#so gunna have to pretend I do not see that one 😅
aheathen-conceivably · 10 months
Hello Darlings….
While I have been releasing playlists to accompany the start of each decade, I also wanted to assemble one at the end as a look back at the musical vibes we heard along the way.
The playlists released at the start of the decade will always be centered around a similar tone with reoccurring themes and insights into the upcoming plot lines. They’re meant to impart an overall mood, and are usually shorter since I try to curate them carefully. However, the playlists at the end of the decade will be a collection of the musical vibes that accompanied scenes along the way. Songs are assembled in order of their appearance and don’t have have an overarching theme or vibe the way the start of decade playlists do. Think of it as a chance to feel a little nostalgic if you, like me, would like to look back on decades gone by ☺️
Now with all that explaining out of the way please have the Story Post Soundtrack of the 1920s:
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mrprettywhenhecries · 10 months
billy with a boombox outside win's window but the music coming from the speakers is decidedly not appropriate
Say Anything
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⇾ w.c. 623 words ⇾ warning(s). none really ⇾ a/n: let's just pretend that say anything didn't come out in '89 for the sake of this timeline lol. Also, it's been a bit since I've written Win & Billy, so hopefully I'm not completely out of practice 😅
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Sighing heavily, Win grimaced as she realized she’d just sighed again for the umpteenth time in the past ten minutes.
She’d been irritable all morning, snapping at Billy for something dumb he’d said – she couldn’t even remember exactly what it had been now – but she’d stormed off, coming home to fume about it.  On any other day, she probably would have scoffed at him and rolled her eyes, or tell him to fuck off half jokingly and then forget about it, but today she’d taken it personally, even when she knew he hadn’t meant it that way.
It was stupid.  And now she was in her room crying over it, wanting to call him, but too stubborn to, half hoping he’d call her.
The faint sound of music drifting through her window caught her attention and she wiped at her eyes before lifting her head from her pillow and rolling out of bed, grabbing the first thing she found to throw on, which happened to be one of Billy’s cutoffs she’d stolen, the Ratt logo on the front faded.
Pushing the window open, she found Billy standing outside by the curb next to his Camro, boombox hoisted over his head as it blared KISS.
“What the hell are you doing?” Win exclaimed, having to raise her voice to be heard over the music.
I really love you, baby, I love what you've got.  Let's get together, we can get hot.
“Apologizing,” Billy called, walking closer, a grin tugging at his lips.
“As far as apology’s go, I’m not really sure about this one,” Win teased, leaning against the window sill, trying to keep the amusement from her face.  As soon as she’d seen him standing there, she knew she’d already forgiven him.
No more tomorrow, baby, time is today.  Girl, I can make you feel okay.
“Aw c’mon, what’s so bad about it?” Billy asked, raising an eyebrow at her.  “I thought you were into this romantic shit?”
“Romantic shit?” Win repeated incredulously.  “I don’t know if I’d exactly call this romantic,” she huffed, her chest aching with affection.
“What’s not romantic about it?  Is it the choice of song?”
No place for hiding, baby.  No place to run.  You pull the trigger of my, love gun. 
Win snorted, clamping her mouth shut to keep from laughing.  “Yeah, that might have something to do with it.”
Billy frowned.  “I thought it expressed my feelings pretty well,” he explained, biting his lip to keep from smirking.
“Oh– oh, I see,” Win quipped, shaking her head.  “So you just wanna get in my pants, is that it?”
“Well, that’s part of it,” Billy shrugged.  “But I really am apologizin’ here.  I was an ass earlier.”
Win’s lips curled slightly.  “Yeah, I know.”
Billy directed her a long suffering look.  “I’m sorry!” he exclaimed.
You can't forget me, baby, don't try to lie.  You'll never leave me, mama, so don't even try.
“Do you forgive me yet?” Billy called over the music when Win didn’t respond, half afraid she was gunna tell him no, just get back at him, but when she broke into a grin, he knew he'd succeeded.
“Yes, okay!” Win exclaimed, leaning further out her window.  “Now will you shut that off and get over here before you wake my dad up?” she cried, her voice tinged with laughter.
Billy shut off the boombox and set it down, striding to her open window.  “You know, your room being on the first floor kinda ruins the effect somewhat,” he pointed out, stepping closer so Win could wrap her arms around his shoulders.
“Yeah, a bit,” she agreed, “but it makes it so much easier for you to sneak in,” she grinned, letting him kiss her.
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⇾ taglist. @super-unpredictable98 @b1tchy3lf @afestivelegend @heartbreak-sandwich @sugarcookiesteve @birminghamshelbyboys @elliethesuperfruitlover
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sunnisurrealism · 2 months
Hi Timmy. Okay I’m realizing how ridiculous it’s getting that I still make endless posts on this account everyday and it’s not that much different than messaging the finsta but at least I can’t send voice notes! That shit is so exhausting af.
Our Secret Garden party is starting in about an hour! I still need to clean my room (too many clothes fml 😔 how many tennis skirts can a gal have? I have like 15 literally) and do my makeup and then… wear my magic Disney dress for Sunnï! I just wanted to let you know that Jacob is coming to the party but I have absolutely no interest in the slightest hooking up with him. You might see pictures of him on the grams. I know you might be in Europe and that by the time you read this it may have happened. Your emotional well being is my priority in life and I don’t want you to have anxiety EVER. Idk if he permanently moved back or if he’s traveling again, but I just feel the utmost importance to let you know that I am fully one hundred billion % committed to you and he annoys me anyways 😅 he didn’t even listen when I read him the TFBOD! trust me my king, you do not need to worry. One day I might feel comfortable kissing someone, but if I do it’ll probably be a girl just for fun, and when I’d close my eyes I’d pretend it’s you 😅 my heart is still aching hella from the past few months tbh, like recovering from water of life equivalent shit, and it feels very very closed apart from imaging us hooking up when I listen to the lucid podcast. Depending on my mood sometimes I still have a hard time even there, but again please understand it’s not personal. Again it’s like Nic at rock bottom he wouldnt want to make out. Sometimes I’m sad and just need cuddles. And I will tell you tho I will always in any mood appreciate forehead kisses because they make me feel healed and protected. Other times when I lose myself imagining us kissing I’ve found my body is… nvm. Hehe. You are always so kind and gentle and talk to me with Willy’s demeanor 😍 imagine if Willy as a man was on his boat with his mom and saw on the River bank Sunnï. I feel like he would approach her with immense kindness and curiosity. And she would instantly be hella friendly and keen back, for obvious reasons 😍 anyways those are the vibes I feel. I’m gunna delete all of this one day don’t worry and for other people reading this like MB or Grimes maybe Elon I’m sorry for the tmi. Idk what I’m doing!
This is so how I imagine you listening to me rant all about all the shit 😅 I LAV LAV LAV u MY TIMMY😍😍😍
(Ps. I really wish you could give me a deep butt massage rn cuz I think I pushed myself a lil too hard in my workout yesterday and my glutes fucking hurt. I can’t find my roller! It’s going to be just my dad and I for like 5 nights at Assinaboine before our family and friends come up, I think it’ll be some good healing time low key, not that anything is that bad. Glad we are helicoptering and not hiking, I don’t think my body is ready considering how sore I am today. Going to be away July 28th to August 5th, I hope you look forward to your break from me! Still figuring out how and if I’ll retire this tumblr. Idk what I’m doing!)
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