#so i'd like something more consistent. maybe i can do a cute design around the text?
animehouse-moe · 1 year
Mr. Villain's Day Off Volume 1: Surprising Heart Hiding Behind Humor
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A story about a villain enjoying his days off from attempting to conquer the earth. Pretty simple, right? This first volume would agree with you, truthfully. It doesn't pretend to be something it's not, but rather looks to hone its edge into a fine point, keeping its scope narrow and adjusting only as needed to keep the reader engaged and interested. Makes it seem like there's not a lot to talk about, no? Well, you'd be really surprised as you get into it.
So, lets start off with the easy stuff: the art and such. It's pretty, relatively well detailed, and comfortably flexible. It checks all the boxes required for a story like this and then maybe a few more (the animals are drawn so well). My only real complaint in regards to it are: I'd love to see more background art used (it's really quite good when it's apparent), and I really want to see more shading in regards to the art as well. There's bits and pieces of shading to help emphasize certain moments, and I just think it's really pretty and nice in comparison to the default flatness. Just look at how the shading brings out the depth in Mr. Villain's back in this panel, and how much the background adds to it.
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Another complaint that's somewhat separate from the art though is the paneling. The storyboarding, that is to say the flow of the story, is really solid. The paneling however can leave a bit to be desired sometimes. There's places where it's really solid and understands perfectly what it should do, like this stretch of plain rectangular panels that emphasize Mr. Villain's character acting, but there's also pieces that can feel rather standard. It's a shame as well because there's undeniable potential and ability with the storyboarding, but it just seems like the paneling hasn't quite caught up yet. In that regard I feel like I should comment on the fact that quite a bit of the paneling feels experimental. There's not any sense of consistency or discernable style in regards to it, as things like the chapter that the image is taken from is entirely comprised of rectangular panels.
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Following up my (sort of) complaint with the art though, I really want to praise the character designs and acting in this volume. Simple yet unique and identifiable, they work really well in motion and with both smaller pieces of acting and exaggeration. Specifically in regards to that latter remark, the balance between realistic and exaggerated is really nice, with plenty of subtle and simple acting that can help accentuate the more ridiculous and comical pieces.
And does it ever get comical. Most of it is based off of the personalities of the characters and the seriousness with which Mr. Villain tackles his days off, but quite a bit of it stems from the character acting in the first place. It's not visual gags or puns or anything like that, but rather it's just exploring the range of emotions through all of his days off. Like this one.
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Because of its focus on drawing out the simple and more benign comedic moments of daily life, and maybe just a little of the excessive, it maintains a balance in humor that I think is one that can last. It doesn't try to get you rolling around on the floor with every joke, but rather just a bit of a chuckle out of his daily experiences with a knee-slapper or two here and there. Keeping the bar low leaves plenty of potential in regards to the sort of humor you can play with, so I think it's a solid decision to leave it as a secondary element to this series.
So if humor's not the primary focus of this story, what would it be? Well, there's a few things really, with none quite taking priority over the other. First and foremost, we're following Mr. Villain on his days off, so I supposed you could call it a slice of life primarily, but I personally feel like it's more than that.
As this story goes on you notice something, the prevalence of children. It's not a "kids are cute so they should be shown" (though they are), but something a bit more than that. Mr. Villain is an evil alien hellbent (during his work days) on taking over the Earth, so his exposure to kids and the worlds they interact with is a core piece to this experience. It's all about Mr. Villain learning and experiencing the best parts of the world alongside children, as it's always said they look at things with such excitement and awe.
I think it's a super cute aspect to this story, that much like the setup of the comedy, provides confidence in its ability to last. It explores more than Mr. Villain's Day Off as the title may suggest, but how he interacts with and learns from children, how he helps and encourages them to grow, and how he falls more and more in love with the world that he's trying to conquer.
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And just keeping the ball rolling on longevity, the idea of additional characters. We keep our recurring cast in this first volume somewhat light, but the idea behind teasing new and recurring ones pops up rather frequently. We have the Red Ranger, and two kids related to him, but we also see Blue mentioned rather frequently as well. Similarly, we slowly get more and more exposed to Mr. Villain's workplace and the group of people that inhabit it. The person that will continually question him about what he's doing on his days off, and the other high ranking generals within the organization are just two examples of characters that are consistently teased to play roles further into the future of this story.
So we reach the end. For people wanting a lighter series, but one that still has substance, direction, and desire, I don't think you can really do any wrong with Mr. Villain's Day Off. Everything it does speaks to a desire to provide the ability to stick around for a good while, but it doesn't trade off any sort of significance or purpose to achieve that. At the end of this first volume, my only complaint is the potential that the author is leaving on the table. They have some great art and work within, but it feels like some of it is limited by aspects like the paneling and whatnot. Regardless of my minor gripe however, I've thoroughly enjoyed it, and really cannot wait to see how the anime approaches this wonderfully warm and silly story.
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akehoshimystar · 2 months
Taiga SSR
A Never-ending Tea Party
Part 1
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Ito: Great, these fit you perfectly.
I finished work at the office early and went to visit Tsukimoto-san and Ichikawa-kun. I had them try on outfits that’s based on the concept of "Alice in Wonderland."
Ito: Are they tight or difficult to move in?
Taiga: Well, I can move my arms and bend my legs just fine.
Thank you, Yashiro-san. It's perfect.
Next to Tsukimoto-san who’s moving his arms and stretching, Ichikawa-kun sank himself into the sofa as if he's just finished a big job.
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Haruhi: Same here.
Taiga: Hey, don't just go around dillydallying. Check if it's easy to move in.
Haruhi: It's fine. I was able to wear it no problem.
Taiga: If the underarms rips on the day of the event, you'll have to increase the workload.
Now, stand up. Try moving your body a little, and imagining how you'll be moving on that day.
Haruhi: Don’t wanna. I don't really move that much in the first place.
Tsukimoto-san forced Ichikawa-kun to stand up. He was busy moving around, raising and lowering the arms area, and checking the elasticity of the pants.
Taiga: Are your shoulders tight?
Haruhi: Yeah.
Taiga: Isn't it uncomfortable to button up all the way to the first one?
Haruhi: Yeah.
Ito: (What’s this, parenting?)
Taiga: Okay, this should do.
Yashiro-san, I think our outfits are ready to go now.
Thank you so much for coming all the way here.
Ito: Don’t mention it. I thought it would be easier for me to come straight here than for you to come to the office when you're both so busy.
Taiga: I don't think it's the kind of work that an acting owner should do.
Ito: It's okay, really.
Haruhi: Hey, can I take this off now?
Taiga: Hey, moron! Say thank you first. 
Haruhi: Thanks for coming all the way here.
Ito: You're welcome.
Haruhi: Can I take it off now?
Ito: Yes, go ahead.
The costume will be kept in the office, so please change into it on the day of the event.
Haruhi: Okay.
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Taiga: …….
Ito: Tsukimoto-san, what's wrong?
Is there anything about the costume that concerns you...?
Taiga: Oh, no. I just thought I'd get some hints from the costume.
Ito: A hint...?
Part 2
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Taiga: Actually, I've been working on the menu for the event...
But I’m struggling to come up with something that reminds people of Alice.
Oh, sorry about the rant. I’m not going to give up, so don't worry about it.
Ito: That’s not what I’m thinking. In fact, I would love to help you out.
Maybe we will be able to come up with some ideas by thinking about it together.
Taiga: Sorry for the trouble.
Ito: By the way, what exactly are you worried about?
Taiga: First of all, the motif that can be cooperated in the dish.
Ito: (Indeed... There are quite a lot of motifs for this theme.)
Taiga: I've read a few books myself, but I find it difficult to balance my choices.
Ito: In that case….
How about we find more information about Alice?
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After Tsukimoto-san changed into his casual clothes, we decided to look up Alice on our respective smartphones.
Taiga: When you think of Alice, it has got to be a tea party. 
Ito: Definitely. The scene may not be that long, but that tea party leaves a very strong impression.
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Haruhi: What are you two doing with smartphones?
As soon as Ichikawa-kun came back to the living room, he curled up on the sofa with smartphone in his hand.
Okoge: Meow.
Okoge had been taken out of the living room to avoid getting fur on the clothes during the fitting. Now he crawled back into Ichikawa-kun's arms as if it’s the usual habit. 
Taiga: We’re currently gathering information about Alice that could be useful for cooking.
Haruhi: Ahh… This might be what you need then.
Taiga: Huh?
Haruhi: I’m talking about the game I'm playing now. The Alice event has just started. 
Wanna see how Alice theme is used in this kind of content?
Ichikawa-kun showed us what’s on his smartphone, a character wearing a costume designed with a card pattern. It seemed like a game consisting of a story and a battle part, with cute characters holding unserious weapons.
Taiga: Gun games are not really my forte…..
Let's just take a closer look for reference.
Ito: Yes.
We installed the game right away and tried playing it despite the unfamiliarity.
Taiga: Hmm…. The tea party is used here too.
Tea party, playing cards….. Roses…..
Ito: (He’s taking notes...)
As I was impressed by Tsukimoto-san’s seriousness, I checked the screen thoroughly for any hints.
Part 3
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A few hours later.
Taiga: Damn it, I died again...!
I couldn’t beat the monsters that are hanging around here no matter what I did. What’s the deal with this game?
Haruhi: Ah, your exp might be too low.
Taiga: Experience points... Are you talking about this one I've been getting for a while?
Haruhi: Maybe there’s another way to increase it. Go back to the home page.
Ito: !
(Crap. I didn’t expect to play this long.)
Taiga: What’s wrong?
Ito: It seems more like we’re simply having fun than gathering information…..
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Taiga: ..………Can’t deny that.
Haruhi: What? You just noticed that?
I've been thinking for a while now that you two were really into it.
Taiga: Don’t just keep your mouth sealed if you notice it. 
Haruhi: I’m not so fond of interrupting other people while they’re gaming.
Tsukimoto-san put down his smartphone, letting out a sigh.
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Ito: So, did any good ideas come...?
(I doubt it, though...)
Taiga: Sorry, uhhh...
Ito: It's okay. Regarding the menu…
Taiga: Ah, no! That's not it.
I've actually got some ideas in my head now even though it’s completely unrelated to what I saw in the game
Ito: Eh?
Taiga: As for the reason…. I don't know.
I'm sorry that I came up with ideas in this way, even though you've been helping me.
Ito: (Maybe the reason is...)
.....Perhaps it was thanks to a change of pace.
Taiga: A change of pace...
Ito: You see, even I feel refreshed.
Haruhi: All hail the game.
Taiga: Don't act so proud now.
But, I guess it’s fine as long as it was a good change of pace for the acting owner.
Yashiro-san, I'd like to discuss the menu, so could you spare me a little bit of your time?
I'd be happy to hear opinions from various perspectives.
Ito: Of course. Don't worry about the time. I'm going straight home today.
Taiga: I’m grateful for your consideration. Well then….
Tsukimoto-san filled the large blank spaces in the notebook he used for taking notes with words and illustrations.
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Taiga: Chocolate will go here... and then garnish with strawberries like this...
The bright red color will draw attention. And of course, a cake made with tea….
Illustrations of cute desserts, which are incongruous with Tsukimoto-san’s serious gaze, are drawn one after another.
Ito: (A change of pace is important after all...)
I watched with excitement as Tsukimoto-san’s hands danced on the paper.
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joyfulhopelox · 3 years
"I've never cried over a broken dryer before"-"And you better not start now"
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Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: Jungkook x reader (College!AU/ University!AU)
Genre: smut with a saltbae of fluff
Warnings: alcohol use, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, swearing, bit of dom! JK, biting
Summary: Upon entering the club you come across a familiar face. Turns out your laundry adventures were not over. Who knew that clean laundry could lead to dirty talk?
Word count: 6.5k
rating : 18+
A/N: Massive thank you to @bangtanhome for not only being my beta but also my support and making this whole thing a polished princess. Thank you Moon so much for taking the time to edit and thank you for listening to me whilst I complained about this. And most importantly massive thank you for giving me pointers. This is my first piece of nsfw writing and I was extremely unsure about putting it out there but you’ve literally been an angel and were patient with my unsure self whilst also making sure you made this readable <3 -I also would like to thank my soulmate and best friend for putting up with me and dying in the process of reading a fic about her bias. I will warn that i massively sleep deprived at this point but i wanted to get this out with the occasion of the Muster 2021 so here she is!
Copyrights @joyfulhopelox for both the work and the banner
As always please leave feedback and/or talk to me as i love to hear from you! Enjoy <3
Fuck. You’d overslept. You weren’t panicking because you were going to be late; you were normally late anyway. But as soon as your eyes opened, you felt the grogginess that comes with sleeping a bit too much. Your body felt sluggish, joints throbbing and your mouth feeling like you've stuffed cotton balls in it. Feeling like you've been through a survival show, you know it'll take at least an hour for your body to wake up properly. However, you didn’t have time to let yourself slowly come to. You were already late. Any later than this and you may just as well stay home for the night- and go back to sleep. You reveled in the thought for a second, but no. Your friends were impatiently waiting for you to go out clubbing with them. And most importantly to lend them your car. You knew that only because they have called and messaged you incessantly for the past hour reminding you of it. You were thankful at least that you were not the designated driver for the night. Normally you’d draw straws and this time you had got lucky, you could drink as much as you wanted.
‘Good lord Y/N get your ass out of bed,’ you hyped yourself up and just like a bandaid, you ripped yourself from your covers and rolled out of bed. Landing with a thud you groaned upon impact. That was going to leave a bruise.
After a quick shower to get the cobwebs cleared off your mind, you put on a dress. You didn’t wear dresses normally, your wardrobe consisted mostly of pants and various tops. To be tightly encased in a dress that was a bit too short for comfort made you feel uncomfortable, but you knew that as soon as you had some alcohol into you, things would change. A loud knock at your door told you that your friends had finally arrived so you hurriedly grabbed your purse and keys and were out the door. You hesitated for a moment, the feeling of having forgotten something weighing on your mind. When you couldn’t figure out what it was, you decided that it must not be important. Plus, your friends were waiting; time to get the show on the road.
As soon as you entered the club, the heavy smell of smoke, sweat and alcohol hit your sensitive nose. The atmosphere was too loud and obnoxious for your sober brain. To remedy that, your friends decided to stop by the bar first and buy a round of shots to get the night started. With the burn of the alcohol running down your throat, your confidence levels increased. The dress didn’t make you feel uncomfortable anymore, instead you prowled around, your hips moving to the beat. You were aware of the lustful stares that you were receiving and you thrived off of it. Tonight you were on the hunt, ready to let loose after the stressful week full of exams.
“Hey, Y/N. Muscle at 12 o’clock has been giving you the look more than a couple of times,” your friend leaned in to make themselves heard over the loud music. “Try not to be obvious, but I'd say he’s a 10.” You nodded in acknowledgment running a finger over the rim of your glass.
“He’s looking away now, look look,” they nudged you, forcing you to turn around. In all honesty, you weren’t interested in going home with anyone. You were simply enjoying the admirative stares and the smouldering gazes that were thrown your way, but you had no intention to take any of them home with you. However, when you turned around, you were faced with the impossible task of reconsidering. The back of the man your friends' pointed out was indeed muscular, broad and strong, you could see the muscles popping underneath the black shirt he wore. The sleeves of the shirt were pushed up to his elbows, allowing a full display of tattoos on his right arm.
Normally you would have second thoughts about a person like that, but there was something about his demeanour that drew you in even without seeing his face.
The handsome man motioned to one of his friends and his whole body shook with laughter. Observing the way the shirt strained against his muscles you licked your lips involuntarily. For a second you thought he looked strangely familiar, and before you could convince yourself you were being paranoid, he turned his head to the side to entertain the person to his right.
The messy mop of hair, defined jawline and that bridge of the nose they all belonged to the laundry boy - Jungkook. You smirked, “I’d give it a 15 actually”. As soon as you said that, he threw you a glance, his smile wavered as he made eye contact. You felt satisfied at the recognition in his eyes.
You slowly turned back to your friends, certain he would come to you. It took him the entirety of the time you took to finish your drink to make his way towards you.
“Don’t look, he’s coming.”
“Oh, he will be,” you smirked, eyes twinkled with excitement as your friends laughed at your slurring words.
Jungkook had noticed your enticing figure entering the club from the very beginning. It was as if a magnet pulled him towards you. He recognised you as soon as he laid eyes on you. How could he not? The cute girl from the laundry room in the daylight turned into an alluring vixen during nighttime. His eyes were drawn to your hips, the curve of your back and the tempting strip of skin he could spy; they were enticing to him. He tried his best to focus on the way your eyes sparkled in delight when one of your friends would make a joke, but when you ran a finger over the rim of your glass tracing delicate patterns, he felt your siren pull.
You smelt him before you felt him, the subtle vanilla enveloping your senses overpowering the scent of sweat from around you. He stopped right behind you, with one hand on the stool next to you; not completely encasing your form, but close enough that you could see his jawline in your periphery. Leaning in under the guise of ordering a drink from the bartender he pulled the stool and sat down. He didn’t address you at first, patiently waiting for his drink, his long fingers tapping the counter in rhythm with the beat. You tried your hardest not to stare at his hands, the art on them fascinating to you: the doodle style art accentuating his knuckles and the veins running tracing all the way up to where his skin hid beneath his shirt. You tried to keep a poised front, talking to your friends as if he was not there, but you could feel the heat of his stares from time to time, goosebumps forming on your skin.
You knew your friends were getting drunker and drunker as time passed, but you’d underestimated them. Soon enough they each scattered around the surface of the club looking for a dance partner. Your friend left you in charge of the drinks they ordered, winking at you suggestively as they left. That meant you were alone. And judging by the way your skin prickled, Jungkook was still seated next to you.
“A gin and tonic, please,” he ordered another drink. You realised now would be the perfect time to not only talk to him, but also repay him for earlier. As the bartender presented him with the bill you turned around and smoothly presented your card to him. “Make it two on the same tab.” you smirk, winking at Jungkook when your eyes met his.
You heard Jungkook laugh at your brazen attitude and you had to admit to yourself, if not for the alcohol you’d had earlier, you would’ve probably walked away. You made direct eye contact with him and smiled.
“Nice to see you again, laundry boy,” you smirked. Jungkook looked taken aback for a second. The image of you in the laundry room is completely erased. What he saw in front of him now was an alluring woman, sure of herself and what she wanted. And she made it clear that she wanted him. Hiding a smirk behind his hand he leans closer to you, his breath fanning the hair stuck at the nape of your neck.
“It’s Jungkook, not 'laundry boy',” he yells over the music. Your shoulders shake with laughter.
“I know, but it is fun to tease you - Jungkook.” He smiled at you, his eyes crinkling in delight. He's caught onto what you were doing and he was ready for it, two could play at this game.
“What’s your name?” You were half expecting him to pull a bad pick up line, the earlier impression that you had of him still engraved into your mind. When he didn't, you smiled, hiding your satisfaction. Maybe he really was worth a 15 and not a 10.
“What, no ‘I didn’t catch it’? No ‘I bet it hurt’? I’m offended, do I not deserve a bad pick up line?” you grinned at him and he burst out laughing, the sound reverberating through you making a shiver run down your spine.
“You got the drinks, pretty girl, there’s no way I can use a pick up line now,” you started laughing earnestly. He was definitely not what you had expected. The muscly tattooed facade was clearly done just for the purpose of aesthetics, and not because he slotted right in with the rest of the douches.
“Fair play, but I did say I was going to pay you back earlier,” you gesture with your head as if to point out which earlier moment you meant.
“I see. This is how you intended to keep your word then” Jungkook said just as the bartender places the drinks in front of you both handing him something. “But as it happens, I am a step ahead of you” he waved a card in front of you. His satisfied smirk made you pause flustered. Realising he’s already given his card to the bartender earlier you blushed.
“That’s not fair, laundry boy” you pout. “Now I have to find another way to repay you” you fumbled with the card the bartender handed over to you struggling to place it back in your clutch.
“I am sure we can find other ways” you paused looking at him. Under normal circumstances you would have found that to be incredibly off putting, but noticing the way he scrutinised you so intensely, no hidden message behind his smoldering gaze you squeezed your thighs together a wave of heat enveloping you.
You took a sip of your drink to mask the deepening blush and cleared your throat. You knew that if you gave him your name you were in for the ride. “It’s Y/N” you took another sip, savouring the taste of the alcohol.
“What?” Jungkook wasn’t expecting you to hand him your name so freely.
“It’s Y/N” you yelled louder and leaned into him thinking he hadn’t heard you because of the music. The waft of your perfume clouds his senses, the smell of cotton and lilac enveloping him. Needing to be closer to you he chanced it and asked you for a dance.
You finished your drink with a gulp and nodded your head. You grabbed his wrist and started making your way through the mob of people. Jungkook couldn’t help but stare at the way your hips swayed to the beat and when you threw him an alluring look over your shoulder he couldn’t help but be lost. He felt like a puppy following your sultry form through the crowd.
You finally stopped in the middle of the dancefloor, your moves more accentuated following the beat of the music. Jungkook stopped a few inches away from you, unsure whether or not he should place his arms around you yet.
You stepped closer to his body, your movement predatory. “Come on laundry boy, you can do better than that. Think of this as part of the payment” you winked at him. You could see the shift in his eyes, a flash of something heavy across his face, his demeanour changing in an instant from uncertain to commanding in a second. He gripped your waist tightly and pulled you flush against him moving along with the beat.
For a second all you could feel and smell was him. His domineering attitude instantly turned you on with the silent promise behind it. “Oh, this is just the beginning” he moved his hands so that his arms encased your waist intending to savour the feeling of you against him. Fully intending to see where this night ended you hooked your fingers into his belt, your bodies so close together they melded into one.
“Bring it on lover boy.”
The oppressive atmosphere of the club was enough to cloud all your senses. The alcohol running through your veins made you braver than you would have ever been. The smirk Jungkook threw at you was almost tantalising. Inviting you to commit sin. And the thought of tasting his lips and running your hands through his hair whilst his breath fanned over your throat was mouth watering. You’d been skirting around each other for the whole night, laughing, drinking, talking, but most importantly eyeing each other up. The last straw for you was when a rogue drink came flying out of nowhere and drenched the two of you. The liquid mixed with his sweat and snaked its way from his temple down to his jaw. You watched as the drops ran lower and lower as if directing your gaze towards his chest. Swallowing thickly you knew that you were a goner. If he’s ask to fuck you right there on the dance floor, you would surrender instantly.
Smirking at your lust filled expression, Jungkook knew he had you where he wanted. He had been staring at your lips for the whole night, entranced at the way the plumpness was enhanced by the sheen from when you’d run the tip of your tongue over them. He was mesmerised. He could also imagine that tongue running over his- he tried to stop himself there, aware that he’d get hard if he kept going in that direction. He could already feel the strain against his pants.
“Another drink?” he offered, and you shook your head at him. Another drink was definitely not what you wanted. What you wanted was him, to kiss you until your lips were raw and to pound into you senselessly until you could hardly remember your name. Were you drunk enough for this? Probably not, but you did not care for once. You wanted to remember this.
Leaning closer to you with the excuse of the loud music, his breath fanned the nape of your neck and the sensitive shell of your ear, making you shiver. “Then what would you like, love?”
There it was, the thousand dollar question. It was now or never. Taking a deep breath in you looked him straight in the eyes with determination. It made Jungkook shiver. You looked fierce and incredibly alluring. It took all the strength he had in him to not shove you on top of the bar and kiss your brains out. “Tell me?” he coaxed you.
He knew what you wanted. You had been obvious for the whole night. But so had he. Throughout your conversation you were undressing each other with your eyes. You noticed the way he couldn’t keep his eyes away from your ass when you would lean over the bar to ask for one more round of drinks.
Under normal circumstances, that thought would have made you nervous. This time it gave you the courage you needed to let yourself go. To switch from being the player to the one played. And if he was the one doing that, you didn’t mind one bit. “I want you” you bit your lip and looked at him from under your eyelashes. His eyes darkened with lust. Mind clouded with desire, he grabbed your wrist tightly and without a word started making his way through the crowd. The roar of the drunken crowd, the smell of sweat and alcohol, and the feel of sticky bodies bumping into you didn’t matter anymore. All your focus was on the way his back muscles moved with every turn of his body. Suddenly a flash of the same back muscles, naked, moving as he towered over you and thrust his hips into yours made your stomach clench and you could feel your panties getting damp. God you wanted him so badly.
Jungkook could see your wistful lust-filled eyes becoming hazier and he sped up the pace. He finally stopped when he reached an empty corridor near the back exit. He would have liked to have more privacy than that, but something about making you beg for him in a public place made his cock twitch in anticipation. He really needed to get a hold of himself otherwise he’d be done before you’d even started.
He tugged at your wrist and lightly pushed you into the wall, he would have taken things a lot slower but your gaze told him to hurry up and take you then and there. And who was he to deny you?
His eyes raked over your body, and a sigh escaped his lips. “Beautiful”. Even though he craved to taste you, he took a moment to appreciate the way your eyes glistened with passion, your chest heaving along with your breaths and your perfume clouding his senses. He wondered if you tasted as sweet as you smelt.
A fistful of your hair in his hands, he pulled you flush against him, until all you could feel were the hard planes of his chest and his hardened member poking at your abdomen causing you to moan, your panties getting wetter.
You whimpered at the sensation as his fingers gripped the sensitive hairs at the back of your skull, goosebumps forming on your skin in anticipation. Expecting him to attack your mouth with the same hunger that was displayed in his eyes you leaned more into him.
You silently begged him to release the coil that had formed in your stomach but he wanted you to beg. His breath fanned the pieces of hair that fell onto your face. The last rebellious piece of you that refused to fall into his clutches. In a desperate attempt to get him to kiss you, touch you - do something, you grabbed tightly onto his biceps relishing in the feel of the muscle tensing underneath your fingers.
“You’re not playing fair laundry boy,” you huff, feeling frustrated over the lack of contact. His laugh, dark, deep and lascivious sent a shiver down your spine.
“Baby girl, that’s not my name” his free hand clasped onto your waist squeezing hard enough to send a jolt through the pit of your stomach all the way down to your heated core. “Jungkook” you whimper and in a last attempt you hook your leg around his thin waist.
“That’s it baby” he lowered the hand on your waist towards your thigh, his fingers leaving an indentation in the skin. Seizing the opening you started grinding your core onto his thigh trying to relieve the ache. His lips ghost over your neck in a tantalizing way, his tongue sweeping over the nape briefly tasting your saltiness. The sensation of his warm tongue on the exposed area of your neck followed by the coldness from the air makes you moan. You could smell his perfume, combined with the musky scent of his sweat and alcohol made your head swim in delight.
“Jungkook, please” , you exposed your neck to him needing more. Rolling your hips into his thigh you could feel the blood pumping underneath your skin, the pleasure overshadowing any rational thought. The friction between your clit and his pants left you breathless, the coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter ready to unfurl. All of a sudden Jungkook stepped a few inches away, and you lost contact with his leg. Robbed of your release, you instantly whine.
“Mmmm, I can't have you cum on my leg, as much as I would like to see you ride it out on your own. I need to taste you.” he demanded. The hand still supporting your leg inched closer and closer to your dripping cunt. Slipping a cold hand under the hem of your dress his fingers made contact with your heated core causing you to jerk. You yelped, your hips bucking into his hand. Your hands latched tightly onto his shoulders, your fingers digging into them in an attempt to steady yourself. He cupped you through your panties, the heel of his palm pressing into you. Muffling a moan into his shoulder you begged him to touch you more, but he retracted it away from your tender flesh.
“Nuh-uh not yet.” The hand pinched your thigh and you tried not to cry at the feelings bubbling up inside you. You were frustrated and horny, and his taunts were enough to make you crave for more.
“Laundry boy” you warn, staring him dead in the eye.
“Y/N, what did I say about my name” he pulled at the hair he still gripped tightly in his hand. Cradling you close to him he bucks his knee into your core, this time freely offering the friction that you had been yearning for. You whined, the lewd sound echoing in his ear. Your clit on fire, you pressed yourself more into his knee.
“That’s it, moan for me with those pretty lips” gaining a bit of self control you decided it was time for you to step up your game.
“Do you not want to see what else these pretty lips can do?” you licked your lips, your heart racing. Your hooded eyes suggested more than Jungkook would have expected from you.
“Dirty girl” biting his lip before he crashed them onto yours, the contact making your lips smack and your teeth clash. Neither of you care as your tongues intertwine, carrying the battle that your hips are craving. The friction between you caused your whole body to heat up, your senses heightened. You could feel every bit of him against you. The way one hand gripped your thigh and the other pulled at the sensitive hairs at the nape of your neck, the way his tongue roughly caressed yours. He was intoxicating. In the heat of the moment he roughly pushed you into the wall behind you, the force causing you to moan into his mouth.
Jungkook was at the end of his wits, he had to have you now. He needed to taste you, see you unfurl in front of him as he eats you out. Breaking the kiss, your mouth sore, he observed the way your pants made your chest rise up and down, pushing your breasts into him.
Without a word, he attacked your mouth once again for a brief second before he trailed down your jaw to your neck, nipping the sensitive skin in the process. The hand on your thigh reached once more underneath the hem of your dress, this time making its way fully and cupping your dripping core. At the touch of his hand on your sensitive clit your knees buckled and you let your weight onto him, your forehead dropping onto his shoulder for support. You tried to suppress a moan.
“Let it all out baby” his mouth at the shell of your ear, the tip of his tongue trailing the delicate flesh there. “You’re so wet” he moans, “I can't wait to taste you.” His finger dipped under the band of your panties trailing over your center. “So soft” - he sucked your earlobe into his mouth and gave it a small bite - "so wet for me”
This time you couldn’t hold back your moan. The feel of his finger pressed into your folds, parting them and exposing your clit to his ministrations had you squirming. The tip of his finger started drumming in a rhythmic steady fashion on your engorged button. The feel of his lips caressing the sore earlobe relieving the sting from the bite is too much for you. “Jungkook please, I need..” your moans getting louder and louder as the pad of his finger presses harder in an unrelenting tempo.
The hand holding your neck slowly inched towards the swell of your breasts, picking the flesh there until it turned sore. His fingers still attached to your sensitive bud he suddenly drops on his knees in front of you. With his support now gone you try to grip uselessly at the wall behind you. He slots himself between your legs, forcing them to spread open. As he raised the hem of your dress and pushed your panties to the side you couldn’t help but look down. The sight of him between your legs glancing up at you made your knees buckle. With one hand tracing your folds and the other gripping your hip tightly to hold you in place he gives you an uncertain look. “Is this ok Y/N?” his concern for your approval makes your heart melt, but you were too high strung to think about that. You wanted him, and you wanted him now.
“Please” you moan in approval.
With your approval he dived right in, too hungry for your taste. Parting your folds with his fingers he starts by giving you a tentative lick. Being sensitive from his fingers you writhe, your hands desperately clutching at the wall behind you. Savouring the first taste of you he thrums with his finger at your clit. You arched your back, your hands giving up on trying to hold onto the wall. Instead they found their way into his hair, fingers gripping tightly.
Diving back in Jungkook starts lapping earnestly at your folds, his finger still applying pressure onto your sensitive nub. Bucking into his face you suppress a moan. The sensation of his wet tongue prodding at your entrance is too much to take and your knees buckle. Jungkook sensed the shift in your weight and quickly grabbed a hold of your leg, hoisting it over his shoulder. The hand attached to your clit now tightly gripped your calf. The change in position offered the extra support you needed to not fall over.
With your entrance now completely opened to him his tongue started rapidly tracing your folds, only stopping to suck on your clit.
“Jungkook” the overstimulation from his tongue lapping up your wetness and his teeth nipping at the sensitive cluster of nerves is too much to handle, you can feel yourself take over, and Jungkook is more than happy to let you go at your own pace. Grinding over his face, your hands still gripping at his hair, you ride his tongue at your own pace desperate to reach your climax.
You can feel it, you are so close to release you could almost taste it.
Suddenly he entered a finger, knuckle deep into you pumping in and out quickly. Letting your calf go but making sure he is still supporting your weight with his body he leaves you sensitive nub alone and traces kisses along your inner thigh, up to your navel. The dress now obscuring other parts of you he gets up, his finger still deep in you, drawing pleasurable mewls out of your mouth.
“That’s it baby girl, tell me what you need” he is panting in your ear now. With the taste of you still lingering on his tongue and the sight of you coming undone from his ministrations makes him harder than he’s ever been. He felt uncomfortable under the constraints of his pants, the zip digging painfully.
“I need you to fuck me” you finally moan, your hips grinding against him chasing for that sweet release.
“I need you to come for me first baby, I need to see your pretty face when you cum all over my fingers” swiftly he changes fingers, his thumb now drumming at your sensitive clit. You gasp as a finger teases your entrance for a brief second before it penetrates your pussy.
The loud sounds coming from the club were not enough to drown out the lewd sounds that your wet pussy was making whilst Jungkook’s finger pistoned into you. The shot fire along with the shameless sounds you were making were enough to make the tight coil in your belly unfurl. With a deep loud moan you bit Jungkook’s shoulder in an attempt to muffle the yell that was threatening to spill out of your lips. Your muscles clenching in tandem with your core. Jungkook felt your cunt clamping his fingers tightly and a low grunt escaped past his lips. He could almost imagine how wet and tight you would be around him.
“That’s it beautiful, let go”
Your hips carried on buckling, chasing the high and wishing it would not stop. Jungkook took his time observing how your head fell down and your mouth opened slightly in a silent satisfied scream, how your eyes scrunched up as if you were trying to cut off all your senses apart from the feeling of his fingers in you. You were beautiful. When at last your muscles relaxed and your high subsided a low sigh fell out of your lips. It has been a long time since someone has made you cum like that with just their fingers. Jungkook’s finger still lazily traced your clit, the overstimulation too much for you to handle.
“Jungkook '' you whined trying to back away from him but the tight grip on your waist wasn’t allowing you to move more than a few inches away. Without a word Jungkook pulled his hand out of your panties and let go of you. Your knees still weak from your climax you struggle to stand up right and you end up having to lean into him slightly for support. The sight of him licking his fingers coated in your juices sets you on fire once more.
“You’re beautiful when you cum Y/N.” Somehow, his words made you blush. The lewd act that you both partook in had failed to make you blush, instead what made you self conscious was the way he gazed at you. It was softer and more intense and it made your stomach clench once more. If not for the obscene act in the deserted corridor of a club, you might’ve actually entertained the idea that he cared.
You smiled shyly at him and in that moment he was swept away by the warmth expanding from his chest. You were indeed beautiful. And witty, and smart, and you liked to do your laundry. What more could he want? Cupping your face, he kissed you once more, slowly and with purpose. You gasped, you were not used to this gentle Jungkook. Taking the opportunity to pull you closer once more, his tongue mapped every inch of your mouth.
“Fuck me now please” you whisper against his lips. Your hand on his belt moved slowly over the bulge in his pants. He bucked into your touch at the feel of your fingers wrapping around him as much as you could with his pants still on.
“Y/N” he warns. If you carried on that way he would definitely come in his pants. Rubbing him slowly, you could feel his member harden even more under your touch.
“Is it uncomfortable babe?” you whisper in his ear. “How about I return the favour?” you unzip his pants prepared to lower yourself to the floor but he grabs your shoulders keeping you in place.
As much as he would have liked to feel those soft lips around him, he knew that if anyone were to bump into you two, it would not be good. The club was full of students going to the same university as you. If they were to find you on your knees blowing him it would instantly kill your reputation. He did not want that to happen.
“Not here” he zips his pants back up and grabs your hand gently. After all that had transpired between you this soft almost domestic treatment is not what you were expecting. Once again the warm feeling in your heart returned, and this time you were a bit more sober. He was cute, and somehow you found his duality endearing. He returned to being laundry boy Jungkook instead of the dominant Jungkook you’ve just witnessed.
You walked through the club, his hand still gripping you tightly as if he was afraid he’ll lose you in the crowd. Once you reached the outside you took a deep breath in relishing in the way the fresh air soothed your heated skin. Glancing up at Jungkook you noticed he was on his phone texting someone.
“I am texting my friends to let them know I have left,” he explained, putting his phone back in his pocket, smiling at you. The contrast of his lust-filled gaze from before and his gleeful smile almost gave you a whiplash. He was such a contradiction that you couldn’t help but be intrigued by him.
“And I ordered an Uber” as soon as he’d said that a car pulled over right in front of you. The ride back to the campus was a quiet one. It wasn’t an uncomfortable quietness though, having chatted about anything and everything in the club you were content to just put your thoughts in order. You noticed that he had not let go of your hand once during that time but with his gaze out the window, his face thoughtful you could not bear to say anything. Plus, you were enjoying the feel of his smooth hands holding yours.
As the car pulled up in front of the dorm you both shared a glance, an understanding passing in between the two of you.
Once inside the fire inside you sparked up again. Grabbing at each other, your mouths hungrily clashing, you stumbled all the way to the elevator. It was late enough that no one would see you two messily making your way to your room. As soon as you entered the lift and separated to press the correct button you finally remembered what you’d forgotten. If you were a bit more sober you would have laughed at the hilarity of the situation.
Your face fell. “The laundry” you whined in distress. Jungkook’s mouth fell. He threw you a panicked look thinking that you’d changed your mind. One glance at you was enough to tell him that you were panicking in earnest.
“What happened to the laundry?” his hand hovering over the lift buttons unsure of what to do.
“I forgot to put the laundry in the dryer!” you looked at him with such drunken despair he had to hold his laughter in. He did not want to offend you by laughing in your face. You were sober enough to not slur your words, but clearly not sober enough to process your own feelings.
“Let's get that done then.” He decided that as much as he liked your witty self, as well as you in the throes of passion, he adored this side of you too; your guard down, emotions on display. It made his heart swell thinking that you were entrusting him with your vulnerabilities.
You rushed ahead of him entering the laundry room, not paying attention to anything but the lone machine still loaded with your clothes. You quickly opened it, the smell of clean cotton wafting around you.
“Let me help.” Jungkook grabbed the pile of clothes you were holding and moved them into the dryer next to him. As soon as everything was loaded in you turned to smile at him. The panic in your eyes now replaced by the same hunger that governed your mind earlier, you grab him forcefully, clashing your mouth against his. Your hips slammed together in an attempt to ride the pleasure from before. Jungkook, not having expected you to be so forceful, moaned into your mouth and instantly hardened against your hip bone. The quiet of the laundry room was filled with the sounds of your pants as you continued to kiss. In the heat of the moment, Jungkook places his hands on your ass, hoisting you up on the laundry machine behind you. The position allowed your hips to align perfectly, the pressure of his dick now directly onto your clit. Before you could go further Jungkook stopped and looked at you.
“You need to start the dryer,” with the last of his restraints he motioned to the still machine. You glare at him, this being the second time he cockblocks you and himself. But his gaze was unwavering. You sighed and leaned away from him, reaching for the top of the dryer as well as you could still atop of the laundry machine. “Whatever you say laundry boy.”
After pressing down on the start button, you’re quick to return to kissing him. But the quietness of the room seemed odd to you. The dryer had not started. Confused, you look at it again, certain that you pressed the right button. Pressing it once more you wait this time. The dryer stayed still.
The chaotic emotions from before enveloped you again and this time you could feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” Jungkook is throwing you a worried look, not having expected the sight of your tears.
“It’s not started! It’s broken!” you exclaim tears pooling barely hanging onto your bottom lashes. You pushed him gently aside and hopped off the laundry machine. “Why has it not started?”
The desperate look you gave him paired with the knowledge that the machine was not doing what you wanted because you had not paid makes him crack and start laughing. You gape at his bunny smile and crinkly eyes offended until the silliness of the situation catches up to you and you can’t help but join.
“I have never cried over a broken dryer before. Or been cockblocked by one” you glance at him, mirth in both your eyes.
“And you better not start now” he warns you jokingly. You stare at each other for a second before you burst out laughing again.
He can’t help but be enamoured by you and your silliness. Even though the night had not gone as you’d both planned. You both crying in laughter over a dryer makes him think that maybe there was something more there than a one night stand. And he was more than ready to give it a try.
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mistabullets · 4 years
Can you do headcanons for Fugo, Giorno, and Narancia getting to see their crush's face outside of a mask or helmet for the first time. Maybe it's broken or ripped, so they can't wear it anymore. I just adore the trope, and I know it's definitely something I'd do, because my face is very expressive, and often seen as cute, so no one would take me seriously. Bonus points if they've come off as kind of intimidating or creepy, due to their lack of expression.
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someone asked for a very similar request so i hope y’all don’t mind me combining the two requests into one!!
Seeing S/O’s Face for the First Time HC’s
Pannacotta Fugo:
Fugo was originally wary of you. You never wanted to reveal your face and sometimes, he had the urge to just punch it off of you. But he kept his cool. He just didn’t trust you since you face was too secretive to reveal. What if you were working for the enemy or a close associate to the boss? Bruno had to reason with him, saying there might be a good reason for it.
Eventually, Fugo just assumed you wanted to lead a normal life and not get your true identity into the mix of it all. It makes sense, considering everyone seemed to know his face and his association with Bruno and the others. He slowly starts to let his guard down around you but he still feels tension. What if Fugo said something rude but he wouldn’t know.
It’s not that you’re creepy but the fact that you have obscured all your emotions and hid them behind a mask bothered him slightly. Who knows what you were thinking. While he now thought of you as trustworthy, the looming fear of betrayal still would cross his mind when interacting with you. The fact you may never know who you’re truly are bothered him…
But was it because of how easy it was for you to slip from Passione’s grasp if things got busy? Or was it maybe the fact that if you were to leave one day, he would never know who you were. No name to put, no identifiable feature besides your height and weight (he had no idea what gender you were either)… just another person, lost in the sea of bodies.
Eventually, like it was fate, Fugo had finally seen your face when your mask was cracked from old age and tear during a fight. Your large eyes showed your focus with brows furrowed and your face contorted with fiery anger and hints of revenge. It was weird, to finally have a face for you. But he thought you had a lovely face with expressive details.
After you were done kicking ass, your face flushed when you noticed Fugo was just… staring at you. It made sense, considering this was his first time seeing you. But he seemed to be captivated by your beauty and how easily you expressed yourself. It was definitely weird but you were cute. “Q-Quit staring” you said. “Oh, right! My apologies.”
Giorno Giovanna: 
Giorno always wondered why you wore your mask. He wondered about it to himself, trying to come up with logical explanations. Did you lead a double life? Perhaps some sort of old scar covered your face? The young boy would try to gain your trust and investigate on his own. He tried to make small talk with you and eventually, you thought he was trustworthy.
You admired Giorno’s skills and how his Stand could essentially bring life to inanimate objects. It was truly something to marvel over, and you were impressed with his deductive abilities. You would talk to him about his thought process and what was going through his head. Well, he couldn’t tell you his true intentions, but he can tell your his sense of logic. 
Eventually, you learned a bit more about his past and how he came to Bruno’s gang. You apologized for his pain. But Giorno couldn’t tell if you were being sympathetic or uncaring of his past struggles since the mask did obscure your features. He realized you had the upper hand in risky situation: no one can see your fear, anger, or doubt.
Your voice never showed emotion and that had a him bit frightened but he was determined. If he was going to be your new don in the the near future, he would demand to see your face. Partly to confirm your identity but somewhat out of curiosity. Did you have a pretty face, that was just as calm and composed as your voice? He was determined to find out.
During the final showdown with the boss, a particular slap to face by a certain enemy knocked you to the ground. It had also cracked your mask and broke. Giorno was too busy to notice the shock read in your visage, the wide eyes of surprise, and how your lips parted in a gasp. No one would have known how truly expressive you were. 
After everything is said and done, Giorno takes a moment to admire your face. It’s almost too cute. He questions why you hid your face. It was somewhat to protect your identity since it was hard to trust anyone but mostly because you don’t want people to read you like an open book. The blonde laughs and you can’t help but blush when Giorno calls you cute. 
Narancia Ghirga:
Narancia seriously thinks you look like a badass with your mask on. He’s impressed by the intricate design of it, believing it gives you specks of personality. He’ll always ask to touch it and will be the one to constantly ask you to remove it. Of course, you outright refuse to and usually tell Narancia to fuck off, albeit playfully. But it would come out the wrong way.
He can’t tell if you like him or if you’re annoyed by his presence. Sometimes, the tone of your voice just sounds too cold, causing shivers to go down his spine. Usually when you have someone held captive, you’ll be the one in charge of investigation. You had a cruel way with words and how you would articulate them to your prisoners…
And while he found that also very badass of you, he couldn’t help but be slightly intimidated by you when he accidentally angered you. For all he knew, you could be a sadist. You could have hated him, Mista, Fugo, and the rest of gang but he wouldn’t be able to tell. Only Bruno had gotten a glimpse of your face but never gave out your real name.
It was terrifying to know what you might be and that scared him. But Narancia being Narancia, would quickly brush away the dark thoughts and doubts. Clearly, if you were looking to fuck up Bucciarati’s gang, it was one versus six. Even thought your stand was quite powerful, he’s pretty convinced Aerosmith could do some damage if needed.
But you seemed trustworthy, so hopefully a traitor was nothing to fret over. During one mission, after the betrayal of the boss, you had your mask shot off your face. Narancia was there to witness the entire thing and gasped upon seeing the flowing hair be set free. Your eyes, with blood trickling down and obscuring your vision, was also on guard.
Luckily, Narancia’s stand discovered the assailant and shot him down before he could do any more damage. Afterwards, he was teasing you about finally seeing your face and laughed when your face was heated up by the red blush that couldn’t be contained. He reassured you that you had an adorable face. You can’t tell if you wanted to punch or kiss him. 
Guido Mista:
You had long ago been incorporated into Mista’s friend group consisting of you, Narancia, and Fugo. Aside from Fugo, the gunslinger had deemed as being the serious one. You would constantly chide them for their childish behavior, lecture them for whenever they did something risky, and was very open about your concerns when bantering went on.
But what you more scary to Mista was the lack of expression. Your body language didn’t have a lot to say, you always balanced and composed during combat. Never letting the enemy get the upper hand. Your abilities were incredible and Mista wondered, how you truly were behind that mask of yours. Probably a hardened person, like Abbacchio.
Sometimes, he couldn’t tell when you were joking or being serious. You would tease him but sometimes, he would catch it as some form of mockery and be hurt by your words. You tried to tell him it was just playful banter. But he had already built up this image of you and what your face might have been: cold, distant, and stunningly intimidating.
And it was hard to replace that image; you, a seemingly playful person that was actually nice? No, never. That caused the two of you to get into little arguments when misinterpretation occurred. Mista was brutally honest. The two of you bickering was an almost everyday occurrence and if the two of you weren’t, then something must have been wrong.
However, all that would come to an end when the enemy had ripped off your mask. Your were wide-eyed, like a deer caught in headlights. A grimace appeared on your face, contorting the soft lines and hardening them with boiling anger. Without a second thought, you fought the enemy and gave him punch. Mista couldn’t help but whistle.
And you heard it! You turned toward him with a bright red face, about ready to punch him too. Cue your usual bantering but this time, Mista is teasing how easily red you get. “I didn’t know you were such a cute person behind that stupid mask of yours.” Even the Sex Pistols chirped in argument, showing how eager they were to see your flustered face. 
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revchainsaw · 3 years
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Buffy: the Vampire Slayer (1997)
Season 1
Hello and Welcome back my creepy congregation! We will be taking todays service from the Big Screen into your living room for our first Personal Devotional. That's Right! We're reviewing full seasons of television series now and what better way to bring the spirit of the genre film to the idiots lantern that with the 90s Television sensation and all around love letter to the horror genre, Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
The Message
Regardless of how one may feel about Mr. Whedon we can't deny how much we love Buffy Summers and the Kids who live and die in Sunnydale! Season one of Buffy was a spin off/reboot of the earlier film and an attempt by Whedon to course correct the franchise by breathing a little charm and attention into the subject matter.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 1) focuses on Buffy Summers, a not so typical California high school student who, due to the events of the movie, has been relocated to Sunnydale High. Buffy is not just a cute, athletic, teenage girl looking to enjoy the prime of her life, though she is those things, she is also the Slayer, an anointed warrior who has been reincarnated throughout the generations to protect our vulnerable weak human world from the forces of evil; particularly Vampires. Buffy is a sort of supernatural Captain America, that is a peak human being, but instead of Nazi Science she was born with her powers.
Joining Buffy are; High School outcasts Willow and Xander (a nerd and a nice guy respectively), The ridiculously sexy librarian Rupert Giles (her mentor, guardian, high school librarian, and all around precious papa bear), Jenny Calendar (a technopagan computer teacher armed with all the mystery an ignorant 90s boomer could attribute to the internet), Angel (Spoiler: He's a Vampire, but he's a good guy. A hunky, broody, good guy vampire love interest), and her loving but entirely oblivious mother. The Scoobies as they have come to be called aid Buffy in her quest to protect Sunnydale from Dark Forces.
And Speaking of those Dark Forces, they are primarily vampires, led by the Master; an ancient vampire who resembles to some degree Nosferatu and a Bat, a look that Guillermo Del Toro would later perfect in his own series the Strain. The Master seeks to fulfill an ancient prophecy that would open the Hellmouth (a portal to hell, exactly what it sounds like) and free him in order that he and his kind should conquer the world.
The first season is fairly short consisting of the following adventures.
1. Welcome to the Hellmouth - Buffy moves to Sunnydale seeking to leave her Vampire ways behind, but the vampires just won't let her catch a break.
2. The Harvest - Vampire Shenanigans continues. Buffy learns of the Master.
3. Witch - A fellow Cheerleader is possessed by her witchy mom.
4. Teachers Pet - Buffy vs Giant Mantis
5. Never Kill a Boy on the First Date - Buffy vs the Anointed One (Not Really)
6. The Pack - Buffy vs Hyena Possessed High School Bullies
7. Angel - Buffy vs Angel but actually Darla
8. I, Robot ... you, Jane - Buffy vs Internet Demon
9. The Puppet Show - Buffy and Sid the Dummy vs Organ Harvesting Demon
10. Nightmares - Buffy has bad dreams
11. Out of Mind, Out of Sight - Buffy vs Invisible Nerd
12. Prophecy Girl - Buffy vs The Master (also Buffy Dies)
Overall the short season, while not allowing for too much world building, kept the show to a format that allowed very little filler. So although we mostly only get vampires as villains, we don't have enough time to really be bored of it. Some of the shows dynamics and cultural concerns definitely date the series but overall Season 1 of Buffy is definitely not a difficult watch, and can be enjoyed over and over again.
Let's get to the Benediction:
Best Character: Slay Girl, Slay!
As far as season one goes the titular Buffy Summers is the best character. Sarah Michelle Gellar is absolutely charismatic in the lead role and though at times she may seem selfish or reckless it makes perfect sense for the character. The character is allowed to be weak, to be selfish, and to be unlikeable. She avoids the foibles of a Luke Skywalker or a Harry Potter. She joins the ranks of primary protagonists who are not constantly outshined by their supporting cast. I believe when Buffy is sad, I believe when she throws a punch, I believe she struggles with her destiny. The only thing I don't believe is how ditsy she let's on.
Best Actor: Head's Up!
Anthony Stewart Head. Head as Giles is just fantastic. His balance of frustration with Buffy and genuinely parental concern is heartwarming and absolutely makes Giles one of the warmest father figures in television history.
Best Episode: A 'Master'ful Finale
It all builds up to Prophecy Girl and for good reason. Television shows often have mini-finale's at the end of their first seasons because the teams behind the series are not sure they will have a chance to tell more of their story. For that reason you can see just the first season of most television series and feel like you've heard the whole deal. I wish this habit was kept up in other seasons as we wouldn't still be wondering what the hell happened to Joel at the end of the Santa Clarita Diet. Buffy is no exception to this phenomenon and therefor attempted to tie up much of it's narrative in Prophecy Girl. While that often means big bads will be dispatched, I think it's a small price to pay for not winding up in a cliff hanger. Buffy and Giles just shine in this episode, Angel is given a more heroic role, Willow finally values herself as she should and Xander stops being a fucking horrible human being for once. This episode really satisfies in all areas.
Best Villain: Sweet, Sweetheart Killer
It's such a shame that Darla was killed so early on in the franchise. She is such a great presence on the screen that she overshadows all the villains that play alongside her, even the Master. I would have loved to have seen an alternate season where she offs the old coot and assumes the role of big bad much like Spike does in Season 2. Lucky for everyone that Darla is featured throughout the show in flashbacks and I hear she is even resurrected in Angel. Also, for Scott Pilgrim fans I feel like she and Envy Adams are very much sympatico. Maybe if they reboot Buffy all my dreams will come true.
I'd also like to take this time to recommend the song Angels and Darlas by Say Hi! It's pretty good.
Best Monster Design: Internet Troll!
While I can't speak for where the money in Season 1 of Buffy went, I can say that at least some decent cash was spent on both the forms of Moloch the Corruptor from the Episode "I, Robot ... You, Jane". Moloch was pretty wicked looking as a machine toward the end of the episode, he looked like a Mortal Kombat villain, but it's the green scales and ram horns the actor is sporting at the beginning of the episode that really catches the eye. In fact, I'm feeling compelled to hunt down any Moloch the Corruptor merch that may be out there on the internet. It's certainly no mystery why the demon's face is featured prominently in the theme song. It just looks great! Good job to the make up department there.
Most WTF moment: "Pack"s a Punch on Principle
While not the greatest episode in season one "the Pack" is certainly worth the watch if for no other reason than the horror is kicked up when a group of high school students under the influence of a malevolent Hyena God, decide that the School Mascot is not enough to satisfy their bloodlust turn on the principal, and yes, THEY EAT HIM. I remember being completely caught of guard the first time I saw that scene, and it kickstarted the running gag of Sunnydale high principles meeting their demise in horrific ways.
Worst Character: No More Mr. Nice Guy
When I was in college I often felt bad for Xander. The funny guy who just had no luck with women. He was sarcastic but had a big heart, and used a horny gimmick to mask his loneliness, or so I thought. But now I am older, I am wiser, I have known the touch of another human being and I have to say that Xander Harris is a really scummy fellow. I don't remember thinking so poorly and I wonder if the character develops a more nuanced view of women as the show goes on. As it stands there's barely a point in the series that Xander does not view the female cast as objects for him to enjoy or be embittered towards for one reason or another. It's not charming, it's foul. Xander Harris of season one is absolutely a terrorist attack waiting to happen, if Buffy had happened today it would be much more concerning to see someone so embittered, horny, and entitled to womens time and energy as Xander Harris. Dude is one step away from pulling an Elliot Rogers. Calm down buddy and maybe actually listen to a woman and you may find you aren't as much of a 'nice guy' as you think.
Worst Episode(s): If you're not first ...
It's a toss up on this one. Season One of Buffy is actually so short and concise that the 'Monster of the Week' episodes will have to be up for grabs as the worst episode by default, but even they are pretty watchable and don't warrant the vitriol a "worst" dub usually entails. I'd say there is not a worst episode of season one, just some episodes that aren't as good as the rest. In that vain, take your pick from "Witch", "Out of Mind, Out of Sight", or "The Puppet Show". However, I'd be doing a disservice to those episodes not to mention that each one of them takes what could just be a basic Buffy Vs (insert Villain), and does something unique and interesting with the idea. The villain of "Witch" actually turns out to be a has been cheerleader actually possessing the body of her innocent daughter to relive her glory years, The Invisible Girl is actually the victim of social cruelty, her peers disinterest in her manifesting in her condition becoming quite literal and she is picked up by the military in the end, then the Puppet show, well, it's just about the stupidest most absurd thing that could possibly happen and it's completely unafraid of that fact.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Season 1) is not the most groundbreaking TV, but it is absolutely evident why the show was such a phenomenon. Season 1 is particularly rewatchable. It does not demand too much investment or attention, but it will get it from you, especially on a first viewing. It's not afraid to take itself absolutely seriously or to plant it's tongue firmly in it's cheeks. It is to a degree a product of it's time, but in many other aspects feels timeless.
Overall Grade: B
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lynfantasy · 6 years
If I can submit two, then I'd like Azula from AtLA and Garnet from SU.
For this character ask challenge.
Oh my stars. Okay then. Let’s go with Azula first.
Full disclosure, I haven’t seen A:TLA in at least a few years, so these answers are based on memory. As I said in the post asking for asks for this challenge, I plan to rewatch the whole series soon, so I’ll see if my answers change.
I should also warn for hints of salt bleeding into this, because A:TLA has been very strongly associated with Voltron in my mind, and certain... recent comments from Voltron show creators... yeah.
Favorite thing about them: The show did a really good job of humanizing her. There’s this saying about antagonists in writing: “Every villain is the hero of their own story.” I think she’s a brilliant example of that. In the scenes featuring just her and her friends, she seemed like someone you could root for... annnd then she’d do something power-hungry or crazy again, leaving the audience like “oh, right, that’s why she’s the villain.”I also admire that there was no redemption-baiting with her. She never expressed views that went against her empire’s values, she never tried to rebel against her father, and she never showed sympathy for the rebels. She was always truly on the antagonistic side, from beginning to end, and yet she was still complex and interesting. That’s admirable character design and storytelling. She stood in strong contrast to Zuko while being just as real and complex as he was.
Least favorite thing about them: Um... I don’t know if I have any complaints based solely on the show, and while I started to read the comics, I’m not up-to-date with the current edition. However, thinking back on how they handled her insanity, especially in the early comics taking place not long after the show, I have a bitter taste in my mouth, so to speak. They could have handled that more delicately. It was clear that the writers had her snap more for the drama of the final battle than because it makes sense for her psyche to have broken in that fashion under those circumstances. On the other hand, it did have proper build-up and foreshadowing, at least from what I remember, so I’ll give them partial credit there. (They certainly did better with her than some people did with a certain other character.)
Favorite line: The immortal line that comes to mind is her terrible flirting attempt. “That’s a sharp outfit, Chan. Careful. You could puncture the hull of an Empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea... because it’s so sharp.” It never ceases to amuse me that this silver-tongued manipulator has absolutely no clue to how to flirt with people. A+ character design right there.The other line from her I remember is when Toph tells her that she’ll know if she lies, and Azula deadpan makes up the most ridiculous lie ever conceived, and Toph has to admit that Azula is a perfect liar. I don’t remember what exactly Azula said, but the whole interaction was golden.
BroTP: Mai and Ty Lee for sure. Their interactions were fantastic, and I loved seeing them together as a team up until things fell apart. In a better timeline, they somehow all ended up on the same side of even the final conflict, or they at least made up afterwards.
OTP: Uhhhhhh?? I don’t think I ever shipped her with anyone. Knowing my own personal tastes, though, I’m probably going to end up shipping her with Mai and Ty Lee, because the only thing better than platonic team bonding is romantic team bonding in my opinion.
NoTP: I never really dove into the fandom for this show, so I never saw the more bizarre or uncomfortable ships. I’ll just put out a blanket “no thanks” on incest and a big ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for everything else.
Random headcanon: I feel like she doesn’t get along well with cats because they’re just too much like her. She actually prefers dogs because they’re easy to order around and eager to please.
Unpopular opinion: She’s a great villain, but for the love of goodness, don’t use her a pattern for other villainous characters. Azula only makes sense in her environment. She only has depth because the story was crafted in a way that showed different facets of her. If you take her out of that context, she turns into any scheming, manipulative, stereotypical “pretty-type” cartoon villain. The lesson to learn from her is not what to do with villains, but how. Connect them to their world, their people, their environment. Use the story to show them in different lights. Contrast them with their more heroic foils. Compare them with other antagonists in their world. Humanize them by giving them solid connections and goals as well as things and people they truly care about. Make them interesting and let the audience guess what comes next by giving them clear motives and goals. And most of all, do all of that consistently. Anyone can write a villain with a silver tongue and a pretty face. Not just anyone can design a character you can root for when you see them alone with their friends and then be horrified at two seconds later when they’re hurting innocents and yet root for again when they celebrate with their friends afterwards.
Song I associate with them: Um... I guess I could cite Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco? It works for multiple villainous characters, though, so that feels like a cop-out. Maybe Victorious (also by P!ATD)? Natural by Imagine Dragons also comes to mind as a possible song that could fit her, especially with a somewhat darker interpretation of the lyrics.
Favorite picture of them: Well, I don’t have any saved, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t reblogged any. But that outfit she was wearing during the beach vacation episode was pretty cute.
Alright! Thanks for the fun challenge with this one. Love her, hate her, or both, Azula’s a very interesting character. The show wouldn’t have been the same without her.
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