#so his hands always go to dals ass yup yup
hardt4rein · 7 years
Dally x Reader x Two-Bit
This is my first ever fanfic and it may be bad there also might be mistakes or run on sentences. I just hope you enjoy. Disclaimer this is a smut so beware you have been warned hope you will enjoy.
You are 15 years old and are walking down the street to Ponyboy's house. You new that it wasn't safe walking alone. Especially if your best friends with Pony's gang but you were strong and smart and was walking very fast so you was ok for the mean while. You finally reach the Curtis house.
"WASSUP BITCHES" you say to who ever was in the house, but you soon found out that you were just with Two-Bit and Dally. Oh man did Dally do things to you but you were smart knowing that if you was to look up one night stand or fuckboy in the dictionary you would get a picture of Dallas Winston. Now Two-Bit was a different case you guys were always friends and you always thought he was cute but he did get annoying at times when he would make jokes about you liking Dally. Which of course you said it wasn't true but your heat said other wise.
"Watchin Mickey, and im not a dog im a human boy" Two-bit remarked and you just kinda glared at him. Yup hes soo drunk you thought to yourself as you see the evidence of beer bottles around him. "Smokin" Dally replied rather quickly, you noticed the way he was looking you up and down even though thats just a normal Dally thing he seemed more into it today. Dally had just recently had broken up with his sluty ex girlfriend Sylvia, just thinking about her name made your blood boil that she would cheat on this beautiful looking specimen.
As you was just looking in between the two hottest boys in the gang you think that maybe its time for you to stop staring and to do your homework. As you start taking a out your work Dally asks you " Isnt there funner things you rather do than do your homework" you just look up from your work "First off funner isnt a word and second i need to get it out of the way if i want to do anything fun". You drew your attention away from Dallas for a bit " Speaking of homework should you be doing yours Keith" you heard a loud groan coming from no other than Two-Bit " III did it in schooools give me a break". "Wow thats new, Two-Bit did his homework before the good girl did" Dallas said putting on one of his famous smirks. " First off i did most if my homework in school im just finishing up some questions i didnt get to complete" you said staring at him chewing on the inside of your cheek. You hurried up and finished the last few problems and started packing up your supplies when you saw the two boys look at each other and grin. Dally puts out his cigarette on a near by ash tray. You raised an eyebrow utterly confused as Dally moved to the couch that you were sitting on, Two-Bit just watch with that dumb smile on his lips which you had grown to love.
"So doll now that your done with your homework how about a little bit of fun" Dally said that smirk never leaving his face, "What kind of fun do you have in mind" you asked you had a feeling of what it could be or maybe it wasn't you couldn't tell with Dally. He pick you up and sat you down in his lap which caused your face to turn as red as a tomato. While in his lap he edged his face closer to yours and your getting excited but also nervous but before you knew it Dallas was already kissing you.
Dallas had a his hands tightly around your body, as he kissed your plump lips slowly. His lips tasted like strawberries, which make the taste addictive. Two- Bit smirked, enjoying the view and came over to you and Dallas. Two-Bit pushed your hair back and started to leave very dark love bites on your skin. You let out a loud moan, which triggered Dallas and Two-Bit to gets excited.
Dallas licked your lower lip asking for entrance but when you didnt get the memo he squeezed your ass making you moan and opening your mouth a bit, he slid his tongue into your mouth and you two started french kiss on the couch.
"Let me get a turn" Two-Bit whined, Dally released your lips and picked you up to turn you towards Two-Bit. Dally being the very skilled person he is used his time wisely to start getting undressed as you and Two were going at it. Two was a little different feeling from Dally, Dally was rough, hard and needy but Two was still pretty rough not as rough as Dally and he also was very playful. Plus the taste of beer on his lips adding a new taste into the kiss.
As you two broke apart gasping for oxygen, Dally sees this as a opportunity to undress you so he does just that. Once he gets to unclipping your bra thats when you think that this is seriously real and that anyone could walk into that door at any moment which added some more adrenaline into the whole mix. " I though Dallas Winston doesnt share" you said in between gasps, "I usually dont bu-" Dally gets cut of by Two "Were trying to see which one of us you like more so you can go out with one if us". " Oh really now, but what if i dont choose either of you" you asked in a playful tone, " Then i guess were gonna have to keep doing this to until you choose" Dallas said while smirking that sexy smirk.
You grinned at Dallas when he said that, you wouldnt mind having sex with the two hottest guys in the group but the bad thing is that they are very possessive and get jealous easily especially Dally. You decide to turn the tables and you started to tease them. You were sitting on Two-Bit laps kissing him with such a lust and such a passion, you slipped your right hand under Dally's boxers and started to stroke him. In that action that caused him to give out a low breathe moan. And boy did that turn you on. You got off Two-Bit's lap and helped pull off both of the boys underwear's. You were sitting on your knees on the floor looking at both of their sizes and Dally's was a tad bit bigger. Just from looking at it Dally was about a 12in and Two-Bit a 10in and they were both pretty thicc. Both of the boys looked at your face and you dont know what face you was making but you were just staring at their boners.
"Um (y/n) are you ok?" Two-Bit ask very concerned. Dally looked at you studying your face "Your a virgin aren't you" Dally asked that smirk never leaving his face. You nodded slightly, you was thinking man am I seriously about to let this happen im 15 and im about to get fucked by a 18 year old and a 17 year old. They are basically adults and your not even 16 yet. Your mom would freak if she found out what you were doing.
You came back from your thoughts as your heard them arguing over who gets to take your virginity. "I shouuuld do it im the oldest and i never got to take a girrrrls Virginia before" Two-Bit slurred "You mean virginity" you corrected Two-Bit "Wow your 18 and you having taken someone's virginity before thats sad" Dallas remarked "And besides im more skilled in this kind of thing" Dallas gave Two-Bit a look of victory when you budded in " How about both at the same time" you asked meekly.
The boys stared at you in disbelief. "Both of us, on your first timmme???" Two-Bit couldnt rap his head around why on earth would you want that. You couldn't believe that the smirk on Dally's face could get any wider oh but it did. "I see that someone is feisty" Dally pinched your nipple and hummed at the at the moan you let out. "Ok how about we let her decide as to who's gonna take her virginity" Two-Bit asked staring at your naked form. "How about we make this a game who ever cums first is the one to take away her virginity" Dally declared, " Alright but if she cums first  then we can both say we still taken it from her" Two-Bit said.
You could tell that Dally like your feistiness so he patted the couch and you climb on the couch so that your knees were on the couch seats but your elbows on the top of the couch. " Wait we dont have cond-" you tried to say before Two-Bit enters you making you lose your train of thought as the excruciating pain that was in your heat area. Dally grabbed his belt tying it around your hands as he enters shortly after Two-Bit did.You could tell Dally was getting impatient and he started to move and boy did it hurt the both of them in your tight untouched pussy.
"Take it easy now Dal shes a newbie and you might rip her walls" Two-Bit did sound kind of concern. " Nah she'll be fine besides with the both if us in here she gonna adjust quicker i think" Dally said pretty confident. After Dally hitting your g-spot and Two-Bit staring to move you adjusted and man did it feel soooo gud
Dally was more focused on trying to nut in you than Two-Bit was, now as for Two-Bit while he was fucking you he was also exploring your body. All you could hear in the Curtis house was the sound of wet skin slapping against wet skin and the sounds of your beautiful moans you three were making.
After a while of the constant stimulation your body couldn't handle it you just bit your lips so hard to the point where it draws blood. Dally grabs your hair that you had neatly put into a ponytail yanking your head back. " Im gonna c-" you couldn't even finish your sentence when you came all over Dally and Two-Bit. Because of you coming that made Dally pull out and stuck his cock into your mouth sending his hit seed deep into your mouth with his seed settling in your empty stomach. While Two-Bit waited his turn to get your mouth he continued pounding into you and grabbed the beer he didnt finish drinking earlier. Dally was taking way to long in your mouth so he decided to pull out and stick his hard cock inside your butt hole and came in there.
Both of the guys ridding out their organs in your mouth and asshole. They both pulled out and you laid there in the couch. " That was sooooo gud" Two-Bit said taking another sip of his beer. You wanted to lay their until you recovered but Dally thought otherwise, " You look sexy laying there and all but you have to get dressed" Dally said to you while putting on his underwear and pants. You groaned but complied pulling on your clothes as you look back to see a sleeping Two-Bit on the couch.
"Aww look how cute" you said watching his sleeping form as you put on your clothes. Both you and Dally heard a car pull up in the driveway and you panicked you hurried shaking Two-Bit to wake up. Gathering up his clothes and putting them in his hands as you pushed him to the bathroom. When he was in the bathroom you ran back to sit on the couch and try to look normal. "Were back" you heard Darry say " What is that smell" Ponyboy said grabbing the bridge of his nose. " It smells like sex in here" Steve said while walking in. Soda looked you at the both of you and narrowed his eyes "OHHHHHHhhhhh you two FUCKED!!" Soda said while raising his voice. "Ew no thats just the smell of Dallas's smoking" you said trying to lie and hurry to cover up them finding out. Everyone turns their attention to Two-Bit who walks out the bathroom fully dressed. " Keith why are your pants on backwards" Darry asked narrowing his eyes. " Oh shit all three of them fucked" Steve said as him and Soda started playfully punching each other.
"Um ew no first off im not gonna be a fuckgirl and fuck two guys at the same time secondly its Dallas Winston i dont want to be added to the list of girls he has fucked and thirdly why on earth would i fuck Two-Bit like come on he's Two-Bit. "Hey whats that's supposed to mean Two-Bit said sitting in between all his empty beer bottles and his pants are still backwards. "Keith what the fuck clean up after your self this isnt your house you cant just leave it a mess" Darry almost practically screamed at him.
"Your not my moooom" Two-But said before passing out on the floor. "Sooo where did you guys go" you asked trying to clear the tension. "Me Darry and Steve were all at work" Soda explained. " Me and Johnny went to the movies we saw IT" Ponyboy said. " Aww i wanted to see IT i guess ima have to go" you said pretend to be sad even though you kind of was. " Awe dont worry doll ill take ya" Dally said budding in while lighting a cigarette "Thx and Two-Bit can come to hes been roasting that clown all week" you said think about watching the movie then going to Buck's to hang out with them if ya know what i mean.
"Anyways ima go home guys" you said wanted to go to get cleaned up as you have soiled your underwear. As you was walking out the door you heard a string of goodbyes and you pulled your phone out your pocket. You went to messages and started a group chat called  " The three musketeers" that had Dally and Two-Bit in it."Had fun hope to do it again sometimes 😏😝😘" you typed and pushed send as you walked down the street towards your house. Smiling to your self.
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changesxnight · 7 years
Dallas in Rumble Fish
It was July of 1962. The Rolling Stones had their first debut, the first Walmart opened and Thomas Cruise Mapother IV was born. It was a hot summer day and the fans were whirling, keeping the costumers of Benny's Billiards comfortable. "Rusty-James," Midget Jones walked swiftly into the old restaurant. His mission was to get the news to his friend before reporting to Carlos Rodriguez that Bobby Williams had been killed not even an hour earlier. "Biff Wilcox is lookin' for you, Rusty-James."
"I ain't hidin'," Rusty-James Vincent replied, his focus on the cue ball in front of him.
"Says he's gonna kill you, Rusty-James." Midget knew Rusty-James was a good fighter so, like the rest of RJ's friends, he wasn't concerned. Midget was a precise, honest guy and he knew that even though Rusty-James could take the old cat, he'd need to be prepared. Dallas Winston, who was in the middle of kicking BJ Jackson's ass in their own game of pool, was suddenly interested and listened closer, even though he knew Biff wasn't shit.
"Sayin' ain't doin'," Rusty-James shrugged and missed his shot. "Shit."
"That's tough, Rusty-James." Smokey Bennet picked up a handful of dollar bills they put down as a bet. "Maybe we should go double or nothin' sometime."
Rusty-James knew he was the better pool player and he wanted to fight him, nearly shoving a pool stick into his face. "Sit down."
"You cats are constantly fightin' like typical fuckin' Yahoos."
"Watch the language," Benny warned from behind the counter as he wiped it down.
"Hey, Benny, get me a chocolate milk, will ya?" Rusty-James sat down on a bar stool and instead of calling over his shoulder, he nearly bent over backwards. "What's this Biff doin' about killin' me, anyway?"
"You're supposed to meet him, tonight, under the arches behind the pet store at about," Midget checked his watch, "Ten o'clock."
"He's coming alone then, huh?" Rusty-James asked, taking a sip out of his chocolate milk.
"I wouldn't count on it, man." BJ told him. He knew Biff was a snake, he couldn't be trusted. Midget had shared the news and walked out.
"Well if he's bringing friends, then I'm bringing friends." Rusty-James stated, walking over to his usual table.
"Yeah, but you know how that's gonna turn out, Rusty-James. Everyone will end up getting into it." Steve Hays was always cautious with these things.
"This kid and his fuckin' imagination, man." Dallas remarked. He'd been in gang fights Steve couldn't even dream of. But then again, he was working for Sonny. Dallas kept his mouth shut, not willing to chance the boys finding out about his side job.
Ignoring him, Steve continued, "You bring people, he brings people.."
Rusty-James cut him off. "If you think I'm going to that vacant lot by myself, man, you're fuckin' crazy." Just then, BJ slid into the booth next to Dallas. The two smiled to each other, they couldn't wait for the fight.
"Watch your language over there. Watch it!" Benny hated cuss words since it reminded him of his father. But Benny lived in the Bronx and it was impossible to get away from the foul language. At least in his restaurant, he could warn the young boys.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Smokey yelled at Steve and Steve hid his head, focusing on writing.
"Fuck you, Smokey." Dallas and Rusty-James told him. "Steve goes wherever I go." To Steve, RJ said, "Steve, c'mere. Sit down."
"Dammit, Rusty-James. It's been a long time since we had that kind of trouble." Smokey wasn't wrong. The whole idea of gangs was fading out. Only loyal friends continued to stay in packs, starting fights to make them feel alive.
"Chicken, Smoke?" BJ teased as Dallas and him started making chicken noises.
"Smokey doesn't wanna come, it's okay." RJ said, getting in on the teasing.
"Smokey, we understand." Dallas nodded sarcastically as BJ and RJ shook hands, agreeing to back the other up like had for so many years prior.
"What? You don't wanna come? Fine."
"Rusty-James, you know I'm gonna be there." Smokey always was, even if he didn't want to. "But you know what the Motorcycle Boy said about gang fights." Dallas shot a cold stare at Smoke and it shut him up. They both knew how sensitive Rusty-James was about his deadbeat brother.
Too late. "The Motorcycle Boy hasn't been around in two months. So don't go telling me about that." Rusty-James was angry. If they shut up, he might cool down without exploding.
"What if the Motorcycle Boy comes back?" It was mumbled and quiet, but Rusty-James heard Steve's comment. Dallas glared at the youngest boy but Steve didn't get a clue. "What if your brother came back and found out?" Of course he was writing in his stupid fucking notebook.
Rusty-James slammed his fist on the table. "My brother ain't back, man!" He shouted. "I'm sick of hearing this shit. I don't know when he's coming back, if he's coming back, but if you assholes wanna wait around for the rest of your lives to see what he says, fine." He was staring at Smokey. "Fine, man. But I'm gonna stomp that little shitass tonight and I think I should have a few fucking friends with me." Smokey was trying to talk over him, even though he knew RJ hated that. "Are you even listening to me?"
"We're gonna be there, man. Alright? We're gonna be there." Smokey tried to shake RJ's hand. He ignored it and went to shake Dally's and then BJ's. "But let's just keep it between you two, okay?"
"Right behind you." BJ promised with a smile.
RJ finally shook Smokey's hand and finally heard Benny, who had been calling for him to "get his dirty ass off the table" for the past five minutes. "I'm sorry, Benny. I'm sorry." Benny knew it was bullshit and began to reel in a fish, but it was only a middle finger.
They finished up in the pool hall and began walking down the street. "Man, I love fights. This reminds me of the old days, man, when we used to have rumbles. Heroin ruined the gangs, man."
"It ruined the gangs? It ruined everything!" Dallas corrected him, getting flashbacks of his mother lying dead in the cold apartment.
"I wouldn't know." Smokey said
"No, you wouldn't know, would you? Ask my brother, man. A gang really meant something back then." RJ said, picturing a group of diverse kids standing tall and proud.  
"That gang shit was outta style when you were ten years old." Smokey stated as-a-matter-of-factly. He hated it when RJ talked things he didn't know anything about, especially gangs.
"Bullshit, man. I was fuckin' eleven. I can remember." RJ defended himself. Dallas and BJ were chuckling to themselves, knowing that they were one of the last gangs in town. They were approaching the old Catholic school for girls and Rusty-James and Dallas got distracted by their girlfriends.
That night, Rusty-James was about five minutes late to his own fight. Typical. Dallas, BJ, Midget and Smokey waited behind the pet store for their best friend, getting there ten minutes early. "Where the fuck were you?" Dallas asked, slapping RJ upside the head.
"Rusty-James, we just about gave up on you." Smokey said. He had even less patience than Dallas, and RJ's bullshit always lit the short fuse.
"With Patty." He answered. Smokey rolled his eyes, annoyed. He saw this and told Smoke, "Watch out of I'll take you on for a warmup."
"She gonna clean you up after the fight? Kiss your booboos?" BJ teased but Dallas elbowed him in the gut.
"Who's here, huh? I gotta have as many guys as Biff. This is bullshit." Rusty-James looked over the edge, seeing old buddies and friends before calling out to them, greeting them.
"I thought we were supposed to watch, Rusty-James." Smokey reminded him.
"We are," Dallas told him. "But the kid's an idiot. He'll need us as backup."
"You're not expecting to see Steve here, are you? Why do you put up with that whimp?" Smokey asked, ignoring Dal's cold stare.
"I've known him since kindergarten, alright?"
"You've got a bad habit of getting attached to people, Rusty-James." Leave it to Smoke to point out the obvious.
Rusty-James wasn't having it, he was too hyped up for the fight. "Yup," he agreed without thinking about it. "Let's go." And they slid down the pipe before looking for Biff and his crew.
They were nowhere to be seen and so BJ piped up, "Where's Steve?"
"Maybe he's late." RJ suggested and then a cat meowed. A homeless man coughed. "Looks like we're gonna have to fight ourselves."
"Rusty-James," Steve called out in a whisper-shout. He was terrified but clutched a wooden board, thinking he'd use it to protect himself. RJ laughed when he saw his best friend.
Just then, a train whizzed by and Biff's gang started walking out. "Where at, Rusty-James?" Someone shouted out, the voice coming from the left side of the gang.
"I'm here." Rusty-James looked for his opponent, unable to find him until he popped up outta nowhere.
"Not for long, punk." Biff said. He was doped up. Man, Rusty-James hated fighting druggies. He spit on him, disgusted.
Dallas grabbed Rusty-James by the shoulder. "Don't kill him."
"You can't stop me. I'm gonna kill if I have to." RJ argued, like usual.
"Don't fuckin' kill him, Vincent. I'll help you take care of him, if need be. But don't kill him. He's doped up, you've got the real advantage." Rusty-James wouldn't listen, however, and pulled away from Dallas.
"Take a fuckin' swing at me." He challenged Biff; he was losing vision, everything going red. He was getting angry, the rage consuming him. And then Biff pulled out a knife. "This was supposed to be a fair fight, man!" Rusty-James avoided the knife best he could, kicked him and climbing up pipes. He got ahold of a piece of ply wood and beat the shit outta Biff. Like in most fights, Rusty-James has the upper hand as he threw Biff in through a window and then punched him until he broke his jaw. Rusty-James was so caught up in his anger, he barely noticed his brother pull up on a motorcycle until the Motorcycle Boy said something.
"What is this? Another glorious battle for the kingdom?" The Motorcycle Boy asked, even though he didn't want to know the answer.
"I thought you were gone for good, man." Rusty-James said, looking up at his brother in a daze. Dallas was distracted, too, but his senses were a lot better.
"I thought we had a treaty." The Motorcycle Boy's voice was soft as he reminded his brother of what they had agreed to months prior.
"Look out, Rusty-James!" BJ shouted as Biff raised his switchblade to cut RJ's side. Dallas thought too quickly, however, and kicked Biff in the leg, hard enough to make him fall. Dallas pinned him down with his left foot and stole the knife out of his right hand.
"It was supposed to be a fair fucking fight, you twat." Dallas reminded the cheater before walking up to the Motorcycle Boy.
and that's it because if Dallas was in Rumble Fish, nothing bad ever would've happened and we'd all be happy still today. the end.
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johnnybby · 7 years
dating dallas - hcs
requested by 3 anons!
ok well he isn’t the most outwardly affectionate guy
and i mean affectionate in the lovey-dovey, what-a-cute-couple sorta way
it’s really difficult for him to express his love for you in a way that’s clearly understood
but that ring of his that he’s constantly twisting around and  tapping on shit with?? yeah, it’s yours now and it’s on a chain he gave you 
but he’s 9/10 times looking out for you
of course that’s when he’s not stickin his hand up your skirt/dress, or sliding a hand into your back pocket or pinching ur ass
w him it’s almost always ‘baby’ or ‘babe’
in all honesty if y'all disagree on something, the likelihood that there’ll b a petty argument or constant butting heads on it is pretty up there
dates are actually v spontaneous/casual and not always thought through 
he has this thing that if ur leaving to go somewhere and he doesn’t want u to leave yet
he’ll rarely grab u by the arm if ur wearing jeans bc he most often just gently tugs u back by one of the belt loops on ur jeans
he just loveS?? holding onto ur hips?? 
he’s also the jackass who’ll stick his hands up ur shirt when his hands are cold bc apparently “ur chest is so warm”
if he knows you’re easily annoyed, he’s def the type to bother u!!!
but the thing is that sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop
like even when you’ve had enough, there deadass has to be an argument about him stopping smh
a lot of repetitive and empty one-sided conversations about how dal needs to start acting a certain way
him “yes”-ing you away and then continuing to do the opposite
him being an actual fuckn dick when he’s hungover
ur one of the only ppl that he’ll have a full-blown argument with and still chill w afterwards
and one of the only ppl who can full out yell at dal without getting their lights punched out
amazing (rough) sex???
it doesnt even have to b makeup sex or angry sex to b great, in all honesty
but if he knows u like it gentle, it might take him some learning to be gentle, but it’s passionate af nevertheless
wow jail visits!!!!!!!
being the person who helps scrape up the money to post his bail
bc darry got tired of that shit over time
once, when he got arrested - since many officers just know him by name- they just asked him if he wanted to make any stop and he told them ur address
he was at ur door and he used the tip of his foot to kick the door to knock
u opened the door to see him and then immediately closed it when u saw the officers
the next time he knocked, ur literally just shouting through the door lmao
*opens door to hurl the leather jacket at him*
he aint got no hands cause he’s handcuffed so it just lands over him covering his face and shit lmaoo
he has a secret stash of cigs in the case he ever runs out??
it’s located in an old sock in his sock drawer
it’s probably not even his sock it’s probably darry’s or buck’s
after every time y'all get into an argument about whether dally’s goin to a rumble
dally always goes to fight in the rumble
“you’re going to the rumble? yeah well i hope u get punched in the eye bitch”
really nOT a fan of you being passive aggressive to him
but when he gets all riled up and can’t fuck someone up
he becomes THe mOST passive aggressive person evER
but passive aggression is most often how he holds a grudge w u
literally always askin the gangs (yup the shepard gang and curtis + randle, mathews, cade gang) to look out for u while he’s stuck in jail for however long
so if dal can’t b there to make sure ur safe, almost everyone else is tbh
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