#so if i left I'm 90% sure they'll leave too once they hear about why I left
grimandghoulish · 11 months
#bro my boss is wack afffff 😭#he really thought he could get away with paying me $12/hr for being a manager...#was making $13 before but he lowered pay bc business is suffering. WHICH IS HIS FAULT BTW. and the manager was making $14#well now everyone makes $12#and i confronted him over text and was like don't you think it would be fair to reinstate my $13/hr since I'm doing manager work now?#and he was like i do pay from my pocket blah blah blah#and i said okay so you're going to make me do extra work and not even compensate me for it? I'm literally only asking for a dollar more/hr#this and that and he's finally like okay I'll raise your pay but want business to get better this and that#and i straight up said to him people are going to other smoke shops because we run out of what they come for and never reorder stuff#i said I'd like to see business get better too and I'll do what i can to help but I'm not doing more work for no extra pay#so he's going to give me a raise#scariest conversation I've ever had btw because like#he's kind of a douche?? and like he sucks at running this business and he's 100% doing some really shady shit#so like i was worried i was going to lose my job tonight. not because he would fire me. he needs me because the other 2 barely work#and he's not going to come in and work himself bc i guess he thinks he's too good for that or whatever#but if he didn't want to raise my pay i was going to quit on the spot. and he doesn't want to lose me because then he'd have no employees#because both of my other coworkers have other jobs. one has her own business the other works elsewhere and comes in only once a week#and they will BOTH leave his ass too because neither of them NEED this job and have openly stated they would leave if shit got too screwy#so if i left I'm 90% sure they'll leave too once they hear about why I left#and he'll have a sad closed store until he can get someone willing enough to put up with his bullshit to get on board#I'm not the employee to step on anymore!!#i WILL leave! i don't have another job lined up but I'll fucking find one if i needed to because I'm not doing bullshit
0 notes
sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
ok before i get into this one, just a reminder to you and to everyone reading to take care of yourself :)) don't overwork yourself, it's not worth it. take breaks every once in a while and make sure to drink water and eat three meals a day :)) with that said, may i request cc!dream working at a fast food place part time, and noticing that one of his coworkers has a really outstanding fashion sense? like they've got a shit ton of piercings and they always go crazy with makeup, and some days they'll show up dressed up real pastel, and then the next day they'll be wearing all black :> and eventually dream asks them to lunch because hes really curious about what mysteries his coworker holds :)) tysm! -froggy
You’re too sweet, also I had way too much fun with this, and don’t be afraid to just like, flood me with asks, it gives me something productive to do :] <3
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Summary: Your odd fashion sense draws Dream to you, he had to know why you dressed like that
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Dream X Reader
Pronouns: They/Them
[A/n]: Requests are open :] <3
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From pastels to all black to looking like an art teacher, the changing of your style never stopped. And neither did Dream's growing curiosity. He never failed to notice your over-the-top makeup and crazy piercings, for a Wendy's worker you sure were odd. Then again he wasn't the most normal person either, he insisted everyone call him Dream over his real name, he was taller than 90% of the other workers there, and he wasn't very close with anyone else there. Unlike you who made friends with everyone.
Another day, another outfit. Dream had tried to have as many shifts with you as possible, it was kinda creepy but he really enjoyed seeing your outfits every day. It had gotten to the point where he had started talking to his roommate about you.
"Just ask them out already, I'm sick of hearing you bitch and moan over them."
"Wow real nice of you Sap." Dream got up and left Sapnap's room, heading to his own. Though all he could think about was what Sapnap had said. Maybe he should ask you out.
Today was one of the slower days, where there simply weren't many people ordering food, and when they did it was typically small orders. Hearing the bell on the door chime, Dream waited for the customer to come to the register, that didn't happen though.
"Hey, guys! I heard today was slow so I figured I'd swing by with some cookies." There were a few cheers as all the workers came to the front of the store.
You opened up a bag and handed wrapped cookies to each of them, except for Dream who stayed in his spot. He didn't think you'd have cookies for him, why would you when you've never spoken to each other about anything other than orders.
Though wrong he was again as he watched all the workers disappear back to their spots and you walk over to him.
"Here, I made enough for everyone." You handed him the same wrapped cookies that you had everyone else, a cherry smile on your face. Dream took the cookies with a shy 'thank you,' he also took a second to look over your outfit.
Today you were wearing all black, from head to toe. How were you not sweating in that? You said your goodbyes to everyone, saying goodbye to Dream last.
"Hey uh, wait a sec."
"Oh, what's up?" You stood on the opposite side of the counter, waiting for him to speak.
"Would you uh, like to go on a date sometime?"
"I'd love to! Here," you grabbed the pen that was laying on the counter and grabbed Dream's hand. You quickly scribbled your number onto his wrist before saying goodbye and leaving.
Today was the day that the two of you would actually be going out on a date. Dream had asked you to lunch on a day that you both had off, saying that he knew this really nice café that he thought you might like.
The two of you had agreed to meet there, which is where Dream currently is. He was dressed casually, but still nice, his outfit consists of black, ripped, skinny jeans, a hoodie, and black sneakers. Though once he saw you he couldn't help but feel odd, you were dressed in an artsy, pastel-type outfit. You definitely looked more café-ready than he did.
Suddenly he was nervous, here you were looking like some kind of god while he looked like he belonged at the mall. He had never felt more stupid in his life.
"I like your shoes! Where'd you get them?" He was surprised by your sudden question, fumbling over his words for a second before sputtering out a sentence.
"I uhm, I got them from a store, in the mall. I uh, I forget what it's called, but it's upstairs by the Hot Topic, I think." You giggled at his fumbling.
"I think I know where you're talking about, anyways shall we head inside?" Dream nodded and held the door open, letting you walk in first.
After ordering and getting your stuff the two of you sat down at one of the booths. Things were quiet for a moment as the two of you settled in. Though the quiet was soon broken by Dream speaking up.
"So uh, not to come off as rude or anything, because frankly, that's the last thing I want to do. But uhm, why do you dress like that? I mean like why do you always change your style and go full out on everything when you're simply working at Wendy's?" You looked surprised before smiling at him.
"I just like all the different styles, I can't pick one! And I go all out because why not? I use my clothes to express my individuality. Riddle me this tall man, why do you insist everyone calls you Dream?"
"Well, maybe I prefer the nickname over my real name and use it to express my individuality." The two of you laughed at his response, the nervousness slowly melting from Dream.
"You got me there dude. But yeah, I mean you only live this life once so might as well make the most of it." Dream nodded.
"That is true, plus I don't know how I'd get through slow days without seeing your outfit. You really know how to brighten up the room, even if you're wearing all black." You both chuckled and you thanked him.
"So, where's our next date gonna be?"
"You wanna go on a second one?"
"Of course! Why else would I bring it up?"
"Oh ok, uh how about we go to the movies? Or maybe to the carnival that's coming to town next week?"
"Let's do the carnival! We gotta get matching outfits though!"
"Ok." Dream agreed and you started talking about different styles and what you could do for matching pieces. The two of you eventually settled on matching sweaters.
"Alright, well then since we both have tomorrow off, we can go shopping then. Sound good?"
"That sounds great."
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black-widowfics · 3 years
My most used writing Prompts:
(There's a lot)
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1. "I love you... baby"
2. "God, you're adorable"
3. "Hey, cutie"
4. "I promise to love you for the rest of my life"
5. "I don't care if you're sick, catching a cold from kissing you is worth it"
6. "You are so perfect"
7. "You're the best part of me"
8. "Stay here with me. Please?"
9. "I'm speechless you're so beautiful"
10. "Aww! You're adorable"
11. "So romantic"
12. "I'll love you until the end of the universe" "haven't we been there before?"
13. "Do you need a hug?"
14. "I love you, my dearest"
15. "Come here, I need to hug you"
16. "When everything's wrong, it's you that makes it right"
17. "You're the one"
18. "Have i ever pointed out how beautiful you are? " "Yes, all the time"
19. "I'm bored" " then why don't we do something more interesting?"
20. Forehead kisses
21. Hand kisses
22. "That tickles!" Kisses
23. Kisses that make them smile
24. Breathless kisses
25. Cheek kisses
26. Nose Kisses
27. "God, i love you" Kisses
28. Kisses that end with laughter
29. Never wanting to pull away kisses
30. Multiple face kisses
31. Big, long kisses
32. Long Awaited Kisses
34. "Finally, you guys kissed" Kisses
35. Goodbye kisses
36. Kisses accompanied by happy tears
37. Kisses accompanied by sad tears
38. Kisses that get interrupted
39. Kisses to distract them from winning
40. "Just woke up" Kisses
41. Excited Kisses
42. Long awaited kisses
43. "I missed you so much" kisses
44. Sneaking up behind them and surprising them kisses
45. Kisses to help them concentrate
46. Kisses as a reward(passed a hard exam, won a game, etc)
47. "No! No! No! Wake up! Please!"
48. "Please don't leave"
49. "... I love you"
50. "You killed someone, do you really think they'll still love you?!"
51. "They were my world, but now they're gone"
52. "I miss you so much, please come back"
53. "I know you're gone, but i feel you here"
54. "Tears are all I see without you"
55. "You're happy, with someone else. And that hurts"
56. "Just leave!"
57. "Promise me you'll live a great life, without me"
58. "I don't need you"
59. "The world is dull without you"
60. "I miss being in your arms"
61. "Get out of my life!"
62. "I don't love you anymore"
63. "Goodnight, i have always loved you "
65. "I may be dying, but please, don't cry over me"
67. "Thank you, for helping me live the greatest life i could"
68. "These tears will never stop falling"
69. "You were so perfect, but now you're gone"
70. "You were so perfect, but now you're moved on"
71. That's the way to break my heart"
72. "You're happy in someone else's arms "
73. "Take me back to the good old days "
74. Billions of people in the world, and I chose you, how stupid was that"
75. "I wish i didn't have to lose you"
76. "I wish you didn't have to lose me "
77. "I wish that could be me "
78. Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.
79. Character A's best friend rigs the Secret Santa, because they know Character A has a crush on Character B.
80. Character A's ex will be at the A is attending. Character B poses as A's fiancée.
81. "Don't look at me, I was still dead at the time."
82. "....Aren't you a little young, to be here?"
83. Character A and Character B meet in the ER on Christmas Eve.
84. Character A can't wrap gifts to save their life. Character B is their neighbor and can help.
85. Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger. Character B is that stranger.
86. Character A and Character B both sign up for a Pen Pal project to exchange postcards.
87. Character A and Character B broke up, but now they meet at a _____ party.
88. Character A is stuck working in a coffee shop on Christmas and Character B is the lonely soul spending their whole day there.
89. Character A's little sibling/child wants to meet their favorite celebrity/writer/person for their birthday. Character B is called "birthday present".
90. Character A can't travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbor Character B.
91. Character A and Character B compete in (some kind of) house decoration.
92. Character A bakes too many ______ so they share it with Character B.
93. It's Character A's first Christmas since a tragedy.
94. Character A returns to their birth-town for the holidays. Character B is their estranged childhood best friend.
95. Character A is pretending to be their friend's lover for the sake of the friend's family. Character B is said friend's sibling.
96. Character A loses a bet and has to wear_____ . Character B won the bet.
97. Character A owns a _____ store. Character B is looking for a present.
98. Character A doesn't feel the Christmas spirit but Character B, who lives above them, keeps playing Christmas carols really loud.
99. Character A overhears Character B's birthday wish and decides to fulfill it.
100. Character A was planning to leave dramatically after their confession but character B unhooked their batteries when A wasn't looking so I guess they have to talk about it now.
101. Your doomsday device didn't work but it did put me in the hospital so what are you doing in my room?
102. We've been roommates for seven years and we had a fight but you left me a note right after you moved out saying you were in love with me.
103. "If we get out of this mess you and I are going to have a serious talk about the appropriate time for emotional conversations."
104. "According to these screenshots I need to leave the country immediately."
105. Spontaneously confessed to crush while under the influence.
106. Tried to have a conversation with a cardboard cutout after surgery.
107. "That's it I'm never leaving my room again I can't live this one down."
108. Gave a brutally honest opinion and doesn't remember it.
109. "You said you had the best idea ever and then proceeded to write [extremely stupid thing] as a note to yourself."
110. "tried kissing once and it wasn't for us."
111. We make out at parties and clubs so other folks will leave us alone.
112. "Of course I'm in their lap where else am I going to sit?"
113. Their constantly orbiting around each other.
114. "just because YOUR friends aren't affectionate doesn't mean that there's a problem with US".
115. platonic cuddle puddle.
116. Not so platonic cuddle puddle.
117. "So what we go on friend dates, don't make it weird."
118. Always carries the other's favorite snacks.
119. "I thought I told you to stop calling me 'Your Majesty'."
120. "Lower you weapons!"
121. "I...I am not worthy of this crown."
122. "People are fighting– dying for their kingdom! What kind of Ruler would I be if I didn't join them at the front lines?"
123. "You know I am a prince/princess/royal, right?" "Well yes-" "Then do me a favor and stop telling me what to do."
124. "Since when do you know how to wield a sword?"
125. "Go! If this kingdom goes down, then I will go down with it as it's Ruler"
126. "All the fine silks and perfumes in the world won't mask what a pompous jerk you are."
127. "After all this time, you still don't trust me?"
128. "Get me out of this dress!"
129. "Why so serious, Your Highness?"
130. "How does a walk through the gardens sound?"
131. "I do believe I've proven that you are more than a mere guard to me, ______."
132. "This kingdom cannot go on without you! Please, it's time for you to take your rightful place at the throne."
133. "Your Majesty, is that blood on your dress?"
134. "Walk with me, please. I can't stand another second in that room with their intoxicating pride and old perfumes."
135. "At ease, _____, I know I'm safe with you by my side."
136. "I see we're back to 'Your Highness'. "
137. "A moment with you is far more exciting than a lifetime of cheap conversations and corsets."
138. "...is that my crown you're wearing?"
139. "Promise you'll come back to me." "As long as you promise to wait for me."
140. "Let go of me– that is an order!"
141. "Forgive me, my love."
142. "No, no, it looks far better on you than it does me."
143."This is the part where I kiss the extremely beautiful princess, right?"
144. "how could I ever love someone else?"
145. I'm dancing with my demons
146.I just can't imagine how you could be okay now that I'm gone
147. "I wanna fall wide awake"
148. "You tell me it's alright but its not!"
149. "Tell me I'm forgiven... please."
150. "Nobody can save me"
151. "I don't wanna let you down"
152. "Only I can save me"
153. "There's no getting through to you"
154. "You say I can't understand"
155. "When you leave me, where do you go?"
156. "I'm just talking to myself"
157. "Can't you hear me calling you home?"
158. "You keep running like the sky is falling"
159. "I've got a long way to go and a long memory."
160. "If my armor breaks I'll fuse it back together"
161. "Please just don't give up on me"
162. "I know the words we said"
163. "This is not black and white"
164. "I was not mad at you"
165. "If you ever felt invisible, I won't let you feel that now"
166. "You just wanna know you're being heard"
167. "I don't like my mind right now"
168. "There's comfort in the panic"
169. "I drive myself crazy"
170. "Why is everything so heavy?"
171." I'm pretty sure the world is out to get me"
172. "I know I'm not the center of the universe"
173. "I only halfway apologize"
174. "I'll be sorry for now"
175. "Sometimes things refuse to go the way we planned"
176. "There will be a day that you will understand"
177. "After a while you may forget"
178. "I never wanted to say goodbye"
179. "I've never been higher than I was that night"
180. "Now I remember"
181. "I don't know what I want"
182. "Were there signs I ignored?"
183. "Can I help you not to hurt anymore?"
184. "Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?" "I do"
185. "You're angry, and you should be"
186. "It's not fair"
187. "You're gonna hurt someone"
188. "Watch the friends you keep."
189. "Sharp edges have consequences"
190. "Every scar is a story I can tell"
191. "I loved you like a house of cards, and let it fall apart"
192. "It made me who I am"
193. "We all fall down"
194. "We live somehow"
195. "I can't live without you."
196. "You're the only one for me."
197. "I've never loved anyone the way I love you."
198. "The things you do to me..."
199. "You're too good to me."
200. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
201. "You're the most beautiful person I know."
202. "Stay with me... please."
203. "Nothing has ever felt so right."
204. "You don't know how much you do for me just by being there."
205. "I wouldn't want it any other way."
206. "No matter what anyone says, I'll cherish you forever."
207. "You make it so easy to love you."
208. "I want to hold you and never let go."
209. "Kiss me."
210. "My only wish is to see you happy."
211. "You make me a better person."
212. "I love you more than words can express."
213. "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just wish you had kept yours to yourself."
214. "I don't know how to tell you this, but yelling at someone to, stop panicking, isn't going to stop them from panicking."
215. "It's not your fault. Sometimes you can do everything right, and things will still go wrong.... This just happened to be one of those times."
216. ".....I'm going to pretend I didn't see that."
217. "Why am I the one who always ends up getting targeted by the creep of the week?!"
218. "Fuck.... I knew I should have bought those light up sneakers."
219. "None of this, seems healthy."
220. "....Should I be concerned?"
221. "I said pass it to me, not 'throw it in my general direction'!"
222. "It is my deep pleasure, to inform you that I am not the one in charge here."
223. "Quick! You hide the equipment, I'll hide the grenades!"
224. "Should I call someone for you?"
225. "Did you take anything?"
226. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
227. "When was the last time you ate anything?"
228. "Can you walk?"
229. "How do you think this will all end?"
230. "Do you need an ambulance?"
231. "Where you crying?"
232. "Should someone help you get home?"
233. "Do you know where you are?"
234. "Can you tell me your name?"
235. "Where do you want me to take you to?"
236. "Do you need my help?"
237. "How do you feel now?"
238. "Can I do anything that would make it better?"
239. "Do you want my jacket?"
240. "Can you let me see your eyes?"
241. "Should I stay a bit longer?"
242. "Will you be alright?"
243. "Do you have someone who can look after you?”
244. “An interesting crossover”
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Amelia & Jac
Amelia: My mum heard wrong and you're actually okay, right? Jac: I am now Amelia: but it was you Jac: me and half of Dublin Amelia: I could care less about about 3/4 of this town Jac: generous, a whole 1/4 Amelia: you know what I mean Jac: yeah Jac: your maths isn't that shocking Amelia: what happened? Jac: what do you mean Jac: I didn't accidentally swallow my mouthwash or something Jac: you know how it goes Amelia: alright, why did it happen? Jac: It was new years Jac: simple as Amelia: you don't give a shit about New Year's Amelia: or anything else right now Jac: I was feeling festive Amelia: because? Jac: because it's the reason for the season? idk Amelia: you're really going to make me figure it out? okay Jac: there's fuck all to figure out Jac: you've got drunk, you know why Amelia: What did she do? Jac: which nurse was it that told your mum Jac: or was it a receptionist, they're the fucking worst Amelia: answer my question so I don't have to go on her profile Jac: go ahead and look Jac: you won't be surprised, no one else is Amelia: [does so a pause] Amelia: I'm sorry Jac: I knew anyway Jac: well, was 99% sure Jac: but then that 1% went so Amelia: You could've called me Amelia: nobody on the gossip grapevine even knows the lad who brought you in Jac: I very much couldn't Jac: I was passed out Jac: so me either, the thank you note will sit here unsent, like Amelia: before, I mean Amelia: she didn't post that last night Jac: it was Christmas Amelia: so? Jac: a time for family Amelia: you used to be Amelia: basically Jac: well that's just weird Amelia: again, you know what I mean Jac: not acceptable to float your incest fantasies just 'cos you've got no siblings to go there with Amelia: ugh, shut up Jac: works for me Amelia: no, it doesn't Jac: ask anyone Jac: I've had a very relaxing break Amelia: none of this is working for you, that's why you ended up in hospital Amelia: for fuck's sake Jac: that was the tequila Amelia: none of this is funny Jac: what do want me to say? Amelia: quite literally anything that isn't a pisstake Amelia: that's how low my bar is now Jac: I got drunk, it isn't the drama your mum and whoever the fuck is making it out to be Amelia: it isn't a drama that you got so drunk you had to be medically emptied out after being brought in by a stranger, no of course not Amelia: anything could have happened to you but why the fuck would that matter Jac: clearly I was surrounded by nice people Jac: I wasn't in a crack den Amelia: you wouldn't tell me if you were Amelia: unless you had a joke you could make out of it Jac: I appreciate that you find me so amusing Jac: I'm not making jokes, there is just nothing to actually be said about any of it Amelia: Fine, we'll go back to not talking Jac: don't let me ruin your good time Amelia: it's a bit late for that advice, thanks anyway Jac: amazing Jac: way to make my hospital stay about you Amelia: how could I? It's all about Savannah fucking Moore, as always Jac: so you wanted to be the one I drank myself into a coma for Jac: I'm so sorry Jac: I'll try again next time and leave a note shouting you out Amelia: no you won't, because that would involve telling people about me Amelia: I might as well not exist Jac: 'cos I'm going around telling EVERYONE that this is about her Amelia: it's never been any secret how I feel about you or that I need you even though you don't need me Amelia: and you could've fucking died or something Jac: seriously Amelia: yeah Jac: it's bullshit if you actually believe that Jac: and you're not just saying it Amelia: all of this is bullshit Jac: I'm a fucking mess Jac: I hit you up all the time Jac: why do you need me to spell it out to you Jac: hire a fucking skywriter Amelia: none of it matters because when things actually matter, like this, you don't Jac: because I'm not fucking okay Jac: that doesn't mean that I don't those other times Amelia: I know that Jac: you clearly don't Jac: it means nothing Jac: then fuck it Amelia: it doesn't mean nothing Jac: it's so fucking Jac: infuriating Jac: I haven't talked to anyone else in person for so long Jac: and I barely do it in writing now either Jac: don't pretend you don't know that means something just to fit your narrative Amelia: what to do want me to say? or do? Amelia: I've spent ages worried about you even before this and there's nobody I can talk about it with because you won't Amelia: I don't get to be upset because it's Christmas and we're not friends and I'm over it, that's the narrative for everybody else Amelia: then I hear this and it's no big deal to you, apparently Jac: just not be so fucking dense Jac: at least when you're talking to me, you don't need to pretend that now Jac: what would you like me to say? how fucking vile it was having to bring up my entire stomach contents, what it smelt like? how terrifying it was to be there on my own? Jac: or what can I do for you now? start sobbing about how out of control my life is, repent, promise to change and be different? Amelia: I've already lost you once because of her, I can't do it again Amelia: especially not like that Jac: I can't stop loving her Jac: I can't stop it hurting Jac: all of us Amelia: I can't stop loving you Amelia: and she isn't going to force me to when she isn't even fucking here Jac: There's no point blaming her Jac: if she didn't know, before I showed her how I felt Jac: she didn't know about you and me Amelia: and you think I'm dense Jac: I don't think she's perfect Jac: not completely Amelia: it's progress Jac: shut up Jac: I'm sorry, alright, I wouldn't have told you, you wouldn't have needed to be worried Amelia: I'm worried by all the things you don't tell me Amelia: where you go and what you do when you're not 'hitting me up' Jac: it's not as if you'd wanna hear it though Jac: you want me to stop, like everyone does Jac: but I just Jac: I can't Amelia: I don't want to hear it because I know it's not what you really want Jac: I can't have what I want Amelia: you can't have her, it doesn't mean you have to have that Jac: None of it was real Jac: but it doesn't erase all that time, what was said and done and felt Jac: not for me Amelia: of course it doesn't Jac: it's like I'm trapped Jac: I can't go back but I'm just left here, she's left me here and all of the things we were going to do and be together aren't going to happen Jac: I'm not going to be that person but I'm not the same as before Amelia: it's like she killed you, you have to grieve Jac: I don't like who I am now Jac: without her Amelia: you said it, you're a mess Amelia: not much about that for a virgo to like Jac: this is just another day in the life for you is it Jac: 🦂 Amelia: it's not about me Amelia: how you feel about you Jac: it's no secret I CLEARLY hate myself Amelia: it'd be the worst kept secret ever if it was Jac: so yeah, it's nice to flip the script, have people think maybe I hate them instead Jac: I ruined Christmas because I hate you all, like, yeah, fine Amelia: maybe Cammie's brothers are little enough to fall for it Jac: it's surprising how effective playing at being a coma patient is for the cause Amelia: everyone knows you're hurting instead of hating Jac: alright Jac: sounding like a cringe 90s rnb love song is not cute Amelia: I'm not cute today Jac: have you got your serious face on to match your tone Amelia: my parents have and if you can't beat them, join them Jac: did your nan say something homophobic and they forgot to call her out on your behalf? Amelia: I'm grounded because of what you did, that's what passes for logic in this 🏠 Amelia: they haven't stopped talking about it or trying to overhaul my life Jac: oh great Jac: I'll not be able to see you too now Amelia: they've told me to stay in, they can't make me Amelia: you can see me whenever you want to Jac: your parents are actually sensible, if leaning towards over-protective Jac: they'll get a restraining order Jac: or me sectioned, if they can really sell it Amelia: they don't know about us Amelia: you're fine Jac: they know they don't want you being my friend Amelia: they don't want me getting hospitalised, that's all Amelia: they know if we were still friends I'd look after you and vice versa Jac: it isn't catching, it's alcohol poisoning Jac: can we go to the beach Jac: we've obviously missed the official swim but I want to Amelia: they did run out of Christmas drinks because I never got around to replacing what we stole and I did have to take sole blame, so that's where they think I'm heading Amelia: but yeah, we can go to the beach Jac: their friends always could put it away Amelia: and I wasn't even drunk last night Amelia: because I'd already had a lecture Jac: how drunk did you get on Christmas day then Amelia: it's not my fault they all stop at a couple of glasses Amelia: or want to my life a competition vs the child or children of every single person my parents know Amelia: 🥱🙄 Jac: you didn't know miracle was a lifetime obligation as well as a fancy title? Jac: gutted Amelia: did I hit you up, no, therefore I CLEARLY wasn't drunk enough Jac: Charming Amelia: 😏 Jac: you know, when I get drunk, I make really bad choices/nearly die Amelia: not always Amelia: and I might've given my cousin my phone so I didn't send you anything, okay? I'm that 😳🤓 Jac: She blatantly wanted to nose at all your private texts anyway Jac: I wouldn't trust any of mine as far as I can throw them Amelia: she'd have to steal my fingerprint, I definitely wasn't that drunk Jac: don't you delete them after? Jac: amateur Amelia: what would I do when you aren't talking to me if I did, read a book? Jac: you're quick with the recommendations for me, so yeah Amelia: I get enough migraines without encouraging them Jac: 😏 Jac: we definitely shouldn't be friends then Amelia: that's not even in the top 10 of reasons why we shouldn't Jac: again, so polite Amelia: come on, you know I'll break any amount of rules Jac: it's not supposed to be adding to the fun of it, like Amelia: fuck supposed to as well Jac: alright Jac: but I ain't going out and getting drunk tonight Jac: I feel inside out still Amelia: what do you want to do then? Jac: I don't know Jac: let's just start with the beach and I'll see Amelia: okay Jac: what do you wanna do Amelia: I only give a shit about seeing you Jac: It might take me a while to get out Jac: goes without saying I'm more than grounded Jac: one pair of 👀 on me at all times Amelia: that kind of wait won't kill me Jac: alright Jac: I'll think of something Amelia: remember a coat this time, yeah? Amelia: I can't lend you any more without literally taking the one off my own back Jac: oh no Amelia: you didn't nearly die in my coat, did you? Jac: I was wearing it Jac: but I don't have it now Amelia: oh Jac: I do remember where I was, I wasn't that gone when I arrived Jac: but I don't wanna go back, I can give you the address? Amelia: do I want to go there or should I just hit the sales? Jac: yeah Jac: consider it a late christmas present? Amelia: wait, my late Christmas present isn't that you didn't die? Jac: you're glad, aren't you, that's a gift Jac: but I also meant money for a coat, that's only fair, if anything Amelia: I can afford my own replacement coat Jac: alright Jac: but I did lose it Amelia: I lent it to you, if it was that precious to me, I wouldn't have Amelia: and my mum will be thrilled I'm asking to go shopping Jac: yeah, true enough Jac: what did you get her for christmas? Amelia: [something her basic mum would actually love because she only had to buy for her parents so might as well go in] Jac: wow, daughter of the year much Amelia: I'm their only daughter, there's no contest Jac: all I got mine was a nervous breakdown so you know Amelia: I did that last year, you know, before it was cool Jac: 🤓 Amelia: I'm sorry that you didn't invent pining Jac: I'm not pining though, you can have that Amelia: I don't want it Jac: I'm sorry you invented pining Amelia: I didn't, I just happen to be amazing at it Jac: or bad at it, depending on your outlook Amelia: well yeah Jac: I look awful Amelia: how do you feel? Jac: awful Jac: at least there's no disparity there Amelia: you've nailed it, along with the majority Jac: start as the year will go on, no matter my intentions or otherwise Jac: fucking hell Amelia: I look great, you've been warned Jac: 😂 Amelia: 👧🏻 Jac: at least it isn't bowl-esque now Jac: like your xmas throwback Amelia: I knew you'd like that Jac: that santa is creepy looking though Jac: your face says it all Amelia: 😂 Jac: how likely do you think any of my siblings are to cover for me right now Amelia: 🤔 very unlikely Jac: distract and run it is Amelia: can you even 🏃 the state you're in? Jac: They gave me IV, I'm technically in my prime, thank you Amelia: carry on Jac: you don't have to come Amelia: I want to though Jac: alright Amelia: okay Jac: [I think she should ask Jesse to cover but whatever the outcome of that convo let us say you do get out somehow and you can go to the beach] Amelia: [yeah even if he won't, find a way gal] Jac: [have your nice moment] Amelia: [it's deserved, well not really because you ruined christmas and new year's but Savannah ruined everything first so it kind of is lol] Jac: [it's what being a teen is all about henny] Amelia: [not this teen, I was a goody two shoes] Jac: [my boo is too good she would never lmao, I did so] Jac: [I think they should have a nice time but then someone/someone's parents is at the beach so she's like well bye] Amelia: [that's very valid because you lowkey wouldn't be able to go anywhere without seeing someone either they know from school or Amelia's parents know the parents of] Jac: [exactly, it's an easy way to end things before anything really has to be said or done so tah everyone] Amelia: [I hope you're both going home, we don't need any more drama immediately] Jac: [my boo says get your ass back home] Amelia: [mhmm] Jac: [she has nowhere to be so I'm sure she's going back to bed lol] Amelia: [get your arse back home too Amelia even though I'm sure that girl has text you at Christmas and New Year's] Jac: [at least you weren't at the beach gal] Amelia: [I 100% vote you do see her when school starts though even though she in the year above and would have to seek you out lol] Jac: [my boo says let her have it] Amelia: [we do love the jealousy always] Jac: [mhmm] Amelia: [not letting you date her though because she actually seems to like you so that'd be rude] Jac: [only jac and savannah can do that lol] Amelia: [Savannah do like this boy cos he reminds her of Jac remember LOL] Jac: [lmao]
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