#so dion's now rooming with the junior agents! oh boy
razzle-zazzle · 1 year
1628 Words; @brain-bumbler's Dormmates AU
AO3 ver
Norma came into awareness slowly, the world melting into place around her. Sweat-slicked hair clung to her forehead, her cheek smushed into the pillow. Her throat felt raw. Her whole body felt damp, sticky with sweat, her sheets impossibly heavy atop her. Her neck ached.
Norma blinked, bleary eyes struggling to focus on the darkness before her. For a moment, she was under the impression that she needed to get up right now and get ready for the day, before she was late. But her bed was so comfy, and her eyelids so heavy—
Ugh, it was wayyyy too hot. With a groan, Norma kicked at her sheets, wiggling until her legs were free. Her neck ached, like she’d been sleeping weird.
But she needed to get up, now, before she was late. She had classes. The clock read 3:42, she needed to get up—
It was Saturday. She didn’t have classes today.
Norma rolled over as some of the fog in her head cleared. She didn’t need to get up until eight. Her eyes started to sting in the way they always did when she woke up way too early, her throat ached, there was a drool spot on her pillow—
Oh, god, no.
Please, she thought, her mouth and throat dry as sandpaper. I just want to sleep.
But sleep wasn’t going to come, was it? She closed her mouth, attempted to swallow—
She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t breathe, because her mouth was shut and her nose was blocked. Because her sinuses refused to let her have a moment’s peace, and now here she was, her throat dry and aching because she’d been breathing dry air in through her mouth all night. Ugh. Of all the awful things to wake her up before she needed to.
Norma turned back over. The clock read 3:46. The number taunted her, the soft green glow seeming to laugh at her misfortune.
Slowly, Norma sat up. Maybe her sinuses would drain long enough for her to fall back asleep in a reasonable amount of time. She pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth, and her fingers to the bridge of her nose. The trick didn’t always work, but at this ungodly hour Norma felt that the universe owed it to her.
Norma closed her mouth, and tried to breathe through her nose. She didn’t want to have to blow it—sure, her dormmate was Sam, who could sleep through bagpipes, and there were tissues on her nightstand, but still. It left her feeling gross, and Norma wasn’t that desperate.
She opened her mouth with a gasp. Okay, so maybe she was that desperate.
3:57. Norma blinked at the clock, tissue in hand. Her head and eyes hurt from being awake so early. She fumbled for the wastebasket.
Ugh, this wasn’t working. Breathing through her mouth was awful. Norma laid back down. Maybe it’d help if she shifted the way her head was resting.
She stayed like that as the clock ticked on. Tossing, turning, her frustration mounting. 4:15. 4:23. She had to kick off her sheets entirely, sticky with sweat. 4:27. 4:32. 4:36. 4:38.
Norma rolled over. She just wanted to sleep. She couldn’t breathe through her nose. Her mouth was so dry.
Oh, for the sake of—
Norma rolled out of bed with all the grace of a drunken moose, fumbling on the nightstand for her glasses. She stumbled towards her closet, lighting a small flame on her fingertips to give her light to see by.
Benadryl, cold medicine, painkillers, bandaids—there! Decongestant. In the light of the flickering little flame, she popped the bottle open, and shook two of the pills into her hand. With the way her sinuses felt, she was glad she still had some left.
She needed water. There were sinks in the bathroom, but no cups. Kitchen it was.
Flame in hand, Norma trudged out of her dorm, through the small hall to the common area. She rounded the corner, her focus locked on the little kitchenette where she’d find a sink and a cup—
The light was already on. Someone was quietly humming.
So apparently Norma wasn’t the only person up at this ungodly hour. Norma knew that Morris woke up fairly early to give himself time to build up his pompadour, but even then, she had always gotten up before him. She’d alway been the earliest riser in the dorms, able to calmly enjoy her breakfast while everyone else was either still in bed, just rolling out, or busy in the bathroom using all the hair product.
At least, she had been the earliest riser. But ever since this intrusion to their space, that title often ended up going to one Dionysus Aquato.
And there he was now, standing before the stove, scrambling eggs at five in the morning in circus tights.
Silence filled the space between them. Norma blinked blearily, her eyes adjusting slowly to the light. Dion stared back at her, his face blank with surprise. His hair was down, brown curls held out of his eyes by a pair of hair clips.
They stood there, the silence broken only by the faint hiss of frying eggs. Just the two of them, staring at each other.
Norma—and she wasn’t entirely sure what she intended to say, if anything—opened her mouth a little further, her voice starting to come out in a strangled croak—
Dion turned back to the stove, and his quiet humming resumed.
Whatever. Norma was in no mood for conversation, nor did she care to pry into whatever nonsense was going through his head. She went to the sink, telekinetically grabbing a cup from the cupboard.
She felt a reflexive spike of anxiety-distrust from Dion at the soft glow of her telekinetic hand, and ignored it. There was a reason she never tried to pry into his head—Dion’s brain was just as obnoxious as he was. Norma supposed it was fitting, that the guy who muttered under his breath had thoughts that never shut up, but that didn’t mean she didn’t dislike it.
With a grumble, Norma swallowed the decongestant, chugging the rest of the water to get the taste out of her mouth. After refilling her cup halfway and finishing that off, she reached for the dish soap and a rag.
Behind her, Dion took the pan off the heat, turning off the stove. His humming had turned to quiet muttering, small phrases popping out at Norma as she tried not to listen. She was too tired for eavesdropping, and she had long since learned that the acrobat never said anything worth listening to, either.
But her brain kept latching onto the sound; kept latching onto the words and trying to decipher them all. Norma set the cup on the drying rack and rubbed her temples. That decongestant was not kicking in fast enough. Breathing through her mouth was awful. Being awake at this hour was awful. And that obnoxious muttering was awful—
She whirled around, “Can you stop?” Ugh, even her voice sounded awful.
Dion’s muttering ground to a halt as he scraped his eggs onto a plate. “Stop what?” He asked, eyes narrowed.
Norma gestured at him. “Your mumbling.” She glared at him, “It’s so grating.”
“Sorry if I’m annoying you, princess.” He spat, not sounding sorry at all. “Why are you even out here, anyway?” He sat down at the table, his plate in front of him. “You don’t have classes today.”
Norma didn’t even want to dignify that with a response. But she had never been able to leave a conversation without the last word, so she pulled out a chair of her own, sat down, and responded, “Because I needed water.” The obviously, you fool went unspoken.
The soft clink of fork against plate was Norma’s only response, then—
“Why are you still here?” Dion asked around a bite of eggs. “You already had your water.” He pointed out.
Norma raised her eyebrows, completely intent on not saying anything—
“I couldn’t sleep.” She admitted. “But I bet you know all about that.” It wasn’t a wild guess, given the facts laid out before her.
Dion huffed, his eyes falling down to the plate before him.
Norma smirked. She was starting to feel more awake now, but her throat and eyes still burned from waking up so early. Maybe she should go back to sleep…
Some part of her balked at the idea, for no good reason. But Norma still continued to sit there while Dion ate his eggs, ignoring the siren call of her unlit dorm and warm bed. Not because she was interested in hanging around this loser, of course. She was only here because she wanted to be, obviously, completely independent of any other factors.
(Because going back to her room just because Dion was out here felt like admitting defeat.)
They sat there in silence, the only sound the soft clink of fork against plate.
Whatever. Norma didn’t feel like talking anymore, anyway. Not until her sinuses cleared, and not to Dion. That he had seen her in her nightgown was vulnerability enough, she felt. Just because the guy was rooming with her and the other junior agents didn’t mean she owed him anything.
Norma glanced at Dion’s plate. It looked like he had mixed cheese and herbs into his eggs—not that she wanted any. He’d only made enough for himself, and Norma wasn’t in the mood to eat right now.
Her sinuses were clearing up, finally. She could go back to bed. Maybe even make herself a cup of hot chocolate.
She continued to sit in silence at the table.
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theyaremanycolours · 11 months
Because AO3 is currently down, here's The Curse of Pablo the Reluctant Goober
Razputin Aquato was in the ~~inter~~ Junior Agents' Break Room, eating a bowl of cereal at the table.
\It had been a few months since the Maligula incident, and while there had been some missions since then, most of them had been small, like investigating the Case of the Missing Tofu (Turns out someone had eaten Psitanium and became convinced that Most Roast's town-famous barbecue tofu gave her superpowers)
\It was all calm and quiet, a regular day, to be honest. And then, for no apparent reason, Raz was suddenly dressed in a clown suit.
\He ate unbothered for several seconds before noticing.
\"Huh. It must be April," he said, before his eyes widened "Wait, the Hand was fake, but this one was real...?"
\"What one? Why are you wearing clown suit?!"
\Norma rolled her eyes, "It's because he clearly can't take this job seriously."
\"You're just jealous I can make this work! Your clown suit just looks terrible\~" he said, honking his nose before realisation swept over his face
\"Oh no"
\The others were too busy laughing (or fuming in Norma's case) to notice that fact, and even if they were, the entrance of Dion and Frazie loudly singing, decked in only the most clownish attire. \"MY-YA HEE, MY-YA HOO, MY-YA HA, MY-YA HA-HA\~!"
\ Before Frazie picked up Norma "Oh my googly moo, my sweet sugar spice pie\~ I LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART\~!"
\And then she proceeded to kiss Norma sloppily, leaving huge Clown Lipstick Marks all over her face.
\And then Dion spoke, or rather Honked, a sappy look in his eyes as he kissed Gisu's hand delicately, before offering a big, beautiful rose to her Gisu, a little confused but honoured, held the rose between her fingers before it squirted water right in her face Dion giggled out a few soft honks before brushing the water off her face and gently kissing her face, leaving her blushing hard at the clown boy
\It took a few seconds before anyone could respond, the loud sounds of smooching the only thing filling the silence.
\ "What the hell?!?" Morris finally said
\"It's the Curse-" Raz began
\"Cursed aren't real, Raz." Lili responded
\"I didn't think it was real after the whole Maligula thing, but I swear this one is real-!" Raz puttered out "Or at least, it still feels real-"
\"Just explain it Raz-!" Lizzie responded
\"Okay, so, apparently my great great great uncle Pablo Aquato apparently thought clowns were 'pathetic, un-serious performers' and managed to completely wreck the Jester Association 's annual Clown-off three times in a row, so they cursed him and our entire family to become the goofiest clowns possible every time the Clown Off happens- Or at least that's how dad says it"
\ "If that's true then why aren't you doing clown stuff?"
\"Raz," Lili spoke calmly, her voice calm and clear "If anyone tried to kick you out because of you being affected by something you can't control after you saved the entire world twice, they'd have to go through me!"
\Raz looked uncertain still.
\"Look, you have my permission to do goofy clown stuff as long as you don't hurt anyone, okay?"
\Raz blinked once. \Twice. \The tension in his body relaxed and his eyes lit up. He gently kissed his girlfriend on the cheek, honked his nose twice and then ran out the door in a split second. \"... Well, that doesn't feel ominous" Lizzie said, right before Sam pie'd her.
\"What, you had a "Pie Me" sign on your face!"
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shielddrake · 3 years
Those Who Hurt You The Most Ch. 1 - Lull Before the Storm
Oh boy. So, like many others, I can't stop thinking about Psychonauts 2, and so I write fanfic for it. It's just that simple.
I usually outline a story before I start posting, but I'm outlining as I go for this one. I've got about nine chapters outlined so far, so this story will be at least that long. Suggestions for improvements and/or ideas are welcome and appreciated!
There's going to be quite a bit of family and friend interactions in here, both positive and negative, so be prepared for that.
Usual Disclaimer: I don't own the Psychonauts franchise. Also, I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist, so I apologize in advance for anything that is inaccurate in regards to anything in those fields. I'm trying my hardest to be accurate, but I could miss things. Constructive criticism on this is also appreciated.
Lastly, spoiler alert for Psychonauts 2! You have been warned.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!
“Thank you all for coming today!” Truman Zanotto, the Grand Head of the Psychonauts, declared to the atrium of the Motherlobe. “I am pleased so many are here to celebrate the Psychonauts' twenty-first anniversary!”
“Psychonauts is old enough to drink!” Someone shouted from the crowd, bringing about a few chuckles from the rest of the agents.
Truman ignored whoever that was. “Now, we have a lot to go over tonight, and I’d like to start with going over a few advancements we’ve achieved in the past year.”
With a wave of his hand, Truman brought up a screen large behind him. It was big enough to completely cover the doors leading to the classroom, nerve center and agents’ quarters. He clapped his hands and the lights went down, allowing everyone to see the screen more clearly. Truman cleared his throat.
“First, we have Larry to thank for his work in the Telepathy Department,” he began. “His efforts have created a method to increase communication range two hundred percent…”
There was a long speech that went on for a good forty-five minutes, and to be honest Frazie tuned out most of it. While she was sure it was fascinating for the Psychonauts, and certainly for her younger brother Raz, she was not interested in hearing about this stuff. She had spent the last year in the Psychonauts’ intern program, learning a lot about her psychic powers and how to use them responsibly. But that was over and now Frazie was eager to get back home to the Aquato Family Circus on a regular basis.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Truman turned the lights of the atrium back on. Frazie blinked to help her eyes adjust.
“And now, I would like to invite our Second Head of the Psychonauts, Hollis Forsythe, to present our interns.”
There was a round of applause as Hollis took the stage, which was only a few steps higher than the center of the room. She briefly shook hands with Truman before turning her attention to the rest of the Psychonauts.
“Thank you. Now I know you’re all eager to get to socializing—”
“And food!”
Hollis paused, an annoyed expression on her face. “So I will keep this short. I would like to congratulate this year’s graduating intern class!”
As Hollis announced the names of each intern, they joined her on the stage to receive their junior agent badges. There was much more applauding and cheering this time around, possibly because a few of the interns were children of a few Psychonauts. Frazie recognized the name Mikhail Bulgakov, who not only was her fellow intern but also a friend of Raz from Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. There was Autumn Harper, Gema Ayerbe, Sidney Marks, Barnaby Goldberg and Isaac Wright as well. Why they announced the names in non-alphabetical order was a mystery, but she wasn’t in charge and Frazie wasn’t about to question Agent Forsythe’s methods.
But finally, it came.
“And last but not least, Frazie Aquato.”
Thanking the stars that Hollis respected her request to not announce her full name, Frazie walked up to join the new junior agents. The crowd gave them a round of praise as they all took a bow together.
The noise emanating from where her family stood was particularly deafening. Frazie couldn’t keep the smile off her face at the proud expression on her parents’ faces. It had taken time, but both Augustus and Donatella had eventually (and with much prodding from her brother) had accepted her as a psychic and agreed to let her intern at the Motherlobe.
The applause slowed as they left the stage, with Hollis giving a few final claps once Frazie rejoined her family. She waited until the room was quiet again, or as quiet as it could get, before speaking again.
“Now, before we wrap up, I would like to announce a special award,” Hollis revealed, her hands behind her back. “In acknowledgment of both his achievements in the field as well as recognition as our most improved junior agent. Please give a round of applause for Razputin Aquato.”
The young man in question grinned as he walked up to the stage. Raz stood straight and proud she pinned another badge to his jacket. It was the same one he wore ever since his hazing at the beginning of his intern program a year ago. Frazie supposed that actually made it Sasha Nein’s jacket, but Raz seemed to have claimed it for his own. The older Psychonaut hadn’t asked for it back, so she wasn’t going to sweat the details.
Frazie noticed how her older brother Dion’s support was rather half-hearted. His clapping lasted only a few seconds before giving up entirely and crossing his arms over his chest. Gisu, Raz’s fellow junior agent, was whistling in celebration. She immediately stopped when she spotted Dion sulking.
“Is that really any way to congratulate your own brother?” Gisu asked. “Even Norma admits that the kid deserves it. He’s been working his butt off.”
Dion huffed. “Raz gets enough attention from everyone else. He doesn’t need me fawning over him too.”
Frazie stopped herself from slapping her only older sibling upside the head.
After that, the presentation ended and the socialization began. Most of the other Psychonauts avoided the Aquatos, as they were still quite…cautious about the circus family, to say it kindly. They accepted Raz eagerly enough after the whole Maligula incident, and Frazie as well to an extent. But the rest of the family? They were still an unknown. Frazier was sure their circus attire played a role in that too.
Among the number of cautious Psychonauts was not Hollis Forsythe. She kept to the Aquatos throughout most of the party, conversing with the occasional other agent who came up to them. Or perhaps she was supervising them to prevent another fire from breaking out. Frazie could never be certain.
“Augustus is not allowed in the Noodle Bowl after that incident,” Hollis explained to everyone. “The autumn decorations still need to be replaced.”
“I did offer to repair the painted pinecones,” Augustus protested, but only weakly. He still took responsibility for that. “And I haven’t had an incident like that since then.”
“Dad, what about the—” Mirtala started, but Augustus put a hand over her mouth.
“I don’t think the Second Head needs to know about that, Tala.”
Augustus smiled at Hollis, who rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep the smile from her face. At least she knew he was trying. Augustus was actually one of her more enthusiastic students, as well as oldest. It was easy to see where Raz got it.
“In any case, it’s still good to see two of your children doing so well.” Hollis turned her attention back to Raz and Frazie. “Your family has produced psychics with…exceptional potential. I’m curious to see where they will go in the future.”
Frazie hummed. “Sorry Agent Forsythe, but I think I’m done with the Psychonaut thing.”
Raz spun around to look at his older sister. “What?”
“I’m going back to the circus,” Frazie explained. “I’m happy I’ve learned everything I have, but I prefer the acrobat life.”
“I thought we were going to be going on missions together,” Raz complained, giving her puppy eyes. “Two Agent Aquatos working together!”
“Raz, being a Psychonaut is your thing, not mine,” Frazie insisted.
“Come on!”
“Zip it, Raspy!” Her tone went harder as he opened his mouth to protest again.
“When do I get to join?” Queepie jumped in. Literally. He placed himself in the middle of the circle of adults and teens (and a few children) and started jumping up and down. “When’s it my turn?”
“Not for a while, young man,” Hollis answered. “You’re still too young.”
“How young is too young?” Queepie asked.
“How old are you?”
“That young.”
“But Raz was ten when he became a Psychonaut!”
Raz’s eyes widened. Was his little brother trying to take the title of Youngest Psychonaut Ever from him?
“Your brother was an intern first, and there were…extenuating circumstances.” Hollis glanced at Raz out of the corner of her eye, and Raz tried to keep the grimace off his face. He knew very well what she was referring to. “An exception I’m not willing to make again.”
“You’ll be doing this soon enough, Son,” Augustus reassured him.
“There are enough Psychonauts in my family as it is,” Donatella declared, speaking up for the first time in the conversation. Frazie found this surprising since her mother was usually the most outspoken person in the room. She suspected it had to do with trying to keep the peace between her and Hollis. “Remember, we still have a show next week, Razputin. If your psychic business makes you late..."
She let her sentence trail off at the warning.
“I remember, Mom,” Raz said with a smile. He’d been doing all right balancing being a Psychonaut and performing in the Aquato Family Circus. Of course, having access to the Psychonauts’ jet made it much easier. “Next Sunday.”
"And don't forget to practice in the meantime!"
"I know, Mom!"
Donatello chuckled. “I hope so, Pootie.”
Raz somehow managed to keep the groan from escaping his mouth at the nickname. Dion, on the other hand, grunted and had to bite his tongue.
Two older guests walked up to the already rather large group. One stood far above everyone, lean as a sapling. The other was her opposite, being very short and barely taller than Raz himself. It never ceased to amuse Raz at their contrary appearances but not contrary personalities. They complimented each other perfectly.
“Congratulations on the award, Razputin,” Cassie said, giving the young man a hug. “If anyone deserves it, it’s you.”
“Yes. Well done, young man,” Compton added. “I must say I’m rather impressed at the progress you’ve made in only a year.”
“Well,” Raz dragged out. “I’ve had some pretty awesome teachers.”
“Brownnoser,” came the voice of Raz’s (Sort of? Maybe?) girlfriend Lili, standing with her father Truman as she gave him a small punch in the shoulder. “You can brag about it more after you’ve perfected the Clairvoyance Jump of yours.”
“Clairvoyance Jump?” Truman inquired. Raz’s cheeks went a little pink.
“It’s a technique I’m working on that I started figuring out at the Rhombus of Ruin,” the acrobat described. “It allows for long-distance Clairvoyance through several brains in a row.”
“I’ve heard of some psychics doing that, but I don’t believe it’s been perfected into a teachable power yet,” Truman acknowledged. “It’s wonderful to see a young psychic working so hard to advance our knowledge.”
“That’s my boy,” Augustus said, rubbing Raz's hair with pride while his wife looked a little exasperated.
Donatella still hadn’t said much during the party, other than her pestering Raz about the future show. Frazie was starting to wonder if her mother was feeling ill. She did spot Donatella giving Hollis a few displeased looks, and according to Raz the two of them didn’t get along very well. Was she trying to keep the peace by keeping her mouth shut around Agent Forsythe? That didn’t seem much like their incredibly outspoken and extroverted mother.
This concern did not distract Frazie enough that she didn’t spot the small cheek kiss Lili gave Raz once Truman had turned his back. She held back a giggle at her brother's flush.
There was a sudden silence in the entire atrium. Raz raised his head to look around to see if he could find the cause, his mind immediately going to a possible threat. His guard went down when he saw exactly the cause of the Psychonauts staring at the entrance. Many of them dropped their jaws open.
Bob Zanotto stood there with a small, nervous grin. He appeared to have gotten around to at least trimming his beard, making him look not quite so old. He finally replaced his broken glasses, making his eyes look larger. He also looked like he had lost a little bit of weight, and he smelled much cleaner than Raz remembered. Raz’s eyes moved down Bob’s arm to his hand, which he kept enveloped by another.
That hand then led up to the arm of none other than Helmut Fullbear. He looked much like he did when Raz had recovered his mind from Otto’s lab. His coat was still as extravagant as ever, and he cut his hair ever so slightly. His namesake sat on his head, looking freshly polished.
Raz ran up to them. “Bob! Helmut! You found your body!”
“It certainly took long enough,” Helmut joked. He gave Bob’s hand a squeezed and the two continued into the main area of the atrium. Helmut's legs wobbled a bit in his stride. “And I’m still getting used to having my body back.”
“Brain re-integration going okay?”
“As good as it can be.”
“Bob! You’re looking well!” Cassie shouted, loud enough for everyone to hear. She gave him a tight hug. “I haven’t seen you look this good in years!”
“Well, turns out that spending months digging in a frozen lake is good exercise,” Bob jested, rubbing the back of his neck. “Lost a bit of weight doing that.”
“Honey, you are perfect as you are, but we’re still getting you that treadmill,” Helmut teased. “I worry about your cholesterol at our age.”
The group laughed at the teasing until a stuttered cough rang out through the still-silent room. Truman slowly walked up to his uncle, looking more embarrassed than Raz had ever seen Lili’s father look. He waited until Bob finally walked over to him and slowly embraced his nephew. Truman immediately returned it, gripping the older man’s back with tight fingers.
“I’m so sorry.” Raz was only able to make out the whisper Bob said to Truman.
Truman shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. I should have done more. I’m just happy you’re doing so much better.”
“Every day is a challenge, but I am doing better.” Bob released his nephew as Helmut walked up to them, and he and Truman firmly shook hands.
With that, the tension in the room dispersed. Everyone returned to their own conversations, which no doubt going to turn into gossip before the night was over.
The part continued, and Raz eventually made his way over to the buffet table. He could practically hear his mother’s voice telling him to eat something healthy and full of protein before he stuffed himself with candy or chocolate. As he was about to reach for the famous honey pepper boar bacon, Helmut walked up to him, followed by his father. Raz’s cheeks hurt from the smile that spread across his face. This was a night of joy, to be certain.
“Helmut! You’ve got to have this bacon!” he announced. He immediately tried to take it back. “But, uh, maybe a small amount at first?”
Helmut let out a big laugh. “Razputin, my boy, you have quite the heart. But I’m actually here for another reason.”
“Huh? And what’s that?”
“There’s someone else who wants to talk to you.” Helmut gestured to Augustus. “Both of you. A couple of someones actually. They’re outside by Otto’s lab.”
Raz glanced at his dad, who shrugged, looking as confused as he felt. Helmut returned to Bob’s side as father and son left the Motherlode. They hopped across the floating platforms to the building housing Otto’s lab. Even now, Raz felt a little uneasy going there, knowing that the inventor kept a vault full of deceased agents’ brains there. And the idea that Otto thought Raz’s brain would one day be in there as well…Ew.
Raz didn’t think twice about that though once he saw Ford Cruller and Lucrecia Mux, his Nona, holding hands. Both of them looked a little nervous, but they did manage to smile as the two other psychics approached.
“Nona! Ford!” Raz sprinted forward to grab Nona in a tight but still gentle hug. She patted the back of his head in response, closing her eyes as she felt her grandnephew in her arms again. Raz gave her one last squeeze before grabbing Ford around the waist. “I didn’t know if you were coming or not!”
“Sorry we’re a little late,” Ford said. “Lucy was taking her time doing her hair.”
“Oh hush, Crully,” Lucy teased back. “I had to spend half an hour convincing you to come at all. Don’t go blaming me.”
Augustus was keeping his distance, glancing back and forth between the ground and the couple. Raz watched his father with concern, knowing he still had a little trouble in regards to how Ford had modified his memories against his will as a child. Augustus had spent the last year on-and-off with the Psychonauts and their available therapists to come to terms with this and what transpired a year ago. Or at least that’s what Augustus told his family. Raz really wasn’t sure what kind of progress he had made, and he didn’t want to push the topic if his dad wasn’t up to it.
The one who finally broke the silence was Ford. He walked over to Augustus, followed closely by Lucy and Raz, and he bowed his head to the younger man.
“Augustus, I haven’t had the chance, or really the courage, to talk to you before now,” he began. He took a deep breath. “But I guess it’s better late than never to say how sorry I am—”
“Ford Cruller.” Augustus put his hand on the old man’s shoulder, prompting Ford to meet his gaze. “I have been through the gamut of emotions over the last year. I've been angry, sad, disappointed, confused, disgusted…and a lot of other things. But I have learned one very important thing: There is no point staying angry with someone who hurt you, especially if they show regret for it. It keeps bringing up old wounds when we should be able to move forward.”
Augustus put his hand forward, and Ford hesitated for a single moment before shaking it with his own. They both let out a breath that Raz was sure neither knew they were holding. Augustus then moved on to Lucy, who had stayed behind to let Ford have his say first. He didn’t even pause in kneeling and hugging her. After a moment of the two embracing each other, Augustus pulled away with a smile.
“Lucy, you may be my aunt, but the memories we made together when you were my mother, or my acting mother, were real,” he described. “You're my aunt-mother, and nothing will change that.”
The tears finally started falling from Lucrecia’s eyes, and she buried her face in her nephew’s chest. Ford hugged her from the other side, with one hand on Augustus’ back. Raz wiped away his own tears, and was taken aback when a telekinesis hand grabbed him and placed him smack in the middle of the family hug. Augustus released his son and grabbed his with his physical hand, not letting go of his family.
Once the four psychics had their fill of hugs, Raz jumped in front of Lucy.
“Nona! I have something really cool to show you!”
“Is it that…you know?” Augustus probed mysteriously.
Raz grinned. “Yup.”
“What’s that?” Ford asked.
“I’ve been practicing with Lizzie on this a lot, and I’ve gotten pretty good at it.” Raz headed to the edge of the platform. “Watch this!”
“Stay away from the—” Lucy began, out of habit, but stopped when Raz jumped over the edge and into the small lake below.
Or rather, he would have landed in the water if the Hand of Galochio hadn’t sprung up and held him in place. Raz did a couple of tumbles and flips with the Hand, followed by a matching handstand and handstand walk over the water, with flourishes of water sprays and streams going all over the place at the same time. He ended his little show a bit of juggling of small balls of water, which exploded into rain with a clap of his hands.
The three adults applauded as Raz gave a bow and used the water to step back down to the dock. He was wringing his hands as he returned to Lucy.
“Whatcha think?”
“That was amazing, Pootie!” she praised.
“A showstopper for certain!” Ford added.
Augustus patted his son’s shoulder. “He’s been working on that show for weeks.”
“You’ve obviously worked hard on it,” Lucy said. “How many hours a week?”
“Um, a lot?” Raz answered with a crooked smile. “I didn’t keep track.”
“It’s comforting to see you using water again,” she continued. “But remember how dangerous it can be, Razputin.”
The preteen nodded. “I know, Nona. I just don’t want water to be a bad part of our lives anymore.”
“We're all performing a few water acts in the circus now,” Augustus informed them. “Would you like to come see? We have a show next week.”
“It would be wonderful to see the family perform again.” Lucy looked up at her elderly boyfriend. “What do you think, Crully?”
“You don’t think they’d mind if I came?” Ford asked.
“Of course not!” Raz asserted. “I know mom’s been wondering about you. And Tala and Queepie have been asking about Nona a lot. They miss you.”
“We better not disappoint them then,” Lucy conceded.
“Even better, let’s go back inside. I think it’s about time our Nona formally introduced her boyfriend to the family,” Augustus teased. “By the way, Ford, we need to have a talk about your intensions towards my aunt-mother.”
“Gussy!” Lucy gave her nephew-son a pretend scandalous expression.
Raz groaned and rolled his eyes. “Now I know where he gets it from.”
Ford levitated the adults over the water back to the Motherlobe, while Raz did a few hops with the Hand of Galochio to join them. As they did so, a figure kept to the shadows as he turned off his psychic invisibility. He kept an eye on Razputin as he watched the boy return to the Psychonauts’ party. The figure bit his tongue to keep quiet until he was sure the psychics were out of both hearing and telepathy range. One he was sure they were, he put his fingers up to his temple.
“Minister, I have news to report,” he telepathically called. “I think you’ll be very interested to hear about this."
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