#so if you join their discord theres a channel to submit questions!
catgirlcrisis · 9 months
idk if theyve made a post on tumblr yet or if anyone who follows me cares but there is a virtual ffxiv con being held from sept 29 - sept 30 with a cosplay (irl and glamour), art, and screenshot contest, a virtual artist alley, a PVP event, and even features guests like temmie chang as well as colin ryan and bethan walker (twin VAs). here is their website!
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mcyt-co-create · 2 months
Hello! Three questions:
If we signed up but later think of more fic ideas we'd like to work on (for option 2) how would that work? Do we dm you here, or something on the discord, or something else? For example if I only named one longfic idea in my sign up, but later thought of a second longfic idea, how would I let you know?
Is this event anonymous? Because the whole "give a vague description of your work" thing makes me think this will run on anonymity, so I'm just confused there. I thought this was an event to bounce ideas from each other and cheerlead towards a collective goal, but how would that work anonymously?
If this event has a "posting" schedule, does that mean we're meant to work on our projects but hold off on posting them for 3 months?
Just want to clear up my confusions about this thing haha
Yep, you can add more fics (or art pieces) later! You can contact any of the mods via Discord (using the server's ticket function, by sending us a message, or by using the mod-help channel), Tumblr, or email to do this. We'll ask you for the same information as you would've given in the original sign-up form, and then you're good to go!
This event doesn't prioritize anonymity, but it can be anonymous if you need it to be. This event is meant to bring people together to help bounce ideas off of each other and work towards a collective goal, yes, and this level of interaction means you can't be anonymous if you want to talk about your fics specifically or ask for any feedback. However, if you don't join the server, there is no need for anyone to know that you are participating. The 'vague description of your work' section is used to give each individual work its own code. We need to keep track of every single work that everyone submits, so that we know how everyone is getting on with the projects they've signed up with, and this means giving each individual work a unique code. The description you give us will only be used by you to identify your own work later on, and won't be seen by anyone except for the mod team. When the sign up period ends, you'll get a DM that will read (roughly) 'Hi, we're contacting you to give you your individual work codes. Your work [vague description] has work code 001W01'. We just need to make sure you know which work is assigned which code- there's no point saying 'one of your works has code 001W01' if you don't know which work it is! We only emphasize the 'vague' part of the description so that participants don't worry that someone else is going to use their ideas, and so that they can keep their works as secret as they'd like. We have some descriptions that are whole paragraphs and some that are only two words! So long as you can identify it from your other submitted works, you're good to go!
Yes, pretty much. The posting deadline works to give people a goal to work towards, but it also makes it easier for us to make sure that the Tumblr account is only used for important information until the posting period, and that it isn't clogged up by reblogging everyone's hard work. You are expected to hold off posting until the end of the period, though there are exceptions for some multichapter fics and the exact rules for this are still being discussed. Posting all at the same time helps create a sense of community and we can all see just how much work we've put in over the previous three months, rather than seeing it as we go!
Thank you for all of your questions and we hope that the answer give you a better understand of our event! Once again, thank you for considering to join our event and if you do sign up, we look forward to seeing you! If theres any more questions you can send another ask or message our blog!
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minrcrafter · 7 years
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Elkia [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.1}{Custom Terrain}{Mature}{Community}{Discord}
Hey there! We're glad you're considering the Elkia community! Let's get the obvious things out of the way
General information
Server Location: Eastern USA
Server Address: my.elkia.life
Website: https://elkia.life (currently under constructions, leaving it here for future reference)
Version: 1.12.1
Difficulty: Hard
Staff: Cerx (the boss), Anubis, Brockle, Caoimhin, and Tommin
About us
We're well-estabilished community of dedicated players with over a year of history. Our idea of a server is a Mindcrack/Hermitcraft-esque group - a small and friendly active community.
Elkia players are very diverse - from countries all around the world. There's amazing builders, technical people skilled with redstone and commandblocks or just causuals who enjoy playing. The age averages somewhere around 17, however it does not matter to us as long as you're mature. We've got older players as well as the younger ones.
Our current world began on April 7th, 2017 and uses custom terrain generation which makes it quite unique. While there may be plenty of untouched land, if you're looking for a fresh server we might not be the best fit for you.
There's also some command-block magic behind the scenes to enhance your experience:
The Ender Dragon drops Elytra upon death
Your player head drops upon PvP death
Shulker always drops at least one Shulker shell
Loot-tables for more mob heads!
A growing collection of our own custom advancements
Endermans don't pick up blocks
Only one player is required to sleep to skip the night
AFK players will display grayed out in the tab menu
Admins do have the definitive say, however we value the community wishes and decisions and believe in a democratic system for any changes that need to be made.
Community events
Even tho we're rather small community, we try our best to bond everyone together and have fun!
Weekly meetups
Each friday at 8PM GMT (just Google that to convert it to your local timezone) we will meet in one of our Discord voice channels and proceed to do some community activities. It might be just playing some minigames at Hypixel together, working on new and fancy epic build or most likely just derping around. Theese meetups are about having fun and bonding relationships with other members.
Penguin saturday
What a silly name! - you might say. But don't be mistaken! Penguin stands for thrill and competition within the Elkia community (and beyond)! Every odd saturday at 8PM GMT there's an UHC (ever seen hunger games? Its kinda like that.) competition to find out who's the ruler! Depending on number of participants, we will eithier play in teams or settle on free for all. Sometimes, sneaky admins might spice things up and implement different sets of rules - no match is the same!
Important things to take into account
General rules
We believe in our community so theres not a strong ruleset. It's mostly just common sense. Unfortunately sometimes admins need to get involved. To avoid any issues, please obey the rules listed bellow.
Be nice and mature.
Try to make new friends! Hate speech is not tolerated - swearing is fine, just don't roleplay Eminem
Absolutely no griefing, stealing or cheating.
Intentionally causing harm to other players is not the way we roll. We do keep regular backups, so going on a griefing spree as this guy once decided will have no effect. Any form of hacking (xray, flying or whatever) will get you banned without any questions asked or previous notice. Duping items is allowed only in specific occasions and you need to get permission from the community! (generally speaking - dragon eggs and gravity blocks are fine with us, on the other hand diamonds, shulker boxes and basically all of the late-game stuff is prohibited)
Killing players without their permission is not allowed.
This includes both PvP and traps as well. All items a player might lose upon death due to your actions must be returned.
We encourage pranking!
So don't get mad when you become a target of someone's evil doing. When pranking someone, just don't go over the top and offer help with cleaning up.
So you're streaming/recording?
Thats amazing! No need to ask for a permission, we love and strongly encourage sharing any piece of history Elkia might have to offer! (unfortunately not many of us do so) Just make sure to clarify you're live when you're in a voice chat with someone.
We're looking for dedicated players whom still enjoy playing even after they finished building their first house. Most of us are very passionate and we always have some new thing to play with or old project to polish. Members who don't play on the server for longer than 14 days will be notified on Discord and removed after 21 days if there's no response. Vacations are fine, just hit up admins and make sure they know.
Our community practically lives on Discord, and it's very closely tied to the server itself. If you're new to discord, we highly recommend downloading the desktop app.
Our #announcemets channel is open to everyone! If you open up a new shop or want to anounce a new minigame/public idea you've had - you can! However, this comes with some issues. New members often type their reactions to the announcements there, instead of keeping that for the #general channel. This is a punishable offence - you'll get half-baked, which takes away your permission to post announcements - until you write at least one-page essay saying sorry. We're not joking, please don't reply in #announcemets.
There's also a relatively new channel - #landmarks. It's there for everyone to share their creations and discoveries; You can submit your builds or cool places you've found. Just send a screenshot that represents the place of your choosing the best, come up with a name, add a short description and make sure to include in-game coordinates. Please properly credit all contributors when submitting a build. For the sakes of easy discovery, any messages that are not landmark submissions will be removed. You might get half-baked for that too.
Signing your builds
As time flows, members come and go. Its very hard for us to keep track of which building is who's - so for the sakes of keeping things simple we need you to put up a sign or a banner with your own original design visibly at all your builds. This especially applies for your project chests around the world and starter bases. Also, on completely different note - leave the word penguin somewhere in your application to confirm you've read all the important stuff listed above.
All that sounds just awesome, right? If you'd like to apply, join our Discord server to get started. Feel free to check out the #screenshots channel to get a better idea of what we're about. When you're ready, leave an application in #new-guys. Take your time, we very much value well-written applications that show you've put some effort into writing it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anything - eithier here in the comments or on Discord.
Please don't get mad if we conclude you might not be the best fit for us. Check out other listings here on r/mcservers, we're sure there's plenty of other communities that would love to have you!
Best of wishes, hope to see you online! - Elkiaaaa
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
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Elkia [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.1}{Custom Terrain}{Mature}{Community}{Discord}
Hey there! We're glad you're considering the Elkia community! Let's get the obvious things out of the way
General information
Server Location: Eastern USA
Server Address: my.elkia.life
Website: https://elkia.life (currently under constructions, leaving it here for future reference)
Version: 1.12.1
Difficulty: Hard
Staff: Cerx (the boss), Anubis, Brockle, Caoimhin, and Tommin
Admins do have the definitive say, however we value the community wishes and decisions and believe in a democratic system for any changes that need to be made.
About us
We're well-estabilished community of dedicated players with over a year of history. Our idea of a server is a Mindcrack/Hermitcraft-esque group - a small and friendly active community.
Elkia players are very diverse - from countries all around the world. There's amazing builders, technical people skilled with redstone and commandblocks or just causuals who enjoy playing. The age averages somewhere around 17, however it does not matter to us as long as you're mature. We've got older players as well as the younger ones.
Our current world began on April 7th, 2017 and uses custom terrain generation which makes our world quite unique. While there may be plenty of untouched land, if you're looking for a fresh server we might not be the best fit for you.
There's also some command-block magic behind the scenes to enhance your experience:
The Ender Dragon drops Elytra upon death
Your player head drops upon PvP death
Shulker always drops at least one Shulker shell
Loot-tables for more mob heads!
A growing collection of our own custom advancements
Endermans don't pick up blocks
Only one player is required to sleep to skip the night
AFK players will display grayed out in the tab menu
Community events
Even tho we're rather small community, we try our best to bond everyone together and have fun!
Weekly meetups
Each friday at 8PM GMT (just Google that to convert it to your local timezone) we will meet in one of our Discord voice channels and proceed to do some community activities. It might be just playing some minigames at Hypixel together, working on new and fancy epic build or most likely just derping around. Theese meetups are about having fun and bonding relationships with other members.
Penguin saturday
What a silly name! - you might say. But don't be mistaken! Penguin stands for thrill and competition within the Elkia community (and beyond)! Every odd saturday at 8PM GMT there's an UHC (ever seen hunger games? Its kinda like that.) competition to find out who's the ruler! Depending on number of participants, we will eithier play in teams or settle on free for all. Sometimes, sneaky admins might spice things up and implement different sets of rules - no match is the same!
Important things to take into account
General rules
We believe in our community so theres not a strong ruleset. It's mostly just common sense. Unfortunately sometimes admins need to get involved. To avoid any issues, please obey the rules listed bellow.
Be nice and mature.
Try to make new friends! Hate speech is not tolerated - swearing is fine, just don't roleplay Eminem
Absolutely no griefing, stealing or cheating.
Intentionally causing harm to other players is not the way we roll. Any form of hacking (xray, flying or whatever) will get you banned without any questions asked or previous notice. Duping items is allowed only in specific occasions and you need to get permission from the community! (generally speaking - dragon eggs and gravity blocks are fine with us, on the other hand diamonds, shulker boxes and basically all of the late-game stuff is prohibited)
Killing players without their permission is not allowed.
This includes both PvP and traps as well. All items a player might lose upon death due to your actions must be returned.
We encourage pranking!
So don't get mad when you become a taget of someone's evil doing. When pranking someone, just don't go over the top and offer help with cleaning up.
So you're streaming/recording?
Thats amazing! No need to ask for a permission, we love and strongly encourage sharing any piece of history Elkia might have to offer! (unfortunately not many of us do so) Just make sure to clarify you're live when you're in a voice chat with someone.
We're looking for dedicated players whom still enjoy playing even after they finished building their first house. Most of us are very passionate and we always have some new thing to play with or old project to polish. Members who don't play on the server for longer than 14 days will be notified on Discord and removed after 21 days if there's no response. Vacations are fine, just hit up admins and make sure they know.
Our community practically lives on Discord, and it's very closely tied to the server itself. If you're new to discord, we highly recommend downloading the desktop app.
Our #announcemets channel is open to everyone! If you open up a new shop or want to anounce a new minigame/public idea you've had - you can! However, this comes with some issues. New members often type their reactions to the announcements there, instead of keeping that for the #general channel. This is a punishable offence - you'll get half-baked, which takes away your permission to post announcements - until you write at least one-page essay saying sorry. We're not joking, please don't reply in #announcemets.
There's also a relatively new channel - #landmarks. It's there for everyone to share their creations and discoveries; You can submit your builds or cool places you've found. Just send a screenshot that represents the place of your choosing the best, come up with a name, add a short description and make sure to include in-game coordinates. Please properly credit all contributors when submitting a build. For the sakes of easy discovery, any messages that are not landmark submissions will be removed. You might get half-baked for that too.
Signing your builds
As time flows, members come and go. Its very hard for us to keep track of which building is who's - so for the sakes of keeping things simple we need you to put up a sign or a banner with your own original design visibly at all your builds. This especially applies for your project chests around the world and starter bases. Also, on completely different note - leave the word penguin somewhere in your application to confirm you've read the rules.
All that sounds just awesome, right? If you'd like to apply, join our Discord server to get started. Feel free to check out the #screenshots channel to get a better idea of what we're about. When you're ready, leave an application in #new-guys. Take your time, we very much value well-written applications that show you've put some effort into writing it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anything - eithier here in the comments or on Discord.
Please don't get mad if we conclude you might not be the best fit for us. Check out other listings here on r/mcservers, we're sure there's plenty of other communities that would love to have you!
Best of wishes, hope to see you online! - Elkiaaaa
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
Elkia [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.1}{Custom Terrain}{Mature}{Community}{Discord}
Hey there! We're glad you're considering the Elkia community! Let's get the obvious things out of the way
General information
Server Location: Eastern USA
Server Address: my.elkia.life
Website: https://elkia.life (currently under constructions, leaving it here for future reference)
Version: 1.12.1
Difficulty: Hard
Staff: Cerx (the boss), Anubis, Brockle, Caoimhin, and Tommin
Admins do have the definitive say, however we value the community wishes and decisions and believe in a democratic system for any changes that need to be made.
About us
We're well-estabilished community of dedicated players with over a year of history. Our idea of a server is a Mindcrack/Hermitcraft-esque group - a small and friendly active community.
Elkia players are very diverse - from countries all around the world. There's amazing builders, technical people skilled with redstone and commandblocks or just causuals who enjoy playing. The age averages somewhere around 17, however it does not matter to us as long as you're mature. We've got older players as well as the younger ones.
Our current world began on April 7th, 2017 and uses custom terrain generation which makes our world quite unique. While there may be plenty of untouched land, if you're looking for a fresh server we might not be the best fit for you.
There's also some command-block magic behind the scenes to enhance your experience:
The Ender Dragon drops Elytra upon death
Your player head drops upon PvP death
Shulker always drops at least one Shulker shell
Loot-tables for more mob heads!
A growing collection of our own custom advancements
Endermans don't pick up blocks
Only one player is required to sleep to skip the night
AFK players will display grayed out in the tab menu
Community events
Even tho we're rather small community, we try our best to bond everyone together and have fun!
Weekly meetups
Each friday at 8PM GMT (just Google that to convert it to your local timezone) we will meet in one of our Discord voice channels and proceed to do some community activities. It might be just playing some minigames at Hypixel together, working on new and fancy epic build or most likely just derping around. Theese meetups are about having fun and bonding relationships with other members.
Penguin saturday
What a silly name! - you might say. But don't be mistaken! Penguin stands for thrill and competition within the Elkia community (and beyond)! Every odd saturday at 8PM GMT there's an UHC (ever seen hunger games? Its kinda like that.) competition to find out who's the ruler! Depending on number of participants, we will eithier play in teams or settle on free for all. Sometimes, sneaky admins might spice things up and implement different sets of rules - no match is the same!
Important things to take into account
General rules
We believe in our community so theres not a strong ruleset. It's mostly just common sense. Unfortunately sometimes admins need to get involved. To avoid any issues, please obey the rules listed bellow.
Be nice and mature.
Try to make new friends! Hate speech is not tolerated - swearing is fine, just don't roleplay Eminem
Absolutely no griefing, stealing or cheating.
Intentionally causing harm to other players is not the way we roll. Any form of hacking (xray, flying or whatever) will get you banned without any questions asked or previous notice. Duping items is allowed only in specific occasions and you need to get permission from the community! (generally speaking - dragon eggs and gravity blocks are fine with us, on the other hand diamonds, shulker boxes and basically all of the late-game stuff is prohibited)
Killing players without their permission is not allowed.
This includes both PvP and traps as well. All items a player might lose upon death due to your actions must be returned.
We encourage pranking!
So don't get mad when you become a taget of someone's evil doing. When pranking someone, just don't go over the top and offer help with cleaning up.
So you're streaming/recording?
Thats amazing! No need to ask for a permission, we love and strongly encourage sharing any piece of history Elkia might have to offer! (unfortunately not many of us do so) Just make sure to clarify you're live when you're in a voice chat with someone.
We're looking for dedicated players whom still enjoy playing even after they finished building their first house. Most of us are very passionate and we always have some new thing to play with or old project to polish. Members who don't play on the server for longer than 14 days will be notified on Discord and removed after 21 days if there's no response. Vacations are fine, just hit up admins and make sure they know.
Our community practically lives on Discord, and it's very closely tied to the server itself. If you're new to discord, we highly recommend downloading the desktop app.
Our #announcemets channel is open to everyone! If you open up a new shop or want to anounce a new minigame/public idea you've had - you can! However, this comes with some issues. New members often type their reactions to the announcements there, instead of keeping that for the #general channel. This is a punishable offence - you'll get half-baked, which takes away your permission to post announcements - until you write at least one-page essay saying sorry. We're not joking, please don't reply in #announcemets.
There's also a relatively new channel - #landmarks. It's there for everyone to share their creations and discoveries; You can submit your builds or cool places you've found. Just send a screenshot that represents the place of your choosing the best, come up with a name, add a short description and make sure to include in-game coordinates. Please properly credit all contributors when submitting a build. For the sakes of easy discovery, any messages that are not landmark submissions will be removed. You might get half-baked for that too.
Signing your builds
As time flows, members come and go. Its very hard for us to keep track of which building is who's - so for the sakes of keeping things simple we need you to put up a sign or a banner with your own original design visibly at all your builds. This especially applies for your project chests around the world and starter bases. Also, on completely different note - leave the word penguin somewhere in your application to confirm you've read the rules.
All that sounds just awesome, right? If you'd like to apply, join our Discord server to get started. Feel free to check out the #screenshots channel to get a better idea of what we're about. When you're ready, leave an application in #new-guys. Take your time, we very much value well-written applications that show you've put some effort into writing it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anything - eithier here in the comments or on Discord.
Please don't get mad if we conclude you might not be the best fit for us. Check out other listings here on r/mcservers, we're sure there's plenty of other communities that would love to have you!
Best of wishes, hope to see you online! - Elkiaaaa
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
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Elkia [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.1}{Custom Terrain}{Mature}{Community}{Discord}
Hey there! We're glad you're considering the Elkia community! Let's get the obvious things out of the way
General information
Server Location: Eastern USA
Server Address: my.elkia.life
Website: https://elkia.life (currently under constructions, leaving it here for future reference)
Version: 1.12.1
Difficulty: Hard
Staff: Cerx (the boss), Anubis, Brockle, Caoimhin, and Tommin
Admins do have the definitive say, however we value the community wishes and decisions and believe in a democratic system for any changes that need to be made.
About us
We're well-estabilished community of dedicated players with over a year of history. Our idea of a server is a Mindcrack/Hermitcraft-esque group - a small and friendly active community.
Elkia players are very diverse - from countries all around the world. There's amazing builders, technical people skilled with redstone and commandblocks or just causuals who enjoy playing. The age averages somewhere around 17, however it does not matter to us as long as you're mature. We've got older players as well as the younger ones.
Our current world began on April 7th, 2017 and uses custom terrain generation which makes our world quite unique. While there may be plenty of untouched land, if you're looking for a fresh server we might not be the best fit for you.
There's also some command-block magic behind the scenes to enhance your experience:
The Ender Dragon drops Elytra upon death
Your player head drops upon PvP death
Shulker always drops at least one Shulker shell
Loot-tables for more mob heads!
A growing collection of our own custom advancements
Endermans don't pick up blocks
Only one player is required to sleep to skip the night
AFK players will display grayed out in the tab menu
Community events
Even tho we're rather small community, we try our best to bond everyone together and have fun!
Weekly meetups
Each friday at 8PM GMT (just Google that to convert it to your local timezone) we will meet in one of our Discord voice channels and proceed to do some community activities. It might be just playing some minigames at Hypixel together, working on new and fancy epic build or most likely just derping around. Theese meetups are about having fun and bonding relationships with other members.
Penguin saturday
What a silly name! - you might say. But don't be mistaken! Penguin stands for thrill and competition within the Elkia community (and beyond)! Every odd saturday at 8PM GMT there's an UHC (ever seen hunger games? Its kinda like that.) competition to find out who's the ruler! Depending on number of participants, we will eithier play in teams or settle on free for all. Sometimes, sneaky admins might spice things up and implement different sets of rules - no match is the same!
Important things to take into account
General rules
We believe in our community so theres not a strong ruleset. It's mostly just common sense. Unfortunately sometimes admins need to get involved. To avoid any issues, please obey the rules listed bellow.
Be nice and mature.
Try to make new friends! Hate speech is not tolerated - swearing is fine, just don't roleplay Eminem
Absolutely no griefing, stealing or cheating.
Intentionally causing harm to other players is not the way we roll. Any form of hacking (xray, flying or whatever) will get you banned without any questions asked or previous notice. Duping items is allowed only in specific occasions and you need to get permission from the community! (generally speaking - dragon eggs and gravity blocks are fine with us, on the other hand diamonds, shulker boxes and basically all of the late-game stuff is prohibited)
Killing players without their permission is not allowed.
This includes both PvP and traps as well. All items a player might lose upon death due to your actions must be returned.
We encourage pranking!
So don't get mad when you become a taget of someone's evil doing. When pranking someone, just don't go over the top and offer help with cleaning up.
So you're streaming/recording?
Thats amazing! No need to ask for a permission, we love and strongly encourage sharing any piece of history Elkia might have to offer! (unfortunately not many of us do so) Just make sure to clarify you're live when you're in a voice chat with someone.
We're looking for dedicated players whom still enjoy playing even after they finished building their first house. Most of us are very passionate and we always have some new thing to play with or old project to polish. Members who don't play on the server for longer than 14 days will be notified on Discord and removed after 21 days if there's no response. Vacations are fine, just hit up admins and make sure they know.
Our community practically lives on Discord, and it's very closely tied to the server itself. If you're new to discord, we highly recommend downloading the desktop app.
Our #announcemets channel is open to everyone! If you open up a new shop or want to anounce a new minigame/public idea you've had - you can! However, this comes with some issues. New members often type their reactions to the announcements there, instead of keeping that for the #general channel. This is a punishable offence - you'll get half-baked, which takes away your permission to post announcements - until you write at least one-page essay saying sorry. We're not joking, please don't reply in #announcemets.
There's also a relatively new channel - #landmarks. It's there for everyone to share their creations and discoveries; You can submit your builds or cool places you've found. Just send a screenshot that represents the place of your choosing the best, come up with a name, add a short description and make sure to include in-game coordinates. Please properly credit all contributors when submitting a build. For the sakes of easy discovery, any messages that are not landmark submissions will be removed. You might get half-baked for that too.
Signing your builds
As time flows, members come and go. Its very hard for us to keep track of which building is who's - so for the sakes of keeping things simple we need you to put up a sign or a banner with your own original design visibly at all your builds. This especially applies for your project chests around the world and starter bases. Also, on completely different note - leave the word penguin somewhere in your application to confirm you've read the rules.
All that sounds just awesome, right? If you'd like to apply, join our Discord server to get started. Feel free to check out the #screenshots channel to get a better idea of what we're about. When you're ready, leave an application in #new-guys. Take your time, we very much value well-written applications that show you've put some effort into writing it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anything - eithier here in the comments or on Discord.
Please don't get mad if we conclude you might not be the best fit for us. Check out other listings here on r/mcservers, we're sure there's plenty of other communities that would love to have you!
Best of wishes, hope to see you online! - Elkiaaaa
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
Elkia [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.1}{Custom Terrain}{Mature}{Community}{Discord}
Hey there! We're glad you're considering the Elkia community! Let's get the obvious things out of the way
General information
Server Location: Eastern USA
Server Address: my.elkia.life
Website: https://elkia.life (currently under constructions, leaving it here for future reference)
Version: 1.12.1
Difficulty: Hard
Staff: Cerx (the boss), Anubis, Brockle, Caoimhin, and Tommin
Admins do have the definitive say, however we value the community wishes and decisions and believe in a democratic system for any changes that need to be made.
About us
We're well-estabilished community of dedicated players with over a year of history. Our idea of a server is a Mindcrack/Hermitcraft-esque group - a small and friendly active community.
Elkia players are very diverse - from countries all around the world. There's amazing builders, technical people skilled with redstone and commandblocks or just causuals who enjoy playing. The age averages somewhere around 17, however it does not matter to us as long as you're mature. We've got older players as well as the younger ones.
Our current world began on April 7th, 2017 and uses custom terrain generation which makes our world quite unique. While there may be plenty of untouched land, if you're looking for a fresh server we might not be the best fit for you.
There's also some command-block magic behind the scenes to enhance your experience:
The Ender Dragon drops Elytra upon death
Your player head drops upon PvP death
Shulker always drops at least one Shulker shell
Loot-tables for more mob heads!
A growing collection of our own custom advancements
Endermans don't pick up blocks
Only one player is required to sleep to skip the night
AFK players will display grayed out in the tab menu
Community events
Even tho we're rather small community, we try our best to bond everyone together and have fun!
Weekly meetups
Each friday at 8PM GMT (just Google that to convert it to your local timezone) we will meet in one of our Discord voice channels and proceed to do some community activities. It might be just playing some minigames at Hypixel together, working on new and fancy epic build or most likely just derping around. Theese meetups are about having fun and bonding relationships with other members.
Penguin saturday
What a silly name! - you might say. But don't be mistaken! Penguin stands for thrill and competition within the Elkia community (and beyond)! Every odd saturday at 8PM GMT there's an UHC (ever seen hunger games? Its kinda like that.) competition to find out who's the ruler! Depending on number of participants, we will eithier play in teams or settle on free for all. Sometimes, sneaky admins might spice things up and implement different sets of rules - no match is the same!
Important things to take into account
General rules
We believe in our community so theres not a strong ruleset. It's mostly just common sense. Unfortunately sometimes admins need to get involved. To avoid any issues, please obey the rules listed bellow.
Be nice and mature.
Try to make new friends! Hate speech is not tolerated - swearing is fine, just don't roleplay Eminem
Absolutely no griefing, stealing or cheating.
Intentionally causing harm to other players is not the way we roll. Any form of hacking (xray, flying or whatever) will get you banned without any questions asked or previous notice. Duping items is allowed only in specific occasions and you need to get permission from the community! (generally speaking - dragon eggs and gravity blocks are fine with us, on the other hand diamonds, shulker boxes and basically all of the late-game stuff is prohibited)
Killing players without their permission is not allowed.
This includes both PvP and traps as well. All items a player might lose upon death due to your actions must be returned.
We encourage pranking!
So don't get mad when you become a taget of someone's evil doing. When pranking someone, just don't go over the top and offer help with cleaning up.
So you're streaming/recording?
Thats amazing! No need to ask for a permission, we love and strongly encourage sharing any piece of history Elkia might have to offer! (unfortunately not many of us do so) Just make sure to clarify you're live when you're in a voice chat with someone.
We're looking for dedicated players whom still enjoy playing even after they finished building their first house. Most of us are very passionate and we always have some new thing to play with or old project to polish. Members who don't play on the server for longer than 14 days will be notified on Discord and removed after 21 days if there's no response. Vacations are fine, just hit up admins and make sure they know.
Our community practically lives on Discord, and it's very closely tied to the server itself. If you're new to discord, we highly recommend downloading the desktop app.
Our #announcemets channel is open to everyone! If you open up a new shop or want to anounce a new minigame/public idea you've had - you can! However, this comes with some issues. New members often type their reactions to the announcements there, instead of keeping that for the #general channel. This is a punishable offence - you'll get half-baked, which takes away your permission to post announcements - until you write at least one-page essay saying sorry. We're not joking, please don't reply in #announcemets.
There's also a relatively new channel - #landmarks. It's there for everyone to share their creations and discoveries; You can submit your builds or cool places you've found. Just send a screenshot that represents the place of your choosing the best, come up with a name, add a short description and make sure to include in-game coordinates. Please properly credit all contributors when submitting a build. For the sakes of easy discovery, any messages that are not landmark submissions will be removed. You might get half-baked for that too.
Signing your builds
As time flows, members come and go. Its very hard for us to keep track of which building is who's - so for the sakes of keeping things simple we need you to put up a sign or a banner with your own original design visibly at all your builds. This especially applies for your project chests around the world and starter bases. Also, on completely different note - leave the word penguin somewhere in your application to confirm you've read the rules.
All that sounds just awesome, right? If you'd like to apply, join our Discord server to get started. Feel free to check out the #screenshots channel to get a better idea of what we're about. When you're ready, leave an application in #new-guys. Take your time, we very much value well-written applications that show you've put some effort into writing it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anything - eithier here in the comments or on Discord.
Please don't get mad if we conclude you might not be the best fit for us. Check out other listings here on r/mcservers, we're sure there's plenty of other communities that would love to have you!
Best of wishes, hope to see you online! - Elkiaaaa
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