#so i started fixing the roads and built stairs into the hole/a bridge across it
altfire · 1 year
i literally cant help but rp in any game im literally thinking abt the lore of my current. modded minecraft world w my friends. god
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 4 years
THIS MEANS WAR (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
Summary: It’s been nearly two years since the war with the Saviours ended. You and Daryl now ran the Sanctuary together and for once life was starting to look good. However, little did you know, your whole world was going to come crashing down around you very soon and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Jesus’ Twin Sister!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Blood, guts, language (just usual twd warnings) violence
Chapter 3-
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The next morning you and Daryl packed the little belongings you had, strapping them to the back of his motorcycle and your quad bike.
Your compound bow was placed in the holder you made a few months ago that's built just in front of the handle bars for easy access. Daryl had his crossbow strapped to the back of his motorcycle like usual, taking up the room on his bike.
So, you had the rest of the gear strapped to the back of your quad. It wasn't much, just a couple backpacks with spare clothes and weapons inside.
The two of you followed Rick and Michonne to Hilltop, you and Daryl riding slower than usual since they were on horse back. But, you didn't mind as you sat back on your quad enjoying the wind in your face as you cruised down the old road.
You couldn't help the smile spreading across your face as the walls of Hilltop finally came into view. You didn't even have to wave or ask for the gates to be open as Tara began opening them the minute she saw yours and Daryl's bikes.
You gently eased on the breaks as you entered the community, following Daryl who parked by the Barrington House before you shut the engine off and dismounted the bike.
You spotted Maggie walking out the large building after no doubt hearing the bikes as the four of you began walking towards her. But, as you got closer you noticed a fresh cut and bruise on the side of her face.
"What happened?" You quickly questioned, sudden anger washing over you at the thought of someone laying their hands on your close friend.
"Gregory. He set up the blacksmith to try have me killed last night, he obviously failed thanks to Enid and Alden who came outside at just the right time. Enid was knocked on her head pretty bad though, needed stitches." Maggie explained sadly as you shook your head in frustration.
Gregory should have been dead a long time ago. No way in hell were you going to let him walk away after trying to murder someone and by the look in Maggies eye neither was she.
"I'm glad you're okay though." You replied, not knowing what else to say as you pulled her into a tight hug.
"Where's Enid? I wanna go check on her." You asked as you pulled away and Maggie nodded towards the Barrington House, meaning the young girl was in her bedroom.
You glanced over at Daryl as he nodded knowing you wanted to make sure Enid was okay, she was like a little sister to you.
You didn't really know her much when you first got to Alexandria until she started hanging around with Carl. After his death you stuck close to the girl, knowing how much Carls death impacted everyone, especially her. She was a sweet kid, always wanting to help out and she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty, if you were honest she reminded you a lot of your younger self when you were a teenager.
Walking into the Barrington House you spotted a few familiar faces of civilians who lived at Hilltop. Most of which greeted you warmly knowing exactly who you were since the war with the Saviours.
You walked up the stairs, knowing her bedroom was next door to Maggies and spotted her door open.
Slowly you peeked your head in, spotting her asleep in bed as your brother placed a glass of water and what you assumed were pain killers on her bedside table.
"Hey, bro." You whispered not wanting to wake her up as Paul quickly turned around hearing your voice and his face broke out in a smile. "How is she?"
"Got a concussion, but she should be good in a few days." He replied softly, walking out Enid's room as he gently shut the door behind himself before pulling you into a tight hug.
"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually missed my annoying sister." He admitted with a chuckled.
"And I kinda missed my stupid brother." You responded breaking the hug as he shook his head with a chuckle. "Nice man bun too. Haven't seen you with your hair like that since before."
"It's practical, long hair can get annoying when your fighting walkers, or even just trying to teach kids martial arts." He replied and you smiled softly almost forgetting that he now taught lessons twice a week with the kids at Hilltop, sometimes even kids from Alexandria and Kingdom came and joined in.
"Not that I'm complaining, but I thought you and Daryl were at Sanctuary?"
"We were, but Carol's taking over for a bit so we could have some time away from that hell hole. Figured we'd come here and annoy you." You responded causing him to poke you with his elbow playfully reminding you of the old times when the two of you used to play fight and annoy each other all the time.
You and Paul talked for a while, catching up on the things you both missed out on.
Eventually you made your way to Maggie's office, spotting the door to the balcony open and then wandered out.
Rick and Maggie were sitting on chairs outside with baby Hershel in a cot beside them. You stopped in the doorway, hearing the last of their conversation.
"When we were fighting the Saviours, you told me that soon, you'd be the one following me. But you didn't, because I wasn't someone to follow. That changes now." You heard Maggie say as she stood up from her chair, noticing you in the door way as she gave you nod.
"It'll be dark soon. It's time to put the children to bed." She added glancing back to Rick before she grabbed Hershel out his cot and walked back inside, patting your shoulder as she walked passed.
"That seemed like a serious conversation. Everything alright?" You asked, once Maggie was out of earshot as you walked over to Rick who was still sitting on his seat.
"It will be." Rick sighed, rubbing his face with his hands as you leant back against the balcony railings facing him. "I know you have done so much for the Sanctuary, getting it back up and running, but I need to ask you for another favour."
"I need your help fixing the bridge, with your construction worker experience it would really help. Most of us know how to use a hammer and nails, but we don't know anything else beyond that, like how to best build structures for long-term use or where's the best place to put support beams and you get my point. I've already spoken to Eugene and he's already working on a plan for the bridge, with all the physics and maths behind it, but we can't physical build it without you, unless we want it to collapse again." Rick explained, looking over at you with almost pleading eyes and you nodded.
"Of course, I'll help. I can't figure out physics for the life of me so as long as Eugene does all that, I can definitely help build the bridge. Gonna need a lot of workers though." You stated as you began thinking of people who'd be willing to help.
"I think I got that covered. Just need to find materials for it though, but I don't even know what type of material to use, maybe metal? But I don't know where to get enough metal from to built it." Rick responded with a sigh as he leant back in his chair.
"Rick, let me worry about this. We're gonna use wood to build it, we won't be able to find enough metal for it, plus wood is more lightweight and the weather doesn't damage it. I know a nice area, near that bridge where there's a bunch of old pine trees which would make good timber. Eugene probably has this sorted, but we should make a beam bridge, it's the simplest kind of the bridge and probably the most efficient." You explained as Rick stared at you both impressed and shocked at the same time.
You were suddenly glad you decided to be a construction worker before all this, rather than an office lady or something where your working skills would be of no use these days.
"And that is exactly why we'd be lost with you." Rick chuckled in disbelief as he looked up at your proudly. "Thank you."
"We're family, I'm always here if you need help."
The next few weeks went by fairly quickly.
Maggie had hung Gregory in a public execution style and you knew Rick and Michonne weren't too happy about it, but it wasn't their community, so they didn't say anything. You also noticed Paul wasn't too happy about the brutal death, but your brother never liked killing people to begin with, although he did know it had to be done and stood by Maggie.
The bridge was getting close to being complete. You were just finishing the main platform of the bridge today while building and securing the support beams on the sides.
You knew you'd be able to get the bridge built with everyone's help, but you never expected it to turn out so well.
You had a camp set up near the bridge and logging area for anyone who couldn't or didn't want to travel all the way back to their community after the days work.
It was a good little camp, lots of tents set up for everyone, along with an armoury, infirmary tent and main tent that Rick uses to hold meetings or discussions in.
The perimeter of the camp was secure with wire and traps so no walkers could get in and you had watch areas set up between all the communities to keep an eye on the two walker herds that you had seen near the area.
You and Daryl had been at the camp since it got built, there was no point going back to Hilltop when the two of you worked on the bridge everyday, so you had your own tent set up on the edge of the camp.
Daryl had his motorcycle at the camp too, but you left your quad at Hilltop since you could easily walk to the bridge or logging area so you didn't see the need to have it.
You were shocked with how many people from the different communities volunteered to help with the bridge, even young Henry wanted to help as he supplied water to all the workers most days.
It didn't seem like much, but without him handing out cups of water you probably would forget to drink. You didn't even realise how thirsty you were until the young boy handed you the water a few minutes ago.
You were currently securing a support beam on the bridge while Daryl and Aaron worked on securing one of the last wooden planks onto the long platform behind you. Most of the other workers around you were Saviours, but for the most part they kept to themselves as they hammered in nails and sawed off pieces of wood to the right size as required.
"So, I go in after her nap and pick her up, and the diaper just explodes all over me." You heard Aaron explain to Daryl as you glanced over your shoulder chuckling at the hand gestures he was making.
You turned back to the wooden beam in front of you and finished hammering in the last nail.
"Sounds like good times." Daryl responded as he grabbed more nails from the box between them.
"Oh, the best. You'll see. What? You'd be a great dad." Aaron stated glancing over at the archer.
"Yeah." Daryl replied and you felt your heart sink slightly, he would be an amazing father even if he didn't want to believe it, but sadly you couldn't do that for him.
"Surely you and Y/N have talked about kids before, right? She would be one hell of a mother, you'd be great parents." Aaron said happily, looking over at you as you turned around facing the two of them.
"I can't." You simply replied catching Daryl's eyes as he glanced up at you with sympathetic look before he continued hammering down the platform, his biceps bulging underneath his black rolled up long sleeve shirt.
"What do you mean? You would be a great mother!" Aaron responded, looking over at you in confusion as you shook your head.
"I can't have kids. I don't know the exact details, I was only a kid when it happened. But, I was in a car crash and nearly died apparently, but because of whatever happened I can't have kids." You explained, but you kept your voice low not wanting every other worker on the bridge to know about that.
The only people who knew were Daryl and Rick, and obviously your brother because he was there when it happened. But you never really told anyone else.
You felt bad because you couldn't give Daryl what most other females could and you hated the fact that he couldn't be a father because of you.
Hell, when you first told him back at the prison you were almost anticipating that he would break up with you, thinking that it would be a deal breaker for sure. But, he didn't. He was really understanding about it, knowing that it wasn't your fault and there was nothing you could do about it. He just told you that he loved you and still wanted to be with you, even if you couldn't give him a baby, he would still choose you.
"Shit, I'm so sorry, I had no idea. And here I am just blabbering away about babies." Aaron apologised, glancing between you and Daryl as you gave him a small smile.
"Don't apologise, man. It's fine." Daryl quickly replied putting the hammer down as he patted Aaron the shoulder who stilled looked really guilty about the whole thing.
"Listen to Daryl, and don't stop talking about Gracie, I love hearing your stories about her." You said looking over at the two of them and Aaron nodded giving you a small smile before you heard Henry shout, catching your attention.
"Back off!" Henry shouted and you glanced up just in time to see Justin chugging the hole cooler of water before Henry decked him with his stick.
"Hey, man, it's cool. I got my ass handed to me by a kid one time, too. Of course, I was six at the time." Jed teased, but you were barely listening to him as you watched Justin stand up off the ground in anger. He was about to walk over to Henry before Daryl quickly grabbed his arm.
"Hey. Kid's just doin' his job. Get back to work." Daryl ordered glaring at Justin as he let go of the mans arm.
You quickly stood up, taking a few steps towards them, not liking how tense and angry Justin was getting.
"I don't need your people telling me what to do. You're not my babysitter anymore." Justin responded, turning back towards Henry, but Daryl quickly grabbed his arm, stopping the Saviour from going anywhere near the kid as Justin quickly turned around swinging his fist towards Daryl. Shit.
You watched as Daryl easily dodged the fist before landing his own punch to the man's jaw, sending the Saviour falling backwards onto a pile of sand.
Every muscle in your body was telling you to run over there and help Daryl, but you knew he needed to do this. Hell, he probably wanted to do this. He needed to let out his anger and Justin needed to be taught a lesson and you knew Daryl could handle himself. So, you forced yourself to stay back despite wanting to punch a Saviour too.
You watched as Justin threw a handful of sand at Daryl, blinding him for a split second, when suddenly you saw Jed beginning to walk towards them. His hands were balled into fists by his side and you knew what he was going to do.
"Don't fucking touch him." You warned as you grabbed the back of Jed's shirt, pulling him away from Daryl.
You spared a glance over at Daryl to make sure he was okay as he landed a solid punch to Justin's face again.
Quickly, you turned your attention back to Jed, just in time to see his fist come flying towards your head.
"You ain't our boss lady no more." He yelled as his fist collided with your left cheek, pain erupting from the point of impact.
Now that was a mistake, you thought to yourself as you kicked the man in the balls. All your body weight was behind the kick as Jed groaned in pain grabbing his crutch.
You glanced over your shoulder towards Daryl as Justin landed a punch to his face, but before you could do anything about it you heard Aaron shout your name, and you knew by the tone of his voice that it was a warning.
You quickly turned back to Jed, ducking as you did so, assuming the man was trying to punch you again and you were right as he nearly fell over after missing your face entirely.
You took his moment of weakness to your advantage as you grabbed his head with your hands before slamming your knee up into his face, blood instantly pouring down his nose as you shoved him back.
You could hear all the other workers now cheering on the two fights that you and Daryl were in. Everyone now circling around the fistfights while Aaron and Regina tried holding people back from joining in.
"Hey! Hey! Break it up! Break it up right now!" Rick's voice yelled in the background somewhere, but like hell you were going to listen to him as you focused your attention back on Jed who was growling at you in anger.
You didn't even have enough time to react before he tackled you into the one of the wooden cross beams on the side of the bridge.
Your back slammed into the timber, knocking the air out of your lungs as you gasped for breath. Jed quickly swung another punch towards you, but you managed to deflect it with your forearm.
You were so focused on deflecting his right fist, you didn't even notice him swinging with his left. You were unable to do anything as it collided with your face again, but before you could retaliate Aaron suddenly pulled him off you.
"Hey! I said enough!" Rick continued yelling to your right somewhere and you knew he was probably trying to break up Daryl and Justin.
You took a few steps towards Jed, getting ready to punch him back before Aaron quickly let go of him and stood between the two of you with his hands out.
"Rick said enough!" Aaron shouted glaring at Jed who just grinned, blood still dripping from his nose, but he was clearly happy that he got the last punch in as Aaron glanced over at you.
Your heart was racing a thousand beats per second, your hands still curled up in fists by your side as you glanced over to where Daryl and Justin were fighting to find Rick holding Daryl back.
"Enough!" Rick ordered as Daryl took a step back wiping his mouth as spat blood onto the ground beside Rick before he turned around to make sure you were okay.
He didn't say anything, but you just nodded to tell him that you were okay before motioning over your shoulder towards camp, silently asking if he wanted to leave. Daryl nodded and with that the two of you left the bridge.
You and Daryl went straight back to camp and into your tent, away from everyone else.
You knew he was still hyped up from the fight as adrenaline soared through his veins. You didn't say anything as you went straight for a small cloth by your bed, pouring water over it from a water bottle, getting ready to clean his wounds.
"Fuckin' assholes." Daryl muttered in frustration as he sat down on the edge of the blow up mattress, trying to calm himself down before you knelt down in front of him and began wiping the blood off from the side of his mouth.
"Ya alright? That was one hell of a hit he landed on ya at one stage." Daryl asked after a few seconds, his voice now calmer as he stared into your eyes while you focused on cleaning him up.
This was definitely not the first time either of you had been in a fight and Daryl knew that you could hold your own even against a man bigger than you. It was one of the things that attracted him to you, it was the fact that you wouldn't take shit from anyone and weren't afraid to start a fight against someone twice your size, you were strong and he knew that.
"Honestly felt good to punch that bastard. Those fights were long overdue." You replied with a hint of a smile as Daryl chuckled softly nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, it was." He agreed as he cupped your face with his hand, his thumb gently brushing over the bruise already forming on your cheek bone.
You could his face slightly harden with anger as he stared at the bruise before you grabbed the back of his neck and pressed your lips to his, trying to ground him as he leant forward deepening the kiss.
"Things will get better with the Saviours, we will figure something out. We always do." You reassured and Daryl nodded before pulling you into a hug, his hand cupping the back of your head as he let out a deep breath. "We'll work it out."
A/N- Link in bio for Masterlist. I will reblog with my Daryl Dixon Tag List, if you want to be added to the list just comment below. 
Posting this chapter today because I m working on the weekend (I’m working 10 days in a row and I’m only on day 4 and I’m already exhausted) So I figured I should post it now because I know on the weekend I won’t feel up to posting after work, so here's an early chapter.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I know this fic isn't as good as my last one, I am well aware of that, but I hope you all stick with it. Anyway, until next time stay safe everyone and have a great day xx
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