#so i’ll make a form with all the ship names and have y’all vote for your favorites
nicoappreciation · 1 year
been thinking abt the noncanon ship bracket
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secret-engima · 5 years
My shipper brain is at it again, how do y’all feel about another vote? Namely, who should Cloud!Prompto in my Clouds and Moonlit Skies verse get shipped with? So far I’ve thought of a few and I’ll give some reasons for why they might be fun/good to write.
Cindy - I really like the thought of the dynamic between them that would form? They’d know each other as kids because Cid would come to investigate post the Cor-Adoption thing and discover Prompto is a prodigy greasemonkey and insist Prompto come over to Hammerhead for a weekend every two weeks or something. So, Prompto and Cindy would get to bond over engines and cars and stuff. I’d get to show snips of their relationship settling into a solid, steady sort of friendship where Cindy is the cheer and good sense and Prompto is the quiet and pragmatism with a touch of Reckless that keeps Cid on his toes (ie, yelling at Prompto for dragging Cindy into another adventure of some kind). 
Then ... idk something happens, possibly Prompto complaining about the court ladies always chasing him and Cindy abruptly offers to be his fake-date because her Paw-Paw will never admit it but Regis gave him a fancy title years ago so technically Cindy’s like- a duchess or something silly like that. Prompto would agree and Cindy would get to have fun horrifying all of high society and from there they just- click. It would be funny. Six months into it Prompto would suddenly set his tool down and look up at Cindy over the engine they’re repairing and go “Are we- dating? For reals?” because those last five coffee dates and long drives on Prompto’s motorcycle hadn’t been publicity stunts. 
Cindy ponders it and goes “Well, shoot. Ah think we are.” And then they both kinda shrug and go back to their day until it hits them in the middle of the night in their respective homes and they have a moment of WAIT WHAT.
Aranea - This one would take longer to swing because Prompto would need to be a teen/young adult to even MEET her but it would, in general, be funny. The utter deadpan, reckless son of the Immortal and the snarky, sassy mercenary would be a great dynamic. Especially since Prompto HAS some experience in mercenary work from being Cloud and could totally understand her priorities. They’d meet ... idk where, out in the field probably, and Aranea would find him oddly charming for a Lucian while Prompto would appreciate her professionalism, even if it’s ENEMY professionalism. Then they keep running into each other on non-conflicting missions and the Tension between the two keeps rising as they try to subtly one-up each other and frankly by the time Aranea OR Prompto realize they’re crushing on an enemy soldier, Aranea’s crew are all Screaming Internally because it is SO OBVIOUS that their commander has fallen for the Immortal’s kid. Just- you could cut the Tension between those two with a KNIFE.
There’s probably a fight that devolves into a spiteful make-out session in there somewhere post Realization and that fight-to-make-out and other in-battle flirtations starts becoming a Trend. Aranea’s crew and any Glaives coming with Prompto on mission are a united Suffer. Nobody adds it to the reports because Cor reads those and frankly no one wants to DIE kthanks.
And then something Dramatic would happen unrelated to the romance, probably Aranea learning just how corrupt and horrible Niflheim really is, and she’d just- up and defects to Lucis with all her airships. When freaked out Lucians contact the fleet cheerfully hovering outside the Wall, Aranea says she and her entire crew are mercenaries that just ended their Niflheim contract because Niflheim violated one of the terms, would Lucis care to hire them instead? When the stunned Crownsguard on the radio lamely and weakly asks if they have any ... uh ... reliable work references or something, she cheerfully says to ask the Brat Leonis, he’ll put in a good word for her. In the war room of Insomnia, all eyes swing to Prompto, who refuses to blush as he honestly admits she does good work and is honest. As long as they pay her well and don’t do anything too scummy, she’ll be fine. Prompto can feel Cor’s eyes drilling into him because FUNNY, Prompto never mentioned meeting her in his mission reports before.
Crowe - Less hyped on this one than the previous two, but it’s ... it’s an option? Could be funny. The Glaive already have Opinions on Prompto from how he and the Captain interact, but when he’s of the age of consent one of them (probs Tredd or maybe even Luche) dares Crowe to ask out the Son of the Immortal. They don’t expect her to actually do it or for Prompto to blink, shrug, and accept.
From there they honestly start dating just to wig out the glaive, but it evolves form there into an actual relationship.
Lib is a Meltdown in the corner throughout the process. Titus supports their relationship and is unaware of the Shovel Talk tradition so he mostly just pats them both on the shoulder and says if this all goes up in flames, he’s not stabbing either party on the other’s behalf.
Tifa reincarnation? - I’m not particularly a TifaxCloud shipper (nothing against it, I just can never find fics with that pairing that Really Sell Me on it, everything is usually too angsty or too crackish) but it ... MIGHT be fun to explore those two meeting again and slowly rebuilding a new relationship and giving the Romance Thing a try. Maybe. Not really sold on this at all but throwing it out there because Tifa’s a nice character.
Honestly IF I was convinced to put her in this, I’d really rather ship her with Seph/Titus because THAT would be a fun pairing to explore.
Actually I might end up doing that one so Tifa might have just gotten knocked out of the Prompto Pairing vote unless she wins by a massive landslide. Hmmmmmmm.
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survivesalem · 4 years
Episode 1 - “Let’s hope I’m not getting voted out” - Czern
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Honestly I’m just sitting here so hyped that Austin is on my tribe . I know I can actually trust this man which is good . I’m hoping I can vibe with people on my tribe so I don’t end up an early boot . For some reason I think I may actually have a shot this season we shall see ! I’m gonna start reaching out to people and hopefully I give off good vibes !
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I guess I'll just give my first impressions of everyone on this tribe including those who I know from the other tribe. Jay - Long ago we played a game together, but I can't really remember his style. I don't think our "pre-existing relationship" will help in any way Czern - A king who I hosted. He's not much on the social side of things so I can see that as an easy boot, but he could be someone that I can make trust me very easily Alex - He's fine I guess Mac - He's a threat. He got POTs and 6th? He needs to go soon. I'll try to get on his good side so he won't see a blindside coming though. II'm keeping my eye on him Ben - Who? He seems like a dudebro and I don't get along with those people. We shall see Dylan - My hosting buddy!! We'll see if they are playing INV or a complete rat. I know they're a flipper so I can't put all of my faith in them Paolo - Someone I know in real life who I brought into the community? Wild. He's a chaotic player for sure. And I am a chaotic player. Maybe we'll vibe together. Maybe not. Hopefully our chaoses come together rather than oppose one another. Zach - Maybe so At the end of the day, without a challenge, I'm just trying to be social and make myself liked by the tribe. It seems to be working so far, but who knows when being liked will turn into being a threat. I think, right now, I don't see myself working with any of these people long term except for Mac. But, as I said, he's a threat, but I could use him as a shield. For now, just focus on being liked and do well in the challenges! (Also this all-male tribe is actually disgusting and I want off of it immediately)
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Ok so not even 24 hours after the game starts and my ass is already in a three person alliance with keegan and gizmo and I feel kinda solid about it i don't think it's going to go south hopefully
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Hello everyone, my name is Mac, and I’m here to outwit, outlast and outplay this cast. On the other tribe I have someone who is new to the ORG community that I know well. Like, REALLY WELL. The stunning Liam. Liam and I, if we both get to the merge undetected we could slay this entire game. Now. The Osbourne tribe. I am friends with Alex. Lovely person. Do I trust Alex? Not really. No. Alex made a F3 alliance with Alex, Ben and I and I don't wanna be  thrown into a F3 with two friends, and I only know one of them. I kinda know Jay, but not enough to consider him a friend. Czern and Raffy are super quiet. I’ve heard Raffy plays like a crackhead which is fun, I’d rather have Raffy as an ally, or drop him early, who knows we’ll see. Love this game and ily all xoxo <3
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So the first challenge is counting. I’m aight at math and I think I can count to 10 so I got this in the bag. I can’t exactly strategise except for social game at this point SOOOO I’ve decided to work my social game ELSEWHERE. I’ve decided to advertise for my Tengaged Group Game (with my Tengaged soulmate Liam) by sending the VL messages to go apply! I’ve also made a forms “application” to apply to be in the HOST CHAT!! How exciting! I got 20+ apps within two days (one person was like 10 of them but shhh). I’m very pumped for this game, Lowkey my tribe I feel is easiest to...manoeuvre. I wouldn’t say manipulate. Manoeuvre. I wanna try get to know them on a more personal level before anything. But honestly I learned my lesson in my past Survivor org to never stay to one ship. If it looks like it’s sinking, JUMP YOU SILLY GOOSE!
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Im very worried about something...there may be no Music Video challenge! Don’t get me wrong I’m a shy bitch, but like, it’s very fun to lipsync and perform 💅 but I won’t be able to play any *good* music like Ariana, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Dua Lipa or Britney with all these straights. Ugh. Bummed out buttttt I’m sure I’ll survive. *insert a spooky witch gif to keep to the theme teehee* *takes a sip of an energy drink in the confessional chair* Actually you know what? Here is the songs I’d wanna perform to if we did get a Music Video challenge that are witch themed or witch vibes: “Rhiannon” by Fleetwood Mac “A Little Wicked” by Valerie Broussard “Seven Devils” by Florence & The Machine “House Of The Rising Sun” by Lauren O’Connell “Wicked Ones” by Dorothy That’s my rant. Love you all 🧙‍♀️
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This tribe doesn't seem very social which works perfectly for me. This means that being the most social one will benefit me in the early game. For this challenge, I know not to fuck up and I know the strategy, but I fear that these newbies won't which will be a drag. Hopefully we can pull out an immunity win so that I can further situate myself as a pillar to this tribe
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My tribe lost. I was mostly quiet in the challenge because I don’t wanna stick out like a sore thumb. I kinda know Jay, and I’m in a trio with Alex and Ben so we should be good. I wouldn’t mind if Czern or Raffy left ngl. If I leave first ill...riot.
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So. I feel like I’m in a decent position. Talking to Alex he and Ben apparently wouldn’t mind Czern leaving. That’s great news as I’ve talked to him the least. Alex and Ben are a duo with me as their third. Taking to Jay, he wants me and Raffy around. Am I...going to potentially be in 2 trio alliances? That’s so GOOD! I wanna talk to Ben more and Raffy more. Make it look like I’m down with either trio. If Czern leaves and a F3 is made with myself, Jay and Raffy, then boom I’m the one in power!
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I mean making sure your the vote is important. But to use connections to set you up well in the tribe, honey that’s a 4D chess move! It’s spooky szn and this first tribal may show a division if it’s not unanimous. If I make moves without people realising then that’s hot.
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So we lost the challenge. Honestly, I feel fine because I have been social and it seems like people like me. I feel Ben should go because I've barely talked to him and he basically ruined the challenge by always wanting to do evens and didn't just quit it when it wasn't working. I personally blame him for the loss because he just didn't take a breath and leave things be. Plus, I don't think anyone has been talking as much with him or Alex. However, I'm just going to keep my opinions to myself and let the target fall on them as it will.
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Last night was the immunity challenge and it went really well for us! We didnt even mess up and very quickly took to the tactic that is easiest to win. Everybody speaks in order! We were talking after and were actually worried that with the time being shorter, other teams would talk quicker than we did and beat us. However, when the scores came out it was 182, 46, and 15. I'm really proud of our tribe and us reaching near 200! Though I am sure this is one of the few challenges where us having fewer people is helpful. Hopefully our entire tribe can make it next challenge!
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The names going around the tribe are Czern and Ben. I've talked only to Alex and Jay so far. Alex says that Ben said Czern's name. I don't want Czern to go because I feel like I can make him trust me very easily. Jay prefers Ben to go because he doesn't want to vote for Czern two times in a row. Also, Jay told me that he and Mac want to start a potential alliance with me. This means my social abilities are working!! This alliance will make me feel very secure for the rest of pre-merge as it's a strong three that easily claims the majority in this tribe. Hopefully, this is the first alliance in my tribe and I'm not playing into someone's hands, but I doubt that would happen. Score one for Raffy
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Howdy y’all! Uhhh I don’t have much to say. Not much has happened yet and everyone’s pretty quiet. I stan the idol hunt? Simple and easy to navigate, but also very creative. We are immune after the first challenge! n e ways...uh...acab
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I’m nervous that we lost the first challenge. I have yet to ever survive a tribal council, so I’m trying not to go. Let’s hope I’m not getting voted out
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As tribal approaches, I am getting more nervous. There's barely been any chats, but that may be do to these people being slightly antisocial. Or it has something to do with this being an easy vote? I don't know. I am just getting a sinking feeling in my gut. But it also doesn't make any sense to get rid of me since all I've done is be social. Hopefully, everyone is telling the truth and I can just worry about the next immunity challenge.
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Apparently Mac and Alex know Ben personally, so they want to get rid of Czern because they don't know him and that's a bunch of bullshit and is not fair to Czern. Ben has been so inactive and he didn't pull his weight in the challenge. We're going to lose again if he stays! But I'm not one to rock the boat. I feel bad for Czern, but I'm not risking my position in a cozy new alliance for him. Though I am more aware than ever of Mac and his threat status. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He's going down and I'm going to be the one to do it eventually. In any case, I'm glad to finally be in an alliance that seems strong and trusting. It is with me, Jay, and Mac called Jam Rocks. We'll see how the chips fall.
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