#so instead of getting upset about the (numerous) bad decisions and how they impacted canon
nintendont2502 · 1 year
This is just a guess but I feel like the reason they removed '^2' from beyond canon's title is so it's not seen as an official continuation/sequel to homestuck, which- im ngl I feel like doing that in the first place would have made the discourse a lot less toxic
Like. They could have just positioned it as an exploration of beyond the canon of homestuck proper (which it looks like this new team is doing), something like paradox space - but instead, they basically went 'yeah all these controversial decisions and butchered characters? Yeah they're the official follow up to homestuck' which absolutely didn't help
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
Soul Bond Facts
So clarifications or extra details from my fic Putting Infinity into Words that I had to cut for time. I suggest reading that before this otherwise nothing under the cut will make any sense. If it does anyway.
- Soul Bonds are bonds you share with people who, over the course of your entire life, you will share a relationship with. The relationship can be good, bad, romantic, platonic, antagonistic, as long as you have some impact on another, you will have a bond. It begins the first moment you touch and lasts a lifetime, even if the relationship itself falls apart at some point. Its a representation of your entire dynamic through touch.
- Every time you touch a Bond Mate, the Bond renews, strengthening in its own way. Each touch brings with it the entirety of your feelings for a person you will have during your relationship. The feeling is unchanged throughout the lifetime. The deeper the feeling, the more intense and strong the Bond. People like Izuku and Bakugou have a complex Bond bc it starts out very antagonistic and ends up (decades later as pros) very strong and positive. Each time they touch they feel that entire spectrum of what they’ll feel for the other which can be very confusing.
- The Bond is composed of a whispered fact about your future relationship (take every interaction you have with someone over a lifetime, shake it up and  have one random fact falls out). When the Bond is “completed” it means that you have reached the point in time where the one fact occurred. Its signified by a whole body tingle and you’ll never again hear the Fact in your head. Though the Bond is completed, the relationship endures and you’ll still feel the Bond hum when you touch. 
-Bonds always come true, even in roundabout ways. Many people debate if Bonds cause decisions or if decisions cause Bonds but its an unanswerable question. Some (like Bakugou) try to avoid the Bond but end up fulfilling it instead. Others run towards it, trying to fulfill it (like Todoroki) not realizing that Bonds complete on their own time table.
- While the Bonds can be about pretty much anything, from the ordinary to the life changing, more often than not they comment in some way on the future relationship between people. 
- Izuku’s Bond to Kirishima: He Will Protect You Kirishima’s bond to Izuku: You Will Break His Fingers. 
Kiri feels really bad about future him hurting his bud so, in a show of friendship and dumbassery, Izu tells Kiri to break his fingers now in attempt to complete the Bond. It doesn’t work but they get a lecture from Recovery Girl and a good laugh out of the situation
- Uraraka to Iida: He Will Keep You Grounded Iida to Uraraka: You Will Give Her 1000 Yen
Iida, being the lovable, rich Himbo that he is, is always giving Uraraka money thinking its part of their bond. Uraraka tries to refuse at first but it was upsetting Iida so she started accepting it. Getting 1000 yen every now and again really helped her stretch her food budget when times were tough. Almost every time they touch, Iida will begin searching through his wallet to give to his friend. 
- Though Izuku’s Bond with Tsuyu completed at USJ (She Will Save You From a Villain), Tsuyu’s Bond to Izuku (He Will Frighten You) isn’t completed until their first year as Pros when Izuku fights off a villain with two broken arms, snarling and manic. 
- Bakugou does eventually accept his bond with izuku (He Will Always Be By Your Side). It took a while, longer than canon bc hes spent years raging at the idea specifically of working alongside Deku. By the time they graduate though he chokes out a semblance of an apology and they settle into a healthier, if really really intense rivalry. Over the years they become attuned to each other, a Bond so strong, it resonates all the way back to 4 year old Deku and Kacchan on the playground.
- Gran Torino’s Bond to Izuku is that Izuku will knock him out one day which he finds incredibly amusing. Doesn’t know why the brat gets all teary eyed when they touch though. Izuku avoids touching his grand mentor because he doesn’t want to be reminded that he will be present when the older hero dies. It happens 10 years later, peacefully but the knowledge is still an ugly heavy burden. 
- Izuku is certain his Bond to Shinsou (He Will Sleep On Your Couch) means he’ll be a hero and, in the end, is right. Shinsou’s Bond says that Izuku would get him flowers and he has numerous nervous breakdowns thinking they’ll start dating but it actually completes 7 years after the Sports Festival when Izuku brings him flowers in the hospital after Shinsou was hurt in a villain attack.
- Todoroki, god love him, seems to think he needs to kiss Izuku in order to keep up the Bond (You Will Kiss Him). Izuku doesn’t really correct him of this because the attention and affection is quite nice. At first the kisses are platonic until midway through their Third Year, Todoroki is like “wait I think I’m in love with Midoriya. How was I supposed to know falling in love would be a consequence of constantly kissing my best friend.” Uraraka looks into the camera like she’s on the office.
- Iida is in the eventual Tododeku wedding and, still freaking out on which side he will stand on, switches back and forth throughout the ceremony. Izuku is trying not to laugh but iida is SUPER OBVIOUS about his movements. Todo doesn’t notice anything but his handsome groom all day. 
- What Aizawa heard through his bond with Izuku: You Will Watch him Become Number One Hero What Aizawa told Izuku: I knew you’d be a problem
He tells exactly no one until Izuku eventually does make it to Number One, Aizawa claps him on the shoulder and tells him good work also great job completing the Bond which floors everyone. Kept that shit hidden for years
- Stain’s Bond with Izuku said that Stain would rescue him which completed when he saved Izuku from the Noumu. Izu’s was that Stain Would Hurt Someone He Loved which also completed when he went after Todoroki. Izuku tries not to think about the corrupted, ugly whispers of a warped Bond he heard from the Noumu, one he thinks he might remember from one of his childhood playmates who disappeared. He cries over it anyway.
- Toshinori’s Bond to Izuku (He Will Learn Your Secret) completes with the reveal of Nighteye’s prediction of his death. Izuku’s (You Will Call Him Father) doesn’t complete for many, many years. He calls Toshi ‘dad’ a great many times in that period.
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