#so i coulda cleared out some freezer space
shrodingersbox · 5 months
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it seems i may finally be on the rise, health-wise, and i've been able to get a couple batches in the tan! i had to bow out of the optimistic goal show i signed up for next month because i definitely will not be able to have enough inventory, but i may update the shop soon 👀
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kariachi · 3 years
Some more Unfortunate Neighbors au ficlet. The children, they can hunt.
Ben peeled himself away from the fold once Lyn started talking about recipes with Kai, heading over to where Kevin was finishing up unloading his SUV.
“So,” he asked as the other man slammed the trunk shut, a variety of coolers still at his feet as his older two carried one each into the house, “I take it things went well?”
“The rest of us got jackshit,” Kevin said, “but damnit we made sure the kids got their deer.” He kicked at the largest of the coolers, flashing Ben a grin. “Coulda been a better shot, but she did good. Was a nice, quick death.”
Nodding slowly, Ben knelt down and opened the cooler, finding himself face to face with a mass of vacuum-packed meat, bones, and a hide. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting. A whole deer maybe? A traumatized teenager to be brought home early? Yes, he fished, yes, he and Gwendolyn had been bringing the kids along on their fishing trips with Grandpa Max for years, but he still held that there was a difference between throwing a fish in a cooler and putting a bullet in Bambi.
Given Lyn was just as excited now as she’d been to show her mother her first trout, apparently she didn’t agree.
He shut the cooler and stood back up.
“My fourteen-year-old’s killed something.”
“Your fourteen-year-old put meat on the table in the cheapest, cleanest, most sustainable way possible,” Kevin countered as he started gathering up the smaller coolers. He threw him a look and rolled his eyes good naturedly, something Ben wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to. “Like I said, she did a good job, it died quick, you should be proud of her.”
“I am.” He was. He wasn’t entirely comfortable, but she’d decided she wanted to do something and put in the work to succeed. That alone was worth being proud of. “I just don’t know what to do now.” It was true. Having Kevin drop a few roasts and some wild poultry on them was one thing, but having Lyn go out and hunt down a deer was entirely different.
“We’re gonna be making a whole big fuss out of it for Devlin. Donate the stew meat and some steaks, invite people over for a big dinner. Teaches ‘em good lessons, makes ‘em feel appreciated.” Ben nodded, rolling the idea over in his head.
“I’ll talk to Kai about it,” he said, picking up the cooler with care. Ben didn’t know if dropping it would hurt anything, but he wasn’t going to risk it. “Thanks, for helping her out, keeping an eye on her.” Kevin snorted.
“Not a problem, man. She’s a good kid.” They exchanged smiles as Kevin stepped back. “Now you better get that inside before it starts getting ideas of turning, and I need to get these washed out before the entire street smells like tuna residue.”
“God, yes, please,” Ben laughed as the pair broke off in different directions, calling back- “Tell Devlin I said congrats on his first deer!”
“Will do, Benji!”
By the time he made it inside Lyn had cleared out space in the fridge and freezer for the doe, and was already planning more, longer hunts for next year. The enthusiasm was contagious, and Ben couldn’t help but think that if it made her this happy, well, he might take Kevin up on that ‘buy her her own rifle’ idea.
Then, a few weeks later, the cleaned skull of the thing arrived in the mail, and he had second thoughts all over again.
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yxkanna-a · 5 years
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   “How the fuck was I supposed to know you can’t park on private property? I thought it’s just for businesses!” he shouts, indignant, the tears and snot slicking his face grossly. So what if he got fighty? The image of his Ferrari hanging from a hook because some lady was mad he took up the space in front of her exorbitantly-priced brownstone got him pissed. Maybe he was screaming, and maybe he threw the first punch, and maybe that’s what incited the racist comment, but they accepted his bribe nonetheless, and gave him his car back. He can’t explain why Nick was his first option to go to. But besides the other traveling yakuza here, he doesn’t know anyone else in New York. And he doesn’t like his gang seeing him cry. His nose wrinkles when Nick kisses the bandage, his eyes blinking owlishly in surprise. “Eh… what the fuck…”
    He isn’t often treated with tenderness, given how deplorable he is, and the gesture makes his limp fingers twitch. “I just paid them off. Including the hospital bill. I don’t appreciate people calling me a ‘dumb Jap,’ though.” He shakes out his hand, “So don’t admonish me for beating their asses. They deserved it.”
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          “AGAIN, I COULDA told you. I have a clunker I need to park sometimes. Big Apple’s brutal, man.” The main reason Nick wasn’t on the business end of a tow truck hook more often was because the only vehicle he drove on a consistent basis was an ambulance. His shitty little four-door sedan was only necessary for summer ice cream run purposes- but he knew parking laws because, quite honestly, he couldn’t afford to bail his car out from automobile prison if he fucked up.
          “... SORRY.” HE PULLS his hands away, gaze dropping to Akachan’s bandaged knuckles as he swipes his fingertips across his jeans. The kiss was probably an overstep; at the very least it seemed to serve its purpose in calming him down a little bit, which Nick considers a victory. Bottom lip gets sucked between his teeth as the other continues, eyes narrowing slightly in a ghost of a wince. He’s encountered his fair share of acidic language on the job, and he can still hear it clear as a bell: get away from me- don’t you fucking touch me, you dirty fucking Jap-
          “YEAH, NEITHER DO I. I won’t.” He stands up sharply, rolling his shoulders as he moved toward his kitchen. “Blow your nose, don’t get snot on my couch. You want a Pepsi, or Tylenol? Got some vodka in my freezer if you want somethin’ stronger.”
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hopeishappinessff · 7 years
Chapter 41
I felt like I was floating in the sea of pillows surrounding me. As I stretched long and wide, wherever my limbs reached my body felt as though it was being lured into a pure pillowy bliss. I wasn’t fully awake and alert and it took a while for me to recognize that I wasn’t in my own bed. By the time I opened my eyes and gazed around at the space around me, I quickly recalled exactly where I was… and that I was still completely alone. Glancing over to my right, I sighed at the sight of Chris’s empty side of the bed.
Stretching my limbs once more, I yawned and finally sat up so I could climb out of bed. I made my way into the restroom to handle my morning duties then made my way back into the bedroom and out into the hall. I crept slowly down the hall, since I wasn’t sure if he was asleep in the living room or not, and quietly shuffled along into the kitchen. I nearly jumped from my own skin at the sight of Chris perched comfortably on a countertop on the opposite end of the kitchen. Hesitantly, I eased into the space and made my way to the refrigerator. I could feel his relentless stare as he finished up his bowl of cereal, but I only continued to maneuver my way through the fridge in search of his breakfast items.
I pulled a pack of bacon from the fridge and waffles from the freezer then got to work cooking up the two items. I could hear him shuffling behind me, but I paid him no mind as I waited patiently for my waffles to pop out of the toaster. That enticing and airy aroma of his hit me before he closed in, and eventually he slipped into place behind me, pulling me back against him by my waist. "Can you come talk to me when you done eating?" He mumbled, resting his chin against the top of my shoulder. I nodded in response and after he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the side of my neck, he turned and shifted out of the kitchen.
I took my time eating my breakfast. I was in no rush to walk right into whatever it was that he wanted to discuss… the last time we sat down for a conversation, it went completely left and I wasn’t up for part two today. Once I was done, I leisurely cleaned the dishes I’d used, stuck them in the dryer rack near the sink, then finally made my way out into the living room. Chris sat on the couch across from the television bent over with his elbows resting against his knees. He stared at the screen as an episode of Ninja Turtles played and I couldn’t hold back my giggles at the sight of him so in tune with the show. He raised his gaze and smirked then motioned for me to join him on the couch.
He turned down the volume of the TV and cleared his throat, slouching forward into his previous position with his hands linked together and his eyes focused on the floor "I wanted to apologize to you… for last night." “It’s okay,” I muttered with a shake of my head, “You don’t have to apologize to me.” "No… I do. I didn’t mean to be so distant with you like that. After what happened yesterday, I just had to… I had to keep myself away from you for a while.” He explained, leaving me absolutely confused. With a sigh, he sat back from his position and pressed his back into the cushion behind him, crossing his arms over his chest "I don't know if you heard any of the shit that man was saying and I honestly don’t even know why I let him get to me like that. It’s like, one thing he said that rubbed me the wrong way, you know,” His brows furrowed as he swiped his tongue out over his lips and he released yet another sigh, “I guess I did teach you something, huh boy? You got a mean hit… just like ya pops…”
I quietly stared at him as he twiddled with his thumbs and waited patiently for him to continue on. "He told me that I have a mean hit just like him Hope... I have a mean hit like him… the only time I ever witnessed that man hit anybody was…” His jaw clinched repeatedly and he clutched the side of his shirt into his fist as though reliving that moment with his dad all over again as he spoke, “… it was when he hit my mama.” I turned my body so my back was against the arm of the couch and pulled my legs up onto it in front of me. After tucking my legs in and wrapping my arms around them, I rested my chin against my knees and fixed my gaze on the space between us, giving him my full attention.
"Hearing him say that… triggered something in me. It made me feel like he was almost predicting my future in that moment and I ain’t like how that felt. Like, I hate to admit it but my anger is something that I know I inherited directly from him. And now it's something I have to deal with every fucking day of my life and to be honest, it scares me Hope. It scares me to death to know what I'm capable of when I'm under the influence of anger. It's almost like when you watch somebody get drunk... they can't control themselves and they end up doing stupid shit, right? So like when I get angry, I can't control myself then I do stupid shit. Knowing that and feeling angrier than I’ve felt in a long time for the first time last night… I forced myself into isolation and away from you."
"I definitely wasn't mad at you in any way last night. Truthfully, I was mad at myself ‘cause that nigga taunted me and I let it get to me… I let it get in my mind. But like I said, I knew I was angry… I always know when I’m angry. That’s the only thing that I have control over for now when I’m in that moment… I have the knowledge that it’s happening, which gives me the ability to respond to it. I’ve done some shit… like, some fucked up shit when I’ve been angry before,” He paused and chuckled humorlessly as he shook his head, “But I knew that with you here, the only thing I could do was be alone and away from you until I could calm down. I’m sorry if you thought you’d done something to upset me… I didn’t intend to make you feel that way at all.”
He left me at a loss for words. I could respect him for being honest enough to explain to me what was going through his mind during his time of turmoil, but I would be lying if I said he didn’t leave my nerves on edge from his proclamation. Because of his lethal anger issues, he had a fear of even being in the same room as me when it got the best of him and that truly frightened me. To know that he had enough of an understanding of himself and exactly how he reacted to anger was the only source of relief for me after he’d explained it all. I finally glanced over at him and noticed the most dreadfully miserable and frustrated expression on his face and that nearly broke my heart. Though I was terrified of the monster that I knew he was forced to carry within, the last thing I would ever do was turn my back on him. It was a card he was dealt in life, almost like a disease that he had no control over and I knew it wasn’t at all his fault. So, as I sat across from him, staring at the gentle giant that was he… I made a mental vow to myself to stand by his side, no matter what.
"How are you feeling now"? I asked quietly. With a shrug of his shoulders, he raised his brows and I watched as his face softened and his eyes lit up "I'm fine now, how you feeling?" "I'm alright, I guess." I said, nodding slowly and smirking. He stared at me for a while, roving his eyes over every inch of my face as though trying to read right into me then smiled suddenly “Come here." I did as he said and rotated onto my knees then crawled toward him and straddled his lap. He sat there and stared thoughtfully at my chest as he bit into his bottom lip. I watched him carefully as he rubbed his one, functioning hand up and down my leg, keeping the other protectively against his chest.
"You mean a lot to me, you know that? I mean you meant a lot to me before, but now that you're mine, you're like my own little personal pot of gold," He paused and chuckled softly then shook his head as I giggled, “I hope you don’t ever plan to leave me… like, ever. If you leave me, it would be just like you taking a gun and shooting me right here.” He reached for my right hand and placed it against his chest, right over his beating heart. “And I really hope I didn’t scare you with anything I just said… I just needed to let you know what was on my mind. I think that’s important, right. I always wanna be able to let you know exactly how I’m feeling and I hope you would do the same. And I wanna thank you for sticking with me through all that shit. You coulda left my ass in that bathroom all night, but you rode for me, you know... got your man all wrapped up and taken care of and I really appreciate that."
I nodded and bit down into my bottom lip as I stared down at his shirt and fiddled with the fabric between my fingers. He lifted my hand from his chest and pressed the tips of my fingers against his lips then gazed up at me through the most perfectly adorable golden puppy eyes "I really like you." I stared at him momentarily then burst into a fit of giggles "You really like me?" He nodded and leaned up to press his lips against the center of the exposed portion of my chest "I really like you." Tossing my head back, I laughed harder as I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck "Well I really like you too."
I laughed along with everyone in the group as Rashad attempted to 'spit game' to the cashier at the front of the restaurant and unfortunately for him, the girl didn’t seem even slightly impressed. With the lack of time we’d spent together as an entire group, we’d all agreed to meet up at Millie’s cafe and we occupied one of the largest tables in the establishment. "This nigga so stupid." Dontay chuckled, nodding over at Rashad. "I know man, he know that girl don't want his ass." Destani said with a shake of her head as she stuck a fry in her mouth.
"Nah Dez, you know you don't want that girl to want his ass." Chris stated as if his words were indeed a fact. Destani rolled her eyes at him, sticking a middle finger up in his direction, “None of that now… I’ll go ahead and let your bestie here take care of all the fucking for me, but maybe Shad would be willing to help you out.” The table burst into more loud cackles and I sat up from my leaning position against Chris’s shoulder to slap him on the arm. "Sorry babe." He muttered, quickly reaching up to rub his arm as though it truly pained him.
Rashad headed back to the table a short while later with a deep scowl, but the closer he got to us that quickly morphed into a grin. "What you grinning about dude?" Dontay asked as he stood up, allowing Rashad to slide back into his seat in the booth. "I know ya'll saw that right?" Rashad asked. "Sure did... saw her clowning your ass and you standing up there looking like a got damn fool!” Chris commented as he popped one of my fries in his mouth. “Nigga fuck you!” Rashad exclaimed through an outburst of laughter.
Chris sighed exasperatedly and rested his head against the back of his seat "Oh my goodness, ya’ll just gone keep tryna fuck me, huh? I already said I’m good on that… we are good!” He retorted, motioning his hand back and forth between him and I. “But I told Dez that maybe ya’ll could help each other out with that though.” Rashad and Destani both frowned and simultaneously threw fries across the table at him and he laughed and dodged them. I shook my head at his silly behavior and continued to munch away at my food. After the laughter died down, everyone seemed to venture off into their own separate conversations and without warning, Chris reached down for my arm and pulled me closer. I looked up at him, assuming he was only trying to get my attention, but his attention wasn’t even on me.
"What are you doing?" I asked just loud enough for him to hear. "What you mean?" He asked, dropping his aimless gaze down to me. With a scoff, I playfully rolled my eyes and nudged an elbow against him "Why are you pulling on me?" "Oh, you were too far over there… my side was cold… I wanted you closer." He stated somberly. I laughed and shook my head at him and reached for another fry from my basket, but was suddenly stopped midway. He gripped onto my hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the back of the ring finger of my right hand.
"Where you get this from?" He asked, staring intently at the ring. I’d been wearing the thing for quite a while now and it didn’t immediately don on me just where I’d gotten it. The moment I looked down at it though, the memory instantly rekindled in my mind and my heart immediately began to race… "Oh, um... a friend gave it to me." I could feel him staring at me through my peripheral, but I kept my gaze low for fear that if he looked directly into my eyes he would automatically know that I wasn’t telling the full truth.
"Sy," He called my name, but again I kept my gaze low and pretended as though I hadn’t heard him, "Sy'Diyah." "Yes Chris?" "Look at me." He demanded softly. With a sigh, I finally raised my head to lock my own exotic gaze onto his. His eyes roamed all over my face like he was actually reading right into my guilty conscience then he dropped his glaring eyes down to the ring on my hand.
"Where did you get this ring?" He asked. "Can we please talk about it later?" I muttered. He gave me a stern stare, but eventually nodded his head. Relief soon washed over me, but my stomach remained in knots as I thought about the ensuing conversation.
"So, why won’t you just tell me who gave you the ring? I mean, I know you said you got it from a friend, but I'm asking who?" Chris pestered as he pulled his truck into my driveway. He shifted the truck into park and left it running to keep the heat circulating. Sitting back and getting comfortable in his seat, he refused to unlock the doors to let me out until he finished his interrogation. I sighed and laid my head back against the head rest, gazing tiredly out the passenger side window "If I tell you where I got it from, can you please let me out?" "Yes." He replied quickly.
"It was a birthday gift... from Trey." I blurted. He didn't move, didn't even flinch, and he wore that sudden expression of stone as I awaited an angry explosion of harsh words. But that never came and he surprised me when he only sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Do me a favor and give it back to him." He said as he shut off the ignition and pushed his door open. I watched him carefully as he shut the door behind himself and walked around to the front of the truck, waiting for me to get out. Finally following his lead, I climbed out and shut the passenger door before slowly and vigilantly walking around to meet him. He’d pulled his phone out while waiting for me to get out and he quickly stuffed it back into his pocket once I was standing beside him.
He wrapped an arm around the back of my neck and together we walked up to the front porch. Once we stood face to face just outside the door, he stood me directly in front of him and gently cupped my face in the palms of his hands to stare into my eyes "Give that ring back. If you want a ring, any kinda ring, I’ll get you one aiight. I’m just not gonna sit back while you walk around with another niggas ring on your finger." I nodded as I gripped onto his forearms and stretched onto the tips of my toes when he leaned down to kiss me. He turned his head to one side to deepen the kiss and I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his tongue ring. “I think you should take it off now." He mumbled as he pressed his forehead against mine and finally pulled back from the steamy kiss.
I giggled and pinched at his sides, earning the cutest laugh from him, just before he pulled me in for a tight hug "I'll take it off when I get in the house. I don't wanna end up misplacing it." "It wouldn't be a bad idea if you did, for real though." He chortled. With a roll of my eyes, I leaned back away from him and left one final sweet kiss on his plump lips then turned to unlock the door. I pushed the door open and turned back to face him, only to find him standing there gawking at me with his hands tucked down into his pockets and his bottom lip tucked away in his mouth. "Goodnight." I whispered. He held up an index finger and quickly stepped forward, landing one final kiss on my lips. I could only giggle at his antics as I pushed him back out of the doorway “Goodnight Chris."
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incongruous-writer · 7 years
Dinner and a Talk
The first week on board the Eclector, Peter basically hid in the vent system, snuck out to the mess hall for food once everyone was gone and it was quiet, and continuously ignored the shouted demands of the captain to “Get his scrawny Terran ass outa the vent, so help me”
Unfortunately his vent adventures came to a rather abrupt end. He supposes he might have become a little predictable.
The hinges on the cover squeaked quietly when he opened them, and the coast looked clear. The vent was stationed into the wall, right above a counter in the mess hall which was convenient for the short boy. The kitchen or galley was through a door on the other side of the mess.
With a practiced ease he lowered himself to the counter and then hopped off, running quickly for the door on the other side. Right before he was about to enter, the door opened and Kraglin, who Peter now knew to be the First Mate on the ship, walked out.
“Figured you’d get hungry soon enough, an come in here sneakin’ in like a rat.” The first mate muttered rather annoyed sounding.
Quill wasted no time in sprinting back to the vent opening. He stopped short when he realized that the captain was leaning against the counter, effectively blocking that escape route. Not giving it two seconds of thoughts he ran in a different direction, hoping to out run the larger and slower adults.
If he could make it out to the hall there was another vent that he could probably reach, and once again escape his abductees.
The sound of lazy whistling killed his plan, or the concept of a plan, that he had had. Quill had seen enough of the ship and the crew, while safely hidden inside the vents, to know that the captains arrow was quick and always on point. The two adults he might have been able to outrun, but there was no outrunning the arrow.
Facing the captain he was unsurprised to find the Yaka Arrow making curling loops and flips in the air around Yondu’s head.
The captain looked him up and down and gave him a ragged, silvered tooth smirk. He reminded Peter of a shark.
“ Kraglin, back ta your duties.” Yondu stated bluntly. “What should I do with the brat, sir?"Kraglin questioned hesitantly.
"You ain’t doing nothin’ with him. Already seen how well havin’ you watch him goes. Can’t even control a little pup, pathetic.” Kraglin turned a little red at that comment, either from embarrassment or anger, Peter couldn’t tell, and gave a curt ‘sir’ before taking his leave.
“You ain’t gonna give me no trouble now, are yea?” The blue man asked, arrow still floating around him.
“No sir.” The boys quiet reply came, eyes still glued to the weapon, waiting.
“That’s what I thought.” With a shove Yondu pushed himself off the counter and started walking toward the galley. “Come on then.”
Peter thought quickly about making a run for it, but decided against it, he’d seen that arrow go faster than anything, and started to follow the captain, making sure to keep a good space between them.
He was scared. His legs were shaking and he drew in air faster than he could get it out, but the boy didn’t cry and Quill considered that victory.
The inside of the galley had what looked like a stove and an oven, with some shelves filled with different things, some in cans and some not. A giant door to the far right held a freezer of some sort and that was about it.
The Captain was busy looking through some things on the shelf pulling this and that off. Turning around he handed the stuff to Peter with a quick 'stay put’ before going back to the shelf.
While wondering what Yondu could be doing, a memory came back from a week ago, where the captain had threatened to make him into an appetizer for his crew. Fear seized his heart cold and unforgiving as he shook, he took a few steps back before hitting the wall.
“I’m sorry I ran away!” He cried out to Yondu, fat tears spilling down his face, and small hiccups escaping. “ I won’t do it again, sir! Please don’t cook me. I don’t want to be an appetizer!” He wailed.
Yondu had turned around and was staring at the kid, confused as to why he was crying and what had started it. It wasn’t until the last part that comprehension dawned on the centurian, and looking around he could understand why the kid was thinking Yondu planned to eat him.
He wanted to laugh at the boy for so easily believing him, but that would give the wrong impression and Yondu couldn’t have that. Instead the captain pretended to consider the boys words before replying. “ I suppose I could find something else to eat but why should I do that, you don’t have any other use so far, all yea do is cry and hide, and I have no use for whiners on my ship.”
Scared as the kid was Yondu could still see his tiny mind trying to come up with rebuttal, with a reason why he shouldn’t be eaten, it was almost endearing. Almost.
“because I’m small and tiny and I don’t have any meat on my bones, sir.”
Well, he’s not wrong on that account. The boy was small, small enough to fit the in the vents and hide there for a week, also smart enough to know where and when to come out for food. He had the makings of a decent thief. Hell, thought Yondu, he could probably come in handy on some jobs.
Giving a hearty laugh that had poor Peter jumping outa his skin, the captain answered him. “That you are, boy, that you are. If you can prove to be useful, maybe I won’t make you into a roast.”
“I can be useful, I’ll prove it. Just wait.” Peter’s shaking had died off a considerable amount and a spark had gone off in his eyes.
“Well, in that case looks like I need to make something else for supper than.” With that Yondu went back to what he had been doing all along, which was just making himself and the kid something to eat.
Once the centurian had all of his ingredients he started making himself something similar to an omelette, except it was green, with purplish spots on it.
once that was done The pair returned to the mess hall and sat down at one of the tables.
As soon as the food was placed in front of the Terran he dug in like a wild animal, basically inhaling the thing.
Yondu just watched him from where he sat, his mind wandering to other things.
Peter didn’t look much like his siblings, the ones Yondu had delivered before him, but that wasn’t to surprising seeing how they were all different species and such. Thinking of the other children that he had transported brought a frown to his face. Every kid that got picked up got a translator, but those devices also had other applications, like a tracking system and a biological scanner. That way Yondu could keep an eye on em’ while in his ship and monitor there vitals to boot.
The captain had forgotten about those extra measures once the kids were off his ship. That is until Peter up and disappeared and he logged on to find out where the runt went, only to notice that all of his other siblings trackers reported back the same thing, that there hosts where deceased. Ravagers don’t feel things like guilt, cause that’s sentiment, and sentiment is a death wish in this life; but that doesn’t mean the captain didn’t feel his equivalent of it. He had brought those kids to their death, he knew it. So now he had to make up for it, and if that meant depositing this brat on some Nova Corps world so he could get picked up and join with the other hundred thousand refugee orphans, then so be it. At least he’ll be alive and Peter’s father won’t know where to find him. Good thing that bastard payed in advance.
That was the plan anyway.
A quiet 'thank you’ broke the Centurian out of his thoughts. Looking over he saw that Quill had finished his food and was staring a hole at the table.
“So you got manners, that’s nice to know. Maybe you got a brain in there after all.” Came the Ravager’s reply, all gruff and sneering.
Quill looked up at that remark, his glare now focused on the man in front of him. “I do have a brain. I’m not stupid.”
“Coulda have fooled me, you couldn’t even listen when Kraglin told yea to stay put, even animals know that command kid.” Yondu threw back at him. Peter’s lips twitched like he was fighting a smile, curious as to what the kid could find amusing, the captain barked out “ Whats so funny to yea, that your dumb as bricks?”
“He said 'stay put’ so I stayed put, on the ship.” The ghost of a grin was gone from the Terran’s face, but his eyes had a glint of mischief to em’.
So he was a sarcastic one wasn’t he, the ravaged thought, that’s gonna have to be fixed.“You think your clever, huh?” And leaning across the table Yondu cuffed him on his ear, not too hard but enough to hurt.
After the meal Yondu and Peter had walked Down to the crews quarter where Peter was assigned a bunk, and told to get some sleep. Tomorrow would start his first proper sagas a Ravager.
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kwanfairy · 4 years
Quarantine Asks: Questions You Usually Wouldn’t Think of Asking But You’re Bored AF
Here is the link to the original post in case you wanna do it too ! also: @stitchzmile i want you to do it too :D <3
Animated character that was your gay awakening? jesus.. i actually dont know. as a kid i thought jessie from pokemon and kim possible were super hot LOL but i dont think they were my gay awakening.. 
Grilled cheese or PB&J? grilled cheese
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on? i actually dont do that but i love to put on some “relaxing celtic music” in the BG whenever i write!
Your go-to bar order, if you drink? that depends as i dont really like alcohol. if its about enjoying it, probably baileys, if its about getting hammered, jägermeister or other shots.
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own? i dont own enough shoes plus i dont really care about them lol but the new ones i bought are really comfy so i guess it’s them?
Top three cuisines? i like heavy/greasy food so german/austrian, asian, italian
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)? no fucking clue but im super curious now and will ask my mom later!
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had? working as a language assistant w/ american students as im super anti-social and introverted
Look up. What’s directly across from you? my black wall (that ive painted myself!!) lol
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? eventho i cant think of any i should have some, right? doesnt everyone have something thats signed??
Preferred way to spend a rainy day? on my ps4 or writing with my balcony door open so i can hear the rain
What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? we dont do bagels here or sandwiches and ive only been to subway once, was totally lost, amde a fool out of myself and never went to one ever again lol
Brunch or midnight snacks? brunch! eventho i love eating midnight snacks, my tummy doesnt react well to them....
Favorite mug you own as a none-coffee drinker, i dont have one
What coffee drink would you describe yourself as? probably milk-coffee? im super white and most people dont like me ^^
Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!) ive been anxious for the past week cause we have to do a presentation for work and my anxiety riddled brain is freaking out. but ive been trying to remind myself that, while its a struggle, its also an opportunity to show myself what im capable of! “I will never ever know, if i quit now” - Mess by Jasmine Sokko
Fruity or herbal teas? i do like both but prefer fruity ones
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless? motto ojamajo doremi - its just really cute!
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying? The wave
Do you match your socks? yas
Have you ever been horseback riding? yup during sports-week at school, but i was terrified all the time and had no idea what i was doing LOL
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) if loner counts, then that ^^
Have you ever been to jail? nope, but i kinda really wanna see one from the inside smh
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? i only know them from chinese restaurants and they are quite handy if ya do food sharing but otherwise i dont really see the use
Puzzles? need to be in the mood but haven done one in yeeeears
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? orange juice for sure
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore? i rarely go to a bookstore rip i know but when, i usually check their manga section first (rip x2 lol) and then the thriller one
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? im on day 382 on my duolingo japanese course! also, the fic im currently writing has taught me a lot about not over editing and paraphraph-ing (whetever that is actually called)
Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat? not into musicals
Where could someone find you in a museum? that depends which museum it is. but im usually trying to follow a path that brings me past everything
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to? the super duper emo-like red plaid pants a friend of mine gave me years back.
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? pink louds!
If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be? while im quite wary of birds, emus look kinda cool. oh or a wombat maybe? or an axolotl!
Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? art that either i or my mom has drawn
You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go? as embarrassing as it is i LOVE memes so i cant choose just one.
Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with im not really into superhero stuff so i dont really know any sidekicks.. if ron from kim possible counts then him id say lol
Lakes, rivers, or oceans? lakes for sure, oceans are just too wide and deep and scary
Favorite mid-2000s song im totally blanking now but the only 2 that came to my mind were britney - toxic and baby bash - suga suga
How do you dress when you’re home alone? pyjamas
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? in front of my comupter lol
Knives or swords? knives
A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving bewhy - gottasadae
Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie is camp rock one? i dunno we didnt have disney channel
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? i never post pics online lol but i guess id be more of an explanation kidna gal
Name a classic Vine god there are so many good ones but the first that came to my mind was “stop! i coulda dropped my croissant!” and the “ok :D” guy in the jungle
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? veggies! i love veggies so my freezer usually is full of it
How do you top your ice cream? ew, i dont!!
Do you like Jello? non-native english speaker here. wtf is jello. is is this clear wobbly shit? if so, then no, gross!
What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did? well ok i do have pics, but like, actual photographs of my dog but i wish i had more and digital ones as well :( i really fucking miss him even after all this time and it would be so nice to have more quality pics of him...
How are you at climbing trees? as someone whos scared of heights and abso-fucking-lutely grossed out by bugs... take a guess :)
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