#so Willie just stays in bed till he wakes up so they can cuddle
legolasghosty · 1 year
fluffy dialog prompts!! 13 for willex?
Hello anon!!! You probably have no memory of sending this but I hope it reaches you! Sorry for the wait!!!!
Alex has mixed feelings about his graveyard shifts.
On the plus side, he can work on his own and not have to deal with customers while stocking the shelves and cleaning up the bookstore. Apart from when he's chatting with a coworker or checking in with his manager, he usually keeps his earbuds in for the whole shift. Audiobooks are wonderful things. It's calmer at night.
But the downside is that he doesn't get home until 5 or 6 am on the nights he works. So even though he and Willie are finally living together, they only get a couple of full nights together each week. It's not hurting their relationship, and they both make an effort to make lots of time for cuddling and talking during the day. But it is a bit sad that they don't get that basic couple-living-together thing of being able to fall asleep side by side each night.
Well, there is one other positive, Alex thinks as he parks his car outside of their apartment building. Working graveyard shifts usually gets people off his back about how little he sleeps. At least people who don't know him well. People who don't need to know the whole story.
Sure, Alex is working with a therapist now to try and get a handle on the nightmares that began just after he moved out. It's not as bad as it was that first year or two. But he still struggles to stay asleep for more than a few hours at a time.
Alex pushes the thoughts away as he climbs the stairs to his and Willie's apartment. No energy for that right now. All he needs right now is to get inside, change into something comfy, and climb into bed.
The blankets will be comfy and the pillows will be cool and Willie will be there, sound asleep. They'd texted Alex to tell him they were crashing in his bed a couple of hours into Alex's shift. Even though that's what they usually do, it still makes Alex's chest feel a bit looser to know that Willie will be in his bed when he gets home.
Alex fixes that fantasy firmly in his mind as he fumbles with his keys. Just a few more minutes before it becomes a reality. He repeats that over and over as he passes through the dark kitchen, hanging up his keys and kicking off his shoes. He imagines the smell of Willie's freshly washed hair as he brushes his teeth. It's some kind of mix of citrus and coconut that Alex has never been able to figure out but adores. He can barely wait to smell it again. To rest beside his partner and just be together.
The nightmares are always a bit easier when Willie is there.
Finally, he turns off the lamp Willie leaves on for him and slips into his room. Sure enough, there's his partner, snoring softly with his hair splayed out over Alex's pillows. He's a work of art, too stunning to ever truly be captured in words or photos.
Alex chuckles at his own cheesiness. Oh well, he's probably earned a bit of cheesy after so many years of hiding in the closet. He intends to love Willie as well as he can for as long as they want him to.
He quickly swaps out his work clothes for a pair of shorts and a light grey hoodie. Which might have started its life in Willie's closet, but who's counting. He slides off his rings and unclips the necklace he always wears, placing them on the dresser before carefully sliding into bed.
The first signs of sunrise become visible between the window blinds as Alex settles against Willie's back. He tries not to wake them, but even just their body heat is comforting against his skin after a long shift.
Alex takes a deep breath of the clean air of their home and feels his heart begin to slow down. He's safe now. He's in bed with the love of his life. They're together and they're good. Alex's life is good. His home is good, the band is good, all of his friends are good. He doesn't have to worry about it. He can relax.
Willie's snoring stops. Alex freezes, not wanting to wake him. But after a minute, Willie lets out a little hum and rolls over partway to look at Alex.
"You're home," they mumble, smiling.
"Mhm," Alex agrees, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Sorry for waking you."
"'s okay," Willie responds. He leans over a bit to plant a clumsy peck on Alex's nose. "Glad you're back."
"Me too," Alex murmurs, cuddling closer as his eyelids start to droop.
Willie starts to giggle, rolling over so their bare chest is flush against Alex's. "You're unbelievably cute when you're tired," they slur, already starting to drift back to sleep.
Alex knows his cheeks are warm but who cares. "Love you," he mumbles, slowly losing himself to unconsciousness.
He doesn't remain conscious for long enough to hear Willie say it back, but he knows they do. They always do.
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
You are the music in me
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Julie Molina
Request: SICK FIC JUKE: “Juke live together (but not dating yet) with Alex and Reggie all in apartment, both Julie and Luke wake up sick as dogs (flu/strep up to you) and force stay home from classes,sick by Alex. While being alone basically all day they finally admitted they like each other more than friends and get together when they start feeling better few days later.”
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This is not how Julie and Luke saw each other spending the weekend. They took care of Alex for a whole week together and just when the drummer began to feel better, his friends fell to the flu. To stop the chain of illness, Julie decided that it was best for Reggie and Alex to stay in Willie's instead of the apartment the four friends share until she and Luke recovered, but two stubborn patients taking care of each other is a somewhat chaotic combination.
"I can't take those pills, they are huge!" The guitarist has his arms crossed, his lips completely closed in a grimace almost impossible to undo.
"Luke, I've seen you eat two meatball sandwiches at the same time, I’m pretty sure one pill is not going to kill you."
He was about to continue fighting when Julie turns to cough. Every minute that passes she looks weaker and probably what she needs the least is to be carrying with his tantrums. So he takes the pills from her and passes them after maybe 15 tries and 3 possible chokes. Julie laughs slightly with each attempt, satisfied that at least he is trying for her.
Once they both finally finish taking all of their meds, Luke uses what little strength he has left to carry her in bridal style to her room. Julie tries to resist but her lack of strenght is way too much.
"Let yourself be taken care of, Molina." He whispers in her ear as he draws her closer to him. When they finally get to the room Luke gently lays her down on the bed and covers her in blankets to the best of his ability.
He feels bad for her. Because yes, he was there during Alex's illness, but the truth is that he didn't do much. The only reason he got sick is because he shares a room with him. On the other hand, Julie was faithfully taking care of her friend, taking his temperature, reminding him at the correct time about his medicines to the point of setting alarms at 4 in the morning just to make sure he got up to take them, made him hot meals and tea, she was the perfect nurse.
And what does she have instead? Him. The one who hates taking pills, doesn’t know how to take the temperature, much less what time the medicines are due, and he definitely doesn't know how to cook much more than a sandwich.
But something the aspiring musician does know how to do and sure as hell will do for her is giving her all the cuddles she might need (and probably want).
Luke walks to the other side of the bed and sits on the empty side, bringing burrito Julie into his arms, her resting her head on his chest.
He takes a few seconds to enjoy the situation. Yes, it is not at all what they expected to do today, on Saturdays they usually write all morning and rehearse all afternoon to go to some small club to play at night. The band was completely their priority on weekends as they had to study and work to support themselves, so the guitarist couldn't remember a Saturday where they stayed like this, doing nothing but enjoying each other.
Luke had become so immersed in that routine that he had simply sunk to the bottom those feelings that usually shine bright as the sun when they write or sing together or in rare moments like this one when he has her all for him, their hearts beating as one.
Realizing that he liked Julie was as easy as discovering his passion for music. When is her, everyday situations like hearing her rave happily about something that happened during the day feels like listening to his favorite song at full volume. And there’s the other side of it, those special moments like performing on a stage together. The sensations he gets are on a league of their own, their chemistry growing and enveloping in this mesmerizing explosion of energy. She’s this beautiful bright star that for some strange miracle, he is blessed to admire closely without burning.
The love and admiration he feels for her is so big that it terrifies him. In his experience, these types of sensations are not free. His passion for music completely cost him the relationship with his parents, not even the effort of continuing in school has made them give his dream of being a musician a chance.
What will it cost him to chase Julie in a romantic way? Their friendship? The band? What if things don't turn out as he would like and they end up fighting and separating the one thing that has cost them so much to build? Sleepless nights, hunger, blood, sweat, raising this dream has not been easy, could he really dare to risk it in this way? Could he be so selfish?
He often forces himself to think he couldn’t, but at that moment, Julie Molina swings her body to the side so she can look at him head on. Her big, beautiful dark eyes fixed on his.
“You aren’t usually quiet for more than 5 minutes, are you alright? Does something hurt? Do you want me to check your temperature?" With some effort, she manages to free the arm that is not resting on the bed and gently touches Luke's forehead, making sure he is okay.
He can't help but grin in response. She’s just so perfect. She shares the same passion as him, she fully understands the magical feeling of being on stage and it provokes on her the same excitement and adrenaline. She is sweet and cares about everyone, even loves his friends as much as he does. She is determined, smart, funny, beautiful. A lot of times he can't even understand how someone so perfect exists. And she not only exists, but is there next to him, wrapped in his arms.
“I- I’m fine, everything is fine, I promise. Focus on resting that angelic voice of yours.” She blushes as if that is not an already well established fact. He can’t help but look adoringly in response. He just loves to make her blush, being able to cause those reactions in her so easily.
You're right, I can't risk being replaced by one of the many groupies that have been after you lately." He can’t help a cocky grin, she blushes even more and decides to sink her head into his chest.
He takes advantage and hugs her even closer to him, bringing his head closer to her face to whisper in her ear.
"I could never replace you." He feels her expression changing in his chest, probably a smile. Her small hand squeezing his back in response.
“Are you jealous, Molina? Because that’s hot.” She lets out a nervous laugh and Luke pulls her away just enough to be face to face.
“I’m not jealous.” She murmurs trying to sound sure, the image of those girls way too close to Luke at last weekend’s gig clouding her vision.
“Good, because you don’t have a reason to be.”
The singer looks down, she understood the opposite of what the guitarist was trying to say.
“H- Hey, no. I didn’t mean it like that.” With one of his fingers he carefully lifts her chin so he can see her eyes again.
There's a part of Luke that tells him to take a moment to think about what to say. The logical and sinic part. The one who knows that what he is going to do is going to cost him.
But the other party, the one who has been in love with Julie Molina for 2 years, is already tired of waiting and ready to take a leap of faith. And today that his mind is tired and weak, heart conquers logic.
Neither has spoken aloud about their special relationship, but they know something is there. It is a wordless fact between the two. And maybe it's time to add words to the melody.
“I meant you really don’t have to because all I hear, is you. I have tried to find peace in my soul with hundreds and hundreds of melodies, Julie. And it wasn't until I heard your voice that I found the right one.
Why would I even want to think of anyone else when I have so much more than I could have imagined across the hall every day? It’s always you. You, making sure I eat when I’m in my obsessive writer mode. You, stroking my hair when you think I fell asleep. You, spying me with your beautiful eyes between classes to make sure I’m actually on school. You, watching musicals with me till 5 am on Saturdays even thought we had one hell of a difficult day and a tired night just because you love to see my reactions. You, worried about me feeling bad when you are clearly sicker. It’s always you, Julie.”
In a moment of bravery, Julie brushes her lips against Luke's, waiting for him to make the final decision, which he doesn't take two seconds to make by capturing her lips on his, savoring finally being able to know what it feels like to kiss Julie Molina.
That it tasted like honey was not something that surprised him after seeing her eat several tablespoons of honey with lemon before bringing her to rest.
“Luke, remember when we watched High School Musical 2?” She grins, clearly happy with what just happened.
“Yeah, like a month ago.” he seems surprised with the random question but smiles to encourage her.
“Well, I mentally dedicated you ‘you are the music in me.’ Huh, It feels good to get it off my chest.”
He laughs. Anyone else would be offended or at least scared that the other person won't talk about what just happened, but they have a different connection. Music is the one who unites their souls and for she to tell him something as powerful as ‘you are the music in me’ is almost as strong as an I love you, maybe even stronger. Practically her subtle, awkward and wholesome way of saying he’s her person too.
And that’s more than perfect for him. She doesn’t need to say a speech, much less now that she is not feeling well. The love she shows him in a thousand ways every day is more than enough.
He knows that when they both improve and logic regains territory they will have a lot to discuss about their new relationship, but the most important step has already been taken. For now, all he has to worry about is that the tea turns out drinkable enough and keeping her warm enough with cuddles and kisses on the forehead... maybe some more on the lips too.
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 78a
Cowritten with @disastrousintention. Trigger warnings for discussion of self harm, suicidal thoughts, flashbacks and anxiety.
Though he'd spoken to his mum on the phone and she'd told him several times that she was fine after the birth of his youngest brother Peter knew he wouldn't feel completely convinced until he saw her in person. He was pacing the garden, having not really slept the entire night through worrying about his mum. He yawned and pulled out the cigarettes from his pocket before shoving them away when he heard a noise in the kitchen.
Kate stepped out into the garden. "You'll catch your death out here!" She chided her eldest grandson.
“Sorry Gran. Any sign of mum and dad yet?” He asked.
"Last I heard there was a hold up with some paperwork. I'm sure they won't be long though."
Peter nodded, “That’s good.” He tried to stifle a yawn.
"You should go have a nap. Then by the time you wake up they'll be here."
“I can’t sleep so it’ll be pointless.” Peter replied back and yawned again, “I might try though. If that’s ok?”
"Of course. I've got everything under control..." The words were barely out of her mouth before a loud crash came from inside the house.
Peter sprinted in and towards the sound of the crash. It came from the living room.
The twins had been attempting to build a fort and it had just collapsed.
“Are you trying to build a fort?” Peter asked his sisters with a smile.
"It fell down." Tilly complained, rolling her eyes and stomping her foot.
“Would you like me to help?”
Peter helped his sisters to make the fort, ensuring this time it stayed up.
"I want to climb on top of the fort!" Tilly declared.
"Me too!" Added Lottie.
“Be careful you two!”
The fort wobbled precariously as the girls pushed each other to be the first to the top.
The fort crashed to the ground just as Oli came running into the room minus most of his clothes being chased by Jake.
“Oli! You need to put your clothes on! You can’t run around with your willy out!” Peter tried catching his brother.
Tilly and Lottie began to argue over who caused the fort to crash. “It was you!” Lottie blamed Tilly.
Oli stopped as he spotted his gran enter the hallway and giggled as he wee'd on the floor.
The fight between the twins was quickly escalating into a full scale screaming match.
“Oliver!” Kate gasped as the toddler wee’d on the floor. Luckily it wasn’t carpet.
“Girls! Enough!” Peter said sternly.
"I'm telling mum!" Lottie wailed, bursting into tears.
"You're telling me what?" Came Duffy's voice from the doorway in reply. She sighed as she surveyed the carnage her house had descended into whilst she'd been away, raising an eyebrow at Charlie who was stood just behind her carrying Paul in his carseat.
Hearing his mum’s voice, Peter turned and hugged his mum tightly. And then so did the rest of the children! “Mum!! You’re back!!” They squealed. Even Lottie through her tears.
Duffy tried to hide the wince of pain the tight hugs from her children caused her to experience. "Yes, I'm back. Anyone want to explain what's been going on?"
Chaos descended as all the children began to talk at once, seemingly not noticing the presence of their father and baby brother.
The only person who noticed was Oli who toddled over to peer at the baby. "Baby!" He giggled.
Hearing Oli mention the baby, the other children stopped and turned to look at their father with the baby.
“The baby’s home!!”
"Why did it have to be a boy?!" Tilly complained. "I wanted a girl baby! Can't we have a girl baby next time?"
Charlie laughed. “We’re not having any more babies! You lot are a handful as it is!”
"You've said that before!" Jake sniggered.
"We mean it this time!" Duffy replied.
Jake scoffed, “Yeah right. Till the next time.”
Peter smiled, “What’s he called?”
Duffy shook her head as she laughed at Jake's remark. "Everyone, meet baby Paul." She smiled.
“Paul? That suits him.” Peter replied.
“Paul? That’s a funny name.” Tilly replied.
"What's funny about it?" Louis asked, genuinely confused.
Tilly shrugged, “It's just odd.” She giggled softly. She had an infectious laugh.
"Your name's odd!" Louis retorted.
“So yours.” Tilly stuck her tongue out but did something unexpected and hugged her brother.
Duffy gave Charlie a look, had they come home to the right house?
Louis was a bit taken aback but he wrapped his arms around his sister.
Lottie decided to follow her sister's lead and Louis soon found himself the filling in a twin sandwich!
Deep down, Louis was enjoying the hugs. It wasn’t very often he hugged them or they hugged him.
It warmed Duffy's heart to see the children bonding with each other. She lent against the wall, attempting to make it look casual so as not to tip off the others that she was struggling and uncomfortable.
Charlie placed his hand on her lower back, “Go and sit down.” He whispered, kissing her cheek.
"I'm fine." She sighed.
“Please sit down.” He smiled.
"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "I wish you wouldn't fuss so much!" She muttered.
“I like fussing though.” He replied with a chuckle.
"Seems you're not the only one." She replied as Paul started to cry.
Charlie got Paul out of the car seat and began to rock him. “What’s the matter?”
"He's probably hungry."
Charlie continued to rock Paul, “Bottle or breast?” He asked Duffy.
"He didn't seem to like the bottle at the hospital but it might be a bit noisy for him to concentrate here." She sighed.
“Do you want to try him with breast feeding again?”
"I'll take him upstairs where it's quiet if you can sort out Oli?"
“Yes I’ll deal with Oli and try and put some clothes on him.”
Duffy held out her arms for Paul whilst shaking her head indulgently at Oliver. "Much as you seem to like it you can't just go around naked all the time you little monkey!"
Charlie gently placed Paul into Duffy’s arms. Oliver giggled at his mum and pointed to the floor. “Wee.”
"Yes aren't you a clever boy? That's something else for daddy to deal with." She chuckled before heading upstairs with Paul.
Charlie shook his head fondly and picked up Oliver. “You monkey, need to put your clothes on!”
"No!" Oli giggled and started to run away.
“Daddy’s going to get you!” Charlie said to Oli as he began to chase him.
Emily was in her bedroom but had come down to investigate the noise, bumping into her mum and Paul on the landing.
"I was wondering where you'd gotten to princess." Duffy smiled at her eldest daughter.
“You’re back!”
"I told you I would be. I've missed you though."
“Missed you too.” Emily hugged her mum, careful of her littlest brother. “He’s small.”
"That's because he decided to join us a little earlier than planned. Like someone else I know!" Duffy chuckled, bopping Emily on the nose. "I need to go feed him but you can come up with us if you want?"
Emily wrinkled her nose and giggled softly. She then followed her mum up the stairs and along the corridor.
Duffy had found that the most comfortable way to feed Paul was to lie down on the bed. She eased herself down, forcing her face to remain neutral despite the discomfort. Once she'd gotten Paul settled she looked up and realised Emily was still hovering in the doorway. "Its ok, you can come sit on the bed."
Emily sat on the other side of Duffy and watched as Paul began to feed.
"So what have you been up to whilst I was away?"
“Colouring, staying in my room, playing with Louis, helping Gran.”
"Sounds like you've had fun."
“Lots of fun. Does it hurt when you have a baby?”
"It does but they gave me medicine to help make it not hurt as much."
“What kind of medicine?”
"There's special gas or you can have an injection."
“What’s it called?”
"What's what called?"
“The special medicine that helps you when you have a baby?”
"Well I had to have what's called a spinal block. I had to have the same operation I had when the twins were born." Duffy explained gently.
Emily was really interested. “So you’ve got a big scar on your tummy again?”
"That's right but it's OK, it'll heal."
Emily nodded.
"Its more important to me that my children are safe." Duffy smiled.
Emily was quiet for a bit, “Do you like having lots of babies?” She asked as her finger gently stroked Paul’s cheek.
"I love each of you very much." Duffy smiled.
Emily smiled, “We love you lots too.”
Duffy picked up Paul who had finished feeding and gingerly sat up so she could try to wind him.
Emily’s eyes were stuck to her brother.
Once Paul had burped Duffy looked over at Emily. "Would you like to give him a cuddle?"
Emily nodded enthusiastically, “Please.”
Duffy placed Paul into her daughter's lap before settling herself back against the pillows.
Emily looked down at her brother. “He’s not as little as me.”
"None of your brothers or sisters were as little as you." Duffy smiled.
“I’m big and strong now!”
"You are. Me and daddy are so proud of everything you've achieved."
Emily smiled, her eyes sparkling. “Nothing can stop me!”
"Nothing at all." Duffy grinned.
"Yes princess?"
“I want to be an artist when I grow up.”
"I think you'll be an amazing artist. Anything me and daddy can do to help you achieve that?"
Emily rested her head on her mum’s shoulder, “You and daddy do enough.”
"Well if you ever think of anything make sure you tell us and we'll do the best we can."
“Yes mummy. Will do.”
Duffy smiled seeing that Paul had fallen asleep in his big sister's lap. "I think he likes you."
“Good. Cos I like him too.”
"Unlike your sister who seems to be still sulking that he's not a girl!" Duffy chuckled.
“I’m glad he’s not a girl.”
"You are?"
Emily nodded, “Tilly and Lottie are hard work.”
"Maybe but they idolise you." Duffy replied, stroking the youngster's hair.
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hakuyamazakisensei · 7 years
Ultimate ship meme : heichi :P
Rate the Ship -   Let’s do it!  This is actually the ship that makes the most sense to me, considering both of those involved and how they think. I LIKE SaiChi and HaraChi, but HeiChi just…fits in my head, though I can’t write HeiChi at all.
How long will they last? -Forever and then some…they just LOVE each other that much.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Heisuke fell pretty quickly, though it was only a crush at first. But Chizuru wasn’t too far behind and all together, it was rather early on.
How was their first kiss? -Shy, sudden, and short, though it was quickly followed by another more impassioned kiss.
Who proposed? - Heisuke…the first time while he was drunk, and then again when he did things properly.
Who is the best man/men? -Sano and Shinpachi, of course!! J
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Sen
Who did the most planning? - Chizuru…Heisuke was just under the assumption that he would ask, they’d tie the knot and BAM…Married.
Who stressed the most? - Chizuru, though once Heisuke realized things had to be PLANNED, he did get a bit stressed too…
How fancy was the ceremony? - Normal Church Wedding They were too busy for anything more than that, and to be honest, neither would have been comfortable with anything more.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Kazama and Kodo
Who is on top? - They both have their moments, and it depends on certain things…but if  it’s just going to be a quick thing…Heisuke is on top.
Who is the one to instigate things? -Usually Heisuke…he’s pretty insatiable, but he does try to wait sometimes to see if Chizuru actually WANTS to start things…and she does on occasion.
How healthy is their sex life? - 8 They like being together and they don’t want to waste time being apart, but sometimes they are both just happy lying together without sex…
How kinky are they? - Might try some stuff and toys …once they both feel more comfortable with sex in general. They’re eager to try things, but they won’t go crazy with it…no whips or chains here.
How long do they normally last? - Heisuke is like a freaking rabbit…give him a few minutes of rest and he’s ready to go again…so they can usually last quite a few hours.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Yes…Heisuke is pretty insistent that if he gets “pleased” then Chizuru had better get pleased too or he’s doing something wrong.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny…though it can get a tiny bit rougher than that when they are really in the moment. They just like…loving each other, and to them, that’s gentle and caring.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. They snuggle whether they have sex or not…You’d be better to ask when are they NOT snuggling or cuddling.
How many children will they have naturally? - One child, a boy
How many children will they adopt? -One child, again a boy. He’s an urchin and Heisuke just sees himself in the boy so much that they take him in.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Heisuke…he REALLY wants to prove to himself that he is NOT his father, and that he loves both his boys.
Who is the stricter parent? -Chizuru…Heisuke finds it difficult to scold the children
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -Chizuru, though Heisuke is quick to back her up once she’s pointed out that what the kids are doing IS dangerous
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -Chizuru…Heisuke is pretty forgetful, even when it’s his OWN lunch, sooooo…
Who is the more loved parent? -They are equally loved
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Chizuru…Heisuke will go on occasion, but he’d rather just stay home with the boys and get into mischief.
Who cried the most at graduation? - The both did, though Heisuke tried to hide his tears
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Heisuke…it was all just a mistake, after all…somebody framed them or something.
Who does the most cooking? - Chizuru, though Heisuke really does like to try…he’s just not all that good at staying focused on the task
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither are picky…they’re both just grateful for what they have
Who does the grocery shopping? -They go as a family and Chizuru is constantly putting things back on shelves that all three boys toss in the cart willy-nilly.
How often do they bake desserts? - Nearly nightly, because Heisuke SO wants to learn and it’s just fun for all of them to make cupcakes and cookies together as a family
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat lovers for the most part, though Chizuru makes sure to include those veggies..>NO dessert until the plate is CLEAN, boys…and that means you too, Heisuke!
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -Heisuke…he’s planned it for MONTHS because he wants to treat Chizuru like she’s the most precious thing on earth.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Neither, they would rather stay in or go camping as a family.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Heisuke…and he’s nearly done so on a few occasions. He just forgets that he’s put something on the stove, sometimes.
Who cleans the room? - Chizuru, though Heisuke helps. It’s just that she usually has to go behind him and clean the things he’s overlooked.
Who is really against chores? - Heisuke is not a big fan, but he doesn’t want to leave it all on Chizuru, either, so he helps.
Who cleans up after the pets? -The boys and Heisuke…Chizuru has too much else on her plate.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? -Heisuke…it’s his go-to way of cleaning.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? -Chizuru…Heisuke often tells her that Sano and Shinpachi’s homes are messy so why worry, but Chizuru just shakes her head.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? -Heisuke…but he wasn’t exactly cleaning…he was looking for the remote for the TV
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Neither stay in there long…they just do their business and get on with their day
Who takes the dog out for a walk? -The boys and Heisuke, though sometimes they all go
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -They decorate for EVERY holiday and you would be hard-pressed to tell which person was more excited. They both enjoy it very much.
What are their goals for the relationship? -To be happy and healthy, and to love each other unconditionally
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -Heisuke…He is very hard to wake in the morning. Chizuru usually sends the boys (and the dogs) in to take care of that little task.
Who plays the most pranks? - Heisuke…but Chizuru always retaliates
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