#so i like them atleast they're open and honest and try their best to be caring and loving
delicatetaysversion · 11 months
okay no wait change of perspectives a bit just finished the episode jess is still cute (don't you dare question it) rory sucks at recognising her feelings and this is intial stage of her developing another crush instead of her current relationship (valid happens plus she's just a kid) but dean isn't that bad because it sucks being in his position he's so in love with rory ofc he is going to be a bit mad (still hate the yelling and walking on egg shells things tho) but he also a kid who's getting his heartbroken and oh well it's a gray area all of them are morally dubious idiots (kids)
I AM KISSING YOU ON THE MOUTH PUTTING A RING ON YOUR FINGER ACTUALLY thank god i love someone who understands media comprehension and grey areas and is realistic and like sees any situation multifacetedly I LOVE YOU I LVOE YOU I LOVE YOU
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egg-but-with-style · 3 months
Mmfhhh butcher ghost..
Part 2
He's big, he's scary, his apron is covered in blood. You just walked in and are immediately stunned by the look of him. He's wearing a mask, which you figure is to stop blood from getting into his mouth or nose, but something about him tells you he wouldn't mind it either way.
He's pretty focused on a bloody cut of steak at the moment, his knife slicing through with such ease and precision. The air smells of blood, leaving a tangy taste in your mouth, which is already dry from seeing him.
It's a good 30 seconds before he even sees you, his gaze trailing up to the counter, which he seemed to have completely forgotten about. He walks up, pulling off the bloody gloves he had on, throwing them into the trashcan.
That's when you see his fingers, scarred, worn, thick. You try not to stare, knowing that's rude and all. Normally you'd be fine, you're not small, you're not intimidated easily, but he's just so.. intriguing.
He's the first to pipe up, throwing out a gruff, "What can I help ya with?" He figures you're scared. The people that come in are always scared if they aren't used to him.
He watches you snap back to his eyes, your lips slightly parted in what he thought could only be fear, or awe. If he was being honest, he did like a woman who wouldn't break when he played rough. But he was supposed to be a professional, not a pervert.
You quickly snapped out of it. Pulling out your phone, being glad you had something else to look at other then his deep brown eyes. Like molasses. Focusing on the list on your phone, you quickly sputtered out your order, "Oh! I uh, I need two chickens.."
He hummed in acknowledgement, moving towards the display of packaged meat. He pulls out two chickens, the best of the bunch he had. He figured someone cute like you should have them. He placed them on the counter, near the register.
He cleared his throat and spoke again, "So, got any plans for the poor creatures?" He was hoping maybe he could prolong the conversation as much as he could. He wasn't sure if you were a local, and you were easy on the eyes, who could blame him?
You started to pull out your wallet and paused. Surprised a guy like him was talkative, you weren't complaining though. Not when his voice sounds like that.
"Oh, yeah. I'm going to my parents house for dinner tonight. My mom loves my chicken spadini"
"Well atleast they're going to a good cause. Maybe you could...bring me some."
It's been a long time since he had a meal cooked by another person, and if it was good enough for your mom, it would be good enough for him.
"I mean..yeah sure! There's always left overs and..well I like cooking for other people sometimes.."
It was hard to tell if he was being flirty, or if he genuinely wanted to try your cooking. He was just so deadpan.
He figured he should probably ring you up, not wanting to be even more forward then he was. He didn't wanna scare you off.
"That's gonna be 25.68"
"But it says-"
"It's a discount. I am getting free food after all"
You opened your mouth again to argue but, he seemed so stern about it. The 5 dollar discount was nice, but seemed a bit much just for chicken spadini. You figured it wasn't worth the trouble. You payed and took the sack, the two cold chickens weighing down the plastic bag.
He then handed you your receipt. You didn't think much of it, just stuffing it in with the chickens.
"Thank you, ..?"
You looked at his name tag. Simon
"Thank you, Simon"
"No problem. You be careful."
He was glad he was wearing the mask, otherwise you might've seen the slight red in his cheeks as you called him by his name. Something about the way your lips moved to form the words. Something about your voice
Then you waved goodbye, and out the door you went. He was a bit disappointed to see you leave. You walking out the door seeming to happen so quickly. He just hoped he hadn't scared you. But seeing your ass took his mind off the fear for a moment.
You hopped into your car, ready to drive to your parents, when curiosity got the better of you. Looking into the bag and checking the receipt. Seeing a phone number in your area code. Guess he was flirting.
Authors note: butcher ghost has been one of my favorite brainworms since I've gotten into the cod fandom. I think I have a type. I also don't know who originally made the butcher ghost au?? I know in lore he was a butchers apprentice before he enrolled in the army, so it maybe it wasn't made by a specific person. But yeah, thank you for reading, bye!!!!
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
So I've realized something y'all, & I don't know why it's taken me so long to realize this.
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So as I've stated in my pinned post titled READ ME. I state that I don't really do story requests. And I explain why in the post. Simply because I'm almost never satisfied with what I write, and half the time as soon as someone would send a request, my brain melts in my skull and I have lost all ideas or inspiration. So story requests will get ignored "temporarily" until I find inspiration, but I rarely ever find that inspiration and I end up actually forgetting about the request all together. Sometimes I'm able to do a story request, and actually enjoy the final product, but that's very rare for me.
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So I do not do story requests. ALTHOUGH if it's of an individual you know I've already written for, and NO ONE ELSE writes for them, I might be convinced to write something. But only because as a fan of many small and forgotten fandom's, I know how disheartening it can be to have nothing to read about involving said fandom. BUT EVEN THEN I might NOT fulfill that request. I'm an asshole I know.
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Headcanon or Preference requests? I fucking LOVE them, and they're very easy for me to grind out. I have a knacked for reading people, and fictional characters and getting a vibe for their personalities. So headcanons are super easy for me to do, like I could do those fuckers in my sleep and still love them. I'm almost always very satisfied with the end result of a headcanon and preference requests.
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So feel free to send me headcanon and preference requests. There's no strict rules about it, if it's someone I'm familiar with I'll do my best, if not I'll let you know, and either look into the character and try my hand at it, or simply tell you straight up that I'm not familiar enough with them to write anything worthwhile.
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If you've been here a while you know I'm comfortable writing both SFW & NSFW, dark themes, incest (not proud of this one, but it's fictional anyways so fuck it.), crazy crossovers that make very little sense, supernatural entity readers, and generally anything else. Like I'm very open to weird requests that might seem silly, and if you happen to send something I'm not actually comfortable with, I'll DM you and let you know. Oh and I'll try to keep my headcanons and preferences gender neutral, but there is a chance I'll slip up every so often and make the reader afab as I am an afab, and my imagines and short stories are like all selfish self inserts. But hey atleast I'm honest.
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Anyways thanks for taking the time to read this... Whatever it is... I just felt like I needed to say it, so heh here we are. And now I'm just rambling... Fuck.
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Oh and of course I hope you have a wonderful day/night, and I'm wishing you all the best in the world. Love you guys, you're literally the best dose of serotonin & antidepressant that I could ever possibly get.
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jiminrings · 4 years
Can I request a drabble, hobi is kinda like a band singer and Y/N is like his old time friend and they like had a falling out bc he got super successful but years after they're like together again? IS IT TOO SPECIFIC UHM :")
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pairing: hoseok x y/n
wordcount: 4k
glimpse: hobi’s kind of an asshole and is vERY much emotionally repressed, y/n’s serotonin is dependent on wearing bridesmaid gowns, the dwindling one-sided pining anD the everlasting question of where the fuck was hoseok when you needed him :D // gif is from pinterest!
notes: this drabble really hits close to home and tysm for the request babe!! even if i’m a month late yeesh :O
you can’t believe yourself either when you say it
but holy shit — weddings are definitely your thing!
there’s something about the union of marriage that gets your head into overdrive but in a gOOD way
there’s just something so pulling about last-minute changes and family drama and awkward trips to the restroom that make your mind mHMMMM THIS IS IT CHIEF
yea granted that not every wedding you go and participate in isn’t exactly straight out of a rom-com
lmao sometimes it’s so obvious that the bride doesn’T love the groom but hey!!! who’s keeping tabs :D
you love wedding environments so much that here you are, two years out of uni and a couple of gigs later — couples are LITERALLY fighting over you
heh not to brag but uh
you weren’t recognized as best wedding planner for two years in a row and have your face in multiple covers of bridal magazines and such
time magazine recognized you as one of the most influential people in the scene last year but hey !!!!! no big deal lads
“i am asking you for just one minute, y/n!! stop being a wedding planner and start being my maid of honor!!”
nayeon exasperates and tugs you by your sleeve, having already noticed your second nature of taking charge the moment you entered the hall
after all, this is just cake tasting! that’s why she’s brought her maid of honor to help her out, nOT immediately go fishing for a clipboard
“well if the planner you hired wasn’t so sloppy-...” it’s a fact! he relies too much on his tablet and doesn’t even have any paper with him, and even if he’s already using a tablet, he doesn’t even use different colors to mark out!
apparently nayeon can’t handle the truth because she’s stamping her hand to your mouth that’s already a frown, about to suffocate you if only you didn’t bite it
y/n - 1 | jisoo’s hand - 0
you’re just a lil bit cranky alright
the last wedding you’ve catered to was just three days ago, and well you’re thankful for your job!!! really!!! bc not everyone is as booked as you nor sought-for
but there’s something about her wedding that puts you off :((
she’s very kindly yet firmly told you that no, you would absolutely not be her wedding planner and coordinator
“b-but i-“
“i want you to relax! and it’s-...”
“we said-“
“we said when we were kids that we’d plan each other’s wedding, but we didn’t swear on it! and i want you to-...”
“y-you told-“
“i told you that we didn’t have a wedding planner yet so you’d intentionally clear your schedule for me! and here we are-...”
“i’ll cry-“
“aww you big baby, save it for the wedding! i told you, just relax, m’kay? let yoongi handle the planning, and you do the unwinding.”
goddamn yoongi
yoongi who’s a wedding planner in his sPARE time could fuck right off
you don’t care if he’s very persuasive and firm and happened to book nayeon’s wedding even it was peak season :((
you don’t wanna admit it, but being a wedding planner has basically been your personality trait for the past years and it’s hard to cope when your job is to not.... plan and worry
anyways besides that
you’re a little iffy because nayeon’s wedding is your wake-up call
you’ve been planning weddings.... but uh when the FUCK is yours
u are so tempted to put a sock over your head and just yell gIVE ME A RING!!! PUT IT IN THE BAG
unfortunately, you don’t even have someone in your life to readily propose to you
you would have had someone, actually —
if only hoseok didn’t wake up one day and decide to remove you from his life
if only your childhood friend didn’t suddenly decide that you’re not worthy of his attention and time!!!
god he thinks he’s a bigshot
and well yea ok he IS a bigshot
who doesn’t know jung hoseok at this point :((
you’ve always figured that he’d be successful at whatever path he chooses and for a moment, you feel sorry for him that he’s stuck in such a state of mundaneness
he’s stuck between home and school and since he has no choice — you
your each other’s day one!!! the moment your mom went home from the hospital, her first instinct was to knock on hoseok’s mom’s door and then iMMEDIATELY present you to her
the two of them are absolute best friends and why not make our babies the same way ya know????
the two of you were apparently so close as babies that when one was crying, the other would comfort
and you weren’t even a year old then????
you’ve shared cribs and milk bottles and clothes and everything in between with hobi
so why is it that when you’re just almost at the peak of your life with graduation, he just suddenly decides to drop you?
he’s suddenly too cool for you as if he hasn’t spent countless nights crying on your shoulder for any inconveniece that gets brought up
he can’t even meet your eyes :(((
that’s why graduation is the blandest and emptiest day you could recall
hoseok is over there with his bandmates looking the absolute hAPPIEST and you’re there by the corner.,.,. alone by yourself feeling like your cap has the words dropped by jung hoseok :D all over it
he’s at his peak and at the top of his life performing and touring, whenever and wherever
he’s happy
but without you in it :(
the irrational (and probably rational) part in your head is beyond infuriated at him because atleast offer an explanation!!! if you did wrong at one point, then he should tell you!!!
not suddenly pretend that you were nEVER in his life
even his mom feels guilty and ashamed over his son’s actions so she orders flowers from the shop signed underneath your company, then send it back to you
for awhile she tried to pretend that it was hoseok but no :((( that man will physically convulse if he doesn’t add (atleast) three hearts after his name
you hate him so much that you still religiously visit his instagram and wonder if he could see your likes despite a couple other million liking the same posts
you hate him so much that he’s number one on every single thing in your spotify wrapped 
you hate him sO much that you wonder who’s behind the songs his band plays and how you’d wish that you’d be the one he’s writing about
“is the cake that... perfect?”
nayeon gently places a hand on your shoulder to which you flinch and she backs off because christ i’m nOT taking the cake away from you!!!
oh my god why are you tearing up
“yeah, yeah! it’s so good. you should try it nayeon!” you’re scrambling to scrape up your plate, almost shoving the fork into her mouth as she squeals with the sudden attack
yoongi has ???? hovering around his head but this is nOT about you my man
he sneaks a look to the bride’s plate and uh-huh... yup..... she has the same moist chocolate fudge cake with coffee ganache on her alright
the topic of hoseok that you bring up to yourself, one that no one knows (not even nayeon!!!), is just something that never seems to vacate your mind fully
it’s been two years and you’re still so touchy and you dON’T KNOW WHY
he probably doesn’t even think about you when he’s drunk and bored
“this champagne must be so... nice?”
nayeon thinks out loud as you’re once again crying into doing your maid of honor duties
she’s a lil worried if she’s being honest but you always whisk her away when she’s about to ask
like right now :D
“are you-...”
“i just can’t believe you’re getting married!! wow, you’re so cool. with the love of your life. then the two of you could be cool together after the wedding. you aren’t gonna forget me once you’re married, are you? nayeon do you think that i would ever be married-...”
you should just accept it now :((
you’re a little bit of a mess and a half underneath your pantsuits and walkie-talkies and the special pride you’d carry whenever the couple mentions you in their wedding speeches
absolutely WHY in the hell do you think about hoseok when it comes to weddings???
it’s almost a pavlovian response when you instruct the people to open the doors and the bride to start walking and your mind would iNSTANTLY think about him
it’s sometimes awkward when the couple would ask ah !!!! ms. y/n u are such a world-renowned wedding planner !!!! your own wedding must’ve been magnificent :D
aha actually about dat.,.,
you get tons of gifts of gratitude from just a single client alone and you don’t have hoseok and his stupidly powerful arms to help carry boxes back to your car
you don’t have him to give untouched and left-over flowers to
you don’t have him to remind you when you’re getting a little ahead of yourself over just talking to sponsors and trying to squeeze in as much as you could for an initial budge
you don’t have hoseok, in all his glory, to put his hand on the small of your back when you’re talking to how you need the fireworks to start the moment the band starts playing ice ice baby and the vendor does nOT need to know why it’s the song chosen by the couple
it’s what he’d do when you’re trying to fit two semesters’ worth of notes into a pricey A3 notebook that you’ve bought 
and just how many weddings do you plan and coordinate, even within just a span of two week?
a lot.
you think about hoseok a lot. often. oftenly a lot.
but aha nOT TODAY!!!
today’s nayeon’s wedding and you’re not gonna ruin it for her by projecting your yearning into your best friend’s wedding that clearly isn’t yours
10/10 she’d probably stop reciting her vows to ask you why you’re sniffling
your only source of distraction is your gown!!!
your maid of honor is the absolute pRETTIEST and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel gorgeous in it
it’s floor-length silk!!! fLOOR-LENGTH !! SILK !! GOWN
it’s in a deep mauve with an off-shoulder situation and a little risqué bit of cleavage!!! cinches right at the top of your waist and poofs a little and oh my god mayhaps you aRE pretty
god hoseok may have not written you a song, but sean kingston dEFINITELY did
nayeon knew you’d be catching everyone’s attention as much as her wedding dress would and she’s absolutely happy and fine with it!! 
in fact she’s strategically practiced her throws for her bouquet so you’d catch it and your gown would nOt go to waste
having a wedding happen right where you are, but being in it as a guest instead of a planner, is just so much... calmer
you’re not fixing the chaos but you’re just watching it!!! if you feel a little more bubbly then you’re gonna partake in it hee-hee
yoongi’s actually not so bad
he could just be a little too lax which ends up with him being lost and distraught 
you could see so much of you in him when you were just starting out and it’s endearing actually
(( nayeon’s told you in passing that she once told yoongi that you were her best friend and he looked both intimidated and awed at the same time ))
the only thing you help yoongi with is sending him a thumbs-up every now and then and he perks uP because that’s the signal that he’s doing a good job and not fucking up
nayeon looks so beautiful and you’re already tearing up fixing her veil :((
you know how wedding photographers and videographers LOVE people crying???? they r probably eating your shit up so quick that you won’t be surprised if you take up atleast half of the same-day edit of their wedding film
there’s something so serene about the hecticness everyone’s indulged themselves in
you’re grinning when you walk down the aisle because you realize that omg you haven’t doNE this in a long time!!! 
the last time you did was testing out the aisle for a client that wanted it ala crazy rich asians and you had to walk back and forth cOLD-ASS water with damp rolled-up pant cuffs before they got the temperature and the levels right
nah you should definitely know how it’d be because after all :D you aRE the consultant for that scene in crazy rich asians :D no biggie :D
it’s such a serene blast to see everyone happy and in their element
you’re sitting the reception out bc yoongi very kindly pleaded to please give him notes and promising that he’d never tell it to anyone else
the whole planning process for nayeon and not oNCE did he bring a notebook..,., but he just hAPPENS to have one when you’re telling him how to say no to your client
“listen, you have to tell them in the sincerest way possible, that you tried everything. it gets them going when you tell them that you even pleaded with the vendors, but don’t go too low on your knees, alright? and then after that, you say a strict no. no, because their choice of flowers is absolutely sHIT for their tie-dye theme they’re so adamant about!”
yoongi has never listened so intently
not even when his roommate lists out their grocery checklist
“mhmm. and if they still push, should i give them an ultimatum? or tell them about a wedding that totally happened that did exactly what they were planning, and how much the guests hated it?”
okay nOW he’s talking
“what you do is...”
the buzz of the reception never really dies down because it’s barely even starting!! the couple’s still finishing up on their pictorial which gives everyone time to get to the venue and freshen up or get last-minute gifts lmao
you know that it’s starting when the band or the dj starts doing polished mic checks
mic check! one, two, three! sKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRA
no, no 
there’s something definitely wrong
the rolling and the lull of routine words just seem so familiar
mic check! J-A-Y! H-O-P-E! J-HOPE! jung-...
that’s hoseok.
that is most dEFINITELY hoseok
you turn your back to see the stage set-up and god...... fuck
it’s someone you haven’t seen in the flesh for two years yet spent the years of your life with before that 
he looks sickening in his black mandarin-collared suit with thick white lining on it wITH his hair styled up and parted to the site
it’s even more sickening for you because you don’t actually know if you can mANAGE to be here
you’re standing up abruptly and yoongi squawks at that because he is the furthesT thing from being finished about asking how to make the guests arrive on time without holding a field trip assembly-like type of line with the megaphone
the fastest way out was dashing through the front part and you must have forgotten that hoseok has a knack for catching things with his perfectly good eyesight
ok what now
he mumbles your name to the mic, his eyebrows furrowing as his eyes trail the speed-walking speck of mauve from in front of him 
his little question to himself must have gotten people more than curious
they’re already mORE than curious because it’s his goddamn band that’s playing!!!! and the fees are not cheap and it’s practically impossible to book them!!!
but jungkook, their drummer, was a close friend of the groom’s and alright.,.,. okay maybe we CAN play at weddings now
ok hoseok’s mind is probably just playing tricks on him and he should finish setting up before the lights dim again for what they insist is the 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓬𝓴 𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻
but then he can’t help but look oNE last time
then he sees the watch he’s gifted you on his wrist — one that he was supposed to give you at graduation but later made his mom give it to you instead and not say that it was from him
whew he might need his inhaler for this one and he doesn’t even hAVE asthma
oh my god what the hELL is hoseok doing here????
you haven’t seen him for two years, and the moment you do, it’s in your best friend’s wedding with no date present??
you’re clearly panicking and the only form of caffeine you’ve gotten is the pre-game of getting a few bites from the coffee ganache in nayeon’s wedding cake that she was munching on while getting her makeup done
you know what!! it’s fine
it’s totally fine :D
hoseok is just hoseok and you’re not gonna be intimated by the man you’ve been loving in the sidelines from practically your whole life :D
it’s not a big deal!
besides, people are looking for you bc you’re supposed to give the opening toast to welcome nayeon and her groom in
you’re walking, you’re talking, aaaaaaaand-
yeah this is not nOT a big deal
you’re crumbling from the inside out because seeing hoseok is just too painful after two years of wondering where you could’ve went wrong and what could’ve happened if the two of you didn’t fall out
you feel especially bitter when hoseok starts singing their famous song about love and everything in between
everyone’s sWOONING and on their feet and you’re literally just there vibrating with how furious you are
you keep downing the good champagne as iF it’s gonna get you drunk
yoongi has a clue that the server must be a little dizzy having to go and back forth to your table so he just offers his portion to you
you’re so goddamn busy and absorbed with loathing him that you don’t even turn your back to notice that his eyes keep flickering to you
even at the cheesiest lyric, hobi expects that you’d atleast LOOK at him for that one but nOOOO your champagne flute and the blondie beside you is just much more interesting
you’re buzzing with anger that you aren’t enjoying this reception At All
you fail to even recognize that nayeon’s intentionally had your favorite food to be served!!! and you have an extra portion delivered to your table!!!
you just want your suffering to eND wow absolutely how much longer could this go
you’re so busy with cussing the whole ordeal in your head that you didn’t even notice how the band isn’t playing anymore and instead everyone’s swooning over the cake
it’s lost in you that hoseok’s shooed yoongi from his chair, sitting right beside you and even scooting closer until his knees bump to your own
and that’s when it sinks in
hobi doesn’t even have time to tell you how beautiful you look because you’ve gone straight to seething him
“for the record, i want you to know that i hate you.”
okay hoseok didn’t expect that
for all he knows, the two of you even vOWED to never say the h word even if it’s meant jokingly!!
it’s a lethal word and the two of you collectively agreed to never play with it in regards to saying to one another
but well here you are
you’re saying it as if you’ve never been more sure of anything in your whole life
you feel actually relieved to say it to him right to his face, a miniscule weight lifted from your shoulders while your arms are crossed just by looking at him
hoseok does you one better with a timid chuckle, looking down on his rings that he’s fiddling with nervously
“yeah. i hate me too.”
.... oh
you’re perplexed at his reply so much so that you’re speechless
you’ve been keeping to yourself what you should say to him the moment you see him for two years and now that he agrees to what you’ve just said.,.,.,
oh fuck that
“i hate you so much, hoseok! i don’t even know what i did wrong and i asked even your own mother what’s wrong with me! did you know that you are, without a doubt, so fucking selfish???”
you exclaim as quietly as you could but that doesn’t stop people from glancing because the two most-known people in the room, besides the bride and groom, are having what seems to be an... intimate conversation with how close the two of you are??
“did you even try once to consider how painful it was for me to wonder why i just am the way that i am? or is that even too big of an inconveniece for you to think about because you’re so busy?”
“did you suddenly get too big for me, huh?” you ask straightly without malice, not even thinking about the double meaning because clearly, you’re too PRESSED lightly jabbing your finger to his chest
right he deserves that
hoseok’s fucked up big-time, that much he knows
his eyes are actually stinging right now and he would ask you for your handkerchief that you used to always carry for him but uH he thinks he doesn’t deserve any of that
“why couldn’t you just tell me what was in your mind? you know that nothing would change whatever it was that-”
“i love you, okay?”
hoseok interrupts you with his mumble before he sets his eyes down once again on your watch
you’re speechless for long this time
“..... w-what?”
okay maybe he fucked up even more
“listen i-...”
“if you love me, a single text wouldn’t have hurt, hobi!!”
your chest doesn’t hurt anymore but it iS constricting with the amount of emotions and scenarios you’re trying to process
he’s kinda lost because oh my god you aren’t mAD anymore!!
and you don’t look fazed that he just declared his love for you
“i dropped you because i-i — i don’t want the people i love seeing me fuck up, y’know? i finished uni for the sake of it, and i didn’t even know if the band thing would work out!!”
“but baby it dID work out!!!!”
jesus christ hoseok may be a fucking iDIOT
you’re shaking him by the shoulders and he actually has to stand up so he wouldn’t fall by your ministrations
you feel so happy because your processing was just about to be finished, equal parts relieved and happy and maybe a tiny bit confused still
“it did work out because look at you now!! hobi, you could’ve just called me and i would’ve accepted the call before it even rings!!” you’re happily frustrated with him that you push him until the two of you are in the dance floor, his mouth curving up both in disbelief and giddiness
“i didn’t because i thought-...”
he’s interrupted by a swift and tight hug to his middle, his arms moving on their own to envelope you in his warmth
the top of your head still smells the same :D
his purpose is lost before he gathers his bearings once again, freezing in his stance before weakly attempting to push you off
“... you were married.”
the harsh sQUINT of your eyes you’re giving him prompt him to explain
why is he so nervous
“i-i go to your instagram? and well you uh, you posted this pic of you in the middle of the aisle???? you had your back turned and your silhouette’s seen then you were holding a bouquet!!! then after that, i-i never opened your account. jesus christ, is your husband here with you, y/n? what am i supposed to-...”
the realization’s starting to sink into hoseok because it’s something he’s shoved to the back of his head and now he’s seeing it straight-on
you’re throwing your head back laughing at him :D
now he’s both heartbroken AND a fool
there’s a gentle kiss on his cheek, one he didn’t expect and one he doesn’t hate
“i’m a wedding planner.”
god now this is just so fucking funny
the two of you fell out and remained distanced because of just a series of unprecedented miscommunications!!! 
the whole thing is so ridiculous that it actually feels light and relieving to talk about
“you’re.... a wedding planner,” he mumbles once again for confirmation, his loose arms around your waist now tightening
oh my god
hoseok starts chuckling to himself out of delight, turning to full-on cackles with you at how much the two of you have just been beside each other like parallel lines
“i need to make up the past two years to you.”
he declares seriously as a promise, pressing a tender wet kiss to your cheek that gets you giggling
“only if you write me a song,” you do him one better, kissing him on the corner of his mouth 
“don’t you know that most of them are about you? anyways, you should plan our wedding once it happens,” he’s forward with his words, having waited long enough that he nuzzles his nose to yours
you’re gonna do him one even better
you’re gonna go right for the kill, the truth spilling out of you before you kiss him longingly, for the first time that it feels that it’s been something you’ve always yearned for
“don’t you know that you’re in my mind for every single one?”
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Two is better then one.
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This is my submission for a picture is worth a thousand words challenge hosted by @speedyoperarascalparty. The amazing @riseandshinelittleblossom gave me my photo (Which I LOOOOVE) thanks boo. The pairing I chose is Leo & Alicia from the cgw world by @ao719 @riseandshinelittleblossom @speedyoperarascalparty, @cocomaxley and myself.
This is pure fluffy. Ooey gooey sweetness. Enjoy!
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Alicia walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her body. She glanced over at the bed a beautiful light pink floral sun dress laid out for her, with a note attached.
Meet me in the foyer at 5. -Love, Leo
A smile played on her lips. It was their first real date since becoming official. Sure they had been out together before, but they always called it hanging out and yes she had been his date to courtly functions, but again they were friends with benefits so it was fitting. At first when he asked her to go on a date, she thought he was joking so she laughed only he was serious. Shaking her head at the thought, She slipped the dress over her head.  She dried her hair and did it in loose beach waves Fixed her makeup, slipped in a pair of wedges and headed down to meet Leo.
She descended the staircase, Leo's mouth fell open. “You look breathtaking love.” he leaned in pressing his lips to her cheek. “You don't look so  bad yourself handsome.” Leo wore a pair of dark wash jeans, and a short sleeved button up, amd a new pair of sneakers. “New shoes?” she eyed him. “Of course. Shall well?” He grinned holding his arm out. She looped her arm in his and they walked out of the palace.
Leo opened the passenger door of the sleek black bmw, closing it as she was inside. He ran around to the drivers seat. “So, you gonna tell me what you have planned or what?”
“So impatient.” he teased. “we are going to dinner, somewhere you'll like.”
“Ok, fine. I'll let you have your fun.”
He reached over turning on the radio. “Here sit back, listen to some music and enjoy the ride.” She complied as he drove down the drive way and onto the highway. Taking the long way, he zipped through the hills of the cordonian countryside. He knew how much Alicia loved the scenery. “How you doing over there?” He glanced over at her, breaking the silence that settled over the car.
“Good. Just enjoying the view.” She grinned
A few minutes later they came over the last of the tall hills, the sparkling ocean laid out in front of them. A wide grin spread across her lips “I dont think I'll ever get tired of this view.”
“Neither will I.” His eyes never leaving her.
They pulled up to a small restaurant sitting right on the beach. “Seaside Gem?” She read the sign. “Yup, its one of my favorite places. I hope you like it.” He grinned holding his hand out to help her out of the car. They walked into the restaurant, the quaint view from the outside was nothing compared to the inside. The interior was decorated in a tasteful nautical theme, the wood craftsmanship was breathtaking. “Ah Prince Leo, good to see you.” an older gentleman approached them. “Papa Carl, how are you?” He shook his hand pulling him in for a hug. “Leo, you've brought a friend! And who is this lovely lady?”
“Where are my manners, Carl this beautiful woman right here, is my girlfriend, Alicia.” Leo beamed. Carl clutched his chest “Oh my god, i never thought I'd see the day. Come on, come on you two. The best seat in the house for you.” He pulled them along. “Momma louisa is not going to believe it.” He handed them menus as they sat in the booth.
“Papa Carl? Momma Louisa?” Alicia eyed him.
“I found this place when i was a teenager, Damien and I would sneak out, come to the beach and prowl for girls.” He grinned.
“Oh! So you bring girls here often?”
“No. Ive actually never brought a girl here before. I was supposed to meet Damien one day, but he never showed. I wandered around for a while and got hungry, so I came in here. I had no money on me, no credit cards, nothing. But Carl and louisa sat me down and fed me.”
He smiled at the memory, Alicia reached for his hand. “So they became like family?”
“They did, I came back the next week, money in hand. Week after week I would sneak off and come here to eat and enjoy their company. They felt like a family, lord knows my father wasnt a very good father after Liam's mom died.”
“Oh my little Leonard, come give momma a hug.” a short olive skinned woman, with a thick italian accent came barreling around the corner.
He stood hugging her, leaning down so she could kiss each cheek.  “Momma louisa, this is my girlfriend Alicia. Alicia this is Momma Louisa.”
Alicia stood extending her hand “Its nice to meet ya.”
“This one, shes American no?” she looked between the two. “Ah yes, I am actually. Long Beach in New York.” Alicia answered.  
“Ahh Mia familia in New York, ah in Brooklyn.” Louisa smiled. “Come, come.” she motioned for Alicia to come closer as she wrapped her in a giant hug. “I like her Leonard, you keep this one eh.” She pointed her finger at him. “I plan to mamma.”
They ordered and the waiter brought their meal out. Leo ordering  scoglio which had scallops, shrimp, muscles and clams. Alicia ordering chicken parmigiana, her absolute favorite meal.
“Ok I dont even like sea food and that, looks amazing.” She eyed his dish. “Oh. it is. Wait til you taste yours.” He watched as she cut into the tender, juicy cutlet and twirled the spaghetti on the fork. She took a bite. Her eyes snapping shut. “mmmmm oh. My. God. Leo, this is, wow! Its like i died and gone to Italian heaven. This is way better then mine.”
“I told you. But I happen to think yours is really damn good love.”
They devoured their food. Paying the bill, and hugging Carl and louisa goodbye, with the promise to come back atleast once a month.
She started walking towards the car before Leo stopped her. “No love. Were not leaving just yet.” he lead her down a small path that opened up to a boardwalk,  complete with shops and stahls. “Care to take a stroll?” He laced his fingers with hers.
“Of course. But only if you win me something.”
They walked hand in hand along the semi crowded boardwalk. A few people gasping, pointing and speaking amongst themselves. “People are staring, Leo.” Alicia dropped her voice. “So, let them stare.” He chuckled as they continued their walk stopping at the arcade. “Lets see. Ring toss? NO. skiball? To easy. Ah! This.” He stopped at the bottle toss game. “Leo. these things are always rigged.” She whispered. “Nonsense, Let me show you how its done.” He paid the attendant and grabbed the 3 balls. He threw on hitting it, wobbling a few, the 2nd ball knocked the top bottle off, but on the 3rd he hit it just right and all of the bottles came tumbling down. He picked a large stuffed weiner dog that she named Fred.
They continued their walk, talking and laughing along the way. “Tell me, where do you see yourself in oh 5 years?” He asked, trying to pull her attention from the people that had now crowded to the boardwalk.  “Five years? Well, if we are being honest.” She paused for a moment, not sure if she should really say what her heart's desire was. She closed her eyes for a second, and took a deep breath. “I hope to be married and have at least one child by then.”
She waited for him to choke, stop walking, stutter nervously, but he didn't. “Is that so?” He sounded amused.
“Yeah. It's just, something I've always wanted. To be married, have a family.” She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. “And tell me Alicia, do you see that for us?” Alicia stopped dead in her tracks now turning to look directly at him. “I. Um. I would be lying if I said the thought never crossed my mind. But Leo I understand if that's not something you want. I know it was a big step, asking me to be your girlfriend. I would never push-”
“You would never push anything on me love.” He cut her off, she opened her mouth to speak, but he continued. “Alicia, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were different.  Everything about you pulled me in. It took me a little bit to realize that you were the one, but mostly because of my wanting to deny my feelings. ” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear “I am hopelessly in love with you, Alicia McCall. And I would be lying if I said I didn't want to make you my wife,  and the mother of my children.” A stray tear rolled down her face. Her eyes darted around at the large crowd of onlookers. “They're really staring now.”
“Maybe I want them to. Maybe I want to give them to see how madly in love I am with you. Maybe, just maybe we should give them a show.” Leo gave her that sly smirk.
She fumbled forwards, he foot grazing the top of his shoe. “Hey, watch the shoes.” He teased.
A matched grin formed on her face. “Oh, i'll watch the shoes alright.” one by one she stood on top of his feet, she leaned up on her tiptoes, pulling the collar of his shirt. He met her demands as their lips crashed together in a soft, passionate kiss. They pulled back staring into each other's eyes. They could hear the gasps, giggles and cameras snapping photos from the press and onlookers around them. “Liam's gonna be pissed.” Alicia giggled. “Let him be.” Leo grinned his large hands wrapped around her waist as he lifted her and spun her around. “Thank you, this has been a great date.” She smiled as he let her down. “You are welcome, but this date is far from over love. Just wait until we get back to the palace.” He growled.
“Well, last one to the car is a rotten egg.” She took off running.
Leo stood there giving her a head start “God I fucking love her.” She said to himself before he took off running.
When your ready to post be sure to tag Writers:
@speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 @leelee10898 @riseandshinelittleblossom @zaffrenotes @drakewalkerwhipped @stopforamoment @annekebbphotography @lizeboredom @boneandfur @mind-reader1 @jovialyouthmusic @ooo-barff-ooo @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @hopefulmoonobject @sleepwalkingelite @likethetailofacomet @silviasutton1989 @blackcatkita @blackcoffee85 @kennaxval @andy-loves-corgis @callmetippytumbles @iplaydrake @the-everlasting-dream @brightpinkpeppercorn @agent-bossypants @tornbetween2loves @dcbbw @jlouise88 @choicesbyjade @breaumonts @thehonorarybeaumont @pixelsandkink @innerpostmentality @katedrakeohd @darley1101 @carabeth @sirbeepsalot @strangerofbraidwood
Readers: @cocomaxley @mfackenthal @moneyfordiamonds @romanticatheart-posts @choicesarehard @gibbles82 @wannabemc2 @gardengourmet
@be-still-my-aching-heart @explorer-of-gems
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