#so her taste is defined by these 2 places and her parents (coerthan adventurer -> soldier and an uldah merchants daughter)
rsenak · 5 months
Does your character have a go-to 'comfort food'? Something they can pluck quickly out of their cupboard and make when they are tired, sad or just plain don't feel like they can commit to a meal? What is it and how is it made? Is it a comfort because it's associated with something or just because it takes no time at all and warms the belly?
hiii thankyou so much for the ask! i spent days trying to figure out how/when to answer but! going to try with my wol (bringing her out of her cage)
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her favorite is bread or other pastries! preferably freshly baked, but she's not that picky about it. she probably had way worse at some point during her journey.
her go to for the road are some kind of bread (usually stale by then), dried fruits and dried meat but it's more for necessity than comfort.
as for making it, she's a decent baker but if given the option, she'd prefer to buy it her pastries from a vendor in a city state. from ul'dah or ishgard if she gets to choose as they're the closest to what she was used to growing up
during her worst she was often a patron of the forgotten knight, but she has little to no memory about what any of their meals taste like. regardless, they got her through a very rough patch.
(astrid is also fond of chocolate, but she considers it a luxury and doesn't get it too often)
+ 1; there's a bakery in ul'dah that she used to visit with a friend (until that friend disappeared..........) (she hasn't been there since as it would remind her of the memories too much) (the friend in question is minfilia)
+ 2; closest to really comfort food she'd get it sidurgu's cooking. which is the same 2 or 3 recipes of mostly stews that are too spicy for her (little to no spice tolerance)
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