#so i just ocified her
vgoldtheory · 7 months
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Sketches ive made… ill post fanart stuff soon, but i just wanted to make a small first post to start!! ♡
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sopping-wet-cat · 8 months
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featuring: biblically accurate ragatha
i used this canvas for warmup doodles for two days then fell off doing doodles immediately after the page got filled :3
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rubberduckyrye · 1 year
Ohhh yeah that changes the context a little. If you find out why tell me I'm interested now
Yeah it really does change the context when a proship/anti-harassment blog is saying DNI LoverofPiggies fans.
As for what I found, it's this blog:
In short, there's a lot of typical he said she said, screenshots that block out usernames and yada yada. These are so easy to fake so normally I am critical of screenshots as proof.
BUT the more compelling evidence is the screen recording/video of the person going through DMs with LoP. Here's a direct link to that.
Here is the apology that loverofpiggies wrote that I think is being referenced on the blog, so yeah the transphobic part is true and not fake:
There is also this person's testimony:
I think this is probably where most of the hate comes from, as this is a much more popular post plus the apology for being transphobic sort of speaks for itself.
So yeah. Not a bunch of horse shit this time around.
It's hard to say how things have been going after the fact, but. You know. I kind of don't care anymore, I've seen enough to tap out.
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p0rk-guts · 4 months
waitt but what's different about your ocified velvette... i like her a little but find myself wanting more substance from her in canon tbh
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Okay sew me and @ajistorpid were talking and they inspired a good chunk of my ideas so you can blame them for feeding my sick delusions.
Read more just like last time bc I talk too much sorry but there's art in there too oooo you should look u should read my ramblings
As far as I know, Velvette has no canon age at death, cause of death, or death date so based on what we know we just crafted our own headcanons. AJ proposed she might've had parents who ran one of those family vlog channels with her as the face of it, becoming a child influencer under her parents' control. I was thinking she could've been a child model- yk like. dance moms or something. Idk I don't remember what was happening on that show— anyways. Yea
Either way she grew up constantly controled and perfection was her standard. All of her outside thoughts and feelings and interests and opinions were constantly dismissed in favor of what made her more marketable. She never did get that popular in life tho, and her mentors always shamed and blamed her for it.
Idk if this is canon or not, but the idea of the sinners designs reflecting their vices or things they regreted or hated in life is an untapped gold mine to me so that could explain where Velvette's supposed doll and clown themes come from. Became a toy dressed up and paraded around for the entertainment of others + joke never taken seriously. She'd hate that
(As for how that ties into my redesign…. me and AJ were thinking she could be a vampire doll, but I'm not sure IDK I wanna sketch that out and see what it's giving)
In hell she easilly fell back into this warped facsimile of her old life bc it was all she knew. "she feels some form of pseudo control and enjoyment because she has no one pulling her strings now" (<-AJ) SHE'S running things!!! Who's the puppet now!!!!!!
Then THAT had me thinking too because now that I think about it. Why Is she the backbone of the V's?? She's like. An undergrad student in my mind at the MOST and Vox and Val are two men pushing 40 I'm sure. I think a big part of it is the fact that those two are almost complete and utter buffoons who let their emotions cloud their actions constantly, Valentino most obviously but even tho Vox seems more composed like when he's talking Val down from his outburst and when he was talking to the press, we can still see he's a total mess—especially where Alastor is concerned. He lost it so bad during their duet HE SHORTED PENTAGRAM CITY'S POWER.
Now out of all the V's we've seen the least of Velvette (I'd call it what it is but yall gon get real mad at me), The most we really got out of her character was the overlord meeting (and despite her huge ego and unruly behavior she did end up speaking facts), so maybe she Is just as unstable as them in canon but canon is SHIT and this isn't about canon anymore. In my mind she's very much in charge of the back end of their work. Vox is obviously the head of the operation—or at least he seems like it to me—what with the tech company having his name and with him answering the interviews, but I think that's all he is. The figure head. Velvette is the brain behind it all. When Vox proposes new buisness endeavors off the cuff she's the one who goes back and makes sure they're getting handled properly because he doesn't really dig into the backend of how things happen. Vox goes to most of the conferences or whatever (Vel's too busy running her shows and serving cunt after all) but Vel follows up on what was learned.
(also yeah all that makes this very much an au of an au bc it'd take a lot of radical changes for the two of them to be friends I think. It's fun to imagine anyway)
Quoting AJ here bc I'm bad at paraphrasing and they said it well:
"And if we're going to make her sympathetic, (obviously not excusing her enabling a rapist) Val and Vox are grown ass men and she never got to experience the world outside a camera
Velvette is easily malleable with no real relationships!! Some victims tend to gravitate towards people who are similar to their abusers the only exception is that she feels like she has control this time"
THIS this. THIS! Okay uhh vague personal experience w/ abuse cw ig. skip this paragraph if you don't wanna hear it. But It kinda reminds me of my relationship with my parents- NOT THAT I SEE THEM AS TWO DADS AND A DAUGHTER I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THAT NOTION IN A POST PILOT WORLD If future content proves me wrong it proves me wrong but at this moment they're all equals in my mind (…and I hc them as poly BUT WE'LL GET THERE) but In my situation it's like. I hate my parents for the abuse they've caused me, my mom more than my dad bc she's satan incarnate, but there are still things I like about my dad and. Tolerate. About my mother. We still can talk cordialy and spend time together, have fun together even, and I show affection to them, but deep down I know I wanna cut my mom off later and maybe my dad too depending. Additionally my mom is completely Incompatent and pulls none of her weight so despite it all I've been forced to pick up the slack and become half the brains of this family. I do chores she should take care of. Handle money. Make important decisions about our health and safety she doesn't care about.
AAAny ways. This is so my version of Velvette. No I'm not projecting (I am). She pulls a big chunk of the weight around there (some of it being carried by Vox and virtually none by Val). She's very close with the two of them but isn't a fan of everything they do (Cares more for Vox than Val in my mind). Speaking of, she definitely isn't some saint now, she still makes the love potions and is Impassive to both Val and Vox's behavior, but part of that Is her just seeing it as part of the business. Shady practices and exploitation are par for the course in any business to her. She never truly grew out of the harmful mindsets ingrained into her by whoever her enabling caretakers were in life and they're still apparent in hell. (Maybe she even experienced some of the darker sides of exploitation in life but was groomed into thinking it was okay contributing to why she doesn't see Valentino's actions as heinous. Idk. thinking on it)
Circling back to my poly V's idea. Idk it just seems plausible to me. Vox and Val already have their whole thing going on, they all live together, and they all have nicknames for each other (Vox calling her my dear, Val calling her baby doll, Vel calling Vox darling). Ik that could just be their personalities and the pet names don't have to mean anything more but this is MY au and my word is gospel hope this helps. It just makes sense
I could go on and ON about the toxic insanity of the Poly V's in my mind— particularly between Vox and Valentino— but this is NOT their post so maybe next time. As for Velvette, I get the vibe that she'd be intimate with both of them and enjoy it but she's never the one to initiate anything. Sometimes they're all like this 🤞🏾 and others the boys are a complete turn off to her (main example being the difference in her attitude towards Vox in episode 3 vs episode 8). Her tolerance of them flips on a dime depending on how they're acting. She also prefers to be a casually entertained observer to VoxVal more often then not (ex. end of episode 8 imo)
Boys aside. My Velvette is still a social media influencer and she's all about advertising. advertising products (like the love potion), clothing looks, technology... Heck even herself. "You're nobody if you don't wear this or use this or look like this ^ - ^". Projecting on her even further by making her have a love/hate relationship with her profession aka the modeling aspect of it: she's always had a genuine love for fashion and dressing up but the internal pressure for perfection she's placed on herself makes it hard for her. She's very hard on her models and designers bc of this
Couldn't think of a segway for this but also WHAT HAPPENED TO VELVETTE WANTING TO FIGHT THE ANGELS??? The "full assault plan" against the angels??? And then when the fight actually came they were all just lounging around watching it go down like it was afternoon tv????? This isn't even a "we'll get to it in season 2" thing did they honest to god forget? Did that line not mean anything??
Well I didn't forget and it's pissed me off since my first rewatch of that meeting scene. Don't think we don't know how the V's got the angel head, but In my head Velvette was the one who initially proposed the idea for an assault against heaven and her insatiable need to feel respected and feared only spurred this plan on, incredible risk be damned.
It also felt weird to me that Velvette just. Let it go when Carmilla said the meeting was over. Just. "Oh ok! Plan cancelled no more attacking heaven ^ - ^ I'm gonna go scroll for the rest of the show!" Hu h. My au-ified Velvette would definitely fight her on it— if she thought killing angels would change the game and Carmilla held the secrets behind it she would pry! Blow up at her about it until she wasn't getting results and bitterly storming off with as much composure as she could muster. Not wanting to team up with Carmilla but find some way to use her for all she was worth and get her way in the end, use the power and resources the V's had to actually make a plan. Would it have worked without the Morningstars? Eh. Either way I'm sure she could delude herself into thinking they were the most powerful people in hell. Ugh I don't wanna make an au rewrite of the show and I that was never my plan so idk where that'd go but. Yea
ANYWAYS anyways. wow you made it to the end somehow! Here's your treat :3
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Context u didn't ask for: Some days Velvette overwhelms herself with her own impossible expectations. Nothing she creates or puts out is good enough. She gets extra anxious about her following; nothing's happened to them, but what if they see the miniscule flaw in her latest clothing that she sees? What if she's no longer perfect? (Even worse in the vamp Velvette redesign of her bc she literally feeds off their attention and admiration)
She'll snap at everyone and disapprove of every look and then hole herself away somewhere where she crashes and is just. So. Tired. But she'll be out of it the next day, ready to keep the conveyor rolling.
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kroosluvr · 25 days
Appart from head canons and AUs, where you kinda build upon whats on the game, do you have something you would actually want to change from P5R? For example, "I feel like they should have added more weight to the final encounter you have with Sumire right before Joker boards the train for example", stuff like that
violetcrow showtime NUMERO UNO
make it so sumire doesn't have a canon crush on akira (as "kasumi" is nice but i want her to drop it after.) <- also extremely important to me
off the top of my head i'd want some sumire confidant dialogue rewritten/scenes revised lol. but i havent thought abt it too hard bc im always thinking of my AUs/headcanons regardless LMSODKASHJKSD
sumire hair down for the rest of the game (or if she does tie her hair up, omit the ribbon. or put it in a braid or smth.)
1/9 sumire fight be more violent scary dangerous
literally all of these r sumire focused im so sorry can u tell i have a fav character yet
more sumire hanging out w other charas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or so help me god
THIS IS ALL I CAN THINK OF OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD UHHH im sure theres more. but. LKFSJKDHSFDVK mostly just reworking stuff around sumire bc i have some issues w her canon character. Like ideally amyways im more than happy to just use her as a springboard and ocifying her to hell and back in my fanart/writing
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beckyblah · 6 months
asdfg i never have oc ideas cant wait to take Claire Bennet and cTommy and smash those two together even more :] - I've slowly OCified Claire in my mind since i saw Heroes aged 13 lol! But I always just keep everything in my little brain. It's fun to compare her relationship with her dad to the cCrime dynamic because they're totally different but still feel so similar and result in a lot of similar feelings between the two characters
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wosieposiecozy · 3 months
2 and 4 for the ask meme!!
2. Who is currently your top three (3) favourite characters? Please feel free to explain why!
My top three are skid and pump ( don't separate them), streber, and Mr. Wonder!
Skid & pump: I love these two freaks a lot, they're silly and goofy but their emotional moments are something I can relate to, like skid looking sad and nervous when father Gregor asked about his dad is something that I feel when I get asked if I have any siblings ( I lost one in 2023). These two freaks are kids and I love my kids.
Streber: honestly, I didn't really like streber at first, but like then it hit me like a train. I really liked him and started to project onto him ( same with skid, pump, Mr. Wonder, but streber is the one I projected on to the most). I wanted flesh him out, I basically OCified him but I don't care. Also not gonna get into shipping, that's for a different day!
Mr. Wonder: oh Mr. Wonder, the most underrated character. You've been here since the second episode, why can't more people see your beauty.
Yeah, I love Mr. Wonder, I love her relationship with the kids, especially how you can see in the photos he was at their births. She's sweet and loves her family and I loved how we know his past job and that's how he met her wife (he was a mailman). I love giving him silly headcannons. Idk I love Mr. Wonder a whole lot, this beautiful angel deserves all my love.
4. With any character of your choice, what is a song that you associate with them the most?
I have never talked about this character on any platform, I've drawn them but I don't think I've talked about them. But Ethan is so the song " Rivers is A vampire" by bear ghost, the energy and lyrics, like it's just Ethan! Can't fully explain it but go listen to the song, I think you'd understand.
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martini-garnish · 7 months
mg!! genuinely curious omg who’s your favorite character? i don’t remember you mentioning it ever
HI THANK U FOR ASK ILY. I am succumbing to the pestilence and must occupy my time witch activities that don't insight vertigo. ok so this is going to be way longer than necessary but I am soooo so bad at picking favorites because I have different flavors of favorite like. most interesting character in my brain? Alastor. he's like the guy ever. I need to know what his motives are I need to know what the fuck is wrong with him. He has a furby organ. He's a misandrist. He loves his mommy. He put an entire swamp into his room inside of a hotel building. I need to study him. I built my most developed hazbin oc to project my silly little ace4ace qpr onto him with like some sort of harlot.
BUT ALSO. you KNOW I have my weird obsession with Eve where I'm constantly fighting myself not to just fill in the gaps for her before she's even in the series but it is so hard to not to. It is so hard not to OCify this current blank slate of a character. I need to give her a mug that says #1 boy mom, because she technically was that.
AND Vox and Lucifer are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum of "men who behave pathetically in such a way that despite being ace I need to rail within an inch of their lives" You have witnessed my thoughts on these men before.
BUT the flavor of fave that means I need to start making a silly little cosplay to wear to a silly little convention someday? Rosie. Hands down. She's fucking awesome. I expected to like her I did not expect to be like "I need to be her at an in character convention even immediately". It is legitimately distressing to me that I cant wear sclera contacts because I need to find a way.
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thelucyverse · 3 years
The Lost Children
(lost in the multiverse, only the kids so not Mikay Georgiana Callianore etc, also not counting The Girl)
- The first?: Grace Alexa Williams (og fandom H5-0 but original character apart from the birth name - daughter of only (ftm) Danny Williams, not Rachel like in the other Grace Williams' universe), her 'verse falls when she is ~8, she gets the chance to stay in a similar 'verse and perhaps even as Grace's sister, refutes her name and leaves until she is an older teenager or in her twenties, when she returns regretfully to reconnect with what's left of her family, even just universal family
- Jojo and Joan/June (and Anna) McKoy - (St:TOS?, ocified because I frankly know next to nothing about the canon character if there is one? Just from some fics), Jojo's 'verse falls when she's 13 almost 14, June's when they are 15, and if we're being depressive Anna's does too at 19
- Vera, bodyswapped with Nessie at a young age, as C protocol is to get past universe travellers out of falling 'verses first, she survived the collapse of her adopted universe, then grew up with the aliens she landed with in her third universe
- Islington 'Isla' and Kenzington 'Kenzi' Patel (completely OC), sisters of a special kind - two beings one body, magic gives them the ability to have separate physical forms but they still often choose to stay together, both because they are used to it that way and feel lonely without the instant mental connection (& are actually less clumsy when joined), and also because they got separated from everyone and everything they knew at a young age and don't want to lose each other, too
-Aimsley (oc-ified Emily Lightman, Lie To Me), from a C involved universe, birthmother dead, Central-fighter G her mom, likes to visit her 'sister' one universe over when her parents are busy, and they switch sometimes eg to change classes they don't like - her universe collapses with the other (canon) Emily still in it and her stuck in canon-verse, no way of contacting C, knows Emily might have survived what with being in the universal system through her switches, but being a frontline fighter her mom probably hasn't despite being in the system... She stays in the canon-verse, using the nickname Lily for a while, still pretending to be Emily, before telling the adults the truth and essentially getting adopted
-'Original' Emily lightman, possibly I later called her Ally? Yeah, alley-ghost, she's (one version of) the one from the universe Aimsley is originally from, doesn't stay there once she makes her way back and finds everything changed, instead turns into a magical information holder/dealer in the alleys of e1, some say she's just a myth, thus 'alley ghost'
- Elianor Serena Wolfe, née Elinor Campbell, briefly Ilja Patel, still goes by the nickname later (HC - I have not actually watched that series so this is like 1% canon 20% fanon 79% OC) - Ilja grew up with two loving mothers, an older brother and a sister her age from the age of two of three onwards, in a (by comparison to the universals of herself she later meets or doesn't meet cause they're already dead at least) virtually perfect world... Only for it to collapse when she is a young teenager, living with Central for a time going to the academy in health studies to feel closer to her mothers - sometimes working incognito in hospitals with their universals - but ultimately decides it's not for her, travelling to dangerzones whenever allowed, lives together as a sister of sorts with the Patels and gets the last name added to her C file, apprenticeship under Carolina P in inter-universe archeology and tech-mage, in her downtime always looking for similar universes to her original one, finds her univs have a 20% chance of living to 21 and that's counting in herself, it's usually either drugs or car accidents or a combination, she tries to save her universals, is often too late or isn't believed, likes to go 'gravesitting' on the spot where her universal's grave is or would be, on the graveyard her family would be on had they really died and not just been ripped out of existence... Finally makes friends with her universal Nora, who is mostly sane, and/or (same person? Two people?) 'Ellie?', who she pretends to be while she's in rehab... Gets more or less adopted by S&B of Nora's verse, especially close to B
- Idk whether to count Cassiopeia, because technically her 'verse is still there and she later returns, but she spent 3 years in a Dark 'verse with no way to return or way to know whether the phenomena that brought her there would ever bring her back
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