#so idk I've just really liked thinking about Kravitz i guess
arc-angel-o · 11 months
Maybe someone besides my mother wants to hear my opinion on this, cause I was the Jaden mutual for a while I think.
I just heard about Jada saying her and Will have been separated since 2016, just watched the penguinz0 video about it.
Um I avoid talking about both of them usually bc Jaden and Willow are my faves and I'm assuming they'd rather their fans not speculate about their parents. But yeah, Jada seems a little sadistic.
I don't know that I really have anything to add. This dynamic is weird, I don't know what else to say. Why do so many couples refuse to just get divorced already it's perfectly okay
She's a weirdo, I've privately thought that ever since we found she slept with one of Jaden's friends. I guess while I'm here that maybe illuminates Jaden's odd relationship with Zoë Kravitz bc let me be careful here but. Before y'know I didn't want to like blame his parents for that cause they were secretive about their relationship and there's only so much parents can do to protect teenagers. But um idk maybe maybe maybe allegedly Jada set a bad example idfk or something???
I mean I'm not sure on the timeline but if August was after Zoë that's kind of worse right? Strange.
@flashbcaks you're a Jaden fan too right do you have any thoughts
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somelazyassartist · 2 years
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Ugh, okay, so there's so many questions from the meta writers question thing that I want to ask, so you don't have to answer all of them lol but 1, 3, 4, 20, and/or 25?
I will say though, I'm very very interested in that band AU that I think you keep referencing working on, tbh idk what the acronym means, but I'm very excited about it 👀
writing asks!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
I have a few so let me just chat about them all! one is, ofc, something bigger than the sky that I'm working on with Hali (@phantasmagoric-acquaintance)
it's a collaborative work between the two of us that is the content of balance from her perspective in the umbra staff! it's progressing well, we're nearly done and i can't believe it! i just love getting to work with my best friend on something tbh :3
the next one is RHAPAW, my beloved band au. (it stands for rode hard and put away wet and i promise there's a reason for that lsdkfjsdlf). Progress is pretty good! I've got about 5k words of it right now, I know some of the most major plot points, and I have a pretty clear idea of how it's going to end!! Honestly i love Barry in this more than life itself (but I do just love the idea of Lup, Kravitz, and Johann all in a band together too so don't make me choose <3)
(also extra bonus, I am working on extending about three prompt fills I did a while ago so keep an eye out for those)
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
OKAY I GOT IT i have been thinking about this for like. months. Basically i do have this au idea wherein Taako dies in Wonderland. A version of Arms Outstretched still happens but basically Taako is dead and in the Astral Plane, Magnus is in the mannequin body still, and Merle is still Merle. Barry is there as the red robe, of course. Edward still gets eaten by staff and Merle goes to grab it and tries to cast something and it just Doesn't work. And at this point, Merle is just over it. like "You magic piece of shit, you couldn't save my friend, you won't let me cast, what the hell is the use?" and he just SNAPS it. and it's like a bomb goes off. And Merle's head feels like it's going to explode because there's another red robe? but he can't hear it or see its face and the original red robe is...crying? And Magnus is trying to hug it? and he keeps saying "Merle, holy shit it's [redacted] how could Lucretia just [redacted] like that?"
and it obviously continues but that is the barest bones shit of it.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
this is so hard because i feel like my content is better than the actual writing itself!! but i guess if i have to pick one i do love the ridiculously unhinged monologue Taako goes on in like, chapter two of flours? (part of it below)
And then your wonderful twin sister might annoyingly keep changing her mind on what flowers she wants on her cake. Mind you, your twin sister might also specifically request that the flowers on the cake be fresh, not made of pulled sugar or gum paste or fondant or frosting, no they just have to be fresh because gods forbid I ever get to do sugar work. And not that there’s anything wrong with fresh flowers, mind you, but it might happen to be something that is just out of your comfort zone. And while you would normally go to Fantasy Costco, you can’t anymore because they hired a really weird cashier who keeps offering to make you deals even though it’s fucking Fantasy Costco and the prices are literally marked so you have to begin to wonder to yourself if that cashier even actually works there.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
i just really like exploring friendships between characters that either just Wouldn't/Didn't/Couldn't happen in the show (AM Radio, Flours, and like, a million prompt fills have been examples of this)
also. I know I referenced this in the tags BUT both vampire twins pieces and the werewolf magnus piece all take place in the same universe (the magnus piece takes place a year or two prior to the vampire twins pieces)
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
okay i already answered this one BUT another really fun part is just finding inspiration in the weirdest of places. like actually now that i think about it, like five of my fics/wips have been inspired by me innocuously listening to music lskdfjsld
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