#so glad it changed to orange and purple because wtf is this?
the-dear-skull · 1 year
The whole "the progress flag looks fugly" take never sat right with me, but now I think it's because it's the Mona Lisa compared to this:
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Like normies don't even know how hideous pride flags can get.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
Top 10 WTF Kurt outfits?
You are asking me to remember 10 of Kurt’s outfits, lol 
Let’s do some digging and see what I can find...
ETA: I decided to go through my meta and see what I dig up.  It’s more than a 10 ten, but interesting to do! 
Season 1
Iconic because it’s one of the first things we see him in, but this is a weird outfit. 
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They were trying to make him as effeminate as they could at the beginning.  The character eventually kind of changes out of this kind of thing -- but the knee-length sweaters were a staple of season 1 for sure. 
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Kurt doesn’t usually do hot pink...
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The outfit is fine, it’s the fannypack that has me curious
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What is even going on here? 
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I really don’t know if this should be included or not.  It is weird when you first see it, but I’m so used to seeing this, it seems totally normal? 
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Ug, this isn’t a good picture of it -- but the plastic rain coat is something else.  It works! But the ensemble is crazy
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Ngl, I think nothing about this really works, and I’m glad it’s not a look that really ever comes back again
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Bad Reputation
I mean this is supposed to be ridiculous, so there’s that. 
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Again, this is supposed to be ridiculous on him.  Though - fascinating how ultra masculine clothing look just as off as some of the other weird shit he wears.
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Again, it’s done on purpose - but man, there are heels with that ensemble. 
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This isn’t really wtf, though I’m curious as to the texture -- is it a vinyl jacket?  But interesting because Kurt never wears this bright red color.  And also the make-up in the last few episodes of season 1 is very caked on, to the point that Chris looks translucent and sickly.  I’ve always wondered why. 
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Season 2
I mean, this is here for the joke, but I don’t think it’s that outlandish? I think he was wearing more extreme stuff in season 1, tbh. 
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For one - it’s bondage gear.  For two - this is around when he starts wearing that fox tale thing.  That’s... only around in season 2, right? 
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Most notable because he’s wearing a skirt.  
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Prom Queen
I have a loooot of thoughts about this now that I’m doing this project.  This one is done on purpose.  But you notice -- it’s also Kurt comes back from Dalton, where he’s spent most of his time wearing a uniform? 
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I’ve never liked these pants, not because they’re wtf, but because they don’t fit him right. 
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Season 3
Purple Piano Project
So.... what’s going on here? I mean, he totally sells it, but can you imagine anyone seriously wearing this in real life? (yes, I know he wore it in NBK, it’s just in a more outlandish ensemble here) 
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The First Time
I realize this is iconic, but this leopard print sweater is actually knee length.  I mean talk about layers. 
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Okay, this one probably wins, because even Chris commented that it looked like Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi.  But I have heard some fascinating meta around it -- how this is after The First Time, and an idication that Kurt wants to cover himself, because nakedness is sacred to him.  And now that he’s allowing himself to be touched in a very special way, he feels the need to cover himself more.  He grows out of it once he’s more comfortable with sex.  
But I would love to know the real reason the costume designer picked this. 
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Again, from the same episode.  Why the equestrian look?? Somewhere @snarkyhag is making commentary about Kurt liking to ride things. ;) 
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I Kissed a Girl
This is another iconic one, what you can’t really see in this still, but it’s the half-sweater! I think they were still trying to play around with Kurt and gender at this point.  I’m curious as to when they ditch his wacky outfits for good and start dressing him more masculine, because there’s definitely a shift by season 4. 
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I need to bring this up.  It is a little weird, yes, but mostly I wanted to say that I had a sweater just like it (without the weird arm holes) in high school.  
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Hold Onto 16
I would just like to point out he’s wearing a Newsie’s Cap with shorts. This is also the era of Kurt’s bizarre headwear.  
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The outfit is fine, the hat is weird though -- especially since they’re inside. 
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Not fully appreciated in this still -- it’s a leather onesie.  That’s insane.  
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Also Michael -- Not necessarily wtf, but doesn’t it look like something Blaine would wear? 
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Big Brother 
Not necessarily wtf, but it does look like Kurt’s going to a gay club and not dance practice
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You know - he went a good chunk of the season wearing somewhat normal things with accents of interesting fashion.  And then they put him in this.  And I have to wonder if it’s because they thought it would work on Finn/Cory, too. 
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MC Hummel and his Bitch (again with the nightclub outfits) 
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Season 4
This might be the most outlandish thing he wears in season 4, tbh. 
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Definitely not wtf - but I just noticed because i’ve been scrolling through all my meta -- this might be the first (and only?) time Kurt wears this color. It looks totally fine here, but I don’t think yellow is Kurt’s (or Chris’s) color. (Oh, I forgot, though, this is the episode where RM was obsessed with orange and colors in that spectrum)
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Again with the color scheme that Kurt never wears.  Fascinating. 
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Season 5 and 6
There are a couple of interesting pants with patterns on them in season 5 that are different - but I don’t have stills, and they aren’t that weird. 
The only notable thing about season 6 is 2009 where they try to shove Kurt back into his Season 1 style, with middling success.  
You guys -- I have a TON to say about Kurt and fashion now that I’ve scrolled through the entire series.  Let me know if you want some more thoughts! 
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rating all of maeve’s skins because im her biggest fan no arguements
did this before, decided to redo it bc she has way more than she did last time.
rating scale out of 10 yada yada lets go under the cut
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hate the green. hate it. otherwise not that bad, just think it clashes w/ her eyes and hair
5/10 dont use it anymore
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still hate the green but the red looks much better. kinda wish they’d changed the purple streak bc it sorta fades right in and is hard to see on the in-game model
6/10 not a bad alt.
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this is the epitome of cute character design. All of it works so nicely together and the deep charcoal rlly brings out the pawprint design!
8/10 sups cute, wish pants had some more detail
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ugh im obsessed w/ this skin. The eyes are amazing and the coat is so pretty in game. love the dagger effects and honestly this one just pops.
9/10 i love using it
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not as great as dreamhack colorwise, wish the orange was more saturated. still pretty as fuck.
6/10 not bad
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lol i hate it its gross why couldnt the voice pack be french wtf
0/10 why why why
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AAAA the hair is adorable! the glowing eyes stand out in the best way. headphones are cute and.i love the red tints here and there.
8/10 voice pack is a bit weird but otherwise i adore it.
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my favorite of all time shes so cute and the ear movements in game are adorable. i love the design of the dress and the stockings. voice pack is soft and good! the holly being on the dagger is so funny bc its poisonous to cats.
11/10 i would die for this girl
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one of the most complicated skins in-game imo and it works. the dagger design is cool and the mask emotions rlly set this one apart. the sfx and voice pack are really fun as well.
10/10 first skin i paid for and i dont regret it!
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too shiny. doesnt fit her.
2/10 cool design for a diff character
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spooky iconic amazing outstanding. dont like the beanie’s model tho it sits weird.
5/10 still a little to shiny
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why’s her face shaped that way. where’s the pink. what is happening here.
1/10 i like the skirt
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same face thing but now at least there’s pink. hair color doesnt work.
3/10 cmon try harder
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eh ive never liked the obsidian skins and this one just blends weirdly in-game bc of her movements
4/10 not the worst
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shiny and blue and fun!
7/10 one of the better cosmic skins
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god ur so pretty wtf i love you so much. the black hair is so good im glad they did that. her eyes are gorgeous and i will never get enough of this. i excuse the shiny bc thats the aesthetic of the golden skins.
10/10 i use this one a lot, and i use the daggers all the time
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Rec This Thing: Panic! At The Disco Pray For The Wicked Europe Tour at AFAS LIVE
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Panic! At The Disco Pray For The Wicked Europe Tour at AFAS Live 
My story: Look, in the span of less than a year I became a huge fan, so when they announced their show at AFAS Live, I was in.
Story: It’s a concert.
Rating (1 to 10): 10
Why?: After Hayley, and Troye, it was time for Panic! and lemme tell you something.
This was my favourite.
Once again, I was on my way to Amsterdam with Sammy in tow. We originally planned on going with Maikel, but tickets were sold out in seconds and he didn’t manage to grab them.
The road towards Amsterdam was wonky due to a possible terrorist attack in my country and due to faulty trains. On our way, we met up with two strangers who were also on their way to the concert. We talked about fake vegan burgers and airport security fails and of course Panic! At The Disco.
We parted ways at the entrance. It was packed. We were lucky we got there after the doors opened, because the line was so damn long that they added a second line. That line also happened to be shorter. That was our line. We still queued for a small half hour (and the police kept driving by because... y’know... possible terrorism) (it really was a terrible day for my country).
We bought merch and I got the long sleeved white shirt with High Hopes lyrics and then it was time to find a spot in the venue. Eventually, we got great balcony seats. Third row, close to the middle aisle. We had an amazing view.
*record scratch*
Wait. Hold on? You’re telling me that you could’ve found a standing place almost up front, like you did with Troye Sivan’s concert, and you didn’t?
Nope. I didn’t. For a few reasons actually:
We didn’t have to use the wardrobe.
The show was a very visual show and you could see it best from the balcony, since you could see the entire stage.
After all, Sammy and I are relatively small, so we wouldn’t be able to see shit unless we were completely front row.
I don’t like being stuck in crowds.
And the crowd was massive. It’s really confusing, cause both Troye and Panic! played sold out shows at AFAS Live but Panic!’s crowd was double the size. Ever since it got announced that Panic! got AFAS, I was very confused, because if you look at other venues of the PftW tour, they have massive venues sold out. Panic! easily could’ve played Ziggo Dome or whatever, but nope, they got AFAS. Hmmmm.
Anyway, I did consider going all the way up front so that I could hopefully give Brendon an ace flag to wear during Girls/Girls/Boys, cause that would mean the world to me, but the cons outweighed the pros and besides, I have nothing to complain about my seats. 
Especially now that I’ve seen YouTube videos from the people down at the standing room. It got hectic and loud and woah, at least I could still hear Brendon Urie himself.
The opening band was A R I Z O N A. The band, not the state. They’re from New Jersey. I wasn’t familiar with them, but by now I’ve listened to their entire discography and they’re good.
Then, it was time for an half hour long break and it was time for people to get annoying. Yup, as I mentioned, I had a great seat on the third row on the balcony. I was the first seat of that row, so no one blocked my view. It was wonderful.
But during A R I Z O N A’s set, people started leaning against the banister (is it called a banister?) of the balcony and people were crowding the steps in the aisle, aka people were blocking our views.
Sammy and I got so pissed.
Luckily, we weren’t the only ones cause the man in front of me actually told some people to leave, because they were blocking our view, but the moment those people left, new ones arrived.
So yeah, Sammy and I were pretty annoyed and then the countdown started, so we had a “well, shit, if we have to” moment, but three minutes before Panic! came on stage, security wiped the entire aisle. Everyone had to go all the way to the back to stand there behind the rows of seats.
A part of me felt a bit bad that all those people got pushed to probably the worst places in the entire venue, but man, on the other hand, Sammy and I were so damn glad.
And so, the countdown counted down (wow) to zero, while Toto’s Africa was playing, and the show started. I actually took a small video of all numbers and I put them together in a complication, excluding Girls/Girls/Boys and Bohemian Rhapsody. Those were long enough to have videos of their own.
Now, if someone’s reading this (hi), get something to drink cause this is gonna get long. When I talk about concerts, I write down the entire setlist and my thoughts on the performances, and wow, Panic!’s show was almost two hours long. 
How long? Well, someone put the full show online and it’s 1:48:20 long.
So yeah, the gorgeous purple lights turned on and Nicole (I’m gay), Mike, Dan, the horny boys and the wicked strings (I’M GAY) started playing and then Brendon arrived to start off with...
F**k A Silver Lining: We had one of those smaller stages (cause again, Ziggo Dome who??? I don’t know her!) so all those extras like Brendon jumping out of the stage didn’t happen. Luckily, the wonderfully beautiful visuals and lights were there. Silver linings came out of cannons and the show started. It was a beautiful sight, although it took me a while to realise that the images on the projections were supposed to be “motherfucking” cherries, not dicks.
Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time: Ah yes, Brendon Urie showing off his vocal range by singing random parts in falsetto. I love it and I sang along.
Ready To Go (Get Me Out Of My Mind): So delighted to hear this one, since it’s my favourite V&V song and once again, Brendon killed everyone with those high notes. They also put Mike in the spotlight, and it wasn’t the last time they did that during the show.
Hey Look Ma, I Made It!: Ah yes, Beebo. He actually showed up before the countdown. He was just chilling on stage. Anyway, I fucking loved the song.
LA Devotee: Nicole and Mike got front stage and bam LA Devotee, my favourite song from Bachelor, started playing. It was awesome.
Hallelujah: The girls in front of us lost it when the first note started playing. Brendon did his classy falsetto again and it was great.
Crazy = Genius: Hey look, fire. Anyway, this song is amazing and is it underrated? Idk? I love it so much.
The Ballad of Mona Lisa: People went apeshit when the first notes started playing. I really liked it.
Nine In The Afternoon: Where did Brendon go? Oh, he’s at the piano, aka it’s time for Nine In The Afternoon. I loved that you could hear the strings at the end so clearly.
One Of The Drunks: Ah yes, they added this song for the second leg and boy am I glad they did, since I absolutely love this song.
Casual Affair: Wow, okay. The visuals and the lights were amazing in every damn song, but Casual Affair had by far one of the best. AFAS Live became a big laser show. And nearing the end, a laser circle appeared on stage and Nicole and Mike joined Brendon in the circle. And then Brendon started singing very, very high. Probably the highest notes he’s had all evening. I was in absolute awe.
Vegas Lights: I am also so happy they did this song. I’ve loved it ever since I first listened to it and the energy in the room was so high.
Dancing’s Not A Crime: Annika from Plurk said that this song was so much fun live, and I am inclined to agree with her. This was so much fun! They did change the lyrics from “MJ up in the clouds” to someone else and the ending was also done in falsetto, which was great. Yup, yup, yup, Annika was right.
This Is Gospel: Brendon got a guitar and it was time for This Is Gospel. Now of course, this song is great and the added high notes were wonderful, but the very end was the best. After the song ended, Brendon, Nicole, Mike and Dan just jammed for one whole minute. Just music. I knew it was coming, so I filmed it.
Death Of A Bachelor: No surprise here, but Brendon told everyone he wrote it because he wanted to be Frank Sinatra. Since this is a smaller venue (... still... why...), he didn’t have to do the Death Walk, which is a good thing. It was just him and the horny boys on stage and the funk part was so much fun. Heh, horny boys. What a great pun.
It was time for a silent moment. The horny boys left the stage and Brendon started talking about he tried to learn Dutch at 3AM but he couldn’t get very far. Well, he got “Hartelijk bedankt” and “Ik hou van jullie allemaal”, and he thanked Google Translate. Anyway, he moved to the piano and he talked about how he hated it that his mum tried to teach him piano, but that he learned this song. The wicked strings returned and he started playing.
I Can’t Make You Love Me/Dying In LA: In the middle of the song, it transitioned into Dying In LA. Again, smaller stage (wtf), so the whole floating piano thing wasn’t there, but the music was obviously the same.
The Greatest Show: From a slow piano ballad to BAM this. I was not as disappointed by Panic!’s version of The Greatest Show as others, but I definitely agree that the song is much better live. Brendon sounded a bit raspy, which was great. He’d been raspy the entire show and it was great, but here it was amazing.
Girls/Girls/Boys: YES. IT’S TIME TO GET GAY. THE ONE I’VE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO. Sure, I didn’t get to show off my ace flag, but Brendon still got flooded by flags, including 2 pan flags, 1 bi flag, and 1 trans flag. He commented on how it was the most flags he’s ever gotten. I saw even more flags in the audience, so he didn’t even get all of them. The Panic! Hearts were lovely, even though there was no rainbow. There was no assigned seating, so colours were everywhere. I had an orange heart and Sammy had a blue one. It still rained glitter and I almost cried when the rainbow love banner appeared. After the song, the rainbow laser lights appeared and Brendon gave a small speech. I want to relive this moment again.
King Of The Clouds: Smoak clouded (pun intended) the stage and it was time for King Of The Clouds. Not much to say, apart from the usual: it was great and the visuals were beautiful. The purple/green/blue colour scheme at the end was mesmerising.
Miss Jackson: Brendon lost his golden jacket and Miss Jackson started playing. He did a backflip as well.
Roaring 20s: Another song that got added for leg two and just like One Of The Drunks, I welcome this change. Yup, I was one of those “*shoves 20$ to Brendon* Add Roaring 20s to the setlist!” people. NOW ONLY THE OVERPASS AND OLD FASHIONED LEFT.
Bohemian Rhapsody: How can you not sing along with this song? It’s iconic. I love the “ending”, so I filmed that (see link above). It’s 3 minutes long.
Emperor’s New Clothes: This is the one song in all of Panic!’s discography that I have mixed feeling about. Like, there are some songs I just dislike, and some I like, and some I love. But this song? Bruh idk. I sing along from the top of my lungs, because I like the energy, but do I like the song? Well, this time I fucking did cause it was a blast to hear it live and the lights were beautiful.
Then it was time for the encore. Some poor unfortunate souls behind us left. I heard another woman saying: “Don’t ever do that. Oh, this is so stupid.” The band slowly came back to the stage and Brendon lost his shirt.
I Write Sins Not Tragedies: Ah yes, Sammy’s favourite song, since it’s a banger according to her. Well, she’s right. I am kinda glad that Brendon didn’t ask an audience member to sing with him.
It was time for the last song. Brendon said that he’s not the smartest guy (”I didn’t even go to college”), but that he knows that everyone is important due to, well, biology. He gave one of those inspirational celeb speeches about how everyone is important to him, but also to themselves. We were all born as winners, and that stuff.
Victorious: I knew they were going to end with Victorious and it’s the perfect song to end the show. It rained confetti and it was time for them to go. I didn’t want it to end.
They all waved goodbye and Mike and Dan threw stuff to the audience (probably guitar picks and those things). The girl in the seat behind me dropped her heart before Girls/Girls/Boys and she couldn’t find it. I found it after the show. I wanted to return it, but she was already gone, so I now also have a yellow heart.
And yeah, that was it.
Overall thoughts? Well...
I can’t go into detail about the visuals, but they really added something to the overall experience, so I actually recommend getting a seat that allows you to see the full stage in its glory.
Also, Sammy said: “I can no longer listen to the recorded versions now that he’s added all those amazing high notes” and that’s a big ass mood.
To quote Sammy some more, she said something about the beautiful intermission instrumentals between songs and how she’d even buy an album filled with those. That is also a big ass mood.
To continue this trend of quoting Sammy, I agree with her that watching Brendon dance was so much fun. I like that he’s having fun.
Anyway, it was time to go. Some girls complimented me on my ace flag, which was so fucking cool. Just like with Troye, the train station was flooded and there were still many flags.
Sammy and I got the train back home and we briefly saw the girls from before, so I said hi.
And that was it. What a day.
Recommend?: Please.... I want to do this again... oh god....
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tweakerwolf · 7 years
Ren Endings 2 + 11 + 20
Couple of different endings here, all basement endings though
You wake up in a strange house, confused... where are you? As you try to get your bearing, someone walks up to you and asks how you’re doing. You recognize him, he was at the bar, right... Ask him “...w-what happened?” because you can’t remember shit. Ren says that you were with him and Lawrence and then when you left to head home, you like, swayed and dropped to the floor... he didn’t want to just leave you there so he ended up bringing you home. You’ve been asleep for hours and Ren is just so helpful, he offers to make you some food. -Accept his offer- because maybe food will help you feel better. Ren rushes off to the kitchen to get started. As you sit in the chair, you realize that you’re chained to the wall, with a shackle around your ankle- WTF... and just after that, you realize that you’re also wearing some heavy thing around your neck too... You let out a surprised screech and Ren slowly makes his way back into the room, asking what’s wrong (it might just be me but his facial expression here is interesting lol like he’s extremely curious to find out how you’ll react to the collar). Ask him “W-why am I chained to the wall?” and he just tells you that there’s no reason to be worried. Trust him! He promises that you’ll be best friends very soon! Umm... that isn’t an answer to the question. 
Next you reach up and touch the collar, silently asking about that as well. Ren says it’s a gift for you! Tell him “If you want to be my friend... why would you do this?” You assure him that you’ll be his friend, he doesn’t have to resort to these tactics. Ren shakes his head and says that you don’t understand... he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a remote and comments that he needs to train you. Then he presses the button and you feel electric currents shoot through your body! (mini screen shakes for a bit) It’s a shock collar! You grab at the collar, wanting it off but you can’t get any leverage on it, it’s pretty thick. Ren starts talking about test #2... he orders you to sit down. -Obey- because you don’t want to be shocked again... It’s demeaning but if it keeps him happy right now, that’s important. So you sit on your knees and he praises you (light blue heart). Then he remembers dinner and runs off to go check on it. Once he’s gone, you climb onto the chair again and huddle there... trying to think of a way out. You decide that you can’t do anything until you get the remote from Ren... Then Ren is suddenly in front of you again- he moves so quietly! That’s going to be another problem... He has a plate for you and realizes that he forget to bring you a fork! As he walks off, ask “Can I... also have a knife?” because it’s hard to eat steak with just a fork. Surprisingly he agrees, bringing you back both pieces of silverware. You take a bite and it’s actually amazing! You might be chained to the wall with the threat of electric shocks hanging over your head... but at least he isn’t giving you shitty food on top of that! Ren wants to know how he did, instead of replying -attack him-! You’ve got a weapon, this is as good a chance as any! Lure him closer by saying there’s something in the potatoes... When he leans in, quickly swipe at his neck (purple heart) but he dodges. He’s faster than you anticipated and he looks pissed... He makes a comment about patience, referring some other “he” and then he harshly shocks you again. The food falls to the floor as you convulse and Ren tells you that you’re going hungry. He grabs everything and takes it to the kitchen, leaving you to sit there and wait. 
When he comes back he says that it’s time to take you to your room, to let you get settled in. He bends down to undo your shackle but first reminds you about the collar. Oh trust me, you don’t need reminding after that last time... -Let the timer run out- because you don’t want to damage your nerves too much :P Ren then leads you down the hall and opens the door to your bedroom. Hey, you get a bedroom all to yourself! And it’s furnished! Hell, there aren’t even bars on the windows... it isn’t what you were expecting at all. You catch Ren talking about sprucing up the room once he gets a better idea of what you might like- um?? That sounds like he plans on keeping you there long term... But that’s something for another day, we don’t want to piss him off or anything so just tell him “It’s... nice”- heaven forbid he stuffs you in a cage if you complain. He’s glad you like it (dark blue heart) and then he leaves you be... huh. You briefly look around the room and out the window, wondering just what the hell is going on. Then you sit on the bed, eventually falling asleep as you try to come up with some sort of explanation for Ren.
You wake up some time later to a quiet house. You put your ear to the door, straining to hear if Ren was awake, or even in the house. You try the handle and the door easily swings open. Clearly Ren doesn’t want to confine you to your room so -explore the house- he can’t get mad since he’s the one that left the door unlocked! He never said that you couldn’t! You head to the living room and the house is still quiet. Since it seems like Ren isn’t home right now, try to -leave the house-. This might be your only chance. As you walk to the door there’s suddenly a beeping noise coming from your collar... a warning? The more you think about it, the more it makes sense... Ren didn’t lock you in the room because he had to be certain that you couldn’t just escape... there was probably some sort of built in barrier around the house... fuck. -Go back to the living room- because no way in hell are you going to chance it. But, you still have some time to kill so -explore upstairs- next. You find a small bedroom that is just cluttered with things. It’s Ren’s room. You know because there’s a makeshift bed on the floor with blankets covered in his orange fur. He seems to be more fox-like than you would’ve guessed... he takes that cosplaying thing seriously! You back out of the room figuring that he might not appreciate you invading his personal space like that. Then another door in the house opens- he’s home! You hurry back to your bedroom, just in case! He didn’t seem to notice but you hear some thumps and quiet voices... someone is with him?
Before long he calls out for you and you hurry to the living room, there’s no point in trying his patience. After making sure that you got enough rest, he tells you to head into the ‘spare room’ (it’s a closet) for your surprise. The room is dark and it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust but as the shapes become clearer, you realize that there’s a man tied to a chair... Lawrence! Ren pops in and reveals that originally Lawrence was going to be his new friend but then you changed everything (I guess you shouldn’t have picked Law’s drink....). Ren tells you that he wants you to hurt Lawrence, kill him, because it will bring the two of you closer, you’ll be sharing something special. He pulls out a knife and hands it to you, then flashes the remote, warning you to not attack him again (heehee, he remembered!). As you hold the knife, you look at Lawrence... tell Ren “He didn’t do anything to deserve this” because if he was an asshole, that might make it a little easier... maybe. Ren tells you that this has nothing to do with what Law does or does not deserve. The world is unfair and Ren wants him to suffer so the two of you can experience something important. That’s just the way it is. Tell him that you don’t want to and he replies that you need to do it. It might be scary but after you do it, everything will be different. -Give in- because you can tell that Ren won’t back down from this. Step closer to Lawrence and -do it slowly- since you aren’t sure where to even start. You can’t just stab him in the throat, you don’t have it in you (even if that would be faster for Lawrence). You slide the knife along his arm, unsure... he jerks back, scared and in pain... You run the knife over his skin again. You can tell how much pain he’s in, can see in his eyes that he’s begging you to stop. You surprise yourself by telling him that there’s nothing he can do about it. There’s a moment of silence before you drag the knife across his thigh. He screams as you twist the knife, a new emotion stirring inside you. You assure Lawrence that you know what he’s feeling, you know what it’s like to be helpless... you have the collar around your neck after all. Then you slide the blade through his stomach (image of Lawrence’s intestines). Eventually his head falls to his chest. You laugh and look over at Ren, surprised to see a hint of fear in his eyes. You admit that it wasn’t so hard, slamming the knife into Law’s chest. Ren nervously tells you that you did great and tells you that he’ll clean up. You head out to the couch and sit down, relaxing. You close your eyes and doze.
Ren wakes you up after he finishes with the body and he’s wearing some new clothes. It’s Strade!Ren :D Suddenly the images from earlier come back to you and now you feel awful about it all... As you try to curl up, you find out that you’re chained again and you whimper. Ren thinks you seem gentle and you start to panic... he tells you to calm down because you’re safe with him. Tell him “You’re a monster!” Ren doesn’t like that... if you want to see monstrous, he’s only too happy to oblige. He pulls out the remote and shocks you until you black out.
When you come to, you’re in the basement and Ren seems extra energized. Ren hasn’t tied you up yet because he wants you to undress first... he’s holding the remote. -Obey- because you know your earlier comment really pissed him off... You take off everything and then sit on the floor in front of the pole. Ren hurries and zip-ties your wrists behind you. Then he pulls out a knife and says that he’s going to give you a gift (oh boy.... another...?). Next thing you know, he’s straddling your lap and carving up your chest with the sharp blade. You suck in a breath at the pain and start to cry as the blade digs in deeper. When he’s done, you look down and realize that he’s carved a heart into your skin... (light blue heart). He asks if you like it. Tell him “No! You’re crazy!” Ren isn’t too happy with that answer (dark blue heart)... he claims that he hasn’t even gotten started yet. He turns and looks around for something, digging through the drawers until he finds a nail gun! Ren admits that he has no idea how it works and you watch as he tests it out on the work bench. There’s a loud bang as the nail is driven through the wood... um, what’s he gonna do with that?? 
You know what he’s going to do with it! You beg him to stop before he even gets close to you and he asks why. Yell that “you’re being crazy!” in the hopes that this time it’ll get through to him. It doesn’t... he just deadpans and tells you that you’re at his mercy so calling him crazy isn’t the smartest thing. He orders you to open your legs. When he holds up the remote as a reminder -obey- his command. I mean, if you refuse, you get shocked and then he forces your legs open anyways sooooo.... let’s just skip the shock part. Ren kneels between your thighs and touches you, your cheeks flush from embarrassment (or maybe arousal, I won’t judge). You feel him tug on your sensitive bits and when you open your eyes he pulls the trigger on the nail gun. You clamp your knees together automatically even though it does nothing for the pain. You’re shaking and sobbing, the pain is intense. Ren orders you to apologize. You stammer out an apology, barely remembering why he’s this mad in the first place. Oh right, you called him crazy... Ren is appeased and tells you that he’s only doing this because he loves you. You love him too right?
Ending 2:
Obviously you’re going to say “yes” because you have been well trained. No more going against Ren, nope, nope, nope. After you tell him that you love him, Ren stares at you, weighing your words... He doesn’t believe you, but he’ll give you a break all the same- you’re learning. He puts his foot down on your pierced flesh and tells you that even if you’re lying right now, he has all the time in the world to make it true. You realize that he’s never going to let you leave his house... Survived-  You got a new piercing.
“No” you don’t love him, he knows you don’t and you aren’t going to lie to please his ego any more! Ren really doesn’t like that answer at all, he’s sick of your back talk. Suddenly, without saying a word, he sets the nail gun down and goes upstairs. You pull at your ties, berating yourself for saying no... that was clearly a mistake... When he comes back down, he’s pointing a gun at your face. Oh.... shit... Ren comments that Strade (the aforementioned “he”???) had many tools, many knives, but only one gun. He rambles on and all you can think about is how you’re going to die... Once more he demands that you say you love him. -Do it-, reply without hesitation so he doesn’t shoot. Repeat it a few times too. Ren’s not stupid though... he can tell that you’d say anything right now because he has a gun pointed at you. He lowers the gun a bit and you start to say something but he interrupts you, shooting you in the leg (screen flashes white for a moment). You start to stammer out a sentence....
Ending 11:
The situation sinks in... honestly, getting shot probably isn’t the worst way to go... it’d be faster than the nail gun... -let timer run out- since you’re sick of Ren’s games. You’re in so much pain right now, you just want it to be over. Ren comments that he made a mistake... he knows that no one will ever love him like “he” did... it was a mistake to even try... Died- Ren shot you in the head.
Ending 20:
-Profess your love- (timed answer), convince Ren that you mean it! You aren’t ready to die, not like this! Admit that you’ve never felt more alive- you’re scared and you’re in a lot of pain but... deep down, you know that this is where you’re supposed to be. You want to be with him, you need him. You lean forward, as much as you can and tell him that you belong to him. He reaches down and pats your head, saying that you’re off to a good start. Survived- you’re all his.
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