#so i don't know why i want to try akido
thelemoncoffee · 1 year
Honestly, I don't like Mikan's design. While it could be worse, she honestly should wear pants and have her hair tied back due to being a nurse. Also Tenko deserves to wear pants. Her top half is fine, but wearing some kind of blue sweatpants would go way better than her skirt.
oh hell yeah, Mikan's design being basically a slightly customized sexy nurse costume rubs me the wrong way for so many reasons, like i know she's suppose to the the fan-service but come on- with how often she falls you'd think she'd learn to wear clothes that wouldn't expose her if not for any other reason. her hair being tied back would honestly be so cute, or better yet, a loose bun. it can still come undone for her snap sprites cause honestly a character snapping so hard they undo their hair do is something so neat to me, and if any ronpa would do it, it'd be Mikan. feral energy my beloved.
and Tenko- i usually try to give a liiiittle defense to the girls for wearing skirts cause 99% of ronpa characters wear uniforms, and Japanese women's uniforms usually require skirts... but Tenko has no excuse. they did not need to put her in a school uniform, Akido has the Hakama for her to wear. the "she wants to look pretty for girls" thing is a lame excuse, cause Hakama pants look like a long skirt when your legs are together so it can give the illusion for all the ladies without getting in the way of her craft and showing pantie-..... actually why is a character who (canonically- not in my hcs) believes all men are perverts wearing a short skirt and doing things that actively lift that skirt in front of them all the time?? that feels like the design team didn't think that through- or they did and are the kind of men Tenko hates
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
".. So we can all agree that Kaito's a damn idiot right?"
"Atua damned idiot!"
"I had been under the notion that this had been established."Korekiyo joined, agreeing with both Angie and Miu's quips.
Everyone, even Kaede, would nod solemnly, The Pianist having huffed at how idiotic the man's actions had been. Though, she couldn't not understand why he dashed like a madman. Hell, if it'd been Shuichi in that situation, maybe she might have done the same. And considering the height difference they shared, she could totally have pulled off carrying Shuichi to safety. The tempting thought to lift Shuichi resided in her for a moment before she'd snap back to reality to form a plan.
"Well.. I-We should probably have a discussion whenever.. Kaito gets back?"Was he coming back? I mean, he'd been getting chased by the evil little cretin known as Monokuma, and he'd been really fast about it. Besides,
She wanted everyone to be present.. It'd maybe been best to just wait until tomorrow.. Something she really hoped was a current choice.
"Actually I think.. Maybe we should wait. We don't know if we can go to our room-...Where did Kirumi and Kokichi go..?"
"Kirumi went to go chase after them with the med kit.. But don't know where Kokichi went."Ryoma answered her question, looking off seemingly no where with a neutral expression. Kaede could only one look at the fun sized man in disbelief from how calm he'd been about this.. But then again, he'd..sort of been like that for as long as she was able to know the man.
"Of course that little shit takes advantage when turds hit the fan!"
"Not to be the bearer of bad news, but the akido master also took her leave."
"Well, Tenko did possess Anya's notebook yes?"
True but.. Really? Did she really think trying to give it to her now was a good idea? Rubbing her head in confusion, she'd plop her head onto Shuichi's to snap him out of his gaze.
"Hey, Earth to Shuichi!"
If Keebo's warm hands hadn't brought color to her face,
The current situation they'd been in would.
Not only has Anya been granted with the privilege of wearing Kaito's jacket(he'd probably not been getting this jacket back until.. needed-), but she was practically in this man's arms. His big.. Very nice feeling -
Wow okay Anya tone it down you're supposed to be baby.
Her face had been against this man's chest, so she could hear the all too familiar rhythm of his heart beating. The ability alone was way too intimate in her opinion for it rendered a darkening blush onto her freckled face, the freckles painted as if they'd been tiny constellations.
While she hadn't known exactly why they'd been running cause yknow, blood loss and kinda coming back to life, she very much enjoyed being held and didn't plan or want to fall anytime soon. Thought in mind, she'd wrap her little arms around the man's neck, head on his shoulder as she'd close her eyes in slight content.
Her eyes locked with Rantaro's for a bit before she'd break it with the help of her guilty conscious.
She was gonna have to face him and explain herself eventually but..
She didn't want to right now.
Not yet.
"K.. Kaito where are.. We going.?" She'd ask meekly, talking having been a literal chore with how less she's actually done it. The action felt foreign, forbidden even. #introvertsbelike-
*kirumi is running
Tenkrotch is running -
kokichi is being his authentic self -
I hope this didn't burden you thought the idea made sense
"Kaito's actions are not only rash but also pointless; the student notebook says Monokuma can't directly k-" Shuichi's mumbling had been briefly cut off the moment he had averted his eyes up from the floor, only to meet bright purple ones. "K- Kuhhh...." Shuichi's heart rate flat-lined, body going completely stiff before he suddenly bounced away, only now realizing their intimate position — intimate to him at least.
"K- Kaede, I was just thinking about the, um, here-" He took out his student notebook, eyebrows furrowing in light focus as he swiped through the numerous rules; eyes widening in recognition as he read the rule:
"Monokuma will never directly commit a murder."
Kaito had been too busy sweating his balls off from not only the running but the life threat(s) right behind them, so like the dumb, clueless, moronic himbo he was, he hadn't even realized Anya had spoken. "Your dorm! You'll be safe there!" How in any way would that protect Anya, you ask?
He doesn't know. He was thinking on the spot.
Kaito kept on running, even with the burning feeling in his legs, he was determined to make it to Anya's door, already readying himself to break down her door.
Rantaro would kill him, but in their current situation, Kaito had already felt the threat of his and Anya's life, so no, he didn't care.
As Rantaro opened his mouth to speak up again, a light bulb of realization flickering up in his head as he slowed his pace down. Monokuma couldn't even fucking kill them, so why were they running?
Oh right, Kaito had manhandled Rantaro's baby sister again.
Giving himself a quick breather, Rantaro readied himself to chase after Kaito again, only to nearly collapse on his face as he took a single step. The last thing he had seen before he really did collapse on his face, had been the flashes of blue and grey. He wondered if he was having a stroke, despite the only colours he saw being dull colours.
"Degenerate male! Let go of Anya this instant! Hand her over to me, I'm more capable!" Tenko screamed from the top of her lungs, legs going so fast that everyone who had probably been watching them, only saw a fast blur.
"And you have her notebook-" Kirumi added.
"And I have her notebook!" Tenko's deafening voice overlapped Kirumi's.
"Wh- No! I can do it! Just go fight off Monokuma!" Kaito swatted her away, pressing Anya closer to his chest as he hugged her as if she was his favourite toy about to be taken away. His eyes widened in slight terror as Tenko's figure slowly but surely, surpassed his; she had easily been a few steps ahead of him despite Kaito having an unfair head start.
"Hand her over now!" Tenko made a "Gimme." signal with her hands, a soul-piercing gaze glued on Kaito as they both ran.
All of a sudden, Kaito had not only been running from Monokuma but — that much was determined the moment he avoided Tenko's eager swipe for Anya.
"She's mine!" Kaito had spoken before he could prevent himself for doing so.
"She doesn't belong to anyone, you degenerate moron!"
These idiots hadn't even realized Monokuma had given up halfway through their childish conflict. Kirumi had caught him uttering, "I fucking hate my job sometimes," before disappearing off to harass more teenagers.
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