#so it turns out my other fav cliche (aka 'what the hell do you mean yuo're in love with me why didn't you say so earlier')
catsafarithewriter · 7 months
Cliche trope but Baron/Haru fake dating that went to full love confession?? 😅. Or Muta and Toto betting on whom among Baron and Haru will admit their feelings first 😅 sorry for the overtly used trope
A/N: With tropes like these, there's a reason they're so popular! One fake dating coming right up!
(And if you want more, I have a fake marriage au, Marry Me Twice on AO3, and a half-finished series of fake dating/marriage snippets on tumblr!)
At this point. Haru decided, she really shouldn't be surprised anymore when Baron got himself into these sorts of situations.
After all, she tried to remind herself, even she hadn't been immune to his charms upon their first meeting, and in the many years since he hadn't toned down his charisma one iota. He simply had a natural pizazz to him, a flair that drew and kept the eye. It was just a nuisance that he was oblivious to his effect until it was too late.
Still, one would think he would learn after the sixth accidental engagement.
"We've got a plan to get him out, right?" Haru deadpanned to the remaining (thankfully unengaged) members of the Bureau. "We're not just gonna sit back and watch him be married off to the faerie queen, right?"
Muta snorted. "I say we leave him there as a distraction while we get on with the case."
"Or Muta and I can do that, while you recover him," Toto said. "The changeling child should be around here somewhere. Just remember - fae can tell if you're lying."
Haru regarded the swirling ballroom before her. It wasn't built of brick and mortar, but of living trees and vines. The canopy knotted so thickly overhead that the only light to be found was in the glow of the mushrooms, bioluminescent fungi clinging to the trunks that served in place of pillars. Its occupants only had the barest resemblance to humanity - all feathers and antlers and fur - that left her the stark outlier. "If they turn me into a frog for my impertinence, you'll save me, right?"
"We'll make yer a pond with only the finest lily pads."
"Fantastic." Taking that as the best reassurance she was going to get, Haru waded into the sea of twirling gowns and gilded waistcoats. She worried that she would have to elbow her way through, but the dancers parted, if only as far as her next step so that she felt like a shark ineffectively swimming through a shoal of fish. Only sharks probably didn't feel like they were next on the menu.
At the far end of the ballroom was a bower. And in the bower was the faerie queen - and Baron.
Haru bowed. "Your Majesty, I thank you for your hospitality in welcoming us here, but I am afraid to say it is time we took our leave." That was probably fine, wasn't it? Not too formal? Not formal enough? Should she have broken out the 'thee's and 'thou's?
"Then I bid you farewell."
Haru waited. When she didn't hear Baron make a move, she cautiously glanced up. She immediately saw the reason for Baron's inaction; the faerie queen's hand is still rested on his. It was gentle, but deliberately possessive.
"I plan to leave with all of my friends, your Majesty."
The faerie queen smiled. "I'm afraid the Baron has decided to stay."
Haru glanced to Baron and raised an eyebrow. "Has he now?" She knew him well enough to read the apology in the quirk of his lips, and the belated realisation that he might have messed up in the flicker of an eye. She raised her other eyebrow in reply.
"Indeed," the faerie queen said. "After all, he has been such a gentleman, so charming and attentive, that his true intentions could scarcely have been mistaken for anything other than an affair of the heart."
"You think he's in love with you?"
"And why wouldn't he be?" the queen asked. "Have you seen any as beautiful as I?"
The fact that the faerie queen was indeed mesmerisingly stunning - despite, or perhaps because of the feline glint of her eyes or the vines that grew in and along her skin - was immaterial. Haru couldn't do anything but agree when the person in question could curse her with less than a thought.
Haru bowed again. "None are your equal, I'm sure, but that was never in doubt. I only ask because Baron is a gentleman at heart, and prone to being charming and attentive to all. Regardless of intent." Or awareness.
"And how, pray tell, are you so sure of his intent?"
"I know because," and a dozen lies paraded through Haru's mind; she grabbed one at random before her hesitation would betray the deception, "he's already in love with someone."
"And whom may that be?"
Without a shadow of a doubt, Haru knew that she would have to supply any mystery suitor she named. She offered what she hoped Baron knew to be an apologetic, I'm-only-doing-this-to-save-your-skin smile. "Me. He's in love with me, your Majesty."
The music never stopped, the ballroom conversations never quietened, but the silence in the bower was deafening. What was it Toto had said earlier? Fae can tell if you're lying? Well, it was too late for that now. Haru waited for the faerie queen to call her out on her deception, but she only tilted her head, like a dog catching an intriguing scent.
"Is this true?" the faerie queen asked Baron.
Baron looked to Haru.
Haru looked back.
Lie, dammit.
"Yes," he said. He started to say something anew, floundered, and tried again. "Although I have attempted to keep such feelings within, my heart belongs wholly to Miss Haru. It has for some time now."
Haru's traitorous heart skipped a few beats, as though this wasn't a ruse she herself had started. She blinked, and managed to refocus on the queen. "So you see, your Majesty, you can hardly marry Baron when he loves another."
"So with that, we should take our leave-"
Haru's hand caught Baron's and started to lead him from the bower, only for the faerie queen to suddenly stand. Baron and Haru both halted in instinctive self-preservation.
The faerie queen descended from the bower, an uncanny grace to her movements. It was like watching a panther, just before it pounced.
"But how can you talk of leaving after such a heartfelt confession?" she asked. "Surely, on a night like tonight when the music compels you, two lovebirds such as yourselves cannot pass up the opportunity to dance. At least," she added with another glimmer of her feline eyes, "any true couple wouldn't."
Haru felt her smile thin. She bowed, hoping it would hide the waning enthusiasm. "Your Majesty is always correct. If you would be so kind, I have a song request for your musicians, should they know it."
"Our musicians are well acquainted with much of your mortal music. Go ahead."
Haru rose from her bow and, after conferring quickly with the musicians in question, swept with Baron down to the heart of the ballroom.
"Katzen Blut?" Baron asked as the first few notes started up. "It has been a long time since I've heard this."
"It's the only song we've ever danced to. I thought it might give us a fighting chance of actually pulling this off." When Baron still seemed a little too nonplussed by the situation to respond, Haru placed his hand against her waist, ensuring they at least looked the part. "Sorry. I panicked, and that was the first excuse that came to mind."
"It was quick thinking on your part. Just... unexpected."
As the music rolled into a swing, the two of them started into a familiar waltz. Doing her best to ignore certain realities, like the fact that Baron was so close, close enough to kiss, Haru focused on easier topics. "So. What is this, the sixth time you've ended up accidentally winning someone's heart? This is getting to become a habit, Baron."
Baron had the decency to look suitably sheepish. "I thought I was merely offering her Majesty the respect befitting one of her station. If I had known it would be misinterpreted as such, I would have..."
Haru waited, and nearly flattened several of his toes when she misjudged a step. "You would have...? Go on. What would you have done differently?"
"I might have gone easier on the purple prose of her beauty."
"Gee, you think?"
"Perhaps pare down on the extravagant bow."
"Another good option."
"But, in my defence, I was left in charge of distracting her while yourself and the others located the missing changeling child."
"We asked you to distract her, not marry her."
"I haven't married her."
"Not yet. If we'd given it another half hour though..."
"Yes, you've made your point quite clear."
Their dancing neighbours glanced sidelong at them, ears perked at Baron's curt voice, and Baron swung Haru out into a twirl to deter any eavesdroppers. It would have been a far more impressive move had Haru been wearing a dress but, as things stood, the best she got was the sweep of her coat hem.
She swung back into Baron's arms, closer than before. "How exactly did you try to tell her Majesty that you weren't interested, anyway?"
"It's... complicated."
"What, you mean there wasn't a nearby rooftop to jump off after telling her you admire a woman who speaks from the heart?"
"All I'm saying is, that worked great on me." Well, mostly. The fact that Haru had gone on with her life, then fallen back in with the Bureau, and then fallen for Baron again was neither here nor there. The important thing was that it had successfully snapped her out of her schoolgirl crush - just long enough for her to think things through and then develop one-sided pining later in life.
"It is... surprisingly difficult to refute a fae's attentions without causing insult."
"And anything too subtle goes right over their heads," Haru finished.
"As you discovered. If I had known that all I needed to do was confess love for another..."
Haru snorted. "We both know that was one hell of a risk. I don't even know how we managed to sell that lie, given everything we've been warned about the fae."
Baron was studiously not looking at her. "Indeed."
"I mean, I don't know what even possessed me to say that. Realistically, I should have been cursed into a frog, or something, for trying a lie like that, I don't..."
The penny dropped.
"Wait, Baron-"
"Change partners!" Baron cried, and twirled her into the arms of a fae with antlers and canines.
"Oh no you don't." Haru spun away from her current dance partner and, as best she could in time with the music, whirled from one whistle-stop faerie to the next. Baron might have had Creation grace and years of dance practice, but Haru had five years' worth of stubborn pining pushing her on.
Eventually, she landed back in Baron's arms.
"You don't just get to waltz away like that when I'm having a revelation," she scolded. "Faeries can sense lies, right? And you'd think the queen of faeries would have an extra-sensative bullshit-detector, right?"
"Not quite how I'd put it, but-"
"Not the priority right now. So, with that in mind, how the hell did I manage to convince her that you were in love with me?"
"You are a remarkable young woman, Haru, perhaps-"
"Perhaps, unknown to me, I wasn't lying."
"Are you in love with me?"
"I... admire you-"
"Do not. I'm not a schoolkid anymore, Baron; I can handle a rejection just fine. Are you in love with me?"
Baron opened his mouth. Closed it. Tried several more times to no effect.
Haru groaned. "One of these days, we'll actually get to finish this dance," she muttered and, dropping her hands away from Baron, stormed back towards the bower.
"Enjoying your dance-"
"When Baron said he was in love with me, was he telling the truth?"
The faerie queen faltered. There had been the briefest flicker of rage at Haru's impertinence at interrupting her, but now it was swept away by a knowing smile. Suddenly, Haru knew why her halfway deceit had been allowed to go on; this was all entertainment to the queen and her kind.
"Yes." the queen replied.
"What the hell?" Haru turned, seeing Baron wading free from the dancing crowd, and repeated for good measure, "What the hell, Baron?!"
"I cannot help how I feel, Haru, but I thought that, if I kept it to myself-"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I... didn't want to make things awkward between us," he said. "You are my good friend, Haru, and I never wanted to lose that. If it meant I had to push away such feelings to keep your companionship, then so be it-"
"I've been in love with you for years, you idiot."
Baron's mouth snapped shut. He blinked. "Oh. You are?"
Some kind of nervous, almost hysterical laughter bubbled through Haru, and she pushed it back with some herculean restraint. "Because, Baron. Because you're kind and determined and I love spending time with you. Because the heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes what it wants is an emotionally constipated cat figurine who has now been accidentally engaged six times."
"Yes. Oh. I can't believe I've been pining after you, thinking, 'oh there's no way he feels the same way,' all this time, just to..."
Baron stepped up to her and she let him take her hands in his. "Why wouldn't I fall for you?" he asked softly. "How could I not, when you are the bravest, most compassionate, stubbornest woman I have ever met?"
Haru sniffled, and she only realised then that she was dangerously on the verge of tears. "Not many people would woo someone by calling them stubborn, you know."
"It's one of my favourite things about you. You don't give up, Haru, even when the rest of the world wants you to. You'll stand up against a Cat King, against pirates, against monsters." He cupped her cheek in his hand and brushed away the beginning of a tear. "You'll stand up against a faerie queen to save those you love."
Haru grinned, began to offer up a retort, and then remembered the audience they had. One glance confirmed that the faerie queen was sat, quite happily, and looking like all she was missing was a bag of popcorn.
"I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss," she offered helpfully.
Haru looked back to Baron, blushing. Only her familiarity with him betrayed the mirror blush beneath his fur. She leant in. "Well," she said. "If a queen expects it..."
There came a heartstopping crack, like the snap of a bone or a sharp clap of thunder, and a tree crashed across the ballroom. The music juddered to a halt. All conversation ceased. And in the ringing silence...
"Move, move, move!" Muta and Toto came thundering through the gap the felled tree had left. Muta had a swaddled baby cradled in his arms. "Baron, Chicky, we've got what we came for. Time to go!"
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pwarkluv · 4 years
❝ slow dancing in the dark ❞ - psj
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park jisung x reader | angst, fluff | 1.5k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, angst because duhh, fluffy ending because it’s jisung and i don’t think i could take a sad ending with him, friends to lovers au (my fav as you can tell), high school au, non-idol au, not a lot of dialogue in the first half oops, maybe like one curse word(??), this is gonna be trash so uh skrrt skrrt
SUMMARY | when they’ve both been in love with each other for years, but are too dense to realize it (aka your typical f2l’s trope).
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by “slow dancing in the dark” by joji as you can tell by the title of this oneshot hehe :P anyways another favorite song of mine! i wanted a happy ending jisung because i see so many sad ending with him fhakldjfh also (i tried to be) super angsty because teenage love and overthinking always gets me in my feels~
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you’ve never failed to make jisung’s heart race, even as a kid.
before he met you, jisung was your typical seven year old boy who avoided girls because he thought they had the cooties. he had that weird bowl cut every asian dude had growing up with slinky arms and a skinny frame. 
but you? you were beyond ordinary. 
your pigtails were held up by hello kitty hair ties, the charms dingling whenever you moved. you had a few front teeth missing, but that didn’t stop you from smiling ear to ear when you first met jisung. the colorful pastel colors you wore all the more attracted him to you. 
never has he ever seen such a bright and bubbly girl. all the other girls in the area were like him, avoiding the boys because of their “cooties”. they were stuck up and always thought they were better than him. 
but from the moment you two met, you became an exception. the only girl jisung liked being around. 
now that you two are seventeen, things have changed a bit. jisung wasn’t up to your ears anymore and he sure as hell doesn’t have a bowl cut. you outgrew your pigtails and have teeth in the front of your mouth. but the biggest change? jisung was in love with you.
well sure he’s always loved you. he loved the way your charms in your hair would jingle whenever you two played hopscotch, he loved how you always tried to put his hair up into a bun with your special hair ties, and he loved just being around you.
but this kind of love? the one he’s feeling now? it was like anything and everything you did made his heart race and his smile come out. so of course hearing you rant about this “really cute guy” who suddenly started talking to you in school made his heart hurt.
you were laying on jisung’s chest, him playing with your hair as the movie in front of you two played in his room. you didn’t know how but you were thankful the boy you were laying on couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating. 
you’ve always been in love with jisung. from the moment you two met you were drawn to his aura, how he lowkey hated you and thought you had a disease. you’ve watched him grow (literally) and become such an amazing person. just the thought of it made your heart swell.
but you knew he didn’t like you. there was no way. not when he seemed so comfortable with the girl that sits in front of him in science. 
so you’ve decided you were gonna try and move on from him and look at other boys. you realized how cliche it was, falling in love with your best friend. there was no way it was gonna work anyways, not if jisung didn’t like you back. so you went for one of his friends, sungchan. he’s tall, kinda, charming, and everything you could ever want. but he’s not jisung.
❝ give me reasons we should be complete ❞
jisung didn’t know how to respond when you first mentioned sungchan. he should be happy for you right? you two were just friends and in no way did he have any claim towards you. if you liked him you should go for him, right?
wrong. his hand faltered a bit as he continued to stroke his fingers through your hair, his heart feeling heavy in his chest. suddenly he felt like he wanted to cry, not noticing how half-hearted you sound talking about the boy. 
❝ you should be with him, i can’t complete ❞
suddenly his mind went to more sadder things. jisung thought about the height difference between sungchan and him, wishing he was just a little bit taller for you. how cool and handsome sungchan was, no wonder you were falling for him. he’s more athletic and that’s probably why you liked that boy and not him. 
prom night. your second to last prom before you and jisung finished high school. you two decided to go together “as friends”, the thoughts of him not wanting to actually be your date dampening your mood at times. but you were here to have fun, whether jisung saw you like that or not.
the two of you were partying, dancing along to the songs being played on the speakers.
“y/n?” a voice called out, causing the both of you to turn. jisung frowned looking at the boy in front of him. there he was, the boy he’s hated for the past two months.
you froze, not knowing why sungchan was in front of you.
“um, hi sungchannie.” you shyly smiled, a little awkward at the random intrusion. jisung knew you felt a little awkward and protectively wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“hey.” jisung replied, trying to act cool. you stifled a laugh at jisung’s sudden mood change before clearing your throat.
“can i talk to you for a bit?” sungchan asked, and jisung could have cried then and there. 
❝ you looked at me like I was someone else, oh well ❞
“you like jisung don’t you?” sungchan said, watching as your eyes strayed to the tall brown haired boy you came with. you flushed, getting caught.
“n-no i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you stuttered, denying the obvious. the boy laughed, ruffling your hair a bit.
“don’t stress about it y/n, you don’t look at anyone else the same way you look at jisung. it’s kinda cute.” he smiled, making you a little less tense. 
“but he doesn’t like me.” you replied, looking down at the floor as an attempt to not cry. sungchan laughed, not believing what you’ve just said.
“you’re an oblivious one aren’t you?” sungchan muttered under his breath before holding you close, keeping an eye out for the boy watching him like a hawk. “confess to him, i promise you it won’t be bad.” he whispered before pushing you towards jisung.
❝ can’t you see ❞
“so what’d he say?” jisung asked, suddenly becoming serious. he saw the way sungchan pulled you close and his fists tightened in anger. he was the only one who could do that to you. but then he realized, he’s really not. 
jisung once again realized that you weren’t his and probably never will be. 
“o-or well you don’t have to tell me.” he stuttered aftering noticing how possessive his tone was. she’s not yours she’s not yours, jisung chanted to himself, watching as your face flickered to one of unsureness. 
goddammit why can’t you see i’m in love with you, the both of you thought in unison, jisung waiting for your response. 
“dance with me.” you said, pulling jisung away to a secluded area knowing what you should do. though you didn’t answer him, who was he to decline such a beautiful lady.
❝ i don’t wanna slow dance, in the dark ❞
it was like that ending scene from twilight, a mini deck covered in fairy lights and flowers. the lights were dimmed down a bit as a soft tune played, your head on jisung’s shoulder as the two of you slowly danced to the song. 
you realized that if you told him you loved him, it could ruin everything you two had. but you knew you couldn’t keep it a secret, you knew you couldn’t keep your emotions in the dark.
“what’s on your mind princess?” jisung asked, breaking the silence. he knew how tense you were just from the way you walked back to him after sungchan. and when you didn’t answer his question, well of course jisung was a little worried. 
your heart raced at the nickname. he started calling you that after the two of you played kingdom, him being your knight in shining armor while you were his princess. it stuck, jisung liking the way it felt calling you that. 
“i don’t wanna pretend anymore, sung.” you sighed, picking your head up from his shoulders. you pushed yourself away slightly, a small space between the two of you as you prepared for heartbreak. the boy gave you a confused look, not understanding what you were trying to get at. 
❝ dark ❞
“i’ve always loved you, as a kid and even until now.” you confessed, eyes trained onto the floor. jisung froze.
there was no way you actually felt the same, did you?
“w-well i know you don’t like me back and i know this changes things so much and i’m so sorry-”
jisung’s lips on yours was what shut you up. his hand snaked behind your waist, the other on the nape of your neck to deepen the kiss.
“shut up will you?” he mumbled into the kiss, finally relishing the feeling of your softness of his. your cherry lip balm was addicting and he couldn’t wait to taste it again.  
you had no clue what was going on at all, his lips on yours making your mind go hazy. as you two pulled away to catch your breaths you whispered into the air.
“so does this mean you love me too?”
“are you dumb or do i need to kiss you senseless again?”
“i mean that last option seems good.”
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all-hallows-scream · 7 years
Book Recs for Autumn and Halloween !
So as a lot of you probably know, I love horror stories and Halloween-y books. I read them year round, like many of you probably do also, but when autumn rolls around I think we can all agree we need a few really good books for the season. In no particular order, these are a few of my personal favs!
1. Tithe by Holly Black
This book is one of my all time favorites, and as I’m sure you can tell, is all about faeries. I read this every year around October/September. It’s not necessarily a happy go lucky fairytale story. It’s dark and makes you fear the seelie court as well as wish you could visit it yourself. Black’s writing is absolutely beautiful as well, so that’s always a plus. I recommend every single book she’s ever written they’re all amazing and perfect for Halloween.
2. Slasher Girls & Monster Boys by April Genevieve Tucholke
Okay so technically this isn’t written by Tucholke. This book was compiled by her. SG&MB is a collection of horror short stories by various other authors including Cat Winters, Danielle, Paige,  Megan Shepherd, Kendare Blake, and A.G. Howard. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked every single story in the book. And, to top it all off, they’re all inspired by other works such as The Birds, Alice in Wonderland, and I Know What You Did Last Summer. (”In the Forest Dark and Deep” is based off of Alice in Wonderland and is my personal favorite.)
3. The Diviners by Libba Bray
I have a lot of feelings about this book, and I’m not entirely sure how to put them in words. This book ... y’all ... it’s incredible. It’s set in 1920′s New York and is all about, you guessed it, Diviners. Specifically, a Diviner named Evie who is trying to help solve murders being done by a serial killer who ... uhhh ... happens to be a ghost brought back through a ouija board. Explaining that sounds a little bit cheesy but I swear on my grave this book is well worth the read. However! It is quite long. 578 pages to be exact. But again, so very worth it. And the third book is coming out October 3rd!
4. The Merciless and Survive the Night by Danielle Vega
Now .. truly I didn’t want to have two books by the same author on this list but both of these books are amazing and I couldn’t chose. The Merciless is like .. The Exorcist meets Mean Girls. It was very fun to read and stayed that way until the last few chapters where things started getting very intense and way creepy. Survive the Night is a rave underground gone horribly wrong when people start getting killed by someone or ... something? Both are very good and get very wild towards the end. In a good way, though!
5. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I’ve read this book a million times. However, I haven’t read it in a while so I think that’ll be one of my reads this month! The Night Circus is about a circus that appears without warning and is only open at night. Le Cirque des Rêves ; the circus of dreams. This circus is primarily created by our two main characters who are competing against each other; it’s a duel between the two magicians. That they’re completely unaware of.  Because of this duel, they create beautiful, amazing circus tents that could literally only exist in a dream. I’m horrible at describing this book, so please, read it and you’ll see what I mean! You might not be able to read it all in one sitting though. When I first read it I had to take breaks between chapters to “catch my breath” so to speak!
6. The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
I think we all know what The Exorcist is. Hailed as a classic horror movie by many. Which I truthfully don’t understand because after reading the book, the movie seemed tame. This book scared the hell out of me. It was so incredibly creepy and I loved every second of it. The movie actually skipped one of my favorite book scenes which was a bit disappointing. I could not put the book down though, and honestly got chills a few times. I don’t think I need to explain any further why you should read it this Halloween!
7. Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy
Okay. This book is in fact more of a middle grade book. But the plus side of that is that it’s an easy read, as well as very well written and entertaining. It’s full of magic and kicking ass. The concept sounds silly; a magical skeleton detective with a twelve year old side kick who only just found out she can also do magic. It definitely sounds like a kids book. But it’s so incredibly funny and just good. I did start the series when I was about thirteen, so I might be biased, but I still reread the series to this day and enjoy every second of it! There are, I believe, 10 books in the series as well as four novellas, but reading just the first one is good enough to get your Halloween fix. I don’t even have the last two books. The only problem with this series is that you have to order it from Ireland because I believe only the first two books were released in the U.S.
8. My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
This book is just another demon possession story but it’s very entertaining. It’s set in the 80s and one night after a bad acid trip, Gretchen, Abby’s best friend, seems to get possessed. Things get wild from there as everyone but Abby abandons her, and then the tables turn as the demon seemingly flips a switch and makes Gretchen a perfect student, gaining everyone’s trust and affection,  making them turn their backs on Abby. It’s a wild ride from start to finish and you’ll probably hate everyone in the book at one point, but it’s a great read. And the cover looks like a campy 80s horror movie VHS art!
9. Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
If you like Edgar Allan Poe, you’ll like this book. It includes steampunk, the plague, clubs, glitter, death ... what more could you ask for? Griffin states that she wanted to know more about the characters of Poe’s short story, and that’s where her story originated. A very good read, whether it’s Halloween or not!
10. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
I read this book a while ago but still stand by the fact that it was a great read. This book is about a boy named Cas who’s purpose on this Earth is to kill the undead aka ghost, demons, etc. When we meet Cas, his goal is to find Anna Dressed in Blood, a notorious ghost, and send her back to where she belongs. The issue is that she kills anyone who enters her house, wrapped up in the rage of her brutal murder. And of course, you probably guessed it, she let’s Cas live. It sounds a little cliche, but it’s a great seasonal read and if you’re looking for something easy to pick up one day, it’s perfect!
I wish I could include more books on this list but unfortunately, many of the ones I wanted to include I haven’t actually finished yet. They’re amazing, but I think before I decide to recommend them to people, I should finish them first! Hopefully next year I’ll have a lot of new books to recommend! Hope you enjoy this list!
What books do you think should be on here?
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