo– i miss you. sleep tight."
#taglist ➼♡ @bambisnc @suzayaaa
824 notes · View notes
babygorewhore · 5 months
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Daddy issues
After your dad is arrested, you try and beg for his job back. But Rafe Cameron decides another way for you to help your father. And his arrangement is different than you imagine.
Warnings! Daddy kink! Talks of violence! Slight reference to abuse! Choking! Blow job! Rough unprotected sex! Breeding kink! Virginity loss! Dirty talk!
You didnt know if you were more angry or surprised when you got the call from the officer that your dad was arrested and currently in jail for assault. You were finished working your late shift at the restaurant when your phone rang.
You screamed in your car on the way to the station. Your dad was a dead beat. An asshole who didn’t know how to fucking control his temper. Daddy dearest also liked to get loud with you, throw things when he didn’t get his way and one time he slapped you in the face.
You slapped him back and threatened to slash his tires. But the threat was empty considering he needed to work, which you had no idea how he kept his job at the docks while working for Rafe Cameron. It used to be his father Ward until his suicide. You’d met him often while picking your dad up, given you had to share a car.
He was…polite you could say. But he was also scary. He glared at everyone and he was short tempered. You usually heard him snapping or yelling if something wasn’t done right. Your dad complained about how strict he was.
But his status and wealth made everyone obey him and intimidated you. His attractiveness however was on another level. His height made you feel small and his blue eyes cut through people.
You slammed the door at the station and went to the desk. After signing in, you tapped your foot impatiently as an officer came up to you.
“Are you…?”
“My dad is here. He just got arrested.” You ground out. You hated being here. She nodded and looked at paperwork in front of her.
“Are you here to post bail?”
“I’m here to see if there’s any way we can clear this up as a misunderstanding.” You tried to plead but she shook her head.
“Ma’am, he attacked a man at a stoplight. He beat him up to the point he lost one of his teeth.”
You pressed your head against your hand. Jesus Christ it was worse than you thought. “How much is bail?”
She looked again at the paperwork. “Looks like we’re at 6,000 dollars.”
“What? I thought the bail was lower than that!” You shrieked.
“Ma’am. He also had multiple charges. Public intoxication, disturbance and assault. He caused a lot of trouble. I suggest you alert his job tomorrow. But until then, he’s going to spend at least 60 days in jail.”
You started crying. You couldn’t help it. It hurt so much. You couldn’t get a break. And now you’d have to face Rafe Cameron and face the humiliation of your dad being in jail.
You cried on and off the next day as you had to switch your schedule to the evening and make the phone call to your dads manager about his current situation. It was immediate termination and you broke down even harder in your bedroom. You refused to take his phone call, afraid you’d explode on him.
As you got ready for another dreaded work shift, your phone started ringing to a number you didn’t recognize. Hesitantly, you answered.
“Your dads in jail, huh?” You immediately froze. It was Rafe’s voice. How did he-well he was capable of finding anything out.
“I-um. Yes. And he can’t work for you anymore. But if you’ll please reconsider. I know he’s a piece of shit but this is the only job he’s lasted out and we desperately need the money. I’m trying to get a car and we have to share one. I know this is probably pointless but I can’t help but try. So please, please take him back.” More tears came and you felt like a total cry baby but you pushed through.
You expected him to laugh but instead silence met you.
You bit your lip hard enough it bled.
“Meet me at my house. I’ll text you the address. I have a proposition for you.”
“Why can’t you tell me over the phone?” Your stomach tightened.
“Do you want me to help you or not?”
“Yes. Of course. I’ll be there.”
“Good girl.”
You set the phone down but seconds later his address came through in a text and your breath stopped short. He wanted to see you after work.
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Five minutes before closing and after you finished cleaning, the drive to Rafe’s house wasn’t that far and now you knocked on his door. When he answered, you tried not to reveal how much you found him attractive. His hair was in his face and his eyes were glazed as he looked down at you. His fingers twitched and you imagined what he was doing with that hand…
Rafe gestured with his head for you to come in and you followed him inside the massive penthouse. He had everything you imagined. Expensive furniture, floors and lights.
You followed him to the kitchen where he pointed to the bar stool. “Have a seat.” He muttered.
You obeyed and watched as he circled the island in the center of the room. “So. You wanna save your dads job?”
“Yes. I’m willing to do anything-“ You stopped short when a smirk fell on his face.
“Anything?” Rafe challenged. “It looked like you hated him whenever I saw you talk to him.”
“It’s complicated.” You replied and his smirk grew into a cruel smile.
“Looks like someone has daddy issues.” Rafe countered and you crossed your arms.
“I-well when you put it that way-“
“I’m just bringing up what you’re telling me. Your dad beats the shit out of someone. He went to jail-and now you’re doing anything you can to fix it. Tell me if I missed anything.” Rafe’s voice was low and you hated that he was right.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound pushy. I’m just in a tight spot.”
“Oh I’m sure you’re in a…tight spot.” His meaning was clear and you swallowed.
That was the exchange.
“Look at you. Being a little smart girl and figuring it out. I’m gonna get to the point. You want me to take him back? Bail him out? I get to fuck you. Anywhere. Anytime. And anyplace I want. No condoms. No hidden birth control. No. I wanna see my cum leak out of that desperate pussy.”
Your mouth opened and closed. “I can’t just fuck a stranger. And no birth control? I can’t fucking get pregnant.”
“I’m a selfish whore, baby. And I can afford one. And those are my terms. Either that. Or your dad rots.”
You bit your lip. You weren’t in a position to say no. You needed the money. And Rafe was hot. There were worse guys. Rafe got closer, his big hands reaching to cup the side of your neck.
“Yeah? You want it?”
Slowly, you nodded.
Rafe crooked a finger, signaling you to come closer. You stepped down and approached him gingerly and looked into his gaze. Rafe then latched his hand around your throat. His grip was so strong your feet almost lifted in the air and your eyes widened as he crushed his lips to yours.
His lips devoured you as he shoved his tongue into your mouth. You weren’t experienced. Sure, you’d touched yourself and made out with people.
But actual fucking? You’d never done that. And you knew that was about to change.
“You want me to take care of you, don’t you?” Rafe loosened his hold on your neck and pressed you against the island counter, “need someone to be your daddy?”
Your hands flew to his chest as you brought him impossibly closer, his lips sucked your skin with bruising force. You opened your mouth as he slipped his fingers inside.
“Suck.” He commanded and you listened. Spit gathering on your lips as he kneed your legs apart and lifted you up on the counter.
“Need daddy to help you? Fill you up with my cum?” His dirty words made your cunt twitch as he started toying the end of your skirt. Your thighs dampened as he trailed his thick fingers along your flesh, his fingers grazing the wet patch of your underwear.
You started grinding to give any friction against your arousal as he apparently changed his mind and threw you to the ground by underneath your arms. Rafe gestured to the crotch of his pants. “Consider this your first payment, baby. You ever done this before?”
You shakily remained silent as he huffed an amused laugh.
“Really? A girl who’s such a perv that she’s willing to fuck someone giving her money? Never would have guessed. I guess I’ll be nice and help you.”
Rafe undressed his lower half, his cock leaked with precum and he took your hand. “Swipe it with your thumb, get it all wet.” His massive hand compared to yours was almost comical as he grabbed the back of your head.
“Open your mouth, princess. And remember to breathe through your nose.”
After that, he silenced whatever worries you had by shoving his dick forward. You run your tongue along the thick underside, lessening some of the heavy weight by massaging with your hand. You took the tip through your mouth, shoving down any nerves as you sucked. Rafe bobbed your head up and down as he pushed you further, your head bouncing as your eyes squeezed shut.
“No, no, open your slutty eyes and look at me.” He growled. He leaned over the arch of the space between the counter and where you sank on your knees. The skin of his cock was supple as you continued aiding with your hand. It was hot to the touch.
“Good fucking girl. Maybe I’ll reward you by fucking your pussy.” He started thrusting and hitting the back of your throat. “Breathe. Breathe through your nose.” He wiped a few tears away with his thumb as you listened to him.
You knew he was getting closer as he stopped talking, his breathing heavier as he moved your head. His cum spilled inside your mouth, as he released you and you coughed.
“Not bad for your first time. We’re gonna practice some more.” Rafe smirked as his face was flushed and his fist flexed.
He moved on top of you on the floor, hiking up your skirt and ripping off your panties. He spread apart your wet cunt and dipped his middle finger inside your clenching entrance. “You’re such a whore. Never done any of this and you’re already gonna cum. Should have known you’d be daddy’s cum slut.”
Rafe yanked your legs apart, and spit on your pussy. “Not that it needed it, but I’m gonna be a little more kind to you.” You shrieked as he grabbed your jaw.
“Are you on birth control?”
“No.” You quickly answered. “Never-never needed-“
“Good. And you’re not going to. Got it?” Rafe moaned as he pushed his tip in your pussy, “fuck you’re so tight.”
You winced from discomfort but then his knuckles hit your clit, aiding to relieve your tension as he circled them. “Gonna make you mine. Take you away from all that shit.” He grunted as he pushed further.
Rafe let you wrap your arms around his neck as he thrusted.
“Tell daddy you like it.”
“I like it.” You sobbed as he moved harder. “I like it, daddy.”
It was slightly shameful how quickly you came all over him and spilled onto your legs. Rafe also came again and you felt it inside you. He was serious about no protection.
He stayed for a few seconds before getting up. And pulling his pants back on. He extended his hand and pulled you up. You knew you were a sight to be seen, fucked out eyes and messy hair. You just lost your virginity to Rafe Cameron.
You cleared your throat and watched him sweep his eyes over your face. “So. My dad?”
He shrugged. “He’s already out.”
You paled. “What?”
“I posted bail a few minutes before you got here. But as for his job, you’re gonna have to work harder than that. I have conditions.”
“But I already said-“
“More than just fucking you, baby girl. I own you now. You are mine and no one gets to even think about fucking you. I will cross any line you make to keep me away. And if you try, I will punish you.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong.” You whimpered as he loomed over you.
“And?” He mocked. “You already agreed. You need me. Don’t you?” He cupped your jaw. Tightly but not as harsh.
“Yeah.” You leaned in to his touch. Your defenses are completely down. You needed care. You were always working. Always cleaning up after someone’s mess. And now…he was going to take care of you.
And either make your daddy issues better.
Or worse.
@xxhellfirebunnyxx @imyourdaninow @lesservillain @take-everything-you-can @slvt4jamesmarch @ifeeltoofuckingmuch @scene-and-dandylover @emsgoodthinkin
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skywqlkergf · 19 days
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good teachers create good students
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when you, a virgin, have to have a sex scene with hayden christensen, he shows you what a good orgasm can truly feel like, in preparation for your scene together.
costar!hayden christensen x actor!virgin!f!reader, smut, fluff, age gap, dad kink, oral (f receiving), creampie, reader is 19/20ish, hayden is late 30s, dddne?
requested by anon! ᝰ masterlist
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you sat nervously in your trailer, reading over the script multiple times. this would be your first time filming a sex scene, cold sweat crawled up your back. trying to keep yourself in a somewhat good mood, you shake your head trying to physically shake away the thoughts.
a knock on your trailer door pulls you out of your brain's endless cycle. walking the few steps to the door, your breath is almost taken from you. hayden christensen, your partner actor, stood mere inches from you.
you would never admit this even being tortured, but truth be told, he was one of the main reasons you choose this role. he was a phenomenal actor, and he was quite pretty to look at. your cheeks burn just thinking about it.
you smiled nicely at the older man, who wore an equal expression.
“hey! what's up?” a cheery expression, as you spoke. you bit your check, hoping it's not too noticeable. your mind was reeling just with having him in front of you. being a kid that grew up on television, you'd always been aware of hayden. he was like that dream man, that you never have a chance with.
“just wanted to come check on you, tomorrow's shooting will be a little grueling. you think you're up for it?” he chuckled, and the sound went straight to your stomach. you just step aside allowing the taller man to enter your small trailer.
he sat in a booth with you by the window, the sun shining like gold on his light hair. you'd hoped you looked equally enchanting.
“honestly,” you dragged out the word, mindlessly scratching your arm where no itch resided.
“i’ve never actually had sex, or like an orgasm so I'm not sure I'll be too good.” his aura just made you want to talk to him, you wanted to curse him for being so inviting. your cheeks warmed again, mentally chiding yourself for telling him this at all.
hayden’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he tried to get it under control. he couldn't understand how you'd never been touched, it's been hell trying to hold back and be professional. you shot him an embarrassed smile and looked out the window.
“i can help you,” he offered, but from the look on his face you were sure he didn't mean to actually say that. a nervous giggle slipped from your lips and now it was your eyebrows that were almost in your hairline.
“oh?” you weren't sure what to say, you weren't even totally sure that this wasn't some fever dream. you pinched your leg under the table just to check, it hurt, this is very real.
he leaned back into the seat, allowing his eyes to gaze over you. you were somewhere between hazy with lust, and feeling totally exposed.
“yeah, you're a cute little thing, helps you and helps me.” it was like he was being possesed by a man touch starved. maybe he was. there was a dark glimmer in his eyes, like a shark right under the water getting ready to attack..
it made you nervous and excited. you couldn't help but squirm under his watchful stare.
“oh, um, that would be great.” you couldn't keep eye contact with him, your gaze dropping down to your fidgeting hands. unsure of what to do next. you hoped you looked more composed then you felt.
you watched hayden as he moved, getting up to lock the door and close the blinds. he would be damned if someone was going to interrupt the two of you. he is thanking whatever god out there that this opportunity was brought to him.
he came back to you, just smiling somewhere between sweet and sinister. his hand comes to hold your cheek, he was so kind and yet you knew that probably wouldn't last long. another excitingly fearful wave passes through you.
you couldn't help but lean into his touch, humming contently. you guys had been here for months working on this film together. you'd become work buddies, always cracking up on set. now you knew there was no way that it would go back to that.
big eyes look up at him, and he has to look away to keep himself in control. there would be time for rough fucking later, he wants you to know how beautiful you are. can't let your first time go to waste.
“c’mere,” he leads you to the bed on the other side of the trailer. the bed was perfectly made, almost makes him want to laugh. you're such a good girl.
you were basically dumb in his presence, something that doesn't go by unnoticed. he loves how flustered he makes you, maybe he shouldn't but it boosts his ego.
you followed his lead to the bed, coming to sit right next to him. you're somewhere between fainting and vomitting, because you're here in bed with hayden christensen and you can't say anything.
“don’t be nervous, doll, I'll be so nice to you. but you gotta talk to me here. i have to have your consent.” he obviously knew you wanted this or you wouldn't have followed him like a lovesick puppy. verbal consent above all else, especially with you being so much younger than him.
“i want this, i actually don't think I've ever wanted anything more.” it sounded more like begging, than a statement. hayden's cock hardened against his pants, and he muttered, “fuck” under his breath. a playful smirk now played at his lips.
“using your words like a good girl,” his voice was so gentle and soft like a love confession, rather than dirty talk. a whine escaped your lips, you'd never been looked at like this, and especially not talked to like this. your body felt like it was on fire, and hayden is the only fire extinguisher for miles.
words aren't needed at this moment, he just helps you lay down. coming to lay beside you, his fingers drifting over your exposed midriff.
“i’m gonna kiss you now, okay?” his words are so soft and gentle, if you didn't know any better you'd think you were in a romance novel.
“please.” you're pleading and he hasn't even touched you yet, the way he's been looking at you makes you feel like there's a million exposed wires replacing your nerves.
“you're gonna be the death of me, baby.” he chuckles lowly and dark, his lips met yours, soft and hard all at once. his kisses are gentle, slowly coaxing open your lips to let his tongue explore your mouth. he groans into the kiss, and it makes you whimper.
your fingers clutch at him, pulling him closer if that were even possible. he can't help but smile into the kiss. you're so needy and innocent, he can't help but think about how sweet you must taste.
he seperates from you, allowing you to catch your breath. you're flushed, and the lust flowing theough you is almost unbearable.
“please, hayden, need.” you're so dumb with want, not a single coherent thought in your head.
“seems little girl needs to learn some patience.” he speaks into your neck, lightly biting and kissing on the skin.
“hayden,” you're whining, your thighs rubbing together on their own accord, trying anything to get some friction, something to alleviate the pain of need.
he kisses down your body, shedding of your outfit, one piece of clothing at a time. his lips enevlope around your nipples, little sighs falling from your lips like prayers. hayden wasn't sure he'd ever grow tired of the sounds.
he moved down, slowly pulling your bottoms down. almost like he was trying to torture you, or at least that's how it makes you feel. in reality, he's trying to savor every inch of creamy skin.
he finally comes face to face with your cunt. if you weren't so lost in his touch, you might've been nervous. however his hungry eyes make you feel wanted, beautiful.
“i just need one favor, baby,” his voice barely above a whisper, like he was afriad of your answer.
“anything, whatever you want, I'm yours.” you breathed out, a sultry tone in your words. you'd never heard yourself sound like that, it almost makes you wanna hide.
he tugs his lip betwen his teeth, just for a second before letting it go.
“call me daddy, okay? think you can do that for me?” you were quick to nod. you were probably going to do it anyway, but something about the way he asked made it so much hotter.
“words, baby.” his voice has a warning tone to it, and you almost wanted to push and see what he'd do. you weren't in a place to be able to do that right now.
“yes, daddy.” your voice shook a little as you spoke, the anxious energy seeping back into your bones.
“good girl,” he kissed your happy trail, all the way down until he was mere inches from your slit.
he licked up a stripe and you were about cry from sense of relief. his tongue slipping around your clit, his touch too much and not enough all at once. you were squirming under him, he tsked you. moving his arms under your thighs to hold you in place.
“let daddy take his time, angel, i promise you'll come soon enough.” his voice was low and you were sure you could come from that alone if he just kept talking.
“sorry,” you're wearing a sheepish smile, hiding your face in your arms. one of his hands coming to bring them down, holding both of your hands in his one.
“don’t hide, i wanna see you.” he's rubbing your knuckles comfortingly. it helps ease some of the tension, your body relaxing.
“there you are, now stay still as you can for me, yeah? and don't you dare hide those little noises from me.” you hum in accordance.
he pays more attention to your pussy now. his tongue dipping in and out of your core, wrapping his lips around your clit. eliciting whines and moans from your ‘o’ shaped lips.
he inserts a single finger, and the combination of his finger thrusting in and out of fo you and his lips attacking clit makes you come undone. shaking and crying as you come, he just looks at you with a smile.
“you look so beautiful,” his voice brings you out of the teance the orgasm sent you in. you give him a playful smile, completely in awe of the man before you.
“can you give me another one? need to fill you up, baby. can you take it?” can you take it? the words echo in your mind, almost like a challenge. you were determined to show him that you could and would take it.
“of course, i can,” you push up on your arms to actually look at him, it makes him smirk at your attitude.
it doesn't take him but a few moments to get undressed, and then he's stretching your walls with his fingers. preparing your hole for his girthy cock.
“daddy, hurry.” you pout, needing to fill him all the way. determination replaced by need.
“do you want it to hurt? cause i can stuff you full, but I don't want to hear any crying.” he's becoming a little impatient with her attitude, the soft, gentle man replaced by a wolf.
the way he spoke, and the look on his face makes you giggle, a giggle that's from the need to keep pushing those buttons.
his left eyebrow arched at your little outburst, “i want to be gentle with you for your first time, but you're making that really hard, doll.” curiosity piqued, you had to see what kind of roughness he'd give you.
“then let go,” you smiled oh-so innocently at him, and he couldn't take it anymore. an almost animalistic growl tears its way from this throat. with a few strokes of his cock, he was pushing into you.
the stretch was deliciously stinging, and you weren't sure if you liked it or not. but getting to see hayden above you, tongue poking out as he does his best to stay still. he's not a monster, he doesn't actually want to hurt you, unless that's what you want. tears streaming down your face. he tsks you again, “what did i say?” his hand comes to wipe away the tears and you lean into his touch once more.
“move, please move,” you're whining, squirming and wiggling. he thought he could get used to this sight, his little girl just needing to be split by his cock.
“what's the magic word?” his tone was playful and teasing, you almost want to bite it out of him.
you thought for a moment, what would probably get the most of a reaction out of him. so still pouting, and now batting your eyelashes at him, “daddy, i need you to ruin me.” your tone was genuine, you needed it and you needed it now.
what little bit of control hayden had left, has dissipated from those seven little words. he's grabbing your hips pulling them up to meet his. fingertips diggin harsh into your flesh, and he pistons in and out of you.
“fuck, doll, you're so tight. your cunt was basically made f’ my cock. taking me so well.” the pain has subsided, and all you can think about is the waves of pleasure being brought you by a man 10 years older than you.
“mm, daddy, so good, so full, love daddy’s cock, love it so much.” you're babbling, dumb and incoherent, unable to think about anything other than his member bullying your insides.
his hips are twitching and you can tell that he's getting close. you slip a hand down to your clit to rub little circles on the bud, but you're almost immediately stopped. one hand, now wrapped around your waist as he fucks into you. the other one holding your wrist, “let me do all the work, princess, just wanna make you feel good.”
his tone was indecipherable, but you nodded dumbly, letting him attack your clit. you can feel your muscles contracting, that familiar knot forming in your stomach.
“gonna come, daddy, gonna come, dad.” you're rambling again and it's making hayden feel sick in the best way possible.
“where you want it, baby?” he's always asking for permission, nose nuzzling into your neck taking in the scent of your sweat.
“inside, please, inside, please. want all of you, please.” he's smiling down at you again, not that you can see, your eyes rolling back in your head as your body begins to convulse.
“gonna fill you up so good, angel.” his hips stutter one last time, and you can feel his cum feeling up your cunt, it just makes you more sensitive.
you both fall to the bed, out of breath and hayden is laughing. if you weren't in such a daze, you'd ask him what was up.
“damn, doll, that's the best sex I've had in a while, you did so good.” he's laying on his side, leaned up. nimble fingers pushing your hair out of your face. mumbling little conpliments as you regain composure.
“well, i think it's safe to say, I'll know exactly what to do tomorrow.” you giggled and he agreed with a hum. he pressed a kiss to your forehead, then nose, both cheeks and finallly your lips. soft and scattered kisses pepper across your skin and you giggle at him.
he gets up grabbing a bottle of water and some washrags to clean you up. easily manhandling you to wipe down your whole body from sweat, and gently collecting the cum that's cascading out of you. you wince from sensitively and he apologizes, pressing a kiss to your tummy.
he hands you the water and watches as you down the entire bottle, “i think I'd like to do this again sometime.”
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domesticateddog · 2 years
just peed and washed my face it’s fucking over goodnight
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ghosthunterbuck · 2 months
beer & apologies
(buddie) (722 words) (7x04 coda)
It’s late, later than any reasonable person would show up on a friend’s doorstep, but Buck’s got this bright, warm feeling in his chest and all he wants to do is apologize so he can share it. For a split second he thinks about knocking, but that feels a little too much like going backwards. Instead, he lets himself in and hangs his key on the hook.
“Eddie,” he calls quietly into the still house.
“Kitchen.” The reply is soft, easy, like Eddie was expecting him.
Buck steps into the room and holds up the beer he brought.
Eddie looks up at him and grins, soft and warm in the glow of the lamplight. “What’s that for?”
“This is ‘sorry for acting like a teenager and spraining your ankle’ beer,” Buck says, scrubbing a hand through his hair. “Seriously, I’m sorry.”
Eddie sighs and pushes an empty chair back from the table with his foot, gesturing for Buck to sit. “I’m sorry too,” he says.
“No, no, you don’t—" Buck starts.
“Yeah, I do,” Eddie interrupts with a wry grin. “You should definitely be sorry-er, though, so I’ll take the beer.”
Buck snorts and sits, setting the six pack on the table between them.
“We didn’t—well, I didn’t…”
“I know,” Buck says. “I was just—”
“I know,” Eddie says softly.
A few, quiet moments pass, and it’s comfortable, exactly what Buck was missing the last couple of days.
“Hey,” Eddie says suddenly, sitting up a little straighter, “at least now I know why you always said no to basketball.” He smiles, loose and just a tiny bit mischievous.
Buck splutters. “What? No! I wasn’t that bad,” he protests.
Eddie lifts his injured ankle and raises an eyebrow.
“Okay, well maybe, but—”
“Uh-uh,” Eddie says, “no buts. You haven many talents, Buck, but basketball isn’t one of them.”
Buck ducks his head and grins. “Maybe I’ll get Tommy to teach me, then I can beat you without playing dirty.” Saying Tommy’s name out loud gives birth to a few giddy butterflies in his stomach.
“You two make up?” Eddie asks.
“Yeah,” Buck says. “He uh—texted me.” The butterflies turn to little rocks.
“Good,” Eddie says, “that’s good.” He grabs a beer and twists the top off. “I really think you guys will get along, if you give him a chance.”
“We, um. Yeah. We probably will.” Buck grabs a beer of his own and stares at the label.
He doesn’t—he didn’t mean to lie. It just kind of… came out. Which, it’s Eddie. Buck knows he could tell him exactly what happened, right now, and it’d be fine. It’d be completely fine because it’s Eddie and he knows Eddie would be cool about it, probably even happy for him! But when he goes to open his mouth it just. Doesn’t.
“How’s—uh. How’s Marisol?” he asks instead, tripping over his words.
Eddie shrugs. “She’s fine, same as always. Apparently Christopher got her to play Fortnite, which, according to him, was a disaster.”
Buck laughs, shaking his head. “That kid,” he says softly.
“That kid,” Eddie agrees. He takes another swig of beer and sits back.
“Hey, wait,” Buck says suddenly. He lurches forward and snags the bottle out of Eddie’s hand. “You can’t have this, you’re on pain killers.”
“It’s my apology beer!” Eddie protests.
“Nope, two sips is plenty. I can’t hurt your ankle and your liver on the same day.”
“It’s after midnight, it’s tomorrow,” Eddie pouts. “Give it.” He makes a halfhearted attempt to grab it back, but Buck holds the beer aloft.
“Nuh-uh, absolutely not,” Buck says. “You can drink your apology beer this weekend.”
“My apology beer is going to be flat and stale,” Eddie replies, unimpressed.
Buck rolls his eyes. “I’ll buy you a new apology beer, alright?”
“Promises, promises.”
“I will!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie laughs. “You better. Want to bring it over on Saturday? We can watch the game.”
Buck’s grin falters a little bit, even as that warm feeling bubbles up in his chest all over again. “I uh- can’t, sorry.”
“What, you got a hot date or something?” Eddie asks with a laugh.
Buck takes a long swallow from the beer he stole from Eddie. “Yeah, something,” he says with a hollow laugh.
He feels like a liar.
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atomicami · 8 months
cami would you write a sub abby? like maybe where she needs your help to get off?🤭🩷
my sweet dani, that mind of yours truly is incredible…i wrote this one just for you querida 🤍
close call
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contractor!abby anderson x joel’s daughter!reader
- summary: it’s the night before the annual bake sale, and abby needs your touch now more than ever.
- content: smut MDNI, no outbreak/modern au, contractor/engineer!abby, texas living, no sarah, joel & jerry are still alive (jerry is not a doctor in this), reader has a business degree, abby gets needy, sneaking out, oral & fingering (a!receiving), masturbation (r), abby whimpering and begging?? and i think that’s it but lmk if i missed anything
- author’s note: well if i’m being honest i really did not expect to be writing another contractor!abby fic so soon, but this request gives so much desperate contractor!abby energy that i just had to do it. however i do have to clarify that this is not a part 3. i’ve stated this before in one of my asks, but part 3 is going to be more about the bake sale…this is just more of a little bonus chapter i guess.
anyways, this one’s for you dani, and for all of my contractor!abby fans out there that need a little pick me up rn. i hope y’all enjoy it 🫶🏻
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You didn’t expect to be doing it again so soon.
After you had snuck your way out of work to go see Abby at her father’s contracting site, you have to admit that the rest of this week flew by surprisingly fast for you.
You had been keeping yourself occupied in the meantime, between doing customer calls at work and preparing for the bake sale, you’ve been quite patient with yourself and didn’t feel the need to have to sneak out again until the next time you’d plan to see Abby. It was almost as if you simply had just been sick that day, and Abby’s touch was the remedy that cured you.
Although…there might be a feeling that you’ve jinxed yourself in saying so when you receive a phone call the night before.
You spent the morning on your work shift as usual, and your dad was generous enough to let you go before lunchtime so you could start baking for the sale tomorrow. After spending the rest of your day prepping, mixing, baking, and decorating, you were left with a variety of fresh pastries by sundown, ready to sell the next morning.
By the time you finished cleaning up the kitchen and getting ready for bed, the clock struck 10 p.m. Normally you’d stay up a little longer, but after the exhausting day you’ve had today, you genuinely needed to rest for tomorrow. You had to be downtown by 7 a.m. to set up at the farmer’s market for the bake sale. Given how weary you were, it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
However, you were only able to get a few hours of sleep in before your phone began to ring.
The sound of your ringtone startles you awake. Letting out a tired groan, you muster up the energy to reach over to your nightstand to turn on your light and pick up your phone to see who was calling you.
“Abby?” you whisper to yourself, rubbing your eyes to get a better look at the screen. Once you do, the phone call disappears and your lock screen shows with the missed notification, giving you a chance to look at the time.
It was barely past 1 a.m. Why the hell was she calling you this late?
Her contact name shows up once again in a second call, and this time you swipe to answer.
“Abby…what is it?” you answer groggily to her.
“Hey…are you awake?” she asks shyly.
You roll your eyes before responding. “I am now.”
“Look, I’m sorry if I did wake you up, but I really need you right now…”
Her words start to replay in your head. The tone she had in her voice…she didn’t sound like her usual, cocky self. She sounded desperate…kind of like how you were the last time you saw her.
“Abby, it’s one in the morning…what is it that can’t wait until later?”
You knew what she was asking for, you just needed to make her say it. Kind of like how she made you tell her last time.
“I um…I can’t get myself off,” she muttered back. It was quiet, but not quiet enough to where you couldn’t hear her.
You simply nod, soon remembering that she couldn’t see you right now. “Alright, um…do you have your boxers on, then?”
“No—I mean, yes I do, but I don’t mean this…I need you to come over.”
You scoff at her through the phone. She truly can’t be serious. Having to do this over the phone would already be difficult enough for you. But to sneak yourself out in the middle of the night to do so? It was going to be too much.
“Abby, you can’t be serious right now—“
“Come on, baby, don’t be like that…My dad isn’t even home right now, please?”
“Okay, but my dad is.” You reply to her instantly. “There’s no way I’m gonna be able to get out of my house without waking him up.”
You keep trying to tell her that it’s not going to work out, but Abby continues to beg about it. As much as you wanted to, it clearly wasn't the right time to do so. But eventually, you just had to give in.
“Okay, fine! I’ll come over…” you said, quickly lowering your voice down. “Just…just give me five minutes.”
After hanging up the phone, you get up from your bed, taking the time to stretch in the process. Grabbing the first pair of shoes you find, you quickly slip them on before grabbing your phone and keys and exiting your room.
Once you’ve shut the door, you begin to tiptoe down the hall as to not wake up your father. The door of Joel’s bedroom was slightly cracked open, and you could see that he was fast asleep. You quietly pass by his bedroom and make your way down the stairs, praying that the wood doesn't start creaking from the weight of your footsteps.
Before you know it, you’ve successfully made it out the door, and you begin to cross the street to Abby’s place. Once you’ve made it to her front door, your phone buzzes again.
“Abby: there’s a spare key under the mat.”
Jesus. The least she could’ve done was to have let you in her own house, especially since you had to do most of the work sneaking yourself out.
You reach down and slide your hand under the doormat, quickly finding the key that was hidden underneath before unlocking the door and letting yourself in. It’s the first time you’ve been inside Abby’s house, and you’re not bothered to even get a good look at it, you just needed to find her right now.
After wandering throughout her house for what feels like forever, you finally find her bedroom. Not even bothering to knock, you simply walk in to see Abby lying in the center of her bed, her long blonde locks draped over her shoulders, and her muscle tank covering her top half while the rest of her body was covered with her duvet from the waist down.
“Hey,” she pants out, propping herself up on her bed to get a better look at you. “I’m so sorry I had to—“
“Sit up,” you tell her, cutting off her sentence.
“You heard me. Sit up.”
You then walk your way over to the left side of her bed and kneel on the ground, causing Abby to scramble around and sit up from her bed. Once you’re settled on the ground, she’s got her legs hanging off the bed, and you can see that she doesn’t have anything on underneath.
“Thought you said you had your boxers on,” you told her.
“I-I did…I just couldn’t wait for you to get here…” she replies, looking away from you as she does so.
“And you say I’m the needy one…” you mutter to yourself. You then spread Abby’s legs open, revealing her pussy to you. Despite how truly annoyed you were that she made you have to sneak out in the middle of the night, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to be touching her like this right now…because your mouth was practically watering at the sight of her wet pussy.
Without hesitation, you insert two of your fingers inside her. Her body jerks back for a moment at the sudden touch, before soon settling down, letting her pussy relax around your fingers.
It seemed like Abby was trying to compose herself right now because you could hear how hard she was trying to hold back her whimpers and whines as you kept slowly pumping your fingers in and out of her.
“M-More…” she whispers out to you, trying her best to not sound needy.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You asked, eyes still fixated on her pussy.
“I-I need more, please…” she responds, her voice just a little louder this time.
You look up at her as your fingers continue to move inside her pussy, your movements not stopping as you maintained eye contact with her. “I’m gonna need you to be more specific than that, Abigail, or else I’m not giving you what you want,” you tell her sternly.
You can easily see her trying to hold back her frustration right now, and you were honestly enjoying it. The fact that you’ve put her in this state of submission outside of her usual cocky persona truly has you beaming with pride.
“I—fuck—I need your mouth, p-please…” she whines out to you, hands gripping onto the sheets as your fingers curl into her g spot.
“See, there you go…That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” you tease back at her before leaning in and attaching your mouth to her clit as you continued to finger her.
It didn’t take long for the speed of your fingers to increase inside her pussy and for your mouth to suck harder on her throbbing clit. Between the pleasure you were giving her and the whimpers and moans that were escaping from her mouth, you can’t help but feel the need to take care of yourself down there.
As you continue to eat Abby out, your non-dominant hand begins to trail its way down into your shorts and slide below your underwear. You instantly feel a sense of relief once your fingertips reach your clit, rubbing it gently as you continued to give Abby the pleasure she needed.
You began to whimper and moan into her pussy, the vibrations from your mouth causing chills to rush through Abby’s body as she tried to chase her orgasm.
Her pussy soon began to clench around your fingers more than usual, indicating that she was close. You briefly removed your mouth from her pussy to speak to her, quickly replacing it with your thumb in the meantime. “You’re getting close, aren’t you?” you asked, looking up at her.
Abby nodded quickly in response. “Y-yes, fuck, p-please don’t stop…” she whined out, quickly grabbing your head with one hand and pushing it back into her pussy while her other hand grips onto the edge of her bed.
You were practically being suffocated in between her strong thighs right now, but you could honestly care less. You weren’t stopping until she finished. You continued to desperately moan and whine into her pussy as you kept rubbing your needy clit with your other hand, trying to chase your orgasm as well.
“Oh fuck, baby, right there, I’m gonna—Fuck!”
Abby tried her best to warn you, she really did, but before you both knew it, her release was already spilling out of her pussy and onto your fingers and mouth, causing you to greedily drink up every last drop of her before slowly removing your mouth and fingers out of her.
Once Abby had recovered from her orgasm, she looked down at you just in time to see you take your other hand out of your shorts. She kept her eyes on your fingers, admiring how they were covered in your release as a result of the pleasure you just gave to her.
She brings her hand down to your chin and lifts it to meet her eyes with yours. The deja vu feeling was hitting her now the second she saw your pupils blown out once again, just like how you were not even a week ago when you went down on her under her desk while she was sitting across from her father.
You hesitate for a moment before soon making the effort to stand up to her height, bringing your two fingers that were coated in your slick up to her lips.
“Clean them up,” you commanded.
Abby nodded as she held the hand that was put to her mouth before parting her lips and sucking your fingers clean. Her eyes were trained on yours, maintaining eye contact as she did so.
“There you go, just like that…” you mutter out to her quietly.
Once they were clean, Abby removed your fingers from her mouth, making a slight pop sound as she did so. You lean in to plant a kiss on her lips, tasting a bit of yourself from her lips and vice versa. You then reach down to grab your phone and keys before walking towards her bedroom door to leave.
However, you pause in your tracks for one moment and turn your head around to look at her fucked out self one more time.
“I’ll see you at the bake sale.” you reminded her, that same smirk appearing now on both of your faces before you turned back around and exited her bedroom, now leaving her by herself.
Well, it’s safe to say that Abby was going to have to return the favor for you real soon.
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- a/n: i have to admit this one’s not my best work, it was my first time writing sub abby y’all believe me i tried my best 🙏🏻
also, i don’t usually self promote my fics but i did post my first dina fic the other day, it’s called overnight sensation and it’s a smau series. i’ve spent a lot of time and effort in making that fic so far so it’ll truly mean a lot to me if you guys could check it out 🤍
but other than that, i’ll see you guys in part 3!
tags 🏷️: @abbyscherry @whore4abby @zombholic @aouiaa @uraesthete @lia-winther @gaptoothedlesbo @deadbolted @abbysfavewh0rx @echostinn @mochiivqi @floptron @totallyghostdgirl @swtsuna @bellaramslover @naomis-daydream @ur-fav-pixi @sirenbxby @paprikahoernchen @thesevi0lentdelights @mostlyhornyandsad @tohoko
(^ i think that’s everyone?? let me know if i missed anyone/if you’d like to be tagged in the real part 3 LOL)
2023 © atomicami | all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or translate any of my works.
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 6 months
Luke Castellan x Reader
Summary: "Is it chill that you're in my head? / Cause I know that it’s delicate"
Warnings: Angst, death, major series spoilers for people who haven't finished the books
Word Count: 2.1k
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Sometimes I wonder, when you sleep / Are you ever dreaming of me?
Luke could admit to himself he wanted his best friend. He had for a long time. In fact everyone could see it, except for her. She seemed blissfully unaware of any feelings Luke had to the point that it made him nervous she was doing it on purpose. But if he couldn’t have her, he’d take the next best thing of being her friend. As long as she was in his life.
It was supposed to be bonfire night but Luke and Y/M had snuck off to the beach. They lay next to each other, staring up at the stars. Well, she was looking up at the stars, Luke was looking at her. They talked for hours about nothing until she finally dozed off.
Given the strict rules about curfew, Luke hardly ever got to see his best friend’s peaceful expression as she slept. Her face relaxed, unburdened by the perils of being a demigod. And as the two oldest at camp, they had a lot of perils.
Luke reached out, stroking her hair. That elicited a content sigh from her and he wondered if she was aware it was him. He wondered if she thought about or dreamed about him nearly as much as he did her. He had an ever present fantasy of absolutely sweeping her off her feet in a moment of glory. One of his favorites was after he won capture the flag, he’d march right up to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and just kiss her.
But of course that would never happen so he kept it stashed in the back of his mind.
He let her sleep for a few more minutes before he finally woke her up. “Hey, you gotta get up or the harpies will get us,” he laughed softly, shaking her awake.
She groaned but opened her eyes nonetheless.
Sometimes when I look into your eyes / I pretend you're mine all the damn time
Her eyes. Luke could probably get lost in them forever. He didn’t even need to watch the stars. He’d much rather watch the reflection of them in her eyes.
Unfortunately, the moment was ruined by one of the Athena boys. “Oh, hey Luke. Um, I just came to find Y/N. Chiron said late curfew starts in five minutes.”
“Really?” she asked, sitting up. “How long was I asleep?”
Luke felt his face get hot. He actually had no idea, he had completely lost track of time while watching her. “Uh not long. I just didn’t want to wake you,” he tried to play it off smoothly.
She gave him a soft smile, her hand finding his knee. “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to waste your night.”
“No, no, no,” he quickly corrected. “You’re never a waste of time.”
“So um,” the Athena boy cut in awkwardly. “You want me to walk you to your cabin, Y/N? It’s right across from mine.”
Luke felt a surge of possessiveness. This guy clearly liked her. But before she could answer, Luke did it for her. “We’ll head over in a few minutes but thanks,” he tried to dismiss him.
The boy looked discouraged but tried to play it off. “Oh- uh ok.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Y/N offered, feeling bad for him. He immediately brightened with a smile before retreating back to his cabin.
Luke hated that she always seemed to leave the door open for other guys. They had had numerous conversations about the boys that liked her so he knew she wasn’t doing it on purpose. She just felt bad outright rejecting them so her sugar coating often came across as a signal to try harder. He just wished he could make it clear to them she was taken. Of course, she wasn’t his (yet).
Once Luke was sure he was out of earshot, he brought the topic up again. “He likes you.”
“No he doesn’t,” she immediately dismissed.
“Yes he does, and you trying to make him feel better about rejecting him doesn’t make it any better.”
“I didn’t reject him, you did.”
“Because I know you don’t like him.”
“Who says I don’t like him?” she shrugged.
Luke’s heart stopped. He had been playing defense so well for so long now that it hadn’t even occurred to him that she could like someone else. “What?”
She just shrugged again. “Who’s to say I don’t like him? You chased him away before I could get a word in.”
“D-do you like him?” Luke’s heart was pounding in his chest.
“No, but I’m just saying-”
“Gods, Y/N!” Luke interrupted in relief. “Don’t scare me like that.”
A satisfied look crossed over her face. “Why is that scary?”
He sent her a playful glare. “You know.”
“Tell me,” she pressed.
Is it cool that I said all that? / Is it chill that you're in my head?
Luke’s heart was pounding in his chest. She had basically already confirmed she was into him but the fear still lingered in his chest. He just had to say the words and he’d have his fantasy. She’d be his.
“I like you, Y/N. I have for a long time. I was just always scared you’d… I don’t know, reject me. Or think I was being stupid. But I like you.” Luke looked at her nervously, unsure of what she’d say. His heart was still pounding even when she leaned over and kissed him. As she tried to pull away for air, Luke’s hands found their way to her face, keeping her close. “I’m not done yet,” he mumbled against her lips, eliciting a giggle.
Long night with your hands up in my hair / Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs
That night Luke really didn’t want to leave her but Y/N wasn’t willing to break the rules just yet. He had spent the entire walk back to the cabins trying to convince her to sneak into the Hermes cabin. “Please, I swear no one will snitch on you.”
She laughed, intertwining her fingers into his. “Well what about my siblings when they see I’m not in bed? What will the children think?” By now they reached Cabin 7.
“The children can think whatever they want,” Luke smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips. It was late but several campers were still awake. Word of the couple would spread like wildfire and by the morning, even Chiron would know about the new couple.
But spending every night separately wouldn’t last for long. Y/N normally spent the evenings in the Hermes cabin where they had somehow managed to smuggle many forbidden things in. Like video games and junk food. And every night when the conch blew, signaling that curfew was soon, Luke begged her to stay. “Come on, no one will tell. Will you?” he asked his siblings.
That received a resounding “No!” swearing they’d keep our secret. She looked around the room, her resolve crumbling after weeks of this. “Fine,” she agreed. So many cheers erupted you’d think she just agreed to marry him. “But!” she waited for them to quiet down, “I’m still a counselor and I have to make sure everyone else is in bed.” Luke pouted but let her go nonetheless, promising to drag her back to Cabin 11 if she didn’t come back.
So after putting all the younger kids to bed, Y/N snuck back to Cabin 11. She found it dark but made her way to Luke’s bed. As she reached it, Luke could recognize the outline of her created by the moonlight. “Finally, I was just about to come break down your door.”
“Ha ha,” she laughed sarcastically. “Scoot over,” Luke obliged, sliding against the wall to create room. She slipped under the covers, settling against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her tightly, his face buried in her hair.
“‘M glad you’re staying,” he mumbled. “Feel like it’s easier to fall asleep when you’re with me.” He didn’t say it out loud but he liked having the assurance that she was safe in his arms as they slept.
“Me too,” she mused, her eyes already closed. “But I’ll say you kidnapped me if we get caught.”
“Okay,” Luke chucked. “You can blame me.”
My reputation's never been worse, so / You must like me for me
But those nights were gone now. Luke made his choice but so did she.
“Isn’t it messed up how the gods neglect their kids?” Luke asked as casually as possible, staring out at sea, his fingers tracing the dock.
“Yeah,” she mused. “Can you imagine being an omnipotent, immortal being but you can’t even take the time to tell your kid they belong to you? I mean, Apollo’s been pretty good about it but the others…?”
The pressure in Luke’s chest lessened as she more or less agreed with him. “Or how they treat us as disposable puppets? Like pawns?” He watched her face carefully as she considered it.
“What do you mean?”
Here we go. Luke began chipping at any remaining loyalty she had to the gods. “Well think about it. Thalia? Her godly parents could have saved her. Every demigod who died? Their parent could have saved them. My quest was a joke. All Hermes wanted me to do was repeat one of Heracles’ labors.”
She looked deep in thought. “I guess but why are you asking me about this?”
He took a deep breath before lacing his fingers in hers. “I’ve been uh… talking to someone.” She didn’t say anything but her furrowed brow urged him to continue. “I’ve been told that things don’t have to be the way they are. We don’t have to wait around until we’re killed. The Titan Lord could restore-”
“Shut up right now!” her frightened voice cut him off. She pulled her legs out of the water, shifting her sitting position to face him directly. “Luke! What- how- why are you doing this? So what if you can’t rely on the gods? You certainly can’t trust Kronos anymore.”
He gently grasped her hands. “Y/N, he promised every demigod that joins him immortality and safety. We wouldn’t have to cower in a summer camp with children who most likely won’t make it to their 18th birthdays. Please, come with me.”
She shook her head. “I can’t.” That broke his heart. “Luke, I love you. I really do. But I can’t let you go down this path.”
Through his internal struggle with Kronos, Luke could see Y/N staring at him, pain in her eyes. He gripped Annabeth’s knife tightly, saying a silent goodbye to everyone he loved and a curse to Kronos. “I love you,” he tried to say to her but it came out strained. The blade sunk into his only vulnerable spot under his arm—his Achilles heel.
“No!” he heard her yell. But he was already on the ground, beginning to lose consciousness at the fatal blow. But Y/N was kneeling over him, tears leaving tracks on her dirty face. “No, no, no,” she mumbled. “Why, Luke?” she practically screamed in frustration.
He reached up, wiping her tears and some dirt from her face. “Do you still love me? After everything I did?”
“Of course I love you!” she cried. “I never stopped.”
Despite the pain, he was smiling. “I love you too. I’ll see you in Elysium.”
She nodded, trying to smile too but the sobs were clawing their way of her throat. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Not too soon,” he insisted. “I love you, Y/N.”
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yellowcabdriver · 9 months
pairing: yuuji itadori x f!reader
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genre: fluff
a/n: i quit my old soul-crushing job and i’m desperately trying to finish off all wips before i start my new job svdndjsj please enjoy 🙏🏻 live laugh lovesick yuuji 🫡💕 very shamelessly got inspired by this post
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nobara said yuuji shouldn’t call you.
“you don’t want her to think that you’re desperate, right?”
yeah, maybe.
but here’s a thing that a considerate friend that is nobara didn’t take into account.
yuuji is crazy about you and he is indeed very desperate for you and your attention. he is filled with joy and excitement whenever he hears your voice – it’s almost pavlovian, very embarrassing. or at least could be, if yuuji cared enough. his pride is a small price to pay to have a wonder that is you in his life.
but yuuji has to admit, maybe nobara is right. at the end of the day you two are not dating (yet, as yuuji very much hopes). you two are not even very close friends (yet, again, as yuuji hopes).
yuuji’s finger lingers over a call button under your name embezzled with a variety of heart emojis.
“at least text her before calling, you know, it’s kind of a new etiquette these days, not to call someone unannounced,” yuuji remembers nobara’s chastising. it makes yuuji hesitate. of course, he doesn’t want to seem like an ignorant bumpkin who isn’t aware of social cues. what if you’re busy? which you probably are because you are so smart and cool. and you are definitely a great texter (even if you weren’t, yuuji wouldn’t know any better because he is that much in love).
with a sigh, yuuji slides over to messages and starts typing rather pathetically “hiiii how are you???” while fighting the urge to add like a gazillion emojis to express himself better. nobara is really getting into his head, yuuji sighs. this is hard considering he is not exactly an overthinker (that would require having more than one thought and his only singular thought right now is you). a text is better than nothing, sure, but yuuji really really really needs to hear your voice. so he rushes back to his contacts and gathers every ounce of willpower to press on your name.
after almost painful eleven seconds you pick up. yuuji’s breathing hitches a little when he hears your sleepy “hello?”
he wants to throw himself from a window.
he forgot it’s almost 3 am.
“hi, um, hey. sorry, you’re asleep.”
what an absolute mess.
“well, not anymore,” you softly laugh. yuuji, though embarrassed, is so happy to hear your laughter.
“it’s okay, yuuji. did something happen?”
well, kinda. obviously, yuuji’s not going to tell you that he’s just so down bad for you that he called you up in the middle of the night for no reason.
“no, nothing, i- i’m sorry, it’s nothing urgent, i better call you tomorrow.”
“are you sure? i mean, it’s…” he hears you scramble. “three in the morning. it has got to be an emergency.”
it is, just not a conventional one. yuuji violently shakes his head and then remembers that you can’t see him (why is he such a fool when it comes to you?)
“no, no, i’m sorry, i screwed up. i forgot that not everyone stays up late like me. go to sleep. sorry.”
“stop apologising, it’s all fine. okay, i’ll believe that there’s no emergency. but you better call me tomorrow to confirm that you’re okay.”
yuuji’s cheeks are burning.
“yeah, of course. sorry again.”
you laughed.
“good night, yuuji.”
“good night.”
yuuji’s fingers shake when he types the first message.
“sorry, i actually didn’t mean to call you.”
yuuji’s eyes are not leaving the screen beaming brightly into his face.
his palms are suddenly cold.
dot, dot, dot.
“it’s okay,” followed by a smiley emoji and a thumbs up. such a you thing to send. for a minute he contemplates going to sleep and maybe die from embarrassment in his sleep but something takes him over. before he can register it, his fingers start typing.
“fuck it”
delivered, read.
“i did mean to call”
delivered, read.
“i wanted to talk to you”
delivered, read.
“to hear your voice and your laugh”
delivered, read.
yuuji can physically feel the blood rushing away from his limbs when he sees three dancing dots.
“i want to hear your voice, too.”
yuuji’s head is spinning as he fights the urge to jump around the room while smiling at his phone like a madman. megumi and nobara for sure would be disgusted at this sight. he is so ecstatic that he almost misses the next message.
his long calloused fingers dance across the screen to quickly type “i’ll call you”.
he rushes to facetime.
you pick up almost instantly.
yuuji looks at your face, traces of sleep still present in your expression but he can see – and it makes his heart flutter – that you are genuinely happy to see him, too.
you both spent a few intimate moments staring at each other’s badly lit faces, glowing under the dim lights of your screens in the dark, until yuuji finally finds the courage to break the silence.
“so… did you sleep well?”
you quietly laugh and yuuji falls in love even harder though he thought it wasn’t possible. he can’t wait to tell the gang that being desperate pays off, and oh so well.
and what does nobara know anyway.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
Hello, I saw that your requests are open and I would like to ask for something pre-relationship with James. You could write in which the reader recently moved into a building/condominium and she needs help with something, like something that needs a specific tool or dealing with a spider and she asks her neighbor (James) for help? I think it would be something cute, like love at first sight. (I'm sorry if you don't want to write, but I saw a video like this and thought it would be cool to read something about it)
Thanks for requesting lovely!
neighbor!James x fem!reader ♡ 868 words
James almost doesn’t hear the knocking the first time. It’s hardly more than a couple of light taps, like someone might have bumped their bag into his door as they went by. Still, it gets his attention. James pauses in cutting up melon for tomorrow’s breakfast, head angling towards his front door. 
It comes again, a bit less tentative this time, and he sets down his knife, wiping his hands on a dishtowel before going to the door. 
You’re standing in the hall with your arms crossed tight against the nighttime chill that seeps into the building, wearing fuzzy slippers and what are quite clearly pajamas. You give him James a terse smile, looking somewhere between apologetic and panic-stricken. 
“Hi,” you say, at the same time as he says, “Hello.” 
Your smile blooms a bit more genuinely at that, and James is glad for it. You’re quite lovely when you look at him like that. It makes him wish he was wearing something other than his pajama bottoms or had brushed his teeth after his garlicky dinner. 
“Hi,” you say again. “Um, I’m really sorry to bother you this late, but I’ve just moved in next door and I was wondering if you could help me with something?” 
“Of course,” he agrees. No context needed. James prides himself on being neighborly, but he thinks he’d probably do just about anything you ask him to. “What is it?” 
“There’s a cockroach in my living room.” You deliver the news with a grave face, like his revoking his offer of help is predetermined. “I’ve been trying to put a cup over it for, like, twenty minutes probably, but it’s too fast and I can’t really corner it by myself.” 
“Ah.” James steps outside, closing his door behind him. “Alright, yeah, I’m sure we can take care of that. Lead the way, lovely.” 
You take a bolstering breath before stepping into your apartment, making him grin. It really is just right next to his, and this knowledge seems like a dangerous thing to have. James is going to have to start playing his music a tad lower and making sure he looks decent every time he goes outside. 
Just inside the door, there’s a broom propped against the wall. You take it up. 
“Okay,” you say, awfully serious for someone in fuzzy slippers wielding a broom, “I was thinking I’d get him into that corner there, and then you could put the cup over him.” You nod towards a cup turned facedown on the coffee table. James picks it up. Some of the determination slips from your expression, eyebrows twitching towards each other, as you look at him. “Sorry to drag you into this. I really appreciate it.” 
“It’s really fine,” James laughs. “This isn’t the first time someone has called me over to take care of a bug, and you live a lot closer than my mate did at the time.” In the period in between James and Sirius living together and Sirius moving in with Remus, his friend had forced James over to his flat at least twice a week so that he could trap spiders under cups while Sirius shrieked “Kill it! Kill it!” from atop his kitchen table. 
You grimace. “Well, it’s good to know you’ve had practice. Okay, last I saw him he was under the couch. Ready?” 
James nods, holding the cup in his hand. 
You sweep the broom tentatively underneath the couch, starting at one end at working your way to the other. Just when James is starting to come to terms with the idea that the roach has moved to an unknown location, it skitters out from that opposite end. 
You go after it with impressive grit, blocking its attempted escape underneath a nearby chair and herding it towards the corner. 
“Ready?” You don’t take your eyes from the bug for a second, but James nods anyways as he steps forward, cup held aloft. 
The roach runs into the corner, and James descends upon it. He lowers the cup quickly, not wanting the small creature to catch on and rebel against its eviction, but the thing moves quicker. 
It flies towards him. 
James makes a not-super-dignified yelping sound and trips backward, landing fortunately in the chair. You shriek and swat at it with the broom, missing by a meter. You both track the cockroach as it lands on a wall. 
“Fuck,” James breathes. He’s aware that he’s not making a great impression right now, but he feels like he’s just been attacked. “You didn’t tell me it was one of those flying ones!”
“I didn’t think it was!” You’re clutching the broom handle in a white-knuckled grip, your eyes wide. “It wasn’t doing that earlier!” 
“Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay, it’s fine. We’ve still got this. Just, ah, if you decide you’d like to abandon this, sleep at my place, and call pest control in the morning, I’m just saying right now that’d be more than alright with me.” 
You meet his eyes. “Think I’m gonna try a bit more first, but I might take you up on that. Thanks.” 
James grins. “No worries. Always good to have a backup plan.”
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