#so if someone follows me who has bad vibes its an instant block cause on here ppl who follow you actually *interact* with you
sarosthewizarddude · 9 months
Other social media is like, oh no I wish more people followed me :(
And then Tumblr is like, *someone follows me* you have bad vibes fuck you blocked.
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americxn · 3 years
How the Evans act when you’re in a bad mood
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
- Once he’s certain that he had nothing to do with your bad mood, he kind of just leaves you be, thinking that it would be best to let you simmer for a while before interfering. - When he decides that he’s bored and misses your company, he seeks you out, a bowl of ice cream clutched in his hands as a peace offering, even though he’s not the reason why you’re in a bad mood. - You would take the bowl from his hands with a straight face, immediately shovelling a spoonful into your mouth. - With a sigh, he would say: “You’re a pain in the ass when it comes to trying to cheer you up.” Without even looking at him you would reply with: “I learn from the best.” Your words come out mumbled around a mouthful of ice cream. - Only when half of your bowl is gone do you turn to Tate, thanking him and offering him a spoonful, which he doesn’t dare accept. - And then he takes you to your bedroom, forcing you to change into your comfy clothes, which you begrudgingly do whilst glaring at the wall. - But it’s worth it when Tate opens his arms for you and you almost trip over your own feet in your eagerness to be folded into his warmth. - “Do you wanna actually tell me what’s got you all moody?” He would ask softly. “Nope.” You would say simply, stifling a smile at his overly exaggerated sigh as he fell back onto the bed, taking you with him. - Breathing in the scent of him, your head on his chest, you would finally feel the edges of your frustration wearing off, Tate’s soft breaths ruffling some strands of hair atop you head. - After several minutes of cuddling into your boyfriend in silence, Tate would utter the dreaded question of: “Are you on your (man)period?” Even if you didn’t have periods, this would earn him a playful smack on the arm and a newly-irritated sigh into his chest. 
KIT WALKER - Kit didn’t even have to be told that you were in a bad mood, his demeanour changing the second you entered the room he was residing in. - “Are we gonna talk about it or no?” He would say cooly, looking up at you from his spot on the couch as you entered. You would turn your nose up at his offer. “Absolutely not.” You would state, flopping onto his body, Kit grunting, and positioning yourself so that your head was in his lap. “Just hold me.” You would mumble. - Kit would chuckle softly, his hand finding its way into your hair as you sighed and muttered incoherent whispers of anger to yourself, much to Kit’s silent amusement. - Kit would stroke your head in silence, honestly just happy to have you so close to him for so long but eventually you would sit up, the brunt of your mood having dissipated with Kit’s loving touch. - “Better?” He would murmur, making you nod happily. “Good.” Kit would state, shifting his weight so that he could flip you over, settling on top of you as you lay beneath him. - He would then lower his face to yours, his lips attacking your skin incessantly, refusing to let up until he heard you laugh beneath him. (franken)KYLE SPENCER
- Kyle, as a person who often suffered from low moods due to his difficulty in communication, could sense the moment when your mood would shift, immediately coming to your side and blinking at you in concern. - This could be annoying at times. - Sometimes, all you wanted to do was have some time to yourself, and although you loved Kyle to pieces, his constant presence could potentially worsen your mood, or sometimes even catalyse it. - The last time you were in a bad mood, you had directed your anger at Kyle when he began to trail you around the house uncertainly, causing you to raise your voice at him. Of course, you had felt terrible after this, your outburst not only worsening your mood, but sending Kyle into one as well; he hadn’t spoken a word to you until the day after. - So, you had explained to him that sometimes, as much as you loved him, you just wanted your own space. The next time your mood had suddenly dropped, he had approached you slowly, trying to gauge your reaction before either swooping in to make you feel better or leave you alone. - On the occasion that you didn’t want to be in Kyle’s presence, you would simply mutter a “sorry”, grateful when he scampered off and found something to do until you came to him.  - But, when Kyle’s comfort was wanted, you would smile softly at him, huffing a defeated laugh when he hurried to you, his embrace strong as he engulfed you in his warmth. - “Sad?” He would question glumly, at your silence giving you the option of “angry?” To which you would nod into his chest. - Kyle’s remedy for anger was baking: he would pile all the ingredients on the counter of your kitchen, silently passing you and bowl and a spoon and watching as you carelessly added the ingredients, stirring them all together angrily, most of the mixture splattering onto yourself and the surface of the counter.
- Jimmy is the type of person to make fun of you when you’re in a bad mood. It was his attempt of lessening your disposition. - Sometimes this worked, but sometimes it didn’t: Sitting alone under the shelter on the canteen tent, you huffed, frowning at the wood of the table in front of you. “Oof,” an amused shout came from behind you, causing you to turn you head in the direction it had come from. Jimmy swaggered towards you, his hand raised to his brow to block the sun from his eyes as he walked towards the shade of the canopy that you sat under. Scowling, you turned your head away from him, your shoulders curving inwards the hopes that he would get the message and turn around to let you brood. But of course he would do no such thing. “Someone’s in a bad mood.” He would comment, the old wooden bench you sat on wobbling from the force with which he plonked himself down next to you. “No shit.” You muttered, looking straight ahead.  “Geez, baby. What’s got you so worked up?” You turned to him with an unpleasant smile, the bite in your voice stark as you replied with “you and your insufferable attitude.” “Ouch.” He said, sounding completely unhurt by your comment. Your jaw worked as you became increasingly irritated by his presence. “Can you just fuck off? I love you and all but you being here is just making me get pissed at you.” He raised an eyebrow, his elbow coming to rest on the surface of the table, his chin falling into his palm in an action that gave you very much “like fuck I’m leaving” vibes. With a groan, you spun around, bringing your legs with you so that could stand from the bench. “Don’t follow me.” You ordered flatly. The bench creaked as he, too, stood, causing you to bristle. “Jimmy, I mean it.” You spun on him, your teeth gritted. He looked utterly unfazed at your tone, a small smirk on his lips.  “Make me leave you alone. Go on.” You knew what he was doing. He was trying to provoke you, trying to get you to fight with him so that you could let off some steam.  You sighed angrily. “No.” You said, turning and walking away. “Alright. Well I’ll be here when you decide you’re done being an ass.” He shouted after you, the shrug in his voice clear as you walked away, not taking his words to heart, his provoking intentions obvious. 
- James would let you brood. He would notice your demeanour instantly, but he wouldn’t comment on it, instead leaving you to it or silently accompanying you in whatever you were doing. - In the off chance that you really didn’t want his company, all you had to do was shoot him a frustrated glance and he would be on his feet and out the door in an instant, only appearing again when you sought him out. - But when you wanted his presence, he would run you a hot bath complete with bubbles and sometimes even rose petals if he was feeling generous.  - “Here you are, my darling girl/boy/they” He would say fondly as he lead you by the hand to the bathroom, his heart fluttering at the little smile that his efforts would coax from you.  - Once you had submerged yourself into the perfectly warm water with a sigh, he would come to your side, kneeling beside the tub and reaching for the softest sponge you had, quickly rolling up his sleeves before lathering it with a pretty smelling soap. - With your head rested on the side of the bath, he would reach into the water with the sponge, softly running it along your skin and murmuring to you as you became more and more relaxed under his skilled touch. - “So, what is it exactly that has put you in such a mood?” He would venture as your eyes drifted shut. James was such a good listener, and an even better talker, listening intently as you rambled into the stillness of the bathroom, James nodding along and inputting his own agreements or thoughts as you did so. - It was in these moments that your love for James rammed into you with such a force that often you were reduced from a tight ball of irritation to a mess of emotion, your eyes filling with tears as James tended to you. - You would end up gazing at him intently as he spoke to you, his hands moving beneath the water of the bath, the ends of his sleeves getting soaked as he cleaned you. It was so intimate that very often, you couldn’t help but reach with wet hands for the front of his shirt, pulling him to you and landing a kiss to his lips before pulling him harder, your heart pounding as he chuckled breathily against your mouth, his clothes becoming absolutely soaked as he clambered into the hot water with you. - When the two of you eventually emerged from the water, the floor of the bathroom had become so drenched with suds and soap that ever Miss Evers shuddered at the thought of having to clean it.
KAI ANDERSON - Kai would just see you being in a mood as a reason to provoke you even more than he already did. - He loved when you snapped at him, standing up for yourself or throwing an insult at him; for whatever reason, there was something about you having an attitude that just really turned him on. - Strangely, Kai was usually very accommodating when it came to your emotions. If you were happy, he was always there to be happy with you or listen to you when you rambled through your tears or when you were angry, he would find a way to help you channel that feeling and let off your pent up anger.  - But when you were in a mood, Kai trailed after you, provoking you just to make you feel that much more frustrated, a feeling of smug accomplishment washing over him when you finally bit back. - Sometimes, very occasionally, Kai’s endless goading sometimes ended with the two of you engaging in very angry, hot as fuck sex, but very often you would simple shove your middle finger in his face and storm out of the house. Taking his car, you would drive around until his petrol light came on before returning home, driving around the neighbourhood a few times for good measure in petty revenge.  - The text message that Kai would send you the next day claiming that he almost didn’t make it to the gas station and that when he got home you were as good as dead always made his incessant stirring of your emotions seem worth it.
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