#so i tried to point out that i didnt say the word nonverbal itself is a problem in general
dyketubbo · 3 years
im rewatching doomsday (comps of all povs of course) and. yeah i just.. feel bad for the lmanburgians. i dont know how i could just. say these people deserved it, when they all sound, panicked and desperate and so so fucking sad. long long ramble under the cut as i recount the events and pick out a bunch of little things
even the day before then is painful. ranboos panic room. ranboo and tubbos talk (tubbo admitting that hes wrong, saying he believes that history is repeating itself and trusting ranboo because he believes in his loyalty), fundy showing the ring toss. tubbos surprise at being told to kill dream before stating that quackity would be in control if he didnt (god, did he plan to fail?). tommy being so so excited. everyone playing ring toss and cheering on jack. tommy still believing in tubbo. tubbo panicking. ranboo and tommy and techno talking, ranboo giving them info. dream placing walls and quackity instructing tubbo on where to kill dream. dream lying about the community house. the entire community house debacle. just, everything.
and then doomsday itself. having to frantically get there because it started early, tubbo only having diamond armor to protect him, fundy standing still after he sabotaged them. tubbo and ranboos genuine despair about the apiary.
tubbo eventually going nonverbal and actively putting himself in danger, not even moving away from techno at first and getting in the way of the firework launcher. tubbo trying to save tommy from the fireworks, ponks broken "dont come over here!" after she was trying to save his cat, tommys face falling and desperate attempts at convincing techno, ranboo going "its all gone", niki spiralling and silently burning down the tree, quackitys pure anger. all the death messages.
jack going "what is there left to protect", tommy brokenly trying to accept that its gone as tubbo and quackity blankly do accept it. jack going "i lost everything again". tommy desperately trying to understand dream, on the verge of tears as he asks why dream didnt just hurt him. his low health and food as hes unable to do anything anymore, his quiet gasp as he spots ghostbur, tubbos tiny shake of his head when dream says dream and tommys story wont be over.
tubbo and quackity breaking the repeaters. ghostburs "i didnt even know we were fighting". ghostbur finding out phil let friend die, hes pained "phil? but i- i gave, i gave phil to look after. and dream found me friend, and technoblade said we were friends", tommys pained talk about technoblade. "we were never his friend. to him, all of this was just an act of politics, an act of clout and a-a social ladder, and you won't remember. tubbo you will, and to you big q, this was a friendship. but to technoblade, this was a ladder. and techno climbed to the tippity talk. do you wanna know the only way you can go? on the ladder? -- and once you reach the top of the ladder tubbo, you can only go down."
quackity asking to sing the anthem again, him strumming as ghostbur sings (and tubbo and tommy joining in). ghostbur forgetting the second verse because it blew up. quackity remembering it, them stumbling through it. tommys "tubbo? im so so sorry", tubbos quiet "its okay." the four all singing together. tubbo looking at the lava with an ender pearl in his hand, tommy correcting quackity and going "our l'manburg". ghostburs speech about friend, about people not taking him seriously just because he has memory loss.
meanwhile.. phil and techno were laughing. cracking jokes. phil mocks them as he spawns withers on the apiary, going "ohhh noo not the bees!". techno shouts at tommy and shoots at him and tubbo. he kills jack and doesnt even notice that it was one of his lives lost. jacks death itself proves that it doesnt take any particular intent, doesnt have to mean anything to the killer. techno and phil were willing to kill people. it would be foolish of them to act as if there were no risks in the terms of canon lives, especially with phil. phil doesnt take ghostbur seriously, treats his despair as an opportunity to drill in a lesson. the most either of them lost was some of the dogs and used up potions, fireworks, and wither skulls
and then theres dream. dream whose been harming the l'manburgians since the beginning, who had taken tubbo hostage, offered eret a chance to betray them all, who had been the man in tommys walls and offering money to tubbo and jack to try and get them to destroy things, who tried to get tommy to kill tubbos villagers. dream, who took tommys discs over and over, who killed tommy twice in one day, who stopped caring about his friends that loved him and were so so loyal. dream, who helped schlatt and pushed wilbur deeper into his spiral, who even then tried to manipulate tommy.
dream, who helped destroy l'manburg the first and second time, who took advantage of tubbo so he could have a premeditated kidnapping of tommy. dream, who abused tommy, physically, psychologically, emotionally. dream, who degraded tubbo and had taken ranboos memory book (which btw, since ranboos memory loss counts as a mental disability with the memory book as his aid, thats dream taking the thing that aids ranboo in dealing with his disability).
dream, who had been the reason l'manburg was created. dream, who got to destroy l'manburg three times. dream won. and techno and phil dont regret it, dont care.
maybe l'manburg was never meant to be. and sure, it started with stealing and an attempt to monopolize on potions but. that wasnt even l'manburg then, was it? it was just wilbur and tommy having fun. l'manburg came after. after the police hurt them. l'manburg started as a silly little revolution, led by a naïve man who thought he could win wars by saying no. it was a place for a family, a place for them to escape from dream. it was a place to try and escape the harm of those outside the walls. it was meant to be safe, even if those against them made it hard to be. it was made from love. it was meant to be happy. it was a symphony, however unfinished.
so. i don't know. i just feel, bad. they never really won, did they? tragedy after tragedy, death after death, destruction after destruction, betrayal after betrayal, hurt after hurt. and now what's left of them, really? out of the founders, erets doing the best and even shes doing awful, forever trying to make up for what he did. tubbos paranoia led him to developing nukes in a desperate attempt to stay safe, because he was taught to stay quiet and keep his emotions to himself, because his death was "justified", because nukes and walls and weapons are the only way he can feel safe anymore.
tommy went through months of abuse, lost all of his lives and suffered upon coming back, suicidal but unable to bring himself to do it because limbo is worse, feeling lost and like he has no family anymore other than wilbur, who he knows is hurting him but cant bring himself to leave, who loved lmanburg so so dearly and only wanted a home, still doesnt have one (tommy from everywhere, tommy from nowhere at all). niki who loved lmanburg and wilbur so much that it hollowed her out and made her bitter and shes so used to being spoken over that all she can think to do is raise her voice and get pissed, who cant see wilbur as a good person anymore because shes hurt and hasnt truly recovered and she doesnt know how to cope without being angry.
jack manifold feels forgotten, hes lost all his lives and crawled out of hell and no one truly noticed, he doesnt even believe that niki really cares, hes desperate and has made his purpose to be spiteful and angry because he cant deal with the emptiness that comes when he realizes theres no point. fundys desperate to have friends, family, a partner, anyone thatll love him, anyone thatll keep him safe, slowly killing himself with cigarettes and disowned because of giving too little too late, because he was too little too late.
and wilburs lost himself. spiraling, paranoid. a young, naïve man who wanted to fight swords with words, who wanted to impress his father, who wanted a nation of his own to feel safe, who was so effected by erets betrayal that he cant trust anyone but himself, whose possessive nature eats him from the inside out, desperate for control and unable to let go of the only person he knows loves him unconditionally
all because outside forces kept pushing, kept destroying, kept ruining them and hurting them and traumatizing them and taking away their homes and pets and loved ones. and i just. cant feel happy for the ones that hurt them, i cant feel victorius, triumphant, any of that. i just feel bad that the l'manburgians never got to be a family. i know they arent the best people but shit, i love them anyways, love them because theyre flawed and because theyre *people*, people who tried so so hard and got pushed so so much and. fuck, i cant be happy that the people who loved nature and play fought and laughed by campfires and read poetry and re-enacted theatre and loved each other and wanted to *live* (even if they were willing to die, if it meant giving everyone else a chance).. lost. they lost.
canonical years of work down the drain in one day. records of history gone, now only remembered in full by a traumatized teenager who was taught not to talk about his negative emotions, and even he misremembers some parts. they didnt even lose fairly. they had no chance. they couldnt have prepared for withers, for tnt rain, for the hounds. they were poor, weaker than their opponents, sabotaged by one of their own. thats.. tragic.
doomsday was a tragedy. i cant agree that it was deserved. i cant agree that they had it coming, that they deserved to lose homes and pets and limbs and lives and land because they werent the greatest people around.
a small country of less than 10 people (at both creation and destruction) now a giant crater in the ground, remnants of a parisitic egg taking over the land. and it wasnt even lost fairly. three people were stronger than an entire nation, even with all of its allies. two anarchists working with an abusive tyrant. so, no. doomsday wasnt deserved. people dont deserve tragedy. there were better ways, i truly cant be happy that the way chosen was violence. i cant.
l'manburg's citizens deserved better. they really did. the ends dont justify the means. and god, am i fucking tired of "justice". if justice means choosing violence over love and respect and caring about those less strong than you, i dont wanna hear about it. fuck that man, id rather love and be loved than constantly give a shit about making up for hurting others by getting hurt, thats stupid and cruel and i cant see it as okay on a moral level. not when the people that got hurt deserved to be loved and cared about and protected and *talked to* instead of constantly shot down.
of course for the narrative i can enjoy violence and characters getting hurt and i do like how "real" it all is, the despair and dissonance in tone and how terrifyingly messy it all is. out of story perspective- honestly rather cool even if it makes me feel bad. in story perspective- holy fucking shit no that wasnt deserved and god i hope everyone hurt will be able to heal and learn to love and be loved again because thats such a terrifying thing to go through. from a detached pov i can appreciate the insight into everyone involved and i like the plotlines that came from it, but from a compassionate pov i just wish the l'manburgians were allowed to be happy and treated as equals so they didnt have to go through all of this
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swampgallows · 5 years
outrageously awful and gory and uncomfortable nightmare. jesus fucking christ. 
being pursued throughout an 80s looking office building, light only coming through windows, like we get him but he becomes utterly fucking maimed afterward. in the nightmare he was clearly some kind of pedophile and the dude who helped me (me, a nonverbal and possibly autistic adult man, in my nightmare) tortured the shit out of him and utterly maimed his dick. in ways i odnt want to describe. he was howling and crying in a specific way, really high pitched, thats still playing in my head as im writing this. it was ‘me’ earlier in the dream i think but i was trying to scream, trying to call out, trying to yell at the man pursuing me in order to intimidate him (i could see the whites of his wild eyes through slats and keyholes and, at one point, some kind of mail delivery slot on the floor, darting around in a sweat, frantically and hungrily chasing me) but i couldnt call out, i couldnt make noise, and by a point in the dream i realized as an observer that ‘i’ was now a nonverbal adult man, had a calendar full of printed images and could only say a few words when i mmanaged to. 
the calendar was full of ‘my’ writing but it was all disjointed and elementary-looking, as if written by a young child. flipping through the calendar i saw my own ‘allowed to die’ painting printed in there in a bunch of different sizes and panels, and there were other parts of it in the same color scheme like a comic. an older gentleman was ridiculing me at first, calling me the r slur, mocking how i couldnt speak, but he saw the man trying to get at me and helped me arrest him. i, still as the disabled adult man, was trying to help the man with me arrest the pedo and put handcuffs on him, so my big doughy hands tried pinning back the pedos and instead he grabbed my hand and held it, squeezed it, squeezed it so fucking violently tight like “im going to fucking get you” even though he was being handcuffed. and then thats when the older man with me (he had a mustache, looked like a typical “movie neighbor dad” from 80s/90s kinda sitcoms like SPECIFICALLY DENNIS THE MENACE is coming to me, like the neighbor from dennis the menace jesus
OH CHRIST AND EARLIER IN THE NIGHTMARE IT WAS ME AND COOKIES AND DIEGO BUT I WAS LIKE ...TRYING TO SHOOT UP HEROIN??? god im only remembering blips of it, i remmeber in the dream i had done it ‘just once’ and i remember feeling rubbery but overall kind of good, like the dull pain from when youve been working out and your muscles are sore but it feels ‘productive’. and i was thinking like ‘oh man thye cant find out that i did it, but i only did it once’. we were in some house where the ground was uneven, i used the restroom in the dream totally pissed at my friends because i said “i dont want to talk about this with [so and so] here (there was another guy there in the dream, i didnt know him)” but they talked to him about it anyway. so i like stormed off to use the restroom and there was water ALL over the floor because the ground was uneven, like there was a leak in the sink or something but it filled up the bathroom and the next room. 
i heard the new guy from the other room be like ‘trying not to spark a wire and kill us’ or something, then he called out that there was a ‘shiny dragon’ from th enext room, like he was playing pokego and trying to entice me to get out of the bathroom and so they could intervene on me having shot up. and i remember only blips about injecting, that it was to a specifc song (and i was thinking in the dream ‘oh no ive ruined this song for myself every time i hear it im only going to think about shooting up), and that i actually got the needle from someone else, like grabbed it off of someone on the street. i dont know when it shifted but i think me trying to hide from/avoid the stranger dude among my friends then shifted into being in some oldschool office building being chased by the pedo. in the times where i could lock myself in those offices and the one filing room and could only see the guy’s eyes searching for me i think the transformation happened. 
when the older man helped me catch him he fucking like pulled on his dick so hard he like stretched the skin til it was red and thin like a rubber band and tied it on itself which sounds like a cartoon but in the dream looked extremely visceral and red, like i could see all his spider veins and it was really flushed and irritated and the man was fucking screaming the whole time. it was like he had ‘tucked’ it to the point of mutilation. it sounds like a great revenge but it was terrible to watch and not a cathartic nightmare at all. i just feel violated and chased and unsafe. 
awful fucking nightmare
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