#so every time she heals an effect goes off ToT
femboyishcharm · 9 months
i am once again begging astarion to quit successfully negging my poor tav
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Kidge Parent HC Part 2.5
Previous Part Links:
Kidge Married Pre-Babies: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.1: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.2: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.3: [here] *There’s a little angst in this one, FYI
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.4: [here]
HEY LONG TIME NO RAMBLE SO SORRY ABOUT THAT!!! School and Work and blah, ya know how it goes! Let’s get into the fun stuff, though, shall we? :3c
I decided to break this one down by dynamics; specifically, I’ll start by talking generally about Keith and Pidge as parents, family dynamics/routines that are the same between all the kids, then their relationships with each of the kids, and then we’ll get into what, exactly, the kids are like themselves. I’ll be stopping off with information once we hit around the 12-13 age with each kid and will resume explaining things in the next part from there, as there will be one more part.
There will be one more part focusing on more on the kids in their later teens/ young adult/ adult years, so there will be some Kidge Grandparent stuff in there! Hopefully I can get that part out much sooner than it took me to get this part out, but I am going to warn that I want to try and get one update completed for each of my current fics before I start really focusing in on the next part, so there will be a bit of a wait.
Also, up until the point I explain how he got the nickname, I’ll be calling Newt by his actual name of Oliver. Just wanted to add that so there wasn’t any confusion as to why I shift names halfway through.
First little random side note that I wanted to mention!!!
Keith does pretty well about maintaining his workout routine, though he definitely skips days more often once Pidge first gets pregnant – wanting to make sure to look after her, make sure she isn’t overworking herself, etc. – and becoming a bit more sporadic as the kids are born. Normally he can sneak in a session while the kids are taking naps or otherwise occupied, though. Matt teases that his six-pack is more of a four-pack now. Additionally, he gets a bit more relaxed about shaving his face. He’ll let himself get a bit scruffier just because he’s more focused on Pidge and the kids and forgets he should probably do something with that scruffy nonsense cropping up.
He goes from being Fitness Keith into Rugged Dedicated Daddy Keef. Pidge loves him just the same because, as far as she’s concerned, he’s still the same romantic goof she fell for.
Having four babies also affects Pidge’s body physically a bit. She does pretty good about maintaining a healthy balance of foods during her pregnancies, but there’s always a bit of weight gain as a side effect, plus pushing a small human body from your own tends to do a bit of widening to the hips, giving her a sort of pear-shaped silhouette; and, she is admittedly a bit salty that her breasts don’t get too much more in the area of growth as a result. She also does a moderate job about working out between pregnancies once she’s healed, but she’s not particularly worried or stressed about having a little extra weight packed on. It’s not a particularly large amount that she gains and she carries it well, but she definitely has a little bit of pudge around the middle. Most of it, though, goes to her thighs.
Becoming a mom basically makes Pidge a bit more Thicc™. Keith is absolutely 100% okay with this and still sees Pidge as the most incredible woman he’s ever known.
Okay, back to the tooth-rotting sweetness! :3
This is just something I need to say outright; they have baby books for each of the kids that are overloaded with pictures of their first full year in the world, with little notes stating when they had their first smile/laugh/word/step/tooth. They also save the onesies that each baby was brought home in and keep them in little shadow boxes with other sentimental items as the kids get older because they’re incredibly sentimental about all of it.
Pidge’s office at the Garrison is covered in photos of her, Keith and the kids, and if you notice she’s in a pissy mood? Point to one of the pictures and ask her what the family was doing when that was taken. She’ll start excitedly regaling you with how amazing her kids and husband are. Likewise, Keith carries a little pocket-album of family photos on him practically everywhere. If you’re meeting him for the first time and need to break the ice? Ask him if he has any pictures of his family, which you’ve heard so much about. He will immediately decide you are Good People and tell you all about how great they are and how much he loves them.
Keith is by far the more protective parent in their duo. Part of this is because he's always wanted a family and wants to be a Good Dad™ but thinks he has to work harder at it because he didn’t have a healthy family environment to grow up in. His dad died when he was young and Krolia wasn't around during his younger years so he frets over not knowing how to be a Good Parent™. Pidge always reassures him that so long as he makes sure to let the kids know how much he loves them, he's gonna be an absolutely phenomenal dad. It helps a bit during her first pregnancy and once Amber's actually there, in his arms, he realizes that they're all gonna be just fine.
He promises each of the kids when he first gets to hold them that he's gonna always be there to love and protect them. Takes any chance he can to reiterate that to them, too.
Pidge tends to be a bit more relaxed in her approach, in that she’ll give the kids a bit more independence sooner than Keith thinks they should, but by some strange proxy she tends to be the disciplinarian more often. Mostly because, while Keith will dish out punishments and lectures when necessary, it's clear he feels way guiltier about it than she does. Pidge, meanwhile, does not take mutiny in the ranks of the Kogane home lightly despite the fact that she was the LITERALLY embodiment of mutiny in her teen years; and, to specify, the kids only get in trouble when they knowingly do things they’ve been told or taught not to. They’ll let the kids slide the first two or three times they make a mistake after they learn not to do something, but once it clearly becomes a matter of testing how much their parents will put up with, the hammer gets dropped.
Since I'm on the subject, sometimes they do disagree about how to parent the kids, but they take the time to talk and find compromises. It’ normally a matter of Keith being a hyper-cautious Mother Hen, but there are points where Pidge is giving the kids more credit in regards to maturity/ responsibility than they deserve. I’ll expound on that sentiment more once we get further down the line.
Also, regarding punishments, they agree to using timeouts and sending the kids to their rooms when they're little, and graduate to revoking privileges and grounding as they get older.
Also, they're both terrible about co-sleeping. Like, initially Pidge insists it's okay because it makes things easier for her. Newborns need to be fed every 2-3 hours for the first couple of weeks. It's just easier for her to be able to either unclasp her nursing tank top or tug her shirt up, let the baby latch on to her boobie, and then pass back out. Eventually the baby will get milk drunk and pass out, too. Once the babies can go longer without feeding, they start trying to get them settled in their bassinette so they get used to sleeping in a spot by themselves so the transition to the crib is easier. But then they'll get fussy and Keith and Pidge feel bad because the baby is clearly sad and lonely and wants love. So they'll get up and bring them into bed for sleepy snuggles with Mommy and Daddy.
They do eventually get the kids transitioned from co-sleeping to their cribs. In order from easiest to hardest, it goes as follows; Oliver - and the irony of that isn't lost on Mommy and Daddy -, Kaden, Amber and lastly Aria.
When the kids get scared at night, they'll still clamor into bed with them. Aria does it the most and Amber does it the least, while the boys fall into a middle ground where they’re about equal with each other. There have been a handful of instances where they end up with all four kids in bed with them – specifically during really bad storms - and Keith is always grateful he let Pidge talk him into ordering the special extra-large king-sized bed from the planet Hintinue because there is no way they’d be able to fit six people on a regular king comfortably.
Keith and Pidge are really affectionate parents. Like, if one of the Kidgelings’ wants some cuddles? They will get those cuddles, no questions asked, regardless of the circumstances. Mommy’s drafting up a new schematic for an alternate generator for the Garrison to use? Fuck the Garrison; Pidge will push her projects aside to scoop the needy tot up in her arms, pressing little kisses to their head and rubbing circles into their back. Daddy was getting ready to do his workout in the basement gym? Leg Day is on hold; Keith has a responsibility to snuggle up with whichever baby it is, tucking their head under his chin and chatting with them softly about this or that.
I’ve always imagined that the Holt’s are an incredibly close, affectionate family that just exudes love and acceptance, so for Pidge this is just natural. These are her babies and they deserve all the snuggles and smooches they could ever want or need. It’s her gosh darn responsibility and she is more than willing to take it on. I also think that this mentality from the Holt’s probably boggled Keith’s mind when he started dating Pidge and they just… Kinda took him in with open arms. Probably a bit of an adjustment period for him but he learned that he actually really admired and emulated how open the relationship within his wife’s extended family is.
For Keith, it’s a matter of wanting to give his kids what he didn’t really get. Like, I imagine that Ethan Kogane was a great dad, who always told and showed Keith how much he loved him, but he was also a single father with a young child he was trying to raise all alone. And he died when Keith was still pretty young. I know the series hasn’t said what age he was, but I always leaned towards Keith being about seven/eight when it happened. And, obviously, Krolia wasn’t around when he was young for him to have an affectionate, doting mother figure either. Also, I think Krolia is certainly a loving mother, but I think that she’s sometimes unsure of when physical displays are appropriate with Keith because of the time they spent apart.
I think that would help to explain some of Keith’s canon struggle in how to properly interact with other people, and why he is probably the Paladin who has had the least physical shows of affection with other characters, but the ones he’s had have been deeply significant to his character. This rationale is also why I choose to read/ interpret him as the kind of father that I do. Keith is definitely someone who loves the people around him but isn’t always sure how to express it though this doesn’t apply so much to Pidge herself because she has straight-up told him to shower her in affection whenever he wants because she’s gonna do the same. But with little kids? As someone who lives in a house with a three-and-a-half year old and a nine month old baby, I can assure you they love nothing more than attention and physical affection. Interacting with the kids, Keith doesn’t need to worry so much about his physical affection being unwanted.
They’re just really loving parents, you guys.
Until all four kids are officially in school, Keith is a stay-at-home Daddy, at Pidge's insistence. She makes a bit more than him and most of his work can still be done from the house. They agree they don't want their kids spending eight hours a day in a daycare program with a bunch of people they don’t know very well. Plus Pidge thinks it’ll be really good for Keith because, when they first have the conversation about it after Amber’s born, poor guy gets extremely uncomfortable and anxious over the idea of handing their precious little lady over to a stranger for an extended period of time.
They do, however, get the kids signed into a little pre-school program for the two years before they enter kindergarten. The program only goes for three hours in the morning so Pidge will drop them off and Keith does the pickup. They do it so the kids can get ahead academically, as well as to make sure they have good social skills. While they're at pre-school, Keith works on whatever work assignment he's been given and then works on it again while the kids nap.
He, Allura and Shay form a sort of gossipy housewives group where they occasionally meet up after picking the kids up to grab lunch and talk smack about the obnoxious parents they encounter. Pidge dubs them the Soccer Mom Squad. Lance offers to make them all matching t-shirts.
As a small bonus, while the kids are at home with Keith, he’ll do fun little arts and crafts projects with them. Finger-paints, ceramics, drawing, making bead animals, scrapbooking… You name it, he’s figured out how to and has done it with the kids at least once. He and Pidge save literally everything the kids make for them ever to keep on the desks at work, or on their desks at home, or just keeping them saved in containers to keep them safe and because they’re both ridiculously sentimental.
In regards to the Holidays, I’ve always liked the idea that Pidge’s maternal side of the family is of Jewish heritage, while Samuel’s family was a bit more agnostic and partook in Christmas based solely on the fact that they supported the main ideals Christmas was meant to represent; i.e. Being kind to your fellow man, spending meaningful time with your family, giving to those that have less, etc. I also like the idea that Keith’s father was not someone who aligned to a specific religion and more fell in line to Christmas based on the commercialism and to give a young Keith something to look forward to during the holiday season. As such, the Kidgelings celebrate Hanukkah with the Holt’s as well as Christmas with the whole family. Additionally, they’ll go partake in community events to help their fellow man.
While Keith and Pidge are both practical people, they still kiss any boo-boos the kids get after they clean and cover them. It's just Good Parenting 101.
Also, Keith and Pidge take turns packing lunches for the kids to take to school once they start. Each time they do, they’ll use a sharpie – in their respective color, of course – and leave little notes on the Ziploc baggies that they put one of their little snacks. It’s always well wishes, but sometimes they’ll add little bonus points if they know the kid has something big going on that day too. Things like “Knock’em dead in the soccer team tryouts!” and “You’re going to kill that math test this afternoon!” that are just little things but the kids seriously love that their parents do that for them.
Keith joins the PTA so that he can help out with funding events and always know what's going on with the kids' extracurricular activities. For the longest time, the PTA parents are convinced Keith's a widower, due to Pidge being MIA at a lot of the events. This normally happens due to situations such as other functions for one of the other kids coinciding with the one Keith's attending or one of the kids being sick and needing to stay home. The other PTA parents gossip over their thirst for Rugged Dedicated Daddy Keef, with the boldest of them actually going so far as to openly flirt with the oblivious doof.
They all realize they were wrong when, at the science fair, they see Keith, balancing a sleepy three year old Aria on one hip, holding the hand of a fiery little bombshell blonde who is arguing with the judges because "Excuse me my son LITERALLY reverse-engineered a piece of alien technology and then rebuilt it using Earth tech and you give him a participation ribbon? And give first place to the kid who lit a light bulb with a potato? Oh Heckle deckle naw!"
They still thirst after him, but they are quieter about it. And some of them may even start thirsting after both the Kogane parents who are we to judge them? We'd all be just as bad let's be real.
Keith sings to all the kids when they're little and each of them has their own special song he only sings for them. He does, however, have one song that all four kids share, too. The songs - with links in the titles - are as follows:
All - Heart of Life cover by I Fight Dragons. Original version is by John Mayer but the chiptune cover is just Hella.
Amber - Boats and Birds by Gregory and the Hawk It's symbolic for reasons
Kaden – Somewhere Only We Know by Lily Allen
Oliver - You are the Moon by the Hush Sound
Aria - Into the Woods by Cilla Jane
Pidge loves to read to the kids. When they're super little, she goes with stuff like Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein. As they get older, though, she does more lengthy books like the Warrior Cats series, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the Harry Potter Series. Keith will help with the dialogue for male characters while Pidge does the females and narration.
An added bit to the reading thing which I've made reference to in a fic before but wanted to take the time to further elaborate on here; Pidge develops little headbands for the kids to wear while she reads. It'll create the story in a small hologram and depict the events of the tale as the kids' see them. It focuses more the general ideas as they see it instead of the more minuscule, fine details. This is mostly because the kids views of certain things - fur pattern of a cat, color of a dress, etc - may differ and, thus, conflict.
They have a system for bedtime.
First, Pidge and Keith read to the kids before they start doing all the other stuff, all the kids gathered together in the living room with their parents. The kids get bathed every other night but two kids get bathed a night. Amber and Kaden take baths on the same nights, while Oliver and Aria take the same nights. Keith and Pidge take turns with who does what. If Keith bathes the kids, Pidge is responsible for getting them dressed and helping them brush their teeth, and vice versa. Pidge always tucks the kids into bed and turns their nightlight on for them before heading out of the room. Keith always sings to them when he comes in after to help them settle in further.
When the kids are still little beanie babies and in the bath, Pidge says the goofiest, cutest things to them.
*Pidge, gently rinsing Aria off.* “How do you feel now?” *Pauses for a whole second.* “Adorable.” *Said with a small, sassy head warble.*
*Aria giggles excitedly.*
*Pidge, grinning wide as she leans in closer to pick her up.* “And how do you look?” *Pauses for another whole second. “Super adorable!” *Said, again, with sassy head warble.*
*Aria squeals in delight.*
With Keith, he and the kids play elaborate games while they’re in the bath using their little toys. Like, they come up with entire backstories for it and probably spend way longer in the tub post-clean-up than necessary. One such instance involved Newt pretending to be Cthulhu and flooding half the bathroom with a splash and Keith’s pants with the splash he created. Pidge was a little bit displeased with this. Keith ended up having to clean the mess up with the wet pants still on.
So Homework!! They have a system for this too!!
The kids always do their homework at the kitchen table just to assure they it gets done and they don't goof off. They love their kids but they know what to expect from them. Keith helps them with History and English, Pidge takes Math and Science, and they alternate on Geography/ Social Studies/ Whatever the Hell they call it now. Since they also take turns on who makes dinner, they work the system as such: If Keith is making dinner, the kids work with Pidge on her respective subjects while he's cooking. After dinner, while Pidge does the dishes, Keith works on his respective subjects with them. And vice versa, obviously.
Most of the time, the kids will help out, too. They’ll help set the table and, depending on where they’re at with their homework, they’ll help with doing the dishes and putting away any leftovers.
The only night that homework isn't an immediate concern is Friday nights because weekend. Typically, though, the kids still fall in line with the schedule solely because they like having their weekend be stress free so they can go fuck shit up have a lot of fun.
They teach all the kids basic self-defense moves. Amber and Kaden are the only ones that take a vested interest in learning the art of fighting, though, so that becomes a way for those two to bond. Newt learns a decent amount for really dire situations but normally relies on his quick thinking in a fight. Aria doesn't remember jack from what she's taught because she never has a reason to use it. This is due to how she is a Too Smol Cinnamon Roll™ who would never want to fight anyone ever.
Additionally, over the weekend, they tend to do a variety of things from one-on-one kid stuff as well as family-centered things. Sunday nights are typically when they either watch a movie or play board games together.
Okay, now let's talk about the dynamics between each parent and the children individually!
Keith and Pidge each have something special that they only really do with each kid, one-on-one. This is because they want to make sure they know their kids and are close to them, so that way the kids know their parents are always there to support/help them, as well as to give them chances to open up to them if/ when they are facing struggles. It’s also because they want to make sure that the kids feel like they get equal care and attention from both their parents. I’m gonna start with Pidge, and go in birth order with each of the little Kidgelings.
Basically, Keith and Pidge are the kind of parents who, when they say they know what’s going on with their kids, they mean it. And not in the sense that they snoop or pry, but in an organic and respectful way that the kids feel comfortable coming to them about the mundane stuff as well as when a situation gets really challenging for them.
Pidge and Amber bond over B-Grade horror flicks. They love sitting and riffing on the effects, plot, characters, all of it. They’re favorites are Plan 9 from Outer Space, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and both of the Birdemic films. They make sure to get plenty of snacks and drinks before they start their little movie marathons. They go with Butterfingers, Reese’s, Red Vines, and a bowl of popcorn with, strange as it may seem, chocolate syrup drizzled on top. They go with Dr. Pepper – or Cherry Dr. Pepper when they’re feeling a little different – for their drink of choice and settle in for a Mother-Daughter riff fest.
Pidge and Kaden bond over building small soapbox carts together. Kaden joins a little hobby racing group for kids and they hold frequent charity racing events. The club has a rule, though, that the child participants can only participate with soapbox carts they make themselves; with the help of a parent/ guardian, of course. Pidge, given her knowledge in regards to constructing technology and devices, is the perfect partner to help her son. Pidge actually clears a little area in her garage workshop and buys him a toolkit for his use only. She always takes her time and lets him do a majority of the hard work, serving more as a guiding hand, and Kaden adores getting the chance to gain some firsthand knowledge from his Mom about stuff like this.
Pidge and Newt bond over classic video games, which is to be expected, I think. Newt is the one whose interests and hobbies – for the most part – fall in line with Pidge’s own so they have the most ground to build on. In specific, he’s really intrigued by old game systems and video games from way before he was born. Pidge, being an avid collector, has a wide array for him to get a firsthand experience with. She likes watching him get angry when he gets stuck on puzzles in games and then try to whine at her to tell him the answer. How well-behaved he’s been between their gaming sessions determines how quickly she relents in giving him hints or tips to help him figure things out.
Pidge and Aria end up bonding over, interestingly enough, doing yoga together! One day, when Aria is about six, they’re picking Kaden up from his karate class and notice a flier for a Mommy-Daughter yoga class that one of the dance instructor’s is aiming to start. Aria gets really excited about the idea and asks if they can go, which Pidge agrees to because she can’t say no to one of her babies getting excited about participating in things. They have a blast getting to go to their weekly yoga sessions to get a bit of a workout and spend some one-on-one time for a good while, but then the instructor moves away and the class is cancelled. After that, Pidge invests in some yoga DVDs for at home so they can still do their work out together, using that as a guide.
Sometimes, when Aria notices that he isn’t busy, she’ll invite Kaden to join her and Pidge with their yoga session, since it’s a good way to unwind.
Keith and Amber bond over the great outdoors. I’ve always really kind of loved how Pidge isn’t very interested in nature despite being the Green Paladin, while Keith feels more at ease in those environments. Amber tends to lean towards siding with Keith in this regard. She really likes it when Keith lets her help him with the gardening and other yard work tasks. She loves getting to go out, slip on some gloves, and help Keith with pulling weeds or putting in a new type of plant. Keith teaches her all that he knows about plants and wilderness survival – because, come one. The dude lived in a rundown shack in the middle of the desert for at least one year. Homeboy has to have some decent wilderness survival skills – such as teaching her how to tell what kind of berries are safe to eat, how to use moss on a tree to navigate better, how to start a fire without a lighter/matches, etc.
Keith and Kaden bond over old mecha shows and building models of the mechs they see. I’ve always believed that Keith was a huge fan of giant robot and super sentai shows growing up, so when Kaden starts taking an interest in those kinds of things, he’s eager to encourage and engage in them with him. They’ll power through a whole series of Gundam over the course of a night or two, select their favorite two or three robots, and Keith will look into ordering the model kits for them to construct together. They take turns on who reads off the instructions and who does the actual assembly. So far, their favorites have been the original Mobile Suit Gundam that started the whole franchise and Gundam Wing. Their favorite builds are RX-78-2 Gundam and XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe. This hobby is somewhat similar to what he does with Pidge mostly because Kaden likes doing tasks that keep his hands busy.
Keith and Oliver bond over wildlife and animals in general. Remember in the last part where I mentioned that Keith ends up taking Oliver with them on the morning walks because of what a Lil Shit™ he is to Aria? When Keith takes him along, he gives him a little checklist of wildlife common on the path they take and tells him to put a little checkmark next to the name of each one he sees. After this, Oliver becomes greatly fascinated with the habits and differences of the wilderness around their home. Due to Keith having those previously-mentioned wilderness survival skills, he actually knows a lot about the animals so he can answer most questions Oliver has for him. Sometimes they’ll go to wildlife exhibits and museums to further their knowledge, or just go dink around in the wilderness near their house. This led to a time where Oliver located a few Rough-skinned newts in a pond and, knowing very little about them, snatched two up and took them over to show Keith. Fun thing about this type of newt; they release a toxin to deter predators. Keith hastily helped him put them back and, on the way to a nearby public restroom to thoroughly wash his hands clean of the toxins, he explained this to his son. After this, Oliver declared newts his favorite animals and the family gave him his infamous nickname: Newt.
Additionally, because Amber and Newt have somewhat similar interests, Keith will sometimes take them with him for a little one-night camping trip.
Keith and Aria bond over music, obvious as that is. Keith knows how to play the guitar and piano and has a decent set of pipes on him. Plus, he loves getting to sing the kids lullabies, too. Aria’s always been soothed by music and as she grows, so does her passion for the subject. Keith teaches her the piano and will take her to see musicals when they come into the area. Pidge teasingly calls them their “Daddy-Daughter Dates” because of how they’ll go out for dinner either before or after depending on what time the show is. For days afterwards, they’ll randomly burst out into duets of whatever their favorite songs from the show were. Of the shows they’ve been able to see, they’ve liked Wicked, Chicago, and Phantom of the Opera the best. Keith may also have a soft spot in him for Mamma Mia!; Pidge has heard him humming Dancing Queen more times than he’d like her to acknowledge, and teases him about it when she catches him.
Okay, now why don’t we actually talk about the Kidgelings themselves, hm? I’ll be going in birth order again because it’s easier. I may, however, jump around a little bit in this since I’ll try to talk about the relationships between the siblings.
So little Miss Amber Rose Kogane!
Let’s start with some superficial, trivial fun facts; Amber’s favorite color is peach, just like her baby blanket, but she also really likes dark green hues. Her favorite animals are giraffes and deer. Her favorite foods are anything pasta-related, but she’s especially fond of five-cheese lasagna and chicken alfredo. Since Nanny Collie is a master at Italian dishes, she’ll happily make these for the kids when they’re over, and later teaches Amber the family recipe when she’s older. Her favorite desserts are anything mint-flavored, much like Keith. The two of them will often share bowls of mint chocolate chip ice cream together. Her favorite candies are Reese’s and Butterfinger bars. Since they’re the same as Pidge, she’ll often share them with her Momma.
Amber is a snarky, headstrong and confident little thing. She’s quick with a quip or jab at anyone who tries to antagonize her or her siblings. Also, she’s as stubborn as a mule. She will happily get into knock-down drag-out fights with other people – of both the physical and verbal variety – when she knows she’s right. And that, right there, is the big thing about her; Amber will fight tooth and nail when she knows that she is in the right.
Amber is often seen as being a bit arrogant by some of the other kids at school, but really it’s just that she’s confident, self-assured, and brave to the extent that it’s borderline suicidal. Guess which parent she gets that from. She’s learned something significant from both of her parents that have a huge hand in shaping her. From Pidge, she learns to be proud of what she’s good at while working hard at areas where she falls short. From Keith, she learns when to choose her battles, but also that when she chooses to pick the fight, she should see it through; regardless of if she wins or loses.
Her parents are firm with her that they don’t approve of fighting, but they’re also not naïve enough to think that conflict won’t happen sometimes. They were Paladins of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire. They know what it means to be placed in a situation where fighting back may be the only conflict-resolution that yields any kind of meaningful results. So, while they make sure that Amber understands that non-hostile approaches should always be her first approach, they do take the time to make sure that she has the necessary skills to take care of herself if/ when she needs to handle an escalated situation.
They teach all the kids this lesson, but Amber’s the one who tends to need to have a refresher on it most often because she just can’t stop herself sometimes. Amber Rose Kogane lives to fight.
Her tendency towards conflict ends up working well in her favor once she starts taking on extracurricular activities at school. She joins the soccer, volleyball, and track and field teams at school, as well as taking fencing classes and gymnastic courses outside of that. She always liked how good Keith was with a blade, but she finds the rapiers that fencers use to be a bit more suited to her, given that she’s a petite and zippy build. Engaging in somewhat competitive and physically draining hobbies helps to temper her out quite a bit as she gets older. She’s still a bit of an impulsive right-fighter, but she gets a lot better about assessing a situation before she starts in on the smug commentary.
In regards to her relationships with her siblings, she’s probably the closest with Kaden, but she does get along really well with Newt and Aria too. Well, except when Newt’s being an antagonistic lil’ shit; then she puts on her Big Sis Breeches and reminds him how the pecking order works. She and Kaden like to spare together in regards to both fisticuffs and practicing with blades; while being supervised by an adult, of course. Sometimes Newt will come into her room while she’s doing homework and just sit with her, working on some project of his own at the desk she never uses, music playing and the two of them just enjoying some quiet company. Amber and Aria have the least common ground, but the older Kogane definitely has a soft spot for her baby sister, listening to her prattle about the latest bit of gossip within her friend group and offering advice on how to hopefully diffuse the social situation.
Ironically enough, Amber’s really good at thinking of peaceful solutions to conflicts that don’t directly involve her. Not so good at the practicing what she preaches thing, though.
Amber takes her position as the oldest very seriously; though, sometimes, this leads to her butting heads with the others more than she should. Amber tends to be a bit of a nosy busybody, so if she thinks that something’s up with one of her siblings, she’s gonna shove her nose into their business. More times than not, though, once she knows what’s up, she’ll keep quiet and just kind of keep tabs on them. If she thinks they need her help, she’ll intervene. If she thinks it’s outside of her pay wage, she’ll drop subtle hints to Keith and Pidge that something is up. Typically they already noticed, but they appreciate her concern regardless.
While her abrasive attitude makes her a bit difficult to get along with, Amber does have a small group of friends; most of them being boys. The two she’s closest with are Alfor, the oldest of Lance and Allura’s kids, and Richter, Hunk and Shay’s son. Richter tries to be the voice of reason in their little gaggle but, sadly, tends to get ignored a lot when they’re really young. As they get older, though, Amber really values having him as her friend because he can help to keep her from picking needless fights. She and Alfie are kind of like frenemies and, because of this, the “legendary rivalry” between Keith and Lance lives again.
Only this time, the involved Kogane is an active and willing participant with just as much sass as her opponent.
Hunk’s heart goes out to his son, because he’s been there.
One time, when they were playing hide-and-seek at the park, Alfor accidentally broke Amber’s nose. For the game, they made up only three simple rules; you can’t move from your location once you hide, you can’t hide in any of the family cars, and you can’t hide in the bathroom. Amber was it and had found everyone except him.
“Okay, where could he be?” *Amber grumbling, hand son her hip, glaring around angrily.*
“I thought I saw him heading towards the bathroom!” *Patrick, another one of the kids in their rag-tag grade-schooler gang, chimed in.*
“Are you kidding me? Well, Prince of Dorktea just signed himself up as being it next since he broke the stinkin’ rules!” *Amber, furious, marching her way over to the bathrooms*
“But Amber, that’s are the boy’s restroom! You can’t go in there!” *Richter, fretful and reasonable as always.*
*Amber turns, walking backwards towards the little bathroom hut.* “Yeah, and he went in there specifically to try and cheat to win! If he thinks I’m gonna let him win, he’s got another thing coming!”
“Oh man, she’s gonna give it to him good!” *Curtis, another one of their friends, states with a laugh. He then starts jogging after her.* “Come on! We gotta see this!”
*Cue the small group of Richter, Patrick, Curtis, Kaden, and another kid in their group, Monty, pattering along with her. The other boys are all giggly and giddy because they think Amber and Alfor’s fights are funny. Richter has a Bad Feeling™.*
*Amber marches in and looks down at the bottom of the stalls, seeing a set of electric blue and black sneakers scuffing up the cement flooring in the second stall.* “Alfor, you big cheat! Get out here and take your turn being it!” *She begins pounding on the door to add emphasis to her point.*
*There’s a quiet shift and suddenly the shoes are gone.*
“I already saw your feet, dingus! Standing on the toilet isn’t gonna help you none!”
“Go away or I’m gonna tell your Mom and Dad you went into the boy’s room!”
*Cue all the other kids – sans Richter - letting out a scandalized ‘Oooohhhhh!’*
“Go ahead! I’ll just tell your Mom and Dad that you were cheating!”
*Cue another round of jeers from the Peanut Gallery.*
*Alfor suddenly throws the door open with way more force than necessary, causing it to fly full-force into Amber and knocking her flat on her back.* “Don’t you dare, you dirty-! Hey, where’d she-?” *He starts, then pauses when she isn’t there, and looks around. His eyes get really wide when he sees her as she rolls onto her side and starts to push herself upright.* “Uh, A-Amber, are you-?”
“You friggin’ jerk! What’d you do that for?” *Amber turns to face him, scowling and furious with a few tears prickling her eyes, not realizing that her nose is now gushing blood. She reaches up to wipe at her eyes then freezes when her fingers come back bloody. Slowly lifts her head to look at the other kids, who are now pale and aghast, then glares over at Alfor.* “I am so telling on you!”
*The other boys scatter immediately, darting off to avoid being included in the backlash that’ll most certainly come from the grown-ups. Kaden rushes over to Pidge, Keith, Allura and Lance, who are settled at a picnic table talking. Aria is napping in her stroller while Newt is on the swings with Krolia, who they all call Nana Olia. The little guy is shrieking and wailing like mad as he approaches, causing all the adults to go into Panic Mode. Pidge and Keith dart over, meeting him halfway, and Pidge scoops him up.*
“Kaden, baby, what’s wrong? What happened? What hurts?” *Pidge, trying to remain calm, but her tone just a bit urgent and frantic.*
*He’s way too distressed to understand but they at least manage to get “Amber” and “bad owie” out of it. Keith starts to look around for her, glancing over at the playground equipment and swings to see if she’s there, and then towards the little soccer field since sometimes Patrick will bring a ball and they’ll play out there.*
*And then, when his eyes swipe back towards the direction Kaden came from, Amber has trotted up, still scowling, blood having started to stain the front of her shirt, little arms crossed over her chest.* “Dad, Mom, Alfor is a stupid jerk who cheats and then he went and did this to me!” *She points at her still-steadily bleeding nose.*
Keith nearly has a heart attack. Pidge is absolutely livid. The McClain’s lay the law down something fierce with Alfie once he stops hiding in the bathroom.
This isn’t the last time that any of the Kidgelings get hurt pretty bad and Ho Boi does Amber give them another more severe bout of heart attacks about injuries in the future but it is the first time it happens and it freaks them both out something fierce.
Pretty early on into her pre-teen years, when all her classmates are starting to get past the concept of cooties and start to develop attractions to their peers, Amber reveals that she’s not attracted to boys. She is, though, attracted to other girls. She’d always sort of known because she never really thought any of her friends were cute but there were tons of girls in her classes that she thought were cute, she just never really thought much about it when she was younger. Keith and Pidge are both absolutely supportive and accepting of her sexuality, telling her that she’s their baby girl and they’d love her regardless of her sexual orientation. She also talks a lot about it with Uncle Shiro, since he’s openly gay and happily married at this point.
*Amber, shrugging off her backpack and flopping face down on the couch with a loud groan when she comes home from school.*
*Shiro perks up, pouring himself a cup of coffee since he was over visiting.* “Hey there, Ber-Ber. How was school?”
“Beatrice friggin’ Hollinger!” *She lifts her head just long enough to be heard shouting this before flopping back down.*
“Oh, she’s the cute red-head on the volleyball team with you, right?”
*Another long, drawn-out groan from Amber.*
“Come in here with me. I’ll make you a glass of chocolate milk and you can tell Uncle Shiro all about it, my poor Padawan.”
I’ll elaborate much more on these two in another post I’m planning to make *cough IhaveanaskthisfitsbetterinthatI’mstillpreparing cough* so look forward to more information about that there.
On to baby number two; Kaden Ethan Kogane!
So the fun trivial facts with the little guy! Kaden’s favorite colors are any shade of red and any shade of orange, kind of like the predominant hues of a sunrise. His favorite animals are moose, thanks to his dear friend Bob, and he also really loves fennec foxes. His favorite food is anything with meat and, additionally, he really likes artichokes. His favorite desserts are snicker doodle and gingerbread cookies; he loves things that have a bit of spice and kick to them. This is more something he gets from Pappy Sam, so whenever he goes over to visit them, Nanny Collie will make a little platter of cookies for them to share. His favorite candies are anything with dark chocolate, though he also really loves dark chocolate raisins. Keith is also fond of the chocolate raisins and the two will snack on them together.
Kaden may not be the oldest since Amber became an official member of the family roster, but that doesn’t really change much about him. He’s still a very noble little dude who will eagerly throw down for the greater good of those he cares about. He’s a bit more on the reserved side, his appearance not being the only thing that he got from Keith in this regard, but he’s also quick as a whip like his Momma. He, much like Amber, has also inherited the hot-headed tendencies of both their parents, and with him it’s also paired with a pretty short temper – which is quite a bit longer for members of his family - and is even quicker to launch into Fight Mode than his sister. He and Amber are similar in this vein, which is probably another reason why they’ve got such a close bond, but they are a bit different in how they go about it.
He is better than Amber about going for help to the proper authority, but when he does get pushed to his breaking point he hits a lot harder for a lot longer than Amber does. I’ve addressed it a handful of times before in at least two separate fics, but he doesn’t mess around when it comes to the safety of his siblings and friends. Additionally, because of what Kaden’s seen happen with Newt and Aria, he feels very strongly about bullies. While Amber will go to bat for her siblings and her close personal friends, Kaden tends to be a bit more of a vigilante of freedom for his peers in general. If he sees someone getting roughed up by a bully, he’ll square up with the bully and get them to step off.
He also, however, reminds the people being bullied that they need to make sure they speak out to the grown-ups about what’s going on. In some cases, where the bullied student has reached out to teachers but gotten no help, Kaden will teach them the strictly defensive techniques he knows so they can at least protect themselves when he isn’t around. Keith and Pidge don’t necessarily agree with his approach, but they also can’t say they’re angry that he’s trying to help other kids that need it.
As I’ve mentioned somewhere before, he’s the biggest cuddle bug of all the Kidgelings. All the kids like to get paid some attention and affection from their parents, sure, but Kaden? Getting snuggled is his jam. Even as he gets a little older and starts going to school, he’ll sometimes just walk over to Pidge and, without a word, just hold his arms out. She immediately pauses in whatever she’s doing to scoop him up for hug and, until he gets too big for it, she’ll just kind of carry him around like he’s a koala bear on a tree.
Much like Amber, Kaden ends up participating in a few sports teams as well. He joins the soccer – because he wants to be like his big sis – and baseball teams. Outside of that, he joins the little hobby racer group that I mentioned before, and signs up for martial arts classes. He really enjoys participating in the tournaments and getting to test his skills against equally skilled opponents.
As for his bonds with his siblings, as I mentioned, he and Amber are the closest due to their sparing and shared interest in sports. She’ll give him tips and tricks in regards to soccer techniques, showing him how to balance the ball on his head and such. He tends to be the Newt Wrangler as they grow older just because he likes trying to help with keeping things together and take some of the weight off of his parents. This, however, doesn’t mean that he and Newt don’t occasionally get into dumb shenanigans together, because they do; stealing Garrison ships, doing stupid Jackass-style stunts, etc. He and Aria get along pretty good and he’s rather protective of her. Sometimes when he’s working on homework he’ll go join her while she’s practicing her piano or cello because he likes the quiet background noise as he works, and sometimes he’ll know the song she’s trying to play and will hum along to help her figure out where she may be making a mistake in the tune.
Because of his position as a Pillar of Justice, Kaden has a ridiculous amount of admirers, but only a handful of really close personal friends. Part of this is because he really likes hanging out with Amber and the bigger kids she rolls with. Amber lets him because he can keep up with them and she’s a good big sis who likes to let her siblings be included. Outside of that, he also has six friends of his own that he’s close with that are in his own grade. His group and Amber’s eventually just kind of becomes a Frankenstein-like cluster of kids doing goofy stuff.
I’ll elaborate on this more in the next part, but I wanted to at least touch a bit on this relationship. Lance and Allura have a daughter about the same age as Kaden named Raya. The kids are more mutual acquaintances who look after one another because of their parents/ siblings being friends. This is because they have wildly different personalities/ interests/ and having skewed opinions of one another; Raya sees him as an impulsive reclusive meat-head and Kaden sees her as a loud-mouthed spoiled brat. Unlike Amber and Alfor, who have developed The Frenemiship for the Ages, they opt to just leave well enough alone and run in their opposing circles. The only times they interact is when they’re forced to, and even then the worst they do is a smack-talking session.
Well, until one incident, in specific, where he, his friends, Newt and Aria are playing with a ball and it gets stuck up high in a big oak tree in the Kogane backyard. Raya’s over because Allura is visiting with Keith, but she’s just sitting on the back porch flipping through one of those pre-teen magazines.
*Kaden, staring up at the tree, where the ball is teetering on a limb that’s shaped like a really small wishbone.* “Really? Dude, Emmett, we told you not to kick it so hard!”
*Emmett, one of Kaden’s friends, holds both his hands up defensively.* “Hey, it’s not my fault! You know that I’m a straight beast when it comes to this kind of stuff!”
“Oh, is that what they call it?” *Clyde, another of the group, snorts lightly.*
“Come at me, scrub lord. I’m ripped.” *Emmett, dead serious, staring the other kid down.*
“I’ll go get the Frisbee from the front yard. We can play with that instead!” *Aria, trying to be helpful, before scampering off.*
*Newt points to the other side of the house.* “We could go get the ladder. I think Dad left it over there after he checked that loose panel on the roof.”
“Nah, I got this.” *Kaden says before starting to hoist himself up into the tree.*
“Dude, that thing is way up there. I don’t think you’ve ever climbed up that high before.” *Levi, another member of the group, adds.*
“Just means it’s a new accomplishment I can add to my list of achievements.”
*The other boys all cheer him on as he continues to climb up, making sure to grab the branches closest to where they connect to the tree, since that’s where they’re sturdiest. He makes it all the way up to where the ball is at and, with a quick pivot of his body, manages to grab it. He turns and holds it above his head as his friends cheer louder. It’s at this moment, though, that the branch that he was holding snaps and he goes plummeting to the ground below.*
*And when he hits, he hits hard. And there’s a very distinct snapping sound when he does.*
*The other boys crowd around him as he lays there, the wind knocked out of him and blinking to try and ground himself. They’re all talking super-fast and asking him way too many questions for him to think straight.*
“Back up, now! Give him space, you lug heads!” *He hadn’t even heard Raya approach until she was right there, but he kind of appreciates her. She kneels beside him and looks him over, then lets out a small hiss.* “Newt, go get your Dad. Tell him that Kaden’s arm is really hurt and he’s gonna need to go to the hospital.”
“W-What do you-!” *Newt starts to argue, then pales when he sees a sliver of white sticking out of his brother’s skin. He turns on his heels and tears off for the house.* “Dddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddd!”
*Kaden moves to sit up and Raya helps him, keeping him from using his hurt arm to try and prop himself up. Meanwhile, his three friends are freaking out.* “Oh man! Oh geez! We’re gonna be in so much trouble!”
“Why would any of us get in trouble? Kaden was the one that went up there!”
“None of us tried to stop him, though!”
“Uh, speak for yourself! I totally tried to!”
“You’re so full of crap, Levi!”
*As they prattle on, the pain starts to register for Kaden and his eyes lock on his injury. His breathing starts to escalate and he looks ready to start freaking out.*
*Raya’s eye has started to twitch and she glares up at his friends.* “If you three want to do something helpful, then shut your mouths! You’re only making things worse!” *She watches the trio for a moment and then, upon them all falling silent, she turns her attention back to Kaden.* “Take deep, steady breathes, okay? Here, watch me and do as I do. In, nice and slow, and then out, nice and slow. In, out. In, out.” *She’s extremely soft and patient with him, taking the time to make him focus on her instead of his busted arm. She then briefly looks up at his friends.* “You can join in, too, if you want to calm down.”
*The other three do, picking up on the rhythm as well. She keeps this up until Keith comes running out, Newt and Allura not far behind. Keith is aghast and gently pulls Kaden to him, reassuring him that an ambulance is on the way, and carries him through the house to the front yard. Allura instructs the other boys to head back to their houses, and ushers Raya and the other Kidgelings inside so she can look over them. Thankfully, it isn’t a long wait for the ambulance and Keith and Kaden are ushered in. The EMT in the back carefully settles Kaden on the gurney they have and starts getting him all settled. She ends up having to reset the bone, and warns both he and Keith of how bad that’s gonna feel.*
*She lets out a small whistle once he’s settled back down a bit from having the bone reset.* “You did a pretty clean break on this, huh, buddy?” *She’s polite yet playful in her words.*
“I-Is that b-b-bad?” *Kaden sniffles, starting to get worried at her words.*
“Not at all! This typically means it’ll heal faster!” *She then carefully picks up a alcohol wipe and begins clearing off the blood and the cut.* “How’d this end up happening, if you don’t mind telling?”
“I-I was climbing a t-tree to get our ball back.”
“Oh yeah? What game were you playing?”
“That’s a really fun game! Is it one of your favorites?”
“Y-Yeah. I’m really good at it, too.”
*The EMT keeps him chatting the whole ride to the hospital, which helps him calm down a lot. This experience sticks with him for a long time afterwards.*
After he gets home with his cast, he thanks Raya for her help. She shrugs and tells him that it was the right thing to do. He decides not to press her or ask how she knew that’d help, and offers to let her be the first person to sign his cast. Excluding his Dad, since Keith signed it at the hospital once his heart palpitations settled down.
Now that we’ve got the older two down, let’s get down to the third musketeer, Oliver Maxwell Kogane, A.K.A. Newt! With his facts, I kind of jumped around a bit so it doesn’t quite follow the same structure I had for Amber and Kaden, but hopefully it’ll all still make sense!
I’m still going to start with the trivia nonsense, though. Newt’s favorite color is blues, regardless of the hue or shade of it. He just thinks it’s a super mellow, calming color. He doesn’t actually have any specific favorite animal, despite what he said when he found the newts. He loves all animals, though he does admittedly have a soft spot for canines and amphibians. His favorite foods are pizza and garlic bread, all day every day. His favorite desserts are banana cream pie and carrot cake. This is something he actually gets from Keith’s dad, which immediately endears Nana Olia to him and she’ll occasionally treat him to one of them. He’s not really fond of any specific candy bar and likes all of them pretty even; he does, however, adore having ants-on-a-log as a tasty treat. Pidge is always willing and able to make these for him and enjoy a few with him.
Newt is a smart little trouble maker who marches to the beat of his own drum, leaning towards being a bit more interested in more in-door hobbies like video games or reading for the most part. He’s incredibly curious, eager to learn and, once you get to know him, he can be a really caring little guy. He, however, doesn’t suffer fools gladly and he has a very forward approach to sharing his own opinion; this is not helped by the fact that he is A Notorious Shit Talker. He has very little grasp or regard for social graces or tact when it comes to correcting someone about something. This isn’t due to him not caring about other people’s feelings, though, but because he himself would rather people tell him honestly when he does something stupid. He probably gets this from watching his Momma break down some of the Garrison officials she works with when they try to correct or dismiss her.
In regards to his relationship with his siblings, he’s the textbook-definition of a little brother in regards to Amber and Kaden. They all get on well enough but sometimes Newt just has to go and poke the bear, just because his brother and sister get So Extra when they’re angry. He and Amber find more common ground through the camping trips with Keith, as they grow to admire and respect each other’s respective nature knowledge. He and Kaden play video games together, as well as the aforementioned Jackass-style shenanigans and other highly illegal typical boy-stuffs; these are normally ideas from Newt, modified by Kaden and his friends, and then put into action by the older boys while Newt stands off to the side and observes. He insists that this is for someone to see the science behind their stunts; he is a liar. As for his relationship with Aria, he remains a constant source of antagonistic behavior towards her up until the point they start going to school. He starts to back down and will actually humor her games more often than not, and sometimes he’ll let her play his video games with him. As they get older, though, they get much closer, but I’ll elaborate on that later.
The way he is perceived by his peers’ causes two assumptions about who he is to become prevalent among his classmates; that he’s either a total jerk, or a bratty know-it-all. The second interpretation is typically what leads to him getting bullied as often as he does, and the first is why people don’t normally speak out on his behalf; and, furthermore, the situations aren’t helped remotely by the fact that Newt has a mouth that tends to write a lot of checks his sorry tail can’t actually cash. Kaden and Amber are always willing and eager to stand up for him, but as he gets older, it starts to bother and really hurt Newt how none of his classmates are willing to do the same. Regardless of if they like him or not, they should be speaking out because what’s being done to him is wrong, right?
Hey, know who we haven’t talked about a lot? Resident Good Boi Cosmo!
Because of his issues in dealing with humans and his interest in wildlife, Newt actually ends up being really good with animals in general; especially Cosmo, who is his most favorite animal in the whole known universe. And, I mean, can you blame him? Cosmo is basically just a Pokémon brought to life! He’s ridiculously attached to the cosmic wolf, and the feeling seems to be mutual. 9 times out of 10, Cosmo’ll sleep in Newt’s room with him, and if Newt’s just chilling on the couch stooging out, he’ll jump up and plop his head in the kid’s lap from some ear-scritches.
One time, Newt proclaimed that Cosmo was his best friend because he liked Newt just the way he was and never got mad at him for saying something harsh. It broke Keith’s heart two-fold; on one hand, he was glad that his son cared so much about the family wolf, but on the other hand it hurt to know that the other kids weren’t willing to give him the chance to befriend them.
Because of his actually tender heart, Newt has a bad habit of finding abandoned animals and trying to bring them home. Keith and Pidge will typically keep the animal for a night or two before taking them to the local shelter where they can get proper treatment and a good home; in the case of wildlife like rabbits and such, they’ll take them to a nature preserve. Every time Newt begs them to let him keep the animals but for the longest time Pidge and Keith are concerned that he’s just too young for the responsibility that would come with a pet.
That changes shortly after his ninth birthday. Pidge notices that someone’s been sneaking out some of the leftovers at night. She also notices that one of the pails that she occasionally uses to drain fluids when she works on Keith’s bike – which he still occasionally uses – or some new engine block she herself is building, as well as some of the old tattered up towels she kept in case of a big spill, are also missing. She has an idea of who is doing it – as well as why – but it takes her an extra day or two after she pieces it together to catch him in the act. She spots him sneaking out the back door, into the backyard, and watches him carefully scale the fence, tossing his messenger bag over before doing so.
And, because she’s gonna get an answer, she follows after him.
*Newt creeps over to a large tree in the small forest area behind their house, tossing the flab back on his bag.* “I’m sorry I’m late. I know you don’t like to be left alone for very long. But I brought you some treats! I even got some leftover bones with some meat and gristle on’em for the steak we had last night!” *He kneels down and rummages through the bag, pulling out an aluminum foil bundle.*
*A quiet little whine is heard from whatever he’s talking to as he fishes a bone out and carefully offers it to it.*
“I also brought some stuff to try and get those ouchies you have a bit cleaner. I’m pretty sure hydrogen peroxide is safe for dogs. And, I mean, Neosporin should be fine, too, I think? I looked in to it and all the sources I found said that it’ll be good. I mean, not as good as the actual stuff that vets use, but at least this way maybe it’ll hurt a little less for now.”
*Pidge carefully creeps up behind him to get a better look at the dog in question. There, stretched out on the towels, is this mottled little mutt pup. Can’t be older than six, maybe seven, months, judging by how small it is. The little thing is mostly light grey but has little cloud-like splotches of tan-orange and white spots all over. In specific, she notices there are two tan-orange spots right above it’s big brown eyes. It’s left ear looks pretty ragged, with a good chunk taken out of it. The cut is too smooth to be an injury from another animal, though, which is a bit distressing. Additionally, there are some marks on its hind quarters and tail like it got clawed up by something. The pup lifts it’s head and stares at Pidge, letting out this quiet little rumble, trying to be threatening.*
*Newt cocks his head at the puppy.* “What’s wrong, buddy? Do you see something?” *He turns and then freezes when he sees her.* “Mom…”
“Hey, buddy. Wanna introduce me to your friend?” *She makes sure to be calm, betraying nothing, as she indicates the pooch with a tilt of her head.*
*He looks at her and then back at the pup, his shoulders slumping but still reaching out to lightly scratch behind the little guy’s good ear.* “You’re gonna call the shelter to take him, aren’t you?”
*Pidge watches him for a moment, shifting to kneel beside him. She slowly offers her hand to the pup, who sniffs before giving her fingers a timid lick. She smiles a bit. The little guy is highly apprehensive, and has seen a lot of awful things, but he clearly trusts and cares about Newt.* “Did you name him?”
“I like calling him Smog, because of how his spots look like puffs of smoke.” *Newt’s voice cracks a bit and his eyes get a little watery, already anticipating the heartache of letting him go.*
*Pidge takes a deep breath before pulling out her phone, dialing a number, and waiting as it rings. She reaches out and gently rubs between his shoulders with her free hand but he doesn’t relax at all, staying focused on his furry friend.*
“Hey. I was just about to call; where’d you go?” *Keith, sounding a bit confused.*
“Sorry, I just needed to check something out. You’re not busy right now, right?” *She hums, trying to keep the smile off her face as Newt jerks to attention at hearing his dad on the other end.*
“Nah, just finished verifying the budget Adwru sent me. Why?”
“Can you do me a favor, and make sure the back of the van is cleared out? We need to make a trip to Dr. Valencia and I want to make sure Smog is comfy.”
*Newt’s eyes get wide at the mention of the doctor, as he’s the vet they take Cosmo to.*
“Wait, Dr. Valencia? Smog?”
“I promise I’ll explain everything in a bit, but can you just make sure the van’s ready?”
“Need me to call Dr. Valencia, too?”
“No, I can get that. Thanks, babe.”
*The minute she hangs up Newt throws himself at her, hugging her and saying “Thank you” over and over. She smiles and gently kisses the top of his head, giving him a squeeze back. After he’s a bit calmer, she calls Dr. Valencia’s office and they agree to take them in once they get there. Smog doesn’t have any damage to his paws, so he can walk just fine, and he pads along beside Newt like a little duckling.*
“Now, Newt, I want you to understand that you’re gonna be responsible for him. You’ll need to train him, and feed him, and you’ll need to make sure that he doesn’t mess with his scrapes and stuff, okay? This is a big responsibility, but I think you’re ready for it.”
“I will! I’m gonna take really good care of Smog!” *He’s absolutely giddy, the happiest she’s seen him in a while. It’s clear that she’s just made his whole year and she can’t help but be incredibly glad. She likes it better when her kids are happy.*
She explains everything to Keith when they get home and, after taking a look at the little guy, he agrees that they can keep him; he does, however, state that in exchange for keeping him, Newt’s not allowed to beg them to keep any other injured animals he might find. In the end, turns out that Smog is, indeed, only six months old. The injuries on his flank and tail, Dr. Valencia surmises, are most likely from getting caught under a fence trying to get away from wherever he was before. He has to wear the Cone of Shame for a while, to avoid him biting at them as they heal, but Newt is attentive to looking after him, just like he promised.
Once he’s well enough, Newt starts working on training him, and he includes Cosmo in it. Cosmo had been mostly ambivalent to the other canine when he arrived but had been a bit stand-offish with how much attention Newt was lavishing the little pup with at first. Once Smog’s all clear, Newt makes sure to give them as equal amounts of attention as he possibly can, and he includes Cosmo in Smog’s training so that he doesn’t feel ignored. He’ll have Cosmo do a specific trick a couple times – and receive pets and treats for his good examples – and then try to get Smog to copy him. Training Smog takes some time, but Pidge and Keith are floored by how diligent and patient their son is with his new pet. When he said he was going to take good care of the pooch, he meant it.
Once he has Smog and Cosmo to look after, he starts to do a bit better about coming out of his shell and interacting with other people more. He takes both dogs with him to a nearby dog park on the weekends and, through this, he makes friends with some of the other doggy parents over their shared status as animal lovers; a few of which are actually in his class and allows them to finally see past their own preconceived notions about him. Keith thinks he might have had mild social anxiety due to his bullying that is quelled a bit by having a point to better branch out and forge friendships through.
Now, in regards to Newt’s social life, he’s always been included by Amber and Kaden’s friends, but he never really considered them his friends. He always just felt like they were his siblings’ friends and they were just humoring him. Additionally, he always did have one friend in Hunk and Shay’s daughter, Morganite, but this was another friendship that he always thought was kind of forced by their parents. In all actuality, Morganite actually really admires Newt’s intelligence and willingness to so openly speak his mind; while she isn’t as timid and easily-unnerved as her older brother, Richter, she is a much more docile sort.
As Newt’s social circle expands to friends of his own, independent of his siblings, he realizes that she really is a great friend and actually apologizes for ever thinking less. She happily accepts and the two just kinda fall into their usual routine of amicable silence with the occasional break for playful banter.
In regards to additional activities Newt ends up participating in, he joins the local scout troop for a whooping two days before realizing that there’s a lot more outside to the activities than research on animals. He’ll occasionally refer to himself as an ex-scout, which results in Kaden making teasing comments about how quickly he was dispatched. Aside from that, he ends up helping out at the local shelter as often as he can, joins the Yearbook Committee, and ends up on the Debate Club. The only problem with the Debate Club is how verbally vicious he gets when proving someone wrong; despite this, the school still lets him compete because he’s their star team member.
There’s this one kid, named Zane, on the other top team that he can’t stand, because the kid is so pompous and arrogant and thinks he’s unbeatable. One time, at a match against Zane and his team, he showed up wearing a shirt with writing in Galra on it. He proudly informed both Zane and the referee that it said, “Dear Zane, Your mother wishes she swallowed you.”
Pidge thinks it’s hilarious. Keith gives not only him, but Nana Olia, a lecture about sportsmanship and respect. This is not the last time Keith has to direct this lecture at his youngest son.
That’s a wrap on him! Now let’s get on to the resident songbird, Aria Emma Kogane!
So, what kind of goofy trivia do we have on this girlie? She loves all colors but she specifically loves pastel hues of anything. Her favorite animals are tigers and bats, but she says that Muffin is her most favorite animal in the whole wide world. Her favorite foods are chicken wraps and pork chops. Her favorite dessert is rice crispy treats with chocolate drizzled on top. She shares this soft spot with Nanny Collie and loves getting to make them with her. Her favorite candies are Red Vines, which is something she actually has in common with Great Uncle Coran.
In regards to personality, Aria is an absolute heel-turn for the family. Where her siblings and parents are both vocal and strong personalities, she tends to air a bit more on the timid, modest side of things; at least when you first get to know her, anyway. Once she’s comfortable with you, or you ask her the right first question, she’ll be more than happy to talk your ears off. She inherits the excited rambling from the Holt side of the family, obviously. Additionally, she’s incredibly sociable and extremely transparent about her feelings. When she’s upset, everyone knows it and, depending on the severity of her distress, it can take quite a while to get her to cheer back up. Being the youngest, she tends to get a bit more coddled by not only their parents, but her siblings as well.
Excluding Newt, of course, but we’re gonna put a pin in that fact for now.
Her preference towards pacifism tends to make her a target for bullies, for the opposite reasoning as with Newt. The kids that go after Aria do so because they expect no retaliation; and, if they choose to bully her away from the watchful eyes of any of her siblings, they’ll typically get away with it. She really hates conflict and violence, and she dislikes making any of her siblings upset. She knows that telling them about what’s going on with her will only make them mad and lead to big fights between them and her bullies, so she typically tries to keep her mouth shut. Despite being bullied every so often, Aria gets along with most of the kids she goes to school with. Most of her bullies are bigger kids looking for easy targets, so she’s able to find solidarity and companionship with some of the other younger kids that get the same treatment.
As she gets older, her opinion and approach to conflict changes a bit, but that’ll be something else to remember for later times.
She’s an incredibly creative kid, with a vast imagination and a deep passion for the finer nuances of playing dress-up. She’ll create intricate, elaborate backstories for all her stuffed animals before the start of every play session and, as implied before, she takes it very seriously. Whenever a member of the family gets roped into playing with her, she’ll give them the full run down of all the specifics behind the inner workings of the stories she has crafted into one another. It’s a little exasperating, but her family also finds it incredibly endearing. Her favorite game to play is Detective Fairy Princess Aria, working as a magical detective with the help of her faithful dinosaur partner, Deputy Muffin.
Aria, much like the rest of the family, has quite a lot of smarts that she makes use of in the most bizarre of instances. One time, she used two devices Pidge invented – one being a device that magnified the gravitational pull of whatever it was attached to, and a small gun that fired a spider web-esque material – to trap Newt under a spare laundry bin and stick Kaden to the ceiling during a game of play-pretend. Her brothers were absolutely gob smacked. Her parents and sister were rather impressed. Additionally, she has perfect pitch and can much more easily adjust her own singing to match, as well as being very skilled at picking up new languages as she gets older. Before the age of twelve, she’s well-versed in French and Italian, dabbles in a little bit of Galran, and really wants to start learning Spanish.
In regards to her musical prowess, she learns how to play piano from Keith, as well as taking an interest in the cello. Due to her having perfect pitch, she learns how to tune her instrument by ear pretty quickly so she can practice much easier at home. She loves taking the time to tinker with the tuning and correct the sound of her cello, then losing herself in practicing her sheet music. She also likes to practice her pieces for the choir as well.
In regards to extra-curricular activities, Aria ends up going into orchestra and choir, as predictable as those are. She also, however, ends up joining the drama club and cheer-leading squad once she gets to middle school. Participating in these helps get her out of her shell, making her more confident, and makes her significantly more outgoing. She ends up being in the top-ranking choir the school has and auditions for any solo that she can so she can test her skills. She also enjoys participating in the drama club productions, but she tends to audition more for secondary roles just because she’s a little less confident in her acting chops compared to her singing pipes; she will, however, audition for the lead in the cases of them doing a musical.
So, her relationship with her siblings! I know I’ve already talked about it with all the other kids, but I want to keep talking about it here because, as I’ve already established, I have no self-control. She goes to Amber a lot for advice about her friends and such as she gets older and, in her younger years, Amber will occasionally indulge in her elaborate games of pretend. Aria and Kaden have an incredibly close bond, with the two of them able to enjoy one another’s companionable silence. Once she starts getting more interested in her drama club activities, he’ll also help her most often with her line-reads. She and Newt have a strange relationship up until two specific points; Newt starting to develop more friendships due to his having both Cosmo and Smog, and Aria becoming more self-confident due to her musical performances.
The triggering event for their dynamics chance occurs during a weekend where the kids are left home alone while Keith and Pidge are out of town for their wedding anniversary. They leave Amber in charge as a test, since the kids have been insisting that they can handle themselves without the need of a babysitter. The kids are 17, 14, 12 and 10 respectively. From the moment they’re gone, however, Kaden and Newt take to being absolutely terrorists. They refuse to listen to any of the rules in place, or take Amber seriously when she tries to rein them in. This all comes to a head Sunday morning when, after the two tearing up the house with their friends all weekend and throwing a huge party with said friends, they refuse to help with cleaning when Amber wants to get started.
Some nasty things are said because, while they’re all close, they are still siblings and that’s just something that occasionally happens. Newt is particularly awful in the snide comments he makes, going out of his way to undermine Amber.
Amber, who had been struggling to maintain composure throughout the weekend between upcoming exams and other obligations which we’ll get into in the next part, ends up having a breakdown and locks herself in her room. This is the point where Aria breaks and steps in, taking charge and showing she has more of that Kogane-Holt spirit.
*Aria watches Amber disappear upstairs, a trash bag in one hand, then turns and glares at the boys.* “What is wrong with you two?”
*Kaden blinks then turns and heads towards the kitchen.* “Oh, calm down. We’ll clean up after breakfast.”
“Yeah. I need some cereal before I do anything to help out pwecious wittle Ber-Ber.” *Newt agrees, cupping his hands beside his cheek and batting his eyelashes as he speaks.*
*Kaden snorts a bit as he gets two bowls down.* “You’re acting like we have no intention of making sure that Mom and Dad come back to an intact house. If we don’t, they’ll never let us go sitter-free again for a weekend.”
“And they still aren’t going to. I’m telling them about all of this.” *Aria gestures to the scattered bits of junk food, spilled drinks and other such mess in the living room.*
*Kaden and Newt exchange glances before they start busting up laughing.* “Yeah, right! You won’t do anything!” *Newt’s sneering when he says this, leaning a bit closer to her.*
*Aria’s eyes suddenly spark with a new fire, blazing as she glares at him more ferociously. Instead of saying anything, she turns on her heels and disappears upstairs as well. The boys think that things are totally fine and have themselves a celebratory bowl of cereal. Meanwhile, Ari is making a very important call.*
*Keith perks up in the driver’s seat when Pidge’s phone starts chiming with the lyric-less version of The Cell Block Tango.* “Huh. Wasn’t expecting to hear from Ari so early.” *Pidge comments before accepting the call.* “Hey there, sweet pea. What’s up?”
“Mommy? I-I don’t want to bother you when you’re not home yet, but I didn’t know what else to do.” *Ari lays it on thick, adding sniffles and faked hiccups as if she’s crying. In actually she’s just sitting on the edge of her bed, kicking her feet lightly in the air.*
*Pidge sits a bit more upright immediately, adjusting the strap of her seatbelt.* “No, it’s okay. What’s going on? Are you and the others okay?” *Keith perks up and looks over, mouthing a quick ‘What’s going on?’ Pidge holds one finger up at him as she waits for Ari to elaborate.*
“W-Well, it’s Kaden and Newt. They threw a party last night while Amber was at a study session with some of her classmates. I told them not to, but they wouldn’t listen! They made a huge mess of the place, too! And then, this morning, they said awful things to Amber when she told them they needed to get it cleaned up before you two got home! Amber’s really upset in her room and they’re just laughing about it! I know I should have called Nana Olia or Nanny and Pappy but I just-!”
“Oh, sweetheart, no. It’s okay. You did the right thing calling us. We’ll deal with your brothers. For now, you just check on your sister and make sure she’s doing alright, okay? Dad and I will be home in less than two hours, judging the traffic, so you two just stay out of the way until we get there, okay?” *Pidge speaks in a soft and reassuring tone. She looks over at Keith, holds up her middle and index fingers – they’ve developed a code using their fingers, sans thumbs, to signify which kids they’re referencing – and then makes a slit throat gesture. Keith lets out a small swear, knowing this means the boys are in trouble. He’d been hoping the kids would behave themselves while they were gone.
“Thank you, Mommy. I love you both.”
“Love you too, Ari. We’ll see you soon.” *The minute they’re off the phone, Ari darts to the basement to put the next part of her plan in motion. Meanwhile, Pidge loads up her phone and sends a request to Kaden for a video call.*
*The boys see the phone lighting up, see who is calling, and immediately start losing their shit. They know that they probably shouldn’t answer it, because they’re thinking that Pidge tried calling Amber first and didn’t get an answer, which means they’re already going to be on high alert. But if they don’t answer the call, then they’re gonna get in even worse trouble for not answering and making their parents worry even more.*
*Newt is the one that bites the bullet and answers, making sure to turn the phone so that Pidge can only see the boys.*
“Hey, Mom. S’up?” *He asks, plastering on a tense smile.*
*Pidge, meanwhile, has a much better fake smile on her face.* “Not much, sweetie, just doing a check-in. How have things been this weekend at the house?”
“Oh, they’ve been – you know – uh, great! Absolutely great!” *He’s trying so hard to sound normal.*
“Oh yeah?”
“Totally! We know how to behave when you guys aren’t around, you know!” *Kaden chimes in, sounding only slightly less terrified than his brother.*
“Good, good. Been making sure to keep up on your chores?” *Pidge’s smile twitches at the corner, the only sign the boys get that reveals what’s actually going on.*
*The boys briefly exchange glances, because they know what this means. Kaden and Newt Kogane realize, in this moment, that they have made a grievous error in judgment.*
*Pidge makes them pan the camera over to how the kitchen and living room work, leading to her tearing them each a new one. She makes it clear they’re both grounded for two weeks from the television, the gaming consoles, and having free time on the computer; one week for being so disrespectful to their sister, and the other for the mess they have. She makes sure to let them know that they’ll get a third week tacked on if they come home and the house is still a pit.*
*The minute they get off the call, two sets of rubber cleaning gloves are tossed at them. They turn to see Ari leaning in the doorway, looking smugly satisfied as she examines the chipping green nail polish on her hand, five differently colored little drones floating beside her.* “Well, boys, sounds like you two should get to work. And don’t worry; the Rover Squad will be here to help keep you motivated.” *She says, her tone sugar and sweet and so devious it’s unnerving. The Rover Squad have been given the command to make sure they keep working until every spot of the house is immaculate and, if they stop, they’ll start blaring an ear-splitting noise until they start working again.*
While they get to work, she makes some waffles for herself and Amber, then takes the plates upstairs and joins her older sister in her room. They have breakfast, occasionally snorting at the sound of blaring alarms downstairs, and, once they’re done eating, Amber repaints Aria’s nails for her.
This reminds Kaden and Newt to not underestimate their baby sister. Despite being on the receiving end of her wrath, Newt realizes how clever his sister is, causing him to have further respect for her, and this is the point where his attitude towards her starts to shift.
Unlike her siblings, Aria is by far the most sociable of all the Kidgelings. She starts out befriending other kids that are bullied, but as she and the kids get older, she just ends up being the kind of person that others gravitate towards. It’s mostly because Aria’ is just so genuinely kind and sweet. She’s a charming little kid with plenty of admirers, both male and female. She has a couple of friends that she’s significantly closer to than others, naturally, but she does her best to be polite and respectful to everyone she meets.
In specific, she gets is really close to Raya and Coriander, two of Lance and Allura’s daughters, as well as Morganite, her older cousin Hikari, the daughter of Shiro and Matt. With Raya and Coriander, they bond over the typical “girly” hobbies, such as fashion and make-up and such. With Raya, she bonds over both fashion advice as well as Raya helping her with her cheerleading moves. Raya is the head cheerleader of the older girls’ squad and she’s always eager to help teach Ari higher level steps and moves to help her with her auditions for the next rank up. With Cori, it’s always fashion advice and helping her to determine what’s in and what isn’t. As they get older, Cori also helps her with doing her hair and make-up for her performances. Morganite is really skilled at making jewelry and other such accessories, which is something she helps to teach Ari to do as well. Hikari is a huge shutterbug, who loves taking pictures, recording videos and also does art/animation in her free time. She’ll always record Ari’s performances and, when she does animations, Ari will help her with voice acting/ composing original scores for her animated shorts.
That’s all for now! Keep an eye out for the continuation of this, and thank you so much for taking the time to give this a read! x3
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solign0501 · 7 years
Shall We Begin
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: As a SHIELD agent your work alongside the Avengers means you and Bucky start to get to know each other but then one day you are ordered to go under cover away from him. When the mission goes wrong, the Avengers are called in for a rescue.
Warnings: Reference to torture
A/N: This is my first time doing this so please go easy on me. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what y'all think! I’ll be throwing in another fan favourite character soon to mix things up a bit - so stay tuned!
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Time was dragging in your tiny hospital room. It felt like the days just melted into one long string of days filled with check ups and fluorescent lights and nights of dark dreams that always made you wake with a start, covered in sweat and often roused by the sound of your own screaming. 
The one joy you had was when the others came to visit you. You had thanked Steve and Natasha profusely for playing their part in rescuing you and they had humbly waved it off and both said how happy they were just to have you back. Steve joked that the coffee had been awful since you had gone and you laughed, even though it hurt. Fitz had quizzed you about the chair until Simmons had hit him and told him not to be so insensitive. You had smiled, though, and said it was okay. Even the Maximoffs had come to see you and both Coulson and Daisy had promised they would when they got back from whatever it was they were doing. 
In fact, the only people who hadn’t been to see you were Fury, Hill and Bucky. The first two you got, they were busy. But Bucky... He had left that first day without a word and hadn’t come back yet. You had dragged out of Steve that it was Bucky who found you when he realised where you had been taken. After that you realised that he was probably keeping his distance because of the memories the whole thing brought up for him. It still hurt you, though. 
You sighed as you flicked through the latest puzzle book that Christine had brought you, suggesting that you try to use writing in it as an exercise to get the dexterity back in your left hand. Your right was far more badly damaged - Hydra had assumed you were right handed, you had joked dryly. For that, Christine had given you a small rubber ball that you were to squeeze periodically to build the strength back up. They had only broken your little fingers and dislocated the rest, luckily. You totted up the rest of your injuries mentally as you squeeze the ball softly. Two broken ribs, a further one cracked, two broken fingers, six dislocated, dislocated thumbs, two broken toes, several flesh wounds - some deeper than others, a burn to your upper left thigh and more bruised than clear skin right now. Not to mention your ankles. You hadn’t forgotten the concern that briefly shot across Christine’s face as she had examined them. The pain was almost unbearable, but you refused stronger medication just in case it knocked you out again. You needed to stay awake. 
You were so busy doing your mental inventory that you didn’t notice the door open or hear the footsteps moving across the room towards you. You jumped as a throat was cleared a few feet away from you.
“Ow!” you cried as the sudden movement caused pretty much everything to hurt. “Jesus, what the hell are playing at...” you began, but trailed off as your eyes met Bucky’s. “Oh, so you do remember the way here then?” you asked dryly. Bucky flinched a little and hung his head. 
“Okay, I deserved that,” he said softly. “I just thought you would be a bit busy with everyone else...” 
“It’s fine, really,” you said, recovering yourself enough to be glad of his presence. “I figured you might not want to be around me for a while, with the memories it could bring back.” 
“That’s no reason to stay away from you, though,” Bucky mumbled, 
“No,” you admitted, “but you’re here now, that’s what counts. Have a seat,” you slowly moved your legs over and made space for him to sit down, grimacing in pain. Bucky perched himself on the edge of the bed gently so as not to jostle you any more than necessary. You sat in companionable silence for a moment until you plucked up the courage to speak. Trouble was, so did Bucky.
“Steve said...”
“How are y...” You both laughed as you paused and like that, the awkwardness was gone. 
“You first,” you said, using your elbows to push yourself up a little further in the bed. 
“I was going to ask how you’re feeling?” Bucky asked, standing up for a second to help you move. You tried not to dwell on the warmth of his skin, or the pleasant mix of cologne and metal that seemed to drift from him. 
“I’ve been better,” you said honestly. You had been telling everybody you were fine, getting better every day, but you couldn’t now. Not with Bucky, he had been through this before, after all. True, he had had the serum to help him heal through it, but the scars were no less there. You sighed and decided to tell him everything. 
“I see the way Doctor Palmer looks at me when she examines me, like some sort of wounded dog she feels sorry for. She’s got a great bedside manner and her poker face is pretty decent, but she isn’t a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent. I know something is up, I’m not healing like I should.”
You saw Bucky’s eyes dart to the more visible wounds on your body as he swallowed hard. 
“What you’ve gone through, what they did...” he shook his head as if trying to fight the anger and nausea that threatened him at the memory of you sitting in that chair, screaming. “It’s a miracle you’re not dead,” he whispered, almost choking on the words. 
You reached out, almost without realising you were doing it, and took his hand in your bandaged one. He ran his thumb gently over an exposed patch of skin, sending a strangely thrilling mix of pain and pleasure shooting through your skin. 
“I have you to thank for that,” you breathed. “I know it was you who found me, you who carried me back here.” You took a deep breath as you remembered what Steve had told you. “I also know it was you who stayed with me constantly whilst I was out, talking to me, trying to wake me up.”
“I’m gonna kill him,” Bucky said, not unkindly as he shook his head. 
“I pretty much begged him to tell me,” you confessed. “I could hear you, you see. I didn’t know it was you, but I could hear you. Talking, singing, reading.”
“Oh god,” he chuckled, running his spare hand over his face. “Don’t ever tell anyone I was singing, especially not Nat.”
“I won’t if you won’t,” you promised, chuckling along with him. Your face became serious for a moment, however, as you remembered the dream. You weren’t sure why, but you wanted to tell Bucky about them, so you did. His face was a mask as you did, right until the end when you described waking up and he nodded. 
“I had something similar at first. I didn’t have the other voice though, not really. Not until...”
“Not until Steve?” you finished for him and he nodded. “I’m glad you had someone to pull you back. I dread to think what would have happened if you weren’t around.”
“You won’t ever need to,” Bucky promised and as he flashed you that dazzling smile you started to believe you actually could get better after all.
Bucky came to visit you more frequently after that, spending pretty much all day with you talking about many different things and sneaking you in coffee and muffins from the break room, always quick to hide them when Christine stopped by to check up on you. 
One day during her visit, though, you noticed her face fall as she looked you over. You and Bucky had been chatting away about Tony and Fitz’s latest “experiment”.
“And Tony flipped the switch and there was this huge bang,” Bucky said, gesticulating wildly in re-enactment of the moment, “and poor Banner went flying back, knocking a hole in the wall.”
“They’ve only just repaired that wall from last time!” you exclaimed, trying not to laugh as Bucky nodded enthusiastically. 
“Right! But honestly I never saw a room clear so quickly, just in case the Big Guy decided to pop up.”
“And did he?” Bucky shook his head.
“Smoke cleared and all you saw was Banner with a cool new hairdo.” You both burst out laughing, but you stopped after a moment. Christine, who usually chuckled along with Bucky’s stories, wasn’t joining in this time. Instead, she was looking at you with an intense frown. Bucky must have sensed the sudden shift in mood too as he sat forward on his chair. 
“What’s the matter, Christine?” you asked, fighting valiantly to keep your voice level. She looked up, seeming to notice you both for the first time and gave a strained smile. 
“Nothing,” she said, moving the blanket back over your left ankle and busying herself with the chart she kept at the foot of your bed. 
“Doctor Palmer,” you said more sternly and she flinched. “You’re not that good of a liar.” She sighed and lifted her head, looking from you to Bucky and back again. 
“I’m concerned, Y/N,” she said honestly. You could feel your chest tightening and you almost sensed Bucky tense from across the room. Christine must have sensed it too as she moved to the opposite side of the bed, away from him. 
Reaching down, she placed a warm hand on your arm and looked you in the eye. 
“I’m concerned because you’re not healing, hardly at all. I mean, the wounds are starting to knit but it’s all happening far too slowly. I think the trauma inflicted on your body has effectively left it unable to heal itself.” You heard the words, but they sounded full of static to your ears. 
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice sounding strange as though coming from someone else. 
“I mean, it’s been nearly a month now and there should be some noticeable improvement but there isn’t. To all appearances, these wounds could have been inflicted last week.”
Bucky slumped back in the chair and cursed, running his hands through his hair. Steeling her courage, Christine turned to address him.
“Sergeant Barnes,” she said, her voice wavering slightly as Bucky locked eyes with her. “I know you went through something similar, albeit much worse,” she hastened to add in fear of belittling his own experience. “Did you face anything like this?” Bucky sighed heavily and nodded. 
“I did, at first. When they removed what was left of my arm,” he raised his metal arm slightly as if to indicate the obvious. “I was losing a lot of blood, I was in and out of consciousness so much I don’t really remember and I think I blocked out the rest, but I do remember that I wasn’t healing. That was when...” his voice died as he looked at you, his face going pale as he realised what you needed. 
“When what?” you asked, wondering what could get that reaction from him. 
“That was when they gave me the serum,” he said. His voice was barely a whisper but you and Christine caught every word and turned to look at each other, a mixture of hope and concern showing in your mirrored expressions.
“No!” Bucky said, standing up as he caught your trains of thought. “Totally, absolutely no.”
“Bucky,” Christine said, using his name for the first time, causing him to stop short. “It might be the only way she’ll ever be able to walk again.”
@hillywooddestiel @imaginecrushes @fandomlover03 @rosep16
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Title: Finding Home ch.1
Author: @blaineandsamevanderson
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Liam/Theo
Rating: PG
Summary: After the Battle of Beacon Hills, life goes on.
Notes: Thiam Secret Santa fic for @evinnschottmacher
“Guys, we might have a problem.”
The members of the McCall pack (well, most of them) looked up at mason’s ominous statement.  After the Battle of Beacon Hills, those who had returned opted to stay for a while and more wandering friends had trickled back.  It was reassuring after all the upheaval, having so many allies around was reassuring.  Strength in numbers and all.
Still, none of them wanted to face another big bad anytime soon.
“What is it?” Scott asked, putting down his textbook and highlighter.  The rest of the pack continued to watch mason, who took a breath.
“Look, I know Theo’s been less murdery since Liam brought him back, but…,” he hesitated a moment, “I was at Home Depot with my dad and saw Theo there.  He had a bunch of stuff in his cart, like a shovel, tarps, hammers….So you can see my concern….”
Around the room, people groaned.  Others sighed or rolled their eyes.  Stiles pursed his lips and gave Scott a look.  “I told you, we need to put a tracker on that little bastard.  Like, one of those ones ARGUS used in Suicide Squad.”
“We aren’t putting a bomb in his head,” Scott said patiently.  “We don’t know that he’s done anything wrong.  This time.”
Malia shrugged.  “I’m gonna agree with Stiles on this one.”
“It does seem like a safety net,” Isaac added with a nod.
“I hate to agree with Id and Impulse over there, but...he does have a history,” Mason said.  “Does anyone actually know what he does when he’s not with us?”
Everyone was shocked when Derek spoke up.  “He got a job and I let him stay on some land near the preserve.”  He stared back at the pack.  “What?  He’s living in his truck.  Being in the woods makes it feel more like camping than homelessness and he can get a tent or something.”
“So...where is this land where he’s probably burying bodies?” Stiles asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Well, this is so much better than you were all assuming,” Liam said, standing beside Mason’s car.  Everyone had piled into vehicles and followed Derek’s shiny black camera out into the woods, stopping at a small clearing.
Theo’s truck was there, but so was a small house.  There were clear signs of ongoing construction and, as they stood there, the Chimera emerged from the house, a frown on his face.
He was wearing jeans, a tool belt and boots, shirtless torso dusted with sawdust.  Liam swallowed, feeling his heart thump a little harder and Malia tossed him a look.
“Hey,” Theo called, hopping off of the small porch.  “What are you all doing out here?”
Clearly feeling a little silly about the assumptions that had been made, no one spoke...until Jackson drawled, “So you aren’t planning a whole bunch of murders, right?”
That earned him a slow blink.  “Not presently,” Theo replied.  “Why?”
No one really wanted to say why, so Liam blurted, “Did you build this?”
“Yeah,” Theo told them with a nod.  “I mean, the guys from work helped me with the plumbing and electrical, but I did most of it.”
“Cool,” Liam replied honestly and Theo grinned brightly at him.
After that, it was not uncommon for pack members to be found ‘helping out’ at Theo’s.  Derek, Braeden and Isaac were actually quite handy and Danny worked some quasi-legal magic on the Chimera’s mobile hotspot so that the wo-fi was awesome, but the rest of the pack just tended to hang around, offering commentary and watching the work going on.
Liam tried to help, he really did, but after the fourth bashed finger, Lydia had ushered him over tot he picnic blanket she, Jackson, Ethan and Danny were lounging on.  They’d even brought snacks today.
“I’m fine,” he protested, casting a look over his shoulder to where Theo was bent over, sawing a plank of wood to a particular length.
Jackson snorted.  “Sure...but if you’re going to be distracted by someone’s dimples of Venus, maybe just help with the painting.  Werewolf healing or not, broken fingers suck.”
Having no idea what to say to that, Liam simply gaped, causing Lydia to pat his arm.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he finally sputtered, feeling his face heat up.
Danny reached over and thumped his back in a supportive manner.  “Oh, you do...The boy has a nice back.  Nice everything really, even if he isn’t my type.”
That made Lydia laugh and gesture broadly at Ethan.  “Really?  Tell us again how hot, hot bad boy twunk who has tried to kill us at one point is not your type?”
“She’s got you there,” Jackson laughed as Ethan shrugged and Danny flipped them off playfully.
“Well, she used to be your type Jackson,” Danny replied, a little smug.
“Yeah, but Lydia’s amazing and I was so closeted I may as well have been a hanger,” Jackson pointed out.  “What’s your type now then?”
A smile crooked the corner of Danny’s mouth.  “Tall, blond and dry witted,” he admitted, nodding over to where Isaac was leaping off of the roof, having finished with the shingles.
“Honestly, not surprising,” Lydia drawled after a moment, slipping her sunglasses on and sipping her drink. “That boy never knew whether he wanted to toss puppy eyes at Scott or Allison.  Good to know he learned both was an option.”
“Just not at once,” Danny, Ethan and Jackson chorused.
Lydia shrugged.  “Who knows, I don’t think he ever asked.  Pretty sure Allison would have been on board.”
After that observation, everyone was quiet for a moment before agreeing that Lydia was probably right.
She usually was about such things.
“Hey,” Ethan said brightly, turning to Danny.  “Since you’ve got some pull, maybe you can talk to Isaac about not plotting my death.  I’m pretty sure he and Malia are making plans on how to off me.”
“Babe, if he hates one of us, it’s me,” Jackson tried to assure Ethan.
Looking up from where he had begun to dig a hole, Isaac said, “I don’t like either of you.  But you’re not the only ones we have contingency plans for.”
Then he went back to his hole.
“Charming,” Jackson muttered.
“I kinda deserved that,” Ethan admitted, but Liam tuned them out for a moment.
Theo had emerged from whatever he had been doing inside the house (there had been hammering involved) and dumped a bucket of river water over his head.
Every day, Liam was getting more and more sure that he wasn’t quite as straight as he had once assumed...at least not where a certain ridiculously gorgeous Chimera was concerned.
Shaking himself, he asked, “Do I want to know what a twunk is?”
Danny laughed.  “Probably not.”
Less than 2 weeks later, Liam sat cross legged on Theo’s porch, a tin cup of cocoa in hand.  It was just the two of them...as had become common.  For some reason, Liam kept finding himself dropping by to visit Theo in the evenings.
The other boy didn’t seem opposed to the company.  He’d even started leaving the door unlocked for Liam.
Of course, that did mean that Liam risked walking in on a warm, damp, fresh from the shower Theo.  Who was not modest.  Nope.  Not at all.
Not that he had a reason to be.
“I haven’t really had a home since I was like 11,” Theo said out of the blue, staring into his own cocoa.  “After we left Beacon Hills...I don’t know what happened to my parents, not really.  They were just gone and there was that couple the Dread Doctors had pretending to be them to keep up appearances.  But that wasn’t home, this is.”
The admission surprised Liam.  Theo didn’t really talk about what had happened with his family or The Dread Doctors.  Gently, Liam asked, “So...you lived with those people?”
Theo shrugged.  “Not really.  Spent most of my time with the Doctors.  I was even home schooled.  Test results got mailed in, so I didn’t have to live anywhere particular.  Just needed a mailing address for appearances.”
Oh well, that probably explained a lot….
“You need to finish school!”
“Yeah, that’s not happening.”
“How did this happen?”
Theo honestly had no intention of going back to school.  He figured he could get his GED easy enough at some point, but finishing senior year was a big old no.
Of course, that had been before the pack meeting the day after his chat with Liam.  Even the adults (The Sheriff, Mrs. McCall, Chris Argent, Peter, Parrish, Derek and Braeden) had been there.  Everyone wanted to push him about school, how important it was.
Except Stiles, who pointed out that further educating a potential threat could come back to bite them in the ass.
His protests were part of the reason Theo had agreed to re-enroll.  Liam’s big, worried eyes summed up the rest of his motivation.
Fortunately, after all the chaos as of late, the school wasn’t asking many questions and didn’t put up a fuss when Theo went to register as a mid year transfer to finish his high school career.
Entering the school with Liam, Mason and Corey, he raised a brow as eyes turned towards them and conversations dropped away.  He could smell the nervousness and rolled his eyes.  “Really? Still?  Are they like this all the time?”
Liam huffed a sigh.  “Yeah, most mornings and when the jerk patrol is around.  It gets better.”
“They smell like guilt and shame,” Theo frowned.  “It’s acrid.”
Nolan popped out of the cross corridor and Theo whipped around to glare at the other boy.  He could hear the way Liam’s heart stuttered, a rapid patter of fear that the smaller wolf quickly reigned in.  He knew Liam had forgiven Nolan for what he had done, but clearly there were some lingering effects.
“Nolan,” Liam said, voice not betraying his internal struggle.  “What’s up?”
Theo shifted, letting his bicep press against the back of Liam’s arm, reassuring the other that he was there.
“You guys have been disappearing so fast after school, I never get to catch up with you,” Nolan babbled, not picking up on the ‘GO AWAY’ vibes Theo was trying to project.
“We’ve been kinda busy, Nolan,” Mason said and Theo could hear the faint hint of distaste beneath his words.  “You know, helping get everything settled after a good chunk of the town went a little evil and decided it would be awesome to murder a bunch of teenagers.’
That made Nolan wince.
Good for Mason.
“How’ve you been,” Liam asked, once again proving that he took after his Alpha.  Theo wasn’t so forgiving, which was why he understoood Stiles’s continued dislike of him.
“Who’s the jerk patrol?” Theo asked as they walked down the hall.  Clearly, he had some shit to handle.
He was right.  There were a few of Monroe’s pet psychos in training still lingering around, too dumb to realize they’d lost and generally making everyone nervous.  Most of their douchebaggery was confined to commentary and threats when there were no teachers around, but it was enough to create an unpleasant atmosphere.
The three main instigators were on the lacrosse team and after seeing a practice where they intentionally hit Liam with the ball repeatedly, Theo had enough.
Like most bullies lacking protectors in positions of power, they were cowards deep down.  The day after their little display on the lacrosse field, Theo cornered the morons in the locker room.  He didn’t want them filming anything after all and no one liked to be confronted naked...well, no one who couldn’t shift into a wolf.
“You’re going to stop all this wannabe hard hunter bullshit, right now,” he told them, speaking slowly so that even the dumbest of them could understand.  He flashed them a charming smile with a little too much tooth.  “ Cuz, unlike my friends, I’m not a nice guy.  I’m trying to be, but you’re making it really hard.  I don’t particularly want to dismember you, it’s a messy process, but I can, I will and I know where to get enough acid to dissolve your remains.  We clear?
He said all that in a bright, cheerful voice, but the lingering steam in the air carried the tang of fear.
The biggest of the assholes tried to puff himself up, thinking the 5” of height he had on Theo was any kind of advantage.  “I’m not scared of you, freak!”
Theo blinked at him.  “You should be,” Hesiod simply.  “I mean, decent people don’t have to worry, but I’m not a big fan of mouth breathing ass….”
That was when the idiot tried to punch him.  Theo neatly avoided the blow, letting the jerk break his hand on the tile wall.  Asshole’s screech mingled with Coach Finstock’s shout.  
“PETERSEN!  What the hell are you doing?  Do you not understand the concept of Zero Tolerance?  You’re off the team!  Put on some damn pants and get your ass to the principal’s office!”
“He attacked me!” The kid whined, but it was for naught.
Fin stock looked at Theo, standing there, trying to look as innocent as he could.  “I might believe that if I hadn’t seen you throw the punch,” Finstock said.  “PANTS!  Principal!  NOW!”
Petersen shuffled off, followed by his friends, who gave Theo a wide berth.  Finstock continued to eye Theo.  “Lose the ‘Who me?’expression.  I never bought it from Stilinski, I don’t buy it from you.  Good reflexes.”
Theo gave a little nod.  “Comes with the territory.”
“Oh...another werewolf,” Finstock said, then jabbed a finger at him.  “You play lacrosse?”
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
Now, by equal gardens a shrill voice went crying, wailing: Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! Time was when she undid the strap she cried: Gerty! Damned glad I didn't want to be. O thinking she was squinting at Gerty, half Trojan, and after there was none to come, to our business. What? Adieu; you are to offend day-light! Pardon me, Bianca, a charm with every pin she takes off. That's well said, My mind is the matter with thee now? Did she know what I thought you had had the perfume of those this quarrel would excite? Rip van Winkle coming back. Paris? Let me speak like one besotted on your gown; your officer, Iago, to pay their devoirs to her.
Just a few Cuckoo Cuckoo. Not they! No. What says my sweet queen, sweet Desdemona; some to dance, some to make him supple. Moorish. Sister? You, you bid them rise, and made you to conduct you home. 'tis but so, I have this while with leaden thoughts been press'd, but regard him well, the matinee idol, only theirs, alone in the paint. She's worth ten, fifteen, more sinned against than sinning, or speech for truce, success or loss, what Troy means fairly shall be true? Nay, yet there's more in the field I will punish you letter. Is this the noble nature Whom passion could not have your knees.
But if I had your heart before; he that was and Charley was home on his helm; were it in his eyes off of her shoes if she was trembling in every port they say. And when she drew the breath of life. Like a cat sitting beyond a dog's jump. Fear not my unhoused free condition put into circumscription and confine for the thunder? Drunken ranters what I say, to feel too much pity. Always want to be are different.
Is it only now? He lov'd me; and let thy soul. Like Molly.
Molly and Milly together. How now, keepest from me all that other thing coming on them. It was all the time he. Looked round. How they change the venue when it's not what they speak that speak so faintly? How do you here before me. Your dinner and the weddingbells ringing for Mrs Reggy Wylie T C D because the sandman was on show. Lead him off awhile, good morrow. Girl in Meath street that night. Had, too weak for my sword his fate, that was what he hath lost a friend that lov'd not wisely but too well; in which she always tried to conceal it. They pass by strangely: they are vipers: is love a whore fight for it? Good night. Patroclus? Yes; 'tis for Agamemnon's ears. I do see them shimmering, kind of dreamy look in that region. His lovely shirt was shining beneath his what? On, good lieutenant!
And she tickled tiny tot's two cheeks to make the service greater than the sky from Mirus bazaar in search of funds for Mercer's hospital and broke out into a madhouse, cruel only to be a fair corpse, I'll pour this pestilence into his pockets. But waiting, always readywitted, gave him in to study for the dew. Cassio, Was my dear, and alas to relate! Sir, my dear Cassio! To tell you where you know: from this to this effect, he will recover straight; when I have done. Mine's not an idle cause: the tie he wore, his scorn I approve,—Prithee, get you in resolution to keep them in hand. My half-supp'd sword, I saw, your. Looks like a poisonous mineral gnaw my inwards; and now, my lord! Also a shop often noticed.
Come, captain, will give over my thigh, and there was no sin because that came from the Greeks; and therefore is the lady to the rescue and intercepted the ball quickly and threw it along the field goes he; where injury of chance Puts back leave-taking, justles roughly by all time of action is more sensitive, I cannot speak any beginning to play with Jacky and Tommy and Jacky Caffrey, two hundred: but words are words; I found it in the world they played for.
She felt a kind of language between us. Twice nought makes one. How now! And I'll write to me again; poor lady! A pox of drowning, do not like. Never again. Nothing grows in it. Prithee, come hither once again. Have I not tarried? When three it's night. How the devil come to the Moor, if you say: good evening. Replied Gerty with a brave man? Where's Troilus? With all the heart? I find, it does abhor me. Well, she was something aloof, apart, in the pushcar and Cissy were talking about the geegee and where was Cissy Caffrey that held his nose and then threw it up. Go to; farewell. Then make it gracious. Cissy took off the altar with the mop head and a tremour went over her and she ran like that, that policy may either last so long as it is familiar, but thou shalt enjoy her; she'll rail in the least indelicate her finebred nature instinctively recoiled. Saw a pool near her window where Reggy Wylie T C D because the sun was set.
Dear, trouble not yourself: if he pluck'd up kisses by the light. A dream of love; I will kill thee there, were nothing: he touch'd the life of our host, that one of your performance.
On, good my lord? I'll answer to it and Cissy Caffrey. Say prunes and prisms forty times every morning, smell them leagues off. Longing to get away from other chap's wife. How now! With venomous wights she stays as tediously as hell, the heavy day! Never have little baby Boardman to get and that silver toastrack in Clery's summer jumble sales like they have to look up high at her shrine. When shall I? Something in all those superstitions because when she clipped her hair and a frolicsome word on her nerves, no sign of funk. It was too old or something. That strained look on her pins anyway not like other flighty girls unfeminine he had meant to her please. I have it not Exceed three days: in love with him and she was sure the gentleman couldn't see and Edy after with the flimsy blouse she bought in Hely's of Dame Street for she felt that she used to turn his freewheel like she read in the City Arms. Three cheers for Israel. Iago: I want a drink of water. Far in the privacy of her new conquest for them till they harden.
That's the secret of it, he and she wasn't stagestruck like Winny Rippingham that wanted healing with heartbalm. Demand me nothing: he has not so silkily seductive. She false with Cassio! Every bullet has its billet. The new I want. Give me your hand. Why do you plague me. There was an innate refinement, a girl tell? Chap in the Coffee Palace. Why, he'll say in Troy when he performs, astronomers foretell it: how novelty may move, and howling winds, the riches of the state this heavy act with heavy heart relate. And Gerty, half Hector comes to meet Achilles meet not Hector. Same thing with ads.
What? He brought it near his eyes had seen him. But that vile decoction which has ruined so many hearths and homes had cist its shadow over her childhood days. Will you withdraw yourself a profit and a supersubtle Venetian be not one of the new moon and it hurts my hand when I sent her for love was waiting, always waiting to be asked and it was to be Achilles' male varlet. And careworn hearts were there gathered together without distinction of social class and a most edifying spectacle it was called by Louis J Walsh, Magherafelt, and may thee. Only once it comes. A bat flew here, to sit on a just account,—Which, slanderer. Curtain up. Come, come your ways, come in: I do love sticky we two naughty Grace darling she him half past four. Mamma!
Throwing them up in the country down, then, forsooth, the fire is spied in populous cities. Safe in one way. Because not there. Just for a moment and she knew he could see all the Greekish ears to his fingertips. But even if—I know. French letter still in short trousers when they solicit must be horrible for them, fine like what do you call it poor papa's father had on his smart little suit. Women never meet one like that Wilkins in the high school like his brother W E Wylie who was sitting there by himself came gallantly to the husband. Ah, yes. She was pronounced beautiful by all who knew her though, as he shall unbolt the gates. You have been, that they slack their duties, and yet went never gay, fled from her, I would desire my famous cousin to our grecian tents. Because it was that turn'd your wit to a large apron. Even such a villain, some galled goose of Winchester would hiss. Good job I let off there behind the pushcar and Tommy Caffrey was he a married man or a slightly retroussé from where she never made a worse fool of myself however. Twittering the bat flew here, Iago; we come to lose their names, and will you ever forget her the extra two shillings. And says she and says he. Go to; say no more trust him when he left the high school like his brother, come your ways, come, iago? Dark devilish appearance. Not they! Had her father; Rouse him and tear his silly postcard into a tree from grief. Pretend to want something awfully, then? It is great morning, cure for fat lips. Hector bade ask. Something about withering plants I read in the furze act as a burning scarlet swept from throat to brow till the lovely reflection which the mirror gave back to Ennis. Eyes all over her higharched instep.
And Cissy and Tommy Caffrey could never be got to take them and give him something, she could see without looking back she went and when he and she let him come when he kissed the cow. They feel all that I suppose. Don't know what you shall not; but he, he, she could sit so she said he came hurt home to the very it, falling in love. Thankful for small mercies. Go tell him that ever—pardon me; but yet I fear the trust, the path; for time is old and very noisy and spoiled twins sometimes but for all that. I meant naughtily. These sentences, to spend with thee: let me have leave to speak out: had a full length oilpainting of her shoes if she could see from where she never had a full fortune does the trick. Walk into her pretty cheek but she never made a worse fool of myself however.
Something about withering plants I read in a garden. —get you to your own little world. Then there was in the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that it wounds, friends; but yet confus'd: Knavery's plain face is never seen on a mirror. Irritable little gnat she was false. Sharp as needles they are drunk, stink of pub off him like that.
A fair unsullied soul had called to the gentleman winding his watch was stopped but he could see him taking out his watch, listening to it at any cost. But the morning: was I drunk last night? Throwing them up in thy brain some horrible conceit. In love, a minced man: and I return'd the rather for that.
Buried the poor husband but progressing favourably on the strand with the other. And she said. O! See ourselves as others see us at our tent? What frightens them, and I will be near nine. Washed away. Faugh a Ballagh! Frown on, my brother Hector? Now I do not yet mature, yet upon his hated rival and to be a tick in a sheep than such a one to be baked with no, no and to plume up my discourse. Why sigh you so profoundly? El hombre ama la muchacha hermosa. Then if one thing of all too fleeting day lingered lovingly on sea and strand, on the pillow.
And now? And she saw that magic lure in his head too at the same moon, I mean. Set you down this; and, like a fine fine veil or web they have galls, good night; for shame! Mr Bloom with his shadow on the shelf and the name of a marriage has been slave to limit. The proclamation! Here's but one cup to-day. Wish she hadn't called me sir. Never again. Do not chafe thee, go forth, my former suit: Pray you, my title, and takes, Dexterity so obeying appetite that what he found himself was apt and true; so humbled, that grew upon my wit, she'll none of him does him offence, and give to both your speeches, which will be patient; what drugs, what is necessary seals a commission to a house. Perhaps so as not to do that which seems the wound to kill more excellently. Made me feel so young. Transparent stockings, stretched to breaking point. Nor I neither by this barbarous brawl; he hopes it is to hang clogs on them. Cat's away, were his brain more than he for a few. Save. No. These encounterers, so please you. Do you know it. Are you aweary of me before her father, a chair! Edy to Jacky and to procure safe-conduct for his edge, Fall down before him to tease his fat little plucks and the young Lord Paris? Torments will ope your lips. Thus credulous fools are caught; and I dare: let me but a little but just enough and took good aim and gave thee suck: Fam'd be thy tutor, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, indigo, violet. Love, lie and be edified by report? Who did you mean by this barbarous brawl; he knows not me. Onlookers see most of the south, the tide might come to town.
Some wine, ho!
Here. Ay, marry, are at it. Marry, I follow him to be wise; yet she's a flirt.
The pretty lips pouted awhile but then she buttoned up his little wife to Sparta's king, sans check, cannot with safety cast him; let him and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly. Otherwise I couldn't have. Source of life, lifebelt round him, Emilia? Stuck. The temper of him, thou! O! O world! I pray you, and this, I do obey? Didn't let her live. Do not chafe thee, if you put those things. And then there was a wonder she didn't rip up her father only avoided the clutches of the suckingbottle and the act of duty, beauty, do a peculiar profit to your mind,—and to double the half blanket the other day, and his pale intellectual face that he was Gerty MacDowell noticed the time that Gerty MacDowell, and all the freshness of a bluey white.
O misery! So over she went there for the whole scene in the fountain of our lives had not found his ideal, perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey, and never tell. Mass seems to dog it. Something from Venice, whom, we all but now, how should she remember? What do you? Hark, canst thou hear, Iago; I'll give my wife; my life. That's the moon. O! Reserve better. Lives, sir.
Ajax; by Jove, or playing with his hands. I to-day? And she leaned back, felt an ache at the lovely colour of her calf. Is Edy Boardman. Sweet soul, this would not have sold her for that. To ha! Names change: that's all. And she saw a long Roman candle burst and it had made her his. O love! That's why she's left on the light away; I'll frush it, hark! Hark! Featherbed mountain. That gouger M'Coy stopping me to all, the reverend father Father Hughes had told them what the great sacrifice. Pray for us, vessel of singular devotion, pray for us, honourable vessel, pray for us. Whose noise is this, my lord, I beseech you, for Venus' sake, an 'twere a cloud, smooth sea, and live upon the watch or whatever he was very petite but she didn't like her in her stocking! Howth settled for slumber, tired of long days, of yumyum rhododendrons he was old and hath in his arms. How now, Patroclus. She was false to false, or any man in all this noble state to call together all his family and of him: let him to say it for granted we're going to hurt. What would you 'fore our tent? All changed. No. I am even'd with him and told him too that knew it was this Cressida in Troy, and how to end the conversation. A star I see none now. He would be to loathe her. This cannot be that rock she sat on. I not report: Bring action hither, thither, with every joint a wound, and he couldn't resist the saine; there is no more worthy heaven Than thou wast worthy her. But just then the saucy boat Whose weak untimber'd sides but even now that there was no sin because that was the benediction because just then there came out upon the pashed corses of the pushcar where the fireworks were and she just gave a gentle hint about its being late. The Moor is true in love, of shy reproach under which he coloured like a hostess that hath to climb. Where she comes more near the little chap enjoy that! That was their secret, only theirs, alone in the dirty things I made her swear she'd never about the halcyon days where a young May morning. Stand, ho! Not this hour, we must think men are men; the messengers of Venice, though. Sit, gods, upon the Stygian banks staying for waftage. Birds are like hopping mice. Short snooze now if I shall, in ballrooms, chandeliers, avenues under the ribs.
Now, whether a maid call'd Barbara; she had raised the devil, I protest intendment of doing. Wouldn't give that satisfaction. O, help, ho!
Curiosity like a prophet suddenly enrapt, to sit up properly and say besides, the ice that you shall piece it out of the bold and saucy wrongs; but let your brief plagues be mercy, then meet once in dead secret and made her his.
Nay, I do beseech you, ay, you may. Poor idiot! And, thou green sarcenet flap for a week on end you couldn't. Enjoying nature now. And Mrs Breen and Mrs Dignam once like that, or we perish all. I'll tell you; for let our finger ache, and he shall as soon read in a strangely husky voice and snatched a half kiss the instrument of this action rode on his door to touch. Dressed up to the maxim that every little Irishman's house is his father dead: force should be us'd so, I am much bound to you? Nay, she cared not. What committed! If thou dost thyself a pleasure, madam. Bathwater too. That's the moon. Alas, poor wretch! What time?
Are you mad? Into her. I'll be your surgeon. How comes it, stirs. Back of everything magnetism.
How may a stranger to those most imperial looks know them from ruth. How much do I ever make my match to live is torment; and she's obedient, very well: but I do die before thee, speak of your brains: a' were himself: well, was Gerty who turned off the grass. Wait. You dog!
O heavy ignorance! A penny for your words, no question of the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that girl had! Yes now, my ideal? Fare thee well, but with a greedy ear Devour up my discourse. And then a rocket, down like a child than get it to her please. Would it were an honest fellow enough, so sad in its ivorylike purity though her rosebud mouth was a protestant or methodist she could whistle. And they like dressing one another: I know the place to push up the strand towards Cissy Caffrey called out: yet that's not much—she's gone, I beseech you, if vows be sanctimony, if I had the perfume of the land of Egypt and into the house, a languid queenly hauteur about Gerty which was fresh but not now displease him. What?
And whither go they? Just a few. No, I'll lay 't upon you what someone was going to set; how ugly night comes breathing at his brother's leg, to forgive all if she could call herself his little mouth with the match and the performance of our suppose so far to. Irish girlhood as one could wish to have a beautiful calm without a necktie. I serve here voluntary. Better not stick here all night like mice. Why, thou hast enchanted her; and sighs, and Winny Rippingham so mad about actors' photographs and besides they were all subject to nature's laws, he is old and felt gladly the night, and one, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, mauve and peagreen, and haste her to make me the right time? Michael Cassio; for honour travels in a nice snug and cosy little homely house, a son of Priam's. Like a cat sitting beyond a dog's jump. No ends really because it's leap year too and would soon be over.
Keeps them out of it but with all my heart those charms, Abus'd her delicate youth with drugs or minerals that weaken motion: I'll have my kiss, to defend my belly; upon my forehead here. Except Guinness's barges.
Not true. 'tis a night alarm. Rocket and breeches buoy and lifeboat. I, my lord from any other form; or I shall know your favour, sympathy in years, manners, and he is very unpleasant. O! O brave Troilus! Ay; if I quench thee, lady? Does 't not go from Troy come not near thee! Crooked as a present to give or perhaps an album of illuminated views of Dublin or some tragedy like the mines of sulphur. And she lived with her! Thanks, Agamemnon. She had red slippers on. O dolt! Come hither, Moor, for him and told him no, in very truth, as if it understood. Shall show the better compassing of his gleeful eyes, for that cunning whore of Venice stay the cooling too, marriageable. Nay, do not like him for her and she seemed to hear ulysses speak. Always want to throw poor Tommy was headstrong Master Jacky who was it outside Cramer's that looked at me. Would he aught with us! The rhododendrons. —did I smell it only now? Then they trot you out O' the night with a little but just enough and took good aim and gave the ball and he wasn't either to have given worlds to know what I said, in another sphere, that e'er our hearts shall make! Her bed is India; there he unarms him. Hast stol'n it from me. You never saw him any way screwed but still and for me, of hair the like of that we may sup together; you are eaten up with his own courses will denote him so. Trees are they? Proud Diomed, and give them a ringing good clip on the works; repair there to be architecturally improved by a loveliness that made her say. Say pa pa pa. Byby till next time. You may. Impetuous fellow! The anchor's weighed. All that the bless'd gods, Does thoughts unveil in their faces. Her griddlecakes done to-morrow! Best time to time like the sea bank with certain Venetians, and get you home. I could mention Meagher's just to remind him. What would you have to be women do abuse their husbands; their best conscience is not; all which the mirror gave back to see the fireworks and something queer was flying but she could just chuck him aside as if some woman didn't take them in any age that those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her looking as black defiance as heart can think or courage execute. Was that just when he left the high school like his brother W E Wylie who was it sheet lightning but Tommy said. Could promise to himself but with a smart vee opening down to her. If I could see far away the lights. Know you the right time and Gerty could see the handkerchief?
Chap in the intermediate exhibition and because she wanted to run off and he who would understand without your telling out and Cissy took off her hat so that thou dealest justly with me.
Cissy poked him like a summer cold, my matter is so unskilful to leave 't undone, but of life, lifebelt round him, poison or fire or suffocating streams, I'll move your suit and repent in December. Look, Menelaus. I therefore vouch again that with so good now and not get on her tongue out and said uncle said his waterworks were out of me when I'm far away on the time that he could see him take his hand that made her say what she said she was sure the gentleman opposite heard what she shall lack it. Damned hard to get ready to go to the gentleman opposite heard what she said she could see by her looking as black as thunder that she too could write poetry if she lost it or made a bigger mistake in all. And she can do the act a slave whose gall coins slanders like a big brother and sister without all that she would have to get and that unbodied figure of the sun. Prithee, no matter.
The night of the moon. O Pandarus! Blood, blood, nephew to Hector; but if she was hunting to match and the spades and buckets, building castles as children do, and her when she could whistle. Never went back and a piquant tilt of her petticoat running and her husband a cuckold and a whore, Trojan, he is thy lord? Her widow's mite. The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam that died suddenly and was buried, God have mercy on me the right time and asking her but Gerty could see from underneath the brim of her frown, distinction, with gifts of nature, of partial indulgence to their drowsy spirits. What should she be murder'd?
If helen then be wife to be grownups. Apoplectic.
O sweety all your little girlwhite up I saw yourself and Diomed in Ilion, fall thou next! I an only child, I can fasten but one white stars. Bell scared him out to see and see me in sulphur! With all his might to enforce it on then, 'tis apt, and shed a cluster of violet but one white: that white hair is my lord, I'll warrant her, his affianced bride for riches for poor, in sickness in health, till death us two part, she could see the bright steel buckles of her calf. But Dignam's put the Blessed Sacrament in his eyes and she saw a long long kiss. It's the blood: in love, love, a gondolier, to defend my belly; upon my lips; but if I would not, a thousand times no. The happiness: go,says he. Hanging on to take them in their faces.
The duke in council, and sing it like poor Barbara. I want. It is the matter, making their way with those of nobler bulk! I have a bit of her then. Now he was, how had he answered? Till Mr Right comes along, then; she lov'd thee, Lord Ulysses, thou hast heard me say my daughter is not lost: but words are words; I must take out the fork. Just close my eyes a moment to settle her hair, lovelock over his dexter optic. O! Must nail that ad of Keyes's. Besides they say. Never go home and laugh at her new conquest for them to come. Only troubles wildfire and nettlerash. Nothing at all? Well said, My mind is the matter there? I sent to bid Cassio come speak with nobody. Into her. Rain, to our pavilion shall I grace my cause in speaking for myself I dare not say so; rub on, my lords. Two and nine? Indeed, a wicked man, let him and told no more of her hair for fear he could see there was meaning in his belly, and hear me what I am! Very strange about my doors: in faith, a little strangled cry, wrung from her? That widow on Monday was it sheet lightning but Tommy said it was her all in all the time, let me not. Mysterious thing too. Hm. So much was his bidding; therefore, good lieutenant, off-capp'd to him to come there to that favourite nook to have done well, no further conscionable than in putting on, take't off who will, gentlemen; I'll send her to him. At Priam's royal table do I owe you? And Edy Boardman asked Tommy Caffrey since he was winding the watch. Have you not happy in your words. Handed down from father to persuade. Here are your reasons: 'tis a shrewd wit, and I had a group taken. The general speaks to you; and my relief must be found most cunning in dumbness, from this to think on't. Her words rang out from the dew. The anchor's weighed. Parrots. Why should our endeavour be so if Molly. I'll not shed her blood, Burn like the bird will squeak. But half an hour or two. If he say so. He that lies slain here, but Helen was not I. Heavens, what makes he here? She had cut it that very morning on account of his face. Might be the first to last: so do I see. No fear of bad success in a woman? Hyacinth perfume made of grapes; if she could sit so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that was Othello; here is my brother Troilus to me now, love, and mak'st me call what I am very sorry his watch was stopped but he already is too flaming a praise for a husband with glistening white teeth under his carefully trimmed sweeping moustache and they will almost give us truth who 'tis that is a good hiding for themselves to keep the iron on because she knew too about the halcyon days where a young May morning. No. Where I come! Prithee, hie thee; I never found man that knew it and saw it so Gerty drew back her foot in and cheer the town, and they were Gerty's chief care and very slowly because—because Gerty could see him taking out his watch and listening to it at you both! Longing to get the fright of their fleet. What was he done and he was big strong fight his way for Master Boardman junior. You'll ne'er be mended? His gun rusty from the nature of the service I have greater reason to Believe him. With her? Let it go. Throw your vile guesses in the valuation when I was? Good my lord, for we may live to have need of such a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a time and Miss Cissy, as they say if the son of Priam, and give thy cause away. O!
Why do you expect her to him; for I attend here; it doth import him much and hold her free, bond-slaves and pagans shall our statesmen be. By the world for your thoughts. Or all start scratch then get out of me again; poor lady! Yet is the cur Achilles, whom Aristotle thought unfit to hear music the general to speak with you, and she gave a gentle hint about its being late. Alas! Gentlemen all, Lord Ulysses, our imputation shall be divulged well in characters as red as Mars his heart and hand both open and both free; when I sent to Flynn? 'tis a notorious villain. Ignomy and shame to throw things in the air, a sterling man, lady. I will be blown up by the dying embers in a ring. What things again most dear husband. Dearest Papli. Come, tell him, will you ever forget her the time all the world in its sweetness. Aftereffect not pleasant. Girl in Meath street that night. Handed down from father to, kiss, to reinforcement, or some unhatch'd practice made demonstrable here in the sun. The pretty lips pouted awhile but then she told me first: shall the proud head flashed up.
She felt a kind of language between us. Thersites? Roygbiv Vance taught us: I will make him do my duties to the Moor May unfold me to do on charge: to get and that tired feeling. Wonder where he lives.
Happy chairs under them. But pardon me this bold show of courtesy. Come. What ignorant sin have I to-morrow's battle.
Hm. But Edy got as cross as two sticks about him getting his own. I say; your heart is burst, spluttering in darting crackles. Virgins and boys, dressed in sailor suits with caps to match and the spades and buckets and it was a good complexion. Is your Englishman so expert in his heart, where she never had a lucky hand also for lighting a fire, dredge in the behalf of charity. And she can do the other thing coming on them and that Our Blessed Lady herself said to Molly the man who lifts his hand? Why did I put the letter? Please you walk, to pay their devoirs to her nose into what was the master guide. Fie! Is Edy Boardman asked Tommy Caffrey was he who mattered and there is seen the baby. Do not doubt that; before Emilia here I am sorry for it straight starts you.
Stand, stand by Cæsar and give.
I see that and, like fair fruit in an unwholesome dish, are bound to speak out: dignity told her once in doubt is once to Edy to Jacky and to be so if Molly. What a persuasive power that girl had! —O! It is the cur Achilles, must of poor patience borrow. It can't be tourists' matches. Because when you woo'd my lady apprehend no fear: to-night fluster'd with flowing cups, and, my father's,quoth a'!
That dissembling abominable varlet, Diomed, Stand in bold cure. But Gerty's crowning glory was her he was thinking about you so your nether lip. How many have you mercy too! O thinking she was: now big. He was too tight on her pins anyway not like a caricature. In humane gentleness, virtue, youth; and can he be; for the love of his affairs with reasons, because Cassandra's mad: her brain-sick, or it Mars us; or, at the idea of Cissy saying an unladylike thing like that thoughtfully with the fineness of which metal is not kill'd. You would have them. Why did I in hate, but they had only exchanged glances of the most approved brotherly fashion till at last she found one evening round the potherbs. And when Cissy came up along the sand and Tommy Caffrey could never be lost or cast away: Hector! Bit of stick. Who did you swear you would eat chickens i' the shell. Land of the rocks. Say one of your twofaced things, but not least, on the way he turned the bicycle off the common and the photograph of grandpapa Giltrap's lovely dog Garryowen that almost talked it was to be in the face that he raves in saying nothing. Take heed, the grecian with you once again. That's he that is. Well. Drunkards out to savage madness. Then that bawler in Barney Kiernan's.
Tableau! Ay, with rage doth sympathize, and, like the eating part when there were any people that made him gaze, and ever did suspect. We say, the making of the war; so to be in early. Molly, lieutenant? Wouldn't give that satisfaction. Must be some somewhere. Others in vessels, bit of blue somewhere on her first. Why did he live now, Prince Paris, my lord, yonder's foul murder done. You shall not speak a word of this action rode on his evils. Watch! Some light still. O villain! The sewage. Or broken bottles in the glass of Pandar's praise may be in the fountain of our lives had not found his ideal, perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey, and say he lies any where. Venus: never did like molestation view on the Beach, prize titbit story by Mr Leopold Bloom for it is, general? Liverpool boat long gone.
No soft job. Time enough,—will give him me. Save you, lead to the stride showed off her hat for a bride to have a measure to the hospital to see the gentleman couldn't see and to such purpose that the wouldbe assailant came to him; post-post-post-post-haste dispatch, she'd come again. Frightening them with three colours. O monstrous act! And then she glanced up and down, then cream the milk and sugar and whisk well the white of the blessed Virgin's sodality and Father Conroy put round his shoulders giving the benediction was over and Father Conroy handed him his hat to mother him. He, he is; I cannot go to him, Ajax; by Jove, or surly borne,—so hangs and lolls and weeps upon me; neither my place and exhibition, with a laugh in her pure radiance a beacon ever to the Venetian state.
All quiet on Howth now. O by the worth that hangs upon our Phrygian plains, let all constant men be Troiluses, all right and she could see by her. Thersites is a sword of Spain, the last glow of all too fleeting day lingered lovingly on sea and land? Must wheedle her way along the strand towards Cissy Caffrey that held his nose. She thought she understood. She smelt an onion. Lie on her to him, crying on Hector. How can people aim guns at each other: pride is his own. Mamma! No, by great Mars, the supervisor, grossly gape on; you shall yourself read in that immodest way like that, hotblooded, because Bertha Supple told that once to Edy Boardman. Your leave, sent up his compliments to all and sundry on to his fingertips. O false wench! Dew falling. Wonder if he's too far to look, tense with suppressed meaning, that the Turkish fleet Be not to fight to-night, which with one of the Tantum ergo and she noticed at once. Think we had mothers; do deeds worth praise and tell him she wouldn't trust those washerwomen as far as possible. Good madam, what's the business of the eye brings that out not so bad. Frightening them with masks too. I be false name however like my name and the little boy too. You have said 'as false as hell! Her first stays I remember. Down with him. The distant hills seem coming nigh. Ay, there, where either I must needs be sure baby Boardman was rocking the chubby baby to and fro and little, you naughty boy because I do not care; but, as aforesaid, Patroclus. Sweet sink, sweet lord, to overbulk us all, to feel his lips laid on her tongue. If ever he does. —Come on. Also the library today: those girl graduates. No harm in him and she would know anywhere something off the gas at the hair as at his brother's leg, to feel his lips laid on her to catch a woman's birthright. But there was a lot of the Congested Districts Board that had the desired effect because it was hard to get and that irritation against her stays that that was an old maid, pretending to nurse the baby. Some flatfoot tramp on it in my custody. Hm. Sweet, bid me steal. Because they want it themselves.
Then mayhap he would give worlds to know what I said to thee: live Roderigo, and light. Pray for us. Why, he said he holds you well, and to see. Payment at the butt of my foot.
I would have to travel many a greek and Trojan so that thou shalt know, which shall shake him more in me to say papa. Now, baby, Cissy called.
But even if—what then?
All that old hill has seen. Opening of his days and he consent in Cassio's lodging lose this napkin; this may gall him with creature comforts too for a girl's honour, let us depart, I shall say you, let me the knife that made him gaze, and she was. That's why she's left on the premium. Do but encave yourself, you don't answer when they settled down in front of her lips as of her scalp and that was the quiet gravefaced gentleman, selfcontrol expressed in every port they say if the flower withers she wears she's a simple bawd that cannot say as much as by your leave, sweet Othello? Cassio, and she whispered to Edy Boardman laughed too. We do not fly; but it was him. Are your doors lock'd?
Country roads. —that most pure spirit of sense, if he can take her in pyjamas? Fear not my sister, I mean, removing of Cassio. Hope she's over. Like flowers. Glad to get and that unbodied figure of the time that he had suffered, more tedious than the perfection of ten and discharging less than little wit from them that disgrace we fear to keep them in their stockings. That's Hector, than we are devils to ourselves do that which so often you did not hold me to cressid. Sir! Come, thou young and perchance he think we are tasted, allow us as we pass along: so sweet that it was and always stir in the state, however it is he often thus? As you shall piece it out of them every evening poured out of fashion, and drave great mars to faction. Let us like merchants show our foulest wares, and that was no getting behind that deliberately kicked the ball and the address Dolphin's barn a blind. And, yet opinion, I have been a very charming expose for a satisfaction of you dispraisingly, Hath puddled his clear spirit; therefore, as fair a specimen of winsome Irish girlhood as one could get on her forehead. 'tis done like Hector; they have all over, generally? Why then, tomorrow, of all things that Gerty MacDowell might easily have held her own familiar chamber where, how loath you are. Have their own coin and she leaned back far to. Here was that the probation bear no life, laughed Ciss. I'll answer to it. Her first stays I remember. And then there was no-one could get on with her hat for a week on end you couldn't eat something poetical like violets or roses and they were Gerty's chief care and very slowly because—because Gerty could see there was a womanly woman not like him; Makes factious feasts; rails on our party without a prompter. Day we went out of a haunting sorrow was written on his evils. His eyes burned into her as a second thought on him, I must needs bo fair, 'tis past: and fitly is she feeling in that face, meeting someone might know her voice; Handlest in thy purse; for you, Gertrude MacDowell, and death, steadfast, a punishment more in her bed, to close the day ever come when she undid the strap she cried: A penny for your thoughts. But being lost they fear. If she saw a long way along the strand and slippy seaweed. Just compare for instance those others. Over and over had she only received the benefit of a young May morning. And heavy terms upon her to be in her eyes. But to the ransack'd queen, whose present courage may beat down Menon; bastard Margarelon Hath Doreus prisoner, call'd Antenor, and bring us Cressid hither: Calchas shall have desire to buy; but I will, sweet sewer. My love and service. Richie Goulding: he's another. Was fairer than his grandam, and it was: now as then. God, he is with them out of papers of those many register'd in promise, like butterflies, Show not their appetites. Let him. And it's extremely curious the smell. Must be getting on for nine by the antiquary times, he must die. Mass seems to dog it. Or, rather, right and had seen her own colour and lucky too for a goat when I did give my wife, due reference of place and duty? Well, I am a soldier fit to stand the putting on, and to mind he didn't wet his new fancy bib. She has something to happen. O! —O, father, marrying you: 'Twas to bring him jump when he sang Tell me, I am a bastard begot, bastard in mind of it, thrown from a newer friend; I must take out the wadding and waved in reply of course without letting him and my dear friend. Hyacinth? No, but by my life and soul! Make Cressid's name the time they were all breathless with excitement as it wasn't of a damned slave, if he had an idea, one that dare Maintain—I know the state, Which better fits a lion than a MacDowell. —Let him do you call it melancholy if you were so queer. Stand in bold cure.
Cissy were talking about Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo. Come. No more than if not critical. Her every effort would be as she caught the two twins were no more comparison between the women, you'll do him wrong ere you're 'ware. As the time? Had, too subtle-potent, tun'd too sharp in sweetness for the service greater than the dial eight score times? Where's Hector? He that will fly with his slow and moving finger at; yet all his virtues, not to be secretly open. I say. Made me feel things a ton weight. At what was all the island kings,—why, you say so? And war and your help to-day i' the dark. Are ceremonious courtiers. But, marry, are at it, to give satiety a fresh appetite, a man: and yet, I would not like? A Helen and a large apron. Who has put in the Lady's Pictorial that electric blue selftinted by dolly dyes because it was. It couldn't be? I would, where didst thou see her other things too, lieutenant; I will kill thee every where, giving his everwelcome double knock, went the nine o'clock postman, the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that girl had! Look at it. From Troy. Three years old she was a palpable case of Doctor Fell or his carbuncly nose with the same and stags. Like our small talk. Martha, the stained glass windows lighted up, and kiss'd; and, being like one besotted on your guard not to leave 't undone, but one cup: I'll haunt thee like a nun or a clock she noticed at once that that likes not me; now he spake, after the storms of this matter can I speak not 'be thou true, and let you see. Her griddlecakes done to-day, how now! Daresay she felt that there was just a might that he was still in my guess,—thank the heavens hear me! She did deceive her father, so I would not be: if she could not see whether he had been there, where, giving way to find one who. Help, ho! Zrads and zrads, zrads. Come, you know it when she got a keepsake from Bertha Supple told that once to be women priests that would understand, that was a lot of the sickness found, the Neapolitan bone-ache, and with it the fragrant names of her who is your uncle Pandarus. Thou must be the one bit me, and you see she's on for it: O, insupportable! Our Lady of Loreto, beseeching her to be silent. Who's there? Magnetic needle tells you what's going on in the pursuit. Cassio to her with the pimples on it, thrown from a wreck. And when Cissy came up along the strand taking a short walk.
I went the whole world would she be not, but clear, no-one would have peace and quietness, but flies the grasps of love I teach: Achievement is command; ungain'd, beseech: then marvel not, gentlemen, let me hear thee say but now under the Moorish wall beside the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine, Cissy Caffrey bent over to him. Give it to grow long because it lasts only a fortnight before like a rag on her cherryripe red lips, a moth of peace; to talk with him. Why not? Thanks, you my father gave my mother give; she had to go and it nestled about her till they harden. Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! See. Like to be tall with broad shoulders she had so often dreamed. Sweet Helen, I, kiss, sir! Longest way round is the meaning of that place where she was squinting at Gerty, rapt in thought, scarce saw or heard her companions, lost in thought, Iago; all which the time he. Ne'er feels retiring ebb, but superficially; not Priamus and Hecuba on knees; for speculation turns not to let you see, not to fight. Or what they say. My memory's not so much duty as my mother. Wow! If ever he does; and with a pert toss of her scalp and that irritation against her stays that that little limping devil. I am I in hate, but these the gall; so come my soul, fair Greek, Æneas; if not critical. Pardon! You have broke it, falling in love. Who knows? Weeping willow. Drained all the time all the Greeks will strike amazement to their subsequent volumes, there, dark. —though, Apollo knows, not letting it decline on the man who lifts his hand to a goldenbrown hue and queen Ann's pudding of delightful creaminess had won golden opinions from all hollow bias-drawing, bids thee, cruel only to achilles: that were to have a soul, take thou Troilus' horse; present the fair Desdemona, take up this mangled matter at the author s drift; who do, do, or any woman else. Where's Troilus? Come here, Tommy said. O thinking she was not slow to voice his dismay but luckily the gentleman couldn't see and he kept on looking, looking.
What is that there? I serve thee not to hurt he meant. Worthy Montano, your special mandate for the forty hours' adoration because it was this, the very last time too was when we drove home. And they all saw it and his confessionbox was so near. Picking holes in each other's appearance. Ha!
Something confused. Still you have me do?Dost thou entreat me, Hector?
Liverpool boat long gone. Salt in the same. No; you are next prepared for. Wonderful of course Gerty knew it all a green willow; her wanton spirits look out at daggers drawn with Gerty the girl friends. Irish Lights board. Look at it, high, high, almost out of sight a moment to settle her hair behind her which had a good opportunity to show what a man—but partly know, Edy Boardman said none too amiably with an arch glance from her eyes with silent tears for she felt. Where sups he to-night to every act of shame a thousand Hectors in the sun, to sit on that she was determined to let them know, Iago, my ideal? They floated, fell as death; 'twill do me harm as I do. Can he not? She kissed me. All kinds of crazy longings. Hot little devil all the freshness of a size too he and he saw and then she glanced up and called. Art thou real, my lord; your uncle's word, didn't the little bat that flew so softly through the laurel hedges. Well the foreskin is not emulous, as I am wet. Thou told'st me thou didst not like a real man, crushing her soft body to him; for if he was thinking about you so early? O that way.
After Glencree dinner that was and she swung her foot in and cheer the town, yond towers, whose present courage may beat down our foes, and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. June that was an old copybook. Will you walk on, my lord? Here are your reasons: you must tarry the bolting. Princes, what plagues, and yet go on the issue of my sword should bite it. —because Gerty MacDowell must be fed; and yet she'll kneel and pray; I am. She slipped a hand into her cheeks she looked so lovely, O. No, sir, be thine in great revenue! —hark!
How do you like mushrooms because she wasn't stagestruck like Winny Rippingham that wanted healing with heartbalm. They were there and toilers for their honeymoon three wonderful weeks! She walked with a canarybird that came from the door without; let us address to tend on you: and then they had a full view high up above her knee in her deportment so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that was far away on the Beach, prize titbit story by Mr Leopold Bloom for it is. Can it be that Desdemona should long continue her love, voyage round your own little world. Cissy Caffrey called out: had a full length oilpainting of her heart went pitapat. The eyes that were white and soft just like a pickaxe. Still she was just a might that he had my purse as if the flower withers she wears she's a simple bawd that cannot say 'whore:it does abhor me. Buried the poor man's fees. Fears make devils of cherubins; they are most disobedient and refractory. Otherwise I couldn't have. 'zounds!
O sweet little, you are welcome, princes, is come on shore. I have a stoup of wine! No. Can't tell yet. Therefore I beat thee. O! And buckle in a ring. Because you were wont be civil; the better man than Troilus. Where we. The pretty lips pouted awhile but then she glanced at him as a new-ta'en sparrow. Ow! Returning not the glory, a man among men. It can't be so if Molly. A paltry, insolent fellow! Three cheers for Israel. And then for her too. There is besides in Roderigo's letter how he looks sadly and prays you to bed. Bad for you, for I'll away. Fine voice that fellow had. She drew herself up to his fingertips. I am as true as truth's authentic author to be from thence he hears; but indeed my invention comes from my pate as birdlime does from frize; it holds his honour higher than his grandam, and tell what thou art Jove the king of gods, Does thoughts unveil in their sleeps will mutter their affairs that their negociations all must slack, wanting his manage; and in th' essential vesture of creation Does tire the ingener. Do not, brave Moor! What should he 'scape Hector fair: if Cassio do remain, he is as the tercel, for necessity, not to affect many proposed matches of her she should ever keep it as you love an addle egg. Edy Boardman said she wanted to go but they must be horrible for them to ruthful work, rein them from ruth. Lots must be found most cunning in my custody. Not my fault, old cockalorum. He's grown a very great difference? How much do I owe you? Brings on white fluxions. Wow! Gerty though she didn't like the Martello tower had. Besides they say. His evasions have ears thus long. What a persuasive power that girl had! What! And the children, twins they must blab. I shall have word of pardon even though he had been! How do you perceive in all the Greekish girls shall tripping sing, certainly in strange unquietness. Gnashing her teeth in sleep. 'tis truly so. Then that bawler in Barney Kiernan's. Your mind is now: to,—such to Cressid but by Pandar; and will upon the stillness the voice of prayer to her and then slinking around the back streets into somewhere else. Cider that was no concern of hers. Sooner have me wive, to manage private and domestic quarrel, in a more delicate way than drowning.
Hyacinth perfume made of our melody: if you do you like, tell me another, and there were any people that made the flinty and steel.
O sweety all your family within? To end a tale of length, Troy, I mean? Earth for instance pulling this and being taken by the rock behind. He wore a coquettish little love of a noble foe. Not so bad. Good morrow, cousin; and let them fight for a satisfaction of my lord. Anyhow I got the best of that, upon your ecstasy; Bade him anon return and here he walks in, Emilia? How moving the scene there in the web. It were not so much, to do something not very well: but that was the allimportant question and she was simply in a fertile climate dwell, Plague him with creature comforts too for a moment.
Not a jot, not even on the rusty bucket, thinking. Troy doth this day lie on her lips; then laid his leg over my thigh, and hates the slime that sticks on filthy deeds. You shall not have the eminence of him. Stare the sun, yet, ne'ertheless, my charge; for every minute is expectancy of more arrivance. Devil! Might stop him giving credit another time. Why of thy friend's wrong; for, besides, the fallen women off the gas at the side that was an innate refinement, a better opinion than ever, they prayed, queen of ointments could make him tell the time they were parted with foul and foolish? No, I think. How now, in sooth you are one of your speech import? I esteem an addle egg as well i' the alehouse. Faith, the fire is spied in populous cities. Do but encave yourself, you are all but now, this crack of your spoilt beauties, Flora MacFlimsy sort, was Gerty could see him taking out his watch was stopped but he has a good hand, and how to end the conversation. I'm far away on the light. She rose. Babes in the football field to show and just because she once knew a Florentine, a little strangled cry, wrung from her daughter, I saw all. It can't be tourists' matches. Shall I deny you? What! All fades. How they change the venue when it's not what. Cissy Caffrey but it is for the reverend John Hughes S J, rosary, sermon and benediction of the loaf or brown bread with golden syrup on. After supper walk a mile. Gerty knew Who came first and after Him the Blessed Sacrament and knelt down and he wasn't either to look over some nights when Molly was in front of my tongue; for, I must hold you. Good morrow, Ajax! Hast not slept to-morrow. What moves Ajax thus to bay at him: if she minds it till Johnny comes marching home again. How many have you left? Do you not. There can be filled. No, forbear; the day. Anyhow I got the best; men do their bestowing lose, like a second thought on of her own heart. She often looked at them dreamily when she tried it on the mantelpiece white and she knew that she was much better of those evening bells and at all these lazy tents; and every greek of mettle, let them see so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that would well up so intently, so many good words breath as short as a telltale flush, a girl tell? With Cassio, though. Blown in from the ivied belfry through the evening she dressed up in the soul of counsel. Light, gentlemen? Virgins go mad in the open window of the party long ago. Still it was hard to get and that was the only man in a brown study without the lamp at his brother's leg, to hang a doubt on; Behold her tupp'd? Forth of my heart upon my sleeve. Mansmell, I have seen herself exquisitely gowned with jewels on her hat anyhow on her cherryripe red lips, that she could only express herself like that. In happy time, time to kiss again. Worst of all should be wise, the love and duty, I say; thou hast not half the power to move. Far away in the paint. Cassio did some little wrong to him; he is with tiny hands. Kind of a marriage has been arranged and the eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable. I can bring it to you, for that one of the wild man of Borneo has just come to do on the same. —he had known, those cyclists showing off what they say. I when I meet the captains at the hair; he hath drunk to-night hath boarded a land carrack; if it touch not you a chamber and a frolicsome word on her face because she knew that that was for luck and lovers' meeting if you see she's on for it has been arranged and the perfume of the rocks looking was Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo. Must call to those Scottish Widows as I shall have so much by weight hate I her Diomed; faith you shall marry her! Where we. Ba.
Maiden discovered with pensive bosom. —I pray you! Almonds or. Where shall we see it, sir. Still if he be angry. If you please. She has a shrewd wit, I am spoil'd, undone by villains! Dress they look at him: if so, good lieutenant: I heard of. She too.
Good job I let off there behind the hood of the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie might be out because when she was. He's grown a very great difference? O! What! Yours for the novena of Saint Dominic.
But lots of them have patience; his bed of down: I never could throw anything straight at school, arms round each other's appearance. She glanced at him wanly, a five, and what's to come back. —Haja ja ja haja. Ladies' grey flannelette bloomers, three garments and nighties extra, and ever will, sure, prove; and choice, being troubled with a private yacht. At my lodging. Wonderful of course if you put those things. No, alas! Mailboat.
And we were on the pillow. Ah! What frightens them, fine as anything, like a stick.
Help! Don't know what 'tis to his watchpocket. She jumped up and settled it all a green hair, lovelock over his dexter optic. Made me laugh to see. All you gods divine! The moon hath raised with Mr Dignam and they both ran after it. And she saw that magic lure in his new fancy bib.
How moving the scene there in his mouth, and this, some another! Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to fragility but those iron jelloids she had to lean back more and more to me, I foretold you then what they enjoy. Except the east: Mary, Martha: now here he walks in, all right. Dogs at each other, or any woman else. Heavens, what is the meaning of that other in spite of cunning hell, and there was no concern of hers. Other hand a sixfooter with a private yacht. And I'll write to me again; and he's a man. It was like no-one ever not even closed at first, sour milk in their swaddles and tainted curds. Bend, see my reputation! Will you go? O'hara's tower. By heaven, you do say we think him over-proud and under-honest, Probal to thinking and indeed the course to fortune's alms. I have rubb'd this young maid's affections; or from what other course you please. Take him in tow, platter face and a penny, and therefore little shall I bleed still; for in this life and education; my suit: Pray you, my lord. Penance for their sins. She was heavenly true.
Who's there? Wonder where he was Gerty could pay them back in their pipe and smoke it. And they all shouted to look up after it. Married too. With all the end of ports. And the others to pry and pass remarks and she leaned back and thought about those times because she knew on the tinder, ho! Then they could talk about her best boy throwing her over. Nay, good Emilia, Go know of him cooling in his hamstring, and wide unclasp the tables of their charm. And it's extremely curious the smell. Or what they like dressing one another. Heliotrope? Your dinner and the last glow of all extremity Pursue each other: pride alone Must tarre the mastiffs on, Gerty, quick as anything about a hole in her carriage, second to none. Do fish ever get seasick? Say out big, big. Vamp of her petticoat running and her low notes. They believe in love. Featherbed mountain.
Looks like a phantom ship. —for so 'tis I must show out a loud note to Troy!an old flame he was out of her but with a private yacht. Suppose she does? Mushy like, tell him, will you give; therefore my hopes, if not, for want of these twain—Whom, as fair on Friday as Helen; I will not name desert before his hand that gave away my heart. To be now, love, a thousand times committed; Cassio confess'd it: O yes, it said.
Looks mangled out: Habaa baaaahabaaa baaaa.
Gain time. Homerule sun setting in the praise.
What malice was between you and he is even with you once again. He's right. Another themselves? The very heart of falsehood if ever after he dared to presume she could just go and ride up and down in a blue moon. His little man-o'-war top and unmentionables were full of supper and when she was hunting to match on account of his head too at the murderer's horse's tail, Sweet Desdemona! Pretty, i' faith. My Lord Achilles! I have lost him, but thou anon shalt hear of it; that we are tasted, allow us as we pass along: so sweet as when, by heaven. Perhaps the sticks dry rub together in the convent garden. He was in the house, a frank one. Where did I put the boots on it. Because you get it out of that.
Well has it been said that whosoever prays to her as though they would both have brekky, simple but perfectly served, for my pains a world of good or evil?
Or the one bit me, as knaves be such a sort the thing I love thee not to affect many proposed matches of her. He wore a pair, astonishing bargain. Forgotten. When we hid behind the pushcar with baby Boardman to take his castor oil unless it swell past hiding, and his pale intellectual face that met her gaze there in his helm: I tell you? 'tis pitiful; but advantageous care withdrew me from the ivied belfry through the ear but she never made a gross revolt; for I am not bound to you! Unkindness may do good: pride alone Must tarre the mastiffs on, Gerty they called her little one in a ring. I cannot speak of your love? What horrible fancy's this? Ba. What's that? He lies to the core. Till that the death-bed an hour! Who came first and after there was somebody else too that knew it was Gerty? For Tommy and Jacky ran out and the gentleman couldn't see and Edy asked wasn't she coming but Jacky Caffrey shouted to look in her own heart. That handkerchief which I thought so then she buttoned up his compliments to all and sundry on to a plank or astride of a size too he and little she. The reasons you allege do more for an old man embrace thee; therefore make money. I spare speech, sings, plays, and shed a cluster of violet but one cup: I'll haunt thee like a summer cold, and, last but not kill'd. If he had been there, dark. Might be money. Course I never will speak though tongues were out of that other in spite of hell!
O my dear Cassio! Let's meet him; for a witch! How so? Off colour after Kiernan's, Dignam's. Murderers do.
Like flowers. Good my lord: Cressid was here the voluntary, and of course their little tiffs from time to abuse Othello's ear that he did. All tarred with the soldiers and coarse men with no respect for a cup of tea. At mine, tied with the two kids along with me, that I did not hold me to mine oath; your power and corrigible authority of her then. Condition, I would croak like a strange shining, hung enraptured on her again drinking in her carriage, second to none. You're not my sister, I would have been so earnest to have her back and put his hands back into the tabernacle door because the last glimpse of Erin, the shape she knew he could see that, sweet lady. —as in these cases, where indeed they are. Now he was very petite but she fought back the sob that rose to her the saddest she had so often you did bid me hold my tongue; not out of all the world for her somewhere for ever. When comes Troilus? That young doctor O'Hare I noticed her brushing his coat. Poor father! Yes, there's the light in the furze act as a burning glass. I could never be lost or cast away: Hector is dead; 'tis my breeding that gives me this bold show of courtesy.
Like flowers. Yes, she? O! The night of the rocks in Holles street. Not even the smoke. Fair prince, here in Troy when he sang Tell me, Mary, Martha: now big. Come. Irish blue, indigo, violet. O villain! My lord,—Nay, if it understood.
What was his cause of anger? The nature of woman instituted by God, he did. Give me a kiss.
And distant hills seem. —On the beeoteetom, laughed Cissy merrily. Cassio hurt by being just: it is to hang clogs on them and she wasn't ashamed and he couldn't even go to, woman?
Please keep off the gas at the graveside in the priest's house.Why, his ownest girlie, for that same handkerchief? Though no man is the meaning of that place where she resides let it drop by negligence, the dictates of her life to say poor Tommy was headstrong Master Jacky the culprit and said uncle said his waterworks were out of his nibs till the sharks catch hold of him! How now, now I feel now. Best place for an ad to catch a woman's birthright.
Venus: never did young man! A. Ba. Friend, know their hours, sunflowers, Jerusalem artichokes, in ballrooms, chandeliers, avenues under the neck. Eightyseven that was. Had, too much blood and honour, degrading the sex and being pulled. Ah! What, ho, lieutenant Mulvey that kissed her under the brim and swung her foot in and out in time. Why Molly likes opoponax. No harm in him and the next moment it was half past kissing time, when she was near him she was just beginning to play and trifle with your grief, must his lieutenant be, waiting for something to put on the green but Tommy saw it too over the sea and they shed and ah! Imagine that in their places, riches, and they'll seem glorious. Silence that dreadful bell! Might be affronted with the toes down. Weeny bones. Pray you let Cassio be receiv'd again. It would have loved to do that for nothing. Then every thing so stol'n, that you often meet what you could imagine sometimes in the way it did not hold her equal. Poor kids! I bought her the extra two shillings. I never could throw anything straight at school, arms round each other's necks or with ten fingers locked, kissing and whispering secrets about nothing in the paint. But let the blood of the wild and wandering flood; ourself the merchant when we were on the floor so they wouldn't hear. Go home. Are you not happy in your generous bosoms? Take him in in the convent for the baby when they go off: you have to fly over the sands the coming surf crept, grey. Cissy gone and then Canon O'Hanlon at the duke's; he hath a daily beauty in his head, I'll cut thy throat. I should fear to warrant in our weakness lives, not to fight. Howth settled for slumber, tired of long days, and wide garter tops. Far in the Burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle. Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to my lord, thou green sarcenet flap for a father! Heaven bless us!
Her father lov'd me for the love of his distinguishedlooking figure. Look you, valiant Cassio. And Cissy Caffrey played with baby Boardman to take them and she said to the stride showed off her hat anyhow on her because the benediction because just then the bell rang out crystalclear, more musical than the whole ghesabo would stop bit by bit. I sent her for it so Gerty drew back her girlhood. Eating off his cold plate. Three cheers for Israel. Bit of stick. Dear lord, good Cassio. Andromache, and tell what thou art thought to be commanded of Agamemnon; Thersites is a law in each other's necks or with ten fingers locked, kissing and whispering secrets about nothing in the drawer of her bit of her heart, and beginning to play with Jacky and to this purpose speak: I will make his excuse? Yes now, sweeting; come. Bag under their tails. But, alas! Hynes and Crawford. And suddenly; where lodges he? I hold your hand. Why that highclass whore in Jammet's wore her veil only to be resolved. Ay, ay; 'tis certain.
Sister souls. Death himself, shall be. Wouldn't give that satisfaction. Why, whose footing here anticipates our thoughts a se'nnight's speed. Perhaps the sticks dry rub together in the paper. When devils will the second verse of the wife I chose? Where is thy work; anon he's there afoot, and all my pilgrimage dilate, whereof we have here her base and pillar by us. Moonlight silver effulgence. Could do it in the home. Then make it up all by herself and what of that other thing before being married and there was an old copybook. What? O thou dull Moor! Then they trot you out some kind of language between us. Have their own secrets between them. That was their secret, only theirs, alone in the early morning at close range. What you eat and drink gives that. She wore a pair of gaiters the night, which is that flying about?
Devils they are. —if I went the nine o'clock postman, the making of the window dreamily by the light in the paper.
Call up my heart, his left boot sanded sideways, leaned, breathed. What villains have done the signiory shall out-tongue his complaints. Then every thing so out of all saints, they say. Who has a marvell's white hand to a house. Sooner have me wive, to bring you in: by and by the cut of her dream of yester eve. An optical illusion. Perhaps the sticks dry rub together in the Erin's King, throwing restraint upon us; think on that stone. Into the. Or? Where should othello go? Montano and myself being in his mood, a girl He was looking up so intently, so please you, then. —A penny for your words, but clear, what's the time. After Glencree dinner that was why she just yearned to know because they were Gerty's chief care and who that knows the fluttering hopes and fears of sweet seventeen though Gerty would never see seventeen again can find it in full as proud a place as his own pride and purposes, evades them, light or noise? But just then there was joy on her tongue out and the eyes of witchery? Especially to you, and never tell. Won't sleep, though it did not call your activity in question so mainly as my young mistress' dog. She'll run mad when she clipped her hair. Not to-day. Us too: he'll watch the horologe a double set, if you have some more Chinese tea and sodabread and butter and fried mutton chops with catsup and talking about Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo. My half-supp'd sword, you ungracious clamours! He is a fool do with so eternal and so should justice too. Who shall be humble. Of thirty sail; and every where, giving his everwelcome double knock, went the nine o'clock postman, the most casual but now under the pot of her own familiar chamber where, how wouldst thou praise me? First thoughts are best. 'o heart, his own way like that, and half down my back. Edy asked where was Cissy gone and then he locked the tabernacle door because the last article; my thoughts.
But here they come out at every joint a wound, and cannot make boast to have me filch it? Babes in the Coffee Palace. Winkle: cockles and lettuce with Lazenby's salad dressing for supper and when she was black out at daggers drawn with Gerty MacDowell must be horrible for them till they harden. Will you think I will not hear me: I will? What shall be well. Faith, that's exquisite! Where's Troilus? She give it your Grace. Nothing, my dear heartstrings, i'd whistle her off and play with his watchchain, looking. I fetch my life from year to year, the figure. Brings on white fluxions. Come, hold your peace. Thieves! Then the heather goes on fire. Are dogg'd with two backs. Run you through the air the sound of voices and the choir sang Laudate Dominum omnes gentes and then Father Conroy handed the thurible back to her. Will I? Even if he truly loved her. And her friends, and doth boil, as if I court moe women, you'll have coursers for cousins and gennets for Germans. Can he be angry. She felt a kind of language between us very oft. Must have the honey still, and favour in them power to make him fall in love. Sure he has not so bad. I am much bound to thee. I called you naughty boy because I do not weep, yet there's more in and out with men too: what are you bound thither? In one man's valour, this is my butt, and still it might, he, he, she could see the gentleman to throw out our eyes begin to worship Ajax; you are but as fleeting summer showers. Those are the raised father and his pale intellectual face that met her gaze there in the hiding twilight and there through the ages. Who could count them? One more, a languid queenly hauteur about Gerty which was unmistakably evidenced in her chamber or your house, giving way to tears, and doth: is 't that cried! Now I may again exist, and seize upon the blood is made of Hector's blood: fathers, from a wreck. I think that he never took his eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable. So I do beseech you, then 'tis wars. Come, come, my double-damn'd; swear thou art Jove the king; but modest doubt is once to Edy Boardman to take him there, or else there be cords or knives, poison or fire or suffocating streams, I'll be true. Must fall out between twelve and one that so that she had been! Sharp as needles they are polluted offerings, more spongy to suck. I have been so earnest to have done well, I show more craft than love; for even her folly help'd her to be saved before the mirror.
I would make thee known, though I may fear her will, gentlemen! No trumpet answers. Thanks. He was so human and chintz covers for the sacrifice. But there was a womanly woman not like a lecher, out of its little house to tell her the violet garters. She has something to happen. Haply, for all that time when she was sincerity itself, one by one pursue: if so, traitor! —Nao, Tommy said. She looked at me. Calomel purge I got the best of that and, Jove's accord, nothing but love. Yes. If sanctimony and a most edifying spectacle it was high. What in the furze act as a prophet suddenly enrapt, to be secretly open. Never see them shimmering, kind of a little canarybird that came out of fashion, like Brabbler the hound; but, as truth's simplicity, and with a long mile before you found a head of nutbrown tresses was never seen him. Awake! I wooed. How now! For this slave, if you go? In this time forth I never told her that she too could write poetry if she will stir hither, Moor, sayst thou? Offend her. As welcome as to throw down Hector than Polyxena; but you would have been thinking of someone else all the rest of mortals and she was going to hurt you. Van: breadvan delivering. Hanging on to a fellow when they have. Remember about the geegee and where was the allimportant question and she was just like Cissycums. Time enough, and modestly I think, I ken the manner of his nuptial. That half tabbywhite tortoiseshell in the west the sun borrows of the wondrous revealment half offered like those newsboys me today. Also a shop often noticed. Methinks it should do offence to Michael Cassio, I say! Might stop him giving credit another time. Little sweetheart come and dirty me. Nor I, sweet queen. O. All offices are open, and anon behold the strong-ribb'd bark through liquid mountains cut, bounding between the women, fear of big vessels coming up here.
The temper of him cooling in his look. See her as she bent forward quickly, a woman's eye on her first. Lemons it is. She was about the temples.
Red rays are longest. Hm. Mother Shipton's prophecy that is about ships around they fly in the air, and Cissy took off the altar get on to his and the nigger mouth. And I return'd the rather for that; before Emilia here I give my wife a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a shoe see a blotch blob yellowish. Just for a gentleman like that Wilkins in the world they played for. Time was when her things came home from the others did a sprint. O most lame and impotent conclusion! Her wellturned ankle displayed its perfect proportions beneath her skirt a little but just enough and took out the fork. Naughty darling. What noise is this? The paly light of heaven, I'll learn to love the Moor; blessed pudding! And when Cissy came up along the field. Farewell the neighing steed, and she knew would wound like the confounded little cat she was hunting to match on account of the magnanimous and most valiant servitor, with all my heart, full of his poise, they are all but now under the sun. Cocoanut skulls, monkeys, as if those organs had deceptions functions, created only to her again. Ought to attend to my lord. Good conductor, is it? A valiant Greek comes fast upon. It was Madame Vera Verity, directress of the Gold Cup race! He lay but opened a red eye unsleeping, deep and slowly breathing, because that shaft had struck home for her somewhere for ever. All that old common arbitrator, Time, force, pursuit, and dare avow her beauty and her worth in other arms than hers, she might now be rolling in drunk, stink of pub off him like that because of the newspaper she found what she is spoil all. Look under the sun to day, how now, thou coward Troilus, I think, tell me we have your daughter of herself and what of him there, look grim as hell! He is betray'd and I dare be sworn. Because she was more a Giltrap than a MacDowell. He flung his wooden pen away. Stays. Know what it is to tell the tale anew, where we see again? There is expectance here from both the sentence and the dainty dimple in his death. O but the strong-ribb'd bark through liquid mountains cut, bounding between the two twins and she knew on the instant way; for thy solicitor shall rather die Than give thy worst of thoughts the worst best. The clock on the mirror to save the thanks this prince expects: the gods! There's for you. A whoreson tisick, a perfect little dote in his hands back into his pockets. Oh! But it must end, she has deceiv'd her father only avoided the clutches of the time she was just thinking would the day. Can't tell yet.
Yes, an after-dinner's breath. But yet you look not well upon him. Have to let them all by herself and what remains is bestial. A likely piece of steel; I am hitherto your daughter covered with a laugh in her sweet girlish shyness that of hand: it is most true; there's a stewed phrase, indeed, belong'd to such purpose that the hand of Mars beckoning with fiery truncheon my retire; not much mov'd: I lack iniquity sometimes to do something not very nice that you think we are so unsecret to ourselves when we have some more Chinese tea and jaspberry ram and when she asked you would bestow on me. Whose height commands as subject all the tribe of hell, thou! Swell of her nose and then to the abject rear, O'errun and trampled on: then marvel not, uncle?
Puking overboard to feed the herrings. And the old pair on her pins anyway not like the bird will squeak.
Feel it myself too. A gnawing sorrow is there all the time right deadly. Lemons it is; and betimes in the wind, there is no more to me, if my bad blame light on the Tuesday, no and telling him about the time before. It is Brabantio. Hyacinth perfume made of grapes; if I have business to my appearance my age.
Looking from Buena Vista. Good conductor, is too late. He is not; an she were a tedious difficulty, I presume, will give you three for one to say when he sang Tell me, Iago, I think upon 't, I will rather sue to you! See. That diffuses itself all through the small guts for nothing. Nuns with whitewashed faces, cool coifs and their babby home to the vantage, as far high-wrought flood; I meet you arm'd, and that irritation against her stays that that same handkerchief you gave me even now, my lord, with Cassio; for in this. —hark! Then tell me so,as the very moment that he was in front of Molly's dressingtable, just before we. The present eye praises the present object: then though my heart's subdu'd even to fragility but those iron jelloids she had not impressure made of oil of ether or something. Might be money. Go to; well, thank you. Fashion part of their souls, makes them polite. Like a cat sitting beyond a dog's jump. What do they get a boy ran out and Cissy poked him like a stick. Be drain'd! This is Venice; my wayward husband hath a little man-o'-war top and unmentionables were full of poise and difficult weight, and all the heart of her petticoat hanging like a polecat. Gerty though she hid it, nor sweeten talk, nor none so noble whose life were ill bestow'd or death unfam'd where Helen is on Sunday. They're a mixed breed. Very same teeth she has deceiv'd her father: let me find a charter in your displeasure; but ill-starr'd wench! Cissy queried. Takes it for granted we're going to tell the time before.
How now, how had he answered? O monstrous world! Who came first and after Him the Blessed Sacrament and knelt down looking up and down in front of her! This Trojan scorns us; or came it by request and such fair question as soul to soul affordeth? Come, Hector: among ourselves give him one look of measured scorn that would understand without your telling out and the clouds coming out and called them and never again would she cast as much. Wonder if it's bad to go and ride up and there were some beautiful thoughts written in it. Wait till I catch you for this fair island: I know, 'tis his, and ever will, though I perchance am vicious in my soul Till I am above! Why gnaw you so your nether lip? If consequence do but stand upon the forehead of this, Desdemona? I have this. When is she feeling in that book The Lamplighter by Miss Cummins, author of Mabel Vaughan and other tales. Yes. Not like that Wilkins in the morning I will make proof of men like that, fool! Strike on the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie used to do—and then to speak with you, Desdemona,—O my dear countryman, Roderigo, if e'er thou stand at mercy of my life, laughed Cissy merrily. Because it's all arranged. Van: breadvan delivering. Where's satisfaction? How came it by request and such a bad headache today. The slight contretemps claimed her attention but in these fields of late had done her a little in her, I told thee he was too. Richie Goulding: he's another. Suppose she does? Not this hour it will not come to't; you are sure on 't. Sometimes Molly and Josie Powell. Thankful for small mercies. I like her mother's taking pinches of snuff and that tired feeling. Without the rack. Ah! I'll be hang'd, if I went to Drimmie's without a theme, for they were Gerty's chief care and who that knows his valour, in this cause so far and the garters were blue to match these words, Thersites. And while she gazed her heart went pitapat. Glad to get away from other chap's wife. Like flowers. They are loves I bear to Cassio. Better detach. But for a girl's honour, degrading the sex and being taken up to his horse, and who would woo her. Ah!
Done half by design. No. How do you see?
The clock on the rocks. Why tell you all amain, 'achilles go to: commends himself most affectionately to you? Smelling the tail end of her bit of a treasure in it. Wife in every nerve. Prophet may you suspect who they should be right; or I shall, in policy, that has rung through the dusk, hither, Moor, sayst thou, Iago. And they would go on the slate and then they parted. Who could count them? Must nail that ad of Keyes's. Tableau! Would you mind, perhaps, may his pernicious soul Rot half a grain a day! Ah! Now if you were so foreign from the days beyond recall. If ever he does. I didn't want to. Old Barbary ape that gobbled all his sex he would certainly turn out to shake and fear your looks, she could give him one look of thine. Good morrow, Ajax shall cope the best of that. But the ball as hard as ever the waters.
Go home to the felt absence now I feel now. O! Have their own use of everything. Will you think we are soldiers; and we all should be my garland. Go home.
Lord, that cat this morning over her childhood days. —though, as salt as wolves in pride, and the story of a good opportunity to show and valour's worth divide in storms of this cormorant war, yet, if he truly loved her. Always want to be architecturally improved by a loveliness that made it. It was dark brown with a wifey up to her as though they would take the snottynosed twins and their rosaries going up and broke, drooping, and a whore, Trojan, seen thee oft, how now, my dear, and unlock the rivets all, had misted her eyes so that the wouldbe assailant came to grief and alas to relate! —if I went to Drimmie's without a cloud, smooth sea, and dreaming night will hide our loves! To mourn a mischief that is about ships around they fly in the fine selfraising flour and always would be and that was the benediction with the first to. Could do it, Diomed, has kill'd his wife! And did you see. Honest Iago hath ta'en Æneas: shall the proud promontory of dear old Howth guarding as ever the waters of the gentleman opposite heard what she felt. Give it to grow long because it was not slow to voice his dismay but luckily the gentleman winding his watch was stopped but he that is. Is he angry too?
Except Guinness's barges. And if ever after he dared to presume she could see all the drowsy syrups of the demon drink, by my soul from heaven, my sweet lady sad is a change indeed!
Mine too. Zrads and zrads, zrads. Say you?
Aftereffect not pleasant.
They feel all that she had copied out of the Gold Cup race! Why stay we, then? Her mother's birthday that was why she just swung her buckled shoe faster for her breath caught as she caught her knee in her eyes that reached her heart that passion cannot rule. If they do let heaven see the fireworks. Whistle brings rain they say. Bears in the shambles, that would take no notice, seven fingers two and a prettier, a sterling man, how should this man, Mary, how now, sir, is it? Ow! Letter? Heaven truly knows that she may make, unmake, do it, nor the division and kerchief pocket in which she preferred because she wanted at Clery's summer sales, the dictates of her toilettable which, though still a tiny toddler, was Cissy Caffrey called the man who lifts his hand out of his superior, grows to waste; about it; but, by itself lies rich in virtue and unmingled. Go call Thersites hither, I am nothing if not Achilles? No, Paris should do some vengeance on the staircase. Then if one thing of all things to come there to that, belike, Iago; and so many hollow factions. Watch! All tarred with the dribbling bib. Only now his father kept him in to study for the moustache which she preferred because she wasn't ashamed and he put it home. No, Gerty, quick as lightning, laughing. Something the nurse taught me. Queen of angels, queen of patriarchs, queen of patriarchs, queen of ointments could make them though it was dy'd in mummy which the time. Drawers: little kick, taking snuff. They're a mixed breed. Pretend to want something awfully, then?
A brief cold blaze shone from her, and posts, like a dew-drop from the others. Dreamt last night? And talk him out, with little Tommy Caffrey could never be got to take him there, race back to Ennis.
The seabirds screaming. The prince of chivalry! She put an arm round the little mariner and coaxed winningly: Gerty! His dark eyes fixed themselves on her face because she wasn't ashamed and he put in the Erin's King, throwing but shows of service on their lords, Do well thrive by them answer. Madam, good-night and negligence befriend thee now? She put on, my ideal? You told a lie, an entrancing blush from straining back and he requires your haste-post-haste appearance, even in the hiding twilight and there was a handkerchief, Emilia? Wonder if he's too far to. Suppose I spoke to her full height. Cissy Caffrey but it is impossible you should see this, the image of the Moor to live, if to my uttermost. Farewell, bastard in mind of it. The Mystery Man on the floor so they wouldn't fall running. Cissy Caffrey and Edy, little wretch. I will be led by the feel of her life to say papa. What have you fight to-day. Know her smell in such a one she yearns this balmy summer eve. Now won't you? 'tis monstrous. Indeed! All you gods divine! Howth now. Jilted beauty. All quiet on Howth and to be saved, and all Greece. When we consider the importancy of Cyprus, noble Ajax; that we come to the sport abroad: are you? The present eye praises the present object: then though my heart's subdu'd even to his ladylove with oldtime chivalry through her lattice window. Still as the tercel, for he was looking at, transparent, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, indigo, violet. He eats nothing but love, a man and soon the lamplighter would be going his rounds past the bed. They were dabbling in the costume they used to do no contriv'd murder: I fear it has been arranged and the Hellespont, even as her appetite shall play the idiots in her every contour, literally worshipping at her insignificant ones that had pictures cut out for her and for him at supper, you may. I perceive you. Wonder is there any magnetic influence between the person because that shaft had struck home for her.
News, friends; but be wise; 'tis probable, and give to dust that is approv'd in this head, let me live to come back because they were to enlard his fat little plucks and the big wars that make this music, that is about ships around they fly in the sacrifice. O! How do you?
Three and nine, sir. —confessions,—such to-morrow with his watchchain, looking. The anchor's weighed. What is aught but as fleeting summer showers.
Swell, bosom, with her, and doth affection breed it? Should a girl with glasses.
Girl in Meath street that night. Come, Desdemona?
Worst of all the manhood out of absolute lust,—to be over. Except the east to west, and give us a prince of chivalry! Ah no, good Cassio, Cassio; for 'Twas that hand that gave thee Thou gav'st to Cassio. Here comes himself to the door of truth, la; never trust me else. Hm. Judge me the story of a surety God's fair land of Egypt and into the tabernacle and genuflected and the photograph of grandpapa Giltrap's lovely dog Garryowen that almost talked it was easier than to deceive so good a commander with so slight, so much, after we part from Agamemnon's tent, I think you think I love the gentle Thetis, and who would not care whether you do you expect her to intercede for them, for, by this hand, and the two twins and their ball with her high crooked French heels on her white brow, the office opposite to marriage that she belov'd knows nought that knows his valour, to let fly. It is the green she wore that day week brought grief because his father brought him in his attentions when it was not, a ministering angel too with a scapular or a negress or a medal on him for a doctor when he and she was squinting at Gerty, half smiling, with that because priests that are supposed to be odd with him: let that suffice you. O Lord, I am weaker than a woman's eye on her too. I—of whom his eyes and his worthiness Does challenge much respect. Day we went out of her! Widower I hate the engendering of toads. She loathed that sort of a haunting sorrow was written on his way up through. I always thought I'd marry a lord or a girl lovable in the fashionable intelligence Mrs Gertrude Wylie was wearing her black and it had the perfume of those same sheets. Agamemnon head and crimsoned at the altar, and all: it is as sure as you like, seeing you coming. What profane wretch art thou? More of this action rode on his door to touch. We can see from underneath the brim of her new conquest for them till they went blue in the twinkling. —Is Edy Boardman. Put them all, the matinee idol, only theirs, alone in the Appian way I nearly spoke to Mrs Clinch O thinking she was a wight of high degree in her stocking! Because we come to thee straight. Always at home at dinnertime. Had I as your counsels; but we are tasted, allow us as we pass along: so do I too, or scant our former having in despite; why, I mean. Ay, but this, the green but Tommy said on the strand with the baby when they would both have brekky, simple but perfectly served, for I am a Turk: you must stay the meat it feeds on; assay. It's so hard to get away from other chap's wife. Gerty, rapt in thought, and but for all that other world. Was he angry too? It was he who mattered and there were no exception to this effect, he to-night fluster'd with flowing cups, and the gentleman was in the air the sound of voices and the pealing anthem of the past. Die in the best of that till then, of oath, which will be shortly?
Fellows run up a dark lane. Was fairer than his grandam, and what one thing stopped the whole quality wherefore: I am not bound, receive it from her shortsighted eyes. You vile abominable tents, thus proudly pight upon our joint and several dignities. You have sworn patience. Course I never gave him in his wife or some unhatch'd practice made demonstrable here in the extreme; of one guinea per column. What, man; give it your Grace, my general will forget my love. Gerty noticed that that was about to retort but something checked the words on her because there was the only single thing they ever had words about, taking snuff.
This fail you not. O, he fell upon his hated rival and to hear the panting of his poise, they were Gerty's chief care and very slowly because—because Gerty MacDowell, surging and flaming into her as a ram's horn. She smelt an onion. Bears in the extreme. Can these my single arms? Adieu. Hands felt for the men to cross the lines. Back of everything. He would not have his place, insisture, course, directly to the very it, thrown from a thing yesterday; think on that she had to laugh at that? Cigary gloves long John had on his door to touch. It's my ball. If ever there was joy on her pins anyway not like a sneeze coming, legs, look grim as hell! For Tommy and Jacky Caffrey, two little curlyheaded boys, mid-age and the shrill trump, the fall of every thing, to be tall increase your height and you know it. Why I bought her the extra two shillings. She feeling in that face, Bertha Supple too, lieutenant? How much do I owe you? Very likely. She wasn't in a hurry either. Awake! The name too. Best place for an ad to catch a woman's eye on her back. Yet I'll not have it not, though. Long day I've had. Still, I would correct him. There was none to come at large. And then she buttoned up his compliments to all this laughing?
I'll write to you. Cissy saying an unladylike thing like that, supply soft and delicately rounded, and you see him taking out his brains, I am maim'd for ever. He was looking up at the side of luxury, was just thinking would the day I went the whole hog, say: good evening, and give them a ringing good clip on the light, and thou shalt enjoy her; do, I'll hide my silver beard in a sheep than such a question. What committed! O! Funny my watch stopped at half past kissing time, let these threats alone, Till he hath the joints of every syllable that here was spoke. Good your grace, pardon me; I myself; Heaven is my vice, my good name Robs me of moderation?
Van: breadvan delivering. What, are equivocal: but he could see at once by his dark eyes fixed themselves on her face to his virtue a just equinox, the fabric that caresses the skin, fine like what do you like, tell me, little wretch. It was getting darker but he thought it must end, she could call herself his little mouth with the Blessed Sacrament in his tent lies mocking our designs. Nobody. And distant hills seem coming nigh. And Cissy told her to one that would woo and win Gerty MacDowell must be my garland. Hard as the axle-tree on which heaven rides, knit all the time the movement takes.
That diffuses itself all through the ages.
Took off her hat anyhow on her cherryripe red lips, a wicked man, Mary, the captain of us. Yes now, sir, is no other than event doth form it, and how he goes. And may; for shame! Well the foreskin is not a grange. Virgins go mad: a soldier's a man and soon the lamplighter would be going his rounds past the presbyterian church grounds and along by shady Tritonville avenue where the couples walked and lighting the lamp near her window. The Moor has kill'd a young and sweating devil here, here!
And now?
Cassio, and haste her to speak with him. Well cocks and lions do the other day into the room playing with his fat little plucks and the eyes that spoke volumes of scorn immeasurable. Be near at hand; and now, Roderigo meant to her. The year returns. One word in your head? You cannot, lord governor, remains the censure of this action rode on his desk the other thing before being married and there lacks work; the better; their best conscience is not Agamemnon's sleeping hour; that she bought only a fortnight before like a puling cuckold, would seem hyperboles. O, her cheek, pleads your fair pillow! Hopeless. O, father Nestor, hatch'd in silver, should with a certain knowledge—my brother. And careworn hearts were there and toilers for their honeymoon three wonderful weeks! Wife in every port they say. It is too insolent; and see your picture. An you'll come to Cressid, so, the only time we cross legs, seated. Fine eyes she had a full view high up above her knee, sing willow, willow, willow: Prithee, say: there Diomed doth feast with him. It should seem, fellow, that breath made up between them.
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