#so i went ahead and went w a vanilla theme
styw · 3 years
The only exception
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Park Chaeyoung & Kim Jisoo -- The only exception 
Mature themes ahead! If uncomfortable, don’t interact.
At the age of six, I saw my father cry for the first time in our living room. He was alone with nothing, but the bottles, at that age, I don't have knowledge of. When I got older, I found out that he was drowning himself, not to ease the pain in his chest, but to die. The loud weeping made by my father was so loud that it echoed in our living room, and for a moment, I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to him for him to weep so badly.
With my two feet, I sat on our stairs as I watched from a distance. I can hear my father's thunderous voice from afar as he throws thousands of curses at the wind. I wanted to move my feet, approach my father and perhaps ask him why he was acting like someone I didn't know, but my feet wouldn't move. I didn't have the courage, so I slapped my legs to move until my skin turned red.
In the end, there was nothing I could do besides watch him weep.
The next day, he drank himself to sleep, and I wondered where my mother could have gone off. My mother never liked the smell of alcohol, so I often witnessed my father getting scolded by my mother. Yet, she's not here.
A week later, my father's hobby of drinking got worse, and it stayed like that until he started to shout at me. My father had never raised his voice at me until that time. A month later, I got used to his shouting and saw my mother, whose presence I miss most. She was standing beside him, speaking in a hushed tone that I could barely hear from the stairs. I wished I could hear what they had been talking about, but then I stopped wishing when I saw how my father had shoved her away from him. 
I held a gap between my lips. Despite the distance, I could clearly see the guilt forming on his face, which I guessed was because of what he had done to my mother. My mother gasped, and all of a sudden, she wept on the floor as she moved her lips, spitting hatred words at my father. Then the guilt on his face starts to twitch, changing to hatred, just like my mother had.
I did nothing of the sort aside from witnessing the hatred they'd exchanged with each other, and it went on like that until I reached the age of eleven. 
At the age of eleven, she finally left me. She was at our porch door, ready to leave without hesitation. I could hear my father's voice behind me, calling her names, and I think she was not listening, because the moment I opened my mouth as I called for her, she turned to me. I knew my mother was never going to go on one of her so-called business trips. Not when I've seen how she almost took all of her belongings from the house, as if she was erasing the fact that she existed here. The fact that she's my mother.
I don't want that. I never want that. I want my mother to stay, and not for my father, but for her daughter. It was a selfish request, but I didn't know that at the time. I was just a young kid back then, begging for my family to be okay just like before.
The memory of my mother lying before she walked out of my life was still vivid in my mind. I remember her fancy vanilla scent on me. I remember asking about the places when her boss asked her to go to some places, even though I had no knowledge of them. I wasn't even sure if those places existed, but I tried my hardest to remember them so I could figure out how and where she was going. I remember how she reached out to tuck my hair behind my ear for the last time and whispered that she would be back for me. Then she kissed my cheek, longingly. I remember how watching her left me completely helpless. I remember how I cried for her as I let myself sprint freely to the car, never accepting that she was going to leave me forever. But she never stopped the car. 
I remember how I would wait for her every day at the window. I remember the disappointment I would get when I saw a black automobile only to find out that it was not her. I remember the pang of jealousy in me whenever I saw kids interacting with their mothers with smiles on their faces. I remember visiting my mom's old room, trying to feel her presence with me. I remember how I wept when I came to learn that my father had decided to move to Seoul, South Korea. And mostly, I remembered that I would cry only in the shower, where no one could see me or hear me, where I couldn't tell what my tears were and what the water was.
To be frank, I don't know why I did that. I just know that after a few months, I was able to take a shower without crying, and I stopped getting disappointed as I waited for her. 
Despite the promises she showered on me that day, she never showed up on our porch again, and since then, I've come to wonder if my mom truly loved me. Why did she even bore me with her stomach if she would only just leave me alone with my father? 
At that time, I could not help but wish I should have been born a bird. 
By the time I was sixteen, I was six feet one, with dark, shiny raven hair, long legs, light porcelain skin, and a chest that pulled at the buttons of my dresses. Boys at my school would whistle at me on my way, watching me walk down the hallway, and I would get the nasty glares of the girls that would befriend me in front of my face, but stab me savagely in the back. 
One day, a boy came up to me when I was left alone in my classroom. He grinned at me, though I didn't know why. He wasn't even handsome with his grin, but I think he thought he looked handsome because he'd been smiling for how many minutes, so I didn't dare break the confidence. He told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend, and to be honest, I never knew what to say back to him. 
Then he kissed me. I didn't want him to kiss me. I pushed him away, but he held onto my arm.
"Oh, come on," He said. "Be my girlfriend. I know you like me,"
The classroom was empty. His arms were strong and he gripped me tightly. At that moment, I knew he was going to get what he wanted from me, whether I let him or not. 
"You have this power over me."
Then he kissed me, and I felt like I was kissing a piece of shit coming from a cow's asshole. It was disgusting, but I couldn't move my body. It was as if it was paralyzed on its own. I wanted to tell him no. I wanted to scream at him that I didn't want his lips on mine. I didn't want him or this. And before I could realize it, his lips disappeared from mine, and I saw him almost fall off the ground.
I realized I had slapped him. 
I could feel my hand stinging from the pain. I glanced at him, and he threw me a pair of furious eyes, boring deeply into me. His cheeks were red, and when he caressed them, he hissed at me.
"You sick bitch! You should be grateful I kissed your slutty lips, you fucking weirdo!" He points at me, as if he really meant that I should be grateful. 
I flinched and didn't say anything. I could feel my tears building up, but I wouldn't show them to him. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of my tears. Instead, I just stayed there quiet as I bit the insides of my cheeks. 
"Oh god! Fuck, my face!" I heard him say. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. You will fucking pay for this, you fucking weirdo!" 
Then he left. When he did, I felt my legs couldn't carry me anymore, and I collapsed right onto the ground. I don't know why, but there was not an ounce of tears streaming down my cheeks. Instead, I just sat there in relief that I was able to break free from his grasp.
On the night of that day, I washed my lips a thousand times until I finally felt clean, but no matter how much I tried to rinse them with water, I knew the feeling in his lips wouldn't come off. And I felt disgusted. 
When the next day came, it was no surprise to be the center of attention after your classmates found out about your family history and how you used the boy they adored: motherless, miserable, slut, bitch, bitch, bitch, poor bitch, and how dare you use our oppa!
Wrecked-Park. That's what I would hear whenever I walked through the hallway. They sometimes call me that, and it makes me want to scream at them, tell them to shut their mouths, because I don't know why. They were speaking the truth. I was a motherless girl, and I know I don't have a reason to be angry about it, but I hated it when they called me names. So, despite the hard, annoying, and sharp words, I came to learn that wasting my energy on something irrelevant was useless, so I made it through high school mostly avoiding and rejecting anyone until I reached college.
By the time I was nineteen, I was familiar with the quote, "No man is an island." I've known that quote ever since I was in kindergarten, and throughout high school, I've proved the quote wrong by being partnered with some random kid in my class and just volunteered to do it alone.
Then, they would show me fake concern with questions like, "Are you sure?" I would nod, shrugging, as I knew really well that they were kind of feeling lucky to have me as their partner. I don't really know what the reason was back then, but throughout the years, I've come to guess that maybe I just didn't want them to see how lonely and miserable I was.
When I arrived at my first class of the day, Mr. Lee, our homeroom teacher, announced that we would be pairing ourselves. He said that to make things fair, Mr. Lee decided he would be the one to decide with whom to partner.
Of course, I didn't have any objection to that, so I was partnered, and that's where I crossed paths with Jennie Kim. 
"You don't have to do this with me, Kim." That was the first thing I said.
I can see how her eyebrows furrowed as if she was foreign to it.
"Why not?"
"You don't have to. I can handle geometry, it's not a big deal." I said, though I'm not so sure of my words, but I work harder than the devil.
I can see how she scrunched her nose softly, "Why would I let you eat our project alone, Park? Wouldn't that be unfair?"
I raised an eyebrow, confused. "If you're worrying about the cooperation grade I'll give, I'll give you ten."
"And why would you do that?"
"Just because."
"I'll ask again, why would you do that?"
I look down, "To leave me alone."
"You're shooing your partner, give them ten points despite no effort?"
"Just leave me alone, Kim."
"That's nonsense, Park."
I finally sigh, glancing up to meet her eyes and motioning her to sit down. Jennie Kim was one of the famous students I've seen around the school, and I know that just by associating with her, it'll feel like I'm letting Charon paddle my way to Hades' realm. And I don't want the peace I'm building around myself to be wrecked just because I had some project with some cool girl.
"Look, I know you're trying to pretend that it doesn't make you happy at all, but I do," I took my books to my bag and stood up to walk out. "So be a dear and leave me alone to do our project alone."
"Do you not have trust in my knowledge?" She asks, and I frown at her.
"I do." It was true, I always tend to notice Jennie Kim's name in the top list.
"Then why wouldn't you let me help you?"
"Our conversation keeps going in circles, Kim."
"Then let me help you."
"I told you no."
"Then at least let me write our names and check if the answers are right."
"I have hands and a brain for a reason."
"Then at least let me provide the mater-"
And our conversation goes in circles until I finally sigh in surrender and agree. Between the stubbornness of Jennie Kim and Park Chaeyoung, I have admitted defeat to that.
I always found my legs giving up and tired as I walked towards Kim's house, but I endured it. Jennie Kim didn't need to know that, and so we continued our project that lasted a month. And throughout the project, I didn't expect to find the friendship I've been longing to have for years.
It turns out that Jennie Kim is not that hard to get along with. Turns out, Jennie Kim, who always had a cold expression on her face, can smile brighter than the sun does every morning. Turns out, Jennie Kim, who is rumored to be a party goer, loves to stay at home in her comfy pajamas. It turns out that Jennie Kim, who is portrayed as an evil, slutty, and cunning bitch, is actually a nice, brave, and strong ordinary girl like us, who makes mistakes and has flaws. It turns out that Jennie Kim, who is always portrayed as being dark as hell, is actually filled with unicorns. Turns out the Jennie Kim students idolize in our school is human too. Turns out Jennie Kim is actually a fan of Disney princesses. It turns out that Jennie Kim, who is rumored to be unaffected by any relationship she is in, is in fact heartbroken. Turns out Jennie Kim, despite the heartbreak, keeps trying to find love.
To be honest, I don't know why she does that. Why does she keep trying to find love despite the heartbreak that will embrace her in the end?
"I have something to confess. Someone actually asked me out two weeks ago." 
I could hear the voice and I knew that voice very well. I could hear her taking the seat in front of me, and when I glanced up, Jennie Kim was avoiding my eyes. Instead, she looked at her food with a sheepish smile on her lips. I knew this movie very well, I knew Jennie Kim very well, despite our friendship having just recently reached its second year.
"Well... Lisa," she starts, blushing more. "She asked me out."
Jennie Kim stopped killing her food before she placed her spoon down with a blush on her cheeks. I raised an eyebrow. Jennie hated fighting around the bush, and that's what she's actually doing right now. At this moment, I would have pointed out the new behavior she's showing, but I know my best friend is suffering at the moment, so in mercy, I didn't.
"Lisa, who?"
"Oh, you know, Lisa, Lisa, like Lisa... yeah." 
"Jennie, I don't know who this Lis-"
"Oh come on, are you really going to make me say her full name? Gosh, Rosie. You started your first year here and you didn't know who Lisa Manoban is?"
I faked a cough to hide the grin on my lips. Jennie was a fun girl to tease. 
"Chill," I say. "You didn't have to attack me just because Lisa Manoban asked you out or something." 
She blushed, and the next thing I saw, she was zooming out. I let it slide. This was an amusing sight, and it seemed like getting asked out by Lisa Manoban was not the only thing that happened between them. I know it. I can tell.
"She's different, Rosie. I mean, really, really, really different from the guys and girls I've been with."
I hummed, nodding as I urged her to continue. I've noticed countless ways in which Jennie Kim would describe her past lovers, but with this Lisa Manoban, I know I'm safe to say that she's different. Jennie Kim's expression says so.
"She looked at me, Rosie. And the way she did it made me feel as if no one had ever really looked at me before. Not even Jongin." She paused, taking a deep breath, and smiled as she stared at the food. "She's uhm... she treats me so nice. She listens well. She makes me laugh. She never forced me into anything. She would laugh at my jokes like a little kid... and it just felt so foreign and right with her, you know?" She laughed, the kind of giddy laugh that kids have when they're truly happy.
"That's great, Jen."
"It is..." She said, softly, and reached to catch her arm. "She's perfect, hubby. I know she has flaws around her, but that's what makes her perfect."
A month later, Lisa and Jennie became official. For some reason, I was afraid Lisa would be like one of the other guys I'd seen Jennie with, who would abandon Jennie once they got what they wanted. That they would wave her around like a trophy and throw her off once they're done using her. Jennie was important to me, and Lisa was slowly becoming important to me too, and I didn't want those two to break up. I never wanted that, and then, maybe I didn't want that because it reminded me of my family years ago. I don't want Jennie to end up like my father. I don't want Lisa to end up like my mother, who'd promised our friendship would still be the same when, in fact, we both know it won't be anymore.
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baekhyuq · 6 years
“Cupidity.” Baekhyun (m) [Valencries]
♡ Happy Valentine’s Week! ♡
From today up until Valentine’s Day I will be posting different genres of Valentine’s day themed one shots. The title of this specific fic is “Valencries” hence the sappy nature of this fic. Enjoy and be sure to come back tomorrow!
[Trigger Warning: Includes cheating]
Genre: Angst/smut
Word count: 1.2k
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“Devising methods to both have and eat your cake.”
His skin on yours, his warm breath fanning over your cheek. Your back pressed against his chest, his pelvis thrusting down into you. Your breath coming out jagged, you couldn’t help but to press your cheek to the mattress.
He could be home any moment.
You encouraged him to hurry, making note of the time being 11:40 pm. He grunted in response, slowing his pace.
“Hurry.” You held onto the sheets, gasping, you could feel every inch. Your nerves jittery as you anxiously waited. It wasn’t much long before he was ramming into you again, sending not only himself over the edge but you too.
“Are you finished?”
He groaned in ecstasy, breathing hard. He kissed your ear before wiping your backside clean. You turned over and sat up from your position, continuing to the door. You picked up his clothes and shoved them at him. “Hurry and go before he gets home.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay here?” He asked flirtatiously, you rolled your eyes when you felt his hand go to your hip. “You know we cant, he would kill me if he knew what we were doing.
The ends of his mouth turned down into a frown that didn’t suit his handsome face. You cringed inwardly at your own words.
“Then why don’t you just end it with him?” He repeated his truthful words he would say after sex. You knew this would never work. But you kept letting it happen. Becoming more greedy and in a rush to see each other every time.
“Y-you know why-“
“Because your parents want you to marry a rich man and not a low life like me. I know.”
“Chanyeol-I love you both.”
You folded your arms across your chest, wiping your glossy eyes. The broad man let out a sigh before hugging you gently. He took in a deep breath and exhaled softly. The crook of his neck smelled like love, and he was the man you loved.
“I just can’t deal with hiding this from him. I want you both.” You mumbled selfishly, pulling away.
“Y/n, just be mine. You don’t have to live a life of secrets.” He held your face in his hands, looking into your eyes with desperation. Your cheeks lit up, knowing you had no choice. You couldn’t risk your parent’s business and everything they worked for crash because of your feelings, because of this relationship.
“I can’t..” You trailed off.
He sighed as he began putting his clothes back on piece by piece. His toned back faced you, the few freckles that scattered over his skin like stars. You could see his muscles flex as he put his shirt over his torso. He pushed his hair from his forehead and stood before you. You looked at him expecting something, anything.
“This is it.” He whispered, his eyes staring holes into your own eyes.
“W-hat?” You blinked, your heart pounding. Every fiber of your being clutching on to his mere words.
“If we can’t be together...” He trailed off, rubbing his arm.
“T-then I don’t want to do this anymore.” He shook his head, his eyes drifting from you to the floor in disappointment.
“He doesn’t deserve this. Hell, I don’t deserve this Y/n!” His brows scrunched up in frustration, but he didn’t raise his voice.
He never raised his voice.
“Chanyeol, I..” You felt your mouth just open and close like a fish out of water. You were out of your element being confronted wasn’t something you were use to.
“There isn’t any explanation left is there Y/n?” He laughed so sickly.
You could’ve sworn your soul left your body and went straight to hell. Your arms and legs were covered in goosebumps, the voice left your legs trembling a chill emitting from just his voice only.
“B-baekhyun?” You almost choked,
“I can explain.”
“You can explain?” He let out a heartless chuckle, “You explain why my friend is in our room at 11 at night?” He left a pause for you to jump in but you didn’t. So he continued.
“We’ll go ahead, do your best.” His words didn’t drip with venom as you expected them to. It was a kind of teasing voice you used when talking to a kid. You couldn’t help but to wonder why he was speaking like that as you stood there mouth closed, guilty as ever.
You couldn’t form a sentence to defend yourself, not even when you knew why you were seeing Chanyeol. Baekhyun wasn’t having any of it.
“You could’ve just told me you were seeing somebody else.” His voice was low, scarily low.
“I don’t even know what to say.” You looked at Chanyeol expecting him to defend your relationship, but he shook his head and escaped the situation by simply just leaving.
“B-baekhyun, I’m sorry.”
“Save the apology for a rainy day. I just want my cock sucked on Valentine’s, can you just do that for me?” His string of words were so shocking you gasped out loud.
“Excuse me? You aren’t angry?”
“If I cared about who you slept with I wouldn’t be going out each night to fuck a desperate whore.” Baekhyun sighed as he slid off his shoes and shrugged his coat off.
“I really couldn’t care less about why he’s here, but I had to put on a show, I cant let anyone think I don’t care for my soon-to-be-wife. That would make me look horrible wouldn’t it?” He smirked at you, sitting on the bed with his legs stretched out.
“Can you suck me off or not baby? We can forget I caught you and your little blue boy, post-fuck.” Baekhyun’s words woke something inside of you. The way he was speaking to you made you weak. You’ve never seen this part of Baekhyun before, only his sweet charming vanilla persona.
Maybe you could have your cake and eat it too. This unwinding personality of his has got to be great in bed. And now that the actual love of your life has left you, what have you got to lose?
Absolutely nothing.
Both of your parents businesses will still be joined together by this marriage and you get the benefits of kinky sex and a extremely good looking man.
“Baekhyun?” You began.
“Yes?” He answered
“I want to try to make this work.”
“Now that you’ve got nothing to lose? You want to run to me at the last second? Is that how you begin a relationship?”
“I don’t want to go behind your back, if this marriage is going to work we have to put in our part.” You nervously spoke, there is no way this marriage would ever work after what you just pulled.
Baekhyun stands from the bed and makes his way toward you, his hand reaches out and grabs your chin gingerly.
“How about we talk about this another time, seeing as your lover just ran out the door and left you.”
“But I want to t-try.” You said with a desperation that embarrassed you.
Baekhyun tilted your head and leaned in, you felt the hair on your arms stand straight. His lips brushed yours and he let out a sigh.
“You’re cupidity has led you like a little sheep.” He smiled a smile that the devil would wear and dropped his hand to his side.
Baekhyun’s hand reached for the door knob and pulled it open but before he left he gave you a few words that hit you in the gut.
“And I think your blue boy would agree.” And with that he was gone.
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rosaeus-archive · 4 years
i hate tumblr.
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wydobrien · 7 years
to the dress that never fit.
AUTHOR: @wydobrien
PAIRING/S: stiles stilinski x reader.
AUTHORS NOTE: this is pure angst and something that took a lot of will power to write. i really connected to this fic, since i dealt with most of the things the reader-insert did. i want you all to know that in your lowest times, when you look at yourself in the mirror and just want to change everything that you see, that it’s through self-strength and realization (through others or yourself) that will pull you through. find strength in your weakness and you will prevail. thank you for taking the time to read this fic, i worked really hard on it. and a huge thanks to @writing-obrien for being an absolute angel and giving me courage to post this instead of deleting it all ahaha.
WARNING/S: body image issues and some depressing/self-hate themes.
listen to me.
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To the dress that never fit,
              Why did you hug everyone else so welcomingly except for me? I don’t know what I did, or what I could’ve said to you to make you feel so cold-shouldered to me. You laughed mockingly at my reflection in the mirror, and you agreed with the voice at the back of my head instead of fighting back against it. You pointed fingers, just like the other kids used to back when pigtails still happily bounced behind my ears, and you prodded the parts of me I didn’t even know looked bad on me till you did.
“So, did you try that exercise I recommended to you, miss (y/l/n)?” My lips cease their distracted movement, eyes making eye-contact with the patient ones staring back at me. A red hue falling over my cheeks, I instinctively tuck some stray-fallen hair behind my right ear, tongue swollen and throat suddenly dry. A weight presses into my chest as I force a small nod out of myself, earning a hum in response. I shrink further into the padded-chair beneath me. “That’s good. I’m proud to see how more open you’ve been lately.”
A humorless, breathy chuckle puffs out my mouth. “I’ve been feeling better. Lately. I guess.” The woman, sitting casually in front me, nods, eyes flickering to the vanilla envelope resting rigidly in my right hand. “I—I uh… I went out last night too.” She smiles, and I look down onto my lap, feeling unsure if I should’ve told her that. If she found it to be relevant, even. I press my ankles together a little harder as I try not to let my blush darken at the small sound of a pen scribbling away.
To the dress that never fit,
              Why did you make everyone else grin at the sight of you besides me? You’re such a pretty color, and you are said to compliment people’s eyes, but each time I pulled you over me you diminished my features with no remorse. The day I first tried you on, and I listened to your retorts, I saw what tear stains looked like against the pretty color I was supposed to like on me instead of hate.
 The silence between us is short-lived as I hear her scoot her chair in closer to her desk. “Where did you go?” She asks, and I blink furiously for a few moments. “Did you go with anyone?” Nodding, a weak grin trembles onto my lips.
 “My best friend did.”
 “Hmm.” She hums warmly, and it takes another wave of courage to lift my head to look at her again. “Were they good to you?” The question makes my stomach twist, but, I assure to shake my head as soon as the question was asked. I hold my grin, surprisingly.
I lift my free hand to scratch the back of my neck. “Yeah.” I start, my voice lowering to a whisper. “Yeah he was.”
To the dress that never fit,
              Why was it so hard to treat me the same way you treated others? Did it ever occur to you that all I wanted was the same thing every other person wanted when they fitted you over their body? Tell me, oh please tell me, I beg of you, I plead with all I have left in me, why did you hate the figure I was born with so much? I’ve tried to reshape it so many times to impress you, to try to change your feelings towards it, to even try to prove you and your hateful statements wrong. But no matter how many times I cried for mercy, you still kicked me down.
 Her eyes drift to the clock, and so do mine, knowing that this has been a more awkwardly short session than normal. “You didn’t tell me where you two went, (y/n).” I clear my throat as our eyes meet in unison, my lips folding into my mouth as I uncross my ankles to bounce my leg. “Was it a movie? A walk? Dinner?” I start to shake my head at all three guesses, right until my brain focuses on the second one.
 I lick over my lips briefly before assembling the right words to describe where he took me last night. “It was kinda like a walk.” I look down at my feet for a handful of seconds, the soreness on the top of my feet and my toes suddenly coming back at the thought of last night. “We did something else when we arrived to the place.”
 “What did you two do?”
 “Star-gazed, at first.” This time, a small laugh puffs through my nose, the memory of him mixing up the names of the constellations running through my mind, and for a slight moment I felt if I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice in my ears as he did. “We walked a little after that. He said that he felt that sitting in some grass with our chins to the sky wasn’t romantic enough to him. So, he stood us up and we walked a little further till we reached this—this kind of clearing. W—Where—uhm… where the flowers were. And when he pulled us together we started… swaying. Slow-dancing, he explained it being.” My index finger of my free hand taps onto my left knee anxiously. “And you know what else, Ms. Morrell?”
 “What, (y/n)?” She asks, leaning in her seat with a sort of interested expression on her face, being unfamiliar to the sight of me actually talking to her.
 “When I told him that I couldn’t dance, he said he couldn’t either. But we still continued to dance, even when we each accidentally stepped on each other’s toes. I also told him that I wasn’t the best date, but, he said—” I pause, hearing what I remembered him saying echo through my mind, taking a second to digest it just like how I did the first time he said it. “The eyes do not see a flaw if the heart…” I take another pause, gulping lightly. “loves a heart.” I watch as Ms. Morrell lean back in her chair, arms crossing over her chest. “I—I haven’t been able to get that out of my head, but I’ve been too scared to ask him about what he meant when he said that.”
 Ms. Morrell tilts her head. “Why are you scared, (y/n)? You went on a date, which is something I’ve never been happier to hear from you, so, I’m sure he meant nothing but good from it.”
 I bite my bottom lip, my line of sight falling to the right as I rummage through my thoughts.
 To the dress that never fit,
              Today you came back to me, your appearance first hidden by a black box with a little silk red bow on top of it. The look on my friend’s face when she handed it to me was unfazed by the numbed expression on my face when I pulled you from out of the box. It had been a while since I had seen you, and I had actually spent time away from an elliptical or a salad that you spat at me to go back to. But I heard nothing from you when my friend urged me to put you on. You didn’t say a word to me, and I thought maybe my worries for my date, my first date, tonight may have been satisfying enough to you. The assumption didn’t sit well in me, but, when I got a text, from the same boy you had told me repeatedly to forget, saying that he would be over to pick me up in fifteen minutes—I suddenly didn’t care about what you could say to me.
              And when you brought tears to my eyes when I stared at myself in my own mirror, it was not from your bullying, or from your cruel, inconsiderate judgement, but from the much different feeling I got with you on me. When my friend asked me why I was crying, I let the happy tears roll down my much-too tear-abused cheeks as I spoke that I looked great. My heart did not pound when I dare let those words fall from my mouth, and you still had nothing to say. Because I did not let myself listen to you. I still won’t.
 “I’m afraid that he won’t want to stay if I get bad again. He’s known me since I was five, but, he doesn’t know everything about me yet.” Ms. Morrell frowns, but I start speaking up again, my thoughts working ahead of my heart and my brain, the two parts of me that felt embarrassed of how much I was revealing to her. “But, you know what Ms. Morrell, I’m not feeling all that scared anymore.” Looking up at the clock again, I take it upon myself to set the envelope onto her desk. She looks at it for a few moments, until taking it into her own hands. “I should be going. I don’t want to be late for his lacrosse practice. Stiles likes it when I talk to him on the bench.” I stand from my chair gingerly, tucking the hair on the other side of my face behind the other ear. “I think this exercise made me feel better the most out of all the other ones I tried. I doubted writing letters would help at all, but, it did. I—I wrote five of them.” Ms. Morrell doesn’t say anything back this time, looking up at me with a pleasantly surprised set of features on her face. I nod shyly, before turning and grabbing the handle of my backpack, before heading out the door. I surpass the sign on the door that read ‘Guidance Counselor’ with ease instead of anxiety, not knowing that I would have to walk through that door, desperate to be undetected as I did so, only three more times.
 Two to report my bettering progress, and the other to get a slip of paper to show to my parents that therapy sessions would not be needed anymore.
 I suddenly feel fingertips gently brush across my arm, and I jump till I turn my head to look at who the touch belonged to. His happy lopsided grin makes me grin widely back, his whiskey-brown eyes boring into mine with glossy adoration in them. “What did Ms. Morrell want with you?” He asks curiously, and I look ahead, before looking at where his fingers were at previously, now sliding into my hand while his other hand held his gloves. I bite my lip once more, before allowing a toothy grin to break the lip-bite as I move my stare back up at him.
 “Not anything important. She just wanted to talk to me for a few minutes.”
“About what?” Stiles probes again, and I laugh shortly, gripping onto his hand and looking ahead once more as we neared the back-door to the boy’s locker-room, practice already started evidently.
“Not much.” I answer, as my toothy grin grows a little, letting go of his hand to instead wrap it around my waist bashfully, Stiles chuckling in surprise as he pulls me immediately into his side and rubs my hip tenderly.
To the dress that never fit,
              Thank you so much for not fitting.
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disneymadfamily · 6 years
Life gets so busy at times, so we always look forward to our time off from work and more importantly, our family holidays. Throughout the year we try to have weekends away to break up the long wait until our big holiday, but we’re always pining for Disney.
We love Walt Disney World in Florida so try to get there every year. On our first trip to Walt Disney World we booked the whole thing through a travel agency. I’m sure we probably overpaid and we certainly weren’t happy with the flight, but the holiday was incredible and it kick started our obsession with Disney.
Since that first holiday, we have been back to Walt Disney World 11 times. Sticking with what we know, we always choose to stay on Disney property and they have a number of resorts to suit any budget. We’ve stayed at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort, Disney’s Saratoga Springs, Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge and most recently, Disney’s Beach Club Resort. We have also gone on 3 Disney cruises, which is so perfect for us because we get to see lots of different places with the added bonus of Disney Magic for the entire time.
Our holiday in June 2018 was our first time staying at Disney’s Beach Club Resort. We looked at photos and reviews online and they were all positive, so we had high expectations.
Disney Beach Club Resort Lobby
From the moment we walked through the lobby we knew we had made the right choice. Everything was wonderful; the smell, the decor and the atmosphere fitted perfectly with the image we had in our heads. The lobby was huge and had beautiful floral arrangements displayed everywhere, with plenty of comfortable sofas and chairs to sit and relax while watching people coming and going. One thing that we noticed every time we walked into the lobby was the smell. I can’t even describe the smell, but it was just incredible. If we could bottle it and bring it home with us, we would have! The lobby certainly made us feel welcome as soon as we walked through the doors and there were cast members everywhere, so plenty of assistance on hand if we needed it.
Check In
Check in was a breeze. There were only a few people in the queue in front of us and it moved quite quickly. The cast members working at the check in desk were friendly and worked quickly to ensure we could all get up to our room after a long and tiring journey. It took us approximately 15 minutes to queue, check in and collect our Magic Bands.
Our Room
The first thing we did once check in was complete, was go and find the elevators. They were easy to find and even though the lobby was busy, we didn’t have a long wait for an empty one to fit 4 of us, plus all our luggage. Our room was on the 3rd floor and was a great size for a family of 4. It had 2 queen size beds, a pull out sofa bed, a large dresser for all our clothes, a huge wardrobe that was big enough to fit all 4 suitcases and our hand luggage, a dressing table with mirror and a fridge to keep our drinks cool. The decor was light and airy and the beds were so comfortable. Housekeeping came in every day to make our beds, clean the bathroom facilities, replace towels and replenish any complimentary toiletries and other items that we had run out of. After long, hot days spent at the parks, it was a lovely treat to come back to a clean, tidy room where we could sleep peacefully before another busy day.
The Beach Club Resort shares its amenities with Disney’s Yacht Club Resort, so when we didn’t want to venture too far, we had plenty of options to choose from. Whether it was a snack we were after or a three course meal, we had a lot of choice, and certainly didn’t go hungry.
The full list of dining options are listed here. We didn’t eat in all of these places, but we did eat at Yachtsman Steakhouse, Beaches & Cream Soda Shop, both Marketplaces, Cape May Cafe and Hurricane Hanna’s.
The food at Yachtsman Steakhouse was absolutely delicious. It accepts the Disney Dining Plan but as it’s a Signature restaurant, it takes 2 table service credits. We don’t always use up our credits by the end of our holiday, so we don’t mind using 2 credits as a special treat. For our starter we chose French Onion soup. We’ve never had this soup before so had nothing to compare it to, but it was amazing and we’ll definitely order this again. Our steak was perfectly cooked to our liking and all the accompaniments were so tasty. By the end of the meal we were stuffed, but did order The Admiral’s Cake, which is a layered cake and looked sublime. I was too full to try the cake but everybody else enjoyed it.
French Onion Soup. Yachtsman Steakhouse.
Steak at Yachtsman Steakhouse
Mac & Cheese. Yachtsman Steakhouse.
Admiral’s Cake. Yachtsman Steakhouse
Beaches & Cream was our favourite place to eat, even though we only had ice cream. They do have other food on the menu, but we just go for the ice cream! The theme of this restaurant is like a traditional ice cream parlour/diner and Disney always make sure they get things spot on with their attention to detail. We have eaten there on a previous holiday and went for the Kitchen Sink sundae challenge. It was massive and it defeated us; we couldn’t eat it all so when we went back this year, we chose our own ice cream sundaes. They were still huge though! James and I had the No Way Jose, which was chocolate and vanilla ice cream scoops, peanut butter & hot fudge sauces and chocolate & peanut butter chips, topped off with whipped cream and a cherry. If you ever go to the Beaches & Cream Soda Shop, you have to try this sundae. It’s quite difficult to get a table at the Soda Shop, but we learned that you can order smaller ice cream sundaes to take away.
No Way Jose. Disney’s Beach Club Resort. Beaches & Cream Soda Shop.
Cape May Cafe had buffet breakfasts and dinners. We even got a reservation for the Character experience at breakfast one morning and met Minnie, Goofy, Donald and Daisy. The character dining is always fun because you get to meet characters without having to wait in line. You just sit at your table and they come to you, so you have to keep an eye out for them before you go off to get some food. The Character breakfast gave plenty of options to choose from, including scrambled eggs, seasoned potatoes and Mickey waffles. The dinner buffet was a mixture of seafood, chicken, ribs, mashed potato and more. Buffet food can be disappointing at times, because of the sheer quantity they have to cook to provide for all the guests going back and forth, but Disney always know how to keep their customers happy and we were all able to find something satisfying to enjoy. There were also an array of mini cakes for dessert, so I just had to try one of each!
Hurricane Hanna’s has a poolside bar and serves a quick service menu, with burgers, grilled chicken sandwiches and kid’s meals. It was a handy place to go when we were spending time by the pool and just needed something quick to tide us over until a more substantial evening meal. We ordered from this counter a few times during our two week stay and even though we sometimes had quite a long wait for our food to be ready, we were happy with the quality of the chicken fingers & fries that we had.
The marketplaces were our go to for breakfast. You could grab and go from the fridges and snack items or you could get hot meals that were made to order. With busy days ahead of us, the Marketplace was where we could pick up something quickly before we made our way to our chosen park for the day. There is some indoor and outdoor seating, which gave us chance to discuss our plans for the day while eating our breakfast.
Breakfast with a view at Disney’s Beach Club Resort.
The pool at the Yacht and Beach Club Resorts is amazing. Stormalong Bay is the largest pool on Disney property. It’s such a popular pool that the cast members have to scan your Magic Band as you enter the pool area, to make sure only Yacht and Beach Club resort guests are using the facilities. Both resorts share the pool, but it’s so huge that when we went in June 2018 we didn’t find it crowded for most of the time we were there. There were a few days in the middle of our holiday that did get quite busy. There was some sort of conference in the resort, so a lot of people were attending that and then used the resort facilities in their free time. Apart from those few days though the pool was perfect. It has plenty of space to swim around, there were beach balls for anybody to use to play games with family & friends, a lazy river and a beach area to make sandcastles. The pool has a sand bottom, which is so different to all the other Disney resort pools that we have been in. The cast members also have various party games and activities that children can take part in and there is music playing throughout the day to add to the fun, holiday atmosphere. The slide attached to the pool was awesome. The slide starts at the top of the mast of the pirate ship wreck situated on the beach just outside the pool area. It’s quite a fast ride but also a decent length so doesn’t feel like it’s over too quickly and you come shooting out of the bottom straight into the pool.
Other Amenities
The resort also had plenty of other amenities to make our stay as comfortable as possible. We had complimentary Wi-Fi in resort, an ATM, childcare services, laundry rooms, merchandise delivery and pickup, plus of course the Disney transportation system. You are also able to order the Minnie Van service, which is quite a new service, but is proving to be quite popular and looks like it’s sticking around.
Extra Magic
One of our favourite things about this resort was its close proximity to Epcot and Boardwalk. They are both walking distance from the resort (although we did get the boat a few times) and really made this resort extra special, moving it firmly into position as our number 1 resort. The Boardwalk has a lot to offer in terms of food and entertainment, as well as some shops to buy Disney merchandise. Epcot is such an incredible park and staying in a resort so close to it meant that we spent a lot more time there than we have done in previous years. This was great because we actually explored the different countries in World Showcase Lagoon, more than we ever have done before. It was fantastic to discover hidden treasures that we never took the time to find on previous visits. We also stayed late one night to watch the Epcot Fireworks, Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. We have seen this fireworks show twice in the 11 times we have been to Disney World but over the last few years we haven’t found the time to watch it again, so it was amazing to watch it again and remember how much we loved it the first time we saw it. Disney sure know how to put on a Fireworks show!
We loved every minute of our stay at Disney’s Beach Club Resort and definitely want to stay there again. It met all of our expectations and we highly recommend it to anybody looking for Disney magic with extra magic touches.
Has anybody else stayed at a Disney resort? Which resort is your favourite?
Come back again soon for more Disney chat.
Our Stay at Disney’s Beach Club Resort Life gets so busy at times, so we always look forward to our time off from work and more importantly, our family holidays.
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