#so even under the effects of something that blocks emitter quirks she can still build up a sweat the old fashioned way
princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Ok so here's a question I now have to ask myself. Himiko's quirk means she needs blood to stay healthy yeah? So if she enters the metaverse would she have a clear mind? She has no quirk there so would so she shouldn't feel the after effects of her quirk. But the after effects impact her health and that isn't going away under erasure.
so two answers to this but the short one would be that it still effects her.
1.) I think her body would still react the same as if there was any other deficiency. Like if you're low on iron or whatever. The Metaverse might negate some of the outright bloodlust, but she's not going to be magically healed
2.) you said that mutation Quirks stick around in the Metaverse. And to /me/ there is a thin line between a lot of Quirks on what qualifies as at least partly mutation. I'd say Himiko's counts as a partial mutation because her body has mutated to need blood consumption. So while she can't transform, she still needs to consume blood(along with assumedly protecting her from like prion disease or something)
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