#so i suspect it's a bot code to add me
kedreeva · 2 years
Since I'm literally being spammed with like 100+ bot followers a day currently, I've swapped the settings on my blog to be hidden from search engines and hidden to anyone not logged in. It's not permanent, I'm just going to see if that has any effect. So if my blog acts weird for you, that's what is happening.
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dawnfelagund · 1 year
How to Block AI Bots from Scraping Your Website
The Silmarillion Writers' Guild just recently opened its draft AI policy for comment, and one thing people wanted was for us, if possible, to block AI bots from scraping the SWG website. Twelve hours ago, I had no idea if it was possible! But I spent a few hours today researching the subject, and the SWG site is now much more locked down against AI bots than it was this time yesterday.
I know I am not the only person with a website or blog or portfolio online that doesn't want their content being used to train AI. So I thought I'd put together what I learned today in hopes that it might help others.
First, two important points:
I am not an IT professional. I am a middle-school humanities teacher with degrees in psychology, teaching, and humanities. I'm self-taught where building and maintaining websites is concerned. In other words, I'm not an expert but simply passing on what I learned during my research today.
On that note, I can't help with troubleshooting on your own site or project. I wouldn't even have been able to do everything here on my own for the SWG, but thankfully my co-admin Russandol has much more tech knowledge than me and picked up where I got lost.
Step 1: Block AI Bots Using Robots.txt
If you don't even know what this is, start here:
About /robots.txt
How to write and submit a robots.txt file
If you know how to find (or create) the robots.txt file for your website, you're going to add the following lines of code to the file. (Source: DataDome, How ChatGPT & OpenAI Might Use Your Content, Now & in the Future)
User-agent: CCBot Disallow: /
User-agent: ChatGPT-User Disallow: /
Step Two: Add HTTPS Headers/Meta Tags
Unfortunately, not all bots respond to robots.txt. Img2dataset is one that recently gained some notoriety when a site owner posted in its issue queue after the bot brought his site down, asking that the bot be opt-in or at least respect robots.txt. He received a rather rude reply from the img2dataset developer. It's covered in Vice's An AI Scraping Tool Is Overwhelming Websites with Traffic.
Img2dataset requires a header tag to keep it away. (Not surprisingly, this is often a more complicated task than updating a robots.txt file. I don't think that's accidental. This is where I got stuck today in working on my Drupal site.) The header tags are "noai" and "noimageai." These function like the more familiar "noindex" and "nofollow" meta tags. When Russa and I were researching this today, we did not find a lot of information on "noai" or "noimageai," so I suspect they are very new. We used the procedure for adding "noindex" or "nofollow" and swapped in "noai" and "noimageai," and it worked for us.
Header meta tags are the same strategy DeviantArt is using to allow artists to opt out of AI scraping; artist Aimee Cozza has more in What Is DeviantArt's New "noai" and "noimageai" Meta Tag and How to Install It. Aimee's blog also has directions for how to use this strategy on WordPress, SquareSpace, Weebly, and Wix sites.
In my research today, I discovered that some webhosts provide tools for adding this code to your header through a form on the site. Check your host's knowledge base to see if you have that option.
You can also use .htaccess or add the tag directly into the HTML in the <head> section. .htaccess makes sense if you want to use the "noai" and "noimageai" tag across your entire site. The HTML solution makes sense if you want to exclude AI crawlers from specific pages.
Here are some resources on how to do this for "noindex" and "nofollow"; just swap in "noai" and "noimageai":
HubSpot, Using Noindex, Nofollow HTML Metatags: How to Tell Google Not to Index a Page in Search (very comprehensive and covers both the .htaccess and HTML solutions)
Google Search Documentation, Block Search Indexing with noindex (both .htaccess and HTML)
AngryStudio, Add noindex and nofollow to Whole Website Using htaccess
Perficient, How to Implement a NoIndex Tag (HTML)
Finally, all of this is contingent on web scrapers following the rules and etiquette of the web. As we know, many do not. Sprinkled amid the many articles I read today on blocking AI scrapers were articles on how to override blocks when scraping the web.
This will also, I suspect, be something of a game of whack-a-mole. As the img2dataset case illustrates, the previous etiquette around robots.txt was ignored in favor of a more complicated opt-out, one that many site owners either won't be aware of or won't have time/skill to implement. I would not be surprised, as the "noai" and "noimageai" tags gain traction, to see bots demanding that site owners jump through a new, different, higher, and possibly fiery hoop in order to protect the content on their sites from AI scraping. These folks serve to make a lot of money off this, which doesn't inspire me with confidence that withholding our work from their grubby hands will be an endeavor that they make easy for us.
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don-dake · 11 months
PSA for new people ⚠️
Strongly urged to indicate somewhere on your blog(s) that you're a real, living being behind an account. You don't want to be suspected for a bot and get reported & blocked, do you?
Reason to Dress Up Blog [Please READ]
Reason to Ramble In Tags [Please READ]
Reason to Report & Block Spam [Please READ]
Tumblr Feedback: [https://www.tumblr.com/support]
Sign(s) of an actual hooman behind this account…🙀
And for when Tumblr's wonky and Blog Description Links don't work on Mobile App (it should work on Desktop/Mobile Browser), an (almost equally verbose) ABOUT post here too:
Yen | 🏳️‍🌈
Legal Adult | Millennial Gen.
Personal blog.
Post schedule may be Random/Scheduled.
Mostly Entertainment stuff (see TAGS for 💡).
Rambles a lot in #tags, also #tags relevantly.
Generally Safe For Work, minors still advised to follow at own discretion.
Side of language learning 📝
Current focus on Cantonese (🇭🇰🇲🇴 粵語 aka 廣府話 aka 廣東話), secondary on Mandarin (🀄華語 aka 漢語 aka 普通話).
I know this is a long shot but if anyone's so inclined to, please feel free to go through any of the Cantonese entries (tagged under: ‘Canto Practise’) I occasionally post as a way to practise, and inform me of mistakes any time! 唔該嗮!
For various reasons, currently opting to use Traditional characters (繁體字) when writing/typing in Chinese (中文), except when quoting or replying to text that was originally written in Simplified (简体字/簡體字).
Language Proficiency (best to worst):
🇬🇧 English, 🀄 華語, 🇭🇰🇲🇴 粵語, 🇯🇵 日本語 (生齧り者).
Tips for a more accurate search🔎
No guarantees(!) given Tumblr's a constant malfunctioning Hellsite™ but, if there's something you want to look for on this blog, try the following:
Use Search Box and search with tags or keywords.
When something turns up, click on relevant #tag in post after, in order for all posts under that specific #tag to show in reverse chronological order or,
Search Archive directly via browser/desktop — in the address bar of the browser where the URL of the blog is shown, after the “/archive” part, add “/tagged” and then “/insert%20whatever%20tag” (“%20” is the code for spaces between words and must be retained if the tag is more than one word).
“There are a few years when you make almost all of your important memories. And then you spend the next few decades reliving them.”
— Charles Yu, Interior Chinatown
“I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped.”
— Fritz Perls
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Well, let's talk about my next shipchild on LockProwl - Saiboku Kira (From the Japanese "Flower of Death"). She is a collective image from Enenra, Shuten-dōji (Demon Slayer) and several other Youkai. She is extremely cunning and fast. Her katana is an extension of her arms and torso. Walking through her crown, it is fashionable to see a lot of stolen things... And modules. She never kills her victims and will never take murder orders, preferring only to take revenge, but still, when she found out that a large sum of money was being given for the head of an escaped bot, she could not disagree. Having first come to earth, following the victim, everything seems to her... Familiar. It seems like she's been here before. But these feelings were in the background, yet the feeling of excitement from hunting was the main thing for her. And so, after a couple of days of searching, she found him. Scared out of his wits, soaking up... sparkling? "Did they seriously force me to kill sparkling?" - it was outrageous for her. Why would you hate him? She was sure he hadn't done anything wrong to them... Well, we'll have to change the plan. To the 1st Point "murder" should be attributed to "the one who sent me to kill an innocent child" and add the second: grab the child and run as fast as she can from this planet, and then find sparkling creators. But, as it turned out, it won't be easy... This kid was running around like a madman, while crying more and more
- I won't touch you! -she said -YOU'RE LYING! YOU'RE ALL LYING! YOU WANT TO KILL ME! But it seems that the boy was very lucky: two Decepticons helped him "escape". What they were doing on this primus-forsaken planet, she didn't know. But later, spying on them, she learned their names: Lancome and Puzzle Justice. The first constantly said something about being "the real heir to the throne" and the second, meanwhile, quietly complained that "The Creator will blow me up if he finds out that I have made friends with a small Autobot..." Interesting. Very interesting. And, after all, the post of Morgana's "attack" (She just didn't suspect that people here don't really like huge rock 'n' roll robots because of past experience, which, by the way, she won't go out in public much) Saiboku Kira joins the team, along with the same slightly beaten Morgana. And let the hunt begin! The character of Saiboku Kira... Difficult for others to understand. She is, on the one hand, a thief and a mercenary who knows how to scare the hell out of victims (Lockdown sends greetings). But on the other hand, she has a code of honor, according to which she always follows, under no circumstances violating it (say thank you to Prowl). Her altmod is a motorcycle. She was brought up by Lockdown, since childhood, teaching Femka that she would become a killer. Exhausting workouts and exercises every day... But it seems that Lockdown has achieved its goal - it was able to make a deadly fighter. But the memories of some bot (very important, Kira thinks) do not allow her to kill. This is the way of the samurai
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anthonyed · 4 years
day 6 for @stonyweek : bots as matchmakers (Ao3)
One of the cleaning bots likes Steve, it’s no big deal.
“It’s a crush, sir,” JARVIS insists and Tony’s ready to mock but there’s a sharp conscience which bites, saying he might offend the entire robotic field with his quip so he shuts up.
“How bad is it?” he asks instead. 
There’s a pause and a vague, “Not too bad. She’s very caring for the Captain’s wellbeing,” is all JARVIS says.
One morning, Tony stumbles into the kitchen after an all nighter to the peculiar sight of a cleaning bot propped on the kitchen counter, near the coffee machine. 
When he reaches to pick up the bot, Steve stops him with a hand to his elbow, and he secretly shares that, “She’s making me a coffee, give her a minute.”
Tony gawks when the bot does exactly that; sliding out an inlet to fetch the filled cup, and it buzzes its way across the counter to where Steve stands, flipping pancakes. Steve thanks her with an affectionate pet and she whirs in excitement.
Later in the workshop, he stares at various footage of the bot interacting with Steve and comments numbly, “You said it wasn’t bad.”
JARVIS says nothing, but Tony imagines the smug expression to his codes, anyway.
He freezes a particular footage and expands it, “You said it wasn’t bad,” he repeats with added weight. The image of the bot resting atop of Steve’s chest while he sleeps stares back. 
“Indeed, Sir,” JARVIS replies, “It’s not bad at all. The Captain seems to suffer fewer night terrors in Miss Clean’s presence.”
“Miss Clean.”
“Yes, Sir. The Captain thought it would be proper to name her.”
“Do you even know what you’re doing now? Tony bristles. “You’re encouraging his relationship with a bot. Stop encouraging his relationship with a bot.”
JARVIS’s answer is a flat, “I don’t know how that is wrong, Sir. According to my readings, Miss Clean and the Captain’s relationship is no difference from ours.” Then, in a more clipped tone, he adds, “I suspect you’re just jealous. Sir.”
Tony mutes him.
It’s eerie. Wherever Steve goes, Miss Clean goes; like a duckling imprinted on its mother. Where Steve sits, she’s there; whether next to him or by his feet. Tony has to mind her when he claims his usual seat next to Steve during movie nights. Sometimes, she’s in the middle, her round curve buzzing and poking at Tony’s hip; keeping him away from sliding closer to Steve.
No. He’s not jealous. 
She sleeps in Steve’s room, on his bed and she’s probably seen Steve naked more than JARVIS at this rate. No, Tony is definitely not jealous of a cleaning bot.
“I want one,” Clint says longingly one afternoon. Watching Miss Clean putter around the kitchen trying to help while Steve makes sandwiches for lunch. 
“I’m just saying,” Tony hiccups, “I can dismantle her right now.” The wrench in his hand is a warning. 
DUM-E steals it from him, whirring away with loud beeps. Tony’s too drunk for a roundabout chase so he slides to the floor, elbows on knees and head in hands. 
Another hiccup.
“If I may, Sir,” JARVIS speaks softly, courtesy of his excellent coding. “You should have accepted the Captain’s proposal.”
Tony snorts, breaking into a maniacal laughter and he falls on his back; cool linoleum like a shock to his system, an instant sobering agent. JARVIS makes it sound like a marriage proposal when it was just Steve asking him out for a date. And Tony said, no.
“You know why, J,” he sighs, staring at the stark white ceiling above him. 
JARVIS doesn’t pause, “Because you believe he deserves better, Sir.”
“I do.”
A weighted pause. “But he’s substituted you with Miss Clean instead.”
Tony blinks. JARVIS is not wrong. But, “I can dismantle her right now.”
Inherently, Tony thinks while lying on his king sized bed recovering from an appropriately king sized hangover, it’s JARVIS who controls all the bots in the tower.
Two days later, Steve’s in the workshop discussing upgrades with Tony while Miss Clean and DUM-E whiz around playing chase. Or so Tony thinks until Miss Clean weaves dangerously in between Steve’s feet, tripping him into Tony.
Tony catches him - of course he does - and then he realises that he’s got an armful of Steve without their usual armours in between them; bare skin touching at some places and Steve’s warm and heavy. Tony can both hear and feel him breathing and it’s so surreal that he aches when Steve pulls away. 
“Sorry,” he blushes prettily. 
Tony scratches his head and waves it off, “No problem.”
“You planned it didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sir.”
It keeps happening.
Tony sits next to Steve during their movie night. Miss Clean whirs away from her spot in between them and falls off of the couch, settling snuggly between their feet instead.
Steve has a nightmare one night. Tony wakes up to a frantic Miss Clean climbing up his legs, JARVIS explaining that she’d come to fetch him to help Steve.
Tony upgrades her; adds tiny arms so she could hold things. Steve comes running, thought he’d lost Miss Clean and when he sees her on Tony’s lap, chirruping happily after a successful test run, he kisses Tony’s cheek and thanks him.
“JARVIS,” Tony says one day, “I know what you’re doing.”
“Are you going to say yes, Sir?”
Tony thinks about it. He still believes that Steve deserves better, but then there’s Steve, happy to be with just Tony. Smiles and laughs like Tony’s the best thing that has ever happened to him. Looks at him like he’s both stars and the moon and Tony loves him. Of course, he does. 
It’s why he thinks Steve deserves better after all.
“I don’t know,” he shrugs, “Maybe.”
“JARVIS said you called,” Steve walks in, Miss Clean in tow, speed crashing into DUM-E who beeps fondly at her. 
Steve’s gaze follows them, Tony’s too, and both of them noticed it at the same time, which is as horrifying as it is shocking. 
There’s a bouquet in DUM-E claw; of red roses, blue hydrangeas, and white baby breaths which Steve accepts mechanically when handed over. He looks at Tony, stunned.
Tony doesn’t know what it is, didn’t remember planning this, but he has an inkling who did and he puts his trust in them. “Go on,” he croaks nervously, “Read it.”
Steve does, out aloud, “Dear Steve, if you don’t mind, please ask me out on a date again. I’d like to say, yes.”
“Is that right?” His blue eyes a wide, disbelief and pure delight brimming in abundance. 
Tony puts down the welding torch before he walks over and pulls Steve into a deep kiss. Both Miss Clean and DUM-E chirrupping excitedly in the background and Tony presses a smatter of yesses all over Steve’s laughing face. 
“Are you happy now?” Tony asks, rolling over onto his back, smiling at the distant sound of the shower running; a reminder of who’s in there. 
JARVIS response is a curious question, “Are you, Sir?”
“I am,” Tony answers easily, “Very much so.”
“Glad to hear, Sir.” Obviously he is, that meddling little creation of his. 
Tony shakes his head, fond and he doesn’t forget to say, “Thank you, JARVIS.”
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makarov-my-beloved · 3 years
Watch Dogs: Legion x AmRev
@burgoyned Chapter 4 out! Feedback if you wish ^^
Chapter 4: One Of Us, Many Of You!
Burgoyne browsed through the mask shop in the Safehouse, per requested by Bagley. “Welcome to DedSec, Johnny! Now, how about you make yourself a team player and purchase a mask?” There is so much to choose from. Browsing through various choices of masks gave the playwriter a migraine. I don’t know which is good. He finally settled on a mask that is a modern “knight” helmet with a holographic golden “Lōng” teeth glowing. The entire front was a black visor encased by gold lining. “Knight of Avalon” the description read. Fancy, fancy! Burgoyne scanned 200 ETO and the mask was instantly dropped from the machine. He picked it up and placed it over his head. The visor obscured 90% of his vision, but he can still make out the room. This is pretty neat! Hearing the front door opened, Burgoyne removed his helmet and saw both André and Clinton arrive, dropping their gear on the table.
Bagley spoke up. “Welcome back Operators! Are you ready for your next mission?” “NOW HOLD ON!” Burgoyne quickly rushed downstairs to greet his friends. He spun Clinton around and began shaking his hand. “It is an honor to meet you, sir. What brings you here on this fine day?” Clinton gave him a fake glare. “Do you know how to address your superiors?” “I don’t need to. You are NOT my superior and I don’t HAVE to address you as anything,” smirked Burgoyne. A smirk also crept across Clinton’s face. “Pleasure seeing you here, Burgoyne.” “Indeed. Such a friendly reunion that I forgot to add you don’t have permission to be accessing DedSec technology until you are fully recruited,” the playwriter taunted, showing off his new mask. “I don’t believe in holding an initiation ceremony unless you want a repeat of what happened before,” chided Bagley sarcastically. “Hey, hey, that was once a lifetime thing,” Burgoyne retorted.
“Regardless, André has already informed me that Clinton was able to access all of Clan Kelley’s information regarding the human organ harvesting as well as an auction. Some of them are victims of the bombings. This one piece of information is vital, however, there is more,” Bagley said, pulling up the data. The three men read through Kelley’s documents, each growing more disgusted with the paper detailing everything. “That bitch. Always kissing up to some higher up,” growled André. “Those poor victims. How are we going to find them? We need to rescue them from those bloody bastards!” Clinton added. “Perhaps. I can’t quite pinpoint where Clan Kelley is operating right now, but I do know we need to find more information about those victims starting from one of the bomb sites.”
“How would that give us any information?” André asked curiously. “Perhaps the bombs were set off internally. It’s best if you try recovering a clue first then we can proceed with the next step,” Bagley said, opening up a map of London and marked one of the bomb sites. It was located in the City of London. “You’ll need to sneak in with caution. Albion secured the location to make sure no one gets in.” André pouts his face. “This will be rough.” “Quite certainly. Although there is a way of tackling this,” Bagley said. The Operators looked at him with a confused expression. He continued. “I propose one of you stay behind and monitor the site through the cameras. The rest of you travel to the site and recover the evidence.” “I’ll stay. I know the ins and outs of every part of the location,” André said, sitting down in front of the computer.
Clinton and Burgoyne looked at each other. “I guess that’ll be us. Alrighty, let’s head out,” Clinton said as he headed for the entrance upstairs. “Now hang on a second, have you picked out a mask yet? You can’t be going out somewhere with your face exposed,” Bagley stated matter of factly. The Operator raised his gasmask. “Already have one,” he chirped. “Oh well, fantastic then. Looks better than the others ones I’ve seen.” “HEY!” André and Burgoyne protested together. “Alright, alright. Now time is running short. Do hurry.” Burgoyne and Clinton climbed up the staircase and left the Safehouse. André began accessing connections to the bomb site. “I’ve never imagined it to be this horrendous,” he said, scanning the whole site through different camera angles. “You can’t imagine being this horrendous? I wonder if it is any worse than the plays you write.” “Those ideas are scraped, my dear Bagley,” retorted André. The AI chuckled, remaining silent for the remainder of the mission.
Clinton’s eye widened when the men approached their destination. Half of the stadium was blown to smithereens. A construction fence was set up all around where the incident took place, some heavily constructed by Albion to prevent outsiders from looking in. A memorial to those who lost their lives was placed at the front entrance, covered with flowers and candles. Burgoyne let out a sob. “This is heartbreaking. I feel for the victims of this tragedy.” “You weep for the civilians while Clan Kelley and the others laugh at our misfortune,” Clinton softly replied. As they approached the heavily barricaded walls, a small ctOS drone can be heard buzzing above them. Burgoyne quickly put his helmet on as Clinton strapped his gas mask on. Both men quickly slipped behind a small barricade and watched the small drone look around before entering the site.
“That’s odd. That drone would usually chase outsiders out. I wonder who is controlling that?” Burgoyne wondered. He felt a tug from Clinton who motioned towards a small opening. Nodding, the two men crawled through the hole and found themselves standing in front of a large crater where the explosion took place. Debris covered every part of the broken stadium; chunks of metal, concrete, as well as aluminum, splayed across the ground. The interior of the stadium was exposed, so the men can see Albion guards patrolling the inside of the building. ctOS drones flew everywhere amid large cargo drones occasionally flying in and out to drop off necessary materials. Burgoyne stared in disbelief at the amount of damaged caused. Adjusting his mask, Clinton began quietly prodding his way towards the epicenter. A few guards walked by, but one of them spotted the men. “HEY, YOU! STOP RIGHT THERE!” he yelled, raising his gun. “OH SHIT! RUN” Burgoyne pushed Clinton and the two began the run.
The site became alerted and all Albion guards began pursuing the intruders. Spotting a small opening, Clinton grabbed Burgoyne by the arm and they slipped into the crater. They hid behind a massive concrete building, away from their pursuers. The ctOS drone that they saw earlier slipped into the crack and hovered next to Burgoyne. He tapped the little drone. “You could’ve helped us drive those bastards away, you know.” “I don’t think that’s André. He doesn’t know how to operate a drone yet,” Clinton whispered. “Wait, if this isn’t André then…” Sweat began to break out as Burgoyne nervously checks the drone. Whizzing past the men, the ctOS drone began scanning the nearby area. It shone its light on a small object lying on the floor. A small sigh escaped Burgoyne but with his helmet is made it sound suffocating. Clinton emerged from his spot and approached the object. From the drone’s flight, he can tell it was part of a Spiderbot.
Bagley pinged the earpiece. “That’s it. You’ve recovered the first clue. It looks like a Spiderbot. I’m sending out an AR replicant so we can have a detailed visual of what exactly happened here.” “Great. But just a question, is André piloting this drone? There is a drone that has been following us around and I wonder if it’s André.” André spoke up. “No sir, it’s not me!” Clinton froze. Bagley took over again. “You’ll need to proceed with caution. I’ll track the user of this drone for the time being. For now, take a look at this AR video and tell me what you think.”
As Bagley pinged off, a holographic display began to play. It showed three people walking down the tunnel as one of them carried a suitcase. Hiding within the small vent above Clinton was a Spiderbot. Both Clinton and Burgoyne observed the holographic Spiderbot proceed down the vent, entered a room adjacent to the main tunnel and the AR stopped. Bagley pinged again. “So it appears that one of the people has access to the explosion that attached itself to the Spiderbot. You’ll need to bring the bot back to have more data processed.”
“And this drone?” “I’ve traced it back to a user not far from the site.” “Great. We’ll head out there now. Much appreciated.” Tapping his earpiece, Clinton turned to Burgoyne who was still hiding behind the concrete. “We got what we came for let’s head out.” Picking up the bot, Clinton put it inside his bag then dragged the somewhat frightened playwriter out of hiding. The ctOS drone followed them, buzzing softly in the sky. Making their way back to the entrance, Clinton and Burgoyne ran until they’re out of range of suspecting Albion guards. Removing his gas mask, the hacker looked around. Burgoyne, upon removing his helmet, began combing his brown hair which was sticking up from the static of the helmet. “Damn, that was a close one. I guess we now know what happened?” “Yes. This Spiderbot might still hold some key data on how the bomb was processed. We’ll need to head back now.” The ctOS drone buzzed towards a man approaching them. He was wearing a hacker-esque jacket with black leather pants covered with binary code and grey low-cut boots. The man took off his hood, revealing a surprising face that both Clinton and Burgoyne stopped then burst out laughing.
“Ara-ara, if it isn’t SIR William Howe,” snickered Burgoyne as punched his friend on the arm. “What are you doing here on this fine evening hmm?” questioned Clinton in a mocking manner. Howe rolled his eyes. “Same as you. Trying to find information about what has happened here.” “Ah, I see. Did André recruit you to help or you’re just on your own?” Burgoyne inquired. “André? I’m on my own. The two of you are with DedSec I presume?” Howe said, pointing towards the DedSec fox logo on the men’s jacket. “Yes we are,” Clinton said. Their friend narrowed his eyes a tad bit and Clinton could tell this wasn’t going to be good. “Siding with a terrorist organization? I’d rather leave this country than to join a terrorist organi-“ Clinton cut him off. “How about you follow us and we’ll show you what DedSec is.”
Howe bit his lip before shrugging his shoulders. “Alright.” And followed the men back to the Safehouse.
After arriving at the Earl’s Fortune, Clinton dragged Burgoyne and Howe into the Safehouse where they saw André sitting on the couch looking at the London Tube system while discussing transportation with Bagley. Bagley closed the map and said, “Oh hello there Operators. I see we have a recruit. Is he a playwriter? How sexual is his mind?” “No and my brain is NOT sexual”, Sir William retorted at the AI. Burgoyne and Clinton looked at each other before bursting out laughing. “Oh haha, very funny. VERY funny,” the drone flyer rolled his eyes. André hid his face behind his hands to hide his snicker but was nevertheless happy to have another close friend recruited into DedSec. Recruitment Complete.
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selanaris · 5 years
Optimus Supreme TFA AU Part 2
for @lazyartist04  Part 1 here
Ratchet and Optimus have a father/son relationship. Ratchet was pissed about Omega’s body being used for an experiment, even more pissed to learn they are shoving a young academy bot’s spark into a large frame filled with slave and obeying coding all connected to him
After some time once Optimus’ spark filled to match it’s casing after the aid of the ASD’s injections, no one expected for him to wake out of stasis, but unable to transform, locked in alt mode, so Ratchet set him up with a holoform that matches his former self and together they don’t tell the others and they all assume they just got a new leader.
Prowl was suspicious from the start, he knew a holoform when he saw one, but couldn’t find out why or where the holoform was coming from, until after the bomb on Megatron went off, causing the holoform to flicker for a time, he confront’s Ratchet about it when Bee and Bulk are looking for their leader while the medic is focused on the ship to bring it out of stasis. after this, Prowl begins to understand Optimus more and helps him keep it a secret from Bee and Bulk
Bumblebee and Bulkhead found out after Sari found out, after using the key to fix the parts of the ship to stop the cons underwater, after too much, Prowl just told Optimus to drop the holoform and focus on shooting the cons, to which he did after some hesitation. Bee and Bulk are completely stunned and are given a short, “Optimus is the Orion, now don’t stop attacking!”
Bumblebee gets really excessive with all the questions for Optimus on what it’s like until ratchet and Prowl finally shut him up after explaining the slave coding, now he’s calmed down, but still thinks it’s very cool “Much better than any prime!”
Bulkhead is much more polite about the situation, but is curious none the less, but he likes to go to the ship to clean up the place, and made a promise to change the Orion’s paint job to match what Optimus wants, he really likes that, orange is not his color
Sari is trying to remove the code and get him out of his alt mode, but... it’s easier said than done, but at least it allows them for lots of bonding moments, Sari is like a little sister to him, and his sentinel coding agrees to let nothing happen to her.
Blackarachnia, oh dear, first she can’t poison him, then realizes her attacks do nothing, but after running an electric current though him and fizzling out his holoform does she suspect something, she changes her demands from “give me the key” to “Tell me what that was!” and he does tell. and.... she doesn’t believe him, not at first, not without proof, and when she has proof... well even she doesn’t even know what to do, she feels bad, but she can’t let this get in her way of her goals
Sentinel, Has no idea what happened, everything continues on as normal, until Bee and his big mouth spills to Magnus and Sentinel about Optimus, all the bots face palm, but Bee is too angry at them for letting Optimus fall under such torture. Magnus and Sentinel are surprised and don’t believe it until given proof, then... Sentinel was quiet, not a word came out of him, not even a smart remark, Magnus had to do everything in his power to not break something. They eventually left, originally wanting to take Optimus with them, but he refused to leave Earth unprotected, so they left him, with a full plan to get to the bottom of what happened, Sentinel in a way, is like a jerky older brother, who suddenly realized that his younger brother has been suffering for years without him knowing, and he wants to try to help
Below from discord with @moonlightdeer739 :
I had the idea that, before the crew finds out their captain is their ship, Bulkhead accidentally misses a recoil of his wrecking ball, this is back when they were a repair crew, and it instead crashes into one of the 'Orions' landing gear, leaving a significant dent.
Across on the other side of the space bridge, Op ended up shouting in pain and clutching his pede, a significant dent suddenly in the side of it, Ratchet is the closest and when the others come to investigate, Ratch is already over-riding the holofoms base controls to make it look like he's sucessfully pulling he dent out.
I love that
Op and Ratch claim one of the boulders lying around came loose and took Op off guard, and when Bulkhead brings up that he may of mangled one of the Orion's landing gear, Op sighs and says he and Ratchet will fix it.
I was thinking Prowl figuring it out after the bomb goes off on Megatron and Prowl is the only one to notice Op disappear before reappearing with a visible show of pain
And a good bit of shrapnel in him that look like exit wounds instead of entrance wounds, almost like the bomb went off... inside him?
all the usual stuff happens, but after they crash, the Orion goes into stasis, and when the team wakes up they realize that Optimus is missing, and Prowl confront Ratchet as Bee and Bulk go to find their boss
"Optimus isn't missing. Is he Ratchet?"
"No... and I think I can't lie to you anymore, He's in stasis...."
Prowl looked to the stasis pods. "And given he's currently not in one of the pods, as we've already ascertained, he... he is the Orion?"
Ratchet nodded, "Yeah... Optimus is the Orion... locked in alt mode and filled with bad code..."
"Is that why he acts so... by the rules?"
"and why he does whatever I say, yes, he will die to protect a single autobot, he's unable to care for himself"
Prowl nodded, solemn. "So... he's and Omega Sentinel."
"Yes, but.... not always..."
"Not... always? What do you mean?"
"I mean he used to be a plain academy bot forced into a giant slave frame, and used as a just in case weapon"
"Oh... and then I'm guessing they locked him in his alt mode and he never even complained? Never resisted? And just went on his way with us when he was made into a repair ship..."
"It's not like he can resist or complain, and he came with us because I'm here!"
"So you're the one he's imprinted to?"
(When the code gets removed. Op: That... that was so fragged up.)
"Not like that was my choice either!"
"Oh? How do you mean that?"
"I mean it just happened, I was involuntarily the mentor for Omega Supreme, and then they use his body and throw a young bot's spark into, and suddenly I have to be mentor again, do you really think this is my fault!"
Prowl backs up. "Oh... I'm sorry, I assumed that Optimus was another Omega Sentinel, not Supreme."
"Yes... just... for now help me bring him back online... as the young bots handle what's going on on the surface, and keep this a secret.."
Prowl nodded, and followed Ratchet to do just that.
(might add more later so keep an eye on this post)
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shastelly · 6 years
Late Night - March Klance Prompts  from MonthlyKlance
It was late, so very late, Lance worked his shoulders back and forth to ease the tension and headed for the kitchen.  As he suspected Hunk was busy puttering about.
 "Hunk, my man, what is the late-night kitchen serving tonight."  Lance asked sliding into a stool.
 "Oh, hey Lance," Hunk nodded to muffins he was pulling out of a pan and putting into a container. "I just made these ahead for in the morning."
 "Oh."  Lance tried not to look disappointed.
 "Hey, but there's extra, want one?"  Hunk passed one to him.
 "Well, if it's extra."  Lance snatched the muffin and took a big bite.  "Oh wow, now I will not have trouble waking up in the morning, these will be so worth it."
 Hunk smiled proudly as Lance made obscene noises while he finished the muffin.
 "Speaking of getting up, dude, you better head that way, hadn't you?  It's like 1:00 castle time."  Lance added.
 "Oh, oh wow, I didn't realize.  I guess I just got to thinking about today's mission and needed to do something to not think about it."  Hunk muttered looking a little embarrassed.
 "Nah, don't think about that anymore, think about how much we are all going to love these muffins and how you are going to have to make sure you have the ingredients around to keep making them, because they are going to be in demand!" Lance exclaimed dramatically while slipping an arm around Hunk and steering him toward his room.
 "Oh, I can add the ingredients that are new to the stock list for Coran.  He does a really good job keeping the pantry full when he knows what I want.  I'll add the recipe to my file."  Hunk yawned. "I bet I could modify the flavor as well, use it as a base recipe."  Hunk crawled into bed and Lance pulled the cover up over his friend. He could tell how tired the big man already was, because he hardly noticed when Lance yanked his shoes off and turned the light out.
 "Sleep tight."  He murmured and headed off for his next victim.
 "Piiidddggggge?"  Lance called sticking his head into Green's hanger.  The person in question looked up from her laptop, eyes bloodshot and hair sticking out every which way.
 "Go away." She snarled.
 "Pidge, you need sleep.  Come on. You just got out of the cryopod and I know how tired that makes you."
 Pidge's eyes softened a little, reminding herself that Lance had been in the pods too many times already.
 "Sleep, Pidge, you are a genius, but even geniuses work better on sleep. You'll probably go twice as fast." He grinned elbowing her.  
 "Not unless the computer gets faster."  She laughed.
 "Come on, piggy back ride?"  He offered and she jumped at his back.
 "Giddyup!"  She laughed the way she only did when she was really tired and out of it.  Almost like for a moment she forgot everything going on around her and was just a young kid playing.
 By the time Lance got her back to her room she was pretty much drooling on his back. He flopped her onto the bed and tossed the covers over her.  He tried not to think of her floating in the cryopod or the tears she cursed at when she was sitting on the table in the med bay while Coran set her broken leg.  He huffed a sigh and pressed a kiss to her forehead, the thought of something happening to her filled him with icy dread. He shivered and made his way out of her room.  She was too much like one of his sisters, just like Hunk was his brother and they were both as precious to him as his biological family.
 Speaking of family, he saw Shiro wondering the hall, headed toward the bridge.
 "Shiro?"  Lance ran up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.  The older man swung back with an elbow and yelled before falling forward onto the ground.
 "Shit."  Lance flinched at the pain in his cheek where the elbow connected and kneeled in front of Shiro.  His eyes were open, but he really didn't seem to be seeing him.  Must be sleepwalking again, or a flashback, or both somehow, what did he know he wasn't a shrink.  "Hey, Shiro.  Hey man, you're in the castle.  It's just me, Lance.  Hey, it's okay.  I think I'm not supposed to wake you up, but I don't know how else to get you back to bed. So…"  Lance reached out and touched Shiro's hand softly speaking quietly and rhythmically until Shiro's eyes seemed to focus on him.
 "Oh, hey Shiro, I think you must have been sleepwalking, ‘cause I just found you out here.  You okay?"
 "Oh, yeah, sorry, I was dreaming."  Shiro blushed.  "Sorry, thanks for waking me.  Guess I should lock the door huh?"  Shiro tried to joke, but he sounded sad and tired.
 "What were you dreaming about?"  Lance asked carefully.
 "I was looking for someone, but I couldn't find them."  Shiro answered eyes averting down and to the left, obviously not something he wanted to give details about.
 "Oh, I can see why you were wondering around then, huh?"
 "Why are you up?"  Shiro asked making note of how late it was.
 "Oh, just getting some water, going to bed now.  Want to walk with me?"
 "Sure, I'll walk you back."  Shiro stood and helped Lance up from the floor.  
 Lance smiled, he'd never get Shiro to just go back to his room, but he would never turn down walking Lance back if he asked.  Of course, Shiro's room was just one down, so it worked out great.  Lance waited at his door until Shiro slipped into his.  He then sat on his bed for a few dobashes to be sure Shiro wouldn't hear him when he went back out.
 He did this almost every night.  It wasn't the same people every night.  Pidge was pretty common and actually was usually a lot harder to get to bed.  Hunk could be found after anything stressful. Shiro was random.  Allura was rare, but he'd found her twice just walking the halls complaining she couldn't sleep.  Coran he'd only found once, after the whole haunting thing, going over code in the pods crying.  There was only one that was there almost every night, the one he still had to go get.
 He took a deep breath and stood, his own weariness weighing him down, but he'd need to shake that off to move this one, especially tonight.  Pidge had gotten hurt when she and Keith had infiltrated a computer hub on a Galra ship.  Keith would be blaming himself, though it was not his fault in any way.  It had been a trap and they'd been caught in a crossfire. Keith was contrary at the best of times, he'd be downright hateful tonight or this morning or whatever it was in the middle of late-night hell.
 He got up from the bed and made his way to the training room.  Sure enough, there was the sound of metal crashing into metal coming from the room.  He slipped in and watched for a few dobashes as Keith destroyed the training bots in front of him.  Lance had no idea what level this was, but he was almost sure Shiro would not approve of Keith doing it on his own.  He'd once made the mistake of stopping him mid simulation and Keith had not spoken to him for three days.  Lance shuddered, how he found out the silent treatment was the best way to torture Lance he had no idea, but it had sucked.
 When the last bot cleared and before the next set could drop Lance called out, "End simulation!"
 Keith whirled on him dark eyes flashing and sword still held in his grip, "I wasn't done."
 "Dude, it's 2:30 castle time, we have to be up at 6:00.  Even you need sleep, Mullet brain."  Lance snarked.  
 "I'm not tired.  Why don't you just leave me alone?!" He snarled.
 "Just go to bed Keith."  Lance sighed yawning.
 "Sounds like you're the one that needs to go to bed.  Just go and leave me alone."  Keith turned back like he was going to have another go.
 "Keith, I can always just go get Shiro."  Lance pulled out the big guns.
 "Why can't you just mind your own business?  Why can't you leave me alone?  I swear, mabye if you did a little more training yourself you wouldn't have to go get Shiro to make me leave."  Keith jabbed.
 "Look, you want to fight fine."  Lance grabbed a staff from the rack behind him and threw one to Keith. "Bring it on, Samurai."
 "Oh you think you can take me?"  Keith growled.
 "I think my little sister could take you right now, you're exhausted and completely unfocused."  Lance snapped back.
 "Like you'd know!"  Keith drove at him and brought the staff down, Lance parried, but the hit jarred his arms.
 "Does that even make sense?"  Lance swung the staff around and blocked Keith's attempt to hit his knee.
 "You are never focused, you never pay attention.  It's like you don't even care!"  Keith spat.
 "I care, just because I don't have a meltdown and smash things doesn't mean I don't care!"  Lance backed up a bit as Keith drove forward hard and his words stung.
 "Whatever!  You care about yourself!  Why are you even here?"  Keith snapped bringing the staff around and connecting with Lance's side.
 Lance hissed and wrapped an arm around his side, dropping his staff.  "Well unless you have another paladin up your sleeve, I guess you’re stuck with me."  Lance choked out the words, “Just go the fuck to bed."  
 "That's not what I…are you okay?"  Keith realized maybe he'd pushed a little too far.  He was angry at himself and he shouldn't have taken it out on Lance.  He'd meant why was Lance trying to get him to go to bed, not why was he here on the team.
 Lance laughed hollowly, "Whatever.  Just go to bed, Mullet.  I'm tired."  Lance left the training room and Keith stared after him for several ticks before heading off to his own room.
 The next morning, he was sitting at the table enjoying the new muffins Hunk had made when he realized Lance wasn't up yet and it was almost time for training.  The boy in question came tearing around the corner into the kitchen out of breath, hair a mess and marks from his pillow still on his face.
 "Shit, sorry Shiro, I slept through the alarm."  Lance announced looking somewhat embarrassed.
 "Get something quick, Lance then meet us in the training room when you've had a chance to change."  Shiro patted him on the shoulder as he went out.  "I know you were up late."  
 Keith narrowed his eyes.  Usually Shiro would be mad at someone for being late.  Pidge gave Lance a quick hug on the way past and hurried off to change. She seemed more rested than usual.
 Hunk dropped a muffin in Lance's hand, "I know you like them."
 Keith frowned.  Hunk had said they were a new recipe.  
 Lance fell into his chair at the table, Keith looked a little closer and startled.  
 "Do you have a black eye?"  Keith walked over next to him and got in his face.
 "Oh, you noticed that,” Lance gave a nervous laugh, "totally hit myself in the face with a staff yesterday.  Kind of embarrassing, if you don't mind not mentioning it.  I thought I got it covered up."  
 "Oh, okay, well I guess it's pretty hard to see."  Keith wondered how bad it looked without the makeup.  "You sure you don't need Coran to look at it."
 "Nope, fine."  Lance shoved a muffin in his mouth, "Shouldn't you be getting to training?"
 Keith narrowed his eyes and stared at Lance for a good ten ticks before he walked out the door.  He wondered if Lance had even gone to sleep after he'd left the training area.  He cringed remembering some of the stuff he'd said.  He didn't really mean it.  He was just upset about the mission gone wrong and had wanted to take it out on the bots, then Lance had gotten in the way and he'd taken it out on him instead.
 He sighed as he slipped into the training room remembering the hit, he'd given Lance to his side.  He wondered if that had left a bruise, probably.  He felt guilt worm its way around his gut.  Lance'd just been trying to help.
 "Hey Hunk?"  Keith asked.
 "Hmm?"  Hunk turned his head, he was already going through the warm up stretches Shiro usually had them doing.
 "How did you know Lance liked the muffins?  I thought they were new?"
 "Oh, he was up last night when I finished them.  I stress bake and I was a little upset about the mission." Hunk admitted.
 "Yeah, me too."  Keith nodded a suspicion forming in his mind.
 "Pidge?"  He called her over to where he and Hunk were sitting.  "Did you see Lance last night?"
 "Yep, he literally carried me to bed."  She smiled sadly.  "Matt used to do that."  Then gruffly swatted Hunk, "Get moving I want to spare."
 "Great, Keith, now she's going to pretend she's not upset by beating me up." Hunk huffed good naturedly and headed over to Pidge quite willing to take a beating to make her feel better.
 Before Lance slipped in to join the training, Keith had come up with a plan.
 Later that night, Keith snuck out from his room to the training area as usual.  He wondered why he hadn't noticed before, but almost every time he trained overly late, Lance had showed up to kick him to bed. There were a few exceptions, nights when Lance had been in a pod, nights when Shiro came and got him, nights when he only trained for about an hour and crawled into bed around 1:00.  
 And to be honest, he wasn't usually very gracious about it.  Sure, some nights Lance would say "lights out" or something and Keith would be tired enough to put his bayard down and tromp off to bed, but a lot of nights ended with complaining, arguing or fighting with Lance about him training too much or not sleeping enough.
 Keith sighed and apparently Lance was following up on the others as well.  He'd managed to wheedle out of Shiro that he'd seen Lance up at night too.  Keith knew Shiro had night terrors and had caught him sleep walking a few times himself, so it wasn't hard to imagine the circumstances where Lance might find him and the reasons Shiro really didn't want to discuss it.  It also explained why he knew Lance was tired sometimes, he'd seen him up in the middle of the night and was well aware he hadn't gotten enough sleep.
 Sure enough, around 2:00 the Blue Paladin slipped through the door to the training area.
 "Keith, Samurai hour is over, go to bed."  Lance whined.
 "Okay."  Keith smirked a little at the shocked look on Lance's face when he just agreed. "I was getting ready to quit anyway.  You're up late?"
 "Oh, I um, yeah."  Lance shrugged.  "I guess the clashing of sword on bot woke me up."
 "Can't hear that from our rooms."  Keith pointed out as he walked out of the training area.
 "Well maybe I could."  Lance blustered.
 "Nope." Keith stared at him and waited.
 "Okay, fine I was up anyway.  I was dragging a little gremlin to bed and heard you training."  Lance huffed.
 "You do that a lot?" Keith asked quietly.
 "Not too much, just sometimes, I mean she'd never sleep if she could get away with it."  Lance smiled fondly.
 "And me, you come here a lot and get me, don't you get tired?  I usually take like a nap and then get up and train, you're just staying up?"  Keith frowned.
 "What? No.  I nap."  Lance waved him off but refused to meet his eyes.
 "Okay."  Keith realized they had walked all the way back to their rooms. "Goodnight."
 "Goodnight."  Lance ducked into his door and Keith slipped into his.  
Even after a shower and dressing in his comfortable sleep pants and a t-shirt, Keith still couldn't relax.  It was like there was something off, missing, he'd missed something.  Lance had been lying about napping, but then how much was he sleeping, and why wasn't he sleeping.  Huffing in annoyance Keith barged out of his door and headed to Lance's. He paused just outside hearing muffled sounds from inside, groans and muttered words, it sounded like a nightmare. He knocked at the door, but when no one came he let himself in.  
 Lance was thrashing in his bed, yelling words he couldn't make out, his face contorted and angry or fearful looking in turn.  The worst were the tears streaming down his face from his closed eyes.
 "Lance?"  Keith rushed to the bed.  He'd learned from Shiro not to startle someone in a night terror.  He tried calling out to him again louder. "Lance!"
 Lance stilled and blinked.  His arms shook and the tears were still falling.  His eyes flashed away, and he scooted away from Keith when he saw him there.
 "Hey, sorry, you were having a nightmare."  Keith offered quietly.
 "Oh."  Lance wiped his face, like maybe Keith hadn't seen the tears.  "Huh."
 Keith reached out a hand and laid it over Lance's hand on the bed, "You okay?"
 "Yeah, totally, fine."  Lance lied really bad.
 Keith bit his lip, he was horrible at comforting people, it's just not a skill he'd really developed as a child.  He wondered what would Hunk do.
 "Um…you want a hug?"  Keith held his arms awkwardly open.
 Lance stared at him for a moment, like he was trying to decide if this was some kind of trap, but something in Keith's face must have reassured him because the next thing he knew he had his arms full of Blue Paladin.  Keith wrapped his arms down around Lance and squeezed gently. Lance was still crying against his shoulder.  Keith scooted up and onto the bed so that it was easier to hold him.
 "You want to talk about it?"  Keith asked calmly.  He'd tried to get Shiro to talk after his nightmares, but he did not want hugs and he did not want to talk.  Mabye though, maybe Lance would.
 "I just miss my family and home and I keep having these dreams that the Galra are there on Earth and they are taking my family.  Sometimes they hurt or kill them, sometimes they take them as slaves, sometimes I'm there and sometimes I get there and just find their graves." Lance sobbed.
 "Oh," Keith tightened his hug and began rubbing what he hoped were calming circles on Lance's back.  "I get it."
 "It's just, I mean, I want to be out here saving people and the universe and I feel like I'm doing good, but part of me really wants to know they are okay and that Galra ship was there and so close to Earth.  What if they go back and we're out here?  Earth wouldn't have anything to stop them or anyway to contact us."  Lance shook in Keith's arms.
 "Hey, you know Allura and Coran are monitoring movements in that area.  If the Galra even get close, we'll know, and we'll stop them before they even get there."  Keith whispered fiercely.  "We won't let them hurt Earth as long as we're here."
 Lance's tears had slowed and some of the tension had drained away. "Thanks."  He sat up then, pulling away from Keith.  "I'm sorry I went all blubbery on you."
 "You don't have to say sorry.  Lance, you've been taking care of us, of me, for weeks.  I'm the one that should be saying thanks to you."  Keith managed to catch Lance's eyes to be sure he understood he meant what he was saying.
 "Oh, I mean, it's not the big of a deal.  I was up anyway, and I just noticed you guys weren't taking care of your selves and you particularly are crap at it."  Lance elbowed Keith with a little smile.
 "Hmm…am I?  And I'm going to say you're not that hot at it either.  Already up?  How long have you been having these nightmares?"  Keith frowned.
 Lance muttered something.
 "Um…since we got here?"  Lance blushed and looked down.
 Keith cringed.  How had he not noticed that, that many weeks without sleeping properly, chasing after everyone else.  
 "That how you got the shiner?  Fall asleep and fall or something?"  Keith asked trying to lighten the tone.
 "Oh, no, but I don't recommend touching Shiro when he's sleep walking." Lance frowned.
 "Oh, oh shit, does he know?"  Keith asked concerned.
 "No."  Lance glared, "What am I a jerk?  It's not his fault."
 "Yeah, well, don't startle him awake if he's having a bad dream either.  Other side of the room and call his name is best."  Keith warned.
 "Duly noted."  Lance nodded.
 "Now, back to your issue.  You need to get some sleep."  
 Lance sighed, "It's not like I wasn't trying."
 "Would it, um, would it help if I stayed?"  Keith offered.  He figured he was already there and comfy and Lance hadn't exactly let go of him yet, just sat up.
 "You don't have to do that."  Lance blushed.
 "But it would help?"  Keith was pleased, what he was doing was working.
 "Yes, probably."  Lance admitted.
 "Good."  Keith snuggled down into Lance's bed and looked up to where the other boy was still sitting staring at him.  "I mean, if that's okay?"  Suddenly Keith was a little concerned he'd gone too far with the whole what would Hunk do thing.
 "No, yes, I mean, it's fine."  Lance was still staring at him a little as he eased himself into the bed and laid his head on the pillow.  "I…thank you."
 "Someone has to take care of the guy that's taking care of everyone else." Keith whispered eyes falling shut already.
 Lance smiled softly watching Keith's breathing even out as he drifted off to sleep.
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usefulstuffmouzon · 8 years
MailChimp Subscription Forms
I create new subscription forms infrequently… long enough apart that I forget the procedure from one time to the next. Here’s how I do it:
Log in to MailChimp, then click Lists. Select the list for which you want to create the subscription form. In the top menu, click “Signup forms” (that’s their term for subscription forms). Select “Embedded forms,” which takes you to the form creation window.
If the signup form is the only thing on the page, like on this page, I don’t check “include form title,” letting the page title serve as the form title. But when the signup form is embedded later in a page, like on a blog post, I’ll use the form title.
I always select “Show only required fields,” which for me is email address, first name, and last name. The more information you ask for, the less likely they are to sign up. I click “Show interest group fields,” but we’ll do something special with them in a minute. I click “Show required field indicators” so that people understand they need to give me all three pieces of info. I don’t click “Show format options” because that’s more clutter for the subscribers to think about. I don’t click any of the “Enhance your form” options, but I do click “Enable reCAPTCHA” because it adds a Google reCAPTCHA checkbox that says "I'm not a robot" to your signup form, preventing spam bots from adding email addresses to your lists. Next, I click into the “Copy/paste onto your site” field which automatically selects all of the code. Copy.
Or not. If you’ve already created a signup form for that particular list, you can just reuse the form by copying the Raw HTML object that is the current signup form and pasting it on the page where you want the new form, then adjust a little of the HTML. The old form I was using was the one where you can sign up for Walk Appeal book updates. I’ve copied and pasted it onto a blog post where I’ll be collecting subscriptions to Outdoor Room Design book updates. Here are the changes I’m making:
First, here’s something I always do. Near the top, there’s this bit of code:
<style type="text/css">
 #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
 /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block.
   We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. */
I don’t want any special MailChimp formatting… I want the text of the form to flow with the text of the page. So I delete this entire segment of code. With the recycled code I’m working with today, that segment has long been deleted. That’s another reason it’s good to recycle signup forms… it keeps all your customizations.
Next, I decide whether to include a form title. Because this form will be at the end of a blog post, I’m including it as noted above. That line of code is:
 <h2>Subscribe to get Outdoor Room Design book updates</h2>
This tag occurs right after the form action tag.
There’s a <div class=“mc-field-group"> tag for each of the three required fields. One little refinement: in my MailChimp lists, I use all lowercase for the field names (email address, first name, and last name) but I want them to appear in title case on the signup form (Email Address, First Name, and Last Name) so I change it once, and then it’s automatically the way I want it on all recycled signup forms.
MailChimp has a nifty feature known as Groups. A Group is a group of people on your list who match certain characteristics. I use three Group Sets (collection of Groups) in the Mouzon Design list:
I’m a(n)… This group let people tell me what they do. Academic, Appraiser, Architect, Attorney, Banker, etc. I have 25 Groups in this Set that focus on disciplines or interests involved in placemaking and architecture. “But wait,” you ask. “How can they tell you what they do if only the required fields show up on the signup form?” Good question. Roughly once per year, I send out my Eye Candy Swap email. It’s a curated collection of my best recent Mouzon Images work, and I ask them something like “hey, while you’re enjoying these, why don’t you tell me a little more about you? The more I know, the more I can tailor mailings so that I only send you stuff you’re interested in.” This includes a link to a page where the entire signup form is visible, including not only Group Sets, but also all of the other basic info like street address, etc. But I will NEVER ask for telephone numbers  again because I hate unsolicited calls.
I’ve bought… I only use this group for the Mouzon Design list. For the Guild Foundation list, the New Urban Guild list, and the Studio Sky list, this Group Set is omitted because those entities sell mostly services instead of products. I’m interested in… For Mouzon Design, this Set includes the Catalog of the Most-Loved Places, Mouzon Design house plans and plan books, Mouzon Images, New Media for Designers + Builders, the Original Green, the Outdoor Room Design book, and the Walk Appeal Book.
At the beginning of each Group Set input checkboxes, there is this tag: <div class="mc-field-group input-group”> I add a style attribute at the end of each of the three Group Sets to say this: <div class="mc-field-group input-group" style=“display:none”>. What that does is to tell the signup form not to display this section.
Each Group has an input tag, with the attributes type, value, and name, and ID. This signup form has the following added to the end of the id attribute: “ checked” where the quotation marks are not in the code; I’ve simply used them to show that there’s a space before the word. So for this form, I want to cut the “ checked” from the Walk Appeal input tag and add it in the same place to the end of the Outdoor Room Design tag. What this means is that when someone subscribes, it will subscribe them to that Group without them ever having to see the Group Set. Cool, eh?
Three more things: Near the end of the signup form code, there’s a scary-looking line that says: </div>    <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups—> Problem is, the three things I need to do are below that. I experimented, and what I do doesn’t seem to break anything. Here they are:
There’s an <input type=“submit" tag, which defines the Subscribe button. If you want that button to say Subscribe, you’re fine. But if you want it to say something else like Enroll, Get Updates, or whatever, change the value attribute to whatever you need it to say.
For some reason I can’t figure out, the Subscribe button gets cut off at the bottom when I use the default signup form. So I add a <br/> tag between the </form> tag and the </div> tag. I suspect it’s a problem with my web app (Sandvox) and MailChimp, but since the fix is so easy, I haven’t worried about finding the root cause.
Sometimes, I’ll add the following text just below the <br/> tag: You'll receive an email from me with the subject line "Mouzon Design: Please Confirm Subscription." Click Yes to confirm your subscription for Outdoor Room Design book updates. This is helpful because several signup forms are on the Original Green site rather than the Mouzon Design site. I can’t get MailChimp to customize the subject line based on Group, so this seems like a decent workaround.
Does this all make sense, or did I explain anything in a fuzzy way?
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ixvyupdates · 6 years
A Creepy and Troubling Hidden WordPress Hack
It’s almost Christmas and our family is again planning to celebrate with a special dinner of prime rib. This has become a holiday tradition but is a big deal for us, since this is the only time all year I do any cooking of prime rib meat. Today before going shopping, I searched our family learning blog WordPress site (“Learning Signs“) for past posts I’d written about this favorite holiday meal. I needed to confirm how large a prime rib I’d purchased in the past, and was also interested in reading the lessons learned and suggestions I’d documented in the past. I’ve written posts in 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016 on this topic.
I found the 2016 post on my iPhone , “Best Christmas Dinner Ever: Prime Rib,” but was immediately alarmed when I read it to see references and links to things like motorized scooters, instant loans, and airsoft guns. I realized immediately that my website had been hacked, since I had not included those things in my post two years ago… but it wasn’t immediately clear if my entire website was compromised.
Highlights show words and links added to my post by a hacker
This is how the post SHOULD have appeared, and does now since I used WordPress’ built in “revision history” to roll back the post to its original version.
My corrected / original WordPress Post About Holiday Prime Rib
I have, unfortunately, dealt with WordPress hacks on my own websites and those administered and hosted by others several times in the past. My earliest experience with them may have been 10 years ago, in 2008. In most cases, the entire WordPress site was compromised and I had to either restore the entire thing from a BackupBuddy backup, or pay a reputable WordPress security company (like Securi) to clean it up. The “vector” used by hackers in all these cases wasn’t necessarily clear… In some, the WordPress installation and associated plug-ins hadn’t been updated regularly as they should be. In others, I suspected weak passwords. In each of those past cases, however, the hackers had taken advantage of a vulnerability and rendered the site so corrupted I couldn’t repair it directly myself.
In today’s case, it appears that this single post from 2016 was targeted and edited to include links the hacker was most likely paid to insert. What was surprising and alarming, however, was the way in which the language of the post was altered, so the new sentences and links ALMOST flowed with my original verbiage. This does not appear to have been a bot attack, I think this was someone crafting language by hand and inserting links into this specific post… possibly because it was highly ranked on Google and other search engines at the time. I haven’t updated all my WordPress sites to SSL as recommended, and this has significantly hurt my SEO (search engine optimization) rankings. Starting in July 2018, Google began marking all websites as “insecure” in its search results and in the Chrome web browser if they don’t use encryption. I looked into the steps for doing this, but because I maintain so many sites and have been too professionally busy with other things, I haven’t made these code changes yet.
Closer inspection to the revision history for this hacked webpage revealed that the latest unauthorized change took place 9 months ago.
Revision history shows hacked changes 9 months ago
A series of changes had actually been made in the preceding months, going all the way back to August 2018.
First unauthorized hack of this WordPress post
I am glad there have not been any new changes to the post in the past 9 months, but of course I’m concerned there may be other posts that are also compromised. I have over 450 posts on the “Learning Signs” blog, so this isn’t something I can readily scan over.
A few months ago, I changed the hosting company for most of my websites, and at that time I deactivated all the administrator accounts on that website, just keeping my own. I also changed my administrator password to a much more secure (long and random) version, and ensured iThemes Security Pro was properly installed and configured. I’d previously used the WordFence security plugin for WordPress, but had some hacking problems even when it was installed so I changed everything over to iThemes Security.
Today I enabled logging features in iThemes Security Pro, so all admin user access is logged. I’ll try and keep an eye on this in upcoming weeks. I’d like to find a way to show a list of all my posts on the site, sorted by the date each was last modified. That way, I could identify unusual descrepancies between original publishing dates and more recent modification dates. I looked at a few plugins but couldn’t find a way to readily do this. If you have any suggestions on that front, please let me know with a comment or by reaching out to my on Twitter @wfryer.
Hopefully this situation will not repeat itself. It’s a bad feeling to have words and links you never wrote or inserted put into a blog post you’ve published out ‘for the world.”
(You can view comments and add comments about this post on this Facebook thread. Also feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @wfryer. Or comment below!)
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A Creepy and Troubling Hidden WordPress Hack syndicated from https://sapsnkraguide.wordpress.com
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For instance, if you wish to purchase BitUSD, you will first define the value at which you wish to purchase it within the value” box. While most cryptocurrencies do form a quasi-DAO, to the most effective of my data BitShares appears to be the first system to be a completely self-sustaining DAO. Or better yet, get in contact as we speak right now to find out how your organisation can profit from Blockchain applied sciences, crypto-currencies and Good contracts. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to The Bitcoin Recreation, see you subsequent time! Elementary to the integrity of bitcoin is the public register of transactions—the block-chain. In bitcoin trading software bot and early 2015, starting a bitcoin firm was one of many easiest methods to get funding. I think my advertising and marketing background's actually helped; plenty of developers do not have that, so for us it is a real distinctive selling level. 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All of that stated the benefits Ethereum positive aspects by being neutral to application content is a breath of fresh air compared to the constant bickering over what characteristic to add to BitShares next or whether that characteristic should even be allowed on the BitShares blockchain. Antonopoulos deserves huge respect, as he is the spring board from which Bitcoin has jumped. And but in the next breath he argues that the votes of those customers, registered by their determination to undertake sure software program over one other, should not be used as governance for deciding the future of Bitcoin. That may sound like a regular business, however the difference is that instead of buying discounted products wholesale, with eBay arbitrage sellers are often buying straight from a web-based retailer and getting them to ship direct to their customers. Bitshares represents an modern cryptocurrency, that was designed to utilize the blockchain expertise in trading of varied digital as well as tangible property. It's even tougher to develop the first fully automated system in such a new market. Each single GAM that is bought this fashion will be completely burned, steadily decreasing the whole supply of Gambit as long as buying and selling remains worthwhile. When gold and bitcoin have been compared as investments over the past 5 years, bitcoin drastically outperformed the valuable metallic, producing an annualized return of 155 percent compared to gold's annualized loss of 6 p.c during the identical interval. As of April 2017, one bitcoin is price $1,223 - a substantial soar from late 2016, when it was around $770. Starting Immediately Compensation & Advantages: £ 60 - 70 Okay Equity participation within the company The perfect candidate can have expertise as a Blockchain developer. Gavin certain did things, but had largely pale out lengthy earlier than that point after he created the Bitcoin Basis. He's all the time had a passion for leading edge technologies, but nothing excited him as much as Bitcoin. And in the event you're a developer interested by building applications on Stellar, discover our documentation. His PHP expertise took him and his website to the height of the 2013 bitcoin craze! A terrific rumpus broke out on this planet of Bitcoin last week, when veteran developers Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn revealed Bitcoin XT , a competing model of Bitcoin Core, the open-supply program that generates new bitcoins, verifies all transactions, and information them on the huge distributed ledger known as the blockchain. Behind the scenes, the Bitcoin network is sharing a public ledger referred to as the block chain”. If these were precise Bitcoin nodes, this is able to have been a whole catastrophe for the community, possible resulting in a monetary loss for investors. Attempt to regulate software via necessary standards, necessary inspection of supply code and different impractical measures. Arbitrage Forex Skilled Advisor Newest PRO 3.7 Unique - is a high profitable Knowledgeable Advisor (high-frequency system), the principle of which is predicated on the backlog (hangs) information feed (quotes). The higher the range, quantity and compute energy, the lower the likelihood that the bitcoin blockchain ledger will be compromised. However, I am just one person and I do know there are others out there who may assist add features to this software program and make it extraordinary! When you've got a question, put up a topic in the WooCommerce Stellar Forum We could or may not reply, but would admire assist from different customers of the extension in handling support - whereas our code is free our time will not be. One 12 months later, a first implementation of the concepts defined in the white paper was launched and the Bitcoin network was born. All Bitcoin transactions are to be dealt with by Coinbase, a Bitcoin fee processor. Most Bitcoiners are aware of Hayek, as Bitcoin is usually called by the moniker Hayek-Money, however many individuals don't know the exact hyperlink between Hayek and Bitcoin. Numerous tens of hundreds of historical betting opportunities have been investigated and analysed for profitability and all of this research is subsequently built into our software program. You can not only reap the benefits of buying and selling your favorite Altcoins, however you can too utilize the inner arbitrage bot to benefit from worth differences between completely different pairs of altcoins. That is additionally the explanation behind the battle of banks and financial institutions in looking for talented cryptographers and Blockchain developers. I'm not a gambler however a buddy who's doing a PhD in monetary arithmetic informed me there are a number of companies whose software program uses algorithmic modelling to search out the most effective arbitrage opportunities on exchanges. Latest PRO adviser for greater than seven years on the market of high-frequency buying and selling. In Australia, binary choices brokers are regulated by ASIC whereas FSB is the body that oversees the market in South Africa. I believe Bitcoin Classic takes a really affordable and balanced approach to this by setting a seventy five% threshold, and including a 28 day grace interval for individuals to improve as soon as the brink is reached. Till final week, the bitcoin community and trade had forgotten about Wright. While these digital funds would substitute - most of - the usage of money in creating countries, they'd also enable for the change to electronic record-holding. My firm is planning to arrange a arbitrage heart with one hundred fifty seats and also put up server in Mumbai. For those who want the Bitcoin system to proceed to develop and thrive, that is troubling Merchants cannot rely on digital transactions that may take minutes or hours to validate. Pissed off by the reluctance expressed by the opposite Bitcoin developers to formally elevate the block measurement limit (Hearn, 2015), two core developers, Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn, launched a new model of the Bitcoin client software (Bitcoin XT) with the latent capability of accepting and producing an elevated block dimension of eight megabytes. Defenders of sustaining the limited capability of the existing community have proposed technical workarounds that, they claim, would enable many more transactions with out modifying the core Bitcoin software program. In a manner, good contracts are analogous to the standing directions given to banks to perform duties equivalent to transferring cash to another account on particular dates, paying utility bills, and so on. No illustration or implication is being made that The Forex Portfolio Trader will generate earnings or guarantee freedom from losses. He co-created the DPoS consensus algorithm, co-founded BitShares and Ethereum, and is at present the CEO of one of the largest cryptographic research labs on the planet referred to as IOHK. On the accounts web page , you may discover paid plans beginning at $seventy five a month (with a ten% low cost when you pay with Bitcoin). You'll give up possession of Bitshares to go long BitAssets or keep Bitshares in collateral to go short BitAssets. Good contracts had been originally proposed 20 years in the past by the famous cryptographer Nick Szabo. Collaborative Commerce permits commerce companions interact in a friction­free manner, gaining deep visibility into their provide chain so they can make good forecasting choices. bitcoin trading software 've been able to construct teams of engineers at Coinbase who can construct scalable bitcoin node software program, for example, as have several other companies within the space. I discovered an out-of-state financial institution that was able to transfer money same day into one of the exchanges I used to be utilizing due to a particular relationship. After that we're going to be working on LPOS that is some cross between Bitshares delegated POS and Account Leasing from NXT. See Counterparty , Factom and Blockchain ID to be taught more about some functions constructed on high of Bitcoin. Worse but, incentives of individuals usually are not always completely aligned, and individuals usually have visibility into the supply code of different members (e.g. Bitcoin Core). Successful arb traders use software as a result of there are a variety of repetitive checks and calculations. It's the quantity of BitShares needed to buy one BitUSD or one BitBTC that will change. IMToken is a smart digital pockets meant to supply an easy, simple and powerful interface for users of all technical backgrounds. Now you can pay in your Dish subscription and purchase items from 1-800-FLOWERS or plane tickets from Expedia using bitcoin. There are many Bitcoin supporters who consider that digital currency is the future. The Qtum undertaking gives many advantages to the Good Contract development neighborhood. While buying and selling has turn out to be practically instantaneous on on-line foreign exchange platforms, the account loading strategies obtainable to investors and speculators have not caught up. Credit card funds can get declined easily by banks from sure nations.
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