#so if we're friends and you're an adult I'm doing a fucked up ptsd thing
thehellsystem · 5 months
I think I was a fucked up twelve year old I'm gonna be real
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theravenflies · 5 months
My Takes
Consider these
People with personality disorders are not inherently abusive. Yeah, even people with NPD and ASPD (why do I have to say that?) There is no such thing a narcissistic abuse. People with ASPD are not serial killers. They are people, stop putting them down for no reason. People with personality disorders are welcome here. All of them.
Armchair diagnosing is bad. I don't care how shit someone is, if you call them a narcissist, a psychopath, a sociopath, a compulsive/pathological liar, or literally any other disorder that they haven't been professionally diagnosed with, you're a dick. You can't know what's going on in their head. You are not their doctor and are not qualified to diagnose them. And it's just a dick move to diagnose Casey Anthony as someone with a heavily-stigmatized symptom THAT I ALSO HAVE HAD
Stop. Tagging. Your. Writing. With. Disability. Tags. The PTSD tag is nearly unusable because everyone tags their fics as PTSD. Stop it. That space is not for you. It's for us.
People with intellectual, developmental, cognitive, whatever disability deserve to be heard.
As do semispeaking and nonspeaking autistics.
Yes, we do need to listen to caretakers, they're how some people communicate. No one is invalid because they're a caretaker, they're invalid when they're an ableist caretaker.
If the autism "cure" were to exist right now, it would mean eugenics. I don't give a shit if you want it, it would mean eugenics. Society is way too anti-autism for us to trust non-autistics with a cure. I won't get into my rant about the concept of a cure unless asked, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that if that cure is created, it will be forced on people, even those who vehemently oppose it, so it can't exist yet without putting people in danger.
Autism Speaks is shit. So is National Autistic Society. So is the Autism Society. ASAN is on thin fucking ice.
Stop tagging political posts with NPD, ASPD, compulsive liar, or no empathy. You're being ableist and armchair diagnosing. And putting that shit on our feeds.
ABA is bad. Yes, always. All of it. I lost a friend to ABA and I will not budge on this. All pro-ABA people will be blocked, I do not give a shit.
I do not care about syscourse. I am not a system and am not qualified to have an opinion on it.
If you point out typos, grammar mistakes, or whatever when the other person hasn't explicitly said it's okay, stop. You're being ableist.
Stop using TBI as an insult. Yes, I was dropped on my head (okay, I fell, but still,) as a baby. Fuck you too.
This is a safe place for systems and I'm firmly anti-Split.
Autistic and intellectually disabled people are allowed to transition, be queer, get tattoos, drink, have sex, whatever, should they so want.
Mental age is bullshit. He doesn't have the mind of a two-year-old, he has the mind of an adult with IDD.
The posts of disabled people are not an excuse for you to trauma-dump. I don't care what your ex did, that person with NPD wasn't talking about them and it's a dick move to bring that up on their unrelated post.
People should not have to work to live. No one. Ever. Period.
Healthcare should be free
Caretakers need to stop killing their disabled charges
Autism Mommies (TM) are shitty people.
Don't even get me started on Fathering Autism (bitch, you aren't fathering autism, you're fathering ABBY)
Disabled people deserve dignity and privacy. All of them. Yes, even those ones. We're still people. You don't need to know how we go to the toilet.
Fiction does not determine morality and sending people anon hate telling them to kill themselves is a shitty thing.
Telling people to kill themselves in general is a shitty thing. What are you gonna do if they actually do it and you get arrested for manslaughter?
Trans kids deserve to transition, intersex kids deserve to not be mutilated and forced onto HRT when they can't or don't consent, children can and will be queer
Actual sex education needs to be standard
Label policing LGBT+ identities is bad
Devotees and "transableds" are not allowed here
Children and disabled people deserve to exist in public, even if you don't like us
Stop. Saying. Retard. Stop using autistic as an insult. Stop it and go to hell.
I'm pro-choice and I know you don't actually care about fetuses with Down Syndrome, you're just trying to guilt me.
I will reblog with more takes as they occur to me
And, most importantly, listen to ALL disabled voices. All of them. Every single one. We stand together or we don't stand a chance.
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
Oh shit here we go
LK 101 - Boston Spilling the Tea Party (part one)
pt pt2 pt3
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Lets be honest, the real reason this series exists: Walter Cronkite as Benji Franx.
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why is there only one dude on what appears to be a fucking *frigate* I mean I know why, animation budget, but my point stans
Also fuckin seizure warning on the Atlantic, brah.
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Cluny the Scourge just hanging out on what I'm assuming is Sarah's bed? Or is that just her pet. Did she have a beloved pet rat?? Was she a rat girl??? This has caused more questions.
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Is this her room?? Why is there a bed belowdecks like this? why is her room so massive?? Am I looking too hard into a DIC cartoon?
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I love how this girl just canonically vibes with chaos. Alone, 15 years old, going to the colonies, in a fucking storm that even the grizzled sailors are freaked out by, and she's writing to her mom how exciting everything is. She's either dissociating like a champ or she's a legend. Also how are you not seasick??? Oh right you're an accomplished rider and horse girl you got that inner ear
Not gonna lie though, listening to this girl talk about her dad coming home from the wilderness and how they're all gonna have an awesome life is kind of sad. Oh, honeyyyyy. No. Can you imagine being her mom and getting all these letters? Oh god now I've made up more headcanons.
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she really has the worst luck with ships, doesn't she.
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SuCh SyMbOlIsM
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This dork. Also why is his collar so fucking open jfc.
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In this house we stan Exasperated Dad!Moses
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"When someone wants to know what's on my shirt I can sell 'em a newspaper!" is the kind of idea I'd expect from an ADHD/PTSD madlad. I feel like both Sarah and James vibe and thrive off chaos, but only one of them has a balanced inner ear.
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Gotta love Eager Beaver getting knocked down a peg by Exasperated Dad.
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The *flair.* The *drama.* The *exasperated and slightly amused adult*
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aaaaaaaaaaay the French Fry! The Brains! The feral younger sibling! The one I vibed with the hardest as a feral younger sibling!
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Henri: Bitch I'd do it again!!!!
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Dear writers: why the fuck did you set up an enemies-to friends-to lovers pipeline so hard like this.
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oh my gOdD Moses is such a dilf
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Ok is it just me or did they design her as a redhead in the beginning and slowly lighten her to strawberry blonde later on, or am I just losing my mind.
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do you think they boinked. Dirty Old Man Franklin absolutely tried to make a move on Lady Phillips.
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We all worry about your feral daughter, Lady Phillips.
AND WE'RE ON NICKNAME TERMS? Yeah they boinked.
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Sir. SIR. Two of those associates are children.
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They'd absolutely get hammered and watch a Pats game, I'm a little disappointed the directors didn't tell the voice actors to lean into the New England accent. Also why does the guy on the left look like Peter Griffin.
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It can't be Boston, there aren't nearly enough maniacal drivers with homicidal intent
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*there* it is.
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Damn this dude got REAL into it.
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He just. Hops over tea chests and pulls himself up over a ship. To interview people. Fucking madlad.
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Henri is getting *into it* feral frenchman child.
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I don't think that's a normal response. That abandonment/orphandom PTSD does things to a brain.
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well somebody sure had fun discovering After Effects transitions.
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Yeah your ship's cool and all but does your ship have a meetcute that involves blunt force trauma with weaponized literature.
To be continued because of the 30 image limit
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black-rose-writings · 2 years
Watching Shadow and Bone season 2: Episode 3 - In terms of book loyalty we have no book loyalty
For better or for worse
Okay, the intro's cool on this one.
Flying ships, flying ships, flying ships!
I have no complaints for now. Just plot happening, mostly normally.
Baghra doesn't know what compassion means.
Ah, yes, everything is the Darkling's fault. Definitelly no prejudice that needed the smallest push to start the pogroms again.
And Baghra definitelly cared for the Grisha. That's why she told him to leave them to die last time.
Fuck that blame deflecting piece of shit (Baghra).
Let's see if this works (it won't).
Alina has a PTSD episode, I guess. Or a Tether moment? Or a prophecy? IDK. Alina faints because she's a little bitch.
Volcra would like a snack.
Here come the First Army, come to kill all the Grisha for the crime of being themselves.
She's lucky everyone laid their guns down, or she'd have gotten shot.
Oh, yes, please, give me the Grisha loyalists, I need a pallete cleanser.
Genya is scared of the Nichevoya... which is why she will align with a person that supports her rapist, and the reason the monsters were necessary in the first place.
David is excited to do some science. Genya is somewhat scared he'll get hurt in the process.
Spinning wheel is not a remote hideaway in the far north mountains, but like, half a day's ride away from the Fold. I guess. Probably less given how not tired everyone looks.
Oh, so the shots with the first army getting attacked were from the spinning wheel? Okay, I guess. The timeline is all over the place on this one.
Zoya acts as if she wasn't trying to fuck Aleksander days before. Like she wasn't trying turn him against her. She acts as if they were friends.
Also they're putting the purges on Vasily. Because we haven't seen the First Army be very excited about murdering Grisha two episodes ago. Definitelly all Vasily and the Darkling's fault.
I mean, at least one character acts her age in this story, but like... Zoya, of all people? The least mature adult on whatever planet Ravka is on? Okay.
Little kiddo hates piano. Same.
Oh, look, it's that scene. The bathroom scene.
They're taking late-book scenes and putting them a lot earlier in the timeline. Either they're doing a bit of a switcharoo, or they have (more) original stuff planned for the later episodes. I don't know which would be worse, given their track-record.
Yup. Definitelly a whole lot of CK scenes. With a creepy original bad guy for Inej. Because I guess whatever-her-name-was wasn't fucked up enough for them. They needed someone more rapey.
And he's dead. Wow. Well, that went nowhere.
Wow, she's dramatic. I mean, that's kinda bad, but also like... it came out of nowhere? My man's losing it. A lot.
I'm not entirely following their logic... like... okay, he's made monsters, which are draining his life force and probably making him go a little crazy... and somehow all of their actions revolve around Alina... forgiving them.
I know the point is to make him seem more evil and unhinged, but like... what. What even is going on?
I do love how Baghra is clearly telling the audience what we're supposed to believe.
Ah, yes, the least romantic proposal in the history of... ever.
They're really leaning into the whole "Grisha need to integrate" thing, huh... asimilate, one might say. So long as you're like everyone else, nothing bad will happen to you, pinky swear. Because that has ever worked in the minority's favor.
Mal? Being the voice of reason?
I see their angles. Malina, Grisha asimilation. I am not seeing the way the crows are headed, yet.
Oh, we're doing this one. This is late story Genya. Not the one who freely insulted the Queen in front of him. Not the one, who gleefully told Alina of the King's "sudden illness". She deserved better. She deserved to stay confident, powerful and more than a tool to tell us how awful the Darkling is.
Also, like, what does he actually need her for?
I think Kaz got his senses knocked out of him.
I think I prefer the book version of how Matthias got himself into the figthing. Gives him more agency. But I guess agency is a dirty word when it comes to protagonists.
Nina, you dumb bitch. You'd think a professional spy would be better at sneaking around than this.
What does she care? She literally just met Kaz. She's already betrayed her whole country for Matthias, what's one asshole criminal?
Sasha's powers are literally killing him and... I don't know what the show wants me to feel about it. I mean, I know how I feel about it, but this universe is very preachy. I'm guessing the message is "he should have let himself die in the Fold, when Alina left him for dead", which is would be very much in line with the messaging the books go for.
Yup, definitelly pushing the "Aleksander is a Grisha supremacist" angle.
"I've made my decision" And that couldn't have waited until the morning. You had to go tell him while you're both basically naked by the standarts of your era.
Okay I guess.
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twig-soup · 2 years
i need to rant just keep scrolling
dropped out of grad school, can’t hold down a job, can’t make or keep a friend to save my life, i’m completely broke, no health insurance, my family is not reliable for support, and i have symptoms so intense it’s actually kind of embarrassing to talk about. so when someone tells me they understand what mental illness is like bc they have trauma or anxiety or whatever, but i see them living their best life, hanging out with friends all the time, graduating, accepting prestigious fellowships, their amazing support system, traveling the world, it’s just like? do you? do you get it?
it's not a competition. it's not a competition. it's not a competition it's not a competition but i'm so unbelievably, violently jealous that i am bristling like a damn cartoon character
i know it's wrong okay i know i know i know. i'm not being very compassionate or empathetic right now. someone could appear the happiest they've ever been and the next day they're not here anymore. that happens and i know it. and it's not a competition and social media is always fake anyways but i can't shake how fucking inadequate and bitter i feel when i see people getting attention and sympathy for their mental health struggles, acting like a fucking influencer giving people mental health tips and sharing their experiences while traveling europe with friends meanwhile i'm in the corner just fucking rotting. i am rotting and i get nothing from anyone. nothing. i get nothing and i'm being selfish and dumb right now but i don't care because if you haven't heard i am rotting!!! i am literally dying! i'm dying! i'm dying and nobody cares? doctors don't care unless you have money (i don't; i am currently unmedicated and have been diagnosed with bpd, bipolar ii, ptsd, and gad who knows what else honestly i haven't done much therapy, i need medication i need it and i need therapy i am going insane i am going insane i can't live like this anymore). my parents don't care as long as i'm living my life according to their expectations (which i'm not so they won't help; tell me why it makes sense to only give money to your daughter when she has a good job and not when she's having a hard time, also they don't think mental illness is real). and we won't be able to make rent this month and the bills are piling up and my partner suffers to the extent that i do and we're trying our best but what can you do when a week before rent is due you get covid? when you get a flat tire with no money to fix it? when a cop randomly decided he didn't like you and gives you a ticket he didn't have to that you absolutely can't pay? bad luck feels like a fucking stab wound when you're already hanging on by a thread. and yet i'm supposed to sit here and nod happily and accepting as someone claims they know what it's like? when they literally never have to worry about anything???? when it doesn't seem to get in the way of their lives at all?????????>
i'm just so miserable. i have always been miserable and nobody has ever helped me. every time i used to try telling my parents how depressed or suicidal i was i would get yelled at for hours until i changed my mind ("you're right dad. i was wrong, i don't really feel that way. i'm sorry"). my childhood was fucked honestly. been thinking about it a lot recently, can't get it out of my head, it's kind of fucking me up. i look in the mirror and see my father's features and it makes me sick. anyway. now i'm an adult with no skills beyond what it takes to succeed in school, except i'm so burnt out from years of suppressing and neglecting my illnesses that i can't do anything anymore. i used to be a stone; i never showed emotion because i was punished for doing so. now it's like the dam has been broken and the smallest thing sends me into an episode that takes me out for the rest of the day. and i'm not weak, i'm not! i'm not. i'm not. i push myself until i break. to the point where if i'm not shaking and crying and physically unable to stand then i consider myself a lazy weakling and a coward. sometimes i wish all my bones were broken so everyone would know that i really can't do it. i know it's not true it's just my programming but like. i just break so easily now. i break so easily and i struggle so deeply and my partner and i are actually doing better right now, we're working more but it's not enough and that gets you down. and i don't know how it ever can be enough when we're so firmly at rock bottom. i wish we had more money. it would help so much if we could pay our bills. whatever i don't actually hate people who have mental illness and good lives i just hate my own life that's all
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