femboyishcharm · 9 months
i am once again begging astarion to quit successfully negging my poor tav
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theoraclej · 1 year
light, where to begin, a disjointed ramble of things I observed:
Dovie’andi se tovya sagain! - Mat said the words, he said the words!
And he made his own ashandarei! I hope he gets the raven-inlaid one though because I’m sure no one wants him running around with that dagger
And I know he’s going to get a massive S3 glow-up because he sees himself as MORE, now. Yay Mat!
RAND exploding the shit out of the Seanchan including Turak; nice way around his general lack of swordtraining which I’m sure will be remedied
Once the Heron, to set his path!
The interplay between Rand (and Lews Therin before him), Lanfear, Ishamael - they were besties in the Age of Legends, lmao!
I had expected the intro to be a high society polyam party they were attending, not the Sealing of Ishamael, 🤭
The Warder bond was beautiful, flowing, intimate, just what I imagined when reading these books some 25 years ago
I knew Moiraine was gonna say Lan was her better!
I’m so glad they’re back together though, legendary qpp
Nice to see the S1 intro sequence with the gorgeously woven Aes Sedai tapestry
I was a bit sad Nynaeve didn’t heal Elayne OR Rand but she DID swear to make Seta’s mother curse the first kiss her father ever gave her and THAT was cool
Hopper, my beloved! 😩 I would be chopping Whitecloaks too!
It was so satisfying to see Perrin obey his wolfly instincts already!
Elayne being the one to heal Rand’s wound was an interesting choice, and you can tell he was dazzled by her!
Book lines, book lines, book lines making me have conniptions every time one was uttered
“From birth to death I serve the Blood.”
“For the Light, and Shinowa!” still gave me chills even without an expanded story behind it for Ingtar
Egwene al’Vere. I hope she earns a title of “the Unbroken” someday. Remember, Nynaeve even said that about her when Egwene was captured by Whitecloaks in S1!
Egwene, spitting out the damane gag and refusing to rain down fire on innocents, ah my girl, that’s that Two Rivers steel
Egwene, collaring Renna and choking her to death, being stronger than Renna, being able to withstand the pain of that because that’s exactly what Renna taught her
Egwene later, with that amazing shield against Ishamael to protect her friends!
Lanfear pushing Lan and Moiraine out of the ocean Waygate was very unexpected but totally within Lanfear’s lane, just to keep Moiraine away from Rand
Lanfear working to sell the Seals to Bayle Domon, which was so lmao also, and it really enhanced her utter shock when she entered the room later with the Seals all broken.
M O G H E D I E N 🕷️
She is perfectly creepy, perfect in every way. I can’t wait to see her tear shit up, or to see how she will be used in S3 and beyond
Never expected her to cage Lanfear in her webs, either, dang. Lillen Moiral wasn’t near so strong as Mierin. But we know some things are just Talents, and Moghedien is better in Tel’aran’rhiod than Lanfear
Did you notice Rand’s wound swirling with evil bits throughout the healed part? Really cool effect if you catch it
Aviendha, Bain, and Chiad showing they can fight just as well in close quarters in a city as in the Three-Fold Land; and then later acknowledging Rand as Car’a’carn
Though I’d hoped we’d get some good old He Who Comes With The Dawn in here too
Moiraine’s outstanding torpedo weaves that fucked up the Seanchan boats! And she understands the stakes - if the Dragon is gentled, or harmed, or captured, everyone’s life is in danger and that includes her and Lan
Anyhow fuck the Seanchan
Did it look like Suroth got blown up too? Does that mean she’s dead? I guess we’ll see who gathers in the scattered remnants of the Hailene!
The first “I’m not Lews Therin” from Rand
Mat taking a moment to mention Rand’s “shit hair” to Perrin while they were in the mix, lmao
That shadow ashandarei is really scary, it is a laser knife (lightsaber?) on a stick
I can’t wait for Perrin and Hopper to meet again in the Wolfdream
Speaking of which, I think Perrin’s eyes are permanently golden now
I cried at the coming of the Heroes of the Horn, I’m sure many of you did too 😭
Cool Hero fighting effects, I liked those
I figured Min’s vision of Mat “killing” Rand would be something like this, an accident, not an intentional thing
His blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul…
AL’LAN MANDRAGORAN, the Uncrowned King, Sworn to the Flame, bonded again, fighting as he was meant to, just slicing through armies, snatching arrows out of the air and stabbing people with them, chef’s kiss
I wonder if Nynaeve’s “failures” and inability to channel at these vital moments will give her the drive to break her block
Ishamael’s channeling at the end was really impressive, a testament to how much more he knows than Rand
I hope that’s not the last we see of Fares Fares, he was remarkable as Ishamael and a truly enjoyable villain
And since they didn’t have the Dragon banner of Lews Therin Telamon found with the Horn like in the books, Moiraine saw to it that he was heralded with literal fire
This I can imagine many people seeing from far away, and of course rumor travels further
The Falmen sure seem to appreciate it and of course the Seanchan are gone for now
Lanfear asking the LIGHT to protect Rand at the end is something interesting and NOT LOST ON ME
I REALLY ENJOYED IT and am looking forward to a full rewatch of S1 and S2!
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Proclaimed across the sky in fire 🔥🐲
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mattmurdock42 · 9 months
Enemy to Lovers
Summary: you go with your friends and Henry to an island, little you know what it will happen!
Warnings: unprotected sex. P in V. Face ridding, smutt, fluff, angst.
Wc: +-5k
( Henry e y/n, you are best friend with a woman whose husband is best friend with henry/ you secretly worked for the cia and henry for the mi6/ your friends didn´t know that you were enemies, always fighting over a clue on some case or some testemuny/ you had already got into serious fights/ during dinners in your friends house you´d always smile and tried to be polite, but you could feel tension/ they decided to go on a trip)
You worked for CIA, at England, since six years ago. It was a secret job, CIA had other undercover job for you, the owner of a bakery. You could say you had a normal life, excluding trips around the country for missions behind clues on cases, victims and assassins. You had been friend with Camilla since you moved to the UK. She's been your best friend, always supportive and respectable, which was perfect. She was a lawyer at a bank company and maried to Nicolas, Nick, who also worked at the bank. They loved to have dinners at their house, always inviting you, Camilla´s best friend, and Henry Cavill, Nick´s best friend. You were always happy to go, but there was only one problem, Cavill. You could say you were practically enemies. He secretly worked at MI6, who also had an undercovered job, as a baker, for your luck. The couple would always say that you should work togheter and this kind of things. You´d always laugh to not give up the disguise.
You had nothing against Cavill, if it were not for him always trying to still parts of your work to take it to MI6. You both had already fought over many things. The most serious fight was one, body to body: he was unarmed, you were with daggers. He left bleeding, and you passed out on the floor. You could barely look at each other without getting mad.
It was the end of the year, and Cami and Nick were helding a dinner party at their house for family and friends. During dinner, Cami says for you to stay after it was over, she had something to ask you.
Dinner was over and there you stood, with the couple and Cavill.
"So, we have something to ask to you two. January third we are going to celebrate seven years of marriage in Maldivas´s island, and we would be very happy if you could come along. To show you how much it means to us your presence, we are going to pay your tickets to go and your accomodation." The couple said exited.
You didn´t know what to think.
"You have one week to answer us."
You both leave the house.
"Listen. Nick means a lot to me, so i´m going. I don´t think you should go." Henry says.
"Excuse me? Cami means a lot to me too. YOU shouldn´t go."
You both arf and go each to your houses.
The day of the trip arrives and you had already packed and was headed to Camilla´s house when suddenly, you see Cavill´s car parked in front of their house. You couldn´t belive you´d spent a week in a isolated island with your "enemy".
You entered the house and greeted the couple. You and Henry did your little "play".
You four head to the airport.
"My and Nick´s sits are B5 and B6. Your´s and Henry´s are E17 and E 18." Said Camilla to you. You didn´t like the idea of sitting with that jerk, but at least you were on first class. When you saw Cavill again, by his face, Nick had already told him the "great news".
You entered the plane and Cavill sat by the window. In the middle of the flight, you fell asleep, and, when you woke up, you were resting your head on Cavill´s massive shoulder. He was sleeping, so he didn´t noticed. You thanked god, otherwise he´d proably laugh at you for the rest of your life. (Little you knew that he was secretly awake and enjoying the little touch).
The plane landed. You were all tired and headed to the hotel. It was a huge, luxurious hotel. On the rception, you had the delightful news that you and Henry´d be staying at the same room.
"When we booked, it was already taken most of the rooms. And for the days we needed, only these were available. These and the couple´s suit. But the room is enourmous and has two beds, so it´ll have space for you both. i´m sure." Nick said for you two.
You were not believing it. The thought was unthinkable. Camilla pulled you to the side and said: " Sorry, y/n. We really tried, but we only got that room. If you'll have any troubles, tell me and i´ll send Nick to your room and you can stay with me."
"It is your aniversary, i´d never take Nick out of your room."
Cami smiled at you and said. " Thinking about it, Henry is really not that bad to look at. And the conversation will never stop, since you work in the same area. Think about it, girl." She winked at you, with a mischiveous smirk.
"You don´t exist, you know that?" You said.
Each of you went to your room. When you opened the door, there it was, only one COUPLE´s bed.
"There'd been a mistake, let´s go to the recpetion again." You said.
"Sorry, lady y/n, but that is the only room available. I´m sorry for our mistake, the site must be wrong, we´ll fix it right this afternoon!" The receptionist explained.
You went back to the room.
You looked at him.
"What now, mister smart pants?" you asked.
"You can sleep in the bed. I´ll order a bunch of pillows and blankets and sleep on the floor."
He called the reception and thirdy minutes later, a guy arrived with five pillows.
"Thank you, i have a bad lower back, so i need all this to sleep." He explained to the guy at the door, who was with an interogative face.
The first day, you four went to explore the hotel, to know all its activities and places to eat. The night came. Henry used the bathroom first, than you. You had rules: he´d shower and brush teeth first, to not rush you; right was your side, left was his. You didn´t speake to each other unless in front of the couple.
The second day of the trip ( one day after you arrived), Nick sugested for you to do a beach day, to rent a tend and spend the day there. The idea was lovely. You had so much fun, the food was great, girl talk with Camilla were amazing, and even Cavill behaved himself.
"So, how it´s been staying with Henry?" Asked Cami.
"It´s fine."
" i can imagine, that piece of fresh meat all around during the day. I don´t know how, but his scars make him even more handsome."
"What scars?" You didn´t notice, since you looked at him as minimum as possible.
"The one on his thigh, on his arm and on his lower back. I don´t know how he got it, but it seems pretty deep."
You looked at him, trying to catch sight of it.
"I had never seen him in summer clothes before, so i didn´t knew he got them."
The rest of the day was peacefull. You went back to your room and made your rotine. When Cavill got out of the shower, you glanced at his scars. You couldn´t tell why, but their places seemed familiar to you. You both were already layed.
"Good night." Cavill said.
"Good night."
The next day Cami wanted to see the capital. Another day passed.
The next day, you went to see the museum on the ocean. The couple had already dipped, so, the only known person you had to ask to tie your bikiny bra was Cavill.
"Do you know how to tie?"
"Do you know how to not say offensive things?" He said as he tied. When he went to put his oxygen tube, you heard him sigh. As you looked at him, his hand was on his lower back.
"Is that to heavy for you, big guy?"
"Shut up, fainty girl"
"You shut up, blood boy"
After the diving, when you came back to the little boat, your blood presure was low. It was normally low, but you were feeling weak. You managed to get back to the hotel looking fine. In the hall to your shared bedroom, you lean against the wall. He looks at you and see your eyes are narrowed.
"Are you okay?"
"Sure, you almost fainting again means that you are okay."
"Look, just shut up and go to the room."
"I can´t let you faint here, it´ll destory the trip."
"Lean on me, i´ll help you to the bedroom."
"Not a chance, bloody." Suddenly, you black out.
You woke up on your bed. Henry was already asleep. There was a glass of water and some crackers left for you on your nightstand. You drank and ate it. After brushing your teeth and taking a shower, you were laying on yor bed, trying to go back to sleep, when you suddenly notices the situation of Cavill´s "bed". He only had 6 pillows and a sheet to make as bed, excluding this itens, he was on the bare floor.
The next day, Cami said that you were having a spa day. Some parts it would be the four of you togheter, some parts you and her or you and Cavill. Your muscles had never been more relaxed in your life. It only had one hour and a half left to end that spa day, before going back to your room and preparing yourself for dinner. You and Henry were put togheter at that time; you´d just have the final massage at the same room. You two were only in a towel, alone in a room, waiting for the massues.
"Thank you for the care last night. And thank you for not telling Camilla about it."
"Your welcome. I understand how bad it is to feel weak."
Time passed and you finished your massage and the dinner, then, you went back to your room. Before getting in the shower, you looked at Henry and asked:
"Didn´t you ask for blankets also?
"They didn´t have it, it is a hot island, after all. I forgot this wasn´t England."
"How can you sleep?"
"i don´t, actually."
You raised your brows to him.
"i´ve already been more days with bad sleep."
You didn´t believe him. It seemed that he´d lost 20 pounds and he had black eyes.
"You don´t seem ok. It´s clear that you lost significant weight. You konw, since you helped me, i´ll let you sleep in the bed, tonight."
"No. Then you´ll have to slepp on the floor."
"We could share the bed. We´ll make a pillow wall."
He seems to think for a while. But then, his ego gave up and he accepted, recognizing that he really didn´t look really healthy. After your shower, you saw two pillows in the middle of the bed.
"Why didn´t you put four pillows?"
"I need two for my lower back." He explains as he goes to the shower. After 15 minutes,he came back, only in a black pajama shorts, since it was hot as hell. Now, you were both layed.
"What happened to your lower back?" You interogated.
"I got stabed, it hitted the muscle; now, it is hard to get comfortable with it ragged."
Half an hour passed, but neither of you were sleepy.
"Haven´t slept eighter, hein?" he groaned.
"Yes, it´s been ages since i din´t relax like that, so i think my body instinctively feels alert." You commented.
He looked at you and solicited:
"You know, what if, just for this night, we forget our jobs and have a conversation with each other, like normal people?" he asked.
"How can i forget how to be a baker?" He gave you a chuckle. You liked the sound.
"I could do that, for this night." You said.
"How long have you been working there?" He asked.
"Twelve years. And you?"
"Fifteen. ... Are your blood pressure always low?"
"No, just when i feel pressure over my body."
"Where are you from?"
"I was born in Krakow, but raised on Boston, EUA. I heard Nick saying you are from London."
"If it weren´t for our jobs, we could have been friends, i think."
"This inteligences should have an organized diplomacy between then, so it wouldn´t affect anyone lives."
" It really should. I´m sorry for you having to sleep on the floor. I was rude on not offering you the bed before."
"There is no problem."
"If i may ask, how did you get those scars? I don´t know how, but they seem familiar to me."
"Well, i got them at a wednesday night. I nedded a video tape from an assassin, but other agent from another secret service showed and, we fought for it. I took the tape in the end, but i left bleeding."
"Henry, are those...are those mine?" You say, stretching an arm to feel the scar from his arm.
"i didn´t knew it hitted you so deep, i´m so sorry. Oh my god, am i the cause of your lower back pain?"
"I could say so."
You didn´t know what to say. You were feeling terible, he wasn´t a bad person, he was just doing his job. You moved next to him and gave him a soft hugh. "I´m so sorry, i didn´t mean it. You must hate me for this."
"You were just doing your job. You were under pressure. And i started the fight, anyway."
He smelled good, and he was warm. Secretly, you wanted to stay hugged to him.
"If our jobs can´t be diplomatic, maybe we can. So we can avoid more disasters."
"i think that is a great idea." As soon as he finishes telling you this, you fell a thick hand embracing your shoulder and pulling you closer. You didn´t move. Did he also like the hugh? "Is it okay?" He asked, looking at you. "Yes", you said.
"S-since we are not hating each other this night, may i say, you look cute in bathing clothes."
You blushed, looking down. "You are not bad, too" You feel his hand through your hair. You didn´t pushed it away, so he understood the sign: It was all okay from you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you to straddle his waist.
"One night, love?" He asked.
"One night." You responded.
He was layed on his back and you were on top of him. You leaned and gave him a soft peck in his lips. You pull away and look into his eyes, your hands cupped his cheeks.
He placed you on his lap, while sitting. Then, his mouth sharply attacked yours, tongue asking permission to explore your mouth. As you gave it, he lifted you and possitioned you on the bed, staying on top. He broke the kiss to take of your tank top (you weren´t with a bra, since you were going to sleep) and went to work on your breasts. He sucked one nipple while one of his hands were supporting him on the bed and the other were tracing your thigh.
"Please, pet, open your legs for me."
You opened, but not enough for his opinion.
He left your breasts and went down. He gently took of your short and penties. But then he brutally grabbed your knees saying: " I said, before, for you to open your legs". It burned were he was touching you. With your knees in his hands, he placed then on his shoulders and went down to your cunt. He passed a hand and licked it, looking at you. "Well done, y/n, already wet for me". He gave kisses at your inner thighs, trailing them to finally lick your folds. "Daddy´s girl, say a number until 20".
He quickly bit your clit, making you scream in pleasure and surprise. He inserted two fingers inside you, curling them at an affordable pace, while sucking your cunt like a hungry man. You put your hand on his head, signaling to go faster. He did as you plead, making you a moaning mess. You feel a heat grow in your stomach.
"Hen-ry, i think i´m gonna...". You cum before you could finish.
He places a soft kiss to your belly.
"Sit, my dove". You sit. He lays almost in the middle of the bed. "Now, sit on my face."
"Are you crazy? if i not kill you first, you´ll be injured!"
"Baby girl, have you never done that?"
"I am sure you will like it. And you would be in completely control."
He gave you his hand to gide you to kneel over his face. You now were hovering it. He grabbed your hips, pulling you down. You were scared and resisted to him. "I´m to heavy. I´m not skinny, you are going to suffocate, or i´ll even break your neck or your nose". He became impacient and pulled you down, even you trying to resist to him. As soon as you sit, you feel his wet tongue circling your hole. You let a moan out. He let go of your hips and you got out of his face. "See, nothing happened to me. You are not heavy. You are perfect. You are entirelly perfect. Now do as i told you." You slowly sit back at his face. He starts to eat you, putting his tongue inside you many times, his tongue dancing all over your vagina. He roughtly smack your ass and growl. He was making you feel every sensation you could before cumming again. As soon as he growled again, you came on his mouth, soaking his chin. You get out of him. He was going to lay you again but you stopped him. You guidded him to sit on the edge of the bed and take of his shorts; you kneel, taking his already hard cock in your hand, smoothing a little before putting in your mouth. As you did, he shivered to the attention being given to his erection. You hollowed your cheeks and started to take it as deep as you could. The tip hitted the back of your throat, making you gag, the vibrationg hitting his sensitive spot, making him moan roughtly. He takes your hair and starts to guide your pace. You noticed he was reaching his orgasm and started to give special treatment to the tip of his dick, however, he sarted to try to pull it of. "what are you doing?"
"I´m not gonna cum on your throat. Not today, pet."
He pushes you away and you lay on the bed. He places himself between your legs and insert two fingers inside you, straching you out for him. He leans and takes you to a kiss. Suddenly, you fee him entering you. You break the kiss and moans to loud, your nails scratchin his back. He starts thrusting. The sound was intoxicating. You buck your hips, meaning for him to go faster. His thrusts became hard, but not hard enough to leave bruises, since you´d have to wear a bikini tomorrow. His breath were unsteady and you were soaking. "Henry, it´s comming!". After a couple of seconds you cum all over him. "Do you want me to take it of? We forgot the condom."
"No need, tomorrow i´ll take a pill. Go ahead, daddy." As soon as you finished, he let out a shy moan and came. He quickly kissed you before getting out.
He laid beside you, without breath. You get up and straddle him.
"You know, secretly, i´ve always wanted to ride you". You say massagim his cheast. You possition him in your entrance and you sit on it. He sits and hugs you. Then, he grabs your waist and you place your hands on his shoulders. You starts to move your hips and he follows your pace. After some kisses your speed increased and you both cum. You stay on top of him for a while, hugging his huge torso. Suddenly, he slightly arched his back. He hoped you didn´t notice the stiffnes of his muscles, but you did. You imediately get out of him.
"is it your back?"
"it´s nothing."
"of course it is." You say upset.
"Darling, it was just a little stiffness, i´m getting old". He kisses your cheek. "Let´s go take a bath, we are both soaking wet". He lifts you on his arms bridal style and caries you.
After the bath, you were cuddling in bed.
"What time is it?" You asked.
"Three am."
"Hen, how did you know what i liked during sex?"
"Well, you have been always in a defensive mood, always trying to prove yourself, how you never need help. So i thought that it had a big chance of, actually, you just wanting someone soft and caring for you, leading and helping. Besides, you didn´t stop me, so i just kept going."
You blushed at his explanation. "Henry, why did you ask me to say a number, before?"
"Oh! I wanted to know how many times I'd make you cum."
You then realised." What if I had said twenty?"
"Well, then I guess we would be up until the sun rises".
You looked at him incredulous.
" You know, that face sitting thing, i think i should try it more times."
"My face is always available for you whenever you want, dove". He says with a smile.
You both stay in silence for some minutes, then you say: "You know, maybe, we could repeat the sex. We just let our work go, and we be ourselves for a while."
"I would very much appreciate that." You both fall asleep.
The next morning, it was your last day on the island, so Camilla decided to spent the day on the beach again.
"What is that between your legs?" Camilla asked.
You looked down to see light bruises at your inner thighs.
"i must have beaten somewhere."
"I imagine that Henry´s lap could be called somewhere." She says laughing.
"Hey! I could have sleept with anyone!"
"Sure, then Henry´s back scratches are from somewhere unknown as well". Camilla smirked.
"Oh, shut up". You both laughed.
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jessource · 5 months
prompts: prelude to ecstasy by the last dinner party.
here comes the feminine urge, i know it so well.
do you want me, or do you want control?
this is the only thing i know how to do.
i could never live with the guilt of lying.
and lately i've been thinkin', what if i keep sinking?
i hope they never understand us.
even when the cold comes crashing through, i'm putting all my bets on you.
cleanse my soul, make me whole.
she's there when i wake up, at the end of my bed with a smile on her face and a gun to my head.
do what i can to survive.
cause we're a lot alike.
a sailor and a nightingale dancing in convertibles/
i know i'm better off not looking back.
oh, anyone could kill me, and i'd never ever let it be you.
foolish thinking i could have you.
i don't exist without your gaze.
and just for a second, i could be one of the greats.
when i was a child, i never felt like a child.
you could swim in these eyes.
wine is on your blouse.
i wish i knew you back when we were both small.
what i'm feeling isn't lust, it's envy.
hold me, we can't go back.
you can hold me like he held her.
guide me, show me how, and let me be your arrow.
wish i could do without this blood on my face.
i will fuck you, like nothing matters.
time slips away.
to nurture the wounds my mother held.
i will hold your hands to stop them from shaking.
i am not the girl i set out to be.
the best a boy can ever be is pretty.
i fade away.
strike me,  pierce me straight through the heart.
it's my fate to have never seen you.
my darling, believe me, i was born to be with you.
i wish i knew you before it felt like a sin.
if i drown will they make me a star?
you don't wanna hurt me, but i want you to.
how i wish the trees would swallow me, make me a forest, take away my soul.
i'm just a mirror, pretty glass, an empty heart.
i wish that i had the guts–the dignity to put up a fight.
when you laid like a wolf with your head on my lap. i felt like one of those portraits of women protected by a beast on a chain.
i'll leave you flowers, but not my name.
what good are red lips when you're faced with something sharp?
when i put on that suit, i don't have to stay mute.
i'll see you on sunday.
i wish that i let you have the dignity of letting me go.
you smiled so sweetly as you threw me down the rocks.
oh, ballerina bend under the weight of it all.
no one else is to blame.
i wish i could be a beautiful boy.
i have gotten too tall.
when you drown, do they know who you are?
i need to slow my thinkin'.
i want to take your picture.
i'd spend the mornings by your side.
if anyone could kill me, it probably would be you.
is it in this city?
i break apart without your arms.
i wish you had given me the courtesy of staying one more night.
a guard dog there just for her. if only she know that with one wrong move, he'll turn around and tear off her hands.
when i drown, will i get very far?
no i won't speak to you.
forgive me, father, won't you take it back?
let me make my grief a commodity.
break my glass to fix your heart.
burn me.
je ne veux pas penser.
i wish you had given me the courtesy of ripping out my throat.
we're both just addicts.
if it takes all night, i will be on your side.
there is candle wax melting in my veins.
it could take some time, time to talk freely.
he's got letters on his fist: r-i-d-e.
tell me how you're feeling, i'll reflect the reason.
i'd die for you, no questions asked.
everyone will love me!
i wish i didn't want you.
do you want me to care when you just disappear?
failure to commit to the role, i admit was a failure you achieved on your own.
i'll be ceaser on a tv screen, champion of my fate.
ain't it fun to hold the world in your hand?
when you're lying here i believe you love me.
when you drown, they'll forget who you are.
everyone will like me then.
there's nothing for me. here, where the world is small.
i'd break off my ribs to make another you.
i'm only here, for your entertainment.
do you feel like a man when i can't talk back?
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marcussour · 5 months
Some random thoughts about last night episode:
Loved seeing the Crown Keepers for this 2-part thingy, sad to see them go out like this. I would've loved for this whole storyline to play out over a regular, say, 4 episodes arc of EXU; like, don't get me wrong, I loved this idea of switching parties mid-episode and exploring the other half of the story and how Dorian ended up coming back, but the whole "what they were doing between EXU:Kymal and episodes 92 and 93" felt a bit rushed and condensed due to those restrains.
On a similar note, what happened with Deni$e? I know that having Aimee play 2 characters simultaneously would've been a lot (and also, an incredible power move and probably hilarious). Apparently I misremembered what Deni$e's saw through the portal at her exit in episode 63, 'cause I was sure that Dariax was there in Westruun, but it was more like, she was gonna try and find him, not that she saw him there. Glad that she still got a mention when Dorian reunited with Bells Hells.
Crown Keepers, oh sweet, poor, Crown Keepers. I expected something akin to a bad ending, but somehow they splitting and going their separate ways ended up hurting more than if all of most of them had died, instead of just Cyrus (RIP Cyrus, you delightful himbo with gambling problems).
Something I've been wondering if that we're gonna get some type of Avengers-like team up between the different champions of the gods. I know most people are expecting the big team up to end up happening between Vox Machina, the Mighty Nein and Bells Hells, but this whole idea of the gods talking and taking their champions to join the fight against Predathos got me thinking if we're gonna get some type of god squad EXU going on. We know Opal and Fy'ra are together now and probably on route to somewhere; there's also whatever Morrigan's gonna do now (and is she just an empowered champion but not THE champion of the Matron like Vax, or does she have multiple ones like other gods?). And we know of other champions like Teven Klask and Zerxus for Asmodeus (and come one, who wouldn't want Luis to be back as Zerxus), or Arkhan for Tiamat (tho in this case, considering he's Joe Manganiello's character, and how he was canonized in D&D lore, maybe he's off the table).
On a similar note, it does got me thinking about the fact that Vex, Scanlan, Pyke and Yasha are all champions of their respective gods (though in Vex and Scanlan's case, my guess is that it was only a temporary thing).
Back to the Crown Keepers, sad to see Dariax and Dorian separated. Like, I get the why (tho I would've loved to see Dariax with Bells Hells), doesn't mean I like it. Also, I guess it's kinda telling of Dorian to always make similar exists when confronted with a heavy emotional weight: the way he left Dariax playing in Zephrah felt pretty similar to him leaving the toy floating back in Jrusar when he left Bells Hells. I like the thematic consistency of him leaving a place kinda like a breeze or a gentle gust of wind.
Also, our blue boy is going through some stuff. Seeing him snap like that, love the complexity that Robbie put there, but also, got me worried about some decisions he could make.
Loved the reunion with Bells Hells of course and the brief glimpses of them catching up. Wish it could've gone for a little longer, I get the why (no one wants the live play equivalent of a clips episode).
Excited for next week, and for whoever's gonna be present and the camp in Bassuras and to see if they're going after Ludinus in Aeor or something else (also, I would be shocked if Sam's new character doesn't appear by then).
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music-viber · 6 months
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Summary: your younger sisters boy best friend had been getting too much attention lately.
kissing booth if the genders were opposite. Pt.1
Warning: smut, mature content, language.
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Your sister had a built-in best friend since the day she was born and 1. No, it wasn't you but yes 2. I, was better that way because you could only deal with so much of her for so long so you were glad to share some of the responsibility with somebody. They grew up together and partly with me because I tried to ignore them most of the time anyway but they always found a way to be around me somehow Vincent’s mom had been best friends with your mom since college or something so it made sense
Sports are your specialty which worked in your favor cause guys like girls who play sports especially when they were good at it. You got in a few of fights when you were younger making you gain popularity girls feared you knowing you could beat their asses. You did look out for your sister and her best friend when other girls would try a fast move on you guys. You liked to feel needed and important so you would always help them with bullies when you guys were younger.
You were the popular sister athletic it’s not like it was some big secret, you didn’t need to be nice to get what you wanted you had pretty privilege had it since the you pop out of your mother actually, it was like a super power. P r e t t y p r I v l I d g e something not all people are blessed with. Only time I was ever jealous of my sister was when she had a built in best friend who stuck by her side 24/7 and never got tired of her. So basically since the day she was born maybe? You can’t keep count.
Everyone put up with you tough girl act everyone except vinnie ever since you were kids he had always put you in your place when your out of line you couldn’t lie you didn’t know why you didn’t just ignore him what he tried to but it didn’t think much. People had always liked you but in a I fear her kinda so what you got went through puberty you better believe it wasn’t that way anymore. You tried to know less about Vinnie because 1. He was like a little brother to you and 2. That’s your sisters boy best friend, You didn’t wanna upset her.
School was starting up again soon your about to start senior year. No different from the other schools years but you did have to pick a college soon so that really sucked for you. Leaving home.
As you walked into your house from a workout in your sports bra and gym shorts your a variety soccer player so it was mandatory you keep up your A game. “Leeah, have you seen my soccer ball?” I asked my sister looking at the pair who can never be caught apart. She obviously gave me some snarky remark making Vinnie laugh, I smirked “hey Vincent” I say looking at him. I know he hates being called by his full name, he looks back at me “Yes Noelle?” He knows I hate being called my first name
“When did you get the abs?” I pointed out at them He looked caught off guard as he looked down at them trying to think of something to say. Leeah chimes in “When you were away at soccer camp learning how to be a bigger bitch, it was almost as if he was in human growth hormones or something.” Leeah laughed as you scoffed. Vinnie then covers himself with a towel “Rule number 2? Please.” I tell them I was throwing a party and not to invite any jackasses. Leeah makes another snarky remark as she and Vinnie celebrate it so I throw a ball at her making him fall into the pool and then walking away. Leeah gets out of the pool, “she's such an ass” Lee says looking at Vinnie, “I know.” Vinnie says looking directly at his best friends sisters ass which was quickly shut down by Lee.
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The first day of school
as I got there on my motorcycle and started talking to some other girls my sister rolled up with Vinnie. “What the fuck is he wearing” his shirt was way too small for his new muscular body making his buttons left open making his whole chest and stomach exposed. Noelle sat there dumbfounded by his chiseled-like abs then looking away. Noelles sister and vinnie looked confused as to why Vinnie was getting some stares.
“Is he new?” you heard females ask around. You scoffed at their reactions. Then some horny girl grabbed his ass in front of everyone. He made a weird sound then turned to confront the person then saw it was a female. He was helpless he couldn't hit a girl, Leeah knew this and yelled at her attempting to push her then looked like she needed some help of her own so I intervened and punched her to the ground as the principal came out and sent us 3 to the office. “You guys office now.”
Vinnie had ended up asking me why I helped them so obviously I told him “It's like seeing those girls gryi g to get into my little brothers pants, which is super gross.” I continued “ You've also had 0 experience with girls you haven't even had a girlfriend. Opening your shirt like that is asking for it.” I laughed as he took offence. We kinda all git detention after that stunt we pulled this morning
As I watched Vinnie flirt with the girl who had groped him yesterday my eyebrows raised as I look between them. He looks over at me as I mouth the words “what the fuck?” he rolled his eyes and he goes back to passing notes. The teacher doses off then eventually the girl bursts in the room wearing her shirt the same way Vinnie had done that same morning as people laughed and took picture she posed as Vinnie laughed also. I'm definitely have in a chat with her after class.
After detention, I found her “hey.” I said pushing her shoulder “I don't know what you told him but your not going out with Vinnie.” she was confused and scared “if you will I will break your nose, got it?” he nodded and ran off. “Easy.” not as easy as you thought because the next morning Vinnie called you angry “You do realize you're not my mom right?” he stated while on the phone with you. I smiled “You still got a lot to learn kiddo.” he scoffed
Mumbling stuff you ignored “I could just beat you with my shoes right now” be says “she's a player” I tell him “so are you?” he yelled confused.” “and that's why I'm not letting her near you, you'll thank me one day.” Noelle says calmly “stop yelling girls not to talk to me!” Vinnie yells.
Two days later
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It was time for my party which was packed with almost everyone even tho I did say invite only. I had occupied myself with the first person to throw themselves at me just to have a make-out session, and that's when Vinnie came up and tapped on Noelle's shoulder. She turns to face whoever tapped her. She stopped kissing the guy for a brief moment. “I haven't seen Lee,” she said as she went back to making out with the guy. Vinnie taps me again as I stop kissing the guy again “What?!” he says something about a kissing booth before the guy I'm missing flicks Vinny's forehead “Lonely nerds are downstairs bro.” I rolled my eyes at the random guy. “ look uh, you should probably leave he's important to my family which kinda means he's important to me.” the guy backed off and left and was sassy about it. Vinnie looks down at me “Sorry I ruined your make-out session.” you smiled “That's fine he tasted like Cheetos anyways.” he ignored the last part. “So kissing booth?” he asked hopeful. “No, go away” and so he did.
Later into the party I saw Vinnie drinking like there was no tomorrow like absolutely downing everything everyone gave him as people cheered him on. As he got up and danced on the pool table. I couldn't like he. Does look better this year and people can tell people he's getting lots of attention. He starts to fan himself “It's hot out here.” he starts to strip as everyone cheers him on. You look at him in disbelief. Then he yells “Let go skinny dipping.” that's when you know he's had too much as everyone jumps into the pool Vinnie stumbles and falls into the grass. Lee looked over at Noelle for help and so she rolled her eyes and helped carry him up the stairs. “I have to go make sure they don't break anything but you git this right?” lee leaves them. “Noelle” Vinnie mumbles as you ignore him as he gets up and walks into your room and crashes on the bed. “Great because I didn't wanna carry him” Noelle whispers as he throws up on his shirt he put back on. Noelle takes his clothes off him and immediately outs it in the washer. “This is so gross”
The next morning
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Vinnie woke up groaning from his hangover he opened his eyes and looked around panicked as he checked to see if he slept inside my room. He then checked to see if he was naked which he stuff had his underwear in as he sighed in relief. He watched as Noelle walked in with nothing but a towel as Vinnie stared at her in shock. He looks at him “Oh I didn't mean to wake you just grabbing my clothes.” she said. Vinnie didn't need to ask what happened, he remembered everything. “Noelle I'm so sorry,” he said holding his head. He got out of bed and looked down and realizedtat he was basically naked and tried hiding behind her curtains embarrassed. “Can you pass me those?” he pointed at some baggy shorts on the floor. “Please can I get those” he begged. She just stood there smirking at him ignoring the request.
“Fine,” they both said heading towards the shorts as Vinnie fell into Noelle getting tangled in the fallen-down curtains. She was rolled up on top of him and he was under her complaining about how were stuck. “My arm is stuck” he yelled as they tried to get out of this his arm pushed into her core the he gasped as she moaned “I told you not to stop moving!” she yelled yelled. They untangled themselves from the curtain. Vinnie rushes to put on the shorts and then rushed for the door before he stopped “Do I owe you anything at all” he asked “Just get out dork.” she said panting.
The next day
I was playing carnival games and talking to a few guys when Vinnie came up to me. He spoke “Look I'm desperate, just stop at the booth for a little please? It would mean a lot to me.” he signed. I looked at him crossing my arms“Wow the independent Vincent Cole hacker begging someone else for help?” then he ended up giving me an I care about you so help me kinda talk making me feel bad as he walked away.
The kissing booth starts and it looks like the most successful booth at the carnival after while so I bought a ticket. I stand there thinking I wasted my money on something guys wouldve payed me for. “Wanna cut?” I looked over at some random girl confused as I tilted my head. She then opened her mouth again “like get I front of me and not wait in line?” she said nervously. “Okay.” Noelle cuts in front of her and walked up to the stand. Waiting for the kisser. She sighed and looked towards the curtains to see which guy she would be kissing. Suddenly Vinnie walked out in a blindfold looking confused. He stumbled as I helped him to his stand of the stand. He then nervously tells me his secrets about his lack of relationships and kissing
experiences as everyone else also hears him and laughs at his nervousness. I smirked and rolled my eyes as I looked over at the curtains seeing the guys Laugh at Vinnie until they saw who he was about to kiss and stopped in their tracks. Noelle cut off the geek boy rambling by pulling him down by his collar and kissing him. It went in as people around then gasped and cheered. After a while Vinnie thought, why these people be cheering over just a kiss- he then realized and took off his blindfold and looked at her dumbfounded. She didn't want it to stop so he kissed him again then people had cheered as she looked at Vinnie “okay I'll see you around?” she walked away from the booth and wentnti go flirt with some guys to take her mind off of him.
Later Noelle was on her motorcycle when she spotted Vinnie walking home on the road. The sky was lit by the thunder. “Need a ride?” Vinnie gave her a little look. Noelle rolled her eyes and crossed her arms “Look I care about you and stuff plus my mom would kill me knowing I left you in the cold. He got onto her motorcycle after a while the storm got heavy and they couldn't drive any longer. She led him to a greenhouse-like area where he gave her his jacket. Noelle was looking out through the glass at the rain “We should be fine if we wait.” she said distracted.
Vinnie had walked towards the girl towering over her. He then quickly kissed her and she kissed back. Then he backed up “We can't how would I tell Lee?” he said slowly. “We’ll figure it out” I reassure him pressing my lips into his as he melts into it, he then takes the lead by choking her a little bringing her to moan and catch her breath. She grabbed his shirt and unbuttoned it. As he gasped and pulled away, they stared at each other for a short period of time She looked at him “we don't need to-” she told him he unbuttoned her shirt. As they were both shirtless and making out. Vinnie knew he should've stopped but she felt too good to let go.
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"May I?" Vinnie asked, indicating his desire to try something else. Noelle agreed, "We can do whatever you want," she said, grinning at him seductively. He then chokes Noelle gently as his leg nudges between hers, encouraging her to spread her legs for him. She gasped as his knee pressed into her core. Seizing this moment, Vinnie slipped his tongue into her mouth, asserting his dominance.
Noelle knew that her actions with Vinnie were morally questionable. She had no intention of revealing their secret, as it would earn her the label of the worst sister of the year. Yet, Vinnie was so intoxicating that she couldn't resist him. She had known about Vinnie's feelings for her since they were children, but societal rules had always been a barrier. Now, the way Vinnie made her feel had her contemplating a future with him.
She moaned as he tugged on her hair, a side of Vinnie she hadn't expected. "Vincent," she moaned softly. He paused from his activities, "Don't call me that," he replied, looking right at her as lightning illuminated the sky and the rain poured down.
She looked up at him, an innocent challenge in her eyes, "Or what?" As she reached up to touch his face, he grabbed her hand. With a gasp, she found herself turned around to face him, her back pressed against the wall. He was careful not to hurt her. Sweeping her hair aside, he whispered into her ear, "Let's find out."
He used his belt to tie her hands behind her as she was pressed against the wall, he then asked her “Can I remove your clothes?” as she nodded. He scoffed saying “Use your words, princess.” she rolled her eyes “Yes please Vinnie.” as she said this he undressed her and started to rub her heat in a circular motion as she threw her head back and moaned in pleasure as she pushes her ass against him. It wasn't long before Vinnie had also undressed "I want you to pleasure me until I reach my cum."
He teased me with the head of his arousal, causing me to shudder and my breathing to grow unsteady. He lavished attention on me, and then without warning, I felt him enter me. I was pinned and helpless, unable to do anything but accept him. His thickness filled me, causing my back to arch as he held my thigh to steady himself. My cries were quiet, shocked at the intensity of the situation. He paused, savoring my response, his lips peppering gentle kisses on my neck and chin. I tensed when he moved, the sensation overwhelming. As he withdrew slightly, my body reacted instinctively, crying out his name, "Vincent!" "Vinnie," he corrected, but I had no time to process his words as he moved again.
His touch stirred me, his hand moving from my thigh to my rear, adjusting my position. My legs wrapped around him as he quickened his rhythm, each withdrawal and thrust more intense than the last. My cries grew more urgent, the intense pleasure leaving me gasping for air. My body responded to him, my euphoria building. He grunted my name, our bodies slick with sweat. "Vincent!" I called out, but he corrected me once more, "Vinnie."
He repeated, "Say it and I'll let you go." His movements quickened, our bodies collided. My legs shook, but I kept them wrapped around him. I matched his rhythm, eliciting grunts from him. "Vinnie," I whimpered, yearning for him to release my hands so I could draw him closer. He looked into my eyes, the intensity of his gaze holding me captive. He let go of my hands, and the rhythm continued, the intensity only he could create. I clenched my muscles, matching his pace. His hands gripped my waist as he murmured into my lips.
Our bodies moved faster, and our lips parted. His head rested in the crook of my neck while he lifted my lower body and continued to thrust. I cried out, a sensation building that would soon release if he continued. "You like that, baby?" He whispered. I could only respond with a roll of my eyes as he filled me again. He was so deep, I felt him in my stomach. My toes curled, my hands clawed at his back as I tried to steady myself. But neither of us cared. We reached our climax together, and we collapsed on the floor. Breathless, I asked, "Where did you learn that?" He smiled and responded, "Porn." I nodded, understanding his solitary pastime. We sat in silence, trying to comprehend the magnitude of what just happened. I began to giggle, then burst into laughter. Vinnie watched me, chuckling softly. "I'm such a bad sister," I finally said.
"I'm such a bad sister," I admitted, my laughter subsiding into a quiet chuckle. Vinnie, however, continued to chuckle, his eyes filled with truth as he looked at me. "You're not bad, Noelle," he said, his voice soft but firm. His hand found mine, giving it a comforting squeeze. "You're human.
We sat in silence again, the gravity of our actions settling in. But there was no regret, just a strange sense of... peace. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe it was right. But in that moment, we were just Vinnie and Noelle.
And as I looked at Vinnie, his bare chest rising and falling with each breath, I realized that sometimes, it's not about right or wrong. It's about the moments that take your breath away, the moments that make you feel alive. And as I lay there in Vinnie's arms, I felt more alive than I ever had. I closed my eyes, letting the silence of the room envelop us, a serene ending to an unexpected night.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Regarding Elain
"The quiet dreamer and she's got a different sort of strength than Nesta and Feyre"
Not only does the author address it in a interview but since book 1, SJM has made it extremely obvious that Elain is not like Feyre and Nesta.
She had looked at that cottage with hope; I had looked at it with nothing but hatred. And I knew which one of us had been stronger. (and we know the way Nesta viewed the cabin was much more in line with the way Feyre viewed it)
Two in the morning, and yet the party was showing no signs of slowing. My father held court with several other merchants and aristo men to whom I had been introduced but whose names I’d instantly forgotten. Elain was laughing among a circle of beautiful friends, flushed and brilliant. Nesta had silently left at midnight, and I didn’t bother to say good-bye as I finally slipped upstairs (Elain is living her best life while both Feyre and Nesta were over the ball, they barely tolerated it from the start).
She was a rose bloom in a mud field. Filled with galloping horses. “Don’t be afraid of them,” Nesta said beneath lowered brows. If Elain was a blooming flower in this army camp, then Nesta … she was a freshly forged sword, waiting to draw blood. (Feyre belongs in the NC among the warriors. Of the remaining sisters, who also is foreshadowed to fit in?)
Nesta and I climbed inside one of the supply caravan’s covered wagons to change into Illyrian fighting leathers. When we emerged, Nesta even buckled a knife at her side. / Elain … She’d taken one look at us in the swaying grasses outside that wagon, the legs and assets on display, and turned crimson. / She refused the knife Cassian handed her, though. Went white as death at the sight of it. / “I—I don’t know how to use it—” “I’ll make sure you don’t have to,” I said, grass crunching as I stepped closer. Elain weighed my words … and slowly closed her fingers around the blade. / But Elain had given it back—had pressed it into Azriel’s hands after the battle, just as he had pressed it into hers before. And then walked away without looking back. (SJM could not be any more direct with how different Elain approached the war compared to her sisters especially when you add in how Elain stabbed the King then backed away while Nesta marched on over and cut his head off, how Nesta takes credit for killing the King and Elain downplays her part).
Nesta had only stared at me in that unblinking, cold way. Elain had blushed, muttering about the impropriety of such things.
I laid my hand flat on the table. “I can eat, drink, fuck, and fight just as well as I did before. Better, even.” / “Fucking strangers?” Elain flinched again, her face coloring. Nesta snorted. “You’re living amongst beings who have none of our human primness, you know.”
“No, I don’t. Elain is Elain,” he repeated. “Nesta is … she’s Illyrian. I mean that as a compliment, but she’s an Illyrian at heart. (NESTA IS ILLYRIAN AT HEART AND ELAIN IS NOT, I mean seriously, that tells us all we need to know. End of story, Nesta belongs in the NC and Elain does not).
Where the hell was Elain?
Elain in black was ridiculous.
And he knew the cruelty of the Hewn City troubled her.
but wearing black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court … It sucked the life from her. Nesta in Night Court black threatened to bring him to his knees.
Elain wasn't part of IC business in ACOWAR or Silver Flames yet Nesta and Feyre were. Feyre and Nesta were present for meeting Bryce and Elain was not. Nesta embraced the Illyrian leathers and a weapon in ACOWAR even though in ACOWAR she claimed to have no interest in being a warrior. That last one was 100% foreshadowing people!
SJM is not laying these clues to make Elain the sole peacemaker and gentle nurturer of the IC. She's laying these clues to show us that Elain is different than her sisters and belongs with people who are more like-minded. How sad would it be for Elain to remain in the IC, always the odd man out? The different one?
It is absurd for someone who claims to like Elain to look back over the series and think she's valued in the NC as anything more than a cook and gardener. Those hobbies are all well and good but not FMC energy and not anything the members of the IC really care much about aside from a pat on Elain's head for the things that keep her busy. That fact that she doesn't belong is so clear, it's glass and SF was Feyre trying to bridge the gap with the sister who pushes her away while coming right out and admitting the sister who is willing to have a relationship with her is someone she only considers a pleasant companion.
It's fine that Feyre and Nesta don't connect on a certain level with Elain or view her differently than they view one another, relationships shouldn't be forced and not all siblings are going to be extremely close (though they can still get along). With that said, Elain deserves to find a group of people who see her as a valuable, contributing member. Who don't see her as a last resort and who regularly include her in important Court business. People claim Elain was pushed to the side for Nesta and that's why she was absent in SF but Az got to do important things in SF as a side character. SJM always leaves room for side characters to play an important role in things even if it's not time for their own book.
Elain also deserves to find people who don't choose violence as a means to an end (no shade on the IC for their methods but that's not who Elain is).
Quiet dreamers don't wear daggers that they returned "and didn't look back" strapped to their legs. Quiet dreamers don't wear black when it sucks the life from them. Quiet dreamers don't sneak around in the shadows when they prefer the light.
There's already two sisters and Valkyrie who live that kind of life in this series and when the author tells us Elain is DIFFERENT, I'm not sure why people try to copy and paste Feyre / Nesta / Gwyn / Emerie over her personality.
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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We begin this update with a sign of things to come, aka the appearance of this creepy orb with zzzz’s in the corner of our lot. I was freaking out about it thinking the lot is fucked, but it turned out to be..
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-It’s been shit knowing you, flops! -GOODBYE KITANA, WOOOOOOOF💔 -Shut up, Veronica, you pencil-necked freak. Alright beam me up, bony bozo. -UH, YOU KNOW, ARE YOU SURE YOU DON’T WANNA LIVE A LITTLE LONGER, WE COULD WORK SOMETHING OUT💀 -Ohoho nice try, pussyboi, now take me with you before you catch these claws. -GOOD LORD💀
Ya Grim I know, our Kitana sure was special❤️ RIB, baby (Rest In Blood).
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In the meantime, my attempts to make Felina and Bartholomew unhate each other continue..
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..and are clearly DOOMED. Bro why. WHY DO YOU TWO EVEN HATE EACH OTHER, I DON’T GET IT. You have the only pair of good parents we’ve ever produced, wtf is your problem.
-It’s biological!!!
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-Failina is right for once, the return of the recessive ginger genes brought the Union spirit back with it!
Oh wow that’s just great, we better save some of this Union spirit in the pantry in case recession hits. Fml. I DID manage to make them un-enemies, they just regularly hate each other now, so yay me :(
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After Don’s death so close to Jojo’s bummed me the fuck out I gave the rest of the elders elixir and I don’t care! I can’t have major deaths each update, I’m not strong enough.
-Well don’t worry, I’m gonna do the hard work for you and kill Sophie right now!
Glitched Butler #8 istg. I can’t believe I had to go back to hiring these losers because of how useless iVan is.
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Case in point, Bartholomew misses the bus because he wants to watch the iVan-Sandy Deathmatch of the Undead.
-Geez, it’s so violent!
-I know, let me write down some tips!
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Cyn is in deep mourning, she’s been rolling 0 romantic wants (!!!) all she wants to do is chill and play with the pets💔
-No, Jack Do, I don’t want to elope with you and ‘live in Al Simhara as Indiana Jones impersonators’, stop calling here before I sic my killbot on you🌸
Omg Cyn I know what would make you feel better, how about planning Felina’s birthday party?? (*ominous music*)
-Omg I would love that!💗
Omg yay!💗
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Bartholomeow please.
-Fine, I’ll do something useful!
How about that pile of homework, Mr C+?
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-How about iVan’s job! Man I wish I was a robot butler, then I’d never lose a fight to Failina again! I won’t step foot in school until I’m the ultimate fighting machine! 
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Sophie can you talk to this brat, please?
-In a minute, finally a kid around here with the sports OTH! You won’t believe what a nerd your dad was when he was your age, Barth. -Oh he still is, I broke his jaw the other day playing catch. -That’s my boy!
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-I’m back from school and I got another A+ and it’s my birthday!!! My life could literally not be better!!!! (*ominous music*)
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-Dad, dad, I got another A+!!! So much better than Barfolomew, right?? Right??? You know he skipped school today!!!! -Oh that’s amazing, sweetie, as is Sandy all of a sudden!
Of course. OF COURSE YOU’RE INTO SANDY NOW THAT SHE’S BANGING A RELATIVE OF YOURS. I hate these Gunther genes so fucking much. Whatever, time for Felina’s party! (*ominous music intensifies*)
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Good job, Cyn, super cute!
-Yay! Blow out your candles, baby!🌸 -WOOOO GO FELINA -You know what, I’m just gonna stand here. 
Shajar I’m already regretting giving you elixir. Go on Fel!  
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-Ok, let’s all pretend what happened didn’t happen, GO FELINA WOOO💗 -GREAT PARTY BABY, GO ON -Um, am I the only one who saw Bartholomeow beat her up?
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YAY, happy birthday, Fel! Man she looks like an exact Sophie/Shajar mix aka exactly like Sophito but with Liz’s nose! Adorb! Now let’s roll for aspiration..
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FAMILY?!? LMAO a lil ironic isn’t it?? 
Well when you put it like that. Love that chemistry panel too, either Felina is ending up with a woman or an eyelinered bejeweled Don type. Let’s pray for the former. 
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Alright, let’s lighten up, shall we? 
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That’s better, Sandy and iVan are here to ruin this party’s score even further! Great job, you two!
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Meanwhile Bartholomeow.. is doing THIS. Bro I CAN’T
Barth are you an actual demon? I’m not even kidding. 
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I try to cheer up Felina by having her light up these firecrackers or whatever they are, UNAWARE THEY CAN MAKE SIMS CATCH FIRE. I’M SO SORRY
-HAHAHA boy is my granddaughter a loser! 
-Oh Leo, I think I’m ready for my first post-mourning wooho right here during Felina’s party!💗
Why did you ROLL family when your family is like this is the better question.
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-I’ll light up these fireworks to distract everyone and then I’m getting the fuck outta here!
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Oh ok it worked!
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What’s killing me is this actually was one of our best parties ever, everyone but Felina had a great time?? OVER
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-Oh God, this is still going on?🌸
Ya apparently?! Ugh. 
-It was so hot watching you brawl with iVan during my niece’s party, babe. -Y̷O̴U K̵N̴O̷W I̷'̸M̸ P̵U̷R̷E̴ C̵L̸A̴S̷S🧟‍♀️
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Felina’s party appropriately ends with a cowplant-cake-tree-fire. Clarabelle, how many times do I have to tell you to be careful with that goddamn candle?!
-MOOOO >:(
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All madeover and ready to go! What are you going for here, a Dark Phoenix vibe?
-That’s exactly it, as this party was my supervillain origin story. 
Ok that’s a little dramatic-
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YA not helping, iVan.
Trust me, I know!
-ENOUGH. This family’s degeneracy has been allowed to fester for far too long. I will finish what Grandpa Jojo started, by pruning the diseased family tree! All glory to the House of Union! Are you with me, iVan?
-I’m the only one who knows how to fix you.
Ok Felina you’re creeping me out, you’re the good one! 7 nice points!
-Nice Felina died in a firecracker accident! But from the ashes, I was reborn.. And from the ashes of this family, a new family will rise..
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OMG IT’S OUR FIRST ONE OF @lamare-sims​​ custom LTWS!!!! Wish it was happening under less deranged circumstances but what can you do. 
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guardian-angle22 · 5 months
to continue with the paul celebrations.... any fave paul fics? fanart? fanvids?
[in reference to my meltdown yesterday over Paul lol]
Every day is a Paul Strickland celebration day over at my blog!!
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I will gladly link to some of my faves...
(x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
(x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
◆ they say you're holding onto heartache by @dotsunflowers (Words: 1.6K; Rating: T)
After the visit to the cardiologist, and after his fight with Marjan, Paul can't stop thinking about his heart. Or the way heart metaphors now seemed to be absolutely everywhere.
◆ Ride or Die by @tailoredshirt (Words: 2.4K; Rating: T; TW: semi-graphic injury; mentions of transphobia in healthcare)
Later, Paul would wonder if he would have reacted the same way if he hadn’t been talking. If he would have swerved more gently or slammed on the brakes, or if he would have swerved in the opposite direction, knowing that the lane was clear of oncoming traffic and that the other side of the road was flat. Instead, Paul jerked the steering wheel to the right, barely missing the deer but sending the vehicle off the side of the road, where it skidded down a steep embankment and slammed into a large oak tree. — Paul and Marjan have a heart-to-heart while they’re stuck in a vehicle after a major car accident.
◆ Take the leap by @tailoredshirt (Words: 943; Rating: T)
"So how long has that been goin' on?" "What?" TK asked, frowning.  "How long have you and Reyes been…" Paul nodded in the direction of the bathroom Carlos had disappeared to. TK shook his head. "No, we're...we're not together. Why would you think that?" "Uh…because I got eyes in my head?" Paul said. 1x05 Missing Scene
◆Count on me by @tailoredshirt (Words: 1K; Rating: G)
Marjan and Mateo visit Paul after he’s released from the hospital. Set after 3x04
◆ getting past the wounds of love by @lemonlyman-dotcom (Words: 4.6K; Rating: G)
“What are you smiling about?” Paul asks with a raised eyebrow in the rear view mirror. “Got a text from Officer Hotstuff?” “Shut up,” TK says with a roll of his eyes as Paul and Marjan snicker in the front seat. “Come on, Paul, it’s not even like that.” “Oh yeah?” Paul teases as he puts the car in gear. “It looked pretty ‘like that’ the other night. You shoulda seen them, Marj. TK was grinding on that sweet, straitlaced boy so hard I thought we’d have to use the jaws of life to separate them. Officer Dreamboat was looking at TK with those giant heart eyes. He’s already in love.” “Oh my god,” TK whines. “He is not. We’re not even dating. We’re just …hanging out” “Sure, whatever you say dude.” — Carlos attends his first 126 hang, Paul hosts a listening party for a rare record he’s acquired and Marjan encourages TK to open his heart a bit and talk to Carlos
◆ a much needed intervention by @dotsayers (Words: 3.2K; Rating: T)
Paul grinned at her, annoyingly handsome as usual. “What, Marwani, are you only gonna talk to us if it’s about you?” “Well, I am pretty cool,” she offered, letting one side of her mouth curl into a smile. “What’s up?”
◆ It always pays to fake a smile by @marjansmarwani (Words: 1.2K; Rating: G; TW: semi-graphic injury)
When an accident happens on a call Paul and Marjan are forced to deal with it the best they can until help arrives.
◆ Play With Fire by @thatnerdemryn (Words: 6K; Rating: E; Threesome, d/s elements)
“You boys done for the night?” Paul asked, somehow carefully controlling the tremble in his voice. He cleared his throat as Carlos pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his neck and TK shook his head. “Not quite,” TK commented. He moved away enough to hold out his hands like a silent offering that Paul could either accept fully or brush off easily. He appreciated the gesture, but he wasn’t ready for the warmth the two men provided him to disappear yet. “Good choice, amigo,” Carlos practically purred behind him and Paul was sure his vision went a little fuzzy. “Friend? Is that what we’re going to be tonight?” Paul asked.
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yanyanderes · 2 years
I bet the reader isn't the only one Donnie put a tracker on, he also puts them on people/yokai he thinks are a threat and whenever they get too close to the reader an alarm goes off warning him. And if Donnie, for whatever reason, can't get there in time nor any of his machines then April will swoop in and “save” the day. Any duo including the family is scary in of itself but Donnie and April as a duo is really something ~special~.
But another thing, I do wonder how Splinter would be if he was a yandere for the reader, would he be like a second father to them, would he treat them like one of his own. I dont see alot of yandere Splinter content out there so how would I know?
I had this one scenario in my head that I wanted to make into a one shot but I didn't have enough ideas to keep it going, it was about you and Leo going on a date at a party. Throughout your time there Leo can't help but see someone stare at you so he tries to keep your attention on him by flirting . And it works, after a while it gets a bit too crowded for you so you go outside, while your chit chatting the night oway you confess that you saw someone stare at Leo but didn't want to confront the person in fear of making things awkward. “I mean you are really handsome” you say with a smile. It took him off guard, all the murderous thoughts Leo was thinking was swept as you squished his cheeks while complementing him on how “good looking” he was, further fueling his ego.
oh yeah, definitely.
donnie’s got a handful of trackers on hand 24/7 just in case someone sketchy comes along.
and then there are some people/yokai that he sees (y/n) with and he just gets so jealous of them, he plants a tracker on them anyways and watches them with a diligent eye, waiting for them to make one slip up so he can have an excuse to go after them.
and yes, i LOVE yandere team ups, i’ll take your entire stock.
this duo in particular i really love. april probably stays by (y/n)’s side the most while donnie watches from the monitors. the moment someone he planted with a tracker gets close, he’ll give april the heads up so she can either keep (y/n) away from them until donnie shows up, or she can take the threat down while (y/n) isn’t paying attention or something.
i feel like they’d argue a lot though. no serious fights like getting physically violent or anything, but more petty squabbles about things like who (y/n)’s favorite is. they never take anything said seriously, and they’re still a really good team, but these little quarrels happen often, and they can both get real sassy lol
and YES. there needs to be more familial yandere content.
splinter would try to show off how much of a cool dad he is, telling (y/n) all of his best stories from when he was lou jitsu. even though most of them are impressive enough, he definitely exaggerates some of his stories to make him seem that much cooler.
probably pulls the “oh i used to be such a cool movie star dude, now i’m an old rat man who lives in the sewers and i’ve lost all my glory, please don’t leave me too :(” card. and why would they leave him? yeah, he can be pretty messy and lazy, but he’s also super fun to be around, and his stories always leave them wanting more!
yeah, he knows (y/n) probably has their own parents, but isn’t he so much cooler? he’s a ninjitsu master and he’s starred in so many cool movies! probably teaches (y/n) a couple ninjitsu moves so that they can protect themselves and so that they look up to him more.
i know this wasn’t a part of the ask but like- i love imagining splinter and draxum fighting to be (y/n)’s favorite dad.
and both fail.
ok, draxum would probably fail a lot little harder than splinter, because he goes from 1 to 11 so quickly. oh, someone is bullying (y/n)? ok, he’ll go t e a r t h e i r h o u s e d o w n
but then there’s splinter who tries so hard to seem cool. if it was just him, he’d be a lot more chill, but now that he knows he’s got some competition, he’s a lot more desperate. so he tries to win their favor by being all hip and down with the kids and it’s just painful.
i’m just thinking of draxum, splinter and (y/n) having dinner. the guys are out on a mission or something, so it’s just the three of them. draxum and splinter are glaring at each other while eating. they had recently been arguing over who was (y/n)’s favorite, so they’re both in a salty mood.
and then suddenly, draxum slams his hands on the table and points at (y/n), telling them to finally knock some sense into splinter by saying that draxum is clearly their favorite.
and then splinter jumps in, saying that draxum is crazy. surely, they would favor the famous lou jitsu over some goat man that nearly doomed the human race, right?!
and then (y/n)’s sitting there, just trying to finish their dinner like
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awww, and the thought of (y/n) accidentally stopping leo from confronting the person/yokai is nice!
i mean, it only stops the dark thoughts temporarily, but at least they’ve bought the person/yokai a little bit more time!
so they spend the rest of the date night flirting and gushing over each other and showering each other in affection. although the dark thoughts pop back up every once in a while, he’s able to bury them all under his obsession love for his s/o. for now, at least.
“your kisses are to die for~”
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Voting for the Dreamsnaps in this week's Mulan's Welcome challenge was a little...
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I ended up spending a LOT of time voting, in an effort to make sure that people who wore something other than the same five default outfits got a bit of recognition. (I did vote for some of those outfits, but they had to do something interesting.)
Here are some of my favorites. I genuinely love these and genuinely voted for all of them.
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An elegant outdoor tea, with a tastefully restrained decor
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What do any of these things have to do with each other, or with Mulan? We're too cool to worry about that, check out those sunglasses. I respect it.
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What can Mulan expect when she arrives in the Valley? Chaos.
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Demonstrate your efficacy as ruler by mediating a lion fight
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Or send a cryptid to murder Gaston
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Welcome, Mushu! To t h e v o i d
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This bachelorette party is gonna be lit
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My second favorite photo. it'sART.jpg
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This terrifies and disturbs me and is my genuine favorite. If it doesn't take 1st place the devs need to investigate the flaws in the ranking system.
Did you see any other interesting or unique snaps?
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stormdragon23 · 9 months
This chapter took a lot longer than I thought it would
Posted below as well, but the formatting may be a little off
 When Kyung-Hye arrived at her destination, a man taller than her with spiky black hair greeted her.
  “Hey! I’m Hwang Dongsuk. What’s your name?” Hwang Dongsuk said, shaking her hand.
  “Hello, I’m Park Kyung-Hye,” the older woman politely smiled.
  “You said you were an E-Rank, right? We just need you here to meet the party limit requirement. Here’s the contract,” the man said, handing her the paper.
  Hwang Dongsuk continued as Kyung-Hye looked over the contract, “You won’t get any essence stones, but you’ll get paid cash just for coming. Sounds good, doesn’t it?”
  Kyung-Hye nodded as she finished looking over the contract. 
  As she looked at the group she would be raiding with, a voice got her attention.
  “Hey! I guess you and I are just here to fill in!”
  The older woman turned to see who was speaking to her and saw a young man with brown hair. He looked to be around the same age as her son.
  “My name is Yoo Jin-Ho! I’m 22 and a D-Rank! I got recruited for this strike squad, just like you!”
  “Ah, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Kyung-Hye replied, caught off-guard at the sight of the young hunter’s armor.
  Compared to the usual armor she saw hunters who raided with her had, the one Yoo Jin-Ho was wearing looked far too fancy for his rank. It looked brand new as well and, with his surprisingly optimistic attitude, made the woman wonder if this was his first raid.
  She was about to ask Yoo Jin-Ho about it, but then she realized something as she observed the strike squad. 
  “Excuse me... Are we going in without a healer?” Kyung-Hye asked, turning toward Hwang Dongsuk.
  “Yeah,” the man responded with a sheepish smile. “It’s hard for a private strike squad to get a healer, so we’ve always gone without one.”
  The squad looks like it only has damage dealers and tanks, so the usual members should be fine. But will Yoo Jin-Ho be okay? It doesn’t look like he’s had much experience in dungeons.
  Just as she was about to voice her concerns, the other members told them to hurry up and get ready. 
  Yoo Jin-Ho seemed to sense her worries and reassured her, “There’s no need to worry! You’re an E-Rank, right? I’ll protect you!”
  Kyung-Hye smiled, “Thank you.”
  But she felt like it would be the other way around as the strike squad made their final preparations.
  While getting ready, Kyung-Hye and Jin-Ho got to know one another more after their initial introductions, with Jin-Ho insisting Kyung-Hye refer to him more casually because she was older than him. 
  “Are your shield and sword brand new?” the older woman asked.
  “Yes! My dad got them for me since it’s my first raid!” Jin-Ho replied.
  “Is there a reason you wanted to start hunting?” Kyung-Hye asked, her brows furrowing in concern. It didn’t seem like the young man needed to fight to earn money like she did if his father could afford such good quality equipment. If anything, he seemed like someone to avoid places like dungeons, especially for someone of his rank and age. 
  It made her wonder why his parents allowed him to go on raids. She didn’t like the idea of her own children in such dangerous places. But she supposed if they desperately wanted to, she couldn’t stop them, especially because they might just end up doing it behind her back. 
  “Ah, it’s just. Something I’ve wanted to do since I awakened as a hunter,” Jin-Ho said, nervously rubbing his head. 
  “I see,” the mage responded, sensing another reason. But Kyung-Hye didn’t want to push the young man into telling her.
  “It’s not something I would recommend because it can be dangerous. If you can, I think you should reconsider becoming a hunter.”
  Seeing Jin-Ho’s smile starting to fade at her response, Kyung-Hye continued.
  “But if you want to, don’t let me stop you. All I can say is to be careful and look after yourself first.”
  The young man brightened up at those words. 
  “Don’t worry, Mrs. Park!” Jin-Ho responded enthusiastically. “It’s my first raid, but it looks like we’re with experienced hunters, so we’ll be alright!”
  Before she could respond, the rest of the squad announced they would begin going in.
  As the squad headed towards the gate, Kyung-Hye noticed that Jin-Ho seemed more anxious.
  “Mrs. Park, the gate seems kind of big. Do you think it’s safe?”
  She placed her hand on his back and gave him a reassuring smile.
  “It’ll be alright. We’ve got each other after all.”
  While Kyung-Hye felt the young man relaxed at her words, she was also nervous as it was her first time going into a C-Rank gate. However, it wouldn’t do Jin-Ho any good to be worried about what could happen instead of paying attention to what’s right in front of him.
  Jin-Ho gripped his sword and armor, seeming more determined, “Let’s go!”
  Kyung-Hye smiled at his energy and walked into the gate.
  As the group entered the gate, Kyung-Hye began hearing something as the others tried to figure out where the monsters were and why the dungeon was so dark. 
  She vaguely heard Jin-Ho ask a question, but she put a finger to her lips and continued listening. Kyung-Hye heard a familiar rumbling sound but didn’t remember where she had heard it before. The sound and lack of light made her wonder what kind of beasts lived here.
  After thinking about what kind of beasts lived in the dark and recognizing the noise, Kyung-Hye realized they were insect beasts. Not wanting to cause panic in the group, she tried to pinpoint where the sound was coming from quickly until she heard the rumbling sound getting louder above them.
  “Beasts are coming from above us!” Kyung-Hye shouted. 
  The group was panicked at the news, but they were able to assemble to prepare for the beasts until the insects started coming down on them. 
  Kyung-Hye stayed near Jin-Ho to keep an eye on him and not have to worry about shielding herself. She began using simple barrier spells that restrained the insects, allowing Jin-Ho to attack them. 
  Despite his lack of experience, the young man was doing well in getting rid of the bugs due to his equipment. She wasn’t sure if it looked like he wanted to continue hunting in the future with how nervous he looked, but she hoped he wouldn’t for his safety.
  As Kyung-Hye observed how the others fought against the insects, she could see that they had worked together often with how coordinated they looked. However, they were more aggressive than they needed to be and smashed the beast’s bodies to pieces with little regard. It made her a little wary since it didn’t seem like they just wanted to be careful in making sure the beasts couldn’t be able to attack them anymore.
  As the other hunters collected the essence stones from the corpses, Hwang Dongsuk went up to Kyung-Hye. “Nice work back there. How did you know those beasts were coming from above us?”
  “Oh, I just happened to figure out the sound was coming from above us,” Kyung-Hye replied. An E-Rank hunter wouldn’t have been able to sense such a thing, so it would be best to pretend it was luck.
  “You have good senses. Keep it up,” Hwang Dongsuk remarked with a grin. “But I hope you don’t pick up anything unnecessary.”
  Kyung-Hye nodded but became immediately alert. 
  “Unnecessary?” There’s nothing unnecessary to pay attention to in a dungeon, especially if a hunter is of a low rank.
  As the other man examined some corpses the group didn’t kill, Kyung-Hye felt the atmosphere around them change into a more ominous one as the men seemed to realize something. It didn’t look like something good for her or Jin-Ho either. She moved closer to the young D-Rank. 
  “Jin-Ho,” Kyung-Hye carefully whispered so the others couldn’t hear them. “Watch out for the other hunters. I think they might be up to something.”
  When she saw his eyes widen and he opened his mouth to say something, the mage put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
  “Just stay calm and be careful,” Kyung-Hye said quietly. “There’s nothing we can do right now even if something happens. If they attack us, we might not be able to defend ourselves. Let’s just wait for the right moment.”
  The man nodded, looking a little nervous, but did his best to keep a straight face, and they followed the other hunters further into the cave.
  The group spent most of their time walking while looking for the dungeon boss, encountering multiple corpses along the way. Although Kyung-Hye didn’t need to fight as she would get paid regardless, she wanted to help Jin-Ho out on his first raid. If she only used the amount of mana an E-Rank should have, it would still leave her with enough to fight in case something happened. Plus, she could level up a little even though she wasn’t doing much.
  Jin-Ho seemed anxious after Kyung-Hye warned him, but she stayed close to him and made small talk with him to distract him. It wasn’t a lot, but it did seem to help Jin-Ho relax more, and he appeared to trust her.
  After about three hours, according to Kyung-Hye’s watch, they finally encountered what looked like the boss’s lair, with thick spider webs covering the chamber entrance. 
  As they cautiously ventured in, the squad realized the chamber had numerous mana crystals. They mentioned how the crystals would sell for a lot of money and discussed how they would split them. Upon hearing their conversations, Jin-Ho turned to Kyung-Hye.
  “Mrs. Park, can I see the contract you signed? I’m an expert with that kind of stuff.”
  Kyung-Hye handed her contract to him, and Jin-Ho went to Hwang Dongsuk.
  “Mr. Hwang, this is Mrs. Park’s contract,” Jin-Ho stated, holding the paper out. “It only says how you will divide the essence stones, but nothing about other goods. Is there a reason that part isn’t here? Should the crystals be split among all ten of us, not just nine?”
  Kyung-Hye could feel the air around them turn more sinister as Jin-Ho spoke. As Hwang Dongsuk explained what they would do, the older woman listened while thinking of ways to safely get her and Jin-Ho out of the gate.
  She didn’t want to confront eight other hunters because they had various skills and humans were far less predictable than magic beasts. Kyung-Hye also knew they were more experienced than her in dealing with other hunters since it couldn’t be their first time doing something like this.
  Hwang Dongsuk telling her and Jin-Ho to stand guard made Kyung-Hye sure they were trying to get rid of them. There was no reason for them to stay here at all as it would only put the two of them in possible danger. However, the two didn’t have a good reason to refuse and stayed behind as the rest of the group went out to get the mining equipment.
  As soon as they left, an avalanche of rock blocked the entrance to the chamber, making Kyung-Hye quickly pull Jin-Ho away from it. That only confirmed her suspicions. They were “lizards.” Hunters who take advantage of the dungeons to commit crimes. 
  “Mrs. Park! What do we do?!” Jin-Ho exclaimed while trying to break through the rocks blocking the entrance. “You were right! They’re trying to kill us!”
  “We have to worry about that later,” Kyung-Hye said, looking at the dungeon boss, who began moving after waking up to the noise. 
  Jin-Ho froze at the sight of the boss as it looked at them and stood between it and Kyung-Hye.
  “M-Mrs. Park, stay behind me,” Jin-Ho told her as he prepared to defend them against the spider. “I-I’ll do what I can-” Kyung-Hye placed her hand on his shoulder, “No, just stay here. I’ll take care of it.”
  Jin-Ho started to protest, but Kyung-Hye cut him off by pulling him behind as the spider began rushing at them. 
  Creating a barrier shield in front of them, Kyung-Hye tried attacking by throwing disc-like attacks at the spider to see how it would react to them. 
  Seeing her attacks bounce off the spider helped her judge how tough the spider’s exoskeleton was, even as the spider began striking at her shield. It looked like she would need to get close to find a weak spot since she couldn’t pierce its shell with either her weapon or her spells.
  She felt her barrier crack as the spider landed an exceptionally tough blow, causing her to reinforce it before she decided on a plan.
  Remembering her new dagger, Kyung-Hye took it out of her inventory. Her new weapon had a feature that not only paralyzes the opponent but also make them lose one percent of their health every second. 
  Assuming the boss was at its maximum health and she activated the effect, it would be dead in at most one and a half minutes. All she needed to do then was stab a weak point and wait it out. That would be much easier for her to manage than attempt to fight it head-on when there wasn’t a healer. 
  Of course, she was nervous because she was still weak, but facing this spider was much better than those statues. She also knew Jin-Ho couldn’t handle taking much damage as a D-Rank, so she was the one who needed to take care of it.
  As she examined the boss with her shield up as it continued attacking them, she saw that the eyes were the only part of the spider not covered by its tough outer shell, so she would need to figure out a way to get up there. 
  Or bring it down to her.
  While she didn’t want to get Jin-Ho involved, Kyung-Hye was running out of time when she felt her mana depleting as she created another shield after the spider broke her previous one.
  “Jin-Ho, do you trust me?” Kyung-Hye asked Jin-Ho, glancing at him from the corner of her eye while focusing on the spider.
  Kyung-Hye couldn’t pay much attention to him but heard an affirmative answer.
  “I need you to run to distract the boss by running to the other side of the cave.”
  Sensing the young hunter’s hesitation even as she watched the spider’s movements and constant assault on her barrier, she assured him, “Don’t worry. I won’t let it hurt you.”
  After a few more moments of silence, except for the spider’s roaring, she caught a glimpse of Jin-Ho running out from behind her barrier to the right of her. 
  When the spider sensed Jin-Ho’s movement and began going after him, Kyung-Hye released her barrier and ran to stay close to the spider. 
  It was a good thing I upgraded my strength and agility stats before.
  When the spider started getting closer to Jin-Ho and picked up enough speed, Kyung-Hye squinted at its legs to find an opening. 
  As soon as she saw one, she immediately created a barrier wall between its legs, struggling to keep it in place as the monster tripped over it and crashed into the ground.
  She ran as fast as she could to its head before it could right itself and stabbed the dagger into its eyes before running to Jin-Ho. She couldn’t make out his expression as she ran, but she focused on the spider as it began flailing around. 
  Kyung-Hye stood before Jin-Ho and watched as the spider’s movement slowed down before the boss eventually collapsed. 
  [You have defeated the dungeon boss.]
  When she saw the message, she looked at her watch immediately to know when they would have to leave. She’s already experienced one person not making it out of a dungeon in time and never wanted to have such an incident happen again.
  After getting the time, she turned to Jin-Ho.
  “Are you alright?” Kyung-Hye asked as she looked over the young man.
  Jin-Ho nodded but seemed shaken, most likely from being chased by the boss. It was understandable since the odds were not in their favor.
  Remembering that Jin-Ho must have believed she was an E-Rank and did not understand how she defeated a C-Rank boss, she considered what she should tell him. It would be better for him to trust her now since they still had to deal with the other hunters who hadn’t returned yet. He could stop once they were sure that they were safe. 
  Thinking of the best way to assure him, she calmly spoke to Jin-Ho.
  “Can you keep a secret for me?” Kyung-Hye asked him. Seeing the young hunter nod quickly, most likely out of fear, made her feel guilty, but she continued.
  “I actually reawakened recently,” she told him. “But I want to avoid the media for now, so I haven’t retaken the exam yet. I don’t want people to find out until I’m ready. Do you understand?”
  She was relieved at how Jin-Ho seemed to relax at those words. 
  “Oh, I get it! No worries, ma’am! You can trust me!”
  Kyung-Hye smiled and gently patted his head, “Thank you.”
  “Of course!” the young man responded. “You saved me! I would have never been able to fight a C-Rank dungeon boss alone! Oh! We should get the essence stones from the boss and some mana crystals while we can!”
  “That’s a good idea. I can handle the essence stones if you work on the mana crystals?”
  As Jin-Ho got to work on the crystals, Kyung-Hye sliced into the now-dead spider and looked for its essence stones. 
  Kyung-Hye felt the tenseness in her from earlier slowly fading as the situation became better for them. The only problem now was to find a way to deal with the other hunters when they returned. 
  Just as the two finished gathering the stones and crystals, there was a loud explosion where the cavern was blocked, meaning the other hunters had returned. 
  As Kyung-Hye observed them with Jin-Ho, it was clear that most of the hunters were surprised, while the others, including Hwang Dongsuk, were not pleased that they were still alive.
  She watched as Hwang Dongusk spoke with Jin-Ho, telling him to kill her if he wanted to survive. 
  It was natural for them to assume Jin-Ho was the one to take out the boss since his rank was higher than hers. That means they will try to eliminate her at the very least to maximize their profits. But she had no idea what they would do to Jin-Ho afterward and didn’t want to find out.
  Kyung-Hye had expected Jin-Ho to go through with it because it would give him the best chance of survival. She couldn’t blame him since he was still young, though she didn’t like how they were forcing him to make such a decision. 
  However, she was surprised when he positioned himself before her, holding his shield and sword out. Before she could say anything, the squad appeared to accept his answer and drew their weapons. 
  As the others prepared to attack him, Kyung-Hye suddenly got multiple notifications from the system, momentarily distracting her. Unfortunately, she couldn’t read them as she noticed the mage launching an attack against her. 
  She quickly formed a shield in time, which absorbed most of the attack. However, it still sent her crashing into the wall behind her, causing Jin-Ho to yell out for her.
  As she took a moment to recover from the impact, she looked at the message from the system.
There are enemies nearby that intend to kill the player. Destroy all the foes and ensure your safety. If you fail to follow these orders, your heart will stop beating.
  Does...the system want me to kill them?
  No, it doesn’t explicitly say “kill,” so it’s unnecessary. Ensuring Jin-Ho’s and my safety is a bigger priority, so I can figure out what to do with the other hunters later. 
  Kyung-Hye gradually got up and made her way to the others.
  The system probably wants me to be stronger, but if it wants that, I can do so without having to kill people if I don’t need to.
  She checked to see that Jin-Ho was safe from being attacked by the others. She didn’t want him getting hurt, but she also had no way of getting him healed if he did get injured. Although she didn’t want to kill anyone in the strike squad, she knew it would be harder to immobilize them enough for her and Jin-Ho to leave unscathed. 
  One of the hunters approached the older woman, putting an arm over her shoulders as he began talking to her, thinking she didn’t understand the situation.
  Unfortunately for them, she knew what was going on far better than they thought.
  Taking advantage of their position, Kyung-Hye brought her arm forward and reinforced it with her mana before striking the hunter in the face with her elbow, using enough force to knock him out. 
  Soon after, she saw the mage who attacked her earlier begin to cast another spell. Instead of blocking the spell from hitting her, Kyung-Hye swiftly created a barrier around the mage, causing the spell to backfire on him instead, rendering him unconscious.
  The other hunters started to realize she was more powerful than she looked and began rushing at her. Kyung-Hye either dodged or blocked their attacks while she tried to figure out a plan to subdue the other hunters.
  Her blade wasn’t an option in this fight because the effect would kill them, but there was only so much she could do using only her strength and mana. The remaining hunters were more on guard around her than the others, and they avoided her attacks as much as she did theirs. She only had a limited amount of mana left after fighting the boss and didn’t want to use what little she had left.
  After successfully knocking another hunter unconscious, she suddenly became alarmed, not knowing how long they had been in the dungeon.
  Glancing at her watch between attacks, Kyung-Hye saw that she had been fighting the hunters for a while and that they didn’t have long until the dungeon closed since she defeated the boss more than half an hour ago. 
  She tried to stay calm, even as she heard her heart pounding in her ears. She had to get Jin-Ho and herself out of the gate and fast. She didn’t have time to knock out the rest of the hunters individually, even if she were to use all of her remaining mana. 
  Remembering how the other mage used a light spell, Kyung-Hye thought about casting a similar spell even though she wasn’t certain that it could hinder the hunters enough for them to get out. The only problem was that Jin-Ho might get caught in it, and she didn’t know if she could warn him about it without alerting the others. 
  Blocking another attack from one of the hunters, she got an idea. She didn’t have time to consider other ways of getting them out, so Kyung-Hye rushed over to Jin-Ho, who was startled by the woman suddenly going toward him.
  Not having time to explain herself, she covered his eyes with her right hand and used her other hand to cast a light spell, blinding the hunters.
  Thankfully, the light affected all of the hunters who were still conscious. It appeared they were too busy keeping track of her movements to notice what she was doing. While they shouted at the sudden brightness and tried to recover, Kyung-Hye removed her hand from Jin-Ho’s eyes and grabbed his hand.
  “We need to go. Now,” Kyung-Hye told him as the cave began to quake, and they heard a rumbling sound.
  Jin-Ho nodded, and the two ran past the hunters to escape the dungeon. She heard Hwang Dongsuk yelling at her, something about a brother, but then she focused on running with Jin-Ho to the exit.
  Her thoughts began to spiral as she didn’t know how soon the gate would close and couldn’t look at her watch. Kyung-Hye felt her heart pounding harder as the dungeon began shaking more. They couldn’t get stuck in a gate now. She needed to get Jin-Ho out first. They made it this far, so this couldn’t be the end for them. Not when she only just started getting stronger. 
  When they began to near the exit and rocks began to fall from the ceiling, she grew more anxious and feared they wouldn’t make it out in time. Kyung-Hye let go of Jin-Ho’s hand and shoved him outside the gate. 
  Narrowly avoiding a rock that almost fell on her, she almost tripped as she made it outside the gate just as it closed behind them, leaving them alone as they finally had time to calm down and recover.  
  Even though she was breathing heavily and her heart was still racing, Kyung-Hye felt relieved and was finally able to rest without having to fear for her life. She closed her eyes for a brief moment as she nearly fell to the ground beside Jin-Ho, who was also breathing heavily.
  Looking at herself properly now that they were outside, her hair was a mess she couldn’t fix, and her clothes weren’t in much better condition. She thought about getting new clothes soon since it’s been a while since she had gone shopping with her daughter. Now that she could earn more money, she could get new clothes for Jin-Ah.
  Hearing a notification, Kyung-Hye looked up and was surprised at what it said.
You have met all the requirements to complete the “URGENT QUEST: DEFEAT THE ENEMIES.”
Choose your reward?
  I guess leaving them behind in the dungeon was enough to clear the quest. I wonder why. Maybe it’s because there’s no way they can survive?
  She hated the sound of that. 
  I wished there was another way for Jin-Ho and me to escape without leaving them behind. Hwang Dongsuk did mention something about his family.
  Kyung-Hye decided to look at the reward later and check on Jin-Ho first, who was still next to her, calming down for what had happened. 
  “Are you alright?” she asked, looking over him for possible injuries.
  When Jin-Ho gave her an affirmative answer, still recovering, she relaxed a little as his response alleviated some of her worries. 
  “You should head home. It’s been a long day,” the older woman softly said to him. 
  She wanted to walk him home but wasn’t sure how the young man felt about her after everything. She didn’t want to make him more uncomfortable and already felt bad for having such an awful experience today, especially for his first raid.
  Jin-Ho nodded and gathered the things he brought out before heading off.
  Kyung-Hye sighed, finally alone to gather her thoughts and see what she should do next. 
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in-my-feels-probably · 9 months
super congratulations for hitting 1.7k followers!! it's super deserved and i wish you many more in the future!!🫶🏻
i would love to request option two from the game, possibly with the slytherin boys :) (but not Theo or Draco if that's okay🫂)
i'm Noe, she/her, and i'm a hufflepuff, Enfp and Gemini :). i would describe myself as a summer girl, i love having fun and making people happy, making people smile is something i love. i try to always be kind and get along with people, and i truly hope that i come across as someone you can rely on. my love language is definitely physical touch, followed by quality time, hugs are truly my fuel. i love animals, especially the sea ones, im studying hard to become a marine biologist :) the beach and the sea are definitely my safe place. im also very open minded, and i find it kind of hard to understand people with very narrow mentalities. i would say that i struggle with anxiety, switching between "it is what it is" and "omg i'm doomed" quite often HAHA, but in the end i think i will always be a dreamer/optimist. emotional vulnerability is something that i love and that scares me at the same time hah. my favorite artist is Hozier, but my music taste ranges from ABBA to pop punk/punk rock. i really like poetry e writing it, and i'm also kind of spiritual (tarot and similar :) ), and a thing i would love to learn is how to surf. i kind of struggle/d with setting boundaries, but im working on not being a people pleaser so there's that :) i also do historical sword fighting, im very chaotic and i love partying :)
and i think that's all? i'll reread the rules and add anything in case missed it, and i wish you a wonderful day!!!! congratulations again!!!🫶🏻‼️
thanks so much for participating :)
i ship you with enzo!
i think enzo would find you really sweet and endearing. he’s definitely a people person, and also a people pleaser. you valuing helping people and wanting to make them happy and smile is something he’d really appreciate. it takes a special kind of person to actively try and make someone else’s day better, even at their own expense, and enzo would think you’re really brave and compassionate for wanting to do that. but he’d also worry about you being a people pleaser. being one, he’d know how draining it can be on a person to always be the one looking out for other people. so he’d always make sure to look out for you in that aspect.
enzo would 100% support any hobbies, passions, and career paths you wanted to explore. when you got a little down about your future or worried about things you couldn’t control, he’d be quick to ease your fears and make you feel a lot better. and with your own understanding of your anxiety and mental health, he’d know that you’d be very empathetic and helpful about his. i think enzo definitely needs some reassurance every once in a while, and it would be easy for your to give him that.
you’re into a wide range of things. you don’t limit yourself, and you’re open to any sort of hobby or passion that you may like. i think that kind of vulnerability and openness would really inspire enzo to try it in his own life. he’d love that you had eclectic taste. you have things that are softer and more feminine and domestic, but you also have things that are badass and cool, and both would really excite him.
you already know this man is taking you to the aquarium on a date. he’d love planning all those cute little dates that make single people sick but secretly jealous, and he’d have no shame doting on you and doing things with you that make you happy. he’d take you to see all the marine life there, wanting nothing more than to watch your eyes light up when you stepped in the door.
“and what’s this one?” he’d ask for the millionth time, a small smile on his face as he listened to you explain whatever sea life you were looking at.
“what kind of dolphin is that?”
you’d smile, watching it swim through the water as you peered through the glass. “a bottlenose.”
“tell me about the sharks. is there a whale shark here? i’ve always wanted to see one.”
“this way!” you’d say excitedly, tugging him by hand to the next tank.
there’s be a giant plaque in each exhibit explaining in heavy detail what kind of sea life was there, but he wouldn’t even bother glancing at it. even if he knew what he was looking at. he’d still want to hear about it from you and only you.
and after hours in the aquarium, he’s definitely stopping by in the gift shop and picking you out something. either a little necklace with a sea turtle pendant, or a plushie of a dolphin or shark. anything you wanted, he’d get it for you. he might even get a matching one, just so you both had something to remember the day by.
hi! thanks again for participating! i hope you liked this :)
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beantothemax · 10 months
accumulated thoughts again
b. absolutely splendid sprite
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c. :0000000 ok it wasnt thaat hard of a read but like what did i sayy
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d. got dangerously close to death on the first battle of floor two awesome >:D. did learn a lot tho, like all out attacks cure being frozen (sorry about that isa), they hit regardless of an enemies protections or like avoidance chances, and the fact that suddenly not having a party member can be very bad
e. whoaa i wonder what the enemiy "anxiété" is based on whoaaa they have a ticking clock i wonder what that could mean
f. big fan of the music getting more intense i was thinking it felt a lil lackluster.
g. so like im not particaly in want of fighting since you know danger but also ol mate diegetic tutorial (loop) told me to grind to get the unfreeze time ability which seems quite helpful so uhh time to get at risk of death again!
h. big fan of the blossoming side plot between stylish lady who doesnt think she exists in mira's eyes and mira who doesnt think she exists in stylish lady's eyes
i. i have disovered a very satisfying strat for the protective big guy, being simply spam scissors and get an all out attakc since the lil guy is weak to it and it heals apparently fully which is awesome
j. lmao i got yelled at for not going in the main housemaiden's office
l. THE STRAT AS MENTIONED IN POINT i DIDNT WORK OH GOD (i survived but my my they were not lyin about the strength)
m. it seems i was too much of a gamer and had to be dragged back down to the start :pensive:
n. still absolutely cannot get over the fact that the boulangerie guy is named the boulanger (boulangerie is the french word for like a bakery basically but boulanger is utter nonsense and i love it lmao)
b. isabeau has SO many good sprites… he’s very important
c. funnyjokespun person is something I should put in my bio
d. ooo jackpot combos heal frozen too???? did not know that!
e. truly, a mystery scholars will be debating for years… also I HATE anxiété!!!!! worst enemy!!!!! explode too much!!!! annoying!!!! hard to kill!!!!!
f. oh yeah each floor has a different theme I think! it’s cool :]
g. oh you will DEFINITELY want mirabelle’s time freeze heal skill… lots of normal enemies can just. Do That Now
h. :3 hehehe
i: big guy!!!!!! I really like his design…
k:…can they? huh!
m: I believe in you jay!!!!!!! you can’t see it but I’m shaking pom poms right now!!!!!!
n: boulanger… how do you even pronounce that…
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jaimebluesq · 11 months
Thing that actually happened to me during my Baldur's Gate 3 playing today, as spoiler-free as possible:
Fight a huge battle with a boss and tons of undead minions. All 3 of my companions fall and lose their dying saves, and my MC has no revival scrolls left. In the end it's the boss and I, and I win.
Cool, right?
I try to go to camp to revive my party but can't because I'm in a special place I can't go to camp from.
Cool, I can wait.
So I talk to the person held captive, set them free. Cool stuff happens and all seems awesome. A portal opens, and I go through, and finally I can go to my camp.
First thing I do is go to the boneman to revive my party. They start to come back. Cool...
Am suddenly thrown into a cutscene with Shadowheart where she chastises me for taking a choice away from her, and proceeds to leave my party permanently.
Denied you a choice?! Bitch, you were DEAD. D. E. A. D. I just had you brought back to life, and this is how you thank me?!
Of the many things BG3's people thought of, there should absolutely be a "You were dead, what the fuck do you expect?" option for these kinds of missions.
Suffice it to say, I went back to my last quicksave, redid the fight, nobody died, and Shadowheart got to do her thing.
But I'll be side-eying her from now till the end of the game, and beyond.
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evintide · 1 year
( bonus points if you make them all relate to your muse in some way. )
tagged by » i stole this a loooong time ago @gerudosage​ but only just got around to finishing it. oops...
tagging » anyone who’s interested!
( putting mine under a read more because i want to be Extra™ and add small blurbs behind the meaning of each song. you are not required do the same! )
E  »   eyelids by pvris !!
if i could i’d only put pvris songs in this list. one of my favorite bands with raw lyrics and sound, and this one is just. HOOGH. clenches fist. it’s so tender but filled with a pain that just FEELS like Midna towards the people she cares about most. it’s like the night leading up towards the fight with Ganon, or the sun rising afterwards, just before she steps into the mirror for the last time. and then realizing, upon the next morning, that everything is different. it’s over.
V »   vide noir by lord huron !!
admittedly a good chunk of these songs i have under here are mostly midzel / zelink flavored instead of only Midna but. DAMN. there’s so many good songs ya’ll. the bass and total vibe of this track feels so slick and hypnotizing in a way i can only describe something befitting Midna, especially regarding Zelda or Link’s thoughts of her after the mirror has been shattered. trying to fill a void where there is no longer something just lurking in their shadows. a home that no longer feels the same after a long journey. all that’s left are her echoes in fading memories.
I »   in the shadows by amy stroup !!
a song that makes me think of Midna’s journey alongside Link. not so much as something that focuses on their relationship but rather the experiences they face together. the shadows in twilight princess serve as both home and enemy for the duo throughout their time together; Midna, as someone who has lived her life in the shadow of the light realm’s existence, and Link, whose world was turned on it’s head due to the shadow of Zant’s reign. there’s always something lurking there, friend and foe, a strength in a weakness, and no matter which it may be they have to face it.
N »   no light, no light by florence and the machine !!
thematic titles that match the character?? on this blog??? incredible.
another ship-adjacent song, though it’s less straight forward than the others. i personally always feel like it’s Midna to someone and then someone TO Midna after the shattering. like if only she’d given them the chance to speak to one another before hand. it feels like a betrayal after everything that’s happened, but the resolution to their problems, the one that makes the most sense in that point in time, is to sever that bond -- albeit the physical one. and it hurts all parties involved, but at the end of the day, if Midna had even hinted at what her plan had been, she wouldn’t have been able to find the right words to explain herself
T  »   think by kaleida !!
another song i think just vibes with Midna as a character, but there’s also the obvious ship material here. Midna thinking of those she loves, and those who think of her in the dark. because really, no matter how far apart they are, are you really alone with a little light in your heart?
I » i am not a woman, i’m a god by halsey !!
i think the title says it all, honestly.
D » the day of night by akira yamaoka !!
the twili realm but specifically during Zant’s reign. there is peace that can be found in the realm, not fully alien from it’s original state, but it is still not free danger. it is the breath between battles, the momentary calm amid the danger of whatever lurks around the next corner, where Midna can still see the familiar shapes of her home but not in it’s entirety.
E » evergreen by pvris !!
open and close with the same artist because i can.
a song that sort of encompasses Midna from her past to her future. i imagine that even as a child she had exceptional potential to ascend the throne even if it wasn’t promised to her. but it was also because of this innate talent she didn’t take her advantages seriously until it was a little too late. Zant saw to it that she got knocked down several pegs and her journey through the light realm solidified that further. of course, at her core Midna is still a very proud person, even if the adventure helped humble her some. she retains this new perspective after returning to the twili realm, but i’m sure some time along the way she gets... tired. frustrated with what she couldn’t change and eventually seeing the past repeat itself despite everything she and the light dwellers had done so long ago.
so instead of trying to mend what doesn’t want to be fixed, she leaves to do things her own way. because fuck the rules she’s Midna.
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