kokocarescommunity · 1 month
Week 2 (Aug 12) Challenges:
Activity- Do an activity that makes your inner child happy. Get your hands dirty, get messy, embrace the carefree childhood joy. Finger paint, use clay/play doh, garden, build a sand or dirt castle, etc. 
And to keep from causing the adult in you anxiety, prep so that you can make a mess safely in a way that is easy to clean up. 
Balance- focus on balanced eating/meals, make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. Try meal planning and meal prepping. 
Calm- Try adding a form of calming activities or exercise to your normal routine. Examples include meditation, visualization exercise, warm bath, mindfulness activities, etc. 
First thing in the morning can help with centering and focus. Right before bed can help with handling stress from the day and improve sleep. 
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kokocarescommunity · 2 months
August 2024: Avoid Burnout/Set Priorities
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What is Burnout?
-”exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration”- Merriam-Webster
-“to cause to fail, wear out, or become exhausted especially from overwork or overuse” -Merriam-Webster
-“a severe stress condition that leads to severe physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.” -Healthline
-The WHO (World Health Organization) characterizes burnout using three dimensions: exhaustion, or feelings of depleted energy; feelings of negativism, cynicism, or mental distance from one’s job; and decreased professional competence
Note: Autistic Burnout is similar but more complex. 
Some Signs and Symptoms of Burnout include, but are not limited to:
-prolonged exhaustion 
-escapist fantasies
-dread getting out of bed every morning 
-having to talk self into doing any task/all tasks
-decreased functioning
-increased headaches and illnesses
Some Effects of Burnout include, but are not limited to:
-loss of energy/exhaustion
-strains relationships
-difficulty with day-to-day functioning
-lowered stress tolerance 
-lowered immune system functioning leading to frequent illnesses
-can lead to depression, anxiety, and other conditions
-can lead to conditions like heart disease and diabetes
Some Ways to prevent/avoid Burnout:
-Regular exercise and movement
-Balanced diet
-practicing good sleep practices (https://www.pinterest.com/Kokobotcares/sleep-hygiene/ )
-Ask for help
-Prioritize tasks and responsibilities 
-taking breaks 
-making time for activities you enjoy
-maintain strong relationships/ having a strong support system
-Creating and maintaining Healthy Boundaries (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-to-set-boundaries  , and https://www.pinterest.com/Kokobotcares/feb-relationship-boundaries/  )
-Real Self-Care (see https://www.pinterest.com/Kokobotcares/self-care/  )
-maintain a sustainable balance between work and personal life
If you suffer from Burnout Check out these Articles for Healing from Burnout:
Untreated burnout can last years or decades. 
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kokocarescommunity · 2 months
Week 1 (Aug 5) Challenges:
Activity- Do a brainstorm review of your current priorities, responsibilities, etc. 
-Separating into areas/categories may be helpful, or you can do one area at a time. 
-Are there parts of your life that are unbalanced? Are you spending too much time and energy in one area and neglecting others?
-Are the area’s you are spending the most time and energy the ones that are the most important to you? 
-Brainstorm and implement some ideas to create a better balance or if it is balanced to maintain that balance.
Build- Build or create a safe or comfort space in your home/room. Someplace that helps you relax. Maybe a nest or simply a comfortable chair. Add Sensory inputs to make the area more relaxing (scents, soft materials, etc.) Take time to actual use this space to rest and recover. 
C- Add a new Self-care practice to your routine.
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kokocarescommunity · 2 months
Week 4 (July 22) Challenges:
Activity- Make a Self-Care list or box for when you need it most. With activities, items, sensory tools, etc. for calming/relaxing and comfort. Put somewhere easy to locate and access when you need it most.
B- Be kind to yourself. Respect your limits and boundaries. Cast aside shame or guilt over things you can’t control. Give yourself credit for your accomplishments, big or small.
C- Complete a challenge from previous weeks you wanted to do but didn’t get to.
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kokocarescommunity · 2 months
Week 3 (July 15) Challenges:
Acceptance- Disability is NOT a bad word or a character flaw or failing. Disability is often treated as shameful in society, to the point it is internalized. Practice acceptance of yourself and other people’s Disabilities and limits.
Boundaries- Respect your own and other’s boundaries and limits. Everyone has different boundaries, limits, etc. and they can change from day to day. (this is not limited to disability).
Care- Take care of yourself. Self-care is about meeting all of your needs in order to function. Make sure you are meeting all of your basic needs, mental/physical/emotional/social/etc. needs, and any other needs you have.
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kokocarescommunity · 2 months
Week 2 (July 8) Challenges:
Activity- Wear Disability Pride and Awareness colors/clothes/accessories to raise awareness and show support. 
B-Be supportive (of yourself and others). Use accommodations and support when you need them. Help others get accommodations and support when they need it. 
Creative- What are some creative solutions to common lack of accessibility problems? Online or irl (in real life)?
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kokocarescommunity · 3 months
Week 1 (July 1) Challenges:
For Disability Pride Month
A- Ask, don’t assume someone can or can’t do something. And Just because someone is able to do something one day doesn’t mean they can do it again the next. 
B- Pay attention when you go places (in person or online), what accommodations do they have/provide? What is noticeably missing?
C- Support Disabled creators. Read books/listen to podcasts by disabled authors, follow them on social media, etc. 
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kokocarescommunity · 3 months
Disability Pride Month- July 2024
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**Awareness vs Acceptance vs Pride**
-Awareness Months/days highlight a problem or issue, Awareness is a passive acknowledgement
-Acceptance Months/days highlight an identity of some kind and the continued biases against them, Acceptance is an active inclusion and acknowledgement of differences and how there is nothing wrong with differences
-Pride Months/days highlight awareness, acceptance, and more. Pride has more of a community and coming together focus. It is an active movement of education, acknowledgment, and call for justice and equality.
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kokocarescommunity · 3 months
Week 3 (June 17) Challenges:
Activity- Do an activity that speaks to you of LGBT+ Pride. What did you choose, and why? 
Build- an LGBT+ Playlist or listen to some created by others. 
Craft- Do some sort of Rainbow Craft(s) to show off your Pride.
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kokocarescommunity · 3 months
Week 2 (June 10) Challenges:
Action- ask others their pronouns, and use them. Don’t assume. 
Build- connections in the community. Join local or online groups. 
Colors- Show off your Pride colors and flag this month. Share your favorite Pride decor/outfit/etc.
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kokocarescommunity · 4 months
Week 1 (June 3) Challenges:
Activity- Go to a Pride event this month, in person or online. Tell us about your plans and how it goes in the thread. 
B- Brush up on your knowledge of LGBT+ and resources. Did you learn something new?
Content- Follow LGBT+ Influencers and creators on social media. Check out some of the top recommended accounts on https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/lgbtq-influencers 
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kokocarescommunity · 4 months
June Pride 2024
**June Pride 2024**
Server Weekly theme for Mon June 17-21: LGBT+ Pride Week
-normal activities will be related to the theme
Check out our LGBT+ specific resource links on https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wq1uQSzEZznk9ZSrkhUqF9hyd5jMbX4McUfLRrj3du4/edit?usp=drive_link 
Check out our related Pinterest board on https://www.pinterest.com/Kokobotcares/pride/ 
Read about the history of Pride on https://www.them.us/story/the-complete-history-of-pride
For a list of Pride events in the US see: https://www.pride.com/pride/pride-month-2024-calendar#rebelltitem1 
For international events see: https://www.iglta.org/events/pride-calendar/ 
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kokocarescommunity · 4 months
Week 3 (May 20) Challenges:
Art- Start an Art Therapy journal. Check out this article for info and how to get started https://drawism.com/art-journal-therapy-for-beginners/ 
Break- Take breaks. Schedule them in if that’s what helps. Breaks and rest are vital for avoiding burnout. 
Cry- Never underestimate the power of a good cry. What most people don't realize is that ANY emotion can trigger tears, it is the excess of emotion in your body that triggers it. Crying releases that excess and resets your body and emotions. (think of it as the equivalent of turning your computer off and back on to reset it, but for your emotions.)
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kokocarescommunity · 4 months
Week 2 (May 13) Challenges:
Activity- Make some Cloud dough or therapy dough
B- Build 2 lists of activities, movies/TV shows, books, foods/drinks, items, etc. That A.give you a mood boost/improve your mood and mindset and B.make your mood/mindset worse. Try to avoid the things on list B, and keep list A around for when you need it. Bonus: add more things from list A into your daily life. 
C-Check up on yourself with a mood tracker. You can find a variety of apps with this feature, online printables, or create your own. 
D-Download a new mental health app or book. For recommendations see our Mental Health Resource Library
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kokocarescommunity · 5 months
May W1 Challenges
Week 1 (May 6) Challenges:
Activity- Wear Green, or other clothing/accessories that recognize and raise awareness for Mental Health this month. 
Build- Build time into your daily schedule for Mental health, physical health, etc. Make sure you are taking breaks as well as taking care of yourself. IF its something you struggle with set reminders/alarms and dedicate time to it intentionally. 
Compassion- Remember to show yourself compassion and care. You cannot pour from an empty cup, you must first fill your own. You cannot help others unless you take care of yourself first. Show yourself compassion by giving yourself permission to put yourself first. Do something just for you.
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kokocarescommunity · 5 months
Mental Health Awareness Month
May 2024 is Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental Health is an important part of who we are. It goes hand in hand with our physical health, and they affect each other. This means that improving one can improve the other, unfortunately the opposite is also true, when one suffers so does the other. .
This Years Theme’s include:
-”Take the Moment” to have open conversations, cultivate empathy and understanding of/for others -https://www.nami.org/Get-Involved/Awareness-Events/Mental-Health-Awareness-Month/ 
-”Be Seen in Green” -https://www.mhanational.org/mental-health-month 
Check out our related Pinterest boards: 
-Mental Health (General) https://www.pinterest.com/Kokobotcares/mental-health-general/ 
-MH exercises and activities https://www.pinterest.com/Kokobotcares/mental-health-exercises-and-activities/ 
For Quick facts and demographics on Mental health, check out: https://www.mhanational.org/mentalhealthfacts
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kokocarescommunity · 5 months
Week 4 (Apr 22) challenges:
Activity-Take time for floor play. Get down on the floor and play. Could be anything from playing with a pet, to arts and crafts, breaking out toys or games from childhood, etc. Floor play is a great way to connect to your inner child and take a break from adult stresses.
B- Be yourself. Take time for just you, where you strip off all masks and expectations, etc. Best as a daily intentional exercise. If you struggle with this- in the shower is the best time to ease into it as a safe solitary place and activity. It can help to picture the water washing everything away and leaving you fresh and clean.
Contemplate- Stress affects you in every way: mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, etc. What are some changes you can make to your regular routine to lessen your stress load for better overall health? What can you do to make tasks easier? Try out different things to find what works for you.
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