#so classic — ♥ — study & headcanons
heartfe1t · 1 year
kierna.n ship.ka in her vogue beauty secrets video talking about dragging a friend (usually timoth.ee cha.lamet) with her on dates when she was younger that she didn't want to be dates is so iconic of her ngl. the way she's like "we just had some really cool three person lunches" like so true bestie. i def have a few muses who would do this. and muses who would be the guy friend the girl takes with her to lunch.
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mewpangxin · 1 year
—🎈WRITERS AND ARTISTS APPRECIATION POST🧸— Contents: I'm being quite expressive AXCHOL-
For @the-v-lociraptor
Ayo, Raps, you are incredibly awesome, I would be down to know about your yuusona, an enthusiast Riddle fan I can simply sense it. Classic choice 😌! I have seen glimpses of you chatting with Ceru and it's only a few crumbs and holy, your brainrot has me invested about your oc lore and background. If we talk more together then I could rant longer---
For @twistedtalking / (Already sent.)
I gotta say, your concept is unique, I commend you for keeping the characters as accurate as the source material your best as a fellow newer twst writer. Love your incorrect quotes, your ramblings and your humor within the fics you do too. You're doing fantastically and I'm here to cheer you!
For @suiseisyojo / (Already sent.)
Your headcanons and stories are magnificent, Shye 🥺✨ I feel there's an air of being so well-put, something that when I look, it's like a fairytale with many wondrous moments happening inside and how you display is unprecedented, it's one of my favorites. Your characterization on the boys had me amazed when I go over it to study how it came to be. I love the header and fonts you have ♥️ it's a line with color like pink or black I suppose 🍬
For @ceruleancattail /(Already sent.)
Let me think how I'll break it down into words, your stories are as if they are cotton candies, tarts, so picture yourself getting thrown into a dream that has scenery so wonderful that you don't want to ever wake up from. In truth, anything sinister is hiding beneath that welcoming grace, the inhabitants there just won't let you leave💕 Your writing is both a paradise and can be nightmare depending on the will of your hands.
For @kurukuryu / (Already sent.)
When I think about your art, it's as if I'm at a cafe ♥︎ where I can smell a lot variety of sweets with dozens of grand aesthetics paintings! Your sketches are marshmallows, I want to gobble them up honestly <33 they are precious, made me melt on my mind too🌷 I like seeing you talking about everything in general, your yume, ocs, literally anything. And I hope I can be a good friend to you ☕️ˊˎ·˚ ༘
For @cxlemon / @cxsinesis
I have to say, your portrayals are ornate and euphemistic to look and read at. In my opinion, the imagery, metaphors, how you deliver had me think that it's not just standard actions. Makes me wonder how many years and efforts did it take you to polish your vocabularies and style. Because it's an art and a masterpiece. Other nsfw fics highlights more on the behavior part, that's great too but there's loftiness in your themes and narration. You gave me inspiration on what I might do🥺
For @kunehori
Your illustrations are hypnotizing, it's as if I'm at the ocean, listening to seagulls chirping, it's peaceful, and I feel so happy and smile like a moron when I saw you on my dash. You can draw and devise texts to form a whole universe with the tip of your brush and on papers. It's fluffy. Beautiful. You captured my attention to your ideas and words. I'm speechless and honored you're here, Ari. (Ty for being a pal on my main too andgjshdheb.)
For @cupids-chamber
When I visualize about the imparting, it leaves butterflies in my stomach, it's so melodious to my ears, I would never get bored by your writing because it's like I'm in a land of ethereal with spells and myths. You have stolen my sight and mind. I'm enamored to whatever you described in the fable. You have motivated me to broaden my perspectives on that fanfics are frankly precious to me.
For @blues824
YOUR DILIGENCE IS ADMIRABLE. You did for a lot of fandoms in your account, ranging from anime to even webtoons, you must be experienced on what you're doing, absolutely no doubt on it. And ahem, if you ever have a side blog, lemme notice, I'll be the first to follow you on it because you're amazing. Like seriously, I meant my praise 🍰
For @siphoklansan
Gurl, you have the most delicious abilities to craft things. I hope you will get excellent scores on tests by the way, rooting for you all the way there. I love how you transform our Thai culture and adapted it into your comic panels, it's truly refreshing because I'm very much immersed to when you verbalized it.
For @oepionie
It's official that you are one of my favorites. Your headcanons, drabbles, and fics are poetic. They are what grasped my heart, had me blush and squeal to myself whenever I turned around to scrutinize them. Kind of like how it's luring me into the rabbit hole where Alice has once fallen into a dark abyss. To the unknown and it's going to be adventurous 🌻
For @treytheslay
I eat up your yandere and dark contents, especially if it's about my fav twst characters. Looking forward to the series and what you will plan in your blog. I'm weak to your prompts because I am so fond and curious on what type you will brew up for us to consume next. Will it be angst? Heartbreaking?
For @miinprn /Not related in twst fandom.
I have been a mutual with you a long time on twt, ever since tog and etc, your doodles and personality is just so comforting to be with and I adore how you color and draw your portraits, they are super pretty. Never stop being yourself, okay? I will always be here for you and encourage you to your goal🪴
For @hxjikonn
I am feral for your literature dear Haji, god tier stuff right there, I'm telling you 100% because I'm nuts for your imagination and snippets you have. I am totally fine with you being on hiatus as well. Drink a lot of water, have a great break as you look after yourself in reality and managing your life<3
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
Hello! Hope your day (or afternoon, or evening) has been going well! I'll answer these about Carlos because I love picking at his brain.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
I actually have a headcanon that Carlos loved puzzles as a child, and his favorite one was that of a red race car. He went to put it together one day and found a piece missing, thinking that the family dog, Roscoe, ate it. (This made Gabriel doing puzzles a real gut punch)
I also think he's a big bookworm and loves the modern classics. I feel like he probably read Giovanni's Room when he was like 19 and cried.
I don't know why, but I feel like he dislikes social media. Or maybe, just has a really bad habit of not keeping up with it. Like before he started dating TK, and was trying to meet guys, Michelle was always telling him to post photos of himself because his most recent picture was from like four years ago.
♥ - family headcanon
Oh gosh, I'll try to make this quick, but I'm deep inside the minds of the Reyes family right now, so I might ramble a little bit, forgive me.
I think, as kids, Ana and Luisa loved, loved, loved their little brother just as much as they loved to mess with him. Ana maybe not as much, I don't know in my head she was in all sorts of clubs in high school, but definitely Luisa. I think it's because Roscoe loved Carlos more and Luisa didn't like that (and Carlos most likely rubbed her face in it too)
I don't know, I feel like there's a couple of blanks that could still be filled in with them; since Carlos said he felt alone during his adolescence, I would kind of like to know where they...were? lmao
I touch on this a little in the character study I'm working on, so I won't say all of it, but I definitely feel like Andrea has been there to help Carlos embrace his culture and especially the cuisine of it. He and her most definitely cooked together. I also think her first response to him telling his parents he married Iris was, "What did you get yourself into?"
and, ugh, Gabriel; where do I begin? I definitely think Gabriel had some type of koala paraphernalia anywhere he went. He had a 'Just Hang in There' motivational poster above his desk, he had a little koala on his keychain that Carlos would always see dangling when he would pick him up from school. It was his way of making sure Carlos was always extra safe; it's not just Gabriel looking out for him, but Kique too!
ask me about my headcanons!
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