#like yeah bestie lmao
grandtheftpoptart · 1 year
I was in schoolage for the first time at work and a kid called me stupid because I called the knight in chess a "horse", and then another kid threw ice at my face twice (missed both times bc im too fast) and then hit me when we went inside :(
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meteortrails · 14 days
law and luffy are just like. what if I saw you at the peak of your miracle working competence, and then the literal next time I saw you it was at your most isolated and broken. and what if that moment of seeing you alone and grieving and terrified was the moment where I decided you were someone worth keeping, someone who I personally cared about and wanted around. how does that not make you wanna lose your fucking mind.
and then the other thing on top of that which always gets me is the way that you can just so clearly see that neither of them has any idea how to fit this relationship into any preexisting context - Luffy calls him part of his crew, but law is the captain of his own crew and would clearly die before giving that up; law calls them allies but it is glaringly obvious that they care about each other in a way that goes beyond that. of course Luffy is generally a lot less bothered about this than law, who routinely wants to put his own head through a wall about it, but it’s just such a fun layer to their dynamic I think.
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
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👏🏻 🏳️‍🌈 👏🏻
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kenchann · 1 year
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hauling ass.png
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
actually I do love getting comments on my criticisms of the pjo show that are like "it feels like you're just nitpicking" cause its like yeah I sure am!! welcome to the blog!!!
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tennessoui · 3 months
Maul arguing that he's Obi-Wan's Ultimate Enemy ™ because he killed both his father figure and the love of his life and they have a very special connection that Vader won't understand.
Vader arguing that HE is definitely the Ultimate Enemy ™ because he still kills the remainder of Obi-Wan's Jedi Family to this day and he killed Anakin Skywalker who Obi-Wan definitely 100% loved WAY more than Satine.
They may be enraged to find that Obi-Wan actually considers Palpatine the actual Ultimate Enemy ™...
obi-wan with maul: held him as he died in his arms, closed his eyes after he died, gave him hope in the last moments of his life
obi-wan with vader: cried like a pathetic old man as he apologized to anakin for what he’d done to him, literally so pathetic vader said wait no no never mind you didn’t do this you didn’t kill anakin please don’t cry look I did this to anakin ok please stop crying
obi-wan with sidious: would probably dance on his grave. would not piss on him if he were on fire. probably set the fire.
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reineyday · 2 months
mishanks actor/bodyguard au where hawk's the bodyguard and he always wears shades and then one day a photo gets out of him without the shades and it circulates the internet and people start calling him hawkeyes and shanks is like, hey, hey wait no his eyes were just for me :( and he acts aboslutely ridiculous about it haha. (he is only half-joking about his jealousy.) mihawk is just annoyed his face is now circulating the internet.
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myaoiboy · 6 months
okay so i saw that post that said "to be loved is to be changed, but in a horrific and unasked for transformation" and this is so snotacon both sides to me.
I mean, think about it. Otacon can't *kill* someone when Snake meets him, and that's true in two ways. Yeah, physically he's a spindly litte nerd who literally couldn't hurt someone if his life depended on it, but he couldn't do it mentally either. He designs weapons. That's a far cry from actually *using* them. He's a pencil pusher who wanted to build giant robots and was willing to believe that MG Rex wouldn't actually be used.
How long do you think *that* lasted, living, working with a mercenary? At what point do you think it sunk in that if he wanted to actually achieve anything with Philanthropy he was going to have to be okay with lethal force being involved?
Surely we don't think everything was non-lethal up to the tanker? I mean, he has to explain the tranqs work at the beginning of the mission, so it's probably new to him, right? So what were they doing before that? And they don't ask themselves if they should pull out when it becomes apparent that lethal force may be necessary, so clearly these won't be the start of Philanthropy's body count.
So when was the point that he resigned himself to the fact that he was going to have to be a lot closer to death and direct killing than he ever had been before? Did Snake insist on having final judgment off the bat? Did Otacon try to convince him that they needed to do it non-lethally, did they run a mission, maybe even a few come off clean, only for something to go terribly wrong? Did they get out by the skin of their teeth? Did Snake have to kill someone, and Otacon get upset by this first death? And did they have an argument where Snake points out that he is the one that has to pay the price for Otacon's personal mission against killing?
But that's all so obvious. Killing is bad, etc.
What about Snake?
I think the idea of caring for anyone is scary to him. Especially the extent to which he cares about Otacon.
I mean, half of his utility is in the fact that he just doesn't give a shit about himself, and has nobody left that gives a shit about him. He doesn't have anything to hold him back from giving 110% to the mission. If he dies, he dies. What does he care? He's a washed up alcoholic with PTSD previously known only to shrimps.
And he clearly values his utility. Even in 4, it's how he refers to himself. "An old killer." What use is he if he's concerned about whether he'll make it home in one piece.
When do you think that sinks in to him? Do you think was the first time Otacon told him to drop the mission and get back safe when things took a turn? Do you think he'd ever been in a situation where someone cared more about his life than whatever they were sending him to do? Do you think Kaz even pretended to genuinely care about his safety in the field? Forget Campbell, that's right out, he couldn't even let Snake be as he's fucking dying. Do you think he tried to finish it out first, only for Otacon to beg and scream at him that he was serious?
Or do you think it was when he got hurt, badly hurt, and he sees Otacon sitting over him at night, making sure he's okay, changing his bandages, and out of the corner of his eye he sees a hand wipe away tears, or hears a quiet sniffle, because Otacon realized how close he was to losing Snake.
Or maybe comms get cut unexpectedly during a shootout, and he gets sidetracked, held up somewhere, makes it back to the rendezvous point just under the wire, and Otacon is bawling because he really thought he lost Snake for good this time.
Do you think Snake realizes that at first? Do you think he's too obtuse to realize the tears are over him? Are from fear for him?
At what point do you think he realizes that the numbness he's fostered, that's been intentionally fostered in him (remember, he's the "Cipher-backed son", he's been moved from foster family to foster family more times than he can count, made intentionally to feel disposable, for the sake of creating a perfect soldier) has been replaced with this new pain, this fear, not even for himself, but for Otacon, for the gaping hole he realizes he'll leave in Otacon's life if something's to happen?
At what point do you think Snake realized that he'd turned a regular civilian into a mercenary, in mind if not body?
At what point do you think Otacon realized he'd fundamentally taken a US military asset and broken it over his knee?
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I LOVE your human au and would be delighted If you could expound on Wally's relationship with the cast and how he views/ is viewed by others <3
I hope you have a good day/ night whenever you are and I wish your pillow always be cold 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
ofc! i've been thinking about it a lot!
i would like to begin by saying that, as with canon, everyone likes Wally. as they should! i think that's an Important tidbit that should always carry across, at least in some way
Wally is... i think it's also important that he's a kind person. he loves deeply, is very forgiving and accepting, and he's just. he's a bizarre little man, and he's wonderful! there is not a malicious bone in his body! he finds delight & beauty in everything he can. he looks at his friends and is filled with deep contentment and joy and love. he's not blind to their flaws (and certainly not his own), but he never minds. those flaws are part of his friends, and he loves every bit of them!
and ok. Wally is not nearly as naive in this au as he is in canon. bc he's had a different life! he's had a rough go of it! unfortunately there's next to no way for normal people to grow up completely innocent & naive & pure, yk? life is harsh. Wally is not spared. he's incredibly kind despite it all. he's still in love with life and humanity. he smiles at strangers in the street & stops to watch bees pollinate flowers & sees parts of his friends in everything. he has many intense feelings even if he doesn't really show it or know how to convey them! he believes in the inherent goodness of people & beauty of being human!
there is a... very wide range of how people (outside of the Neighbors) view Wally. a lot of people find him slightly unsettling and really fucking weird, and well. he is! he's strange, and it's a wonderful part of him! but many don't see it that way. so he was ostracized by his peers in school (all the way through college), his coworkers (the few times he held a job before becoming a full-time artist), and most people in his local community. they just don't get him. they don't See him. Wally doesn't mind all that much! all of the important people in his life accept and love him for who he is, and he wouldn't even think of changing to fit the mold others want to shove him into.
then of course there are the people who treat him like a child, bc ableism is a thing and Wally's very noticeably autistic (even if people only notice subconsciously). this i think would be one of the very few things that outright annoys Wally, even if he doesn't really show it. but then there's the people who, while they might not get him (especially not to the extent his friends do), they accept him. like much of the art community he's involved in - even if a lot of them completely misinterpret his personality / mannerisms. they're all like "ohhhh he's so mysterious and ruminant" that's the 'tism, babes
BUT! YOU ASKED ABOUT SPECIFICALLY HIM AND THE NEIGHBORS! we'll save Barnaby for last since that's. uh. i have a lot to say about it. it's Very Complex in my mind
collectively, all of them love Wally a lot. which i've said! We Know! they also (mostly subconsciously) look for his approval - he's got a certain level of charisma that makes them all want him to like them. which, he does. obviously. unconditionally. and they're all protective of him & very patient with him. i think that's both a result of his natural rizz, how kind & patient he is with them, how well they understand him, and how he's a pacifist. he's their guy and woe befall anyone who dares cross him. (essentially, all of them collectively: the only constant is suffering - omg Wally!!! 💖💖💖)
we'll start with Frank! before he got to know Wally, he thought that Wally was an aloof asshole who thought he was better than everyone. then they started to directly interact and Frank realized "oh you're literally the nicest person i've ever met & also surprisingly relatable. you're just like me fr'. did he have a lil crush on Wally? yes. im saying it now literally everyone in the friend group (except local lesbians poppy & sally) has had at least a teensy crush on Wally at some point. but Frank deeply appreciates Wally's company & his complete lack of judgement. and how he gladly will let Frank talk for hours on end, chiming in with questions to prompt him to talk more! he also appreciates Wally's calm demeanor and vibes. he's one of those people that even when overwhelmed, Frank can handle having Wally around. he's like a human capybara! if Frank needs/wants a buddy with him for Situations, his go-to (after Julie ofc, though depending on the situation he'd pick Wally first) is Wally, since Wally Gets It. also Wally is unafraid to be like "wow, this kinda sucks! we're leaving", thus giving Frank an easy out. they just get along very well! ofc Frank can get frustrated with Wally, but then again he gets frustrated w/ everyone. but since Wally is patient with him, Frank tries to return the favor. also he's gotten into several fistfights over Wally's honor
Julie! she loves Wally so fucking much! he's her lil guy! even if he's kinda boring in a way! he's not very good at games or sports & would rather go on a relaxing walk than play Just Dance, but hey! he always makes Attempts, and she appreciates that! when they were younger and Julie & Sally & Poppy had girls nights (they continue to have girls' nights but everyone is involved. they still call it that tho), they'd often include Wally bc, yk! he's chill like that! Julie also massively respects his ability to say "no thank you" to anything without compromise. if he ever says it to her, she knows that he doesn't mean Any ill will by it! there's a sort of comfort in that! she knows she can be herself around him! also he's just... very good company. he's a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a willing victim & confidante for elaborate schemes! he visits her at work Purely because he knows it delights her to see a friendly face in the middle of a grueling shift! he's always been a bit of a lighthouse to her!
and while Sally can be a little exasperated with how literal Wally is, she finds no small amount of solidarity with him As A Fellow Artist. when they first became friends, they caught on like a house on fire! she mentioned the artistic side of theater, and Wally was immediately on board. then and going forward Wally is always willing and more than happy to assist with painting sets, art advertisements for her performances, etc! they have little brainstorming sessions where she rambles about what she wants sets / costumes to look like, and Wally sketches them out! since Sally was a theater kid and goes on to work in that department (locally, usually), Wally often gets first read of her scripts. Sally highly values Wally's opinion and input. if he's free, sometimes he helps teach the actors' the show choreography. Sally runs through it with him, Wally soaks up the moves like a sponge & memorizes them, and hey! he loves to teach! Sally just. she loves him a lot. they're both artists of a sophisticated nature <3
Howdy thinks Wally is real neat! Wally is good company and is (often unintentionally) hilarious! he's also like... the one person Howdy refuses to scam in any way shape or form. tricking grandmas into buying more than they need? no sweat. tricking Wally into spending slightly more money than intended? Howdy feels like a fucking monster. but yeah, Howdy's just always delighted to see Wally! he likes Wally's unique view of the world and often takes it into consideration when making decisions. when he's stuck on something, he thinks WWWD (what would Wally do!). Howdy also is the one who most often accompanies Wally to his art shows & the like, bc he knows that Wally will accept the first price offer he hears - and Howdy is determined that his incredible works of art are paid for their worth! nobody is gotta cheat his pal outta a single cent! he just likes having Wally around, you know?
Wally & Poppy have an interesting relationship, i think! he tells the cashier "she asked for no pickles" for her! she makes sure he always has a soft place to land! he kinda confuses her, but she finds it endearing in a way? he displays a personality/behavioral quirk and she's like "oh. well alright!" and rolls with it very gracefully. they appreciate each other's mellow demeanor and proclivity for peace. Poppy knows she can always have a nice, quiet conversation with him over tea (even if he doesn't drink it!). and he's always willing to help with anything and everything she needs, no question. i think i've made this joke on this blog before but! in way! he's her emotional support animal lmao. a hand to squeeze to death on an airplane! also it's funny for me to picture a 6'8 woman hunched behind this 5'2 shrimp of a man as if he can hide her
it takes a little bit for Eddie to adjust to Wally's bizarre nature! like i've said, Eddie connects with the group when they're all in their late 20s. he hasn't had over a decade of being friends with Wally like the rest of them. he likes Wally plenty! definitely grows to love him! but it's an adjustment. Wally consistently startles him very easily (Wally is naturally quiet and has a habit of appearing out of nowhere), and Eddie has a hard time getting a read on him. most people do! and also Wally is very handsome/pretty, and that throws Eddie off a bit (it's hard to think when someone so attractive is staring directly into your eyes without blinking) but once he gets somewhat used to Wally & understands as much as he can, he very much appreciates Wally's company & friendship! they find (somewhat subconscious) solidarity in being the kindest and most helpful people in the clique! and Wally is a wonderful island of peace in a turbulent world. Eddie never minds sitting with him for a cup of coffee in the early morning during his route, even if it means his workday ends a few minutes later than usual.
other supporting cast like Wally as well. Ms. Beagle kinda views him as a second son! the Joyful siblings will always find him a little weird and unsettling, but they're nice enough to him. Howdy's family thinks he's neat. etc! but lets talk about Barnaby!
Wally is literally everything to Barnaby. that's his person. there is literally no one that comes before Wally in his eyes and heart. their relationship is and always has been very nontraditional To Me (in this au and somewhat how i view them overall! its complicated!). Wally never subscribed to or understood societal norms, and as a result, Barnaby wound up pretty much shunning them as well when it comes to his lil buddy. their relationship isn't romantic - Wally is very aro and Barnaby just does not feel that way about him, not really. but at the same time it's certainly not entirely platonic!
neither of them can imagine being separated. they met in 7th grade and have been glued together ever since. they've been through some tough shit together! they know each other better than anyone! you cannot have one without the other! they're more than a package deal - they're Inseparable! Barnaby has had many a nightmare of Wally leaving in one way or another, and it scares him more than anything. to him, he can weather any storm as long as Wally is by his side. they obviously don't spend every moment together, but at the end of the day they always come home to each other.
Barnaby just... he loves and respects and values Wally so much. he wants his approval, his attention, his company. sometimes he scares himself by considering the lengths he'd go to for Wally. there is no one he's more comfortable with or feels he understands / is understood by. if somebody has a problem with Wally, they have a problem with Barnaby. if Wally jumped off a cliff, Barnaby would not hesitate to leap after him! Wally says jump, Barnaby asks how high! he's not a violent person at all, but teen Barnaby once broke a bully's jaw for goin' a little too far w/ Wally
is their relationship a smidge unhealthy? a lil codependent? yes <3 yes it is <3 but we all know that Wally would never use this against Barnaby. on his side of the coin, Barnaby is his person as well! Wally has never imagined his life without Barnaby because it just does not occur to him that that's a possibility. there are many things that only Barnaby knows about Wally, sides only he's seen. there's complete & unconditional trust/love between them. they hotbox Home together <3
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
"Ah, Nik, wait!"
Nikolai turns back around at the sound of the Captain's voice.
"You're going to make me miss my flight," he pretends to complain, not able to keep himself from smiling.
Price rolls his eyes. "You're the one flying your flight back home."
Nik chuckles. John looks annoyed, but clearly it's not directed at him if him relaxing in his presence is to be believed.
"Anyway, I won't keep you long, I just need you to teach me how to say something in Russian."
There's a terrible idea rising in Nik's mind. He tries to ignore it at first.
"There's this guy, he's a fucking asshole and I'd like to tell him to go fuck himself in his native language."
He nods distractedly at Price. But it would be the perfect moment... He leaves right after that, after all... And John wouldn't understand right away, he'd have time to go hide somewhere.
"Right," he clears his throat and smiles at Price. "I can do that, sure. Repeat after me, try to remember the words : я -"
Price squints his eyes in concentration. He looks so fucking cute that Nik could die.
"Ya -"
"Woah, okay, vl...vlyoubeelas?"
Nik's smile is growing. "Good," he says, voice lower. Swears that John's cheeks are redder than they were before. Interesting. "в"
Price frowns. "Just 'vv' ?"
"Да. And finally, тебя."
Nik's heart is starting to beat a bit faster, apparently just now realising what he was doing. There's no going back now.
"Now the whole thing : я влюбилась в тебя"
John's brow furrows more in deep focus. "Ya vlyoubeelas vtyebya."
Damn, that makes Nik's cheeks warmer and his smile wider. He knows that Price doesn't mean it, doesn't even know what it means, but if that's all he's going to get, he's going to cherish it inside his heart.
He isn't sure John will want anything to do with him when he'll look it up, after all, he hasn't survived this long by having too high hopes. His smile softens and he nods at his friend.
"Not bad. Remember the words."
Price huffs. "Of course I'll remember the words. Now go, wouldn't want you to miss your own chopper back home."
Nik laughs and shakes his head as he turns around and walks to his helicopter. He stops before climbing in, turns his head back towards the Captain.
"Oh, and John, don't actually tell him that, he has no right to hear it."
He knows Price well enough to know that he's sighing right now, but he's too far to hear it.
"What did you even teach me?" He asks in a jokingly tired voice.
Nik grins back at him. "You'll have to look it up, зайчик."
#cod mw#captain john price#cod nikolai#nikprice#prikolai#nikolai just has the kindest eyes ever they look like a baby cow's eyes#and he has a very nice smile#i love him#anyway#i'll go back to ghostsoap content in a bit i swear lmao i also have a ghostsoaproach thingy in the works because bug boy needs love#also i've checked on ao3 and the number of nikprice fics is horrifyingly low that's a crime#and yeah i gave price a praising kink it wasn't on purpose but i think he deserves it#i think he'd be a mess if nik held him and praised him for all he's done and he couldn't escape the kind words and just had to soak them in#cause i don't think anyone except his gay bestie laswell regularly tells him he does a good job#like gaz and soap and even ghost are all looking up at him with stars in their eyes and they definitely think he does a good job#but they don't directly tell him even if he does know they think that#& tbh if nik looked at me with his kind eyes and told me kind things i'd cry imagine if he does that to someone he loves and who loves him#qsjfqiohgqksjfqo#if you want to know who in these games i think has a praise kink i can tell you#alex for sure i'm convinced he was flustered during all his missions in mw 2019 (also has a calling people sir/ma'am in the bedroom kink)#price apparently but only if it's by someone he considers an equal in rank and experience#bc then he'd know the person knows what they're talking about and isn't just talking nonsense#soap but he needs to be made to feel like he deserves it or he just cries because he has *issues*#ghost sometimes when everything gets too loud; but he generally prefers to give praise than receive it bc it can feel too raw#i think rudy has a giving praise kink tho like alejandro is pretty normal about praise but rudy loves drowning him in it until he's soo red
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
y3 is so insane how did they get away with that in 2009 minedai is literally insane
it's not as if they showed anything super explicit in all fairness. mine's language is pretty much the only Objectively eyebrow raising thing. In My Opinion.
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chryblossomjjk · 5 months
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mykocalico · 1 year
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one of my sonas as a wyrm. just for fun... :3
i kind of want to update the ref sometime cuz it’s old but. i’m mostly just posting this silly doodle bc i might try taking a proper break from art for a bit so like. i wanted to post SOMETHING lol... but then maybe i won’t actually do that, the nd brain works in mysterious ways i might get bored of videogame in 5 seconds <3 cheers
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thevampirearchive · 9 months
There’s something I've been meaning to say but I haven't had the words till now. There is something that deeply upsets me about witnessing stories where villains, who are literal killers, fall in love and somehow become good or act outside of what is expected from them. I love love, love is beautfiul, it is powerful and it can truly change a lot. But to sit, and write a killer suddenly go "actually, this one can stay because I am in love for the first time" is such a weird concept to me. Is this happening because as a sociaty we're trying to convince ourselves that deeply disturbed people can be cured by the power of love? That if they just find the right person, they would stop the masacer? or at least no longer feel the need to kill how they were or at least let their person live? And I am not mad at the love, I do belive anyone can fall deeply in love, but my issue is with how it ends. I want to witness the unthinkable — I want to see is exactly what we expect but hoped won't happen, happening. A gut wrenching truth that stays true to who we have been witnessing, despite the "I can change them" dance. And perhaps people hate this idea because they want to belive that anyone can change if only they meet the right one, or that we can change the monsters in our lives with affection, but trust most likly is that they cannot be changed. And I can understand that to some this is then seen as an illusion. "oh then this was never true love", why can the two not exist? Do we not hurt those we love? Maybe not kill them, but someone elses hurt could feel like a small death to me, and vice versa.
Examples, so that you are not confused as to what I am reffering too;
Killing Eve; I stopped watching when Villanelle was shown shooting Eve. It felt true to her character, even if it hurt. She is a killer, we knew that and so did Eve. Regardless of her love, that was what was always going to happen so why were we given additional seaons of this fanatsy of a declawed Villanelle?
Hannibal; It should have ended with the death of Will, and possibly Hannibal consuming him. Didn't Hannibal say that the consumption of Will would somehow join them in a deeper way?Something so disturbing that only could make sense to a serial killing-cannibal. And I would have watched with wide eyes, and gone to sleep staring at the ceiling.
Interveiw With The Vampire; Louis' death in the hand of a Lestat would have made sense, and despite his dramatics, Lestat would have not committed suicide but instead burried himself in deep regret untill he was too numb to his own feelings that he could return to the world of the living. He would have never forgotten Louis, nor what he did, but he would have moved on beause Lestat is not a good person. He's deeply disturbed and Louis knew this. I don't even aknoclege that beatdown episode because Lestat may be a killer, but he's a drama queen first and formost. Louis' death would have been poetic, beautiful and grusom like a greek tragedy without an audiance.
Bonus - Twilight; I could not end without adding my own favorite, and despite this path never being teased to the audiance the same way the other's were, I would have loved the book simply ending because Edward did as he said he would - drained Bella like a Caprisun on a hot summer day. Because what is love agaisnt animalistic urgase (I understand why it is much hotter that he is simply so retsrained and devoted that he resists her, but I'd pay good money for an AU)
At the end of it all, I think want I want is for sociaty to get over the idea that a good woman, love or any form of kindness can change who some people are. Love can do many things - look at crimes of passion! And to some extend I belive that these villain's love were true, possibly not the way we imagine them - which is less so "I love you too" and more so, "wow, finally someone I can manipulate and obsess over. Someone who I can mold, someone who is alone in the world like me" only to realize that is not true.
So why do we make love into what it isnt? Even when the scene is set for us to be shown the truth, writers and the audiance always make the plot lean towards whatever fits so that we can have that "happy ending".
Honorable mentions;
God should have killed Lucifer, I know the bible and christianity is not technically fiction for all, but the idea that he is forgivin but lets the biggest meanness HE CREATED terrorize everybody is evil. Take him out or let somebody else do it homie.
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emblazons · 16 days
Me watching the squad have ship wars in fandoms im only tangential to, but know enough about from said squad to have a (likely half-baked) opinion on:
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zinniapetals · 8 months
do you think Ango is ever like ‘yeah sometimes i think about dying haha who hasnt’ and goes back to work and his coworkers are like what the fuck
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