#no beta we die like sunset curve
legolasghosty · 1 year
fluffy dialog prompts!! 13 for willex?
Hello anon!!! You probably have no memory of sending this but I hope it reaches you! Sorry for the wait!!!!
Alex has mixed feelings about his graveyard shifts.
On the plus side, he can work on his own and not have to deal with customers while stocking the shelves and cleaning up the bookstore. Apart from when he's chatting with a coworker or checking in with his manager, he usually keeps his earbuds in for the whole shift. Audiobooks are wonderful things. It's calmer at night.
But the downside is that he doesn't get home until 5 or 6 am on the nights he works. So even though he and Willie are finally living together, they only get a couple of full nights together each week. It's not hurting their relationship, and they both make an effort to make lots of time for cuddling and talking during the day. But it is a bit sad that they don't get that basic couple-living-together thing of being able to fall asleep side by side each night.
Well, there is one other positive, Alex thinks as he parks his car outside of their apartment building. Working graveyard shifts usually gets people off his back about how little he sleeps. At least people who don't know him well. People who don't need to know the whole story.
Sure, Alex is working with a therapist now to try and get a handle on the nightmares that began just after he moved out. It's not as bad as it was that first year or two. But he still struggles to stay asleep for more than a few hours at a time.
Alex pushes the thoughts away as he climbs the stairs to his and Willie's apartment. No energy for that right now. All he needs right now is to get inside, change into something comfy, and climb into bed.
The blankets will be comfy and the pillows will be cool and Willie will be there, sound asleep. They'd texted Alex to tell him they were crashing in his bed a couple of hours into Alex's shift. Even though that's what they usually do, it still makes Alex's chest feel a bit looser to know that Willie will be in his bed when he gets home.
Alex fixes that fantasy firmly in his mind as he fumbles with his keys. Just a few more minutes before it becomes a reality. He repeats that over and over as he passes through the dark kitchen, hanging up his keys and kicking off his shoes. He imagines the smell of Willie's freshly washed hair as he brushes his teeth. It's some kind of mix of citrus and coconut that Alex has never been able to figure out but adores. He can barely wait to smell it again. To rest beside his partner and just be together.
The nightmares are always a bit easier when Willie is there.
Finally, he turns off the lamp Willie leaves on for him and slips into his room. Sure enough, there's his partner, snoring softly with his hair splayed out over Alex's pillows. He's a work of art, too stunning to ever truly be captured in words or photos.
Alex chuckles at his own cheesiness. Oh well, he's probably earned a bit of cheesy after so many years of hiding in the closet. He intends to love Willie as well as he can for as long as they want him to.
He quickly swaps out his work clothes for a pair of shorts and a light grey hoodie. Which might have started its life in Willie's closet, but who's counting. He slides off his rings and unclips the necklace he always wears, placing them on the dresser before carefully sliding into bed.
The first signs of sunrise become visible between the window blinds as Alex settles against Willie's back. He tries not to wake them, but even just their body heat is comforting against his skin after a long shift.
Alex takes a deep breath of the clean air of their home and feels his heart begin to slow down. He's safe now. He's in bed with the love of his life. They're together and they're good. Alex's life is good. His home is good, the band is good, all of his friends are good. He doesn't have to worry about it. He can relax.
Willie's snoring stops. Alex freezes, not wanting to wake him. But after a minute, Willie lets out a little hum and rolls over partway to look at Alex.
"You're home," they mumble, smiling.
"Mhm," Alex agrees, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Sorry for waking you."
"'s okay," Willie responds. He leans over a bit to plant a clumsy peck on Alex's nose. "Glad you're back."
"Me too," Alex murmurs, cuddling closer as his eyelids start to droop.
Willie starts to giggle, rolling over so their bare chest is flush against Alex's. "You're unbelievably cute when you're tired," they slur, already starting to drift back to sleep.
Alex knows his cheeks are warm but who cares. "Love you," he mumbles, slowly losing himself to unconsciousness.
He doesn't remain conscious for long enough to hear Willie say it back, but he knows they do. They always do.
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michelangelinden · 2 years
Oh gosh I want all of the autumn prompts, but 19 for Willex?
Hello my love!! Here is 19. You stayed with me to hand out candy but actually just to make out and we keep being interrupted by the doorbell for you!!
First prompt answered and it's immediately almost 2k words long, hot damn.
Willex. 1.9k words. Rated G. (there's a lot of kissing, beware)
“Have a good night,” Alex called after the group, throwing a short wave at the parents waiting for their children at the edge of the road. The children hopped down the step and made their way back to the road, the bedsheet one of the was wearing as a ghost costume billowing as he ran.
Alex sighed contently as he closed the door. The candy bowl was heavy in his hands but it got a little bit lighter with every child that he held it out to. They had a good selection of candy this year, some chocolate, Hershey’s kisses this year, some lollies, toffee—if he was a child on the hunt for candy he would’ve been happy to choose something out of this bowl.
But he was content with staying in tonight, what with the chilly weather and also the fact that he was seventeen, he’d probably get some strange looks from his neighbors. His parents were out for the night, staying at his grandparents, and he was on babysitting duty. He would usually be a bit annoyed by that, but because it was Halloween and his sister was thirteen and had a bunch of friends, she wasn’t even here half the evening. So far his evening had consisted of sitting on the couch, watching Hocus Pocus on TV, and stealing candy from the bowl, between opening the door for trick-or-treating children. He just had to make sure his sister was back by 9pm and she was only allowed to have one of her friends sleeping over (which he had argued down from two, taking care of two girls on a sugar rush was going to be hard enough). That was a good deal. He was having fun, no complaints.
He didn’t make it halfway towards the couch before the doorbell rang again. He turned and walked back. This time there was no excited whispering behind the door, and when he opened it, ears ready to receive his fifth round of, “TRICK OR TREAT!” that would leave his ears ringing, he didn’t reveal four ten year old Ghostbusters with their older brother, but Willie, soft smile on his face and a bag over their shoulder.
“Trick or treat,” they said jokily.
“Oh,��� Alex said in response. “Hi.” Alex paused, taking in the ripped jeans, sweater, vans combo Willie wore almost every day in Fall. “You’re not wearing a costume.”
Willie scoffed. “This is my costume,” he argued, looking down at himself. “Hot skater boy, obviously. I could be dead.”
“Okay,” Alex agreed with a little chuckle. He was just about to hold the bowl out for Willie when they continued speaking.
“No, I’m not trick-or-treating. The boys told me you’re babysitting because your parents aren’t home and I wanted to keep you company.”
“Oh,” Alex repeated, feeling that familiar warmth spreading in his chest. “That’s nice, thanks!” He stepped to the side. “Come in. Candy?” He finally held the bowl out to Willie.
“Yes please.” Willie passed Alex into the house but stopped to pick out a Hershey’s Kiss, unwrapping it, and popping it into their mouth immediately.
“Good choice,” Alex commented as he closed the door again.
“Yes, one kiss for me and one for you.”
“Hm?” As soon as Alex turned back to face them, Willie leaned up on their tip toes to kiss Alex over the candy bowl. It was short, just a little smooch, Reggie would call it, but it was enough to get Alex’s head to spin as soon as Willie leaned back. He blinked to get his brain starting again.
“Kiss for you,” Willie repeated innocently.
“You coward,” Alex muttered, “using a surprise attack.” He set the candy bowl on top of the hallway dresser before he stepped into Willie’s space again. Willie, probably already guessing what Alex’s plan was, started grinning and lifted his hands to Alex’s shoulders. Alex gently grabbed Willie by the hips and pulled them closer, so he could kiss him properly. This was more than just a little smooch,a proper kiss, a fair kiss, that left both their heads spinning. “That’s how you do it.”
Willie chuckled. “You’re right, how dare I.” They smiled at each other. Then Willie patted Alex’s cheek. “Let’s go, my bag is heavy.”
“What did you bring?” Alex asked as he stepped away. He grabbed the bowl from the dresser, shooting a quick glance into the mirror above to check his appearance, then lead the way to the living, running a hand through his hair.
“Just my stuff stuff, uh, in case we decide I stay over,” Willie explained, quieter than usually.
Alex stopped and turned back to them. They hadn’t stayed over at Alex’s place before, only ever at Willie’s. And that not since they had actually started dating a couple of weeks ago. It shouldn’t have felt like as much of a step as it did to Alex. But Willie’s hesitation to tell him about the contents of the bag gave Alex the impression that maybe they were thinking the same.
Well. His parents had allowed Annika to have a friend over for the night. It was only fair tat Alex also had a friend to stay. Friend as a very loose term. It wasn’t like his parents were here to check.
“I’d love that,” Alex said earnestly.
“Okay cool,” Willie responded, then, a little awkwardly, ducked past Alex towards the living room. He caught sight of the TV screen, still playing Alex’s movie on very low volume, and he immediately got distracted by it. “Man, Hocus Pocus, I love that movie.”
“Me too!” Alex agreed. “So sad they’re playing it when so many people are out.”
“More for us,” Willie said, letting themselves drop down on the couch.
“That’s not—that’s not how television works,” Alex muttered with a frown. He set the bowl onto the coffee table then joined Willie on the couch.
“I don’t care, I love it. I’ve watched it so often already.” Willie grabbed another Hershey’s Kiss from the bowl.
“Can you grab me one too?” Alex asked.
Willie turned to him with their eyebrows raised. “A kiss for you?”
Alex blushed. Then nodded.
“Which one? Mine or Hershey’s”
Alex hesitated for a moment, then decided to go along with Willie’s boldness. “Both.”
Willie picked a second Hershey’s Kiss and handed it to Alex. They ate them simultaneously, letting the chocolate melt on their tongues. Willie collected the foil from the candy and placed it next to the bowl, then leaned back, took Alex’s face, and kissed him square on the mouth.
“Good choice,” they mirrored Alex’s response from earlier.
Alex, stunned yet again but recovering quicker than before, placed a hand at Willie’s waist and pulled him back in. Willie went easily, their lips connecting again, this time in more than a little smooch, more than a kiss even, Alex wants to say. What started rushed turned slow and soft, hushed breaths and little giggles against each other’s lips before either of them pressed them together again.
Kissing Willie was always exciting to Alex, probably always would be, but he felt that it was especially exhilarating when it was happening on the couch in his own living room, not on Willie’s bed, or in Julie’s garage. Maybe it was the knowledge that his parents wouldn’t approve one bit if they knew about it. Or the fact that Willie had come over simply because they wanted to keep Alex company. Whatever it was, it made Alex feel especially good, and the way Willie responded to him made him notice that it seemed to transfer into the kiss.
Willie’s hand just began traveling down Alex’s throat, when the doorbell rang, getting them to shrink apart. They both let out a giggle.
“I’ll get it,” Alex said, removing himself from Willie and getting up. He picked up the bowl, shot one almost longing glance at Willie left on the couch, then made his way to the door.
“TRICK OR TREAT!” the group shouted at him. He recognized a cowboy, a Lord of Rings elf, very creative, and a Luke Skywalker costume. Alex immediately got reminded of the year he went out with Reggie, Luke, and Bobby, and Luke and Reggie were both dressed as Luke Skywalker, resulting in them arguing about who had the more realistic costume. Alex made them all promise to coordinate their costumes the years to follow, so it wouldn’t happen again.
The kids picked their candy and waved their goodbyes. He smiled at them then sent them off on their way.
When he got back to the couch, Willie had turned to lean with their back against the armrest, legs stretched out across the seat.
“Glad to see you’re getting comfortable,” Alex said fondly. He set the bowl down and moved to sit at the other end of the couch, but Willie pulled his legs to his chest and nodded at the free space. Alex sat down closer to them and Willie lifted their legs over Alex’s lap. Without hesitation, Alex placed his hands on their shins.
“Now I’m comfortable.”
“Good thing I’m gonna have to get up again in like three minutes.”
“Better make them worth it then,” Willie said smugly. He tugged at the side of Alex’s sweater, getting him to lean closer. Alex didn’t give them the immediate satisfaction.
“You’re not even watching the movie,” he pointed out with a smirk.
“I won’t miss anything, I didn’t even know they were showing it.”
“So you just come here to make out with me between trick-or-treating breaks?”
  “Maybe,” Willie responded easily. “Also for the candy. Although you’re much sweeter.”
“Gross,” Alex muttered, but finally gave in. Willie smiled against his lips when he kissed him again. They pulled him closer with one hand in his sweater, tilting their head for a better angle. Alex let himself be pulled, sighing when Willie slipped one hand into his hair. He placed his own hands at Willie’s sides, holding them gently while he leaned over them.
“Glad to see my plan is working out,” Willie whispered. The words tickled on Alex’s bottom lip, so he kissed them onto Willie’s.
“Shut up,” Alex responded, their mouths barely an inch apart. Willie just giggled.
And then the doorbell rang again.
“I haven’t gotten my three minutes yet,” Willie whined.
“That’s what you signed up for,” Alex responded with a chuckle.
Willie huffed and removed his hand from Alex to let him move away. Upon a second glance though, he lifted it again to fix his hair.
“Sorry about that, you gotta look presentable,” they said sheepishly.
Alex couldn’t help but chuckle. His flushed cheeks, his wrinkled sweater, the time it took him to get to the door—if the children were any older than they were, it wouldn’t take long to figure out what he was up to, even if his hair looked alright.
“Do not apologize,” he assured them. Willie smiled up at him.
The doorbell rang again.
Alex slipped away from the couch, and, bowl in hand, skipped back to the door, calling, “on my wa-ay,” in a sign-song voice. He heard Willie giggle from the couch as he opened the door and he felt the excitement in himself, ready to continue where they left off, bubble inside his chest.
send me prompts from this list!
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pimosworld · 1 year
Like nobody’s watching
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Marc Spector x f!reader x Jake Lockley x Steven Grant
Summary- Marc comes home to your private dance and decides to join your intimate moment.
CW-NSFW,18+ MDNI, explicit, strip tease,lap dance,cursing,fluff,smut, dry humping,unprotected piv,fingering,piv cream pie, soft dom Marc
A/N- I know the pic isn’t Marc but we needed a chair for inspo. I will link a playlist below as a suggestion for the strip tease/lap dance. But you can certainly use your imagination.
Not beta read
Like nobody’s watching playlist
You used to dance alone when you were stressed. The way the music made you feel just made all the worries in the world float away. It’s so freeing, letting your body do what it wants, you don’t have to think about what you look like or where your feet go or if you look ridiculous. Alone in your own home when the stress of life got too heavy,you would dance. 
  Now you find yourself dancing for a very different reason. Alone in your boyfriend's flat, you’ve never been happier in your life. They were supposed to be gone on a mission for khonshu for another day or two, something that used to worry you but over time you got used to it. They would always come home, usually in one piece. Before they left on this latest mission they asked you to move in. Marc and Jake wanted to wait until they got back to ask but poor Steven couldn’t contain himself the night before they left and blurted it out after you’d spent hours making love.
  Move in with me…?
  Your hazy state and look of utter confusion had him worried. 
  Umm…move in with us? That's if you want to,of course you don’t have to. 
  Jesus hermaño give her a minute she doesn’t know which way is up. 
  Of course you said yes once you regained your bearings. The four of you agreed to let you stay while they were gone and then would move your stuff when they got back. 
  That’s how you find yourself in Marc’s shirt dancing in front of the couch without a care in the world. The orange hue casting the last of daylight among the flat is so calming and romantic. The scent of him overwhelms you as you’re lost in the music swaying your hips to the beat. 
  Marc is running on autopilot, the missions weren’t always this hard but sometimes khonshu had more than normal demands being that he was a god. He took over the body hours ago knowing Jake bore the brunt of the dirty work and Steven was still getting used to all this and he didn’t want to overwhelm him. He could hear the faint sound of music coming from his flat as he searched for his keys. An unfamiliar warmth pooled in his belly, he’s never come home from a mission with you here. They finished a few days early and he didn’t think to let you know first. He hasn’t had to communicate like this since Layla. He made a mental note to work on that. 
  He’s grateful you don’t hear the rustling of the keys or the door open albeit unsafe as he enters the flat he sees you. Bathing in the sunset light cast across the flat, wearing just his shirt and Stevens ridiculous socks, you’re floating around and he swears he could die happy at this very moment. To see you so comfortable and carefree in their your home. He feels something else building as you raise your hands above your head and sway your hips revealing the curve of your ass and those pink booty shorts he loved so much. You still don’t notice him leaning against the door as he palms his jeans to adjust the growing bulge in his pants. 
  You don’t know what’s got you feeling so bold, maybe the half a bottle of wine you had to yourself. You start to wonder what they would do if they were here. Would you dance for them? Would they think it’s silly? You start to slide your fingers up the side of Marc's shirt pretending you’re doing a strip tease, you can feel the heat pooling between your legs at your sudden surge of confidence. Just as you begin to lift your shirt over your head you hear the screech of the wooden dining chair. 
  You’re frozen to the spot, the only sound you can hear over the music is your heart beating wildly in your chest. You don’t dare turn around for fear of what might be behind you. You’re not sure at this moment why people always say fight or flight when there’s always the third option of freeze. As the song fades out you turn slowly in your spot, you’re met with the piercing gaze of your boyfriend sitting in the chair with a smug grin on his face. His dark eyes bore into you and the obvious erection in his pants tells you he’s been watching for awhile. 
  A million emotions flood you at once in what feels like minutes but is only a matter of seconds. Relief that you’re not about to die, embarrassed at your current state, upset that they didn’t tell you they would be home early. None of that really matters in this moment as he states you down like a lion stalking his prey. Is it Marc or Jake? You don’t dare ask, you’ll just wait for an obvious tell. As the next song cues up he reaches for the half-drunk bottle of wine and downs it in three gulps wiping the excess off his chin with the back of his hand. That didn’t help at all. 
  “I didn’t tell you to stop sweetheart.”
  “Hi Marc.” Your voice comes out half cracked and you clear your throat awkwardly. You haven’t spoken in hours, seeing as though you were alone.
  He chuckles dark and low, sending a shiver down your spine and a tingling in your core. “You know Jake wouldn’t have stood in that doorway for as long as I did, and he definitely wouldn’t be sitting in this chair.” Those things are all true but you couldn’t think straight after being caught so vulnerable.
  “Continue.” You know it’s not a question, you were already imagining doing this when you were alone. He obviously doesn’t think you look silly and the thought of him watching you gives you the push you needed. You turn around to face away from him as you begin to sway your hips again to the music. 
  Marc was feeling bold when he saw you dancing, as you started to undress he felt like he was intruding on a private moment. Yes this was his home but he was just standing there like a creep and had yet to make his presence known. He didn’t want you to feel embarrassed or startle you, I’ll just have a seat.
  The sound of the chair causes you to freeze as you slowly turn around; he can tell you’re studying his movements. He certainly had his differences from Jake but physically they were the most alike. At this moment you’re not thinking straight, it’s so obviously not Jake but he scared you so he can’t fault you. He sees the half empty bottle of wine on the table and decides to level the playing field.
  You’re still staring like a deer in headlights and he wants to make you squirm but he was the one that came home unannounced after all. The less time he takes to reveal himself the more time he will have with you. He’s hoping you’re feeling relaxed enough to not turn down his proposition. As you turn around he thinks he may have gone too far but you start to whine your hips again as if you’re the only one in the room. 
  You slowly start to lift the shirt above your head but decide to stop again. You want to draw this out and make it memorable. You turn to face him again and drop to your knees as you start to crawl towards him. You would feel ridiculous in this moment if not for the way his chest was rising and falling. You settle in front of him and place a hand on each knee, you run your fingers along his muscular thighs as you feel him tense beneath your grip. As you drag your body up his legs the friction of his rough jeans through the shirt makes your nipples hard.
  The music and the wine coursing through your veins is giving you a confidence you never knew you had. You straddle his hips as you tilt his head back, dancing just above where he wants you. You sink your hips down onto his cock strained through his jeans and give an experimental roll eliciting a moan from deep within him. The eye contact is sensual and intimidating all at once. You’re leaking through your panties for sure leaving a wet spot on his jeans. You give another roll of your hips as he bucks up to meet yours and his jeans catch your clit, the wanted friction causing a whimper to leave your mouth. 
  He smirks knowing you’ve lost some of the control you had over him and grips your waist tight with his hands as he brings you down again rocking you back and forth. He can tell you’re chasing the high as you bury your head in the crook of his neck, soft whimpers of his name leaving your mouth.
  “Come on baby I know you can come like this.” He says breathlessly in your ear.
  No this is not how this was supposed to go. 
  You smack his hands and will yourself to stop as you catch your breath.“If you can’t keep your hands to yourself I’ll have to stop. You wouldn’t want that now would you?” 
  He looks up at you wide eyed as he shakes his head. He’s never been so upset and turned on at the same time. He’s aching for release but you’ve never looked so beautiful and confident as you are right now. You both know he’s stronger than you but this need to submit has him reeling. This must be why Steven loves when you take control. You’re looking at him inquisitively and he’s wondering if you asked him something. 
  “Words.” He suddenly remembers and it's  not a question. 
  “No…please don’t stop, I can keep my hands to myself.”
  You take off your shirt and throw it to the side, you watch his pupils blow wide at your lack of bra and see him fighting to keep his hands at his side. You clasp your hands behind his head and play with the curls at the base of his neck. You raise your body from his lap and draw your breast up his face, dragging your pert nipple along his bottom lip. He opens his mouth slightly and lets out a ragged breath. The hot air in contrast to the cool flat causes goosebumps to raise on your skin.
  You slide off his lap and drag your teeth along his clothed erection on the way down, you watch as his mouth drops open and his hands white knuckle the chair beneath him. You take off his shoes and begin to work on his belt, he hastily helps you discard his jeans and boxers in one fail swoop and all but rips his shirt taking it off. His thick cock is leaking and angry and his resolve is quickly fading as he takes deep steady breaths. 
  You sit in his lap again facing away from him. Your thighs straddle his and you can feel the weight of him on your back. 
  “You can touch me now.” You’re breathless and you can’t hold out any longer. A gasp escapes your lips as he rips your panties as if they were made of paper. 
  “You better let them have a turn when I’m done, they’ve been very impatient.” He growls into your ear.
  “Wha-.” He doesn’t give you a moment to finish as he lifts you and guides you down on his thick cock setting a brutal pace. The pain gives way to pleasure and all you can do is hold on for dear life as he bounces you on his lap over and over. 
  “Is this what you thought about when I was gone?” 
  You can’t think let alone answer as the sounds of your pussy slamming down on his length fill the flat. He pulls your hair causing you to arch your back, his pace doesn’t falter as his hips thrust up to meet yours. You’re whining and moaning incoherent chants of his name.
  “Answer me.”
  “Oh fuck…yes.” You clench down on him as your orgasm steadily approaches, his cock throbs and you can feel his thrusts growing erratic. 
  “You're gonna come with me baby.” He’s panting in your ear as he reaches around to rub slow circles on your clit.
  “Shhh, you’ve been such a good girl taking my cock so well. I’ll tell Jake to take it easy on you.” He chuckles in your ear knowing Jake would never do that. 
  His thumb quickly circles your bundle of nerves and you can feel yourself coming undone as he drags you back and forth on his thick length. You reach forward and gently stroke his balls,pressing your thumb to the base of his cock. He comes with a shout as he shoots hot ropes of cum into your walls, he’s relentless on your clit as your vision goes white and you’re screaming his name.
  His arms are wrapped tight around you as you collapse into his chest, both of you trying to catch your breath. His soft kisses to your neck help you steadily come back to your body. He’s still hard inside you as your cunt flutters, dripping his spend onto the chair beneath you. 
  “You’re perfect,you know that right?” As if this man isn’t aware of how perfect he is, you give his arm a reassuring squeeze and drop your head back to place a kiss on his cheek. 
  Aren’t you glad I asked her to move in early?
  Sí hermano 
  He’s somehow still hard but the mess between your legs is evident. You start to lift off him when a strong hand lightly wraps around your throat. His cock throbs and soft whimper leaves your lips. 
  “Princessa…es hora de mi baile.”
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
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jmrothwell · 10 months
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Fic Rec: I really wish it was only me and you by @invisibleraven
Written for the Year of the OTP challenge prompt:blind date/meet cute
A wonderfully adorable meet cute and a very serendipitous blind date!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020)
Relationship: Reggie Peters/Carrie Wilson
Additional Tags: Blind Date, meet cute, no beta we die like Sunset Curve
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invisibleraven · 9 months
ao3 wrapped: 16, 19, 29
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Probably ‘No beta we die like Sunset Curve’. Because it’s rare I ask anyone to beta my work, unless it’s a bigger project. I also don’t do a lot of editing of my own work, which I am trying to be better about, but just in case, that tag is there to let you know it might still have flaws.
Already answered 19
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oh gosh, that is so hard! If pressed I’m going to choose this little bit of Dress You Up In My Love:
“Looking good darlin’!” he shouts.
Julie blushes and grins. “Thanks! And it’s just my size-beautiful.”
Reggie flushes beet red as Luke barks out a laugh while Julie giggles with self satisfaction. “Y-you stole my line!”
And of course “I am The Willies?” because that ficlet still brings me endless joy.
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The JATP fanfic writers have no chill and I love them for it
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some-kindofgnome · 3 years
meet me in the afterglow
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After college graduation, you took an all-summer backpacking trip around Europe with your best friend. Now you've got one last night together before coming home as lovers.
characters: eijirou kirishima x f!reader
wc: 2.4k
tags: smut (18+ please!), aged-up characters, quirkless au, implied friends-to-lovers, fluff, mentions of drinking/the sliiiiightest bit of tipsiness, swedish condoms, no beta we die like that bottle of wine
notes: @the-moons-raes and I discussed travelling with BNHA boys at some length a lil while ago, so I wrote this sweet lil scene for her! Consider it a (very) belated birthday present my dear. 💖 xoxoo
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The sky’s faded from powder-blue to apricot by the time you stumble together into the bedroom.
“Oh my god,” you giggle. You’ve been grinning all night, so hard it’s starting to hurt your wine-warmed cheeks. But this is the happiest you’ve been in a very long time.
“That was,” Eijirou starts, “one of the- no, the best meal I’ve ever had.”
“We should’ve ordered another bottle of that wine,” you muse. He’s got his hands on your hips and you twist in his grip, curling your fingers around his palms. His face has gone pink, but his eyes are sparkling and you’ve already decided you want to preserve this feeling for the rest of your life.
“I don’t think you need anything else to drink tonight,” he teases smoothly, pulling you close with his fingertips digging into the gauzy fabric of your dress. He leans down and pushes his lips against yours, the last tartness of the strawberry gelato you finished on the boardwalk still lingering in the tender flick of his tongue.
Tonight falls at the tail end of a long backpacking trip across Europe that you’ve been wanting to take for as long as you can remember. You’d never planned to take anybody with you at all, let alone the man you’d wind up falling for.
But Eiji’s always been pretty good at defying your expectations.
The rest of the summer hasn’t been this glamorous. You’d spent most nights shacked up in rickety little hostel beds, bunking together in rooms of six or camping out in the backseat of a tiny rental car. But the sleepless nights and sore backs and restricted luggage hadn’t changed a thing. You’ve been in heaven all summer long.
To celebrate your last couple of nights in this hemisphere, you checked into one of Naples’ top-rated hotels. It’s still not the most luxurious room on the market, but compared to the military-issue bunk beds you’ve been sleeping on for the past eight weeks, it might as well be paradise.
Especially now, given the changed nature of your relationship.
You got on the plane together two months ago nursing a deep, intense crush on your best friend. You’ve been close with Eijirou since your first year in college together, when he was assigned to the dorm room beside yours. And for as long as you’d known him, you assumed you’d be loving him from a distance.
But somewhere between Brussels and Berlin, the line between friend and lover started to blur. Since then, it’s been completely erased.
“Come on,” you protest, flinging your arms around his neck and clasping them together behind his head. “I can hardly feel a thing.”
He ran out of hair gel two weeks ago and he’s been wearing his hair down ever since, tied into a loose little ponytail at the nape of his neck. The dark roots of his natural colour are starting to show at his crown after going nearly two months without so much as a haircut.
To you, he’s never looked sweeter.
“That’s my point,” he insists, descending into tipsy, cheerful laughter. “You’re so drunk y’can’t feel a thing. C’mere, it’s time to get you to bed.”
His euphoric grin twists around the edges with mischief as he stoops, sweeping you off your feet with a quiet little grunt of effort. You burst out laughing, letting one arm drop around his neck as your head falls back in deepening mirth.
“Take me to bed,” you swoon, dropping purposely limp in his arms. You haven’t been able to do any of this since that night in Athens a couple of weeks ago where you miraculously had an entire hostel bunkroom to yourselves.
Even then, those cots didn’t make it easy.
Tonight you’ve got a king bed all to yourselves, which Kirishima plants you on before crossing to the window and throwing it open. The night air is velvety and sweet, rolling in like heady steam and waking your senses as you watch him ditch his shoes and crawl across the plush bedspread to settle down beside you.
“You are insanely beautiful,” he croons, propping one head on his arm and smoothing his fingers affectionately down your temple. “I can’t believe I get to tell you that.”
He leans in to kiss you after that, tasting you carefully as his hand drifts from your cheek to your neck to your side. He’s a careful kisser, tasting of the last hints of that sweet summer wine that’s filled both your heads.
Picking up on your eagerness, he breaks from your lips to push attentive little kisses down the side of your neck. But as he reaches the hem of the floaty little dress you wear, he pauses and finds your eye.
“Can I?”
He’s already sliding one palm down over the curve of your hip, but it pauses at your thigh, and the earnest little quirk in his brow is so cute you can’t help but giggle.
“Do you really need to ask?” you quip.
He hums thoughtfully against your skin, already mouthing at your collarbone. “Just making sure.”
There are oversized buttons lining the center front of your dress, and he takes his time popping open every single one. He opens the dress far enough that he could have easily pulled it down over your hips, but he doesn’t stop there. Instead, you get to watch as he works open the last button with quiet, deep concentration, and when he finally does, he pushes the folds open around your body with a loving little triumphant smile.
“There’s my girl,” he croons as he crawls atop you once more, shedding his sweaty t-shirt in the process. You’re chest-to-chest when he catches your lips again, and his skin is still a little warm from the afternoon you’d spent at the beach before dinner.
He kisses you long and low and slow, giving you plenty of time to let your thighs fall open around the slope of his hips. Eiji presses naturally forward, pushing the ridge of his pelvis and the stiff denim of his shorts against your flimsy underwear. He huffs quietly into your mouth, and as you shift and squirm beneath him you can feel his cock stirring against you.
“Eiji,” you whimper, turning your face sharply to one side. “Don’t make me wait.”
In the absence of your mouth, he noses attentively down the column of your throat. His eyelashes flutter at your jaw and you feel it when he purses his lips and swallows hard.
“Okay,” he rasps. “Okay, I gotcha.” He rears back, sitting up on his haunches to unbutton his shorts. Before he gets up to shed them, he rests a hand on the plane of your belly, smiling so innocently down at you it shouldn’t make you throb.
But it does.
“Ready for me already, pretty girl?” Eiji muses, and you have to bite your lip hard to keep from rolling over and screaming into your pillow as loudly as possible.
“Been ready for you since the beach,” you tease back, and it works, since his ears are turning red as he slips out of bed. He hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his undershorts and shucks both garments in one smooth motion, hunching over to let them drop to the floor while he steps unceremoniously out of them.
His cock’s half-hard already, sitting full and heavy between his thighs and swelling self-consciously under your gaze. He’s exactly as big as you always sort of knew he was. He’s not shy about it, either. He can’t afford to be.
But he doesn’t know how beautiful he is, sunburned and sweating in the fading golden-hour light of your last sunset in Italy. You want to pet the soft little bristle of dark hair that dusts his chest, follow the taper of it all the way down to that perfect trail that always used to disappear under his shorts.
Not anymore. You get to see him at his most vulnerable now.
And you will not misuse that trust.
“Come here,” you purr, pushing yourself onto your elbows so he can see the desire burning in your gaze for him.
He leans instinctively toward you, hands twitching by his sides. He snaps out of a little reverie with a hard blink, stooping in front of his shorts and fishing out his slim little travel wallet.
“Hang on.”
He flips through the creased euros and museum tickets, carding out a wrapped condom. He climbs back onto the bed and passes it to you with a shy little grin.
“I know you like to do the honours.”
The condom comes from a packet you bought in the wee hours at some twenty-four hour roadside convenience store before bedding down in a rented car together. The instructions are in Swedish, but you know what you’re doing.
By the time you get the condom unwrapped, Eiji’s on his knees in front of you and his cock is fully hard out of sheer anticipation. You reach between his thighs and wrap your fingers around his warm flesh, making him shudder. And you drop one sweet, warm kiss to his mouth before you focus.
He rolls his hips quietly into your touch as you handle the job with delicate precision, unrolling the condom all the way to his base.
“Ready?” He asks you, but you’re already laying back against the pillows and thumbing off your underwear, slick and aching for him.
“Get over here before I start without you,” you tease, and he is powerless to resist you. He anchors himself on his knees, hooking each of your legs over one of his powerful thighs. He reaches for you and his cock sweeps the inside of your thigh as it bobs between you. You’ve been wanting this from the moment you saw this room, the perfect ending to a life-changing trip.
Eiji sinks lower, letting the barrel of his chest rise and fall with a deep, steadying breath. He reaches between you to line himself up with you, casting his eyes up to yours when he feels you.
“Ready?” He repeats himself, and this time the humor’s gone. You nod quietly against the pillow and reach for his free hand, lacing your fingers together tightly.
You squeeze hard as he starts to slot himself inside you. He stretches you deeply, especially without any preparation. But he knows how to keep you comfortable, moving slowly and smoothly. He braces a hand on your belly as he bottoms out, but he does not pause there. Instead, he starts to ease into a lazy rhythm, sweeping his thumb between your folds to find the swelling nub of your clit.
“Fuck,” you whine, and he flinches a little inside you.
“God,” he gasps, bending over to press his forehead- sticky with sweat- into yours. “Tell me I’m not dreaming, yeah?”
You reach up and lightly pinch his chest with your free hand, and he grins above you.
“You’re good,” you confirm, hearing the breathlessness echo in your own voice.
“I’m not gonna last long like this,” he brushes. You shake your head.
“Don’t care. Just fuck me.”
His brow lifts against yours. After a chuckle of disbelief, he sits up.
“Aye aye, captain.”
He squeezes your fingers tightly and begins to thrust.
He does not hold back with you, keeping the pad of his thumb winding tight circles into your clit as he fucks you with eager diligence. You revel in the slap of your bodies, the fact that you can spread out and make noise, moan for him like you’ve always wanted to. Finally alone together for real. No stolen moments of privacy here. You can take as much as you want.
“Eiji,” you beg, beginning to clench around him as you feel the first twinges of your climax approaching.
“I’ve got you, baby,” he huffs, borderline incoherent as the flush spreads down his neck and chest. “Let go for me, I gotcha.”
In a dozen thrusts he’s got you falling, letting high whimpers escape your throat as your pussy clenches and flutters around his thick shaft. He rubs you diligently through your climax, fucking you steadily until you whine and paw his hand away, overstimulated and sensitive.
“I’m there,” he promises. “I’m there, I’m there, I’m….. f-fuck!” His jaw falls slack as he throws his head back, thrusting headlong into a tight climax that has him trembling against you. His hips go still, but you can feel the way his cock twitches inside your spent walls as he fills the condom.
When he’s finished he stays there for a moment, shoulders dropping while the rest of his body goes slack. He reaches up, scraping sweaty strands of hair off his forehead before he grins sleepily down at you.
“Did you…” He starts, eyes turning inquisitive. Someday he’ll be able to tell, but for now you’re just glad he’s asking.
“Yeah,” you hum, eyes bright despite the weight setting quickly into your limbs. It’s worth it for the pride that surges visibly through him, and he pulls out of you with a triumphant grin spreading his lips.
“Good,” he gushes, slipping quietly away to dispose of the condom. He’s hardly gone for a handful of seconds, and when he comes back he crawls eagerly up to your side and pulls you into his arms, curling his body attentively around yours.
“This is nice,” you confess, drifting pleasantly in the wine-and-sex-induced fog that rests heavy in your brain.
“Hmm?” Eiji’s already half-asleep above you, eyelids drooping as the light fades from the window beside the bed.
“This,” you prompt again. “Not having to get dressed again right away. We should do this more often.”
“I sure hope we do,” he enthuses. “When we get back, I’m not letting you unpack until we consummate our relationship on the right hemisphere.”
That was the longest you’d gone around him without laughing in a while. Even half-asleep, though, his wisecracks are enough to make you snort.
“Deal,” you hum, letting your eyes fall shut as the world bleeds out of focus around you. It’s not even eight o’clock and you’re sure you’ll have him again before nightfall. But for now, you’re more than happy to bask in the afterglow with the one person in the world you never thought you’d make it there with.
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viktor-noctis · 2 years
Me: "I want to RP with a Margit/Morgott! Write angst and pining and smut and -"
Also me: Has crippling fear no one will like my Tarnished.
Hence, this -
This is just a snippet that I doubt will ever become a full work. Boohoo.
No beta, we die like men.
His legs thrummed, the pulse of his tendons burning up through the arteries of his heart, into the ends of his gums. He clasped his shield tighter, knuckles numbing with the tension, one hand clasped over the other as another golden dagger sparked across the front. The embers streaked across his hood, ribs tensing as he sprung from the heels of his feet into a roll. Left this time. The battle had dragged on... too long. The passing glance between a second too late strained into minutes, turning the tide into hours. His lungs seared with a fresh burst of air, soured by his blood, and sweetened by the King's. You are not the only cursed one that stands here. With viscera at his lips, dripping down in great, luminous pools, staining the pure wood of those thrones. His supposed shame. Then why was it so beautiful to behold, molded into a blade swirling hues known only to the sunset? The leather of his gloves churned, holding tighter to his shield with both hands, sword forgotten on his back. "Fight!" Morgott's roar of fury cut across the dais, his ivory hair waving before his face as he panted, sweat following the curves of his gnarled face. "Are you coward as well as fool, Tarnished?" The words shook through his sternum, reverberating through every quivering muscle. He wouldn't last much longer. The King had greater power, a speed that was blinding, and a finesse he barely matched. His movements were graceful and feral, the dexterous swerve of a body imbued with prowess far beyond a mortal man. I ceased to be a true man long ago. The only reason he had not faltered hours before. Just hours ago, he remembered the shock in the Omen Lord's face as he parried a blast. No ordinary man could possess such strength. Even the strongest of champions would have crumbled. And yet, he had not followed through to make use of his vulnerability. Instead, he had flipped backwards, spine arching as one hand kept hold of his shield, and the other palm anchored to the stone for him to somersault out of range. He had come at him with twice the savagery after that. His lips remained sealed together. He readied his stance, bracing himself for the next volley. Morgott did not disappoint. He swerved off his hand, talons raking over the intricate carvings of the platform, and coiled forward with all the majesty of a cobra. He turned his body, following the movement, but did not waver as he closed in. Left this time. He had grown easier to read in the intervening hours, though there were times he still delayed enough to catch him by surprise, and he had paid for it... the two flasks he still possessed hung heavy on his belt. He pivoted on his heel, catching the curve of the blade, feet carrying him away from the following slashes. Morgott surged upright, nostrils flaring, and eye burning as he walked after him. His gaze betrayed nothing, giving no flickering warning for his next attack. Instinct guided his blade into a series of burning arcs, the blood alighting in a crimson haze that would have blinded him to the next wave of his assault if not for - Right. Blistering lightning struck up his calf, twisting in the tips of his toes, lurching up into his hip. Morgott had cut, nicked, bruised, and scratched him all over. The flurry had not been to blind... no... He could have laughed. His lungs heaved, seeking air to cull the agony that stunted his movement. His blade was imbued with poison. A foul toxin that had been inside Morgott, now rippling across the sword he carried when he dragged it across the ground. He had sprayed it everywhere, an imitation of the mist he had showered him with earlier. An impressive replication of his war art that had worked, sabotaging his dexterity. The King gave no quarter. His blade slammed down, shattering the wall of his shield. Lips trembled, feet skidding, chest heaving. His blood was nothing more than red. The shield flew away, skidding across the stone. The beautiful, rippling blade severed tendon, slicing through artery as it pierced his forearm. Down he went, staked to the floor, the Omen Lord's body
following. His left hand caught his wrist, crushing the metal and ligament together, forcing his limbs down as his heavy form pinned his lower half to the unforgiving stone. His visions shifted, misting and burning, the pain flowing away before returning in a cacophony of acute throbs all over his body. Morgott panted above him, blood and sweat dripping onto his cowl and hood. Salt and ambergris, the sap of the world in his veins and pores, pattering through the creases of fabric to tingle on his skin. His scent sunk deeper, musk as hot as his breath, streaking across his lashes, thickened by the scent of tea and sweet Rowa. His legs shifted on either side of him, thighs trembling and calves twitching as his chest heaved, the mail of his skirt riding up along his muscled torso. He couldn't... couldn't feel his arm. Or his left leg. He wasn't sure if that wasn't for the better. "Yield." The Omen's voice grated through him, rumbling and low as distant thunder. The syllables rolled through his bones, alighting every exhausted nerve with a new heat that stole his already shallow breath. "And I shall grant you the mercy of a swift death, Tarnished." His face was hard to discern like this, between the haze in his eyes and in his skull... the hours of fighting had loosened his hood though. He shifted his shoulders, the muscles aching, disobeying and shuddering. He was... squirming. His face burned with a new vengeance not caused by the fatigue. Morgott twitched above him, snorting at his plight. His hand was large enough, fingers long enough to spare one to drag it across his hood. He had not shown his face to another in - It mattered not. Not when mismatched blues met the widening of the Omen's own. Lips parted, a voice not used in over ten years carving its way from the recesses of his throat, rasping and cool: "I love you."
So, again... here's a thing.
My Tarnished is named "Wolfgang" just so you all know. I didn't name him here because it's supposed to add a sense of mystery to the whole thing. He's a very sad, very tragic man. Hides his face. Never really talks. He also wears the Exile Armor (most of the time) but I'm sort of in love with the idea of it working like it does on the NPC: blackening the character's face through weird magic so they can't be seen. Hence, no one knows what Wolfgang looks/sounds like till now.
I don't want to give too much away about him but, yeah... definitely sad man.
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innytoes · 2 years
3 and 25 for the fic writer ask meme :-)
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Mpreg, which is a squick of mine. (Which is funny when you prance around ABO AUs a lot.)
25. What do you look for in a beta?
NO BETAS WE DIE LIKE 3/4 OF SUNSET CURVE EATING STREET DOGS. Or at least 'we post to ao3 and then find a typo 6 months later'.
Listen, this is my hobby. Let me live. Also I don't have the patience to wait for someone else to read it. If I wanna post, I'm gonna.
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queerjatp · 3 years
another thing that makes me laugh so hard is fics on ao3 tagged as either no beta we die like sunset curve or no beta we die by hotdog. you bet imma tag my fic like that bc i don’t have a beta reader
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michelangelinden · 3 years
congrats on 100 followers!! okay this is from one of the prompt lists but how about ‘A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it’ for willex?
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Hello I love you both!! You requested the same prompt, so here we go. Please excuse any mistakes, no beta, we die like sunset curve.
Willex. 1.3k. Rated T (for swearing). Mentions of alcohol.
  “Morning,” Alex chirps as Willie steps into the kitchen. His hair is still ruffled from sleep and just pulled back into a bun, his eyes are still droopy. They have their backpack slung only over one shoulder and they’ve pulled the sleeves of their jumper over their fists. A little bit of comfort on this very early morning.
  “M’rning,” Willie replies, the words not quite settling on his tongue.
  Alex looks up from where he’s standing at the kitchen counter. When he sees Willie a smirk sneaks onto his face.
  “You look like hell,” he comments and turns back to the counter.
  “I feel like hell,” Willie counters and steps closer. He walks up behind Alex and presses their forehead against Alex’s back. “Kill me please.”
  Alex doesn’t even startle at having his friend bump into him and just chuckles.
  “How about some coffee first, huh?” he says. He pushes back a little to get Willie to stand up straight again and turns around, holding out a steaming mug for them. Willie lets the sweet scent fill his nose and takes it gratefully. He takes a sip and closes his eyes, nodding.
  “This,” they start, smacking their lips, “is the only reason I keep you around.”
  He hears Alex laugh and they open their eyes again. “I’m pretty sure there’s more reasons.”
  Yeah, there sure are, Willie almost says out loud but can stop himself.
  “Was the vodka that harsh to you yesterday that you forgot all the perks of me being your roommate?” Alex asks as he grabs his laptop from the kitchen table, coffee mug in his other hand, and makes his way over to the couch.
  Willie leans back against the counter and groans. “I didn’t even drink that much.” Alex shoots him a look. “Okay fine, it was a little much. But I can remember everything.”
  “Good,” Alex says, “you deserve to remember all the shit you told me yesterday.” He settles onto the couch, his back leaning against the armrest so he can continue his conversation with Willie over the back cushions.
  “Oh my god, what did I say?” Willie asks immediately, suddenly not so sure if they remember everything. What if he told Alex –
  “Oh, nothing important, you were just ranting about plants and soil types and sun exposure and shit.” Alex laughs at Willie's embarrassed face. “It was fine, I was kinda drunk too, so I was an avid listener.”
  “You always are,” Willie says quietly into his mug.
  “Huh?” Alex asks.
  Willie shakes their head with a soft smile. “Nothing.”
  Alex shrugs. “And then a while later I fell into my ‘I am depressed and everyone hates me’ phase of drunk and you had this whole speech about how much you love me.”
  Willie almost chokes on his coffee. “What?”
  “Hey, don’t regret that, it was really sweet,” Alex says, looking at him. Then he blushes a little and laughs. “You were all like, I make the best coffee and you don’t even mind waking up early if you know that I’m already in the kitchen making breakfast.”
  Willie looks down at the mug in their hands. Then their eyes fall onto the neatly wrapped sandwich and an open and steaming to-go mug filled with coffee, that are sitting next to him on the counter, ready for him to take them to his classes. Willie feels his face grow hot and looks back up to look at Alex. He’s turned to his laptop but there’s still a very noticeable blush sitting on high on his cheeks. A smile tugs at Willie's lips and the warmth blooming in their chest chases away some of the discomfort of the hangover.
  He starts walking over to the couch. “Drunk me was right,” Willie starts, making Alex look up from the screen. They stop when their thighs are touching the back of the couch. “You do make the best coffee.”
  Alex chuckles and turns away. “Shut up.”
  “No, I’m serious!”
  Alex looks back up into Willie's eyes. Then he punches Willie in the hip.
  “Ouch!” they say laughing, walking back into the kitchen to pack their prepacked breakfast into their bag.
  “You love me!” Alex calls from the couch and Willie halts in his movement for a moment but doesn’t respond.
  “Bye, Alex,” he says pointedly as they shoulder their bag on their way to the front door.
  “Hey, wait, your wallet is still here.”
  Willie stops and turns, noticing his wallet Alex is holding up. They pat the small bag at their backpack, checking for his wallet even though he’s looking right at it.
  “Why was it by the couch?” he asks as he walks back over.
  “You were showing people your super old ID pic.”
  “Oh my god, I did,” Willie recalls, shuddering at the memory. They stop next to Alex head, taking the wallet and pulling out their old ID. “The picture is awful.”
  “I agree.”
  “Hey, you don’t get to say that,” Willie says and punches Alex like Alex did earlier. “Only I get to insult myself.”
  Alex holds their eye contact. “Watch me.” 
  Willie leans onto the backrest of the couch and squints slowly until Alex breaks and a laugh bursts out of him. Willie smiles to himself.
  Alex’s eyes flick to the digital clock above the oven before he looks back at Willie and places a hand on their wrist. “You need to leave, it’s almost half past.”
  Willie turns to the clock too. “Ugh. Yeah, you’re right.” They turn back to Alex. “Okay, see you later.” Before they know what’s happening, Willie dips down to press a quick goodbye-kiss onto Alex’s lips. He pulls back and away from the couch as if nothing happened and walks back over to the front door to leave.
  And then it’s as if the hangover has left their body completely and is instead replaced by an instant, full body shock.
  Willie stops dead in his tracks. He’s just kissed Alex. On the mouth. What the fuck.
  He slowly pulls back the hand they’ve reached out for the door handle and turns around, facing the situation. They’re sure their face is bright red.
  Alex is staring back at Willie, his face equally flushed, with his mouth half opened. When their eyes meet, he blinks slowly, then closes his mouth. He carefully places his laptop on the couch in front of him and moves to his feet, never breaking the eye contact. He walks towards Willie in a smooth motion and Willie doesn’t move back, just keeps his eyes locked with Alex’s, anticipating what he’s going to do.
  When Alex stands in front of them, he lifts his hands and gently places them on Willie's cheeks, guiding their face up a little.
  “Willie,” he says quietly, whispers almost.
  “Yeah,” Willie whispers back and resists leaning into the touch.
  “I am going to kiss you now.” It’s a question, even though it’s not phrased like one. Willie nods without a second thought.
  Alex closes the distance between them and presses his lips to Willie's, not longer than a second before he pulls back an inch. Willie's hands fly to Alex’s waist, gripping the worn down fabric of his t-shirt, pulling a little. Alex doesn’t need more instructions before he moves down to kiss Willie again, longer, deeper, and every nerve ending in Willie's body lights up.
  “Oh my god,” they whisper when they separate again.
  Alex huffs a laugh and moves back, looking down at Willie in front of him. “Yeah.”
  Willie smiles up at him. Then his eyes flick to the clock again.
  “My class starts soon,” he tells Alex but doesn’t move yet, instead grips his waist a little tighter. “Pick me up later, I’m taking you out for coffee. We need to talk about this.”
  “Okay,” Alex responds, stroking a thumb over Willie's cheekbone. Now Willie does lean into it. “Okay,” Alex says again.
  Willie pushes up onto their tiptoes to press another kiss onto Alex lips, before taking his hands off their cheeks and squeezing.
  “See you then,” they say, opening the door behind them and stepping out of the apartment, leaving Alex happy and blushing in the doorway.​
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sunsetcurveofficial · 4 years
for a request can I ask for Reggie being super really excited about sneaking a song into Luke’s book that he thinks if the best he’s ever done (and it’s totally not a love song about Like, shh) and when Luke finds it he thinks Julie wrote it. Cue poor Reg being HEARTBROKEN and Luke being clueless, having to have a convo with Julie aboht not liking her that way (when didn’t they just talk about this last week?) and Alex and Julie having to help these idiots
this was fun. especially because i wrote a song for this that is basically just me being a history nerd. once again i wish i could write actual music. still working on that.
anyway! this turned out super long again, so you can find it on AO3.
“So Luke, huh?” Alex asks, a small smile pulling at his lips. Reggie just grunts in agreement. “You know, I couldn’t stop him from confronting Julie about the song, but it‘s only a matter of minutes until she tells him that she didn’t write it.” “It doesn’t matter now,” Reggie says quietly. “He didn’t even stop to consider that it’s mine. He just thinks I’m a loser who writes bad country songs.”
Words: 4,159
once again special thanks to @daintyduck99 for being my beta so we don't have to die like sunset curve, and also for being the best cheerleader 🖤
Read on AO3 
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tmp-jatp · 4 years
happy six month gift exchange! this is my gift for @peregrer
Summary: Julie looked at her soulmates, and she saw color. They weren’t black and white, like the rest of the world and the people in it. And when she touched her soulmates, the color that filled every fiber of them entered her own eyes and she could see the world around her in color, too. But it never stayed once the contact was over. Such was the nature of forged soulmates. They weren’t fated soulmates.
Words: 11,391
Additional Tags: soulmate au, fluff, there’s a bit of sad in there but idk if it qualifies as angst, not by my standards it doesn’t, canon adjacent, snuggling, late night talks, platonic soulmates and romantic soulmates, yeeeee, no beta we die like sunset curve
taglist: @thedeathdeelers @pink-flame @jatp-gift-exchange (lmk if you wanna be added or removed)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Mercer & Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby | Trevor Wilson & Reggie Peters, Luke Patterson & Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Alex Mercer & Luke Patterson & Reggie Peters & Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson Characters: Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson Additional Tags: Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Found Family, Fever, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fainting, Sunset Curve (Julie and The Phantoms), 1990s Timeline (Julie and The Phantoms), No beta we die like Sunset Curve Summary:
It’s just then that the Green Room door bursts open, making all three of them jump, and Reggie stumbles in, his guitar case flying behind him.
“Sorry, guys!” he gasps, doubled over as he catches his breath. “I— I lost track of time.”
Luke stares at him. Reggie’s flushed an ugly red, panting like he ran a mile, even though their first-floor motel room is literally next door to the club. His clothes look rumpled, his bass barely zipped into its case, and when he straightens up, his apologetic grin contains significantly less wattage than usual.
Most concerning of all, though, is that Reggie’s hair lies limp across his forehead, unstyled and slightly damp, and Reggie hasn’t immediately sought out a mirror to fix it.
Gift for @julies-butterflies
Taglist:  @whenweremarried @sunsethimb0s @pink-flame @penguin0613 @fighttoshine @sunsetcurvecuddles @teenagedirtbag-dot-jpeg @brightattheorpheum @queenmolina @jandthephantoms @lexilucacia @sapphossidechick @acnhaddict @shrimp-colours @sunset-bobby @lenacarstairspotterstewart @conversationaltreestump @burntchromas @molinapattersons @julieandthequeers @joyandthephantoms @it-tastes-like-lizard @jatpfs
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
7, 18, 36 💕
7. Your favourite ao3 tag.
for jatp it's defo the 'no beta we die like sunset curve' one, but on a whole? probably either the au tag or fluff! i just like to read about my fave lil made up people being happy yknow.
18. First, second, or third person?
third all the way! to write and to read.
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
i genuinely just pull them out of thin air most of the time! they're always the last thing i do, because i hate titling things, so they're always normally really random? i always like the idea of finding a title from a line in a song but i can just never be bothered to do that! as for which one i'm most proud of, i'm not sure? i quite like 'we're a family (broken and shattered and new)' which is an acotar fic!
thanks for asking!
writer asks!
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peterpatter-fic-rec · 3 years
A New Hope by justyrae
By @astorytotellyourfriends | Rated G | 3,075 Words | 1/1 Chapter | Published 5/23/21
Reggie's been dressing up as Han Solo for Halloween for as long as he can remember.
Recommended by @merihn:  This is just the CUTEST. I really love Luke supporting Reggie in the best way. Reggie is so perfectly embarrassed in this fic, As all teens are, and Luke just blows past it and makes it all better. It's just so sweet.
Content Tags: Canon Compliant, Halloween, canon is relative but this is my story and I’m sticking to it, No beta we die like Sunset Curve
Read It Here On AO3
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