So everyone's talking about Sirius cleaning the whole house and trying to throw away literally anything that reminds him of his family but leaving Regulus' room untouched.
But are we just gonna ignore the fact that Walburga left both her boys rooms the way they left them? Like, she could throw away all Sirius' stuff after he ran away but she didn't. She could throw away Regulus' stuff after he died but she didn't. I can't stop thinking about this.
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"Oh, another Rhaenyra's daughter OC x Aegon/Aemond fanfiction... 🙄" You don't understand. It's like Tony Stark's daughter OC x Peter Parker. This trope is so good it just has to be this way.
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I was thinking about the theory of Helaena's children being Aemond's children instead of Aegon's. And don't get me wrong, I would be glad if he was but... How would that work? Wasn't he like 12-13 when the twins were born? Or did they change it in the show?
Well, he could still be Maelor's father. Although, I highly doubt the twins are his (at least in the book).
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"When Aemond got his eye cut by her son and then she acted like her bastard sons being called bastards was worse than being mutilated."
I feel like we don't talk enough about the reasons why Aemond lost his eye. It was Alicent who said that it was 'over an insult' and people are blindly repeating it after her.
Aemond claimed Vhagar and I don't blame him for it. It was obviously Baela's and Rhaena's fault that the whole fight started. But this... or even the fact that they outnumbered him doesn't change anything. It was him who threatened to kill them. Not only threatened, he literally wanted to smash Jace's head with that stone (with no doubt that could kill him).
Even though the insult was not unfounded, it doesn't matter because it was not the reason why Aemond lost his eye.
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Watching the way the showrunners attempt to justify Aemond’s erratic and psycho behavior by the invented idea that he was “bullied” is laughable.
The canon Asoiaf story makes it clear from all sources that Aemond himself was the bully (kind of hard to disagree with them all). And the manner in which he claimed Vhagar was despicable (by attacking a three-year old). Losing his eye was punishment, not some sort of “trauma” justifying his later actions.
“Dragons are not property to be inherited.” - while this is true, the just thing would have been for Rhaena, as Laena’s daughter, who had yet to become a dragonrider, to be given first dibs. If she had failed, others would have been given the privilege to claim Vhagar.
It can hardly be stated that Vhagar “chose” Aemond when he was the only one who attempted to claim her. And having claimed her the night of Laena’s funeral when the dragon was extremely emotional and vulnerable, hardly makes Aemond “special”.
GRRM never wanted to give Aemond some sort of “depth”. He was a cruel psycho, and should have been portrayed as such.
I personally would have loved to see him be held accountable on Driftmark for attacking Joffrey and claiming Vhagar in such a way. He was actually pretty lucky, having lost that eye, because otherwise Corlys, Rhaenys, Rhaenyra and Daemon would have been on him in a flash.
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This. Liking a character just because of their appearance is vain but hating them for it?? I love both Rhaenyra and Aegon and still would if they looked 100% book accurate. Honestly I didn't even know this was a thing in the fandom.
I'm very concerned about this "You wouldn't love Aegon if he looked like in the books" rhetoric that TB usually uses. First of all, I don't quite understand what this means at all, because even in the books he wasn't described as ugly. He began to gain weight - yes, apparently, when he was injured and couldn't walk, plus his appearance was also affected by the use of poppy milk. Secondly, even if we forget all these details and just take note that he was fatter in the books than Tom was in the series - so what? Do they mean that this automatically makes him ugly? What the hell does that even mean? It sounds like fatphobia to me, to be honest.
Did the problems end here? Of course not. Surprise - to love a character, you don't have to find him attractive and want to fuck him AT ALL. You can love his story, personality, character and everything else, but apparently it's unclear to TB if they reduce the fans' love for Aegon to his serial appearance over and over again.
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I feel like it's right but I'd like to add something. Some people just don't see the difference between fanfiction fanfiction and headcannon fanfiction (idk if that makes sense?). Fanfiction fanfiction I mean by making something that is not cannon at all and headcannon fanfiction is when it could possibly happen because it fits the cannon. I like fanfictions that don't change the cannon a lot because I like to think "hey, it could happen". On the other hand, I hate fanfiction where they give us nothing but OC or Y/N added in every cannon scene. If I wanted cannon I'd go and read the books.
But if you like completely-non-cannon fanfiction it's okay. If you like Y/N fanfiction it's okay.
This fandom really got out of hand but it's not because of 'weird ships' or anything. It's because we don't talk enough. We should open up, sit and talk about our preferences instead of calling each other names for 'not liking what i ship' or 'shipping what is not cannon'.
Thank you.
Im pissed here ⬇️ This is a rant made mid-rage
written after an encounter with one of those bloggers who hate everything that isn’t canon and dislikes Wolfstar and throws up from the thought of Jegulus (?).
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First of all, there are a lot of tropes I don't really like and that I don't take part of. I, for one, like my Lupin awkward and scrawny, not like a cool casanova. I struggle to see the beauty of making Regulus all soft and dovy, as his personality from the start has been based on the fact that he's cold, hurt and uptight. I have never read Y/N as I feel conflicted with the arrangement. WITH THAT SAID, I feel no bloody need to point out, complain or talk poorly about those who do enjoy these things.
I'm a big jily fan. I was 13 (isch??) when I entered the fandom and back then “jegulus” wasn’t a thing. (I've grown to enjoy the "jegulus ship" though, and some of my favorite fics are jegulus-centered.)
I get people being like:
“huh jegulus? how would that even???”
and I also get people who hold onto jily like a life jacket.
BUT for the love of the gods, that doesn't mean people need to be such c*nts.
“This fandom has gotten out of hand”
“I don’t like it when people make ships that aren’t canon” (????? why are you here then?????)
and also people who are so butt-hurt bc. of adaptions and interpretations, like??? what do you think a fandom does???
“That character would never act like that” DO YOU FUCKING KNOW THEM PERSONALLY??
“that’s not realistic at all” your mom’s not realistic at all.
“rosekiller is so offensive” YOU ARE OFFENSIVE
you’re literally 40 go AWAY.
If you want it to be 100% accurate to the books, read. the. fucking. books??????
I’m not speaking for those who change a character to unrecognition, but I stumble upon people who are still mad about Wolfstar??? And it pisses me off dawg. It pisses me off.
Don’t attack people who enjoy non-canon queerness or a cool Remus Lupin or (gods forbid) a kind ratboy (you know he’s my everything)
Kindly piss off Karen (of course not if ur lovely, and happen to be named Karen, you stay right where you are <3)
Sorry, I had to get that out of mi system. Just think it’s bollocks that people can’t just sit back and shut up.
FYI: This house (blog) is safe to all and I hope ye kno’ that nasty hags are just hiding their weird ass values behind the statement “it’s not canon”. They themselves are mucky. They are a bad joke with a borin' punchline ;)
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I wanted to share this cuz even if it might not make complete sense (as I wrote it in fury at 3 am) it’s a good enough reminder that yeh should stay gay, stay loud, and keep making old angry people mad. Ship weird shit and idk..make James an emo just to piss somebody off, who gives a shit.
kisses my sweets
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saw and needed to share with more eyes
my pretty little ratboy, so weak and easy to influence. of course he became the bad guy.
anybody who’s invisible can become bad. all it takes is the right amount of attention from the wrong influence.
kisses kids <3
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Finally someone said it
Canon Remus was not a hardened orphan living in a group home. He was a chronically ill child raised by loving parents that were willing to FIGHT DUMBLEDORE to protect him. (Literally, Lyall DILF Lupin thought he was coming to take Remus away when Dumbledore personally delivered Remus' Hogwarts Letter)
So no, Remus was not a smooth-talking 7-ft-tall Casanova badass sex God with rippling muscles. He had zero friends before attending Hogwarts due to the fact that his loving parents kept him isolated out of fear that their son's Lycanthropy would be discovered, which would have ruined his life.
Canon Remus was most likely a timid, awkward, sheltered kid that was afraid of his own shadow because Hogwarts would be such an overwhelming experience for a little boy that has never interacted with another child in his LIFE and probably never even left his own home before. I imagine that books were his only connection to the outside world, which is why I can't stand the HC that he is completely illiterate when he first arrives at Hogwarts
tldr, Remus Lupin is the love of my life and is one of the few Marauders era characters with an actual backstory and personality, but this fandom just refuses to move on from a singular fic that completely rewrote everything about him.
And I'm not even going to start on how the Alpha Male-ification of Remus has also resulted in the complete assassination of Sirius' character for the sake of internalized heteronormativity that runs rampant in this fandom.
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This is too good not to reblog it
It had become such a common joke between James and Sirius to give and take house points between themselves and others, that when James became Head Boy, the castle's magical ability to actually take and give points when the words are uttered became a real problem:
Twenty points went to Hufflepuff for some particularly potent weed; five points to Ravenclaw for a snide remark towards Snape; five points to Slytherin, said sarcastically for pointing out the obvious. It took a while (and some stern talking to from McG), but James had mostly gotten the habit under control.
That is until one morning, when everyone woke up to Slytherin having 500 points more than they had the previous evening, a flushed James Potter, and a particularly smug looking Regulus Black, who, on close inspection, was walking a bit funny.
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