#so inquisitive and they dont day things to rly hurt you
grandtheftpoptart · 1 year
I was in schoolage for the first time at work and a kid called me stupid because I called the knight in chess a "horse", and then another kid threw ice at my face twice (missed both times bc im too fast) and then hit me when we went inside :(
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guiltsworn-a · 5 years
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FULL NAME :  victor conley PRONUNCIATION :  i dont know how to do these its victor conley JGHJKDL NICKNAME :  vic, or none besides what characters give him in interactions GENDER :  cis man HEIGHT :  6′0 AGE :  26 ZODIAC :  cancer SPOKEN LANGUAGES :  common or w/e, very very very little alienage-plucked elvhen
HAIR COLOUR :  dark brown, nearly black EYE COLOUR :  also dark brown SKIN TONE :  Deeply tanned, sometimes with a somewhat sickly undertone BODY TYPE :  i don’t know the fancy terms but like? average? not quite built how you’d expect a rogue to be, a lil lankier than that ACCENT :  sera Lite(TM) / a cockney sort of thing, if you will DOMINANT HAND :  right POSTURE :  Bad, constantly slouching, never sitting straight OR still TATTOOS : DEBATE but i usually say he has a lil tattoo on his wrist of his mother’s death date in whatever date system each verse uses MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE : uhhh messy? or that he’s always wearin a long coat
PLACE OF BIRTH :  denerim, ferelden HOMETOWN :  denerim’s alienage BIRTH WEIGHT :  dont matter BIRTH HEIGHT :  dont matter MANNER OF BIRTH :  natural FIRST WORDS :  probs smth cliche like ‘mama’  SIBLINGS :  none PARENTS :  jodi ( mother, deceased ) walter conley ( father, fucked off somewhere ) PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT :  while dear old walt vanished into thin air the minute jodi’s pregnancy was revealed to him, never to return ; jodi was always there for vic, caring for him, making sure he was happy and as comfortable as she could make him in their situation. even when he was in the Height of his crime years, she was rather loyal to him and hopeful, hopeful he’d turn things around and she’d be there to help him with it. there was never a day mom wasn’t smiling, fiddling with flowers around the house, or reading a book to him since he was too twitchy to read them himself.
OCCUPATION :  dumbass thief, amos’ lackey, deadbeat, inquisition scout CURRENT RESIDENCE :  skyhold CLOSE FRIENDS : the people he meets in the inquisition RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  interaction dependent, default being single and sleeping around FINANCIAL CLASS :  low/poverty, relying on theft usually to pay for everything DRIVER’S LICENSE :  bis cant drive CRIMINAL RECORD : decently sized, and would be FAR more extensive if he got caught, which he usually doesn’t ‘ VICES ’ :  everything, my guy. crime, alcohol, drugs, etc.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION :  bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION :  biromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE :  submissive  /  dominant  /  switch  /  unknown PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE :  submissive  /  dominant  /  switch  /  sex repulsed LIBIDO :  its high TURN ON’S :  god literally anything but honest to god love rly does it for him any romantic moment could be flipped into a lil more at any given opportunity bc he gets overwhelmed KJGHFJDK TURN OFF’S :  NOT MUCH, FRIENDS, but if withdrawals/cravings are Especially bad that might distract him out of it  LOVE LANGUAGE : touch he thrives through holding and being held, being close, playing with hair, running fingers over skin, kissing often and everywhere, sitting in laps, etc RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES :  clingy, very domestic with Everything, like reading together or always bringing an extra cup of tea / bowl of food / whatever for a lover when he gets one for himself, protective and willing to throw away his cowardly nature to defend someone, even if they dont Need defending
CHARACTER THEME SONG : only ONE? bruh... liability by raleigh ritchie HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME :  mostly drinking, pranking and joking around, searching for cats, gambling,  MENTAL ILLNESS :  depression, anxiety, substance abuse, adhd fits here too i believe PHYSICAL ILLNESS :  nothing too noteworthy, but due to his substance abuse he’s a bit frail in build, not the strongest lad, and his lung capacity isn’t the greatest LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED ?  :  mostly right FEARS :  losing people, being alone, failing, falling back into who he was, templars, many many things SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL :  nonexistent he hates himself and there is an entire in depth headcanon post about how much he does kjfhgjfkdejh though he presents as Incredibly confident, a fun lil act VULNERABILITIES : talk abt family/his mother, also he’s very trusting and caring, therefor easy to hurt and manipulate
TAGGED BY : @fantomese thank u angel of music TAGGING : like everyone has done this so as always, friends who Haven’t 
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