#so jesse could have suffered less ❤️
ronansslynch · 1 month
no cuz they rlly put jesse pinkman in a HOLE in the GROUND and those n*zi fucks YELLED at him and TORTURED (!!) and ENSLAVED (!!) him after he’d already been through hell and back like ????? the writers were genuinely so sick and twisted for that 😭
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kazriver89 · 11 months
I'm crying and grieving over someone who isn't even dead but may as well be dead to me.
I'm crying because I never thought that he could hurt me still.
I'm crying because I know that if I lose my bond with him, then I will be losing a bond with his wife as well as his girls.
I'm crying because I miss my nieces so much.
I'm crying because I miss my brother.
I'm crying because I miss my sister in law.
I'm crying because I was watching a clip of Full House, and it was of Uncle Jesse and Michelle. And it just fucking hurt. It just hurt, and it made me think of my nieces.
I was pushing these feelings down for a while now. I will feel them now. Maybe I will feel better.
This is all just because I didn't want to drink with him when I knew that this was going to happen anyway. I knew we were gonna fight anyway.
I'm done. I can't take this anymore. I have no choice but to cut him off. He may be my brother, but if he keeps staying in my life, my mental health will start to suffer again and I just finally got it back to normal.
I am going to miss my nieces so much. I love them so much. But they have such a shitty dad.
I'm sorry, girls. My pretty princesses. I will still be in your life. But only as an auntie from afar. I can't handle your dad anymore. I will try to be there for your birthdays, for your Halloweens, for your Christmases. But I can not handle your dad anymore.
It doesn't mean that I don't love you less.
But until then, you can reach out to me when you are older.
I love myself too much to let my suicidal and negative thoughts win again. I will still be around. AIW and AFW, I love you too so much. ❤️
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