#so its like uuuuuh Maybe! hahaha
baylardo · 2 years
Man i sweeeeeaaaaar i had a post about philippa working with boothby in his roses while she’s in starfleet academy but IDK WHERE IT WENT GIRL HEEEEEEELP (i swear i also had like, some vague idea posts about the triplets,,, but i cant seem to find them by searching anymore lol they’d be hella buried) ILL REHASH............ 
(i just wanna say too like w/e i write isnt Law,,,, Alice has her own ideas,,, i have mine,,, u can pick and choose or Simply Ignore lmaO we try to keep this au pretty open to interpret and portray and adapt or w/e)
like like like,,,,,,, i remember the idea vaguely was that peppa stumbled through academy life, things didnt come naturally to her ever, she had a HOT HEAD and would pick fights with other students, and janeway and chakotay would be struggling to figure out what to do with her, and either chakotay suggests boothby or boothby inserts himself into the equation and gets peppa to begin leveling herself out emotionally by getting her to garden with him in his roses during her spare time :) inevitably philippa ends up pursing the medical field (with great influence from Tom who’d likely have suggested it to her after tending to some of her wounds from her most recent scrap, given is own background in the field while aboard Voyager) and becomes a combat medic.
peppa ends up being the one to successfully achieve command through a unique set of circumstances leaving her as the ranking officer of a small crew (likely after her captain falls victim to their wounds...... ive toyed with the idea that there’d have been a “trust no one” conspiracy surrounding these events and the captain, choosing to put their faith in Philippa rather than other personnel outranking her, grants her an “active captain” status which she begrudgingly accepts) it’s a rough idea though which i dont anticipate getting to effectively explore haha
peppa gets along with all of her parents except Kathryn who i think experiences great difficulty in both relating to and understanding her daughter. unfortunately peppa has always craved her attention and approval, often getting overshadowed by her sister. but she’s always been driven by this need to succeed and stand out (despite rarely achieving this) for her mother. peppa loves black coffee but she drinks tea out of spite ‘cause she knows it bothers her mother if only slightly
amelia on the other hand finds solace in her mother’s holodeck programming of leonardo da vinci (though shed never admit to its usage), where she goes to confess her difficulties in maintaining the facade of interest in pursuing command for the sake of impressing her mother, being the golden child of the three. she tells him of her fascination for stories of adventure and her deep yearning to explore the unknown. she ends up wiping the hologram’s memories of whatever truths she’d confess to him and consequently she lives in this rather repressed state of not being able to admit to herself what she really wants. 
amelia is very much the apple of her mother’s eye, she’s a bit of a perfectionist, naturally exceeds at tasks, does tennis, is great at science, and has her eyes set on command. those are at least the attributes she more outwardly displays about herself; in actuality she has a passion for reading that was nurtured into her at a very young age by kathryn, tom, and chakotay, a knack for cartography she rarely has the change to indulge in (again thank you Riley i’m kissing your brain), a crippling fear of failure, a strong distaste for coffee despite drinking it frequently, and a has deep need to break free of her responsibilities and expectations.
ideally i always imagined amelia and philippa would eventually swap uniform colors. where philippa ends up becoming a starfleet captain and amelia sets her eyes on exploration and discovery underneath the science/astronomy belt. 
edward learns about about spirituality and anthropology underneath his father chakotay. he begins his studies while in starfleet academy, but inevitably chooses to walk his own path in the outlying reaches of space where he can interact with and better observe alien cultures without the lingering presence of Starfleet looming over him. he lives a very minimalistic life while aboard his own vessel during his travels between planets, rarely carrying anything more than the basic essentials. if anything he’d be a collector of relics/artifacts/culturally significant trinkets gifted to him through his many interactions. 
i loved in @and-to-you-its-just-words’ fic establishing that edward has a preference for communicating through the chirps and clicks of their hyperevolved language, i like to think that’d inevitably lead into him having this natural ability to pick up languages relatively quickly without the aid of a comm badge. he likely started in the academy learning linguistics and anthropology to refine his skills. eventually he found this format to be too slow and unsuitable a way to learn about societies and consequently he’d go for a more hands-on approach outside of starfleet regulations, though he maintains many of the rules he’d become accustom to living under for so long.
as a kid edward was very shy and clung to his mother; while she found his seemingly unwarranted attachment toward her a little disconcerting at first, it’s something she grew to become very fond of as he aged. she experienced an immense amount of heartache when he’d inevitably choose to not only leave starfleet but also to explore the vastness of the universe’s reaches outside of their ability to remain in consistent contact with each other.
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Logan, Toad, and Kurt bby for the ask game >;))
Alright PHEW finally doing these, sorry lol. Someone else also requested toad so I'll do Kurt and Logan for now but toad will be up next ;)
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Gotta use a cut bc you know me and my long ass speeches lol
Favorite thing about them
Hard to say tbh, but I think it's a mixture of his aesthetic with his tough guy look and cowboy/lumberjack outfits as well as his personality
I love any character with a deeper/inner animalistic nature, especially if it's a masculine character. Lots of room to explore the metaphors behind masculine energy and it's extremes clashing against a civilized society. That's kind of it tbh lol
Least favorite thing
He dates around so much as a coping mechanism to deal with his own feelings of insufficiency, so in that sense it makes sense- but still, it's a little annoying when he's C O N S T A N T L Y pushed up against Jean, who can be just as bad sometimes considering she has cyk already. Like smh, at least let wolverine pursue a relationship he can actually ACHIEVE instead of this like "I'm so sad nooooo" plot snsksksk
Favorite line
Anytime in the cartoon when he says something along the lines of "oh yeah, well do you have THESE" and then pops his claws like he's insecure and trying to prove himself. That's always hilarious and definitely doesn't happen literally every other episode hahaha
Another oof, lol. I always picture him more as a loner, but if I had to assign him a best bro- it's pretty close between either colossus or nightcrawler, maybe with some favoritism towards colossus. Just two strong asf, indestructible asf dudes being bros
Well, I've moved away from my wolverine obsession now lol, so I can let him have an in-universe otp. Gosh, I want to say Storm the most. I love their dynamic of calming feminine energy soothing the masculine SO so much 😭
The only thing that keeps me from raving and screaming over this ship is that I really dislike how their relationship makes Storm out to be his PAAAAAINFULLY obvious B plan, second to Jean sksksk. If their relationship was the first stop instead of the love triangle, I would never shut up lmao
Dnsksksksk there's not a lot of ships I don't support, but him and sabretooth, him and jubilee (I've never seen this thank God, so hopefully it's not a thing), and him and nightcrawler (Kurt is MINE 👹👹)
Random HC
He can purr, but not in a cat way. It's kind of like chuffing or soft growling
Unpopular opinion
I honestly think the only opinion I could consider as unpopular would be that I don't like shipping him with Jean or Kurt lol.
On a real note tho, uuuuuh I wish we got to see some actual character behind him instead of him being regulated to "Angry Little Dude Who Stabs Things" all the time. That has its place, sure, but a well done character arc in mainstream media would be cool too
Song I associate with him
The one I love - REM
The concept of using romantic "love" solely as a means of distraction from your problems in life is very him. In fact, this is possibly the only song I can comfortably associate with wolverine, bc anything else I can think of just doesn't fit his personal style sound wise
Favorite picture
These ones lol. Any of the rare, goofy art is PEAK quality, but the really emotional stuff is great too
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Favorite thing
I like him when he's faithfully and accurately portrayed as a Catholic, that's pretty great! I also like him for his introverted and empathetic personality of course. I would marry that man irl, no option for divorce in a HEARTBEAT 😩🤞🏻
I would say same as wolverine in that I like exploring the potential animalistic nature behind him, but he doesn't really have that tbh, so if I do that at all it's more like in my head and for fun. Sometimes tho.
Least favorite thing
Fjejskskks when his current writer gets disrespectful with portraying him according to his faith. I hate that shit man, like FR.
Aside from that, I REALLY don't like his early days in the comics where he was like this creepy as fuck flirt like ?!?! Idk how to describe it other than he somehow managed to make WOLVERINE look like a nice, polite guy
Favorite line
Any of his theological stuff from the animated series, bc I can't lie, that stuff was SHOCKINGLY accurate on the theology
Although, if I could just copy and paste all his dialogue from the animated series point blank period, I'd do that too lol. He has surprisingly interesting things to say about mutant existence and his own experiences and his interactions with other characters- I just wish he had more episodes 🥲
This has no basis in the comics, but I imagine him and Toad as like unlikely, but solid bros. Toad is like "hey, another guy who looks like a freak, we could bond over our misery" and Kurt would take the opportunity to try and lift mort's spirits, maybe see a bright side instead of getting so downtrodden about being physically mutated
Healthy and supportive friendships 👍🏻👍🏻
Although, also him and rogue tbh. I like their psudeo siblings dynamic plus the difference in cultures adds some entertainment
Me, obviously lol. My ride or die f/o, to be completely honest
Basically everyone, bc I'm a bitter ass bitch. Sorry 😪
Random HC
Kurt can also purr, but that's boring so I'll also add that I think he gets more mutated as he ages. Like thicker fur, slightly longer ears, slightly harsher facial features, that stuff. He won't let on, but it gets to him a little
Also one more for free: he is the younger one between him and rogue. She will introduce him as her little brother at every opportunity possible, just cause lol
Unpopular opinion
Probably that I like him best when he's a staunch catholic, to be honest
Song I associate with him
Favorite picture
I'm ngl, anything that makes his face nice and dynamic and pointy is pretty good. I like seeing artists not afraid to make him look non human as possible without getting too crazy, but of course you can always get me with any of the particularly goofy art too.
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Come ask me again after I get my God Loves, Man Kills comic tho- that's the one that inspired X2 and I'm told it's a banger. This panel alone got me losing my shit lmao
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falloutglow · 4 years
Character Interview Meme: Echo
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Piccrew used (cause the other ones I couldn’t remember where I got em from oops)
Tagged by @vindictive-little-shit​ *finger guns*
Tagging: @glitchvault74​, @potatocrab​, @roachvalentine​, @its-sixxers​, @stopraidingmyheart​, @memailikesnukacola​, and THE PERSON READING THIS. IF YOU WANNA DO IT GO FOR IT NERD!
name ➔ Echo Gray
are you single ➔ “Uh...I think so???”
are you happy ➔ “Haha, sometimes! Have you seen Dogmeat? Impossible to be sad when he’s around!”
are you angry ➔ “You...you don’t wanna uuuuh see that. Last time that happened I took down a deathclaw.”
are your parents still married ➔ “Who???”
birthplace ➔ “HA! Like I’d remember that.”
hair color ➔ She tugs at her ponytail to double check. “Survey says, a shade of brown.”
eye color ➔ She pushes her sunglasses closer to her face. “Uuuuuuuh, next question.”
birthday ➔ “...I think it’s in May?” she frowns, “Wanna say the 20th or 21st. It’s been a while since my brother helped me decide that...”
mood ➔ “Existing.”
summer or winter ➔ “Fall.”
morning or afternoon ➔ “Night.”
are you in love ➔ “HAHAHA NEXT QUESTION!”
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “No. That exists only in fiction. You can fall in love with the idea of a person, and have like...a crush. But two people falling for each other when they first meet, I don’t think that’s a thing. Relationships are all about communication and work from the parties involved. Ah, I’m...rambling...”
who ended your last relationship ➔ “...nobody? I’ve been with no o-I mean nobody yea. Never really had a relationship?”
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Maybe...I-I don’t know.”
are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Bold of you to assume anyone would want me hahaha- wait shit.” 
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “...does Dogmeat count? I uh...don’t exactly...like people touching me...”
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Wouldn’t know.”
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “...yea...”
love or lust ➔ “Haha uuuuuh...love? I guess?”
lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Um, I don’t think I’ve ever had lemonade... Whisper’s made some tasty tea before though.”
cats or dogs ➔ “Dogmeat!”
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I’d...like to have some people who are close to me again...that’d be nice.”
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ She blushes a bit. “A...a romantic night in would be nice. I’d love that honestly.”
day or night ➔ “Night, its...its when the world is a bit more quiet and the stars are in the sky...”
been caught sneaking out ➔ She rubs her arm. “Unfortunately...”
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “YEP!”
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “I...don’t think so.”
wanted to disappear ➔ “I-yeah...a few times.”
smile or eyes ➔ She adjusts her sunglasses again. “There is an old saying that eyes are windows into the soul...and its much easier to fake a smile than lie with your eyes.”
shorter or taller ➔ “Uh, I heard I’m taller? Or-wait preference? Um...Okay, I guess taller?”
intelligence or attraction ➔ She snorts. “Attraction is shallow way of viewing things. Just cause someone is pretty aesthetically doesn’t lend to their personality. I, uh, guess I’d lean towards intelligence. It’s nice to just talk about how things work or analyze something... just so long as they don’t act snobbish with it and treat you as being dumb. Ugh, hate it when-you know what I don’t wanna have that convo right now.”
hook-up or relationship ➔ “...a relationship would be nice...”
do you and your family get along ➔ ”My brother and I do yea.”
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “HAHAHA oooooh if only you knew. We’re not going there at all. That’s gonna stay in the past thank you.”
have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Depends on how you define ‘home’. Because what I feel like is home...I haven’t found it yet.”
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Kicked out of where? Cause there was this one bar-”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “You don’t have to be so coy. Everyone knows Danny’s an asshole, even he knows he is.”
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “I...want to, yeah.”
who is your best friend ➔ “Dogmeat. Is...is it sad to say your dog is your best friend? I...mmm I have someone in mind, but I don’t think we’re on uh, ‘best friend’ status yet.”
who knows everything about you ➔ “I do and maybe Dogmeat. There are a few others that come close...but it’s impossible to really know everything about someone.”
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Warning: Very long and Very random Intro ahead.
Let’s start with the basics. I’m Marie Louise P. Mendoza and was born in March 15, 2000. I am 18 years old and currently on my last year of Senior High school at St. Paul University Philippines. I live in the Philippines (obviously), specifically at Wonderland Homes Subdivision, Sta. Teresa, Iguig, Cagayan. I am the eldest among three siblings, and with that I carry a whole lot of responsibility. Fortunately, my parents are happily married.
Besides home, where I want to be the most is at the beach. Something about the sound of the waves splashing in the shore makes me calm. I also like looking at the sky when the sun is about to rise or set and when it’s filled with stars. The world seems to be big, but honestly its not. I like having deep talks. It could be either about life, the future, love, even the mysteries of the universe or anything interesting. To travel from places to places is one of my dreams. Another is to help this world to become a better place. I would like to build a community where everyone is at peace. Where discrimination, bullies, harassment are no longer existing both in reality and in dictionaries. Peanuts, Ice cream, watermelon, marshmallow deep in chocolate and sushi’s are my comfort food. I dance, draw and sing but only when I’m alone. Right now, I’m listening to Daniel Ceasar’s Best Part. One fact about me is I often cry when I pray, that’s why I also think that I’m a cry baby. I don’t like waking up early in the morning. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. I’m not good at handling conversations. Sometimes I think that I’m very stupid for not knowing things that others know. I don’t like people who makes me feel I’m stupid. Though, I’m very forgetful. There was a time that I thought I lost my phone so I looked for it but not until I saw my hands clutching my phone. Yeap, that was really stupid. Have you ever felt like your heart was being pinched by millions of tiny fingers or that there was a sudden sting that you can actually feel physically? That’s me in deep pain. I’ve experienced sleep paralysis twice now. I felt as if I was going to die hahaha I also experienced having cramps during sleep chsbxnszm that’s the worse. I like hoodies better than cardigans or sweaters. I like the colors teal, nude, rosewood, mustard, black and white. My favorite past time would be going to thrift shops and buying thrift clothing's.
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What I buy the most are tees, pants and trousers.
And for a list of things I’m enthusiastic about:
1. Waking up late on weekends
2. Weekend getaways
3. No Hw’s or Project Weekends
4. Travelling
5. Summer Vacation
6. Stars, Galaxies, Planets
Fact: Almost everyone close to me knows that I’m a fan of BTS, a K-pop group. But most of those people doesn’t understand why I like them so much. They say, “You can’t even understand the lyrics to their songs”. Then what about Despacito? Almost everyone liked that song. You mean all of them understood that songs’ lyrics? If we search BTS’ or other k-pop songs up, there would always be an English translation and just by merely reading those translations you can and would understand the message of their songs. Also, “You only like them because of their good looks”. Uuuuuh maybe yes, but a big part of me says no. It’s the talent that counts the most. Almost everyone in the K-pop industry is outstandingly good at dancing, singing and acting. I wonder how many non-Korean artist could you name whose good at all of those three? Lastly, being a fan of K-pop doesn’t mean that I don’t listen to Western music anymore or OPM ‘cause I’m a Filipino, or other types of music. Music, I believe is supposed to come in different approaches. They’re different from one another because the artist’s who created them have their own unique perspectives. What a bore if we only listen to one genre or style of music right? But after reading this and still doesn’t understand the point of my rants, then that’s alright.
8. Mysteries of the Universe
9. Extra Terrestrial stories
10. Stranger Things Season 03
11. Getting my requirements done
12. Travel vlogs
Fact: I’m not fond of editing videos before but after being forced to edit a video for our requirement I started to get the hang of it and decided to make a travel vlog on my recent trip at Singapore. If you care about the outcome, then check my previous post!
Now for some serious business.
Q: Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Was my learning at SPUP vital to where I’m leading to?
A: When I reach the age of 28, I can see myself HAPPY because I either have 4 more years to go and I’m officially a doctor, specializing in Anesthesiology or riding a plane going places to places because I stopped killing myself at med school and pursued my second dream which is to be a flight attendant. Of course like any other school, St. Paul University Philippines catered a big help to where I’m leading to. Entering school is a necessity because it is the place where a child's mind is being nourished. Though in my opinion, sometimes school isn’t school anymore. School is not anymore for learning but for surviving. We finish a project just to pass it on time. We answer worksheets just so we would have recorded grades. I don’t know. I don’t understand it. Why do we need to act, shoot, and edit videos on subjects that aren’t even a bit related to those. Why do we need to answer a hundred item quiz if the system is 0-0 basis? Why are “erasures means wrong”? Aren’t we supposed to commit any mistake? Are we supposed to be perfect?
Q: Was STEM the best choice after all?
A: Without a doubt, YES. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand is the best choice after all. This strand provides the initial leanings vital to the career that I will pursue in the future. Given the fact that we don’t have a language subject, our communication skills and grammar are still being tested during write up of manuscript, research defense, and reading of Mathematical equations.
Q: What course will you take in college and why?
A: Deciding what course to take in college is the hardest decision I will make in my life so far. This decision doesn’t only hold my future but also my parents’, my siblings, and those people who will remain in my life. In order for me and of course them to have a bright future, I will choose a course that I wouldn’t only enjoy but lead me to a path full of opportunities and fortune. That course is Pharmacy. At first Pharmacy isn’t even included on my Top 3 courses to take, but as this topic keep being talked about, a lot of people encouraged me to take this course because it will be helpful for me if I decided to either continue medicine or not and pursue being a flight attendant.
Q: What topic would you like to learn more in this subject?
A: I would like to learn how to hack (account, website, etc...), create an application, how to animate or make an animation and lastly create png photos.
A: I have an irrelevant question for someone like you sir hahaha. What can you say about K-pop?? Or a relevant one would be, besides being a teacher, what career would you still like to pursue if given a chance and why?
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