#so i'm playing this cutesy game that i'm bad at obsessively to get The Thoughts tm outta my head
espytalks Β· 6 months
i should stop taking naps after dinner.
I just had a frickin weird one, cause ive been playing a lot of suiika game and heldivers 2, of all combos, and i drempt i was calling in these tanks? and i kept dropping them on more tank things so they'd fuse and make bigger tanks.
There were a lot of enemies (cant remember what they looked like) and just? a lot of noise and gun firings, and they kept shooting down my tank thingies so i kept dropping more tanks, which i'd see from the same perspective as calling in reinforcements in the game, which wasn't as disorienting as it sounds.
i woke up when the chaos died down, and i woke up super relaxed, my dudes, which is weird because i hate guns and military-esque games, so by all means that shoulda been a nightmare.
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shiggysimp69 Β· 1 year
Hiii ^^ can i ask you something ? A yandere shigaraki who kidnapped is darling aka is favorite streamer ? So a YandereShigarakixfem reader pls^^ have a good day/nightπŸ’—βœ¨
Omg, I'm finally done! Thanks for the ask :). Sorry but the kidnapping part didn't make it in the story but other than that I tried my best to write what you wanted. I hope you like it πŸ’. (This is one of my more fucked up stories)
Your Biggest Fan
Warning: Smut-ish, Hints at noncon, Male masturbation, Obsessive behavior, Tracking, Breaking and entering, Language.
Tomura scuffed at the words on his screen. He had never lost this many times in all his years of gaming. It was absolutely embarrassing. Especially when it was to a cheat like you. You had to have been cheating. You innocently joined his game saying,
"I've never played this before. Sorry if I'm bad." And you were. You were terrible, awful. He kicked your ass so many times. Game, after game, after game, after game... You would whine and beg for him to let you win or at the very least, go easy on you. And he would simply smile and promise to go easy on you, just to beat the shit out of you anyway. Then it changed. Suddenly, you got the upper hand. He had turned on autopilot at that point so he was completely caught off guard by your sudden increase of skill. For the first time, he lost to you. In the beginning, he was too shocked to be mad. Then, it kept happening. After that day, he couldn't seem to get even a single win. It was beyond embarrassing.
StarPlayer06: "Looks like I win again."
Villain_King444: "You got lucky."
StarPlayer06: "Three times in a row?"
Tomura gritted his teeth.
StarPlayer06: "You should watch my streams. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two."
Streams? Tomura had known you for a few months now but he never really had conversations with you about things that weren't video games. Maybe you'd talk about your job or your friends but that was it. However, he was curious. What did you talk about? Was he on those streams? But most of all, what did you look like...? He shook the thought away. Your "streams" were probably just you acting all slutty to get a bunch of old men to give you money.
Villain_King444: "Not on your life."
StarPlayer 06: "Come on, don't be like that!"
Tomura rolled his eyes.
StarPlayer06: "If you change your mind, here's the link. I'd love to see you there ;)."
Villain_King444: "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm logging off."
StarPlayer06: "Aww. Goodnight :(."
Tomura leaned back in his chair, thinking. He knew he should just go to sleep. He knew he should just forget about it and go on with his life. He knew he had more important things to do. And yet. He sat up and pulled up your account. At first glance, it looked exactly how he thought it would. You had a cutesy username and a similarly cute profile picture and banner. Tomura brushed passed your home page and clicked on your most recent stream. It loaded for a minute before he could hear your soft voice in his headset. His eyes grew wide as your face filled his vision. You were beautiful. You looked totally different from what he had imagined. A light blush spread across his face as you introduced yourself and what game you were about to play. It was some horror game but it didn't matter. Nothing really mattered. Nothing but you.
Hours had gone by and he was still there watching video, after video. How could such a darling girl like you be right in front of his face the whole time without him even knowing? It felt like his whole world got turned upside down. He didn't even realize just how deep he was in your rabbit hole of content until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Tomura jolted up, swiveling around in his chair just to be met with a familiar face.
"Tomura Shigaraki, I'm sorry to disturb you but I brought you breakfast. If you're hungry that is." It was Kurogiri. Tomura sighed as he paused the video and pulled off his headset.
"Yeah... Yeah. I'll eat it." He replied, dazed.
"Are you okay, Tomura?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Now get out. I'm busy."
Kurogiri narrowed his eyes but backed down, exiting the room. The door closed with a click and as if on command, Tomura slumped down in his chair. What the hell was that? You were just some girl. That's all you were. Beautiful. But just some chick on the internet. Tomura looked down at the clock on his screen. 9:30am. He scoffed, as he stood up and headed to the bathroom. He needed a shower.
As the day went on, Tomura couldn't stop thinking about you. He wanted to but you plagued his mind like a virus. Your words were stuck in his head like a song. He wanted to keep watching. He needed to keep watching. To see your face, to hear your voice. He hated himself for it but as soon as he returned to his room, he sat down at his desk and pulled up your account once more. Turns out, you were live right then and there. He joined the stream and was instantly hit with a feeling a pleasure. Your sweet voice was all he could hear as he watched you. You had a habit of chatting before actually playing a game; you'd just sit and talk with your audience. Tomura could see how you very obviously skipped the weird messages you received, instead responding to more wholesome things like,
"How are you feeling today?"
"Did you see what happened on the news last night!? Scary!"
"When are you gonna play Trails of Odyssey?"
Your comments always seemed to look like this. It was boring. You had started talking about this new chair you wanted, so Tomura decided to leave a little message of his own.
User5141: [User 5141 donated $200] "Is this enough for it, beautiful?"
He watched as you froze at the amount of money presented to you. A devilish grin formed on his lips as he awaited your response.
"Oh my... Thank you. You really didn't have to do that! It's like four hundred dollars anyway. It's more like a dream chair then something I'm actually aiming for."
You laughed at the end, trying to lighten the situation.
User5141: [User5141 donated $200] "Well then this should be enough. Don't worry about me. You deserve it."
Your eyes widened as you put a hand over your mouth.
"Thank you so much!"
Your reply was muffled by your hands but the look of happiness on your face said all he needed to hear. The comment section was practically bursting with things to say about him. It ranged from calling him a show off to complimenting his generosity. But Tomura didn't really care, the only thing he cared about was you. And you were ecstatic. The fact that he made you happy gave him shivers. If you wanted to be taken care of the only thing you had to do was ask. He was more than willing to pamper such a darling girl. A tightness grew in his pants as he continued to watch you. It was finally time to start the game but now Tomura had more important things to take care of. A wave of relief washed over him as he unzipped his pants. This was gonna be a long night.
Day after day, this became a habit.
"[User5141 donated $200]"
"[User5141 donated $300]"
"[User5141 donated $500]"
Tomura couldn't help it. 700, 800, 900. The high he got just felt too good. 1,000, 2,000. At this rate he was paying your rent. 5,000. Drool fell from his mouth as he watched your face distort in horror. He bucked his hips into his hand once again.
"I... Umm... Thank y-you. It's very appreciated but... I don't wanna be rude but don't you have a life too?"
You gulped, then faked a smile.
User5141: "You are my life."
Your smile wavered but still stood.
"You're so sweet."
Tomura's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he came all over his hand. He loved this. He loved you. But he especially loved how naive you were. The day before, you actually came to him about this "mystery donor." It was exhilarating to know he had such an impression on you. Now maybe you thought about him just as much as he thought about you.
StarPlayer06: "They sent me 2,000 dollars yesterday. It's not like I'm complaining but it's starting to get creepy."
Villain_King444: "Well, they must really like you."
StarPlayer06: "Who's crazy enough to pay someone they don't even know 2,000 dollars!?"
Villain_King444: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Literally."
StarPlayer06: ">:( For the record, I feed myself. I appreciate them but I don't need their help."
Villain_King444: "Then what are you gonna do with the money?"
StarPlayer06: "Idk but I've been eating out a lot more."
Villain_King444: "Lucky girl."
StarPlayer06: "Ikr."
Tomura relished in the feeling you gave him. Such a naive girl... However, he still wasn't satisfied. He wanted you to need him. To rely on him and him alone. That's why today he raised the bar. 5,000. But maybe that wasn't enough. 8,000. How would you respond to that? He bit his lip in anticipation, stroking himself another time. He was in heaven.
The next month went by just like that. Him watching your streams, donating ungodly amounts of money, then you two having a conversation about it later. Tomura had no complaints about his life; as long as he could watch you, he was happy. Or at least that's what he thought. He quickly started to realize that wasn't the case. On some days you decide to cut out gaming entirely and just talk. He loved those streams. In this one in particular you wanted to show everyone the outfit you just bought. The outfit you bought with his money. You stood up and there it was. You looked stunning. Tomura wanted to reach out and grab you, yank you, pull you, wreck you. But you were on the other side of the screen.
Another time, you had a guest over. He was a tall, young looking man, probably the same age as you. The chat went crazy when he showed up, saying all sorts of dumb things like,
"Is he your boyfriend!?"
"You two look so cute together!"
"I wish I was him."
Tomura hated it. He wanted to reach through the screen and wring his neck. You continued to tell your audience that he was just a friend but Tomura wasn't buying it. How could he know for sure unless he was there? Unless he was there... The idea shot into his mind like a bullet. Why couldn't he be there? Why couldn't he be the one you talked to everyday? That you invited onto your streams? That your horny viewers envied? You two were made for each other and it was time to stop pretending like you weren't. If you didn't need him now, he was gonna make you need him. Tomura smiled as he dropped his final donation on your stream.
User5141: [User5141 donated $1] "See you soon."
Tomura had always been a good hacker. That's why when it came to finding people for the league, he was the guy. As long as they had a device, he could find them. The fact that you were already live made this child's play. He had your location within minutes. You lived in the city right next to him. Not even out of state... Not that it would have mattered. He would have found some way to fly out there. But with this, he only needed to take a train.
It was 8:00pm and you just finished your stream for the day. You sighed, stood up from your chair, and walked to bed. You grabbed your phone and simply laid on your back above the covers. You were too tired to do anything but lay there. Your eye lids were heavy and no matter how much you blinked, the feeling of exhaustion didn't go away. You sighed as you put your phone back in its place. Your body decided more than your mind to just stare at the ceiling and let sleep wash over you. There was a subtle creak that came from your closet but it fit right in with all the other noises of the night, causing your brain to filter it out. Big mistake... The wind got harshly knocked out of you as something heavy sat on your stomach. Your eyes shot open and there was a person.
"I've been waiting so long for this moment..."
You screamed and tried to sit up just to be harshly pushed down again.
"Is that any way to treat a fan?"
They had a tight grip on your arms pinning them to your sides. The pain from their nails digging into your skin kept you quiet.
"Oh you're absolutely lovely... How did I get so lucky with you?"
You stared at them, your features all scrunched up in fear. They tilted their head.
"What's with that look? Don't you know who I am?"
"N-No." You replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Does Villain King ring any bells?"
Your eyes widened.
"Oh and... Your highest donor..."
Your blood ran cold. It was him the whole time. Then he was even crazy enough to track you down and break into your home.
"Why...?" Was all you could mange to ask.
"I thought that would be obvious. It's because I love you."
"Love me? H-How could you possibly love me!?" You asked, anger and sadness swelling in your throat and coating your words.
"How could I not!? You're nice, caring, funny. You have the body of a goddess and the voice of an angel. You're the most perfect person I've ever met."
You swallowed hard as his words hit your ears. Slowly the moon peeked through the window illuminating the room and your intruder. His face was scarred and wrinkled with a little birth mark below his lips. His crimson eyes pierced your soul, giving you shivers. He looked at you like prey. The lamb. And the wolf.
A groan escaped his lips, breaking your trance.
"You turn me on so much, you know...?" He said, letting one of your arms go to lift his hoodie. Sweat rolled down your face as you watched him unbutton his pants. You quickly looked back up at him just to see him smiling like a maniac. Your eyes darted from his face to his bulge over and over. You couldn't believe this was happening. In a moment of pure adrenaline you used your free hand to try and push him away. You squirmed and kicked. Pushed and hit. But to no avail. He didn't even seem phased by it, just grabbing your arm once more. Tears started to roll down your face as you looked up at him.
"Shhh..." He cooed.
"Don't worry. I'm gonna fuck you so good you won't want me to stop."
Writing requests are open!
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palettes-and-prompts Β· 4 years
First, I have to say I'm a big fan of your work! πŸ’– Second, I was wondering if I could request some prompts for a female character that's devious and crafty but hides her real personality behind an innocent mask please?
You sure can! Also, I love characters like this.
Dialogue Prompts
1) "Would you mind helping me do it? This is way too heavy for me to carry." 2) "I wish I was as smart as you, you always know what to do." 3) "You may have everyone else fooled, but you can't fool me." "I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm just here with my friends." 4) "I know a con artist when I see one, and you? You're a good one. So what can I get you to drink?" "Cherry coke with extra cherries please!" "Alright, and what do you really want me to get you?" "Whiskey neat." "I'll add the cherries anyway since you wanna play innocent." 5) "Wow! That sounds really complicated, I don't think I could do all that." "It's really easy actually, want me to show you how it's done?" "Really? You'll show me?" "Of course, anything for you." 6) "What should I get? I like this one but I really like this one too. I can't get them both, I only have enough for one. Which one do you wanna see me wear?" "Baby, you know you only have to ask, I'll get you both of them." "You don't have to." "I want to, I like spoiling you." 7) "You do that little innocent act in bed?" "Don't talk to me like that." "I'm curious, they eat it all up, right? Just wondering if you're able to keep it going when they take you back to their mansions." "Why do you think they're still with me?" 8) "Look at that, looks like I was right, you're not so innocent after all." "You saw right through me?" "Pretty easily." "The other know?" "You going to kill me if they don't?" 9) "What are we doing here?" "Look at them, so desperate, they're the perfect people to steal from. Desperate and so naive. You and me are going to be rich. Follow my lead." 10) "You really hate me that much that you think I'm capable of doing something like this?" 11) "You really think I'd kill someone, do you really not trust me that much. I thought you said we were friends." 12) "Cut the shit, where'd you really hide the money?" "What money? I really don't know what you're talking about? I'm just Person A's assistant." 13) "How'd you know it was an act?" "Six inch heels aren't exactly what I'd say embodies innocence." 14) "I've been watching you from the side this whole time, playing innocent, playing perfect so you wouldn't notice me watching. You really should be doing background checks on your staff, especially the good looking ones. They've always got something to hide." 15) "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just incredibly happy to see me again, detective?" "What have you been up to, Person A?" "Following the law like a good abiding citizen." "Uh huh, so I wouldn't find any money in your room or a bag full of wallets or anything?" "Detective B! Are you accusing me of breaking the law? I would never do such a thing." 16) "Watch yourself, Person A, I've got my eyes on you." "Oh yeah, do I look cute from this angle? Or do you prefer to have me in a different angle? Maybe bent over the hood of your squad car?" "How about in a pair of handcuffs thrown in the back?" "Officer B! I never knew you were so kinky!" 17) "I can't talk you out of jumping off the roof can I?" "Afraid not." "You'll die from this height without someone to catch you." "Think I don't have a plan?" "I think you have a death wish." "Oh, detective, don't you know cat burglars always land on their feet?" 18) "I see right through your cutesy act. This one is already mine, I've been working on this for three months. So walk your ass out that door before you fuck this up for me." "Three months? I could have had this guy for everything he owns in a day. You must be a shitty grifter." 19) "There's something about you that tells me you're more than a pretty face." "Oh yeah, what might that be?" "The gun in your pocket." 20) "Can you help me? I'm lost and don't know which way I'm going." "Sure thing, where are you trying to get to after you steal my wallet with this terrible tourist distraction." "Saw right through me, huh?" "Pretty face and clever ruse, but you a terrible actor/actress." "Like you can do it better?" "Watch and learn, amateur."
Regular Prompts
1) A is taught by a mother figure in their life to be polite, look pretty, and keep their mouth shut but ears always open. They're taught to be a good listener and taught to fight if they ever need to. To be more clever and work harder than any man they know, but always seem naive in front of everyone. 2) A's always been good at their job at being a spy until Person B sees right through them with a glance. When they can't stop thinking about them they try their hardest to make them see they're a normal person who's really naive and not manipulative. But B never buys it and tells them they have a tell. A then obsessively thinks about what it could be until they confront B in the night pissed off and clearly tired but very alert. B just tells them they read people for a living an that they're also a spy. 3) A is a con artist who's very good at charming everyone they meet, especially men. They're always racking up tens of thousands of dollars a night going to benefits thrown by millionaires. B is a millionaire who constantly sees them at benefits but never rats them out when they steal. When A chats when them all night they end up really hitting it off and when B's dancing they lean in close and ask if they're really interested in them or if it's the money they like. A doesn't steal from them and tells them they'll give them an answer at the next benefit. (Bonus if they end up falling in love and A teaches B how to steal more and make it look legal like they have.) 4) A is a burglar who seduces men and gets them to take them to art museums and show them all the art pieces and explain them. B is a detective who's been trying to find them for months. 5) A is a good looking model who plays dumb with mobsters and sells information to people for a price. B is a detective hiding undercover in the group who falls for A but can't make a move because they'd be endangering them. (Bonus if they both fall hard for each other.) 6) A is a smart person who acts as arm candy for men in the mafia. A plays dumb around them and lets them self get pampered by men while they're constantly avoiding sex/relationships with anyone. B is one of the members of the mafia who don't fall for A's act and treat them like a member rather than someone who's clueless and naive. 7) A is an actor/actress who can't find work but they manage to use their talents to be a great grifter. B is the one person who catches on fast and decides to recruit them with their gang of grifters and give them a place to call home. 8) A is a con artist who's main goal is to take down Person B who trained them to be great at what they do since they betrayed them. (Bonus if it's a game of cat and mouse for the whole story and the two end up falling hard during the chase. Maybe it even ends with A tricking them to get B to chase them back.) 9) A is always hanging around bad people, playing innocent and getting bad people to want them. Whenever they get them alone they flip the script and go completely bat shit and murder the ones they lure. It isn't until A meets B who tells A that they we're only pretending to be bad to impress them that they begin to do more research and make sure they're more careful with who they lure in with their looks. (Bonus if B is a murderer too and knows A's the one killing and knew exactly what kind of person they were and that's why they were attracted to them.) 10) A is a grifter who meets grifter B trying to score the same thing they are. While competing for it they become aware of the other person's skill and decide they can work together for the same thing and that they'll split it before they part ways. But when the grift is over they're sad to leave each other, especially if they've had some romantic moments, and decide to stay and work on more things together.
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